Admiralty Fleet Orders: J B F C F - C7 P France A.F.OS. 3282-3433/45

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J Bf c f - C7 ‘ P FRANCE A.F.OS.

{See AJF.O. Diagram Issne No. 25/45)



Not to be communicated to anyone outside H.M . Service


A dmiralty , S .W .l,
21st June, 1945.
The following Orders having been approved by My Lords
Commissioners of the Admiralty are hereby promulgated
for information and guidance and necessary action.
A list of these Orders is enclosed.
By Command of Their Lordships,

To Commanders - in - C h u r, Flag
Officers, Senior Naval Officers,
Captain; and Commanding Officers
of H.M . Ships, Vessels and C.O.
Craft (see A.F.O. 1628/45), Super­
intendents or Officers in Charge of
H.M . Naval EsUnolishments. and
Admiralty Oversee s concerned.
N o t e :—The scale of distribution is shown in the A dm iralty Fleet Order
Volume, 1941, Instructions, parag rap h 10.

S e c t i o n 2 . —P e r s o n n e l , P a y , S e r v i c e s , D i s c i p l i n e , e t c . —contd.
ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDERS 3329. South African Naval Forces—Transfers to.
3330. Stores—Administrative and General—Eastern Theatre—Deputy Directors—r
No. Subject. Appointments.
3331. Subordinate Officers—Dartmouth and Special Entry Cadets—Training in H.M.S.
21stJune, 1945> “ Frobisher.”
3332. Supply and Secretariat Branch—Sub-Lieutenants (S)—Examination Results
S e c t io n I.—A d m i n i s t r a t i o n o p t h e F l e e t , C e r e m o n ie s , F o r e ig n P ort
(January, 1945).
R e g u l a t io n s , e t c . 3333. T. 124 Personnel and Variants (Including Commissioned Cable Ship Agreement)—
{Station Limits: Fighting Efficiency of Ships : Naval Aircraft Administration: Far Eastern Operations Allowance.
Internal Organization of Ships : Navigation and Seamanship : Fleet Exercises and 3334. W.R.N.S.—Linguist Category—Introduction.
Practices, etc.) 3335. W.R.N.S.—Officers—Air Engineering Department at Naval Air Stations—
3282. Messages—Congratulatory—Message of Congratulation to H.M. the King. Employment of.
3283. Messages—Courtesy—National Day of Denmark, 5th June, 1945. 3336. Warrant Telegraphist—Qualifying Course for.
3284. Combined Operations—Status, Organization and Administration of the Naval S e c t i o n 3.—G., T., N., E „ e t c . , & S t o r e s ; H u l l , E q u i p m e n t & F i t t i n g s .
Personnel in a Combined Operations Bombardment Unit (N.S.B.U.).
3285. Submarines—9th Submarine Flotilla—Administration and Address. Gunnery.—(Guns, Mountings, Ammunition, Turrets, Directors, Fire Control,
Diving Apparatus, Magazines, etc., and Stores.)
2.—P e r s o n n e l , P a y , S e r v i c e s , D i s c i p l i n e , e t c .
S e c t io n 3337. Aircraft—Bombs—M.C., S.A.P. and G.P.—Fitted with Tail Pistols.
3338. Ammunition—Fuzes, Primers and Tubes—Primers, No. 26, R.L. Manufacture—
3286. Accounts—Verification of Balances in Charge of Supply Officers and Examination Lot 86—Withdrawal.
of Cash Accounting Procedure at an Uncertain Date—REPORTS. 3339. Ammunition—General—Demands for Dummy Ammunition, etc., for Fitting
3287. Admiralty—Training Devices Committee. and Testing Purposes.
3288. Advancement—To Acting Leading Seaman (N.Q.)—Discontinuation. 3340. Ammunition Supply—Naval Armament Depots—Supply Test and Returns of
3289. Aircraft—Officers—Air Intelligence Training, Duties, etc. Ammunition to.
3290. Allotments—Q.A.R.N.N.S. and Q.A.R.N.N.S. (R) and Commandants and Assistant 3341. Ammunition—0-50-in. Browning—Withdrawal of Defective Lots.
Commandants of V.A.Ds. 3342. Binoculars—“ P ” Sight (A.P. G363, 364, 365 and 366)—Improved Rubber
3291. Chaplains—Greenwich Hospital—Living of Falstone, Hexham. Eyeguard.
3292. Coastal Forces—Ratings—Advancement. 3343. Guns—0*303-in., Fitting on Mountings—Distortion of Gun Casing.
3293. Coastal Forces—Seaman Cooks—Training. 3344. Guns—40-mm.—Lubricants and Buffer Oil for H.M. Ships.
3294. Combined Operations—Ratings—Advancement and Re-Advancement. 3345. Guns—40-mm.—U.S. and Canadian—Fitting of Stop for Fire and Safe Lever.
3295. Communications Branch—Signal Boatswain—Qualifying Course. 3346. Guns—40-mm.—U.S. Watercooled and all Aircooled—Fitting of Missfire Stops.
3296. Compensation—Registered Postal Packets—Losses of or from. 3347. Guns—4-in.—Marks V-V***, VC and “A” Mark V-V*—Breech Blocks, Mark II—
3297. Complements—Minesweeping—Executive Officers. Modification.
3298. Complements—Radio Mechanics in Ships. 3348. Guns—4-in.—Mark XXII—Lever Breech Mechanism, Marks I* and II, and
3299. Courses—Basic Radar Courses for Non-Technical Officers. Cocking Sleeve of Striker Case—Modification.
3300. Damage Control—Training Units. 3349. Guns—4-7-in., B.L., all Marks—Cordite N/FQ—Errors in Charge Weights.
3301. Dental—Officers—Specialist Allowance. 3350. Gun Mountings—General—Remote Power Control—R.P. 10 Systems—Tempera­
3302. Discipline—Summary Punishment—Enforcement of Sentences after Committal. ture Control Tanks, Marks II and III.
3303. Drafting—Radio Mechanics for H.M. Ships—Priority. 3351. Gun Mountings—40-mm.—Bofors, Mark IV and IV* Mountings—Fitting of
3304. Drafting—Radio Mechanics for Shore Establishments. Improved Quick-release Cap for Dimmer Switch Controlling Dial Lamps.
3305. Education—Adult—Provision for Lecture Tours in Overseas Commands.
3306. Educational—Correspondence Courses—Flour-Milling—Science and Technology. Torpedo.—(Torpedoes, Tubes, Mines and Minesweeping, Depth Charges, Paravanes,
3307. Films—Instructional—“ Low Angle Firing with Eyeshooting Sights Electrical Equipment, Anti-Gas, Aircraft Torpedoes, etc., and Store#.)
3308. Films—Instructional—“ Radar Spotting ”. 3352. Electrical—Electrical Subjects—General—Aircraft Radio and Electrics—
3309. Films—Instructional—“ The Fighting Lady ” (Serial No. G.652). Provision of Special Electrical Power Supplies for Testing Purposes—As. and As..
