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2 Gluesfions, quesfions, quesfions!

Student A

Here are fifteen questions to ask your partner. Your partner also has fifteen
questions to ask you. But you yourselves decide which question to answer each
tii,re by choosing a number between 1-15. Say to your partner: Ask me question (3).
Then cross the number out so you don't ask for the same question again!

Take it in turns to ask and answer You start.

T 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II t2 t3 l4 I5

. "". - .i - l" * .v::.19".y-9":".1:.:"..:.:l9-. vo,y 1 rre ct t ! i

e o
2 What is the most importrnt iru.rtt"; ;;;;; ;;r;;;;;; ;; ;; ;

. .._.1."_yil.:l :': l[:.b.,:|t1g1abguf vor 1 counlrv and what are the worst? '-'-
4 What three pieces of advice would you give to u triu,-,a";;;;;;;;;;;
. __. .....I-:.ri t"!.1":.!-:i,y:yi" ."....

. 6 Who's the mos!

perscn you've ever met? What made h]nr or her so boring?

7 If you were appLying fcr a job, what three things wou[d you mention as being your

. 1-9-..What.s V1u1.id9a.of fh.e.nerf3.ct.3

course. meal? Descrjbe each course.

17. the mo;t stlpid

_wha!.s lrri!9 you've ever done?
i2 lvhat would you [ike to change ab.rut y0ui.s€lI if yo..r cou[d and why?

13 How wou[d you describe your taste in clothes and what wou[d you wear if you wanted
to make a good impression at a job interview?

14 Which three human quatities (e.g. honesty) do you consider to be the most jm portant?

boo"l has ,9.du the greatest impression on you and why?

. ...1.?, ..Wfic!-ti!1.or

From Pair Work Bool: J io pgnguin Books 2002 47

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