BPI Application Form

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BPI credit Cards Ed = eee li yi L REPRE POS Clee Chee Chem Chem [ese PA SEE eee om PRE eee Dongen eee ele Jit Jit 111 41 PPP — plsigitaleciclstnlacnies Le Tt Reena a pes Poe pp va a a TT RT STS i pmpersoenranrouncoonnnsosTo® — Cm [lt MOLERGATCOS IN — @BPI 2 Supekementary Cardo i a OO arn Pacers a L Lt a pt 1 1 it Come pew [SMS Tere Cees Cees Liee Hons AEs VN, FNS BIEL NO Tor Na oF BN O'R SE OF ROR, VY NaN ay WAN eTSHV Cy, Proves ——] Pee er sees ee rere ers rrr rt ia one Pi MoT aa Ta ase cr i é L L ae L L me Pape fi | el aed ode ail eet | 7 TY 4 Sa tomy BTR [osssouanes Poe arer aren nen Prep pitriiiit Rae RTC a os sionng below, (We) con at All the sialements, information and supporting documents provided by me (us) are tue, comect and accurate 2 fay mao mexesesoninion or ty of eis herein whch & miseading shal be cond as an att dated Banko ‘he Phiippine Islands (BPP) and may be a ground of denial of my (our) applicabon or, if already granted, the cancelation ‘of termination thereof, including rendering any loans granted fo me (us) immediately due and payable, whout prejudice to such ck ‘andlor erminal lability acton tal may pursue aganst me (us). 3. 1s te sole pretogulve of BP! ip yn or deny my (ou) applalon and tou ny (eu) application be denied, BPI nay provide dre reason for such decision in accordance wih he requrements of applicable law 4. Alinfomnation and documents obtained, collected and processed by BPlin connection with my (our application shallremain the property of BPI 5, BPI is subsidiaries and affiiates (collectively, the “BPI Group of Companies” may impase such specie terms, candons and requie- ments as they may seam necessary or appropriate in connection wih my (ou) avaiment of her producs, services, faites and channel. "My/Our application, enon, avaimort,accoss, maintonancs and continuoduse ofany ofthe produc, services, faites and channols ‘of any member of BPI Group of Companies shal constiule myour acceptance and agreement io te applicable terms and conditions 6. | (We) shall notiy BPI of any malerial change affecting the information supped by mefus and documents submited in connecton wt is application. 7. | (Ve) shall agree to receive updates, nottoss and announcements on my (our) application andlor any of BPs products, services, ‘aciibes and channels via SMS\text, emal or fax vansmissio or such other means of communication deemed appropri by BPI 8 Where applicable, BPI may enrol my (our) approved apphoaton wih any credit protecion provider, or guarentee program of ay instulon, whether pubic or private, at BPs sole option, 9. | agree and authorize BPI, whether drecly or through its program partners to colec, obizin, validate and process my person- al dala such a5, bul not imited to, my name, birthdate, mobie number, moble phone usage data, email address, maiing ad- dress, financial profie and such other information as may be required to enable BPI to evaluate andor approve my epalcaton; | likewise agree and aulhotze BPI, whether dreciy of tough ts aulwoized representalves and service providers incuing cred- 'tscoring nsitutons, to collect and share my inormaton to ary of the telecommunicatons companies namely, Globe of Smart, 2 identified inthis form as part of BPISs teloa scoring andlor deta snalytes requirements. For these purposes, | further authorize BPI {a ingure, valdole share and disclose my information such as, but not invied lo, my mobile number, email adcress, and mai ing addres to the telecommunicaton compary identfed in thi form and, for said telecormmunicaton ‘company, to likewise con. ‘im, validate, share and dscose to BPI, s employees, authorized representatives and service providers nung crect scar ing Insitutions, any oral of my information including my tolco score to enabla tho BPI to process andlor approve my application 410. Pror fo submiing to BPI information about meicials (incudng ther personal data), | (we) have obtained all necessary authorza- ‘ions and consents as may be required by applicable confidentiality and data privacy laws fo enable BPI to use and process such Information. | (wa) furher agree that all my (our) personal information (including those of individuals related to mo (us), my (Out) ‘ransactions, business and credit relatonships, accounts or account information or records which are with yo, made avaiable +o You oF which are in your possession or updated ftom tme to time, may be collected, obtained, used, sored, consolidated, pr. ‘cessed, profied, benchmarked, shared and disciosed, by and between BPI and any member of the BPI Group of Companies, their ‘SucoRSSO'S and assigns, and their respecine authored representatives, agents and senice providers, for any oF all the purpose ‘described in the Data Pivacy Statement published at hips/ionine bpi.com.ph and deemed corporate by reference to this form. 11.1 (We) have read end undersiood and agree to be bound by PIs * Terms and Conditons of the Deposits, Products, Ser vices, Faclifes and Channa" as well as BPI "Terms and Condfions Governing the Issuance and Use of BP! Cradt Cards" as ‘hese forms and condions may be amended or supplomantsd from timo to timo, copies of which ware ether provided to mo (us) ‘oF made available / accessible fo me (us) via vaww-bpicom ph oF such other channels oF electronic appicatons selected by BP! 12The shall apply io all products, services, facibes and channels of BPL that | (we) may now or heareafler appl for or avail

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