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Tour Expenses + Operating expenses + Markup = Service Cost

YEAR 1&2

Services Costing per day (Angono Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Expense Amount Mark Up Service

Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 328 All Exp. 2,823.59
Entrance & other + 510
No. of expected ÷5 No. of expected customer ÷5
customer (per day) (per day)
Total = 167.6 =564.72 =266.68 = 999

Services Costing per day (Antipolo Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Expense Amount Mark Up Service

Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 336 All Exp. 2,823.59
Entrance & other + 505
No. of expected ÷5 No. of expected ÷5
customer (per day) customer (per day)

Total =168.2 = 564.72 = 266.08 = 999

Services Costing per day (Calinawan-Batlag Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Amount Mark Up Service

Expense Cost
Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 370 All Exp. 2,823.59
Entrance & other fees + 790
No. of expected ÷5 No. of expected ÷5
customer (per day) customer (per day)
Total = 232 = 564.72 = 602.28 = 1,399
Services Costing per day (Masungi Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Expense Amount Mark Up Service

Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 370 All Exp. 2,823.59
Entrance & other fees + 1,770
No. of expected ÷5 No. of expected ÷5
customer (per day) customer (per day)
Total = 428 = 564.72 =1,006.28 = 1,999

Services Costing per day (Tanay Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Expense Amount Mark Up Service

Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 336 All Exp. 2,823.59
Entrance & other fees + 325
No. of expected ÷5 No. of expected ÷5
customer (per day) customer (per day)
Total = 132.24 = 564.72 =902.04 = 1,599


Services Costing per day (Cavite Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Expense Amount Mark Up Service

Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 128 All Exp. 2,435.21
Entrance & other fees + 375
No. of expected ÷29 No. of expected ÷29
customer (per day) customer (per day)
Total = 17.34 = 83.97 =897.691 = 999

Services Costing per day (Los banos - San Pedro Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Expense Amount Mark Up Service

Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 478 All Exp. 1,687.02
Entrance & other fees + 520
No. of expected ÷14 No. of expected ÷14
customer (per day) customer (per day)
Total = 71.29 = 120.50 =807.21 = 999

Services Costing per day (Santa Cruz Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Expense Amount Mark Up Service

Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 520 All Exp. 1,687.02
Entrance & other fees + 1,765
No. of expected ÷15 No. of expected ÷15
customer (per day) customer (per day)
Total = 152.33 = 112.47 =734,20 = 999


Services Costing per day (Batangas Tour Package/person)

Tour Expense Amount Operating Expense Amount Mark Up Service

Toll Fee (ent.&ext) + 520 All Exp. 1,657.57
Entrance & other fees + 180
No. of expected ÷30 No. of expected ÷30
customer (per day) customer (per day)
Total = 23.34 = 55.25 =920.41 = 999

Tour Package Demand

Cavite 9
Laguna 29
Batangas 30
Rizal 25
Quezon 7
Total respondents 100

Service Expected Unit Price Total Sales Total Service Projected

Package Customer (Per Person) cost Income
per day
Angono Tour 5 999 4,995 3,661.6 1,333.4
Antipolo Tour 5 999 4,995 3,664.6 1,330.4
Calinawan 5 1,399 6,995 3,983.6 3,011.4
Tour Package
Masungi Tour 5 1,999 9,995 4,963.6 5,031.4
Tanay Tour 5 1,599 7,995 3,484.6 4,510.4
Total 34,975 19,758 15,217


Total Gross Income/Day Per month Per Year

15,217 365,208 4,382,496,


Per Year
*There would be 10% increase in sales because of improvement of marketing sales.

Service Expected Unit Price Total Sales Total Service Projected

Package Customer (Per Person) cost Income
per day
Angono Tour 5 999 4,995 3,661.6 1,333.4
Antipolo Tour 5 999 4,995 3,664.6 1,330.4
Calinawan 5 1,399 6,995 3,983.6 3,011.4
Tour Package
Masungi Tour 5 1,999 9,995 4,963.6 5,031.4
Tanay Tour 5 1,599 7,995 3,484.6 4,510.4
Cavite Tour 9 999 8,991 2,938.22 6,052.77
Total 25 43,966 22,696.22 21,269.77


