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)~ ~
ra ti on in ea ch se m este r ev er~ ~
o u rs du
(Two Papers of 3 h

ER rt
T IO N &
io n
Topic I : In tr od u ct
f D el in ea ti on
• D efin it io n o ti on (Yogas & V ar ga s)
1i c C on fi gu ra
o f .Dynan
• D efi n it io n
ti on o f the H or os co
To p ic 2 : D el in ea
hi , P o si ti o n in a H o u se , P o si ti o n
aR as
F ac to rs fo r D el in ea ti on : P os it io n in

in a N ak sh at ra O w n H o u se , F ri e n d 's
tr ik on a,
n a l D ig n it y: E xa lt at io n, M oo la
• P os it io
e, E ne m y' s H ou se , D eb il it at io n ,
H o us e, N·e u tr al 's 1- ak ri ), S ta ti o n ar y (S th -
ro gr es si on (V
P o si ti on al S tr en gt h /W ea k n es s : R et (G ra h a Y u d d h a) , R as h i
• n et ar y W ar
), C om b u st io n (A st an ga ta ), P la
an ib an a
t B ha va m , S tr on g & W ea k P la n et s
Par iv ar th an a, B ha va
t b y N at u ra l/ F u n ct io n al B en ef ic s
sp ec ,
A sp ec ts : A sp ec t by O w n lo rd , A
• s
/F un ct io na l Malefic
A sp ec t by Nat ur al

• Co ntunltion~ with : SaturJI Beneh(.\.
S.1tu ~faJefi, , f ·. 11 u n,
Brn-dics, Funcho,nal M.ilefic\. Rahu -Ke
t u AX l" Shubhi Kartan , Pa..t p~
• A\-a~thas: Five Baladi A\·astha.s, Three
Jagratad1 Avasthas. Stx Lan1ta<l1
Ava.~tha~1 Nine Deeptadi Avastha.\. Tv.~dve ".,ha
va nad1 A..-astha.s
Top ic 3 : Yogas
• Combio.ations for Power : Rav1 Yoga.s.
V,parrela Raia Yog.1.>. ~ee cb
Bhanga Raja Yog~. ~1ahara a Yoga. Akhand
1 .a Samra 1y.1 Yoga. '.'ari,:~" 1
gya Yoga, Dha.rma -Kar madh1pat1 Yoga. Pan
chama hapuru •t; a Yoga:- Ga;a
Kcsari Yoga ,
• Combinations for Wealth : Dhana Yogas,
Lakshmi Yoga, fndu Lagnc1
• Combinations for Penury : Ans hta . Dan
dra and ~-:1r~t-iag'>a Yogas
• Other Important Yogas : Saraswati Yoga.
Sankhya Yoga, \ ·a.suma:1 Ynga.
Pus.hkala Yoga.. PaanJaata Yoga, Kusuma
Yoga. Sn.kanta Yoga , Par·. a{J
Yoga. Gou ri, Kedar Yoga, Ra1abh ang
a Yoga, Snnath Yoga . Ti,..·ebt>
Duryoga1,, Yogas, K.1la~a rpa Yoga
Topic 4 : Divi~ional Cnart.s
• Divisional Cham for vanous a5p
ects of ltfe
• rmp orta nce of ~av ams ha
• Stre ngt h of Oivu,ional Charts
• \11mshopaka Bal a
• How to analyse DivisJO nal Chart s
• Asp<."<'. ts in Divi~1onal Ch.artS
• Yogas tn. l)iv1f!io nal Chart'>
Bo ob
a. ReCQmmcnded Cla si~ l Boo k.s
,,,, 1.· f'haladee-pika Bn ~ Paras.hara Hora \ha ,tra .. \,\ C..
./ Jataka Cbandrika...,.A. 5arav1tL ,. H l,
b. ~m en de d Bo ob
..A . T}J.ree' Hundred Combinations by Dr.
B.V. Raman
~/ T. Hmdu Predicti ve Astmlogy by Dr.
B.V. Raman _
c. Refe,~'rtce Bo ob
___,.-r:·/tfow to judge a horos(ope by Dr. B.Y. Raman .,..
J Yogas by Dr K S Ch a.rak ,... }t t.