3310. Food Rationing—Allowances for Casual Meals. 3353. Electrical—Emergency Supply—Arrangements—British Built Major War Vessels
3311. Food Rationing—Ration Cards for Personnel Granted Regular Night Leave. (except Submarines).
3312. Funds—Canteen—Disposal (H.M.S. “ Vervain ” and I.F.T.C. Retreat). 3354. Electrical—Stores and Storerooms—Suppressor, Low Frequency, A.P. 19447—
(Included in Notice Boards only.) Introduction.
3313. Invaliding—Native Personnel at Stations Abroad—Documentation. 3281. Mines—German and Italian Mines—Recognition Chart. (Issued separately on
3314. Libraries—Services Central Book Dept—Books Obtainable at Reduced Rates. 21st June, 1945.)
3315. Manpower—Re-Allocation—Release in Class “ A **. 3355. Whitehead—Torpedo Components—Stores and Tools—Naval Stores for Torpedo
3316. Manpower—Re-Allocation—Return to United Kingdom of Ratings in Certain Age Purposes—Revised Allowances.
and Service Groups. 3356. Whitehead—Torpedo Components—Stores and Tools—Revised Allowances for
3317. Manpower—Re-Allocation—Revised Form S.161R—Issue. Submarines.
3318. Manpower—Re-Allocation—Tentative Release Timetable. 3357. Whitehead—Torpedo Components—Stores and Tools—Spanners St. No. 1151—
3319. Medals, Decorations, Honours—Honours and Awards to Officers of the Royal Defective—Replacement Arrangements.
Hellenic Navy. 3358. Whitehead—22-4-in., Mark 13 (U.S.)—Defects in Air Flasks and Tails.
3320. Medals, Decorations, Honours—Honours and Awards to Officers of the U.S. Navy
and Naval Medical Corps. Navigation.—(Navigation Stores, Sextants, Compasses, Charts, Anchors, Sails, etc.)
3321. Medals, Decorations, Honours—Honours and Awards to Officers of the U.S. Navy 3359. Combined Operations—Major Landing Craft—After Fairlead.
and Naval Reserve. 3360. Compasses—Binnacles—Safe Distances.
3322. Medals, Decorations, Honours—The 1939-45 Star, The Africa Star, The Atlantic 3361. Compasses—Distant Reading, R.A.F., Mark I—Allowances of Spares.
Star, The Ait Crew Europe Star, TJie Italy Star, The France and Germany Star, 3362. Compasses—Magnetic—B.A.Ms.
The Pacific Star, The Btirma Star and The Defence Medal.
3323. Medical—Officers—Applications for Transfer to Permanent List. Engineer.—(Main and Auxiliary Engines, Boilers, other Machinery in Charge of the
3324. Medical—Officers—Selected for Transfer to Permanent List. Engineer Officer, including Catapults, Coal and Oil Fuel, and Engineering Stores.)
3325i Officers -Short Service R.N*(A) and Reserve Officers—Transfer to Permanent 3363. Aircraft—Carriers—Escort—Arrester Gear Sheaves.
Commissions in the Royal NaVy—Retired Pay Conditions, 3364. Boilers—U.S. Navy System of Feed-Water Treatment—Extension of Use.
3326. Pensions—Long Service—Option for Quarterly Payment. 3365. Gas—Cylinders (Oxygen)—Allocation of Admiralty Numbers.
3327. Ratings—Particulars to be Quoted in Correspondence. 3366. Propellers and Shafting—Propeller and Underwater Fittings—Form D.488—
3328. Ratings—Special Repair, Ratings (D)—Advancement to Chief Rate for Artisans Recording Additional Clearances.
and to 1st Class Rate "for Mechanics.
(7 1 6 4 6 ) A Z
4 5
5.—B o o k s , F o r m s , R e t u r n s , C o r r e s p o n d e n c e
S e c t io n
3.—G., T., N., E . , e t c . & S t o r e s ; H u l l , E q u i p m e n t & F i t t i n g s —contd.
S e c t io n
3409. Air Stations—R.N. Air Station, Crimond, Renamed R.N. Air Station, Rattray.
Signals.—(W/T and V/S Apparatus, Radar, D.F., 8.R.E., Wa/T and Stores.) 3410. Books of Reference—Amendments.
3367. Radar—Operational and General—Ranging Outfit RTE and Indication Outfit JJI 3411. Books of Reference—B.R. and O.U. Publications—Distribution during May, 1945.
—Sector Selector Unit, Pattern W.9083—Modification. 3412. Books of Reference—B.R.1281 (1) and (2)—“ Instructions for Release from the
3368. Radar—Type 253/P—Power Supolies. Naval Service ”—Issue. Parts I and II.
3369. Stores—Administrative and General—W/T and Radar—Disposal of Radio from 3413. Correspondence—Addresses—Commodore Superintendent, Ceylon—Captain
Ships Reducing to Reserve. Superintendent, Trincomalee.
3370. W/T—Operational and General—General Information for Fitting W/T Trans­ 3414. Far East—Information about the Fkr East and the War against Japan—Distribu­
mitting and Receiving Aerials. tion of Literature.
3371. W/T—Operational and General—W/T and Radar Cables—Distribution of A.S.E. 3415. Forms—0.6—Labels Ammunition No. 940—Introduction.
Catalogue A, Volume 1. 3416. Invaliding—Native Personnel at Stations Abroad—Documentation (see A.F.O.
Anti-Submarine.—(Asdics, Hydrophones and Echo Sounding and Stores.) 3417. Libraries—Officers Reference—Annual Publications.
3418. Mercantile Marine—Admiralty Merchant-Ship Defence Instructions.
3372. Asdics—Modification and Addition—Gear Box, Pattern A. 1993 for Recorders— 3419. Publications—Air—Distribution.
Modified Design.
3420. Publications—Air—Distribution.
A ircraft.—(Technical.) 3421. Publications—Air—Supply Position of General Air Publications.
3422. Publications—Poster S.272—Revision.
3373. Aircraft—W/T—Radio—Modifications—Policy. 3423. Resettlement in Civil Life—“ Careers for Men and Women ” and Other Pamphlets —
3374. Aircraft—W/T—Radio—S.C.R.522 (T.R.5043) in Firefly—Manual Receiver Distribution of.
General.—(Hull, Armour, General Equipment and Fittings, etc., and Orders affecting S e c t io n 6 .— S h o r e E s t a b l is h m e n t s
two or more Departments.) 3424. Civilian Non-Industrial Staff—Mass Radiography for the Detection of Tuber­
3375. Aircraft—Barracuda Oleos—Test Pipes for Use on. culosis—Sick Leave and Establishment.
3376. Aircraft—Equipment—Accounting and Checking Procedure—Temporary Forms 3425. Civilian Non-Industrial Staff—Sickness Benefit—Claims for Periods of Absence
A.44/CC for Firefly NF, Mark I and Firefly FR, Mark I. Without Medical Certificate.
3377. Combined Operations—Landing Craft—Sand Trap Sea Chest—Increase in Height 3426. Gas—Cylinders (Oxygen)—Allocation of Admiralty Numbers. (See A.F.O.
of Access Hatch and Strainers—As. and As. 3365/45.)
