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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter1 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) 27 g of Al will react completely with how much mass of O to produce Al O ?
2 2 3

A) 8g of oxygen B) 16g of oxygen C) 32g of oxygen D) 24g of oxygen

ii) How many isotopes are present in palladium:
A) Four B) Five C) Six D) Seven
iii) Which statement is not true?
A) isotopes with even B) isotopes with odd atomic C) isotopes with even D) isotopes with even
atomic masses are masses are atomic masses and even atomic masses and odd
comparatively abundant comparatively abundant atomic numbers are atomic numbers are
comparatively abundant comparatively abundant
iv) Which of the following will have the same number of molecules at STP:
A) 280cm of CO and
B) 11.2dm of O and 32 g C) 44 g of CO and
D) 28 g of N and 5.6dm 3

2 2 2 2

280cm of N O of O 11.2dm of CO of oxygen

3 3
2 2

v) Volume occupied by 1.4 g of N at S. T. P. is:


A) 2.24dm 3
B) 22.4dm 3
C) 1.12dm 3
D) 112.0cm 3

vi) The number of carbon atoms in 22.0 g of CO is:


A) 3.01 × 10 23
B) 6.02 × 10 23
C) 3.01 × 10 22
D) 6.02 × 10 22

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) Define molecular formula of a compound. How is it related with its empirical formula?
ii) Calculate mass in kg of 2.6 × 10 molecules of SO .

iii) One mg of K CrO has thrice the number of ions than the number of formula units when ionized in water.
2 4

iv) Give assumption of Stoichiometry.
v) 23 g of sodium and 39 g of potassium have equal number of atoms in them.

vi) Why theoretical yield is greater than actual yield?


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) What is stoichiometry? Give its assumptions. Mention two important laws, which help to perform the
stoichiometric calculations.
4) The combustion analysis of an organic compound shows it to contain 65.44% carbon, 5.50% hydrogen and
29.06% oxygen. What is the empirical formula of the compound? If the molecular mass of this compound is
110.15 gm mole , calculate the molecular formula of the compound?

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Name: _______________________

11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter1 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) In combustion analysis H O vapors are absorbed by:

A) M g(CCO ) 2 2 B) M g(CCO ) 3 C) M g(CCO )

2 4 2 D) 50%KOH
ii) Volume occupied by 1.4 g of N at S. T. P. is:

A) 2.24dm 3
B) 22.4dm 3
C) 1.12dm 3
D) 112.0cm 3

iii) 27 g of Al will react completely with how much mass of O to produce Al O ?

2 2 3

A) 8g of oxygen B) 16g of oxygen C) 32g of oxygen D) 24g of oxygen

iv) Which of the following will have the same number of molecules at STP:
A) 280cm of CO and
2 B) 11.2dm of O and 32 g C) 44 g of CO and
2 2 D) 28 g of N and 5.6dm

280cm of N O of O 11.2dm of CO of oxygen

3 3
2 2

v) The number of carbon atoms in 22.0 g of CO is: 2

A) 3.01 × 10 23
B) 6.02 × 10 23
C) 3.01 × 10 22
D) 6.02 × 10 22

vi) In the ground state of an atom, the electron is present:
A) In the nucleus B) In the second shell C) Nearest to the nucleus D) Farthest from the

m nucleus

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Calculate the number of moles of O atoms in 9.00 gram of M g(N O ) 3 2

ii) 23 g of sodium and 39 g of potassium have equal number of atoms in them.


iii) One mole of H SO should completely react with two moles of N aOH . How does Avogadro's number help
2 4

to explain it?

iv) Give assumption of Stoichiometry.


v) 4.9 g of H SO when completely ionized in water have equal number of positive and negative charges but
2 4

the number of positively charged ions are twice the number of negatively charged ions.
vi) Write down stoichiometric assumptions.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) N H gas can be prepared by heating together two solids N H Cl and Ca(OH ) . If a mixture containing 100
3 4 2

gm of each solid is heated then calculate the number of grams of N H produced. (At. mass of C = 12

g/mole, N = 14 gm/mole, H = 1 gm/mole, Ca = 40 gm/mole, Cl = 35.5 gm/mole, O = 16 gm/mole)

4) Calculate the number of grams of Al S which can be prepared by the reaction of 20g of Al and 30g of
2 3

Sulphur. How much the non-limiting reactant is in excess (Atomic masses: Al:27 S :32)

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter1 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) 27 g of Al will react completely with how much mass of O to produce Al O ?
2 2 3

A) 8g of oxygen B) 16g of oxygen C) 32g of oxygen D) 24g of oxygen

ii) The number of carbon atoms in 22.0 g of CO is: 2

A) 3.01 × 10 23
B) 6.02 × 10 23
C) 3.01 × 10 22
D) 6.02 × 10 22

iii) Tin has isotopes:

A) 7 B) 9 C) 11 D) 5
iv) In combustion analysis H O vapors are absorbed by:

A) M g(CCO ) 2 2 B) M g(CCO ) 3 2 C) M g(CCO ) 4 2 D) 50%KOH

v) Isotopes differ in:
A) Properties which depend B) Arrangement of C) Chemical properties D) The extent to which they
upon mass electrons in orbitals may be affected in

electromagnetic field.
vi) One a.m.u is equal to:

A) 1.661 × 10 kg
B) 1.661 × 10
kg C) 1.661 × 10
m −24
kg D) 1.661 × 10 −27

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Define molecular ion. How it is formed?
ii) Explain mathematical relationship for m / e of an ion in mass spectrometry.

iii) 23 g of sodium and 39 g of potassium have equal number of atoms in them.

iv) What are isotopes? Why they have same chemical but different physical properties?

v) How many molecules of water are there in 10g of ice?


vi) Write function of M g(ClO ) and KOH in combustion analysis.

4 2

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) The combustion analysis of an organic compound shows it to contain 65.44% carbon, 5.50% hydrogen and

29.06% oxygen. What is the empirical formula of the compound? If the molecular mass of this compound is
110.15 gm mole , calculate the molecular formula of the compound?

4) Write down the steps to calculate empirical formula.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter1 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Volume occupied by 1.4 g of N at S. T. P. is:

A) 2.24dm 3
B) 22.4dm 3
C) 1.12dm 3
D) 112.0cm 3

ii) One mole of SO contains:


A) 6.02 × 10 atoms of
B) 18.1 × 10 molecules C) 6.02 × 10 atoms of
23 23
D) 4 gram atoms of SO 2

oxygen of SO 2 sulphur
iii) The number of carbon atoms in 22.0 g of CO is: 2

A) 3.01 × 10 23
B) 6.02 × 10 23
C) 3.01 × 10 22
D) 6.02 × 10 22

iv) One a.m.u is equal to:

A) 1.661 × 10 kg 27
B) 1.661 × 10 kg −27
C) 1.661 × 10 kg −24
D) 1.661 × 10 −27
v) Which statement is not true?
A) isotopes with even B) isotopes with odd atomic C) isotopes with even D) isotopes with even

atomic masses are masses are atomic masses and even atomic masses and odd
comparatively abundant comparatively abundant atomic numbers are atomic numbers are

comparatively abundant comparatively abundant
vi) The number of moles of CO which contains 8.0 g oxygen:

A) 0.25 B) 0.5 C) 0.75 D) 1


Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) One mg of K CrO has thrice the number of ions than the number of formula units when ionized in water.
2 4


ii) A compound may have same empirical as well as molecular formula. Justify.

iii) Why theoretical yield is greater than actual yield?

iv) What are isotopes? Why they have same chemical but different physical properties?
v) No individual neon atom in the sample of the element has a mass of 20.18 amu.

vi) Why we calculate percentage yield?


