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Option 1: The company switches from outsourcing employees to hiring more employees

directly through job sites like JobStreet.

Consequence: The company would have more control and authority over its employees
and subsequently over its brand. This decision is one that the company would have to
make as the business further develops, as such, it is one that the company would
eventually have to take.

Advantages Disadvantages

● The company would have more ● The company having to directly hire
control over their recruitment process its employees would be more costly
and; in turn, more control over their than sourcing them from an agency.
employees. ● This choice would require the
● The employees would have a higher company to conduct additional
long-term commitment during their training which could be costly.
stay in the company. ● The company would have to further
● The employees would be given more expand their HR department to create
opportunities to grow during their stay new systems that would be in place to
in the company. accommodate for this change.

Option 2: Develop comprehensive training programs that go beyond basic orientations.

These programs should be designed to provide all employees, regardless of recruitment
source, with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and understand
the company's values.

Consequence: Improving training programs at Kool PH could lead to enhanced employee

performance, fostering a more unified company culture and encouraging longer-term
commitment. Investing in skill development through training may create a positive work
experience, reducing turnover, and attracting quality talent to the company. Additionally, a
well-trained workforce at Kool PH would be better prepared to adapt to industry changes,
contributing to the company's resilience and competitiveness. Continuous assessment and
feedback mechanisms will be essential to ensure the ongoing success of these training
initiatives within the context of Kool PH.
Advantages Disadvantages

● Employees who receive extensive ● Ensuring consistency in training

training are more likely to feel valued across employees with different
and committed to their roles, recruitment sources may be difficult.
potentially reducing turnover and Tailoring programs to meet the needs
fostering longer-term dedication. of a diverse workforce could pose a
● Investing in training that emphasizes challenge.
company values ensures a more ● The benefits of comprehensive
cohesive company culture. This training may take time to manifest,
shared understanding contributes to a and immediate results may not be
positive work environment. apparent. Kool PH may need to
● A commitment to comprehensive manage expectations regarding the
training can enhance Kool PH's timeline for seeing the positive effects.
reputation as an employer of choice,
attracting top talent and improving the
overall perception of the company.

Option 3: Establish regular channels for feedback and communication to understand the
concerns and aspirations of both directly hired and outsourced employees. This can help
in tailoring retention strategies based on the specific needs of different employee

Consequence: Implementing regular feedback channels at Kool PH can positively impact

employee satisfaction by addressing concerns and tailoring retention strategies. However, it
may demand significant resources and pose challenges in managing diverse feedback
effectively. Successful execution has the potential to boost workplace morale, uncover areas for
improvement, and build a more positive company culture.

Advantages Disadvantages
● Understanding the specific needs of ● Managing feedback from both directly
both directly hired and outsourced hired and outsourced employees can
employees allows Kool PH to tailor be complex. The company may face
retention strategies. This challenges in prioritizing and
customization can improve employee addressing varied concerns across
engagement and commitment. different employee groups.
● By actively seeking and addressing ● Creating an effective feedback system
concerns, Kool PH demonstrates a requires careful planning and
commitment to employee well-being, execution. Kool PH may encounter
fostering a sense of loyalty and challenges in ensuring that the
connection among the workforce. feedback channels are accessible,
● Demonstrating a commitment to transparent, and genuinely
employee feedback and well-being responsive.
can positively impact Kool PH's ● As compared to improving training
reputation as an employer, making it programs, this course of action alone
more attractive to potential hires. may not be as effective in improving
the internal operations of Kool PH as
it takes time to address each concern
and provide feasible solutions for it.
Hence, this alternative must be paired
with another alternative for it to be
truly effective.

Recommended Course of Action

Out of the three courses of action, the most effective strategy would be ACA #2, which
focuses on developing comprehensive training programs that go beyond basic orientations to
provide all employees, regardless of the recruitment source, with the necessary skills and
knowledge to excel in their roles and understand the company's values, is the best course of
action for Kool PH.

Aforementioned, the main setback of the company was its employees and their
consistency in terms of performance. However, this ACA recommends that investing in training
that emphasizes company values plays a vital role in fostering a cohesive company culture. A
commitment to comprehensive training can enhance Kool PH's reputation as an employer of
choice. By offering training programs that enhance their personal development and company
values, Kool PH demonstrates a strong commitment to employee growth and development. It
can attract the best and brightest talent, leading to improved performance and innovation within
the organization. Additionally, employees who receive comprehensive training are more likely to
feel valued and committed to their roles. They require new skills, gain self- awareness, and
enhance their professional capabilities. In return, Kool PH’s turnover rate will get lower and
foster longer-term dedication to the company. This leads to improved communication, increased
productivity, and ultimately, developing stronger relationships between employees and the

In contrast, while ACA #1, focusing on direct hiring would provide Kool PH with greater
control over their recruitment process and long-term commitment from their employees, it affects
the company’s time and profit. Directly hiring them would require Kool PH to set up their own
hiring process, including the creation of job descriptions, screening candidates, and conducting
interviews. It would involve a significant amount of time and resources for the HR department to
establish and manage these systems. Into the bargain, sourcing employees from an agency
would likely result in more cost-effective recruitment and employee training processes. The
company would need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option before making
a decision specifically under the HR management.

Within the scope of ACA #3, Kool PH gains the advantage of conducting a
thorough evaluation of its organizational strengths and weaknesses. This strategy
facilitates the attraction of outsourced employees who demonstrate a willingness to
embrace the company's standards and commit to their roles. However, this approach
involves navigating the complexities in managing diverse feedback from various
sources and having to collect feedback and implement improvements take time to make
an impact upon the management and its outsourced employees proving that it
consumes more time to take effect in comparison to ACA #1.

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