3378. Combined Operations—Major Landing Craft—Stowage of Small Arms Ammunition. 3427. Gun Mountings—General—Transferable—Values for Financial Year, 1945.
3379. Combined Operations—Minor Landing Craft—Plugs, Sparking—Supply. 3428. Motor Transport—Cars—Volunteer Car Pools—Use of Cars.
3380. Combined Operations—Minor Landing Craft—Preparation for Shipment Overseas. 3429. National Health and Unemployment Insurance—Yard Craft Employees and
3381. Compasses—Magnetic and Binnacle—Withdrawal of Allowances from L.S.T.(3). Skippers and Crews of Boom Defence Vessels.
3382. Destroyers—Fore End—Additional Stiffening—As. and As. 3430. Timber—Very Short Supply.
3383. Electrical—Carbon Brushes for Electrical Machinery—Introduction of New 3431. Travelling—London to Paris Sea-Rail Service—Arrangements for Civilian
Patterns. Passengers.
3384. Fires—Fighting—Equipment—Allowances—“ Envoy ” Class Rescue Tugs. 3432. Workpeople—Allowances—Ship Repair Allowance to Certain Agreement
3385. Fires—Fighting—In H.M. Ships—Foam Compound Units—As. and As. Workmen Serving at Dockyards Abroad.
3386. Gas—Cylinders—Missing C.02 Cylinders—REPORT. 3433. Workpeople—Scheduling of Admiralty Establishments under Essential. Work
3387. Lamps—Electric—General Lighting—Supply of. Order—Necessity for following Correct Procedure.
3388. Stores—Items—Aircraft—Identifier Rude Star.
3389. Stores—Items—Anti-Rain Compound.
3390. Stores—Items—Counterdrum Instruments—Replacement of Barr and Stroud’s
by Graham Type.
3391. Stores—Items—Drums for Stowage of Mineral Sperm Oil.
3392. Stores—Items—Filter Outfits for Light Oil in Fire Control Systems—Allowances.
3393. Stores—Items—Mats, Paunch, Pattern 400—Revised Allowances.
3394. Stores—Items—Vice, Bench, 3-in., Parallel—Allowance.
3395. Submarines—D.S.E.A.—Spanner, Box, for.
3396. Submarines—Rudder Glands—Increased Clearance—As. and As.
3397. Submarines—Vent Valves, Main Tank, Telemotor Operated—Modification of
Stop Valve Spindles of Control Valves—As. and As.
3398. Trawlers—“ Lead-on ” Roller Fairleads—Fitting to Forward Winch—As. and As.
3399. Valves—Ventilation—Stocks for Use in Repairs, etc., for Ships in the Far East.
3400. W/T—Operational and General—C.W.S. System—Fitting of Single Pole Contactors.

S e c t io n 4.—O t h e r S t o r e s —N a v a l St o r e s *, V ic t u a l l i n g St o r es,
M e d ic a l S t o r e s , C o n tr a c ts
(*All N.S. Orders not included under Section 3.)
3401. Clothing—Loan Protective Clothing—Shoes for Handling Parties on Aircraft
3402. Mess—Gear—Cooks’ Tubs, 40 Gallons, Pattern 28d.
3403. Oil Fuel—Oiling at Sea—Instantaneous Coupling Adaptor.
3404. Stores—Administrative and General—Insecticide Powder (A.L. 63, Mark HI)—
Transfer from Vote 3 to Vote 8/II—REPORTS.
3405. Victualling—Provision»—Bacon, Cheese, Dried and Tinned Fruits, Frozen Meats
and Offals as Service Provisions—REPORTS.
3406. Victualling—Stores—Small Vessels Berthing at Glasson Dock, Fleetwood—Store
3407. Victualling—Stores—Tomatoes, Fresh—Supply Arrangements.
3408. W.R.N.S.—Tropical Stockings-
3282 6
7 3284
( Orders m arked*have been reprinted fo r posting on Notice Boards; m a rked f 4. A Naval officer has been appointed in command of each N.S.B.IL His
m ay be commvnicated to the Press.) duties are administrative and are not directly concerned with the operational
employment of the Naval ratings, who will be required to conform to the tactical
military requirements of the Army officers concerned.
Section 1 The officer in command of the N.S.B.U. will have two assistants, and when
ADMINISTRATION OF THE FLEET, CEREMONIES the N.S.B.U. is divided into three troops on detached service these three officers
will be in immediate command of their respective troops. (A.F.O. 2315/44
All these officers will be Combined Operations Communications Officers
3282.—Message of Congratulations to H.M. the King (C.O.C.O.) who have completed a special course of Army signals at the Army
School of Signalling, Catterick.
(M. 1777/45.—21 Jun 1945.)
The following message was sent to H.M. the King on 14th June, 1945 :— 5. The Naval ratings in all C.O.B.U. are combined operations personnel within
the meaning of A.F.O. 1653/44, and are borne for pay on the books of
“ On the occasion of Your Majesty’s birthday, the Board of Admiralty H.M.S. “ Copra No officer or rating may be withdrawn from or added to an
and the officers and men of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, with humble N.S.B.U. except by an attachment, issued by Admiralty in C.O.A.L. or a draft
duty and an assurance of their devoted loyalty, offer to Your Majesty their Order issued by H.M.S. “ Copra ” respectively.
sincere congratulations.”
The following reply from His Majesty was received :— The integrity of these units is to be preserved; they cannot be disbanded
except by order of the Admiralty or of a Naval Commander-in-Chief afloat.
“ Please express my sincere thanks to the Board of Admiralty, officers
and men of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines for their kind and loyal 6. The N.S.B.U. will be numbered in accordance with Naval practice. For
congratulations on the celebration of my birthday.-—GEORGE R .I.”. drafting and for purposes of administration these numbers will always be used.
For tactical purposes, however, when the N.S.B.U. is divided into three troops
3283.—Message Sent on the Occasion of the National Day of Denmark, of similar size, the troops may be designated by such special numbers or letters as
5th June, 1945 conform to military practice. This in no way alters or affects the basic system of
(M. 1164/44.—21 Jun. 1945.) numbering the N.S.B.U. for Naval administrative purposes.
The following message was sent to the Commander-in-Chief, Royal Danish 7. N.S.B.U. will be allocated either to a landing craft base or other suitable
N av y :— base ship or placed at the disposal of a Naval Force Commander for operations.