PA R T- 2 D A SH A A N D
to Da sh a & Transit
To pi c I : In tr od uc tio n
a & Tr an sit
• In tro du ct io n to Da sh
• Di ffe re nc e be tw ee n Da sh a & Tr an sit
Da sh a & Tr an sit
• Co rre la tio n be tw ee n
ste m
To pi c 2 : The Da sh a Sy
• M ea ni ng of Da sh a
as pe r Pa ra sh ar a
• Va rio us Da sh as m en tio ne d
tio ne d as pe r Ja im in i
• Va rio us Da sh as m en
sh a
To pi c 3 : Vi.m sh ot ta ri Da
• M ea ni ng of Vi ms ho tta
tar i Da sh a in Kaliyuga
• Ra tio na le of Vi m sh ot
ds an d or de r of Vi ms ho tta ri Da sh a of Pl an ets
• Pe rio
Da sh a Sy ste m : M ah a Da sh a (M D) , An ta r
tta ri
• Fi ve levels of Vi ms ho D) , So ok sh m a Da sh a (SD), Pr
an a
ya nt ar Da sh a (P
Da sh a (A D) , Pr at
Da sh a (P AD )
tta ri Da sh a ba lan ce at bi
• Ca lcu lat io n of Vi ms ho
lat io n of An ta r Da sh a/ Pr at ya nt ar Da sh a pe rio ds
• Ca lcu Ra hu ,
Vi ms ho tta ri M ah a Da sh as of : Su n, M oo n, M ar s,
• Ge ne ra l re su lts of
Ke tu an d Ve nu s
Ju pi ter , Sa tu rn , M er cu ry ,
a & Pr at ya nt ar Da sh a
• Re su lts of An ta r Da sh
sh a fo r Ti m in g of ev en ts
• Use of Vi ms ho tta ri Da

To pi c 4 : Ba sic Transit
nc e of Tr an sit (G oc ha ra )
• M ea ni ng an d im po rta
• Si mp le Transit will mislead
an sit
• Im po rta nc e of Moon in Tr
• Transit from Moon & La gn n
di ffe re nt pl an ets in 12 ho us es fro m Na ta l M oo
Transit results of

Topic 5 : Sp ec ia l Transit
m ov in g pl an et s m Tr ansit: Saturn, Jupiter, Ra hu
• Im po rta nc e of Slow
an d Ke tu

. , . ,· .., .· is of Snturn : Sadhe Saati (7~") years), Ashtama
• lmp,)rhtl\l lnm~ll ptl \Ol' k Sl ')
Shani, Ardlrnshtoma S'1HU1t. (Knntn
· ·
#a ·- rnn1
.. , . , d Check : Concept of Vedha, Exception to
Topk 6 : \i\Then rnu, is mt er
Vc.,dhll, Vipart:-dn Vedlrn

a. Recommended Classkul Books . ~ ~ (__
J : Ph,\ladeepikaJ : Brilrnt Parasarn Hora Sastra -- r
'--"'' . · . · i. .
'-- .t Hindu Pree 11.:tJ,'t:, A· strology by Dr. B.V. Rrunan J(iataka Chandrika - He.
b. Rt.>-commended Books ~ rl
. , h'1ta ...._,,6. Jataka Tatwa ~
1. Brthnt Sam """r./SSa
.' ·\rv·irtha Chintamani
• c..

c. Refer~nce Books
. · ✓/-· Gochar
._, t. Uttara Kal.umtra •• ·Phaladeepika by Dr U.S. Pulippan i '"l


Topic 1 : Introduction
• Introduction to Tajika Shastra, or Annual Chart
• Relationship between Annual Chart & Birth Chart
• Special Features of the Tajika Shastra
• Different names of the Annual Chart
Topic 2 : Annual Chart
• Solar Cycle/ Solar Return, Varsha Pravesha (Day or Night T ime), Concept
of Completed Years, Dhruvanka
• Casting of Annual Chart : Step- I: Calculation of the weekday of Birth,
Step-2: Calculation of Completed Years, Step-3: Calculation of Varsha
Pravesha, Step-4: Calculation of Varsha Lagna, Step-5: Calculation of
Planetary Positions, Step-6: Casting the Annual Chart
Topic 3 : Muntha : Definition of Muntha, Calculating the Munt.ha, Results 0 ~
~1untha in Different Houses, Influences on the Muntha, Significance of
Muntha Lord