Per Year
*There would be 27% increase in sales because the operation is improving, and because of the
good marketing strategies and operating sales. There is also an additional tour packages that
would help to increase sales. (see the costing above)

Service Expected Unit Price Total Sales Total Service Projected

Package Customer (Per Person) cost Income
per day
Angono Tour 5 999 4,995 3,661.6 1,333.4
Antipolo Tour 5 999 4,995 3,664.6 1,330.4
Calinawan 5 1,399 6,995 3,983.6 3,011.4
Tour Package
Masungi Tour 5 1,999 9,995 4,963.6 5,031.4
Tanay Tour 5 1,599 7,995 3,484.6 4,510.4
Cavite Tour 9 999 8,991 2,938.22 6,052.77
Los banos – 14 799 11,186 2,843.26 8,500.94
San pedro
Tour Package
Santa cruz 15 799 11,985 4,080.15 7,415.1
Tour Package
Total 67,137 29,619.63 37,185.81

Per Year
*There would be 75% increase in sales because Pick a Place travel agency is getting successful
and well known in the market, the good marketing strategies and Pick a Place has introduced
new tour package that is easily adapted by the market. (see the costing above)

Service Expected Unit Price Total Sales Total Service Projected

Package Customer (Per Person) cost Income
per day
Angono Tour 5 999 4,995 3,661.6 1,333.4
Antipolo Tour 5 999 4,995 3,664.6 1,330.4
Calinawan 5 1,399 6,995 3,983.6 3,011.4
Tour Package
Masungi Tour 5 1,999 9,995 4,963.6 5,031.4
Tanay Tour 5 1,599 7,995 3,484.6 4,510.4
Cavite Tour 9 999 8,991 2,938.22 6,052.77
Los banos – 14 799 11,186 2,843.26 8,500.94
San pedro
Tour Package
Santa cruz 15 799 11,985 4,080.15 7,415.1
Tour Package
Batangas Tour 30 999 29,970 2,357.7 27,612.3
Total 97,107 31,977.33 64,798.11


Per Year
*There would be 74% increase in sales because the employees and managers are now expected
to be excellent in operations and in marketing strategies. Also, Pick a Place has introduced new
tour package that is easily adapted by the market. (see the costing above)

Financial Assumptions

1. The name of the company is Pick a Place Travel Agency. The form of

business organization is General partnership. It composes of ten (10)


2. The initial investment of each partner in the business is amounted to

P500,000 for a total of P 5,000,000 contribution.

3. The initial project cost amounted to P 245,593.99

4. Straight line Method is used in Depreciation.

Office Equipment- 5 years

Furniture & Fixtures- 5 years
Tour Equipment- 10 years
Safety Equipment- 5 years
Tools- 5 years

5. There will be one (1) additional Van on the 3rd Year.

6. There will be one (1) additional tour package on the 3 rd year, additional two

(2) on the 4th year and one (1) on the 5th year.

7. The business is subject to 12% VAT and 30% income tax.

8. All employees are assumed single with no dependents.

9. There will be a 2% Salary increase every year.

10. The Operating Cycle of the company is 365 working days.

11. The Profit and Loss ratio for each partner is 10%.
Income Statement
Pick a Place Travel Agency
Income Statement
For the Period Ended December 31, 2017-December 31,2021

Note Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Service Revenue 4,382,496.00 4,820,745.60 6,125,688.00 10,709,513.28 18,661,855.68

Expenses 4 4,065,962.89 3,993,599.93 4,208,043.93 4,251,284.15 4,296,426.75
Net Income/Loss
Before Tax 316,533.11 827,145.67 1,917,644.07 6,458,229.13 14,365,428.93
Less: Income
Tax 94,959.93 248,143.70 575,293.22 1,937,468.74 4,309,628.68
Net Income/Loss
After Tax 221,573.18 579,001.97 1,342,350.85 4,520,760.39 10,055,800.25

Cash Flow
Pick a Place Travel Agency
Cash Flow Statement
For the Period Ended December 31, 2017-December 31,2021

Cash flow from Operating Activities

Note Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Cash received 4,382,496. 4,820,
from clients 00 745.60 6,125,688.00 10,709,513.28 18,661,855.68

