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Running head: DIGITAL ERA (Change the running head based on your topic)

Academic honesty questionnaire:
Google and locate 5 of the most used AI tools for essay writing by students in post-Secondary.
Explain why these tools are a breach of academic honesty. (100 words)
Paper mills
 services that charge students to produce essays.
 Bypass critical thought and personal effort to violate academic integrity.
AI content producers
 AI may be used to produce text from commands.
 When students rely on them without giving them due credit or their own ideas, they
violate honesty.
Style and Grammar Checkers:
 Grammarly is one of the writing improvement tools.
 Relying only on them is misuse and prevents learning.
Tools for paraphrasing:
 Content rephrasing AI tools.
 Without appropriate reference or original idea, misuse results in accidental plagiarism.
Researchers who summarize:
 Create an automated summary of the literature.
 Using them without first reading and fully comprehending the underlying material
compromises honesty and results in inaccurate summaries.
Digital Era (Change the running head based on your topic) 2

Explain ways students can avoid academic dishonesty. (100 words)

1. Ensure proper citation by accurately referencing sources using the required citation style (e.g.,
2. When utilizing others' work, rephrase and provide appropriate credit.
3. Complete assignments and assessments independently, without unauthorized assistance.
4. Gain a clear understanding of plagiarism and how to steer clear of it.
5. Effectively manage time to minimize the temptation to cheat at the last minute.
6. Adhere to instructor-defined collaboration guidelines for group projects.
7. Respect institutional policies concerning academic integrity.
8. Seek help from professors, tutors, or academic support services when facing challenges, rather
than resorting to dishonest practices.
9. Prioritize genuine learning and skill development over focusing solely on grades.
Digital Era (Change the running head based on your topic) 3

Title: University fear housing crisis may lead to visa cuts.

Student Name: Niyati Patel

Course: College Communications 2 (COMM171-706)

Instructor Name: Sameera Malik

Date: 03-10-2023
Digital Era (Change the running head based on your topic) 4

 Hook or inciting idea; background context; main source; provisional thesis

Concerns Regarding the Impact of International Students on Canadian Housing and Education"

In his 2023 article in a Canadian local newspaper focused on Business, Economics, Banking,
and Finance, author Ryan Tumilty aims to convey concerns regarding the impact of international
students on housing and education in Canada.

 Summarize the primary source.

Concerns about exploitation are growing in Canada because of the influx of more
international students and the tightening property market. The Auditor General of
Ontario noted that the rising number of international students makes it more difficult to
locate suitable housing. Politicians take a variety of stances, but most concur that it is
unfair to blame international students for housing shortages. They contend that any
remedies should center on lowering the cost of housing.

Response Paragraph 1 - First claim with framework critiquing the main

 Textual evidence from primary source; textual evidence from secondary sources

Universities significantly rely on the tuition fees from foreign students to maintain their
financial stability.

Homes Issues: The rise in international students has increased demand for local
homes, resulting in issues with the rental market and housing supply.

Immigration and affordability issues provide policy concerns that are visible from many
political perspectives.

Response Paragraph 2 - Second claim with framework critiquing the main

 Textual evidence from primary source; textual evidence from secondary sources

Increase in Enrollment: From 13% in 2017 to 17% in 2021, there will be significantly
more overseas students attending Canadian colleges.

Dependency on Tuition Fees: International students now account for 45% of total tuition
payments, up from 29% previously, which shows a greater reliance on their costs.
Digital Era (Change the running head based on your topic) 5

Financial Risk: With up to 90% of their tuition income coming from foreign students,
many schools are financially vulnerable.


 Restatement of the thesis; new questions; concluding statement

The text underscores the complex connections between the enrollment of international
students, housing problems, and how much Canadian colleges and universities rely on
tuition fees from these students. It shows the importance of having well-thought-out
policies that deal with these concerns and still provide good education and housing for


Tumilty, R. (2023, Aug 24). Universities fear housing crisis may lead to visa cuts.
National Post
se-2 - Digital Newspaper & Magazine subscriptions. (n.d.).

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