opk~ 4 : l>11sh,, SyHtean
• Vhnshothtrl Mudcfa Ou8hu : S1ortl11~ Dasha & O rde r of the J>nslrnH,
- i<~' 1·1 ••f ti IC 1) as 111\, ( ,, ti Il ll IHt Ion O f J) llN IIll J1) i1l •· ., c:,.11cral
~ ·.111 c ... ~ ... Rcu ult'H
of D a:-ilrn~
• Yoghd Mudda Dusho : Lords of th<' Yogl11I, Starl ing DaNha & <> rd cr of
th e Dashas, Durotion of l'hc Doshu1 Cok ul ation cJf Dtrnha Balance, General
l{csults of Dai,has
• Patyayinl Dasha : Krissamsha & J'atyomsha, Durntlon of th e DaRha,
Ge neral Results of I )ash as
Topic 5 : Planetary Strengths : Harsha Bala, Panchavargeeya Bala, Dwadasha~
vargccya Bala, Use of the Bala in Dasha Interpretation
Topic 6 : Lord of the Year (Varshesha) : Panchadhikari ('Ihc 5 office bearers)
Tri-rashi pati, Dct:errnination of the Year Lord, Jntcrpreting the Year Lord ,
Results of various planets becoming the Year Lord
Topic 8: Sixteen TajJka Yogas
• Lagnesha & Karyesha
• Concept of Slow~moving & Fast-moving planets
• Planetary Orbs (Deeptamsha)
• Planetary Aspects : Friendly Aspects (Mitra Drishti), Inimical Aspects,
(Shatru Drishtj), Neutral Aspects (Sama Drishti)
• 16 Tajika Yogas
• Ithasala Yoga : Categories, Common Features, Use of Jthashaia Yoga
• Timing of the Fructification of the Event
Topic 8 : Sahams : Meaning & Significance, No. of Sahams mentioned in Clas-
sics, Essential Parameters for Calculating Sahams, Important Sahams &
their Calculations, Strength of the Saham, Analysis of the Saham, Timing
of Event using Saham
Topic 9 : Tri-Pataki Chakra : Meaning & Significance, Method of Constructing
the Tri-Pataki Chakra, Concept of Vedha, Locating the Planet, Interpreting
the Tri-Pataki Chakra
Topic 10: Annual Chart Analysis : Role of the Office bearers, Strength of a
House, Dwi-Janma Varsha
a. Recommended Classical ~oo!f8 ,
..,,<.' ~ Neelkanthi - P ~-
/1,,,,,B 'h t Parashara Hora Shastra / Jataka Chandrika-- Uc._
.,__I' - · n a

b. Recommended Books
. h h 1 r Hindu Progressed Horoscope by Dr. B.V. Raman
1. Varsapaao
c. Reference Books
rr .. k
1. .1aJ1 as has tra - R K Vishwakarma & K Rangachari
2. Textbook of Varshaphala ~ Dr K S Charak
3. Predicting Marriage Time through Annual Horoscopy - M Anjaneyulu

