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By Dulshan Costa
Issues related to TRB software Proposed Mixed Development Project at Rajagiriya

Dear Sir,
Followings are the issues I had faced while working with TRB software. Following issues made the
work more inconvenient and wasted a considerable amount of time resulting the delay of modeling.
Screenshots of relevant issues are represented in images.

Issue - 01
When I’m going to view “Rebar 3D” even after the “S calculate”, an error message is showing up as
“No corresponding rebar calculation result is found!”.
This issue also occurs blank “Rebar Schedule”.

Issue – 02
Some Rebar arrangements modeled upside down automatically.

1|P age
Issues related to TRB software Proposed Mixed Development Project at Rajagiriya

Issue - 03
The software does not allow to have different bar sizes in a single RC wall.

Issue - 04
The software does not allow to model custom shape RC walls with custom Rebar arrangements.

2|P age
Issues related to TRB software Proposed Mixed Development Project at Rajagiriya

Issue - 05
The Rebar count of RC walls does not match with the Plans when modeling the RC walls using the
c/c gap in vertical bars. Therefore, the rebar count of each wall counted manually and entered to the
“Attribute editor” one by one according to the wall name.

Due to absence of such features of the software many RC wall parts were modeled as RC Columns.

Wall parts modeled as Columns


3|P age
Issues related to TRB software Proposed Mixed Development Project at Rajagiriya

Issue - 06
Even the RC wall rebars are entered manually by counting them, additional Bars were modeled
automatically by software itself in the intersections of two (02) RC walls.

Automatically generated
additional bars causing
the Rebar arrangement
of the connected walls

Issue - 07
The AutoCAD drawings were not drawn according to element wise layers. Hence, the re-drawing of
AutoCAD plans and categorizing relevant lines and shapes into relevant layers were done before
importing the AutoCAD drawings to TRB software.

4|P age

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