New Product Development Reviewer

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NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT REVIEWER ◦ 1.4 Feasibility Analysis - Is the demand adequate?

- From an
expense, deployment and revenue perspective, is the service
Chapter Four 2. Implementation
LEARNING OUTCOME: ◦ 2.1 Prototype Development and Testing - Have all the
variables that could influence distribution been identified and
To be able to describe and present the market
opportunity for a new product or service in terms of its
potential users, as well as its competing and complementary ◦ 2.2 Market Testing - Create marketing strategy: Brand?
products and services. Promotion? Price?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: ◦ 2.3 Introduction to the Market - Are there service delivery
problems? - Staff well-equipped and motivated? - How about
At the end of this chapter, the learner will be able to:
the customers, are they satisfied?
1. define what Service Development is;
◦ 2.4 Post Introduction Evaluation - Ongoing evaluation: Is there
2. understand the New Service Development Process; a need for improvements in the way the service is being
3. evaluate how to use Service Bundles effectively;
Price Bundling in Service
4. value the role of Lead Users in the creation of a new service;
and It combines several products or services into a single broad
package at an all-inclusive discounted price. It can raise
5. learn the differences among different Approaches in the profits because it promotes the purchasing of more than one
development of new products. item, despite the fact that the goods are sold at discounted
rates. An example: Paul, for instance, attempts to make a
INTRODUCTION hotel room reservation, but finds that a package of room
reservations with breakfast inclusions is cheaper than
◦ In creating new services, a company has to be clear. The new
purchasing them separately. In this scenario, as he knows that
service implementation should be related to the strategy and
he can save more money, Paul will get the bundle
priorities of the organization. In these changing times, a
business needs to be successful at managing its services. Each Consumer Surplus
developed service will go through a phase of the life cycle, so
they will need a replacement or a change. Due to numerous ◦ It is defined as the difference between the price of the
market developments, with the systematic mechanism to product or service and what amount the customers are
improve the same, a new service must be prepared. willing to pay for them.


◦ It is the end-to-end procedure of designing a new service to Both hair treatments and scalp massage treatments are
be offered to consumers and implementing it. provided by your full service salon and spa business. Using
market research and your own experience, you have
◦ The creation of new services is an organizational process that concluded that two major customer groups exist. Those in the
connects marketing and operational skills to plan, design and first group are thinking about appearance and are willing to
execute a customer-valued service. To tackle this pay ₱3,000.00 for the hair treatments, but just ₱100.00 for
fundamentally cross-functional activity, a multi-disciplinary the scalp massage. The second group is less-appearance-
and integrated perspective is required. oriented, but they prioritize relaxation; for the hair
treatments, they are willing to pay ₱2,500.00 and ₱300.00 for
the scalp massage.
1. Front End Planning
Advantages of Price Bundling:
◦ 1.1 Organizational Mission and New Service Strategy - What is
1. In a single act of purchase, customers enjoy its versatility.
the mission of the organization? - What are the new service
growth objectives? 2. Customers can save money and time.

◦ 1.2 Idea Generation - Aligned with the mission and strategy of 3. When choosing complimentary products, customers avoid
the organization? - Built on the competence of the frustration.
organization? - Is it feasible, legal and ethical?
4. As they are able to apply competitive pricing to a group of
◦ 1.3 Concept Development - Is it unique to prospective clients products, sellers may outsell their competitors.
and enticing to them? - Does the demand exist? - Is it feasible
to deliver? 5. It intensifies the seller's sales.
6. Increased cost effectiveness. 1. Identification of the most significant market trends.

