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Journal of the

120 Correspondence American Academy of


does not have more knowledge of corns and calluses mand for it has increased to the point where it is now
than do podiatrists, although it is a toss-up on warts. open four nights a week. This is in spite of the fact that
Podiatrists in general have a lot of knowledge that is we see only patients who are referred to us from other
useful to the average practicing dermatologist. Podia- physicians and provide a number of educational mate-
trists have taught me things that were and still are to- rials about self-treatment of warts. I would suspect that
tally unknown to mainstream dermatology. No only the any dermatologist who opened a special treatment
phenol technic but also the entire field of pedal office for the management of foot lesions would be very
biomechanisms has been developed to a great degree by busy in a short time. I hope many will, as the dermatol-
podiatrists. I believe strongly that all departments of ogists' experience and skills make them uniquely qual-
dermatology should have some liaison with podiatry (as ified to handle these problems.
some do now) and that without such liaison graduating
Robert N, Richards, M.D.
residents and the patients soon to be under their care
4800 Leslie St,, Suite 305
witl be cheated of the best the practitioner has to offer.
Willow~ktle, Tolvnto, Canada
Richard C. Gibbs, M.D. M2J 2K9
24 East 36117 St.
New York, NY 10016 Erythema multiforme "major" and "minor"
v e r s u s " m a j u s " and " m i n u s "

Reply To the Editor:

The ungrammatical coinages "erythema multiforme
To the Editor: major" and "erythema multifomae minor" are used to
I will deal with each of M. Port's (D.P.M.) points in denote subtypes of erythema multiforme (Huff JC,
sequence. Weston WL, Tonneson MG: Erythema multiforme: A
Plantar warts are not " a trap shoot" at best. Derma- critical review of characteristics, diagnostic criteria,
tologists' in-depth knowledge of the wart virus and its and causes. J AM ACAD DERMATOL 8:763-775, 1983).
relationship to the human host enables them to handle These terms are bad Latin.
warts as skillfully as present knowledge permits. The A Latin adjective must match the gender of the noun
dermatologist recognizes the problem of the lack of it modifies. The adjectives major and minor must be
resistance against the wart virus and is able to handle given their neuter gender endings in order to agree with
the plantar wart conservatively with little discomfort eo~thema, a Latinized Greek neuter noun. The correct
and maximization of function until the body rejects the forms would be "erythema multiforme m a j u s " and
plantar wart virus and wart. The wide depth of the "erythema multiforme minus."
dermatologists' medical experience permits the derma-
tologists to utilize other modalities such as bleomycin, Arthur W. Gulick, M.D.
interferon, dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), etc. when 227 North Sheldon Rd.
indicated. Plymouth, MI 48170
I disagree strongly with M. Port (D.P.M.) that
"most corns and calluses are not primary cutaneous
problems but are usually secondary to the bone and
joint manifestations." Most plantar corns and calluses To the Editor:
are due to footwear and may be corrected by simple Dr. Gulick has con'ectly pointed out that "erythema
paring, keratolytics, a simple padding, and wider multiforme major" and "erythema multiforme m i n o r "
shoes. This basic knowledge is held by every dermatol- are "bad Latin." These terms were first used by B, A.
ogist. There is only a small minority of" patients with Thomas in the British literature in 1950 j and should be
structural defects, and these are best handled in consul- considered English rather than Latin in derivation. This
tation with an orthopedic surgeon and/or an interested, is certainly not the first, nor the last, example of terms
knowledgeable podiatrist. The dermatologist's wide in the English medical literature that do not follow the
medical experience enables him to deal with the asso- rules of Latin grammar.
ciated vascular or neurologic problems which may ac- Understanding of erythema multiforme has always
company these complicated cases. been hampered by matters of definition and terminol-
As I mentioned in my original letter, we established ogy, and the concept that the diseases that are called
an evening wart office about 2 years ago and the de- "erythema multiforme" are heterogeneous and include

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