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Pre-colonial Indigenous Art

• Characterized by use of materials found in the immediate environment, combining functionality with
aesthetics and art forms are usually connected to traditional belief systems and local values.
Clay pottery is one of the earliest forms of ancient art which is evidence of artistic skill.

• Wood carving is another prominent art form. Our animistic ancestors, mostly from the Cordilleras, carved the
bul-ul and many variations of it.

• eaving was also predominant as we are very rich in materials like the buri, rattan, pandan, and bamboo splits
used in making hats and baskets like the pasiking backpack. Local textiles were also weaved finely from
materials like piña and abaca fibers. Textile designs were present in the t'nalak cloth of Mindanao, which is a
decorative tie-dyeing method with motifs like g'mayaw bird with flapping wings, the dancing man as a symbol
to call for rain, and the frog for fertility.

Hispanic Influence (1800’s)

a. The main force of art is the church; hence, works were mostly concerned with religious subject matters.

b. Notable artworks are Philippine flora and fauna, and the Letras Y Figuras.
c. Filipinos were trained by friars, and they adhered to a richer palette.

American Influence (1900’s)

a. Forces of art were commission, sales, gift, and opening of new American based businesses.
b. Filipinos started getting involved in international art expositions like Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo.

Second Republic: 1942 – 1945

a. Japan occupies the country and lays the groundwork for cultural regeneration, dissipating American

Third Republic

-Rise of Modernization
-Art Association

Fourth Republic

-Marcos’s era
-First Lady's effort
- Prominent Artist were Chabet, Fernando Zobel, Raymundo Albano, alongside with modern artists Manansala,
Benedicto Cabrera
- Antipas Delotavo

Fifth Republic

Contemporary Philippine art.

Rise of commercial galleries, improvement of institutions, and formation of more art groups and collectives.

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