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Name Browsing for file

ID 1
The user opens a file browser. The UI gives the abillity to select a dictionary and visualize all files located in
this directory.
Trigger The contractor wants to import a csv file
Actors user
Pre-conditions Application is installed
Post-conditions A directory with csv files is selected
Basic Flow
This is the main scenario where the user browses through the file system and selects a directory with files
Description that shall be imported
1 The user opens the file browser
2 The user browses through the directories
3 The user finds a directory with files that shall be imported
Alternative Flow A
Description The contractor does not find any files that shall be imported
1 The user opens the file browser and browses through the directories
2 The user decides to close the file browser without importing a csv file
Name Specify delimiter
ID 2
Description The user opened the User Interface and selects a column and/or row delimiter in the UI form.
Trigger The user wants to change the default delimiter.
Actors user
Pre-conditions Application is installed and User Interface is opened.
Post-conditions Row and column delimiter are set to the users needs.
Basic Flow
Description This is the main scenario where the user changes the default row and column delimiter
1 The user selects the row or column UI field
2 The user enters the intended character or character sequence
Name Select a file
ID 3
Description The user selects a file from the opened directory
Trigger The user found a file that shall be imported
Actors user

Pre-conditions App or web browser installed, delimiters are chosen, file browser opened and a directory has been selected
Post-conditions Importing functionality is enabled
Basic Flow
Description This is the main scenario where the user selects a csv file
1 The user selects a file
2 The import functionality is enabled
Alternative Flow A
Description The selected file is not a csv file
1 The user selects a file
3 The import functionality remains disabled
Name Decode csv file content
ID 4
The binary file content is loaded and the decoded contained text is stored in a two-dimensional array.
Trigger The import function is activated on a selected csv file
Actors CSV Importer Module
Pre-conditions CSV file is selected and import function is activated
Post-conditions The csv file content is stored decoded in a two-dimensional array of UTF-8 encoded text.
Basic Flow

Description This is the main scenario where the file content is loaded, decoded and stored in a two-dimensional array
1 File content is loaded and stored in a array of chars
2 Each character is checked for its character encoding standard
3 Seperate rows of textfiles depending on row delimiter
4 Seperate columns of textfiles depending on column delimiter
5 Store disassembled text in two-dimensional array
Alternative Flow A
Description The text of the selected csv file is encoded with either ISO-8859-1 or UTF-16 textt encoding
Name Store data in database
ID 5
Description The two-dimensional text array is being stored in the database
Trigger CSV file got successfully decoded
Actors CSV Importer Module
Pre-conditions CSV file got successfully decoded, database is running
Post-conditions Two-dimensional array of UTF-8 encoded text is stored in database
Basic Flow
Description This is the main scenario where the decoded file content is stored in the database
1 Establish connection with database
2 Push text array into database
Alternative Flow A
Description Database is not responsive

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