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Define limiting reactant. How it is helpful to control the chemical reaction?
4) N H gas can be prepared by heating together two solids N H Cl and Ca(OH ) . If a mixture containing 100
3 4 2

gm of each solid is heated then calculate the number of grams of N H produced. (At. mass of C = 12

g/mole, N = 14 gm/mole, H = 1 gm/mole, Ca = 40 gm/mole, Cl = 35.5 gm/mole, O = 16 gm/mole)

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter2 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The substance used for decolourization of undesirable colour in a crystalline substance is:
2 4 B) Silica gel C) N aN O 3 D) Animal charcoal
ii) The comparative rates at which solutes move in paper chromatography depend on:
A) The size of paper B) R value
f C) Tank D) Temperature
iii) The drying agent used in a desiccator is:
A) AgCl B) N H Cl
4 C) CaCl 2 D) AlCl 3

iv) In solvent extraction the law applied is

A) Law of mass action B) Distribution law C) Coulomb's law D) Boyle's law
v) Which is not used as drying agent in vacuum desiccator is:
A) P O
2 5 B) CaCO 2 C) M gCl 2 D) Silica Gel
vi) The rate of filtration can be increased by using:

A) Fluted filter paper B) Desiccator C) Suction flask D) Chromatographic tank

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) What is solvent extraction?
ii) Media which are used for filtration should be selected on the basis of precipitates. Explain.
iii) Write four properties of a good solvent.
iv) Write main uses of chromatography.

v) Differentiate between adsorption and partition chromatography.

vi) What is difference between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter2 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The substance used for decolourization of undesirable colour in a crystalline substance is:
2 4 B) Silica gel C) N aN O 3 D) Animal charcoal
ii) Which is not used as drying agent in vacuum desiccator is:
A) P O
2 5 B) CaCO 2 C) M gCl 2 D) Silica Gel
iii) The drying agent used in a desiccator is:
A) AgCl B) N H Cl
4 C) CaCl 2 D) AlCl 3

iv) Which one of the following substance is used as decolourizing agent?

A) Silica Gel B) Conc. H SO 2 4 C) Animal charcoal D) Asbestos
v) The comparative rates at which solutes move in paper chromatography depend on:
A) The size of paper B) R value
f C) Tank D) Temperature
vi) The rate of filtration can be increased by using:

A) Fluted filter paper B) Desiccator C) Suction flask D) Chromatographic tank

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Write down the name of Eight solvent used in crystallization.
ii) Media which are used for filtration should be selected on the basis of precipitates. Explain.
iii) What is difference between qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis?
iv) Give the importance of sublimation.

v) Write main uses of chromatography.

vi) Write names of major steps involved in crystallization.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter2 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) In solvent extraction the law applied is
A) Law of mass action B) Distribution law C) Coulomb's law D) Boyle's law
ii) Solvent extraction method is particularly useful technique for separation, when the product to be separated
A) Non-volatile or thermally B) Volatile or thermally C) Non-volatile or thermally D) Volatile or thermally
unstable stable stable unstable
iii) The substance used for decolourization of undesirable colour in a crystalline substance is:
2 4 B) Silica gel C) N aN O 3 D) Animal charcoal
iv) Which is not used as drying agent in vacuum desiccator is:
A) P O
2 5 B) CaCO 2 C) M gCl2 D) Silica Gel
v) The comparative rates at which solutes move in paper chromatography depend on:

A) The size of paper B) R value
f C) Tank D) Temperature
vi) Which one of the following substance is used as decolourizing agent?

A) Silica Gel B) Conc. H SO 2 4 C) Animal charcoal
m D) Asbestos

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Differentiate between adsorption and partition chromatography.
ii) What is sublimation? Give one example of sublime solid.

iii) Give the importance of sublimation.

iv) In solvent extraction technique, repeated extraction using small portions of solvent are more efficient than

using a single extraction, but larger volume of solvent, Comment.


v) What do you know about Gooch crucible and Sintered glass crucible?
vi) Why is there a need to crystallize the crude product?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter2 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The rate of filtration can be increased by using:
A) Fluted filter paper B) Desiccator C) Suction flask D) Chromatographic tank
ii) The drying agent used in a desiccator is:
A) AgCl B) N H Cl
4 C) CaCl 2 D) AlCl 3

iii) Solvent extraction is a process:

A) Exothermic B) Endothermic C) Equilibrium D) Non-equilibrium
iv) Which one of the following substance is used as decolourizing agent?
A) Silica Gel B) Conc. H SO 2 4 C) Animal charcoal D) Asbestos
v) I dissolves in water in the presence of KI due to the formation of:

A) −I 2 B) I C) −I3 D) I 4

vi) Which is not used as drying agent in vacuum desiccator is:

A) P O
2 5 B) CaCO 2 C) M gCl 2 D) Silica Gel

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) The desiccator is a safe and reliable method for drying the crystals. Explain.
ii) Write four properties of a good solvent.
iii) Give the importance of sublimation.
iv) What is sublimation? Give one example of sublime solid.

v) In solvent extraction technique, repeated extraction using small portions of solvent are more efficient than
using a single extraction, but larger volume of solvent, Comment.

vi) Define sublimand and sublimate.


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter3 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) One calorie is equal to
A) 4.184 J B) 0.4184 J C) 41.84 J D) 418.4 J
ii) If "a" and "b" are zero for certain gas then gas is:

A) Ideal B) Real C) Non - ideal D) May be any diatomic gas

iii) Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 25 C . The fraction of total pressure

exerted by oxygen is:

A) 1/3 B) 8/9 C) 1/9 D) 16 / 17
iv) The molar volume of CO is maximum at:

A) S.T.P B) 127 C and 1 atm

C) 0 C and 2 atm

D) 273 C and 2 atm

v) The partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs is:

A) 760 torr B) 670 torr C) 159 torr D) 116 torr

vi) Number of molecules in one dm of water is close to

A) 6.02

× 10
B) 18
× 10
C) 12.04
× 10
D) 55.6 × 6.02 × 10 23

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: .c 10 Marks
i) State Avogadro's law of gases. Give two examples.
ii) Prove that P = P tX
i 1

iii) Write down the values of atmospheric pressure in four different units.

iv) SO is non-ideal at 273 K but behaves like an ideal gas at 327 C . Justify the statement.

v) Pressure of N H gas at given condition is less as calculated by Van der Waals equation than that calculated

by general gas equation.


vi) Calculate fraction of total pressure exerted by oxygen when equal masses of CH and O are mixed in an
4 2

empty container at 25 C .∘

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Give the four applications of Dalton's law of partial pressure.

4) What is vapour pressure of liquid? Also discuss its measurement by manometric method

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter3 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Which gas will diffuse more rapidly:
A) H O
2 B) CO
2 C) N H3 D) SO 2

ii) One calorie is equal to

A) 4.184 J B) 0.4184 J C) 41.84 J D) 418.4 J
iii) Normal human body temperature is:
A) 37 C

B) 98.6 C

C) 37 F

D) 273 K
iv) The deviation of a gas from ideal behaviour is maximum at:
A) -10 C and 5.0 atm

B) -10 C and 2.0 atm

C) 100 C and 2.0 atm

D) 0 C and 2.0 atm

v) Pressure remaining constant, at which temperature the volume of a gas will become twice of what it is at 0∘

A) 546 K B) 273 K C) 546 C
∘ .
D) 200 C ∘

vi) If the boiling point of water is 110 C the external pressure should be:

A) 765 torr B) Between 200 torr and C) Between 760 torr and D) Any value of pressure

760 torr m 1200 torr

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Calculate fraction of total pressure exerted by oxygen when equal masses of CH and O are mixed in an
4 2

empty container at 25 C .


ii) Give four fundamental postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases. Give two applications of plasma.
iii) Write down the values of atmospheric pressure in four different units.

iv) State Avogadro's law of gases. Give two examples.


v) Write down properties of solids.

vi) Explain Boyle's law according to kinetic molecular theory of gases.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) State and explain Graham's Law of diffusion of gases

4) 250cm of a sample of hydrogen effuses four times as rapidly as 250cm of an unknown gas. Calculate the
3 3

molar mass of unknown gas.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter3 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) One calorie is equal to
A) 4.184 J B) 0.4184 J C) 41.84 J D) 418.4 J
ii) If the boiling point of water is 110 C the external pressure should be:

A) 765 torr B) Between 200 torr and C) Between 760 torr and D) Any value of pressure
760 torr 1200 torr
iii) If "a" and "b" are zero for certain gas then gas is:

A) Ideal B) Real C) Non - ideal D) May be any diatomic gas

iv) A real gas obeying Vander Waal's equation will resemble ideal gas if:
A) Both 'a' and 'b' are large B) Both 'a' and 'b' are small C) a' is small and 'b' is large D) a' is large and 'b' is small
v) Normal human body temperature is:
A) 37 C

B) 98.6 C

C) 37 F ∘
D) 273 K

vi) The molar volume of CO is maximum at:

A) S.T.P B) 127 C and 1 atm

C) 0 C and 2 atm

D) 273 C and 2 atm

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: .c 10 Marks
i) Explain the term enthalpy of atomization.
ii) Water vapors do not behave ideally at 273 K.
iii) Why lighter gases diffuse more rapidly than heavier gases?

iv) Prove that P = P tX

i 1

v) Write down the values of atmospheric pressure in four different units.


vi) Write down properties of solids.