Topic 1 : Muhurta Basics: Definition of Muhurt~, Relevance of ~uhurta in
Modern Times, Nan1es of various Muhurta m 24 hours, Umts of Tin1e
used in Muhurta, Abhijit Muhurta & Brahma Muhurta
Topic 2 : Panchanga: What is Panchanga ?
• 5 Limbs of Panchanga : Vaara: Weekday, Tithi: Lunar Day, Nakshatra:
Star or Constellation, Yoga: Luni-Solar Day, Karana: Half-of Lunar Day,
• Panchanga Shuddhi in Muhurta
Topic 3 : Vaara (Weekday) : Nan1es of the 7 Weekdays, How weekdays got
their names (Concept of Hora), Benefic Weekdays & Malefic Weekdays,
Importance of Vaara in Muhurta,
• Inauspicious Time in Vaara : Vaara Visha Ghatis, Durmuhurta, Rahu
Kala, Gulika Kala, Yan1aghanta Kala, Kalavela
Topic 4 : Tithi (Lunar Day) : Meaning & Importance of Tithi in Muhurta, How
to Calculate Tithi, Names of the 30 Tithis with their Deities, Concept of
Shukla and Krishna Paksha, Classification of Tithis and their qualities,
Tithi Kshaya & Tithi Vriddhi
• Inauspicious Tithis: Chiddra Tithis (Paksha Randhra Tithis), Parva
Tithis, Shunya Tithis, Yugadi / Manuadi Tithis, Galgraha Tithis, Tithi
Visha Ghatis, Tithi Gandanta
Topic 5 : Nakshatra (Star or Constellation) : Nan1es of the 27 Nakshatras,
Planetary Lords & Deities, Abhijit Nakshatra, Classification ofNakshatras,
• Importance of Nakshatra in Muhurta: Janma Nakshatra & Naama Nak-
shatra, Tara Bala & Chandra Bala, Amruta Ghatis
• Inauspicious Time in Nakshatra : Nakshatra Visha Ghatis (Varjyam),
Nakshatra Gandanta, Six Evil Nakshatras, Maasa Shunya Nakshatra 6~: Yoga (Lu~-Solar Day): How to calculate Yoga ? Types of Yoga (Nais-
argika & Tatkalika), Nan1es of the 27 Yogas, Nature of Yogas (Benefic &
Malefic), Importance of Yoga in Muhurta

Topic 7 : Karana (Half of 1 Na m es of
Lunar Day) : How to calculate Ka ra na .
the Karana, 7 Moveable Ka Na tu re of Ka ra na s
ranas & 4 Fixed Karanas,
(Benefic & Malefic)
• Importance of Karana ) . Bh ad ra
in M uh ur ta : Bh a dr a (Vishti Ka ra na .
Nivasa Bhadra - Mouth & . . s?
Tail, W he n Bhadra is Ausp
' ici ou ·
Topic 8 : Muhurta Lagn . • ns for ch oo sin g La gn a,
a : Im po rta nt Considerat
io . . . M h ta Go d-
dhi, Nature Of s·igns, Abh1pt u ur ,
Importance of Lagna Shud
huli Muhurta, Pushkaram d t (R as i
sha, Lagna Tyajya Kala, La
gna Ga n an a
Topic 9: Tithi-Vaara-Nak
shatra Yogas: T1.th1. - Vaara v
Yogas, Vaara - Nakshatra Yo iogas, Ti th i - Na ks. ha tra
gas, Tithi - Vaara- Na ks ha
tra Yogas, Ravi Yoga
Topic 1O: Doshas
• 21 Great Evils (Ekavim
shati Maha Doshas)
• Panchaka : Ch an dr a Pa
nchaka, Tithi Panchaka, Su
• Sankranti, Moudyam (G rya Pa nc ha ka
uru & Shukra), Simha Gu
ru , Pr ad os ha , Ho las h-
taka, Grahan (Eclipses)
Topic 11 : Shodasha Sams
• Pre-Natal (4 Samskaras
): Nisheka, Garbhadhana,
• Post-Natal (10 Samska Pu ms av an a, Se em an th a
ras) : Namakarana, Ni sh ka
Chudakarana, Karnavedha rm an a, An na pr as ha na ,
, Vidyarambha, Upanayan
avardhana, Vivaha (also dis a, Ke sh aa nt a, Sam-
cuss 10 doshas)
• Post-Mortem (2 Sams
karas) : Dahana, Pagaree
Topic 12: Miscellaneous
Muhurtas : Gr ih ar am bh
Grihapravesha (House Warm a (H ou se Co ns tru ct io n)
ing), Du ru ga am an (Long
ka (Oath-taking), Vadhup Travel) , Ra jy ab hi sh e-
ravesha (Bride-entering),
(Op en in g a Shop) Business Es ta bl ish m en t

a. R /.m en de d_ Classic
~B o~
.J M uh ur ta Ch mt am am ~
Ut tar a Ka lam rit a ~ U ~
b. Recommended Books
1. M uh ur ta M ar tan da 2.
M uh ur ta Da rp an a / 4uh
ur th a by Dr R
c. Reference Books . am an
1. M uh ur ta Pr ak ar an a by
Ku su m Vasishtha
2. M uh ur ta by K.K. Josh


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