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Narrator: Joseph and Mary are happily married and devoted to each other. Months
before Mary was about to give birth, Joseph came to Mary to inform her that they need
to travel to Joseph’s hometown which happened to be Bethlehem, in order to take part
of the census ordered by Augustus Caesar. Registration is to be done so that
everyone could be counted and taxed.
Joseph: Mary, come and take a seat here. We need to go to Bethlehem—that is my
hometown. We need to go there to get you and me registered there. But don’t worry,
I’ll make sure that you’re comfortable and well-taken care of.
Mary: Do you think I will be able to travel that far in my condition right now?
Bethlehem is so far!
Joseph: I’ll be with you. I’ll make sure that no harm will come to you.
Narrator: A few days later, Mary and Joseph packed their few belongings and got
ready to go to Bethlehem. Joseph let Mary sit on the donkey and he led the way.
Joseph: I hope you’re comfortable, my dear. If you want to rest, please let me know.
Narrator: Along the way, there were also many people who were traveling to go to
their hometowns to get registered.
Mary: We have been traveling for days now Joseph. How many more days do you
think will it take for us to reach Bethlehem? I am getting tired now.
Joseph: I don’t think it’ll take more than a day or two, Mary. You must be very tired.
You can take a rest for some time.
Narrator: And Mary and Joseph dredged until they already had a glimpse of
Joseph: Look Mary, there is Bethlehem! Soon, we’ll reach there and you can then
Mary: No, I am okay. Let us go as far as we can before the night falls. The faster we
travel, the quicker we’ll get to Bethlehem.
Narrator: Mary was so delighted when they finally reached their destination. She was
very tired and badly wants to get some rest.
Joseph: Ah, finally! We have reached the Bethlehem! Let’s look around for a room in
some inn!
Narrator: However, there seem to be a lot of travelers in Bethlehem in that time and
Joseph cannot find any home. He was very worried at Mary as she looked very tired. It
was very dark when they finally reached the town and they desperately needed a
place to stay in, however, nobody would give them space to spend the night
Joseph: Do you want to rest, my dear? Sorry, I still can’t a place for us to stay in. The
inn is already loaded. Don’t worry, I’ll try asking for a small space where we could stay
Narrator: Joseph walked all over the town knocking at houses and shops, one after
the other but nobody would let them to come in. Mary was about to give birth and it
was very important for her to have a comfortable and safe place for the baby and
Joseph: Please, just a little space will do. My wife is about to give birth. Please lend
us some space.
Girl 1: Sorry, as much as I wanted to help, this inn is just enough for me and my
Narrator: Joseph knocked on the next door in hopes that the owner will lend them
some space in the room.
Joseph: Please, just a small space for me and my pregnant wife. We don’t have a
place to stay in.
Girl 2: Get lost, beggars! You’re interrupting our rest!
Narrator: Joseph and Mary felt really hopeless. After searching for a while, Joseph
found an empty barn built for cows. There was plenty of straws there, so Joseph used
the straw and managed to make a bed for Mary.
Joseph: Don’t worry my dear, we’ve come this far, God will surely help us! Come,
take some rest.
Narrator: Later at night, Mary gave birth to a baby boy. Joseph made a small bed of
fresh straw in the manger and laid him there.
Mary: What a beautiful baby boy you are, my son.
Narrator: Not too far away, two shepherds were out looking for their sheep on the hill.
Shepherd 1: Where did that sheep has gone?
Shepherd 2: You go look on that side, and I’ll take this side.
Narrator: Until they were blinded by a very bright light from the sky.
Shepherd 2: Ah, the light is blinding me, I can’t see anything!
Shepherd 1: Me either!
Narrator: They opened their eyes only to find a very beautiful angel in front of them.
The shepherds did not know how to react and were amazed.
Angel: Do not be afraid, I have come to give you a good news. Tonight in the town of
Bethlehem, a baby boy has been born—his name is Jesus. He will be known as the
savior of the world. You will know it was Jesus when you see baby boy wrapped in the
clothes in the manger.
Narrator: The shepherds were very delighted and excited to hear the good news.
They ran to go to Bethlehem and see Jesus—the king of the Jews and the savior of
the world who had been born in a humble manger.
Shepherd 2: Come, let’s get quick and see our king!
Narrator: On the same night Jesus was born, three wise men were traveling on the
desert on their camels. On their way, they saw a bright star on the sky—a kind of star
that they had never seen before. The three wise have been waiting for the bright star
of Bethlehem to appear, and when they saw it, they were overjoyed.
King 1: The king has been born!
King 2: The long wait is over.
King 3: Come, let’s go follow the star and meet the king!
Narrator: The three wise men followed the star for days until they reached to where
Jesus is and found him in the manger. They were surprised to see the future king of
Jews lying in a barn.
King 1: We have come to see the king of Jews.
Narrator: They smiled at Mary and bowed down in the reverence to the new baby.
They have brought valuable gifts for the baby that are only given to kings.
King 2: Please accept our offerings to the future king.

Narrator: And this is the story of Mary and Joseph’s tough journey to Bethlehem and
of how Mary gave birth to his son Jesus in a barn. And so now, dear classmates, if
Joseph and Mary were to knock on your door tonight—ragged, weary, hungry
strangers knocking on your door, asking for a place to stay, would you open your door
or turn them away? ay?

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