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) State Dalton's law of partial pressure, also give its three applications

4) State and explain Graham's Law of diffusion of gases


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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter3 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Normal human body temperature is:
A) 37 C∘
B) 98.6 C ∘
C) 37 F ∘
D) 273 K
ii) Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 25 C . The fraction of total pressure

exerted by oxygen is:

A) 1/3 B) 8/9 C) 1/9 D) 16 / 17
iii) Escape out of gas molecules one by one through tiny hole is:
A) Diffusion B) Effusion C) Osmosis D) All of these
iv) Which gas will diffuse more rapidly:
A) H O 2 B) CO 2 C) N H 3 D) SO 2

v) Number of molecules in one dm of water is close to


A) 6.02
× 10
B) 18
× 10
C) 12.04
× 10
D) 55.6 × 6.02 × 10 23

22.4 22.4 22.4

vi) The deviation of a gas from ideal behaviour is maximum at:

A) -10 C and 5.0 atm

B) -10 C and 2.0 atm

C) 100 C and 2.0 atm

D) 0 C and 2.0 atm

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: .c 10 Marks
i) Some of the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases are faulty. Justify.
ii) Write down the values of atmospheric pressure in four different units.

iii) Give four fundamental postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases. Give two applications of plasma.

iv) What do you mean by critical temperature of gases?

v) Hydrogen and Helium are ideal at room temperature but SO and CP are non-ideal. Explain.

2 2

vi) State Avogadro's law of gases. Give two examples.


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) One mole of methane gas is maintained at 300 K, its volume is 250 cm , calculate the pressure exerted by the

gas when it is non-ideal.


4) 250cm of a sample of hydrogen effuses four times as rapidly as 250cm of an unknown gas. Calculate the
3 3

molar mass of unknown gas.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) At what external pressure the boiling point of water will be 110 C:

A) Any value of pressure B) 765 torr C) Between 200 torr and D) Between 760 torr and
760 torr 1200 torr
ii) The example of hexagonal system is:
A) Sulphur B) N aCl C) Graphite D) Diamond
iii) The exothermic process is:
A) Evaporation B) Sublimation C) Respiration D) Boiling
iv) Acetone and Chloroform are soluble in each other due to:
A) Intermolecular hydrogen B) Ion-dipole interaction C) Instantaneous dipole D) All of these
v) Ionic solids are characterized by:

A) Low melting points B) Good conductivity in C) High vapor pressures D) Solubility in polar
solid state solvents

vi) Water may boil at 120 C when external pressure is:

A) 369 torr B) 700 torr C) 760 torr D) 1489 torr

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Evaporation causes cooling. Justify it.

ii) The vapour pressure of diethyl ether is higher than that of water at same temperature. Give reason.
iii) Why boiling point of H O is greater than H F ?

iv) Why ionic crystals are highly brittle?


v) Define lattice energy with an example

vi) Write a brief note on solubility of hydrogen bonded molecules.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Explain hydrogen bonding in NH , H O and H F , how it is . helpful in explaining the structure of ice.
3 2

4) What is H-Bonding? Discuss H-Bonding in biological compounds.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter4 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The example of hexagonal system is:
A) Sulphur B) N aCl C) Graphite D) Diamond
ii) Glycerine decomposes at its:
A) Melting point B) Boiling point C) Freezing point D) Critical point
iii) Which of the following is a pseudo-solid:
A) NaBr B) Glass C) AgN O 3 D) Naphthalein
iv) Liquid hydrocarbon is:
A) Methane B) Propane C) Ethane D) Hexane
v) Dry Ice (Solid CO ) is an example of solid:

A) Covalent B) Molecular C) Ionic D) Metallic

vi) London dispersion forces are the only forces present among the

A) molecules of water in B) atoms of helium in C) molecules of solid iodine D) molecules of hydrogen
liquid state gaseous state at high chloride gas

temperature m
Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Transition temperature is the term used for elements as well as compounds. Explain.
ii) Evaporation causes cooling. Justify it.

iii) Iodine dissolves readily in carbon tetrachloride. Why?

iv) How the liquid crystals help in the detection of the blockage in veins and arteries?

v) Why ice floats over the surface of water?


vi) Define molar heat of fusion and molar heat of vaporization.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Explain hydrogen bonding in NH , H O and H F , how it is . helpful in explaining the structure of ice.
3 2

4) Write brief note on: (i) Anisotropy. (ii) Polymorphism.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter4 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The exothermic process is:
A) Evaporation B) Sublimation C) Respiration D) Boiling
ii) At what external pressure the boiling point of water will be 110 C:

A) Any value of pressure B) 765 torr C) Between 200 torr and D) Between 760 torr and
760 torr 1200 torr
iii) Water may boil at 120 C when external pressure is:

A) 369 torr B) 700 torr C) 760 torr D) 1489 torr

iv) Glycerine decomposes at its:
A) Melting point B) Boiling point C) Freezing point D) Critical point
v) Acetone and Chloroform are soluble in each other due to:
A) Intermolecular hydrogen B) Ion-dipole interaction C) Instantaneous dipole D) All of these

vi) In dry ice CO molecules form:

A) Ionic crystals B) Covalent crystals C) Molecular crystals
m D) Any type of crystals

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Why vapor pressure increases with temperature?
ii) Write a brief note on solubility of hydrogen bonded molecules.

iii) Why one feels sense of cooling under the fan after bath?
iv) Explain why ionic solids are brittle.

v) Write down two applications of liquid crystals.


vi) Iodine dissolves readily in carbon tetrachloride. Why?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) What is H-Bonding? Discuss H-Bonding in biological compounds.


4) What are molecular solids? Give examples and explain their properties.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter4 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The exothermic process is:
A) Evaporation B) Sublimation C) Respiration D) Boiling
ii) Dry Ice (Solid CO ) is an example of solid:

A) Covalent B) Molecular C) Ionic D) Metallic

iii) London dispersion forces are the only forces present among the
A) molecules of water in B) atoms of helium in C) molecules of solid iodine D) molecules of hydrogen
liquid state gaseous state at high chloride gas
iv) The example of hexagonal system is:
A) Sulphur B) N aCl C) Graphite D) Diamond
v) Ionic solids are characterized by:

A) Low melting points B) Good conductivity in C) High vapor pressures D) Solubility in polar
solid state solvents

vi) In dry ice CO molecules form:

A) Ionic crystals B) Covalent crystals C) Molecular crystals D) Any type of crystals

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Iodine dissolves readily in carbon tetrachloride. Why?

ii) Define molar heat of fusion and molar heat of vaporization.

iii) Explain why ionic solids are brittle.

iv) Define isomorphism and polymorphism with example.


v) Sodium is a good conductor of electricity but NaCl is not. Give reason.

vi) Water and ethanol can mix is all proportions, give reason.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Give eight postulates of the KMT (Kinetic Molecular Theory)

4) Define liquid crystals and give their three uses in daily life.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter5 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Splitting of spectral lines of the hydrogen atom under the influence of magnetic field is called:
A) Stark effect B) Zeeman effect C) Compton effect D) Photoelectric effect
ii) Orbitals having same energy are called:
A) Hybrid orbitals B) Valence orbitals C) Degenerate orbitals D) d-orbitals
iii) The
value for the positive rays is maximum for:
A) Hydrogen B) Helium C) Oxygen D) Nitrogen
iv) Quantum number value for 2p orbitals are:
A) n = 2, l = 1 B) n = 1, l = 2 C) n = 1, l = 0 D) n = 2, l = 0
v) Maximum no. of electrons in an orbital is:
A) 6 B) 10 C) 14 D) 2
vi) The nature of positive rays depends on

A) the nature of electrode B) the nature of discharge C) the nature of residual D) the temperature

tube gas

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: .c 10 Marks
i) What is the difference between continuous spectrum and line spectrum?
ii) Energy of an electron is inversely proportional to 'n2' but energies of higher orbits are always greater than

those of the lower orbits. Justify it.


iii) Why it is necessary to decrease the pressure in discharge tube to get the cathode rays?
iv) Give the electronic configuration of Cr.


v) State Pauli Exclusion Principle and Hund's rule.


vi) How the K-series, L-series and M-series of x-rays spectrum are produced?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Explain paramagnetic behaviour of O on the basis of (molecular orbital theory) MOT and prove that MOT is

superior to other theories.

