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CHELS EA | FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE ee Policy Number: CGHA SCO HOTEL ANARTHENTE Issued by: SECURITY DEPARTMENT Effective Date: Sth NOVEMBER 2021 Distribution: All Departments Applied to: All Departments * Discovery Gardens Policy Chelsea Gardens Hotel Apartment strives to ensure that proper and clear procedures are set in place to ensure protection of guests’ and employees’ lives and building assets in case of an evacuation due to a fire. Objective This policy will explain all procedures to be followed by individuals and teams in case of an ‘evacuation of the building due to an emergency. Procedure Departmental managers are responsible to ensure their colleagues are aware of the evacuation procedures to be carried out. People are our primary concern not protecting Asset, when alarm sounds. If there are no specific evacuation duties to perform, evacuate the area immediately. Fire commander and team: * In case a fire detector goes on in the building, the Security team will immediately silence the alarm and inform Engineering team to proceed to the location for investigation. ‘+ Hotel Manager/Duty Manager to be informed of the situation using phrase - Code Red and location. ‘© Second ring fire fighters- Bell boy and Housekeeping to be alerted to be proceed to location to fight the fire with appropriate extinguishers & hoses. * Once team reaches the location, situation to be assessed and determined whether evacuation alarm to be sounded on or not * In case of Evacuation, Senior manager at location takes over as FIRE COMMANDER (Fc) ‘© Fire Commander to instruct Security team to raise the alarm. Fire Commander to have investigation team vacate the area and ensure all doors are closed and area adjacent to the fire is cleared with no life put at stake. * Fight the fire with appropriate extinguishers & hoses. * FC to proceed to security room and collect the emergency file which has the following. © Civil defense Checklist © Key handover points to civil defense © Inhouse guest list © Floor plans FC to wear Orange jacket and distribute Yellow jackets to wardens. * Wardens to carry out tasks assigned by the FC as per checklist and report back. nc enn ne ae ne me me FIRE EMERGENCY EVACUATION SOP Page 1 FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE CHELSEA canbens TEL APARTMENT + becom Gaon Policy Number: CGHA SCO1 Issued by: SECURITY DEPARTMENT | Effective Date: Sth NOVEMBER 2021 Distribution: All Departments Applied to: All Departments © Handover to Fire commander of Civil defense and support as requested © When ALL CLEAR provided by Civil defense, proceed to assembly point to assist guests and employees back to the department. Front Office: + Front desk will print an updated, guest lst by room numbers. + This print out will be made after the alarm is activated, thi ‘and checkout is accounted for. ‘© Guest passports, tickets and all-important documents etc. to be secured in safe box and take key to assembly points, + Print out handicapped/POD guest list with full details. «Direct the guest out of the lobby area by pointing the way to the nearest fire ext. Keep as many as lines open as possible for emergency communication; keep the emergency numbers available at all the time of Police-999, Ambulance- 998 and Civil Defense/Fire Dept - 997. ¢ Maintain communication with GM & Department heads. # Oninstruction, take the attendance sheet & proceed to assembly point. to ensure the last check in, Food & Beverage: '* Cease serving and clearing of meals & switch off all equipment. © Evacuate the guest seated close to fire exit. Then work towards the center of the restaurant advising guest to evacuate. ‘© Direct the guest out of the restaurant by pointing the way to the nearest fire exit. © If any guest needs assistance to evacuate, instruct other able-bodied guests to assist them or wait until the area is completely clear and assist them yourself. © Take duty roster & till drawer with you. © Proceed to assembly point. ‘© Extinguish all gas cooking appliances. + Ensure deep fryers are covered with lid, © Clear all cooking off salamanders and grills, «Ensure doors to freezers and chillers are closed, Search and evacuate storerooms, ‘© Switch off power through master power switch ‘© Switch off all dish washing machines. FIRE EMERGENCY EVACUATION SOP Page 2 FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE CHELSEA canoeNs ove. cane + Dcovay Ordena Policy Number: CGHA SCO2 sued by. SECURITY DEPARTMENT Effective Date: Sth NOVEMBER 2021 | Distribution: ll Departments | Applied to: all Departments HR/Accounts/ Sales: # Secure cash, license and important documents. + Ensure all the employees are evacuated to the safe areas. * Proceed to fire assembly point. HR in charge to account forall Employees as per duty Roster Engineering & IT: ‘© Equipment if any, switches off power through master switch ‘© Search storerooms, etc. to confirm all evacuated. * Closedown as per IT contingency plan * Proceed to fire assembly point Housekeeping Department: ‘® When alarm sounds, ensure to park the trolley by the side of the corridor, so evacuation is not hindered, '* Search area to confirm all laundry &storeroom area is evacuated. '* Assist to evacuate guest/colleagues from floors including gymnasium. * Proceed to fire assembly point Security: Activate the evacuation alarm whether instructed by Fire Commander. ‘Maintain communication with GM & Department heads. ‘© Assist and account forall guests as per the list provided by Front O' Evacuate casualties & search for trapped persons, + Emergency numbers lst must be ready all the times which included, Dubai Civil Defense, Dubai Electric and water authority, Dubai Police, Ambulance, Fire Alarm Contract company (A-Arabia), Fire Fighting Equipment Company (Al-Arabia), Elevator contract company (Toshiba) & LPG gas company (Brothers) © Guard against any theft or property damage. ‘© Assist the fire brigade & cordon the area. Important: * Colleagues who are not assigned task during the evacuation to leave the area immediately, exception for guest area colleagues, where guest are assisted first. «© Allother colleagues ‘carry out the closedown procedures task as per the situation. ‘Senior colleagues (By Position) to ensure the colleagues have left the area including stores and washrooms, ‘+ Priority should be given for physically challenged guest/colleagues in your area. a FIRE EMERGENCY EVACUATION SOP Page 3 FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE CHELSEA | Policy Number: CGHA SCO2 Issued by: SECURITY DEPARTMENT Effective Date: 9th NOVEMBER 2021 GARDENS WOTEL APARTMENTS: = Discovery Gardens Distribution: All Departments Applied to: All Departments # The last person to leave the area to close the doors and windows on the way out. # Proceed to assembly point through the fire exit. ‘© Those dealing with cash ensure the cash tll/safe are locked and key secure. * All heat producing equipment’s in the kitchen to be turned off. © Donot go the roof or attempt to go up floors, unless itis the only way out, © Ifthe fire exit stairway closest to you is full of smoke go to the next fire exit stairway and exit the building Prepared By: ‘Approved By: ‘Shankar Gurung Nei Sandy Fer Security Supervifor ene ee an na enn FIRE EMERGENCY EVACUATION SOP Page 4

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