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Have you ever experience the regret of not taking a chance, the haunting “what ifs” that lingers in
the quiet moments of your life? And what is much worse? Failing or never trying at all.
Ladies and Gentlemen, a pleasant morning to all of you. I would rather try than to accept failure
without it happening firsthand because I do believe that to never try is the worst way of failing.

Let’s consider the scenario of not trying at all, a life of what ifs and missed opportunity. I never
understand the people’s fear of failing. Because in trying, there’s growth. Why don’t we shift our
perspective from seeing failure as a wall for us to dream high into failure as a friend in disguise.

There is so much to learn with trying and failing. It teaches us acceptance and invaluable art of bouncing

Ever since when I was young, there is only one thing I always keep in mind. That in every chances and
opportunities I grab, I don’t have to ace everything. I don’t have to win every competition just to prove
myself to others. What important is that I just have to show up and give my best. I just have to try.

And as we navigate life, we encounter individuals who always choose the safer path, avoiding risks only
for them to look back at the lost opportunities. Taking risks isn’t a guarantee of success, but a
declaration that we refuse to be confined by fear. It’s either you learn or lose everything. Because the
only dream impossible to reach are the one we never pursue because of fear of failing.

And again, for me to never try is the worst way of failing.

And to my dearest audience, it is now your time to ask your self. For you, what is much worse? Failing or
never trying.

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