4) Write down the properties of cathode rays.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter5 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Orbitals having same energy are called:
A) Hybrid orbitals B) Valence orbitals C) Degenerate orbitals D) d-orbitals
ii) Bohr model of atom is contradicted by:
A) Plank's quantum theory B) Dual nature of matter C) Heisenberg's uncertainty D) All of these
iii) The wave number of the light emitted by a certain is 2 x10 m . The wavelength of this light will be:
6 −1

A) 500 nm B) 500 m C) 200 nm D) 5x10 m


iv) The mass of two moles of electrons is:

A) 1.10 mg B) 1.008 mg C) 0.184 mg D) 1.673 mg
v) The e

value for the positive rays is maximum for:
A) Hydrogen B) Helium C) Oxygen D) Nitrogen

vi) When 6 d orbital is complete, the entering electron goes to:
A) 7 f B) 7 s C) 7p D) 7 d

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: .c 10 Marks
i) What is Hund's rule?

ii) How do you come to know that velocities of electrons in higher orbits are less than those in lower orbits of
hydrogen atom?

iii) N and CO has the same number of electrons, protons and neutrons. Justify it.

iv) Justify that the distance gaps between different orbitals go on increasing from the lower to higher orbits.

v) Calculate mass of an electron when e

= 1.758 × 10
C kg

vi) What is the difference between continuous spectrum and line spectrum?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Give the defects of Bohr's atomic model.


4) Write down Millikan's oil drop method for the measurement of charge of an electron.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter5 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Maximum no. of electrons in an orbital is:
A) 6 B) 10 C) 14 D) 2
ii) The value for the positive rays is maximum for:

A) Hydrogen B) Helium C) Oxygen D) Nitrogen

iii) Neutron was discovered by:
A) Chadwick B) C.D. Anderson C) Rutherford D) Goldstein
iv) The mass of two moles of electrons is:
A) 1.10 mg B) 1.008 mg C) 0.184 mg D) 1.673 mg
v) Bohr model of atom is contradicted by:
A) Plank's quantum theory B) Dual nature of matter C) Heisenberg's uncertainty D) All of these

vi) 66

Cu →

Zn + X where X is:

A) Proton B) Positron C) Electron D) Neutron

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: .c 10 Marks
i) Write names of spectral series of hydrogen spectrum.
ii) Define Pauli's Exclusion Principle with an example.

iii) State spin quantum number (s) briefly.


iv) Define: (i) Pauli-exclusion principle (ii) Wavelength

v) State Pauli Exclusion Principle and Hund's rule.

vi) State the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and give its mathematical form.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Explain paramagnetic behaviour of O on the basis of (molecular orbital theory) MOT and prove that MOT is

superior to other theories.


4) Define quantum numbers. Discuss briefly Azimuthal quantum number.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter5 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Bohr model of atom is contradicted by:
A) Plank's quantum theory B) Dual nature of matter C) Heisenberg's uncertainty D) All of these
ii) When 6 d orbital is complete, the entering electron goes to:
A) 7 f B) 7 s C) 7p D) 7 d
iii) Cu → Zn + X where X is:



A) Proton B) Positron C) Electron D) Neutron

iv) Mass of electron is:
A) 9.1095 × 10 kg 31
B) 9.1095 × 10 kg
C) 9.1095 × 10 kg 27
D) 9.1095 × 10 g −31

v) Maximum no. of electrons in an orbital is:

A) 6 B) 10 C) 14 D) 2

vi) The wave number of the light emitted by a certain is 2 x10 m . The wavelength of this light will be:
6 −1

A) 500 nm B) 500 m C) 200 nm D) 5x10 m 7

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: .c 10 Marks
i) Write down the electronic configuration of Fe (26) and Br (35).
ii) Why value for the cathode rays is just equal to that of electron?

iii) State the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and give its mathematical form.

iv) What is orbital? Draw the shape of P orbital. Differentiate between molarity and molality.
v) Write the two drawbacks of Rutherford's model of, atoms.

vi) Give any two properties of neutrons.


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Derive the formula for calculating the energy of an electron in "nth" orbit using Bohr's Model.
4) Give the defects of Bohr's atomic model.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter6 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The hybridization of carbon in C H is:
2 4

A) SP3
B) SP2
C) SP D) dSP 3

ii) Which of the hydrogen halides has the highest percentage of ionic character?
A) H F B) H Cl C) H Br D) H I
iii) The geometry of ethane is:
A) Trigonal planar B) Linear C) V-shaped D) Tetrahedral
iv) Bond formed by mutual sharing of electrons is called:
A) Ionic bond B) Covalent bond C) Co-ordinate covalent D) All of these
v) CsF has ___% ionic character:
A) 60 B) 80 C) 92 D) 100

vi) Formation of chemical bond takes place when.
A) Energy is absorbed B) Forces of repulsion C) Forces of attraction are D) Forces of attraction

overcome forces of equal to forces of overcome forces of
attraction. repulsion. repulsion.
Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Define bond order. Calculate bond order of hydrogen molecule.

ii) What is octet rule? Give two examples of compounds which deviate from it.
iii) How a coordinate covalent bond differs from covalent bond?

iv) Why the ionic radius of Cr - ion increases from 99 pm to 181 pm?

v) Why is the radius of a cation smaller than its parent atom?

vi) Define ionic bond with an example.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Explain structure of CH on the basis of hybridization theory.


4) Write the main points of valence shell electron pair repulsion theory and explain the structure of ammonia
on the basis of this theory.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter6 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The number of bonds in nitrogen molecule is:
A) One sigma and one pi B) One sigma and two pi C) Three sigma only D) Two sigma and one pi
ii) Which of the hydrogen halides has the highest percentage of ionic character?
A) H F B) H Cl C) H Br D) H I
iii) Which of the following species has unpaired electrons in anti-bonding molecular orbitals:
A) O2+

B) N 2−

C) B2 D) F2

iv) The geometry of ethane is:

A) Trigonal planar B) Linear C) V-shaped D) Tetrahedral
v) Which of the following has highest bond energy:
A) H I B) H Br C) H Cl D) H F
vi) Total number of bonds in C H molecule are:

2 4

A) Six B) Four C) Five D) Eight

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) The bond angles of F l O and N H are not 109.5 like that of CH . Although O-atom and N-atom are SP
∘ 3
2 3 4

hybridized like C-in CH . Give reason.

ii) How does ionization energy vary in periodic table?
iii) pi-bonds are more diffused than sigma-bonds. Give reason.

iv) State the geometry of N H molecule on the basis of VSEPR theory.


v) Helium is diamagnetic in nature, justify.


vi) Differentiate between atomic orbital and molecular orbital.


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Explain important points of molecular, orbital theory and draw structure of nitrogen (N ) molecule according

to this theory

4) Explain the molecular orbital structures of following molecules on the basis of the MOT: (i) N (Nitrogen) (ii)

O (oxygen)

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter6 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The SI unit of dipole moment is:
A) Joule B) Debye C) Coulometer D) N . m −2

ii) Which of the following species has unpaired electrons in anti-bonding molecular orbitals:
A) O2+

B) N 2−

C) B 2 D) F2

iii) Which of the following has highest bond energy:

A) H I B) H Br C) H Cl D) H F
iv) CsF has ___% ionic character:
A) 60 B) 80 C) 92 D) 100
v) Total number of bonds in C H molecule are:
2 4

A) Six B) Four C) Five D) Eight

vi) Which of the following molecule, has zero dipole moment:

A) N H 3 B) CH Cl 3 C) H O 2 D) BF 3

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Define ionization energy and write its variation in the periodic table.
ii) pi-bonds are more diffused than sigma-bonds. Give reason.
iii) The distinction between a coordinate covalent bond and a covalent bond vanishes after bond formation in
H .H O and CH . N H . Justify.