7. New channels of marketing can be tested by the sellers. 2. Lead users' identification.

Disadvantage of Price Bundling: 3. Workshop(s) for designing new ideas for the planned product
with lead users.
1. Although paying for all of them, customers do not always
need all the items in a bundle. 4. Results projection to the current market. Thus, a company
with its "customers" represents a particularly cooperative
2. For bundled products, it is difficult for retailers to remain product creation process, the lead user system.
transparent in their pricing decisions.
◦ As opposed to those that are better sold individually, there DEVELOPMENT
are products that perform better when sold in bundles. It is
essential to wisely group such products and ensure that The Design Thinking Approach
customers do not see bundling as a limitation of their
freedom of choice. ◦ Design thinking is an innovation framework based on viewing
problems or needs from the perspective of the user. Because
◦ Buyers, deprived of freedom of choice, tend to create a so- this human-centered approach requires a thorough
called "negative synergy" that works against the bundle and understanding of what both your customers think and feel,
the retailer. This causes revenue to decline. Thus, when the process of design thinking requires you to empathize first
choosing between pure bundling (it is impossible to buy with the people you are trying to design new solutions for.
products separately) and mixed bundling (it is possible to buy
products separately and in bundles), retailers need to be Steps in the Design Thinking Approach
careful. The latter method helps consumers to be more
1. Emphatize with the user.
creative and freer in their choices.
2. Define the problem.
◦ A new product arises from an individual or a team's artistic
creativity and technological knowledge. The product may 3. Brainstorm potential solutions.
emerge from a need discovered, from a new technology, or
from a new application of an existing technology. 4. Build a prototype.

◦ The intended users of the product are more often than not 5. Test your solution.
conspicuously excluded in the creation process. It is important
to understand from the earliest possible moment whether The New Product Development Framework
the intended users of the product actually find the product
◦ This is a standard, composite approach that, as opposed to
useful enough to spend money on it. The usefulness of a
digital products like software, companies often use to develop
product or service defines its importance to users. The
physical products. The NPD framework has many variations. A
usability of a product defines how easily consumers can use
five-step approach is used by some organizations, while
the product's benefit.
others break it into as many as eight phases.
Lead Users
Steps in the NPD Framework:
They are referred to as individuals who deal intensively with
1. Ideate
an issue in a specific field for which there is no sufficient
solution on the market. 2. Research
1. Lead users have an interest in solving a problem themselves. 3. Plan
2. Lead users are well aware of the issue that other users 4. Prototype
observe far later.
5. Source
3. Lead users have unique requirements that can only be applied
to in the future by the market. 6. Cost

4. Lead users benefit from early developments that can fulfill Rational Product Management Approach
these needs. They are therefore particularly driven to become
involved and to work on the creation of new technologies ◦ A unifying process for product development is known as the
along with the business. rational product management. This approach provides a
framework for strategic planning, iterative development,
Lead User Method continuous quality checking, and monitoring of changes,
based on the logical development process used by the
It is the technique used by an organization to consistently software industry.
incorporate lead users into the production process. Ideally,
four steps are included in this method:
Two distinct but integrated tracks for an organization to
oversee the development of any project or product were
identified by the software industry experts who developed
the rational approach:

A. The Management Perspective - This includes strategic

planning, market analysis, business opportunities being
found, and budgetary consequences being decided.

B. B. The Technical Perspective - This includes choosing

strategies for engineering, supervising quality control, and
handling technological resources.

Steps in Rational Product Management Approach

1. Inception

2. Elaboration

3. Construction

4. Transition


1. The creation of new services connects marketing and

operational skills to execute a customer-valued service.

2. Price bundling combines several goods or services at an all-

inclusive discounted price into a single, large bundle.

3. The difference between the price of the good or service and

the amount the consumers are willing to pay for them is
known as consumer surplus.

4. Lead users are defined as people who deal intensively with a

problem in a particular field for which there is no adequate
solution on the market.

5. Design thinking approach is a method for creativity focused

on seeing challenges or needs from the user's viewpoint.

6. New product development framework is a standard,

composite approach that businesses mostly use to produce
physical products.

7. Rational product management approach offers a structure

based on the logical development model used by the
software industry.

Marketing Research Techniques

Marketing Research

It is the method of collecting, reviewing and evaluating information

about a market, about a product or service to be sold for sale in
that market, and about the actual, current and future buyers for
the product or service; analysis into the characteristics, spending
patterns, place and needs of your business's market segment, the
Market research offers pertinent knowledge that is most likely part • these contain both new aspects of the service and
of business planning phase, in order to address marketing radical new procedures. Amazon, for instance,
problems. However, lacking market analysis, the purpose of diversified into offering processing power on demand
product differentiation and segmentation is difficult to achieve. and became a pioneer in cloud computing services.

