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General Paper 1
Grade 5
1.Jesus’ disciple who was a doctor was ………. A.Luke B.Peter C.Judas D.Mathew
2.What happened at Pentecost ? A.discipiles cried B.Jesus beat people C.holy spirit came
D.people were fed.
3.What do we call stories Jesus used to teach people about God? A.apostles B.parables C.good
Samaritan D.God’s stories.
4.4.In which river was Jesus baptized by John the Baptist ? A.Red sea B.Nile river C.Damascus
D.River Jordan.
5.Zacchaeus was a ……. A.disciple B.preacher collector D.priest.
6.One of Jesus’ miracles is ………. A.healing of the leaper B.calling of the disciples C.following
Jesus D.preaching in the temple.
7. ………. killed Abel. A.soldiers B.satan C.Cain D.God
8.In which Testament do we find the book of Titus ? A.old C.second book D.first part.
9.Who wrote the Bible ? A.Paul B.Nehemiah C.God D.God and man.
10.The story of Abraham offering Isaac to God teaches us ………… be trustworthy be
tolerant have faith respect elders.
11.Ananias and Saphira were punished by ……….. A being prisoned B. A whip C. death D. being
given money back
12.Resurrection is when Jesus ………. A.rose to heaven B. rose from the dead C. changed his figure
D. died on the cross
13.Who were Jacob’s biblical twin wives? A. Esau and Jacob B. Rachael and Leah C. Sarah and
Elizabeth D. Martha and Mary
14.Which group uses the Koran as their holy book? A. Muslims B. Hindus C. Christians D. Jews
15.Beef is rich in …………. A. carbohydrates B. fat C. vitamins D. proteins
16.Where was maize grown first? A. Zimbabwe B. America C. Egypt D. China
17.The main products that we get from animals are meat and ……….. A. cheese B. butter C. milk
D. chocolate
18.The best food for the baby is ………… A. sadza B. water C. fruits D. breast milk
19.The disease that can be protected against through immunization is ……… A. measles B. AIDS
C. marasmus D. malaria
20.Our country Zimbabwe gets its name from stone houses known as ……….. A. Chinhoyi B. Mt
Nyangani C. Madzimbabwe D. Kami ruins
21.Lobengula was tricked to sign …………… concession and Moffat Treaty. A. B.B.C B. Rudd
C. colonial D. Moffat
22.The colonial name for Harare was ………… A. Fort Victoria B. Umtali C. Salisbury D.
23.By laws are made by ………… A. Act of Parliament B. Nation C. Local authority D.
24.Once a law is made it must be ………. by all citizens. A. obeyed B. ignored C. laughed at D.

25.A person moving/walking on foot in the road is known as a ……… A. motorist B. pedestrian C.
cyclist D. passengers
26.Long back ago our ancestors used ………. to send messages from one person to another. A. letters
B. drums C. phones D. cars
27.Long back ago people used to wear …………. as their way of dressing. A. leaves B. uniforms C.
skin animals D. dresses
28.Which one is a neighbouring country of Zimbabwe? A. Angola B. Tanzania C. Botswana D.
29.The capital city of Manicaland is ……….. A. Hauna B. Harare C. Mutare D. Bulawayo
30.The form of shelter used long back ago were ……….. A. surbabs B. water C. houses D. caves

31.Study the pictures below to answer question which follow.


Dishes A and B have the same amount of water and are placed in the same area.In B water will
evaporate quicker than in A because ……… A. the dishes are made from different metals B .the level
of water in A is higher C .the surface area of water in B is greater D .the water in B is little.
32.When soil is blown away by wind this is an example of …… A.soil conservation B.soil erosion
C.covered soil D.mixed soil.
33. Exotic trees are mostly grown in woodlots because ……… A.they grow slowly B.they grow fast
C.they have no fruits D.they are from other countries.

34.Fruit trees are grown in an ……. A.field space D.orchard.
35. B A

The locust is ………. animal B.a reptile C.pupa insect
36.Point A is the ……….. A.feelers B.abdomen C.head D.mouth
37.Point B shows its …….. A.wings B.thorax C.feelers D.abdomen
38. ……….is the best food for babies. A.beans B.fresh milk C.mother’s milk D.soup
39.We cannot get bilharzia germs if we drink …….. A.dam water water C.river water water.
40.Pollution of land can be reduced by …… A.putting litter in bins B.cutting down trees that release
leaves C.sweeping D.digging pits .
41. ……….surfaces absorb more heat than bright surfaces. A.light C.bright D.heavy
42.A …… is an example of a machine . A.plate B.screw driver C.cup D.pot
43. Which crop is drought resistant? A.banana B.maize C.millet D.sugarcane

44.We can get to know landforms presented on a map by means of a …….. A.sign C.key

On maps the above sign usually represents a …….. A.boundary B.river C.main road D.railway line.
46.Zimbabwe boarders South Africa with a ……….A.road B.river C.mountain D. our pot.
47.Solar energy does these except ……. A.warm ourselves B.wash clothes C.speeds up rate of
evaporation D.cooks food in the pot.
48.Electrical energy can be stored in a ………. A.torch B.heater C.battery D.lamp.
49.The electricity we get from coal is ……. A.hydro B.heat D.thermal
50.To the West of Zimbabwe we see ………. A.Zambia B.Botswana C.Mozambique D.South


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