“ On the occasion of the National Day of Denmark, the Board of In the latter case it will become the responsibility of the Naval Force Commander
Admiralty send their greetings and their congratulations upon the liberation to nominate a base or ship to which the unit will be allocated. In all cases it is
of their country to all officers and men of the Danish Navy, and to Danish necessary th at a N.S.B.U. is allocated (see paragraph 10) to a suitable superior
officers and men serving with the Royal Navy Naval authority at all times, including the period when it forms part of a C.O.B.U.,
I t is their earnest hope th at the association between the two Navies, either for training or active operations.
begun during the dark days of Denmark’s struggle for freedom, will long
continue hereafter in the common task of ensuring a lasting peace 8 . Should it be necessary for any purpose of training or operational employ­
ment for a N.S.B.U. to be moved from the base or ship to which it has been
The following reply was received :— allocated, this can be arranged by the Commanding Officer of such base or ship,
The C.-in-C. Royal Danish Navy, in the name of all officers and men of provided that the Admiralty, H.M.S. “ Copra ” and C.C.O. are informed in order
the Danish Navy and of the Danish officers and men serving with the Royal th at mails can be diverted and arrangements made for any changes in records,
British Navy, thanks the Board of Admiralty from the depth of his heart pay and allowances.
for their greetings on the occasion of the National Day of Denmark and for Should such detachment be prolonged and/or too far removed from the
their congratulations upon the liberation of his country. He sincerely jurisdiction of the responsible Naval authority, then he is to request a re-allocation
trusts that the association between the two Navies, begun during Denmark’s through the usual service channels.
darkest days, will always continue and it is an honour for him to assure the
Board of Admiralty that he will always do his best to ensure this association 9. I t is most desirable th at once a “ Cdmbined Operations Bombardment
in the common interest of securing world peace.” Unit ” is formed, the Naval section should not be separated from the military,
otherwise the value of their combined training will be lost. Whilst it is necessary,
therefore, to maintain the organization as a combined unit- this in no way absolves
3284.—Status, Organization and Administration of the Naval Personnel in a Combined the Commanding Officer of the base or ship to which the Naval section has been
Operations Bombardment Unit (N.S.B.U.) ‘‘allocated’’ from his administrative responsibility» nor is that allocation to be changed
(M/C.O.D. 148/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) without authority from the Admiralty or a Commander-in-Chief abroad (see para­
A Combined Operations Bombardment Unit, of which the N.S.B.U. forms the graph 10). On operations the Naval Force Commander will propose such re­
Naval element, also includes officers of the Royal Artillery and certain other allocation as may be necessary when the N.S.B.U. proceeds into the assault area.
military ranks, but this Order is not concerned with the tactical role or m i l i t a r y 10. The term “ allocated ”, when used in connection with landing ship and
organization of this Unit.
craft organization and special C.O. units, denotes th a t the vessel or unit concerned
2. The Naval wing of a Combined Operations Bombardment Unit consists of a is to form a part of the unit or force indicated for purposes of general administration
number of Telegraphist Ratings trained in Naval bombardment W/T procedure o r is to come under the general administration of the Commanding Officer of the
and field craft, whose function it is to provide bombardment communications ship o r base indicated as the case may be. (C.A.F.O. 89/45 refers.)
from the shore to H.Q. ships, bombarding ships and support craft.
11. This Order will come into effect as from the date of issue.
3- Each of these Naval wings consists of one Naval Section Bombardment Unit
(A.S.B.U.), which includes a small number of ratings for H.Q. duties during the (C.A.F.O. 89/45, A.F.Os. 6308/43, 1653/44 and 2315/44.)
absence of the Mobile Bombardment Communications Unit (M.B.C.U.).
(A.F.O. 3920/44 is cancelled.)
3285 8 9 3287
3286.—9th Submarine Flotilla—Administration and Address 3287.—Training Devices Committee
(M.—21 Jun. 1945.) (C.E./N.T. 65/45.—21 Jun. 1945.)
The 9th S/M Flotilla will continue to be based on H.M.S. “ Ambrose It A considerable number of mechanical and other'“ artificial ” training, devices
will be under the command of a Commander. are already in use in the S arvice, and it is probable that the need for other devices
of this kind, often called “ Synthetic Training Devices,” will arise.
2. Signals and correspondence are to be addressed to H.M.S. “ Ambrose ” and
not to Captain S/M 9. 2. In order that work in connection with these devices may be co-ordinated,
approval has been given to the institution of a Training Devices Committee (to
3. Paragraph 2 (b) of C.A.F.O. 2010/44 is cancelled. which reference is made in A.F.O. 2667/45, paragraph 4).
(C.A.F.O. 2010/44.) 3. The Terms of Reference of the Committee are as follows :—-
(а) To collect information about special equipment used for training personnel
in Naval trairiing establishments and ships, and about training devices
used in the other Services, and those of our Allies.
(б) To circulate this information to divisions and departments interested.
Section 2.—PERSONNEL, PAY, SERVICES, DISCIPLINE, etc- (c) To examine new ideas for training devices and advise where necessary.
(d ) To review the suitability of existing training devices and propose changes
8286.—Verification of Balances in Charge of Supply Officers and Examination of Cash in type, or modifications to existing types, when either the Committee
Accounting Procedure at an Uncertain Date—REPORTS or user consider reasonable prospects of improvement exist.
(D.N.A. 20923/43.—21 Jun. 1945.) (e) To assist in placing development in the hands of suitably qualified
Reports of the verification of balances in charge of Supply Officers and ex­ personnel.
amination of cash accounting procedure at an uncertain date appear to be overdue (/) To obtain advice upon production through the appropriate Controller’s
in respect of the undemoted ships and establishments. Department.
2 . Ships etc. concerned are to report to their Administrative Authority the date 4. The com/position of the Committee will be as follows :—
of the last inspection made in accordance with K.R. and A.I., Article 1105a, and
if it be confirmed th at the period of six months has been exceeded, arrangements Chairman ............... Director of Naval Training.f
are to be made to repair the omission at the earliest practicable date. Members ... ... Representatives of—
3. Administrative Authorities concerned are to report to the Admiralty the (i) Admiralty Divisions and Departments con­
position in regard to all ships listed hereunder which are in their respective cerned with training.
commands :— (ii) Director of Scientific Research.f
*“ Activity ” (iii) Director of Education.f
“ Lochinvar ” (iv) Senior Psychologist.f
Bari, H.M. Naval base “ Maidstone ”
“ Begum ” “ Manchester City ” Secretary ... ... An officer of D.N.Ts. staff, f
“ Benbow ” “ Marseilles ” (f Standing Part of the Committee.)
Benghazi, H.M. Naval base “ Montclare ”
“ Bermuda ” Nairana ” 5. Sub-Committees.—(a) As the full Committee will be too large a body to meet
Brindisi, H.M. Naval base *“ Napier ” frequently, particular work will be undertaken by a Devices Sub-Committee con­
“ Challenger ” Naval party, 1686 sisting of the Standing Parts of the full Committee (paragraph 4), a representative
“ Cockfosters ” t “ Oxfordshire ” of the appropriate division or department acting as Chairman in place of D.N.T.,
“ Daedalus ” “ Patroller ” unless large matters of general application are under consideration, when D.N.T.
“ Deersound ” “ Pembroke I ” will take the chair. This Sub-Committee will, at the discretion of the Chairman,
“ Eastway ” “ Phoebe ” co-opt other officers as necessary.
“ Empire Battleaxe ” “ Premier ” (6) As the film is one of the most effective training aids, there will also be a
“ Empire Mace ” “ Queen Emma ” parallel Film Sub-Committee. I t will consist of a representative of the division or
“ Fabius ” “ Ranee ” department concerned with the particular subject, who will be Chairman, together
“ Gamanu ” “ Resource ” with a representative of D.N.Ts. Film Section, the Film Secretary, and represen­
“ Geraldton ” *“ Royal Ulsterman ” tative of D.E.D. and Senior Psychologist, who will attend when they consider it
“ Glasgow ” *“ Ruler ” desirable. This Sub-Committee will also co-opt other officers as requisite.