Payment for 1,579,350 1,611, 1,631,609 1,661,468 1,691,535
Salaries .00 845.16 .16 .38 .92
Payment for
Government 424,60 466, 490,55 501,965 513,42
Contribution 5 9.90 847.07 0.44 .62 8.94
Payment for 156,00 159, 162,30 165,548 168,85
13th Month 0.00 120.00 2.40 .45 9.42
Payment for
Taxes and 95,91 29 29,20 29,20 29,20
Licenses 9.00 ,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Payment for 209,72 209, 209,72 209,724 209,72
Utilities 4.60 724.60 4.60 .60 4.60
Payment for 94,959. 248,1
Income Tax 93 43.70 575,293.22 1,937,468.74 4,309,628.68
Payment for 216,00 216, 216,00 216,000 216,00
Rent 0.00 000.00 0.00 .00 0.00
Payment for 16,88
Office Supplies 6.50 - - - -
Payment for
Other Office 9,26 9 9,26 9,26 9,26
Supplies 3.00 ,263.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

Payment for 8,74 - - - -

Supplies 2.46
Payment for
Other Cleaning 9,73 9 9,73 9,73 9,73
Supplies 2.40 ,732.40 2.40 2.40 2.40
Payment for 832,10 832, 832,10 832,104 832,10
Oil & Supplies 4.00 104.00 4.00 .00 4.00
Payment for 5,05 5 5,05 5,05 5,05
Maintenance 8.75 ,058.75 8.75 8.75 8.75
Payment for 12,10 12 12,10 12,10 12,10
Advertisement 0.00 ,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3,809, 4,182,937 8,006,635
3,670,450.54 138.68 .97 5,589,633.94 .71

Cash Provided
Operating 712,045.4 1,011,606.9 1,942,750 5,119,879 10,655,21
Activities 6 2 .03 .34 9.97

Cash flow from Investing Activities

Equipment 297,108.90
Furnitures and
Fixtures 139,717.00
Equipment 3,320,000.00 1,660,000.00
Equipment 53,446.00
Tools 11,100.00
Miscellaneous 19,597.00
Prepaid Rent 50,000.00
Office Supplies 16,886.50
Supplies 8,742.46
3,916,597.86 1,660,000.00

Cash Provided
from Investing
Activites (3,916,597.86) (1,660,000.00)

Cash flow from Financing Activities

Investment 5,000,000.00

Cash Provided
from Financing
Activities 5,000,000.00

Beginning 1,795,447.6 2,807,054.52 3,089,804.55 8,209,683.89
Net Cash Flow 1,795,447.6 1,011,606.92 282,750.03 5,119,879.34 10,655,219.97
Cash, Ending 1,795,447.6 2,807,054.52 3,089,804.55 8,209,683.89 18,864,903.86

Balance Sheet

Pick a Place Travel Agency

Balance Sheet
As of December 31,2017-Deceber 31,2021

Note Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Current Assets
Cash 1,795,447.6 2,807,054.52 3,089,804.55 8,209,683.89 18,864,903.86
Supplies 1 25,628.96 25,628.96 25,628.96 25,628.96 25,628.96
Other current assets 2 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
Total Current Assets 1,871,076.56 2,882,683.48 3,165,433.51 8,285,312.85 18,940,532.82
Property, Plant &
Equipment 3 3,389,097.52 2,956,823.14 4,018,548.76 3,420,274.38 2,822,000.00
Total Assets 5,260,174.1 5,839,506.62 7,183,982.27 11,705,587.23 21,762,532.82

Liabilities and Equity

Payable 22,100.00 22,323.00 22,985.00 23,140.00 23,385.00
Witholding Tax
Payable 16,500.90 16,608.47 18,071.27 18,760.85 19,481.19
Total Liabilities 38,600.90 38,931.47 41,056.27 41,900.85 42,866.19
Partners’ Equity
Bartolome, Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Elizalde, Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Alleje, Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Riego, Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Del Fierro, Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Bueneventura,Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Montefalco , Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Rockwell, Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Ty, Capital 522,157.32 580,057.52 714,292.61 1,166,368.65 2,171,948.68
Total Equity 5,221,573.2 5,800,575.2 7,142,926.1 11,663,686.5 21,719,486.8
Total Liabilities and
Equity 5,260,174.1 5,839,506.62 7,183,982.27 11,705,587.23 21,762,352.82

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