The Real Mother

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The Real Mother

Group Members:-

● Uppara Dheeraj Kumar,

● Laxmi. G,
● S.Madhesh,
● N.Pavithra,
● Sai Vharsene,
● Atchaya,
● Ayisha

Date:- 4/1/2024

Project Description:-
It seems you might be referring to a general concept rather than a
specific story or work. The idea of "The Real Mother" is often
associated with various folktales, myths, or literary works that explore
themes of motherhood, identity, or authenticity. Without a specific
reference, I can provide a general interpretation.

In many stories, "The Real Mother" theme often involves a situation

where two or more individuals claim to be the true mother of a child.
The resolution typically reveals the genuine mother through her
actions, emotions, or sacrifices. This narrative explores maternal
instincts, love, and the unique connection between a mother and her

If you have a particular story or context in mind, please provide more

details so I can offer a more accurate explanation.
Project Theme or Topic:-
The project depicted the true love of parents for their loved ones.
Parental love is an unparalleled, selfless devotion that transcends
words. It's an unwavering, unconditional bond formed between
parents and their children, rooted in care, sacrifice, and endless
support. This profound love withstands challenges, embracing joy and
sorrow alike. It's a guiding force shaping a child's growth, instilling
values, and providing a secure haven. Parental love embodies
patience, understanding, and the willingness to nurture dreams. It's a
source of strength during adversity and a celebration of triumphs. In its
essence, parental love is an enduring, boundless connection that
shapes lives, fostering emotional resilience and creating a foundation
for lifelong relationships.
Project Components:-
Animaker is an online platform that allows users to create animated
videos easily. To create an animated video on Animaker, you typically
utilize several components. Here are the key elements:

1. **Characters:** Animaker provides a library of pre-designed

characters. Users can choose characters that fit the style and theme
of their video. Customisation options often include selecting facial
expressions, poses, and outfits.

2. **Props:** These objects or items can be added to scenes to

enhance the storyline. Props can include anything from furniture to
gadgets, depending on the animation context.

3. **Text Animations:** Animaker allows users to add text to their

animations. Users can choose from various text styles, fonts, and
animations to make the text visually engaging.

4. **Backgrounds:** Backgrounds set the scene for your animation.

Animaker offers a range of backgrounds, including indoor and outdoor
settings, which users can choose based on the narrative of their video.

5. **Sound Effects:** Enhance your animated video with sound

effects. Animaker provides a library of sound effects that can be
synchronised with the actions in your animation.

6. **Music:** Users can add background music to their animated

videos. Animaker offers a selection of royalty-free music tracks that
can complement the video's mood.
7. **Voiceovers:** Animaker allows users to record or upload
voiceovers to narrate the story. This feature adds a personalised touch
to the animation.

8. **Transitions:** The Animaker provides transition effects between

scenes, allowing for smooth and visually appealing shifts in the

9. **Camera Effects:** Users can employ camera effects to create

dynamic movements within the scenes, adding a more cinematic feel
to the animation.

10. **Actions and Facial Expressions:** Characters can be made to

perform various actions and display different facial expressions. These
actions help convey emotions and movements, contributing to the
storytelling aspect of the animation.

By combining these components, users can create engaging and

professional-looking animated videos on Animaker. The platform often
uses a drag-and-drop interface, making it accessible to users with
varying levels of animation experience.
Project Requirements:-
We will require a computer with a working USB, an Internet
connection and an Internet browser.

Research and Content Gathering:-

The research is done using Chat GPT for a better understanding of
the theme and the story is taken from the “Tales of Tenali Rama”.
Storyboard or Outline:-
One day two women saw a child sleeping in an open place. They
started arguing with the baby. Both women claim the baby as hers,
“The baby is mine. You must not touch him.”

There was no one to testify about who kept the baby there and so the

matter became undetermined. So they decided to go to court to settle

the matter.

The child was brought before the court for settlement of the claim. The

judge found that both women were immovable in their respective

claims and the case was complicated. So, the judge threatened, "It is

certain that one of you is lying. So, in this case, the law will be strict

and the liar will be punished. I give you time to think and then present

your claim.”

Time has passed but none of the women did not give up their claim on

the child's motherhood, so the judge thought for a while and then sent

the executioner.

The executioner immediately appeared with a sword and asked the

judge what was the order for him.

The judge replied, divide the child into two halves and give it to each

woman. Hearing the order, a woman loses consciousness. When she

regained consciousness she shouted, "Please don't cut my child. I'm

withdrawing my claim on that child. It's up to her to pay."

The other woman, as expected from a false mother, remained silent.

The judge knew that a true mother would never want to kill her child

and that she wanted to live even if she was deprived of maternal

affection and true mother's affection due to unavoidable


So, with the smile of a victorious person, the judge ordered the child to

be returned to the mother who withdrew in the hope of her child's

death. Accordingly, the judge punished the false mother with threats.
Media Creation:
The images and video are free and open to the public in Animaker
Software and Tools:-

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Animaker is a

cloud-based animation video creation tool that allows users to create
animated videos using a simple drag-and-drop interface. Please note
that software features and interfaces can change, so it's a good idea
to check the latest information on Animaker's official website or other
reliable sources.

Here's a general overview of the process of creating a small animation

using Animaker:

1. **Sign Up and Log In:**

- Visit the Animaker website and sign up for an account.

- Log in to access the animation creation platform.

2. **Choose a Template or Start from Scratch:**

- Animaker usually offers a variety of templates to choose from

based on different themes and purposes. You can select a template
that suits your needs or start with a blank canvas.

3. **Create Characters:**

- Animaker often provides a library of characters that you can use in

your animations. You can choose characters, customize their
appearance, and assign movements or actions to them.

4. **Add Scenes:**

- Divide your animation into scenes. Each scene represents a

specific part of your story or message.
x5. **Add Text and Objects:**

- Insert text boxes to display dialogue or information. You can also

add various objects, shapes, and images to enhance your animation.

6. **Animate Objects and Characters:**

- Animaker typically allows you to animate objects and characters by

defining their movements, actions, and transitions between scenes.
This can be done through a timeline or a keyframe-based system.

7. **Add Background Music or Voiceover:**

- Enhance your animation by adding background music or a

voiceover. You may be able to upload your audio files or choose from
Animaker's library of sounds and music.

8. **Preview and Edit:*

- Animaker usually provides a preview feature that allows you to see

how your animation looks and flows. Make any necessary adjustments
or edits to refine your animation.

9. **Export the Animation:**

- Once satisfied with your animation, you can export it in a suitable

format. Animaker might offer options for exporting in various video

10. **Share or Download:**

dd - ddShare your animation directly from the Animaker platform or
download the video file to your device.

Remember that software features and interfaces may change over

time, so it's advisable to refer to Animaker's official documentation or
support resources for the most up-to-date information and tutorials.

Project Presentation:-

Capture attention with a concise title and compelling thumbnail. Share

on social media, optimize for search and engage viewers with a brief,
impactful description.

Project Submission:-
The online softcopy is shared through G-mail and the hardcopy is
submitted in class.


The websites used are:-

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