4 3 3 3

iv) How does ionization energy vary in periodic table?

v) Why the abnormality of bond length and bond strength in H I is less prominent than that of H Cl?

vi) How the nature of a chemical bond is predicted with the help of electronegativity values of two bonded


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Explain structure of CH on the basis of hybridization theory.


4) Explain the molecular orbital structures of following molecules on the basis of the MOT: (i) N (Nitrogen) (ii)

O (oxygen)

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter6 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Which of the following has highest bond energy:
A) H I B) H Br C) H Cl D) H F
ii) An ionic compound A+B is most likely to be formed when.
A) The ionization energy of B) The ionization energy of C) both the ionization D) both the ionization
A is high and electron A is low and electron energy of A and electron energy of A and electron
affinity of B is low affinity of B is high affinity of B are high affinity of B are low
iii) The number of bonds in nitrogen molecule is:
A) One sigma and one pi B) One sigma and two pi C) Three sigma only D) Two sigma and one pi
iv) Which of the following species has unpaired electrons in anti-bonding molecular orbitals:
A) O2+

B) N 2−

C) B 2 D) F 2

v) Total number of bonds in C H molecule are:

2 4

A) Six B) Four C) Five D) Eight

vi) The number of bonds in oxygen molecule is:

A) One sigma and one pi B) One sigma and two pi C) Three sigma only
m D) Two sigma only

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Why the abnormality of bond length and bond strength in H I is less prominent than that of H Cl?
ii) Define ionization energy. Give two factors on which it depends.

iii) Define electro negativity. Give its trend in the periodic table.
iv) Define ionic bond with an example.

v) Define co-ordinate covalent bond and give an example.


vi) Why ionic crystals do not conduct electricity in the solid state?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Explain the molecular orbital structures of following molecules on the basis of the MOT: (i) N (Nitrogen) (ii)

O (oxygen)

4) Explain important points of molecular, orbital theory and draw structure of nitrogen (N ) molecule according

to this theory

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter7 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) For a given process the heat changes at constant pressure (q ) and at constant volume (q ) are related to each
p v

other as
A) q = q
p v B) q < q
p v C) q < q
p v D) q < q
p v

ii) If an endothermic reaction is allowed to take place very rapidly in the air, the temperature of the surrounding
A) Remain constant B) Increases C) Decreases D) Remain unchanged
iii) The change in heat energy of a chemical reaction at constant temperature and pressure is called:
A) Enthalpy change B) Bond energy C) Heat of sublimation D) Internal energy
iv) Which is not a state function:
A) Energy B) Heat C) Temperature D) Volume
v) q = q

p v
A) q < q
p v B) q > q
p v C) q =p
D) none of these

vi) The net heat change in a chemical reaction is same, whether it is brought about in two or more different ways
in one or several steps. It is known as:
A) Henry's law B) Joule's principle C) Hess's law .c D) Law of conservation of
l lu

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) Describe system and surrounding.

ii) Explain the term enthalpy.

iii) Define heat of neutralization with an example.


iv) Is it true that AH and AF have the same values for the reaction taking place in the solution state? Explain.
v) What is thermo chemical equation? Give two examples.
vi) When 2.00 moles of H and 1.00 mole of O at 100 C and 1 torr pressure react to produce 2.00 moles of


2 2

gaseous water, 484.5 KJ of energy is evolved'? What are the values of (i) ΔH (ii) ΔE for the production of

one mole of H O ? 2 (g)

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Define enthalpy and prove that q = ΔH p

4) State first law of thermodynamics. Prove that: ΔE = q v

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter7 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) q = q
p v
A) q < q
p v B) q > q p v C) q = p
D) none of these
ii) The net heat change in a chemical reaction is same, whether it is brought about in two or more different ways
in one or several steps. It is known as:
A) Henry's law B) Joule's principle C) Hess's law D) Law of conservation of
iii) For a given process the heat changes at constant pressure (q ) and at constant volume (q ) are related to each
p v

other as
A) q = q
p v B) q < q
p v C) q < q
p v D) q < q
p v

iv) For the reaction N aOH + H Cl → N aCl + H O, the change in enthalpy is called:

A) Heat of reaction B) Heat of formation C) Heat of neutralization D) Heat of combustion

v) In endothermic reaction ΔH is taken as:

A) Positive B) Negative C) Zero D) May be any value

vi) If an endothermic reaction is allowed to take place very rapidly in the air, the temperature of the surrounding
A) Remain constant B) Increases C) Decreases D) Remain unchanged
l lu

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) Describe system and surrounding.

ii) State the Hess's law of constant heat summation.

iii) Define heat of neutralization with an example.


iv) Define Hess's law of constant heat summation with one example.
v) State Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and give its mathematical expression.
vi) What are thermos-chemical reaction, give their types?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Define enthalpy and prove that q = ΔH

4) Define and explain Hess's law and give its applications.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter7 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The net heat change in a chemical reaction is same, whether it is brought about in two or more different ways
in one or several steps. It is known as:
A) Henry's law B) Joule's principle C) Hess's law D) Law of conservation of
ii) For the reaction N aOH + H Cl → N aCl + H O, the change in enthalpy is called:

A) Heat of reaction B) Heat of formation C) Heat of neutralization D) Heat of combustion

iii) For a given process the heat changes at constant pressure (q ) and at constant volume (q ) are related to each
p v

other as
A) q = q
p v pB) q < q
v C) q < q
p v D) q < q
p v

iv) The change in heat energy of a chemical reaction at constant temperature and pressure is called:
A) Enthalpy change B) Bond energy C) Heat of sublimation D) Internal energy

v) If an endothermic reaction is allowed to take place very rapidly in the air, the temperature of the surrounding

A) Remain constant B) Increases C) Decreases D) Remain unchanged
vi) Which is not a state function:
A) Energy B) Heat C) Temperature D) Volume

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) Define heat of neutralization with an example.

ii) Define enthalpy of atomization and give an example.

iii) Define the term state function, give two examples.


iv) Draw labeled diagram of Bomb Calorimeter.

v) Is it true that AH and AF have the same values for the reaction taking place in the solution state? Explain.
vi) State the Hess's law of constant heat summation.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Define enthalpy of reaction. How is it measured by glass calorimeter?
4) If 10.16g of graphite is burnt in a bomb calorimeter and the temperature rise recorded is 3.87 K, calculate
enthalpy of combustion of graphite? Specific heat capacity of calorimeter (bomb, water , etc.) is 86.02 KJ
mole K
−1 −1

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter7 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The net heat change in a chemical reaction is same, whether it is brought about in two or more different ways
in one or several steps. It is known as:
A) Henry's law B) Joule's principle C) Hess's law D) Law of conservation of
ii) If an endothermic reaction is allowed to take place very rapidly in the air, the temperature of the surrounding
A) Remain constant B) Increases C) Decreases D) Remain unchanged
iii) For the reaction N aOH + H Cl → N aCl + H O, the change in enthalpy is called:

A) Heat of reaction B) Heat of formation C) Heat of neutralization D) Heat of combustion

iv) q = q
p v
A) q < q B) q > q C) q = D) none of these

p v p v p

v) Which is not a state function:

A) Energy B) Heat C) Temperature D) Volume
vi) In endothermic reaction ΔH is taken as:
A) Positive B) Negative C) Zero .c D) May be any value
Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) What is internal energy of a system?


ii) Define enthalpy of atomization and give an example.

iii) State Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and give its mathematical expression.

iv) What is state function? Give two examples.


v) What is a thermochemical equation? What information does it convey? Explain with an example.
vi) What is thermo chemical equation? Give two examples.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) State and explain Hess's law of constant heat summation with an example.
4) Define enthalpy and prove that q = ΔH

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter8 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) When H Cl is added to H S aqueous solution its ionization

A) Increases B) Decreases C) Remains constant D) First increases then

ii) Which statement about the following equilibrium is correct:
2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2SO3 (g) ΔH = −188.3k J mol