Hierarchy of New Service Categories Achieving Success in New Service Development

A service company has many opportunities to innovate. There are A variety of studies have found that the three following variables
seven types of innovative services ranging from simple changes in are the most effective:
theme to major innovations
• Market Synergy. The new product blends in with the
• Style changes. This is the simplest kind of development company's current image, experience and resources; it
that usually does not require improvements in either is stronger than rival products in terms of satisfying the
procedures or output. Sometimes, though, they are needs of consumers, as the company has a good
widely noticeable, generate enthusiasm, and can knowledge of the purchasing habits of its customers
inspire workers. For example, websites or new and enjoys great support from the company and its
uniforms for the retail divisions for service workers are subsidiaries before and after the launch.
• Organizational factors. Inter-functional communication
• Service Improvements. There are the most frequent and teamwork are strong. Production employees must
kinds of innovation. They require minor performance be well informed of their involvement and the value of
modifications in current products, or enhancements to new innovations to the company. Until production,
either the main product or existing additional facilities. workers must grasp the new product and the
Sometimes, it's the little things that matter, and the underlying mechanisms, as well as information on
consumers love it. direct rivals.

• Supplementary service innovations. This take the form • Market research factors. In the planning process,
of introducing new service products to the current core comprehensive and objectively planned market
service or substantially upgrading an existing added analysis analyses are performed early with a good
service, such as adding parking at the shopping understanding of the type of knowledge to be
location, and allowing payment via mobile (e.g., G- collected. Until conducting field surveys, a successful
Cash, PayMaya). product idea is established.

• Process line extensions. These also reflect distinctive

forms in which current goods are distributed. The aim
is to give current customers more comfort and
experience or to draw customers who find their
conventional approach unsatisfactory. They also
include connecting to an established high touch
channel a lower contact channel such as self-service to
augment service delivery by service staff or
development of online or app-based services (e.g.

• Product line extensions. There are additions to the

existing product lines of a company. It is possible to see
the first enterprise in an industry to sell such a product
as an innovator. Others are simply supporters, often
protecting themselves. These innovative services may
be built to satisfy a larger range of needs or to target
new clients with diverse demands or both. A
restaurant, for example, may expand the product line
to also include a menu for dog lovers, so that both the
owners and their dogs can dine in the same restaurant.

• Major Process Innovations. These consist of using

innovative processes to offer newly introduced
advantages to current core goods. Online classes, for
example, transform higher education through state-of-
the-art technologies, the internet and smartphones.

• Major service innovations. There are emerging core

markets goods not previously identified. Typically,
PRICE AND VALUE COMMUNICATION Methods of Communicating with Customers
LESSON 3 Social Media
What is marketing communications strategy? One way to easily stay in contact with customers, new and
old, is through social media platforms. Most people turn to
Marketing communications strategy is the strategy used by a social media when looking for recommendations for where to
go or what to buy. Plus, people are on social media all day
company or individual to reach their target market through various
making it easy to worm your way into an ad or two on their
types of communication. It includes your message (what is to be
account. Artificial Intelligence can help identify what type of
said), the medium (where it is to be said), and the target (to whom content you should be posting as well as what kinds of
your message is reaching). responses customers want from you. Make sure to engage
Any integrated marketing communications strategy (IMC) should customers with new content on your social media accounts
have three guiding principles: regularly, and respond to any comments on your page as
quickly as possible, so they feel validated and valued.
Brand alignment: Whatever marketing channel you choose
should have the same brand perception as yours. For example, if Methods of Communicating with Customers
you sell luxury watches, build relationships with journalists from Phone conversations
TIME magazine, not those writing in your local newspaper. Even with all the other methods of communication out there,
phone conversations will never go away. However, all the
Customer alignment: Follow the oldest rule in marketing – ‘be other methods of communicating actually help since there are
where your customers already are’. Pick channels where your fewer people who call in with questions if they can get their
consumers are already active. If you’re targeting younger answers in other ways. Artificial intelligence can even help
millennials, advertise on social media platforms like Instagram, here by “listening” to the conversation and giving
not Facebook, and certainly not day-time TV! recommendations to the customer service agent on what to
say next based on the customer’s previous history with the
Budget alignment: Choose a marketing channel that fits your company and how the call is going.
budget (obviously).
Adapting the Message for Purchase Context
The 6 most efficient marketing communication strategies:
Value-based messages must also be adjusted to the purchase
• A Great Brand Name context. A buyer will go through four basic stages:
origination, information gathering, selection, and
• Don’t Forget the Creativity of the Logo fulfillment. Effective messages will address the buyer’s
specific needs at each stage.
• Product Positioning- Clarity is key