“ Glfeneam ” *“ Scott ” Note.—When a film is an auxiliary part of a synthetic training devicfe, as opposed
“ Glenroy ” “ Scylla ” to an instructional film by itself, the Devices Sub-Committee will handle it, co-opting
“ Goshawk ” “ Shah ” any necessary help for the film work.
“ Invicta ” “ Shrike ”
“ Iron Duke ” *“ Shnger ” 6. School Committees.—To include representation of the views of the main
“ Kelantan ” “ Tana ” training establishments, each of the main schools should set up its own local
*“ Kenya ” “ Tracker ” committee to suit its particular needs and requirements. The interests represented
“ Keren ” “ Tyne ” on these School Committees should be generally similar to those on the full Com­
“ Lamont ” “ Vasna ” mittee or the Sub-Committees as set out above. Each School Committee should be
“ Largs ” “ White Bear ” directly linked to the representative of the appropriate division or department in
‘ Leander ” the Admiralty, and where necessary should be co-opted in whole or in part, to
attend meetings of the Devices Sub-Committee or Film Sub-Committee. Where
* Included in A.F.O. 5266/44—reports not yet received. there is a shortage of suitably qualified officers to form full Local Committees,
t Included in A.F.Os. 5973/43, 2582/44 and 5266/44—reports not yet received. expert advisers may be provided from the Central Sub-Committees.
(K.R. and A .I. Art. 1105a.) (A.F.O. 2667/45.)
(A.F.Os. 5973/43, 2582/44 and 5266/44.)
3288 10 11 3289
*3288.—Advancement to Acting Leading Seaman (N.Q.)—Discontinuation air operations diary. Recording tactics employed by enemy and own
(N. 16576/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) forces, and any general intelligence gained from the sortie. He will
No further advancements to Acting Leading Seaman (N.Q.) are to be made, also assist the operations officer and Wing Leaders in the preparation
either in shore bases and establishments or in seagoing ships. Men who do not of reports on lessons learnt in operations.
qualify under the normal regulations for Leading Seaman are to be reverted to (iii) Compiling and filing information on :—
Able Seaman not later than six months after the date of this Order. Acting Leading Enemy tactics—rair tactics in offence and defence, defensive tactics
Seamen (N.Q.) may be afforded the opportunity of special advancement classes, of ships and land forces ; tactical employment of ship &nd shore
should they so desire. based aircraft.
(A.F.O. 2116/43 and Art. 54 and Appendix I, No. 7, B .R .1066, are cancelled.) Potential targets—Provision of maps, photographs, models, etcv
in conjunction with the 'Photographic Interpretation Officer(
3289.—Naval Air Intelligence Officers—Training, Duties, etc. ship-borne. War value of targets and their vulnerability to air
(C.W./A.W.D. 858/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) Enemy Air Order of Battle.
Operational experience has shown that there is an urgent requirement for Details of enemy A.A. defences.
officers to handle Air Intelligence in all its aspects both ashore and afloat. (iv) Liaison with other Intelligence services. Before a carrier sails the Air
A new organization is being formed to ensure that all sources of Air Intelligence
will be tapped and th a t sifted and collated material will be promulgated promptly
to all concerned.
I Intelligence Officer should visit the Operational Authority to obtain
last minute information.
(v) The organization and general charge of the Air Intel ligence.War Room.
This organization will be the subject of a later Order. (vi) The training of aircrews in :
The immediate requirement is for trained Air Intelligence Officers for duty Security.
afloat. These officers will be required to undertake arduous duties, entailiiig Escape and evasion.
the shouldering of great responsibility, an outline of such duties and of the type Self-preservation and survival.
of officer required is given in this Order.
(vii) The instruction of aircrews in :
2. General.—The following officers are eligible to volunteer as Naval Air Ship and aircraft recognition, performance, vulnerability, arma­
Intelligence Officers :— ment, etc.
(а) Lieutenants, R.N., who are non-specialists. (P) or (O) specialists are 9. The Naval Air Intelligence Officer will be responsible to the Operations
eligible. Officer. He will also work in close touch with the following officers : —
(б) R.M. officers of equivalent seniority. | (a) The S.O.(I) at the Operational Headquarters ashore.
(c) Air Branch officers R.N. and R.N.V.R. (b) The ship’s Intelligence Officer—particularly on geographical and general
(d) R.N.R. Executive officers. intelligence, confidential books, security.
(e) R.N.V.R. officers of the Executive and Special Branches, except those (c) The Photographic Officer—e.g., for requirements for operational photo­
who have qualified in Radar, Fighter Direction, H /F D/F or (C) duties. graphs and models.
3. Volunteers should be preferably more than 25 y ears of age and must normally | (d) The Photographic Interpretation Officer.
be Sub-Lieutenants or Lieutenants, but Acting Sub-Lieutenants will be con­ (e) Army Liaison Section where borne—provision of material required by
sidered if specially recommended. aircrews in assault operations. The duties of N.A.I.O. and C.B.A.L.O.
4. Qualifications.—The duties of Naval Air Intelligence Officer. require a are complementary.
personality with enthusiasm, initiative and the capacity to gain the confidence
of the aircrews whom they may be required to brief and interrogate. I t is 10. Training. All volunteers will undergo a course of twelve weeks duration.
essential that they should have a keenness and aptitude for the work with ability This will consist of four parts
to lecture and display intelligence attractively. Duration
Flying experience is an advantage but not essential. P a r ti. General Naval Air Intelligence ... at R.N.C., Greenwich 6 weeks
5. Medical.—A qualification “ F it for service afloat ” is required. Training in the general duties of Naval Air Intelligence Officers,
6 . Volunteers (Recommendations).—On receipt of this Order the names of including, inter alia, Organization of Air Intelligence; Naval,
volunteers who have not already been reported should be communicated to the R.A.F., U.S. and Japanese Air Forces’ organization; Air-borne
Admiralty by letter from ships arid establishments at home, and by signal from Forces, use and effectiveness of Allied and enemy weapons.
abroad. Thereafter, in order to provide for future requirements, monthly Practical briefing and interrogation of aircrews; forms used
returns of volunteers are to be forwarded ; “ Nil ” ret urns are not required. in reporting. Photographic Interpretation. Flak Intelligence;
Technical Intelligence, Geographical and Intelligence Surveys of the
7. S.206 or S.206E should be forwarded in every case except where a report
has been rendered within the last three months. Eastern Theatre.
8 . Duties.—The Naval Air Intelligence Officer afloat will carry out the P art II. Ship"recognition and Air Navigation ... R.N.A.S. Arbroath 10 days
following duties :— Lectures in ship recognition and elementary air navigation.
The duties of operations officers and observers.