A) The value of Kp falls B) The value of Kp falls C) Adding V O catalyst D) The value of K is equal
2 5 P

with a rise in with increasing pressure increase the equilibrium to K C

temperature yield of sulphur trioxide

iii) An excess of aqueous AgN O is added to aqueous BaCl solution. The precipitate is removed off. The
3 2

filtrate contains:
A) Ag and N O ions
+ −1
B) Ag , Ba and N O +
C) Ba and N O only
D) Ba , N O and Cl ions
+2 +2 −

3 3 3 3


iv) The solubility product of AgCl is 2.0 × 10 mole dm . The maximum concentration of Ag ions in the
−10 2 −6 +

solution is:
A) 2.0 × 10 −10
B) 1.4 × 10 mole dm
C) 1.0 × 10
−5 −3
D) 4.0 × 10 mole dm
−10 −3 −20 −3
mole dm mole dm
v) The term pH was introduced by:
A) Henderson B) Sorenson C) Goldstein D) Thomson

vi) The relationship between k and k is given by:


p c

A) K = K (P )
c p
B) K = K ( ) c C) K = K (RT )
P Δn
D) K = K (RT )
p c
p c

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) State Le-Chatelier's principle and discuss the effect of change in concentration of a product on reversible
ii) What is common ion effect? Give an example.

iii) Write two applications of equilibrium constant.


iv) Why change of volume disturbs the equilibrium position for some of the gaseous phase reactions but not the
equilibrium constant?
v) What is Pk and Pk ?
a b

vi) Why aqueous solution of CH COON a is basic in nature?


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Write a note on synthesis of ammonia gas by Haber's Process 'keeping in mind the applications of chemical
equilibrium in industry.
4) What is the percentage ionization of acetic acid in a solution in which 0.1 moles of it has been dissolved per
dm of the solution?

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter8 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) When 50% reactants in a reversible reaction are converted into a product, the value of equilibrium constant K
C is:
A) 2 B) 1 C) 3 D) 4
ii) The solubility product of AgCl is 2.0 × 10 mole dm . The maximum concentration of Ag ions in the
−10 2 −6 +

solution is:
A) 2.0 × 10 −10
mole dm B) 1.4 × 10 mole dm
−3 −5 −3
C) 1.0 × 10 −10
mole dm D) 4.0 × 10 mole dm
−3 −20 −3

iii) The term pH was introduced by:

A) Henderson B) Sorenson C) Goldstein D) Thomson
iv) Ionic product of water (Kw) increases when temperature increases form 0 C to 100 C.∘ ∘

A) 25 times B) 75 times C) 55 times D) 65 times

v) Which statement about the following equilibrium is correct:

2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2SO3 (g) ΔH = −188.3k J mol

A) The value of Kp falls B) The value of Kp falls C) Adding V O catalyst

2 5 D) The value of K is equal P

with a rise in with increasing pressure increase the equilibrium to K C

temperature yield of sulphur trioxide

vi) For which system does equilibrium constant, K, has units of concentration:
A) N + 3H ⇌ 2N H
2 2 3 B) H + I ⇌ 2H I
2 2 C) 2N O ⇌ N O
2 2 4 D) 2H F ⇌ H + F 2 2

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) What is common ion effect? Give an example.

ii) Define solubility product. Derive solubility product expression for sparingly soluble compound Ag CrO . 2 4

iii) How the type of bonding affects solubility of compounds?

iv) Why change of volume disturbs the equilibrium position for some of the gaseous phase reactions but not the
equilibrium constant?

v) The change of temperature disturbs both the equilibrium position and equilibrium constant of a reaction.

Explain with reason.

vi) How the buffer solutions are prepared?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) State Le-Chatelier's Principle. Describe the effect of change in temperature of a system in equilibrium by this
4) Benzoic acid C H COOH is a weak mono-basic acid (Ka = 6.4 × 10 mol dm ). What is the pH of a
−5 −3
6 5

solution containing 7.2 g of sodium benzoate in one dm of 0.02 mole dm benzoic acid?
3 −3

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter8 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The solubility product of AgCl is 2.0 × 10 mole dm . The maximum concentration of Ag ions in the
−10 2 −6 +

solution is:
A) 2.0 × 10 −10
mole dm B) 1.4 × 10 mole dm
C) 1.0 × 10
−5 −3
mole dm D) 4.0 × 10 mole dm
−10 −3 −20 −3

ii) When 50% reactants in a reversible reaction are converted into a product, the value of equilibrium constant K
C is:
A) 2 B) 1 C) 3 D) 4
iii) An excess of aqueous AgN O is added to aqueous BaCl solution. The precipitate is removed off. The
3 2

filtrate contains:
A) Ag and N O ions
+ −1

B) Ag , Ba and N O
C) Ba and N O only
3 D) Ba , N O and Cl ions
+2 −

iv) Which statement about the following equilibrium is correct:

2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2SO3 (g) ΔH = −188.3k J mol

A) The value of Kp falls B) The value of Kp falls C) Adding V O catalyst D) The value of K is equal
2 5 P

with a rise in with increasing pressure increase the equilibrium to K C

temperature yield of sulphur trioxide

v) For which system does equilibrium constant, K, has units of concentration:
A) N + 3H ⇌ 2N H
2 2 B) H + I ⇌ 2H I
3 2 2 C) 2N O ⇌ N O D) 2H F ⇌ H + F
2 2 4 2 2

vi) The pH of 10 mol dm of an aqueous solution of H SO is

−3 −3

2 4

A) 3 B) 2.7 C) 2 D) 1.5

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) How the type of bonding affects solubility of compounds?

ii) Calculate the pH of 10 mole dm of Ba(OH ) .
−4 3

iii) Explain the terms reversible reaction and state of equilibrium.


iv) Why aqueous solution of CH COON a is basic in nature?


v) State the law of mass action.

vi) Why change of volume disturbs the equilibrium position for some of the gaseous phase reactions but not the
equilibrium constant?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Write a note on synthesis of ammonia gas by Haber's Process 'keeping in mind the applications of chemical
equilibrium in industry.
4) What is the percentage ionization of acetic acid in a solution in which 0.1 moles of it has been dissolved per
dm of the solution?

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter8 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The term pH was introduced by:
A) Henderson B) Sorenson C) Goldstein D) Thomson
ii) For which system does equilibrium constant, K, has units of concentration:
A) N + 3H ⇌ 2N H
2 2 3 B) H + I ⇌ 2H I
2 2 C) 2N O ⇌ N O
2 2 4 D) 2H F ⇌ H + F 2 2

iii) When 50% reactants in a reversible reaction are converted into a product, the value of equilibrium constant K
C is:
A) 2 B) 1 C) 3 D) 4
iv) Which statement about the following equilibrium is correct:
2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2SO3 (g) ΔH = −188.3k J mol

A) The value of Kp falls B) The value of Kp falls C) Adding V O catalyst

2 5 D) The value of K is equal

with a rise in with increasing pressure increase the equilibrium to K


temperature yield of sulphur trioxide

v) The pH of 10 mol dm of an aqueous solution of H SO is
−3 −3
2 4

A) 3 B) 2.7 C) 2 D) 1.5
vi) When H Cl is added to H S aqueous solution its ionization

A) Increases B) Decreases C) Remains constant D) First increases then


Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Why aqueous solution of CH COON a is basic in nature?

ii) How the direction of a reversible reaction at any instant can be determined by K value? C

iii) Write two applications of equilibrium constant.

iv) What is Henderson's equation?
v) Calculate the pH of 10 mole dm of Ba(OH ) .
−4 3

vi) How does the change of pressure shift the equilibrium position in the synthesis of ammonia?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Ca(OH ) is a sparingly soluble compound. Its solubility product is 6.5 × 10 . Calculate the solubility of

Ca(OH ) . (Atomic mass: Ca = 40)


4) Calculate the pH of a buffer solution in which 0.11 molar CH COON a and 0.09 molar acetic acid solutions

are present. K for CH COOH is 1.85 × 10 .

a 3

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter9 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20
Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Molarity of pure water is:
A) 1 B) 18 C) 55.5 D) 6
ii) 18 g glucose is dissolved in 90 g of water. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to:
A) 42740 B) 5.1 C) 18629 D) 6
iii) Which one is not equation of Raoult's Law:
A) ΔP = P X ∘
2 B) C = n RT
v 2 C)


= X 2 D) P = P X


iv) Which solution has the highest boiling point.