• Efficient Advertisement Pitch

• Blog -Enable People to Talk about Your Product

• Corporate Events and Social activities- Enhance your

Company Image
It is the stage at which the customer becomes aware of a need
Methods of Communicating with Customers
and begins the search for a suitable offering to satisfy it.
Information Gathering
Being able to text or chat a customer actually works well when
it comes to both marketing and customer service. It is a simple This stage is critical for complex goods with a high cost of
and easy way to send out automated and personalized search. It is the seller’s burden to provide accurate and
marketing messages to people while also providing a fast and relevant information to the customer. This can include easy
access to product specifications, sizing, and descriptions.
easy way for customers to text you for answers to their
questions. Using AI chatbot will help you get the most out of Selection
communicating with customers through text because a Selection involves winnowing the alternatives to a
machine can easily send out personalized messages and manageable number to conduct a more detailed product
respond to questions 24/7 without a real person ever having evaluation.
to get involved. Fulfillment
Fulfillment involves the selection of the purchase channel and
then the actual purchase.
Methods of Communicating with Customers
Emailing went out of style for a few years as texting and social
media became more popular forms of communication. But it
has come back in style and is extremely popular again. In fact,
63% of those surveyed said they prefer email communications
with businesses over any other form of communication,
putting text in second at 14%. On top of that, 59% said that
they would likely make a purchase if that email included a
sitewide or category wide sale. Artificial Intelligence also can
help to personalize emails and determine what types of
content your audience wants to see in an email.
PRICE COMMUNICATION If there is little or no change in demand, it is

Pricing Strategy said to be price inelastic.

Pricing brings in the revenue. If there is significant change in demand, then

This is the only element in the marketing mix that brings in the it is said to be price elastic.
revenues. All the rest are costs.
Demand is less likely to be elastic when:
Price communicates the value positioning of the product.
There are few or no substitutes.
The Pricing Objectives:
Buyers readily do not notice the higher price.
1. To survival
Buyers are slow to change their buying habits.
2. To maximize current profit
Buyers think that the higher prices are justified.
3. To maximize market share
Examples of Discounts and Allowances
4. To maximize market skimming
Early payment
5. To ensure product-quality relationship
Off – season
Determining Demand
Bulk purchase
Each price will lead to a different level of demand and have a
different impact on a company’s marketing objectives. Retail discount

Demand and price are inversely related i.e. The higher the price, Cash discount
lower the demand.
Trade in allowance
Company needs to consider :
When do we Initiate Price Cuts?
1. Price Sensitivity
Excess plant capacity
2. Price Elasticity
What Influences Price Sensitivity?
Aggressive pricing
Shared cost ( part of cost is borne by other party )
When do we Initiate Price Increases?
Sunk investment (product used is required as a complement to
When demand exceeds supply
earlier purchase )
When costs go up
Inventory effect ( buyers cannot store the product )
Govt. policies
Items bought more frequently ( more sensitive ) / infrequently
( less sensitive ) Reduce or remove discounts and rebates
Unique value effect ( quality , prestige or exclusiveness ) Indirect Price Increases
Substitute awareness by buyers Shrinking pack size for same price
Difficult comparison by buyers Substituting less expensive raw materials
End benefit ( expenditure small part of total income ) Reducing product features
Total expenditure ( purchase cost is insignificant compared Removing product services
to the cost of end product ) Using less expensive packaging material
Low – cost items (less sensitive ) / high cost items ( more Reducing the no. of packs and sizes offered
sensitive )
Creating new economy brands
What is Price Elasticity
Reaction to Price Changes
This determines the changes in demand with unit change in
price. Customer reaction
Competitor reaction

How to Respond to Competitor Price Change

Maintain price

Maintain price and add value

Reduce price

Increase price and quality

Launch a low price fighter

How to Introduce Price Change to your Customers?

1. Contact them directly.

2. Let customers know well in advance.

3. Remind them that higher prices mean better quality.

4. Explain the reasoning behind the price increase.

5. Ensure the entire organization is aware of the price

increase before announcing it to customers.

6. Allow customers to reach out with further questions or


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