(i) Briefing of aircrews in Intelligence subjects, i.e., the Geography, Topo­
graphy, etc., of the route to be flown and the target area. Routes for Part III. Aircraft recognition and Fighter ... R.N.A.S. Yeovilton 1 week
escape and evasion. Preparation of other enemy intelligence, i.e., Direction.
defences, forces that may be encountered, etc., for use by appropriate P art IV. Practical Experience at Air Station R.N.A.S. St. Merryn 2 weeks
briefing officers. For this duty he should have a knowledge of the (Practical briefing and technical lectures). (School of Naval Air
capability of own and enemy weapons. Warfare).
(ii) Interrogation of aircrews after an operation. Drafting narratives, combat In addition the course will visit a carrier as arranged by C.C.T. in order to
reports and records of damage inflicted on the enemy. Keeping the gain experience in Carrier Air Operations and also carry out the Inter-Service
Course in Escape and Evasion at R.A.F. Station, Highgate—Duration 5 days.

3289 12 13 3293
to their personal kit is not considered appropriate. Men definitely allocated to
11. Naval Air Intelligence Officers will be appointed to Flag Officers' Staffs» cooking duties, however, may be provided with two cooks’ aprons on personal loan,
Fleet and Light Fleet Carriers and Naval Air Stations, and subsequently to Escort the articles to be withdrawn if the men cease to be employed on cooking duties.
Carriers. A considerable time will elapse before sufficient officers are trained to Further consideration will be given to the provision of additional working duck
fill all appointments. Applications for N.A.I.Os. should not therefore be made on suits for all Cook ratings (General Forces and C.F. Cooks). B.R.5 cookery book will
the basis of this Admiralty Fleet Order. be supplied.
(K.R. & A .I., App. X V I I , Part 3, No. 9.)
(C .A .F .0. 2128/44 is cancelled.)
*3294.—Combined Operations Ratings—Advancement and Re-Advancement
8290.—Allotments—Q.A.R.N.N.S. and Q.A.R.N.N.S. (R) and Commandants and (N/C.O.P. 5689/45.—21 Jun. 1945.)
Assistant Commandants of V.A.Ds. Applications for examination for Temporary Acting Petty Officer (C.O.) and
(C.W. 34206/45.-21 Jun. 1945.) Temporary Acting Leading Seaman (C.O.), made prior to the dates of discontinuance
of advancement to those rates (1st May, 1945. for Temporary Acting Petty Officer
With effect from 3rd May, 1945, the use of the Naval allotment system may (C.O.) and 1st January, 1945, for Temporary Acting Leading Seaman (C.O.)—A.F.O.
be extended to members of the Q.A.R.N.N.S. and Q.A.R.N.N.S. (R), and 2402/45), are to be regarded as applications for the examinations for P etty Officer
Commandants and Assistant Commandants of Voluntary Aid Detachments serving (G.S.) and Leading Seaman (G.S.) respectively. The actual examinations, however,
a t home, under the conditions applicable to Naval officers. must be in accordance with the General Service syllabus and not the Combined
Operations syllabus.
8291.—Greenwich Hospital—Living of Falstone, Hexham 2. Men disrated or reverted for unsuitability from Temporary Acting P etty
Officer (C.O.) or Temporary Acting Leading Seaman (C.O.) may not be re-advanced
(C.W./G.H. 310/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) .to Temporary Acting Combined Operations rating ; they can regain higher rating
The Greenwich Hospital Living of Falstone, Hexham, in the gift of the only by qualifying for general service rating and obtaining advancement under
Admiralty, is now vacant. Any Naval Chaplain either on the Active or Retired general service rules.
List, R.N. or R.N.V.R;, who would desire to have his name considered for presenta­ (A.F.O. 2402/45.)
tion to this Living, should communicate with the Chaplain of the Fleet.
*3295.—Qualifying Course for Signal Boatswain
2. An officer on the Active List who is appointed to a Greenwich Hospital
Living is required to retire, if eligible for retirement, or to withdraw with a gratuity. (C.W. 30367/45—21 Jun. 1945.)
I f not eligible for retirement or withdrawal with a gratuity, he must resign his The following ratings have been selected to undergo the qualifying course for
commission. Signal Boatswain at H.M. Signal School, Portsmouth, commencing on 3rd Sept­
3. Officers on the retired list or who retire in order to accept the living may ember, 1945 :—
draw retired pay while holding the living. A. E. Argent, Y/S, C/JX.134271, H.M.S. “ Woolwich.”
4. The future net endowment income of the living of Falstone, Hexham, is F. W. Denny, C.Y.S., P/JX . 131184, H.M.S. “ Illustrious.”
approximately £290 per annum (gross) with a house. B. A. W. Evans, C.Y.S., C/JX.135990, H.M.S. “ Princess'Astrid.”
H. E. Hales, C.Y.S., P/JX.138112, H.M.S. “ Vega.”
W. A. Hardy, Y/S., C/JX.137609, H.M.S. “ Sussex.”
G. F. C. Hollis, C.Y.S., C/JX.133158, H.M.I.S. “ Talwar.”
3292.—Coastal Forces—Advancement of Ratings C. S. Randall, Y/S., D/JX.135405, H.M.S. “ Drake.”
(N. 16579/45.-21 Jun. 1945.) R. G. N. Phillips, C.Y.S., P /JX ,130394, H.M.S. “ Collingwood.”
H. R. Sears, C.Y.S., C/JX.136975, H.M.S. “ Pembroke.”
As from 1st July, 1945, C.A.F.O. 187/42 is to be regarded as cancelled and
from th at date, no further advancements to Acting Leading Seaman (Ty) or 2. The above-named ratings should join H.M. Signal School p.m. Sunday,
Acting Petty Officer (Ty), whilst serving in coastal forces, are to be made. 2nd September, 1945.
2. Article 156, B.R. 1066, will be amended.
3296.—Compensation for Losses of or from Registered Postal Packets
(B.R. 1066, Art. 156.)
(N.L/M. 405/45.—21 Jun. 1945.)
(C.A.F.O. 187/42 is cancelled.)
By arrangement with the Postmaster General, the G.P.O. has undertaken
to deal with all claims for compensation in respect of losses of or from registered
postal packets posted in the United Kingdom addressed to H.M. Ships and Naval
3293.—Seaman Cooks in Coastal Forces—Training establishments, or posted on board H.M. Ships, and assistance is to be afforded
(N. 25306/44.—21 Jun. 1945.) them in making any necessary enquiries in this direction.