A) 5.85% solution of sodium B) 18.00% solution of C) 6.00% solution of urea. D) all have the same boiling
chloride. glucose. point.
v) A solution of glucose is 10% w/v. the volume in which one-gram mole of it dissolved will be:
A) 1dm 3
B) 1.8 dm 3
C) 200 cm 3
D) 900cm 3

o m
Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Depression in freezing point is a colligative property. Justify.
ii) Sea water has 5.65 × 10 g of dissolved oxygen in one kg of water. Calculate the concentration of oxygen in
sea water in parts per million.
iii) Why the N aCl and KN O are used to lower the melting point of ice?

iv) Define "Ebullioscopic Constant" with one example.


v) Justify that boiling points of the solvents increase due to the presence of solutes.
vi) What is meant by water of crystallization? Give an example.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Describe one method to determine the boiling point elevation of a solution.
4) Differentiate between ideal and non-ideal solutions

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter9 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Which solution has the highest boiling point.
A) 5.85% solution of sodium B) 18.00% solution of C) 6.00% solution of urea. D) all have the same boiling
chloride. glucose. point.
ii) Molarity of pure water is:
A) 1 B) 18 C) 55.5 D) 6
iii) 18 g glucose is dissolved in 90 g of water. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to:
A) 42740 B) 5.1 C) 18629 D) 6
iv) A solution of glucose is 10% w/v. the volume in which one-gram mole of it dissolved will be:
A) 1dm 3
B) 1.8 dm 3
C) 200 cm 3
D) 900cm 3

v) Which one is not equation of Raoult's Law:

A) ΔP = P X ∘
B) C = n RT C) ΔP
= X D) P = P X ∘

2 v 2 ∘ 2 1

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) Boiling points of the solvents increase due to the presence of solutes. Justify it.
ii) Dissolution of KCl and N a SO in water give neutral solutions. Why?
2 4

iii) One molal solution of glucose is dilute as compared to one molar solution of glucose. Justify
iv) Calculate the percentage by weight of N aCl if 2g of it is dissolved in 20g of H O.2

v) Sea water has 5.65 × 10 g of dissolved oxygen in one kg of water. Calculate the concentration of oxygen in

sea water in parts per million.

vi) Define "Ebullioscopic Constant" with one example.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Define the following terms: (i) Molarity. (ii) Molality. soluble (iii) Mole fraction. (iv) Parts per million.
4) What are ideal solutions? Explain the fractional distillation of ideal mixture of two liquids.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter9 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) A solution of glucose is 10% w/v. the volume in which one-gram mole of it dissolved will be:
A) 1dm 3
B) 1.8 dm3
C) 200 cm
D) 900cm

ii) 18 g glucose is dissolved in 90 g of water. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to:
A) 42740 B) 5.1 C) 18629 D) 6
iii) Which solution has the highest boiling point.
A) 5.85% solution of sodium B) 18.00% solution of C) 6.00% solution of urea. D) all have the same boiling
chloride. glucose. point.
iv) Which one is not equation of Raoult's Law:
A) ΔP = P X ∘
2 B) C = n RT
v 2 C)


= X 2 D) P = P X


v) Molarity of pure water is:

A) 1 B) 18 C) 55.5 D) 6

o m
Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks

i) Sea water has 5.65 × 10 g of dissolved oxygen in one kg of water. Calculate the concentration of oxygen in

sea water in parts per million.

ii) What are the name of four major parts of apparatus used in Landsberger's method for elevation of boiling

iii) Define molarity and molality.


iv) Differentiate between hydration and hydrolysis

v) Define pH of a solution. Give its mathematical equation.

vi) Boiling points of the solvents increase due to the presence of solutes. Justify it.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Describe one method to determine the boiling point elevation of a solution.

4) Describe the freezing point depression method for the determination of molecular mass of an organic


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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter9 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Molarity of pure water is:
A) 1 B) 18 C) 55.5 D) 6
ii) Which one is not equation of Raoult's Law:
A) ΔP = P X ∘
2 B) C = n RT
v 2 C) ΔP
= X
∘ 2 D) P = P


iii) 18 g glucose is dissolved in 90 g of water. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to:
A) 42740 B) 5.1 C) 18629 D) 6
iv) Which solution has the highest boiling point.
A) 5.85% solution of sodium B) 18.00% solution of C) 6.00% solution of urea. D) all have the same boiling
chloride. glucose. point.
v) A solution of glucose is 10% w/v. the volume in which one-gram mole of it dissolved will be:
A) 1dm 3
B) 1.8 dm
C) 200 cm
D) 900cm3

o m
Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Define upper consulate temperature with example.
ii) Relative lowering of vapor pressure is independent of the temperature. Justify it.
iii) Boiling points of the solvents increase due to the presence of solutes. Justify it.
iv) Why is the vapour pressure of a solution less than pure solvent?

v) One molal solution of glucose is dilute as compared to one molar solution of glucose. Justify

vi) Calculate the percentage by weight of N aCl if 2g of it is dissolved in 20g of H O.


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Give three statements of Raoult's law and also mention how Raoult's law helps in determining the ideality of
a solution.
4) Describe the freezing point depression method for the determination of molecular mass of an organic


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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter10 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Reduction always takes place at:
A) Anode B) Cathode C) Both electrodes D) Salt bridge
ii) Which one is not an electrolyte:
A) Aqueous N aCl B) Aqueous CuSO 4 C) Cu metal D) H 2 SO4

iii) Oxidation No. of oxygen in OF is:


A) Zero B)1

C) 2 D) −1
iv) Oxidation state of chromium in K CrO is
2 4

A) 5 B) 6 C) 3 D) 7
v) The potential of standard Hydrogen electrode is always fixed as:
A) 1 B) Zero C) 1.5 D) 2
vi) In H SO the oxidation number of S is:

2 4

A) 2 B) 6 C) 8 D) 4

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following:
i) Write down two functions of salt bridge in a galvanic cell. .c 10 Marks
ii) What is alkaline battery?
iii) Define electrochemistry

iv) Give some advantages of fuel cell.


v) What is function of salt bridge in voltaic cell?

vi) Explain through equations how lead battery is recharged?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Describe Nickel Cadmium Cell (rechargeable).
4) Balance the following equation by oxidation number method: M nO

2 + H Cl → M nCl2 + H2 O + Cl2

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter10 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The electrode reaction in the electrolysis of dil. H SO , with P t electrode is:
2 4

A) Reduction B) Oxidation C) Both oxidation and D) Neither oxidation nor

reduction reduction
ii) The potential of standard Hydrogen electrode is always fixed as:
A) 1 B) Zero C) 1.5 D) 2
iii) The oxidation number of Cl in H ClO is:

A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) 7
iv) Which statement is not correct about galvanic cell?
A) anode is negatively B) reduction occurs at C) cathode is positively D) reduction occurs at
charged anode charged cathode
v) In H SO the oxidation number of S is:

2 4

A) 2 B) 6 C) 8 D) 4
vi) Stronger the oxidizing agent, greater is the:

A) Oxidation potential B) Reduction potential C) Redox pontentional
m D) E.M.F. of cell

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) What is alkaline battery?
ii) What is electrolysis? Give example.

iii) Write down two functions of salt bridge in a galvanic cell.

iv) Calculate oxidation number of chromium in CrCl .

v) Calculate oxidation number of M n in KM nO and N a M nO .

4 2 4

vi) Voltaic cell is reversible cell. Explain.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks


3) Describe the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride and a concentrated solution of sodium chloride.

