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Tural Aliyev

1992: Adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), a multilateral treaty aimed at stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations to
prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
1995: The first Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Berlin, Germany, marking the
beginning of annual meetings for UNFCCC member countries to measure progress and
negotiate responses to climate change.
1997: Adoption of the Kyoto Protocol during COP3, outlining legally binding emission
reduction targets for developed countries, a significant step in global efforts to address
climate change. 2015: Adoption of the Paris Agreement during COP21, a landmark accord
that sets out international efforts to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius
above pre-industrial levels, with an aim to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to
1.5 degrees Celsius. 2023: The 28th COP held in Dubai, UAE, featuring the first Global
Stocktake where countries assessed progress towards Paris Agreement goals. COPs serve as
crucial platforms for global climate negotiations and have played a role in setting standards,
advancing action on carbon emissions, energy transition, and building resilience to climate

The COPs (Conferences of the Parties) are pivotal events where countries under the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) convene annually to assess
progress and negotiate coordinated responses to combat climate change. These gatherings
aim to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations and prevent detrimental human-induced
interference with the climate system. COPs play a crucial role in international climate
negotiations, establishing frameworks for landmark agreements like the Kyoto Protocol
(1997) and the Paris Agreement (2015). The UNFCCC, in force since 1994, serves as the
foundation for these discussions. COP28, held in Dubai at the end of 2023, carried particular
significance. It marked the inclusion of the first Global Stocktake, where states evaluated
progress toward Paris Agreement goals and outlined future actions. This assessment is
essential for tracking and adjusting strategies to address climate issues effectively. The
rotational hosting of COPs among the five UN regional groups ensures a diverse
representation of host countries. These conferences set global milestones, establishing
standards and promoting actions to reduce carbon emissions, facilitate a global energy
transition, and enhance countries' resilience to climate challenges. Overall, COPs are
instrumental in fostering international collaboration, bringing governments, the private sector,
civil society, industry, and individuals together to address the urgent climate crisis. COP28,
with its Global Stocktake, represents a crucial step in the ongoing effort to combat climate
change on a global scale.

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