Arrangements have now been made for the regular training of Seaman Cooks 2. Any claim in respect of a loss of or from a registered postal packet should
for Coastal Craft, to be carried out in H.M.S. “ Hornet ” . be made by the sender to the post office of origin. In the event of claims being
2. Men trained as in paragraph 1 should be paid the allowances for Acting made in respect of such packets posted in H.M. Ships, they should be forwarded
Cook of 3d. or 6d. a day according to the numbers victualled, under the arrangements to the Admiralty, for transmission to the General Post Office, with a report of the
specified in K.R. & A.I., Appendix XVII, P art 3, No. 9, and their service certificates known circumstances.
should bear the notation “ trained C.F. Cook ”. 3. Claims in respect of packets originating outside the United Kingdom
3. The rubber or rope-soled shoes issued to C.F. personnel on personal loan addressed to H.M. Ships should be submitted by the sender to the office of origin.
for wear on board should suffice for wear in the galleys of C.F. craft and the provision Should the postal.administration of the country of origin disclaim liability on the
of other types of footwear for use in the galleys is considered unnecessary. Cook’s ground that receipt into Naval custody is acknowledged, Commanders-in-Chief
boots will, however, be provided on loan to ratings undergoing cookery training in and Flag Officers are authorized to meet the claim from Naval funds. Compensation
H.M.S. “ Hornet ”. With regard to the supply of Cooks’ aprons, as the men will is to accord with the amount of liability under the regulations of the postal
continue to belong, and may revert to the Seaman branch, the addition of aprons administration of origin, who should be consulted in the matter, and in no case
15 3298
3293 14
is the compensation paid to exceed £10 without Admiralty prior approval. In Radio Radio Radio
all such instances of payment of compensation, a report of the circumstances, Line Type of Ship Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic
together with a statement as to any preventive and disciplinary action taken, is (R) (W/T) (WR)
to be forwarded to the Admiralty.
4. The G.P.O. will draw attention, to any case in which their enquiries reveaL
a weakness in procedure or negligence or suspected theft on the part of Naval (c) Cruisers (b^low 8,000 One Chief One Chief
personnel. In such circumstances suitable preventive or disciplinary action is to tons except C, D One P.O. One P.O.
be taken. and E classes). One P.O./Ldg. One P.O./Ldg.
5. Loss of or damage to an unregistered or uninsured parcel or its contents.—- (d) Escort carriers em­ One P.O.
A procedure similar to th at in paragraph 2 and 3 above should be followed except One P.O.
ployed on assault, One P.O./Ldg. Two P.O./Ldg.
that claims in regard to parcels originating outside the United Kingdom should replenishment or
npt be accepted unless such claims are normally accepted by the postal authority escort duties.
concerned. Note.—In “ Viiidex ”, “ Nairan a ” and “ Cam-
3297.—Complement Amendments—H.M. Minesweepers pania ”, when so employed, ad-d One P.O./Ldg.
(N. 12146/45.—21 Jun. 1045.),
The following amendment is to be made to schemes of complement:— (e) Destroyer and sub­ One P.O. One P.O.
H.M. Minesweepers of “ Algerine ” class, as private ships (Atjmiralty Letter marine depot ships. One P.O./Ldg. One P.O./Ldg.
N/P.M. 8594/40 of 28th May, 1941). If used as base
H.M . Minesweepers of “ Halcyon ”, “ Hebe ” and “ Bramble ” classes, as W/T ship
private ships (both complements) (Admiralty Letter N/G.O. 800/41 of add :—
7th July, 1941). One Chief
One P.O.
H.M. Minesweepers of “ B.A.M.lOO ” class, as private ships (Admiralty Note.—In destrc>yer depot ships add one P.O. (R)
Letter N.12921/42 of 10th February, 1943). and one P.O. (W/T) for every flotilla attached
Add 1 Lieutenant or Sub-Lieutenant. in excess of oile. In submarine depot ships oAd
one P.O./Ldg (WR) for every sight submarines
3298.—General Service Radio Mechanics—Revised Complements for Ships attached in e>:cess of eight.
(N/R.E. 90/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) Escort carriers em- One P.O. One P.O./Ldg.
Consequent on the reclassification of Radio Mechanics into (R), (WR) and ployedón ferry and One P.O./Ldg.
(W/T) in accordance with A-F.O. 1550/45, the following revised complements for deck landing train­
ships have been approved. ing duties.
2. The special complements allowed for certain Fleet Train and S.E.A.C. A.A. cruisers, moni­ Note.—In Leade rs of Fleet Destro per Flotillas, add
repair, maintenance and depot ships and for maintenance vessels attached to tors, Fleet destroyers. one Chief (R) for flotilla duties to be aeconuno-
Amphibious Forces are not included in this Order. A.A. sloops, fighter dated in anot ler vessel of the ]<Uotilla.
direction ships, Small.
3. The provision of the necessary additional Radio Mechanics required to
complete to the new complements in paragraph 4 will take some time and is being (g) Large and fast mine­ One P.O./Ldg. One P.O./LcJg.
carried out in accordance with a priority list to be decided by the Admiralty. The layers.
probable drafting priority is shown in A.F.O.3303/45. Commanding Officers are not Destroyers other than
to demand any additional Radio Mechanics on account of this Admiralty Fleet Order. Fleets. C, D and E
4. In all cases at home where the complement of Radio Mechanics shown below class Cruisers.
is borne in a shore base, 50 per cent, are to be W.R.N.S. Radio Mechanics (WM)
or (RR). (h) Frigates, corvettes, One P.O./Ldg.-
sloops, minelayers, Note.—In the ca se of submarines,
5. Revised Complements minesweepers, dan- only those s Decified by Ad-
lavers attached to miralty. For remainder, see
Radio Radio Fleet M/S Flotillas. line (e).
Radio Submarines.
Line Type of Ship Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Other ships of com­
(R) (W/T) (WR) parable size, or with
comparable equip­
(a) Battleships. One Chief One Chief
Fleet Carriers. Two P.O. Two P.O. (i) Coastal Force craft. One P.O./Ldg. One P.O./Ldg.
Two P.O./Ldg. Two P.O./Ldg. per 8 craft. per 8 craft in
One Chief which Radar
(b) Light Fleet Carriers. One Chief is fitted or—
Cruisers (8,000 tons One P.O. One P.O. One P.O./Ldg.
and above). per 4 craft if
Fighter direction ships, Two P.O./Ldg. Two P.O 'Ldg. fitted with
large. four or more
Radar and
W/T sets.
3298 16 17 3299
2. Accordingly, a five-day course in Basic Radar is run weekly at R.N. Barracks,
Portsmouth, and caters for the following categories of officer :—-
Radio Radio Radio
Line Type of Ship Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic General Service Officers.*
(R) (W/T) (WR) Destroyer Gunnery Officers.
Air Gunnery Officers.
Specialist Officers qualifying.
Sub-Lieutenants qualifying for Lieutenant.
(j) Trawlers. One P.O./Ldg.
Other ships of com­ per eight ships R.M. Subalterns.
parable size or with borne in base Instructional Gunners.
comparable equip­ or depot ships W arrant Officers qualifying for Lieutenant.
ment. * Also includes such non-executive officers whose duties at sea (e.g., plotting)
demand a general knowledge of radar.
(k) L;S.F. One Chief One Chief

Three P.O. Two P.O. Note.—For all officers mentioned above, except General Service officers, this
Two P.O./Ldg. One Ldg. Radar course is arranged as part of their qualifying courses and no action need
be taken by individual officers.
(1) F.D.T. One P.O. One P.O. 3. The course commences at 0930 every Monday, and finishes at 1630 on Friday.
(L.S.F., small). One Ldg. One Ldg.