4) What is electrochemical series? Explain any three applications of electrochemical series.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter10 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate op on. Cu ng / overwri ng is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Stronger the oxidizing agent, greater is the:
A) Oxidation potential B) Reduction potential C) Redox pontentional D) E.M.F. of cell
ii) The electrode reaction in the electrolysis of dil. H SO , with P t electrode is:
2 4

A) Reduction B) Oxidation C) Both oxidation and D) Neither oxidation nor

reduction reduction
iii) If a strip of Cu metal is placed in a solution of F eSO :

A) Cu will be deposited B) F e is precipitated out C) Cu and F e both dissolveD) No reaction take place
iv) Oxidation state of M n is M nO is: −2

A) 4 B) 6 C) 5 D) −6
v) Oxidation No. of oxygen in OF is: 2

A) Zero B)1
C) 2 D) −1


vi) Cathode in NiCAD cell is:

A) Ag O
2 B) N iO2 C) CdO D) Zn

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: .c 10 Marks
i) Write recharging of lead accumulator battery.
ii) What is difference between electrolytic and voltaic cell?

iii) Calculate oxidation number of chromium in CrCl .


iv) Define standard electrode potential.

v) Write two advantages of fuel cells.

vi) Give chemical reactions taking place at anode and cathode in a fuel cell.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Balance the following equation by oxidation number method: M nO + H Cl → M nCl + H O + Cl

2 2 2 2

4) Define: (i) Electrode potential. (ii) Redox reaction. (iii) Electrochemical series. (iv) Oxidation number.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter10 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Which one is not an electrolyte:
A) Aqueous N aCl B) Aqueous CuSO 4 C) Cu metal D) H 2 SO4

ii) Oxidation No. of oxygen in OF is: 2

A) Zero B) 1

C) 2 D) −1
iii) Cathode in NiCAD cell is:
A) Ag O
2 B) N iO 2 C) CdO D) Zn
iv) Oxidation state of M n is M nO is: −2

A) 4 B) 6 C) 5 D) −6
v) If the salt bridge is not used between two half cells, then the voltage
A) Decreases rapidly B) Decreases slowly C) Does not change D) Drops to zero
vi) In H SO the oxidation number of S is:

2 4

A) 2 B) 6 C) 8 D) 4

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following:
i) What is alkaline battery? .c 10 Marks
ii) What is function of salt bridge in voltaic cell?
iii) Differentiate between electrolytic cell and galvanic cell.

iv) Write recharging of lead accumulator battery.


v) Give two applications of electrochemical series.

vi) What is difference between electrolytic and voltaic cell?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Describe Nickel Cadmium Cell (rechargeable).
4) Balance the following equation by oxidation number method: M nO

2 + H Cl → M nCl2 + H2 O + Cl2

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter11 (Test1) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The order of the rate of diffusion of gases N H , SO , Cl and CO is:
3 2 2 2

A) N H > SO > Cl > CO B)N H > CO > SO > Cl C)Cl > SO > CO > N H
3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 D)N H 3 > CO2 > Cl2 > SO2

ii) The rate of reaction:

A) Increases as the reaction B)Decreases as the reaction C)Remains the same as the D)May decrease or increase as
proceeds proceeds reaction proceeds the reaction proceeds
iii)Specific rate constant is equal to rate of reaction, when concentration of reactants are:
A) Zero B)Four C)Three D)Unity
iv)The unit of the rate constant is the same as that of the rate of reaction in:
A) First order reaction B)Second order reaction C)Third order reaction D)Zero order reaction
v) The enzyme used for hydrolysis of urea is:
A) Invertase B)Urease C)Lipase D)Zymase
vi)The rate of reaction
A) Increases as the reaction B)Decreases as the reaction C)Remains the same as D)May decrease or increase as

proceeds proceeds reaction proceeds the reaction proceeds

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Define rate of chemical reaction and give its units.
ii) What are enzymes? How they act as catalyst?
iii) What do you mean by activation energy of a reaction?

iv) What happens to the rate of a chemical reaction with the passage of time?
v) How surface area affects the rate of reaction? Give one example.

vi) What is specific rate constant or velocity constant? Enzymes are specific in action. Justify.

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Explain effect of temperature on rate of reaction

4) Explain any four characteristics of a catalyst.


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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter11 (Test2) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) If the rate equation of a reaction 2A+B products is rate = K |A| |B| and A is present in large excess then order of reaction is:

A) First order B)Second order C)Third order D)Zero order

ii) The rate of reaction
A) Increases as the reaction B)Decreases as the reaction C)Remains the same as D)May decrease or increase as
proceeds proceeds reaction proceeds the reaction proceeds
iii)In zero order reaction, the rate is independent of:
A) Temperature of reaction B)Concentration of reactants C)Concentration of products D)Concentration of reactants
and products
iv)Specific rate constant is equal to rate of reaction, when concentration of reactants are:
A) Zero B)Four C)Three D)Unity
v) A substance which make the catalyst more effective is called:
A) Promoter B)Inhibitor C)Retarder D)Poison
vi)The order of the rate of diffusion of gases N H , SO , Cl and CO is:

3 2 2 2

A) N H > SO > Cl > CO B)N H > CO > SO > Cl C)Cl > SO > CO > N H D)N H > CO > Cl > SO
3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Define order of reaction with the help of an example.
ii) Define with example 2nd order reaction
iii) Define catalysis. Name its two types.

iv) Define and give an example of the process of activation of a catalyst.

v) Define half life period. How is it used to determine the order of reaction?

vi) What is autocatalyst? Give one example.


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Write a brief note on the following: (i) Homogeneous catalysis (ii) Heterogeneous catalysis.

4) How rate of reaction depends upon the following factors: (i) Nature of reactants (ii) Surface area.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter11 (Test3) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The order of the rate of diffusion of gases N H , SO , Cl and CO is:
3 2 2 2

A) N H > SO > Cl > CO B)N H > CO > SO > Cl C)Cl > SO > CO > N H
3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 D)N H 3 > CO2 > Cl2 > SO2

ii) In zero order reaction the rate is independent of

A) Temperature of reaction B)Concentration of reactants C)Concentration of products D)Pressure of reaction
iii)The rate of reaction:
A) Increases as the reaction B)Decreases as the reaction C)Remains the same as the D)May decrease or increase as
proceeds proceeds reaction proceeds the reaction proceeds
iv)In zero order reaction, the rate is independent of:
A) Temperature of reaction B)Concentration of reactants C)Concentration of products D)Concentration of reactants
and products
v) If the rate equation of a reaction 2A+B products is rate = K |A| |B| and A is present in large excess then order of reaction is:

A) First order B)Second order C)Third order D)Zero order

vi)The unit of the rate constant is the same as that of the rate of reaction in:

A) First order reaction B)Second order reaction C)Third order reaction D)Zero order reaction

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) Define rate of chemical reaction and give its units.
ii) Define half life period. How is it used to determine the order of reaction?
iii) What is autocatalyst? Give one example.

iv) State rate of chemical reaction and give its units.

v) What is specific rate constant or velocity constant? Enzymes are specific in action. Justify.

vi) Write down any four characteristics of enzyme catalysis.


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Name various methods for finding order of reaction. Explain half-life method for determining order of

4) What is hydration and hydrolysis? Describe with two examples in each.

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11 Chemistry Roll #:
Chapter11 (Test4) Time: 35Min; Marks: 20

Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The rate of reaction:
A) Increases as the reaction B)Decreases as the reaction C)Remains the same as the D)May decrease or increase as
proceeds proceeds reaction proceeds the reaction proceeds
ii) The unit of the rate constant is the same as that of the rate of reaction in:
A) First order reaction B)Second order reaction C)Third order reaction D)Zero order reaction
iii)The order of the rate of diffusion of gases N H , SO , Cl and CO is:
3 2 2 2

A) N H > SO > Cl > CO B)N H > CO > SO > Cl C)Cl > SO > CO > N H D)N H > CO > Cl > SO
3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2

iv)If the rate equation of a reaction 2A+B products is rate = K |A| |B| and A is present in large excess then order of reaction is:

A) First order B)Second order C)Third order D)Zero order

v) A substance which make the catalyst more effective is called:
A) Promoter B)Inhibitor C)Retarder D)Poison
vi)In zero order reaction, the rate is independent of:
A) Temperature of reaction B)Concentration of reactants C)Concentration of products D)Concentration of reactants

and products

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) What do you mean by activation energy of a reaction?
ii) Define half life period. How is it used to determine the order of reaction?
iii) What is catalytic poisoning? Give two examples.

iv) Define specific rate constant.

v) State rate of chemical reaction and give its units.

vi) What are enzymes? How they act as catalyst?


Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Explain any four characteristics of a catalyst.

4) How rate of reaction depends upon the following factors: (i) Nature of reactants (ii) Surface area.

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