4. Officers taking the course can be victualled in the R.N. Barracks, Ports­
(m) L.S.H. (L) One P.O. One Chief mouth. Service accommodation cannot always, however, be provided. Advice as
One P.O./Ldg. Two P.O. to accommodation available in the town can be obtained from the Hall Porter
Two P.O./Ldg. Wardroom Mess, R.N. Barracks.
5. The course is designed to give an all-round, non-technical picture of radar,
(n) L.S.H. (S) One P.O. One Chief its uses, and applications. Executive officers doing a series of courses should
or ♦One P.O. endeavour as far as possible to do this course at the beginning. Wherever possible,
L.S.L. fitted for »One P.O./Ldg.
S.O.A.G. (* Allowed only officers taking tactical or staff courses at Greenwich .should also endeavour to do
when S.O.A.G. the Basic Radar course first.
is borne.) 6 . For officers of Lieutenant-Commander’s rank or above and Lieutenants in
Command, the syllabus includes, if required, a one-day course in Action Information
(o) L.S.I. One P.O./Ldg. Organization at H.M.S. “ Dryad ” on the Friday (C.A.F.O. 385/45, paragraph 5 (a)
L.S.T. (1)
L.C.H. refers).
7. The Captain, H.M.S. “ Collingwood ”, organizes this course, and applications
(P) L .S .T .(2)
L .S .T .(3)
Two P.O./Ldg.
per flotilla of
1 for individual officers to undergo it should be made direct to him, quoting this
Order. No reply will be made unless the officer concerned cannot be accepted.
8. When it is impracticable for officers to travel to Portsmouth, a shortened
course can be given at H.M. Radar School, Sherbrooke House, Pollokshields,
(q) L.C.I. (L) One P.O./Ldg. Glasgow. Application should be made to the Officer-in-Charge.
L.C.G. (L) per flotilla of
L.C.G. (M) 12. • (C.A.F.O. 2238/44 and A.F.O. 5987/44 are cancelled.)
(C.A.F.O. 385/45.)
(r) L.C.T. (R) One P.O. per One P.O. per
L.C.S. (R) two craft. six craft.

(s) L.C.T. One P.O./Ldg. 3300.—Damage Control Training Units

per squadron
of 36. (N/DNE. 10109/45.—21 Jim . 1945.)
Damage control training units for the practice of shoring and leak stopping
(t) L.C.N. One P.O./Ldg. will shortly be completed a t Portsmouth, Chatham and Devonport.
per flotilla of
6. 2. Each unit consists of a reproduction of a small section of ship housed in
Note.—Add on 3 P.O./Ldg. for a Romney hut. The hut is large enough to contain the necessary equipment and
every flotilla of minor landing a small lecture room for the display of drawings, diagrams, etc. Exercises can be
craft to whi<:h an L.C.N. is witnessed from the floor of the hut through the open front of the ship structure.
attached. 3. Shoring and the following types of repair can be practised :—
(A.F.Os. 1550/45 and 3303/45.) (a) 6 -in. shrapnel hole in deck.
(A.F.O. 883145 is cancelled.) (b) Distorted W.T. hatch cover.
3299.—Basie Radar Courses for Non-Technical Officers (c) 2 -ft. hole in ships’ side.
(D. of N. 08013/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) (d) Group of small splinter holes.
The importance of Radar to the Fleet makes it necessary that officers generally (e) Damage scuttle.
should have a good knowledge of Radar, and that specialist officers in particular (/) Split in transverse bulkhead.
should possess an all-round knowledge of Radar in addition to the specialist applica­ (g) Leaking gland to rod gearing.
tion taught at their own schools.
3300 18
19 3303
(h) Leaking ventilation valve.
(i) Damaged 3J-in. fire main. 3. Radio Mechanics (R).—The full complement of radio mechanics (R)
authorized by A.F.O. 3298/45 is to be drafted to battleships of “ King George V ”
To introduce realism and to test the efficiency of the repairs, water can be class, fighter direction ships large, and such other ships as have been specially
applied through a system of tanks. approved by the Admiralty. Destroyers fitted with Type 275 or 262 are to
4. Stores and equipment are kept at the unit. have their former complement of one radio mechanic (WR) increased by one radio
mechanic (R).
5. The unit is primarily for the use and training of damage control parties from
ships in port. 4. Except in the above cases, radio mechanics (R) required to augment
complements authorized previous to the issue of A.F.O. 3298/45 are not to be
6 . Ships wishing to use the unit should apply by signal in accordance with the drafted by drafting officers at home or abroad until specific authority is issued
port orders to Commodores of R.N. barracks. from the Admiralty. The order of priority will probably be :—
(а) One additional radio mechanic (R) to :—
3301.—Dental Officers—Specialist Allowance (i) A.A. Sloops.
(C.W. 57034/44.—21 Jun. 1945.) (ii) Fleet destroyers with types 276, 277 or 293/M,
(iii) Other ships fitting types 262/3, 274 or 275, except aircraft carriers.
As a wartime measure, it has been decided that, with effect from 28th December,
•1944, specialist allowance at the rate of 5s. a day is payable to Naval Dental Officers (iv) Other ships not mentioned in (i) to (iii) above.
while actually appointed for duty to certain specialist posts in which they are (б) Second additional radio mechanic (R) to
required to act in a consultative capacity and to undertake treatment of difficult (i) Fleet destroyers.
cases of maxillo-facial injury and miilor oral surgery, under the conditions under (ii) A.A. sloops.
which medical specialist allowances are payable to Naval medical specialists.
(iii) Other ships concerned.
2. Dental officers who are entitled to the allowance under paragraph 1 will be
appointed “ and for specialist duties ” 5. Radio Mechanics (W/T.—Radio mechanics (W/T) are not to be drafted by
drafting officers at home or abroad to complete ships to the new complements
promulgated in A.F.O. 3298/45 except for the following
3302.—Summary Punishment—Enforcement oi Sentences Suspended after Committal (i) Base W/T ships—2 each—in addition.
(NX. 2049/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) (ii) Escort carriers—2 each—replacing existing (WR) (ex W).
Where a sentence of detention is suspended in accordance with either K.R. & (iii) L.S.H.(S) and L.S.I. fitted for S.O.A.G.—2 each (one only for L.S.I. when
A.I., Article 559, clause 3, or C.A.F.O. 769/45 after a committal order has been S.O.A.G. not borne)—replacing existing (WR) (ex W).
issued and the man is subsequently re-committed to Naval Detention Quarters to 6 . Specific authority will be issued by the Admiralty for the remamder probably
serve the residue of his sentence by reason of having committed a further offence, in the following order :—
the residue is to be reckoned as the period of the original sentence less the number (i) Cruisers—2 each (where applicable).
of days actually served, no account being taken of any remission whibh might have
been earned on the portion already served. For example, a man whose sentence (ii) Depot ships (other than Base W/T ships)—2 each (where applicable).
of 90 days’ detention is suspended after having served 40 days and who is sentenced (iii) Destroyers— 1 each.
to a further 90 days' detention for an offence committed during the period of sus­ (iv) Fleet carriers—2 each.
pension, should be committed for 140 days, assuming it is decided th at the sentences (v) L.S.H.(L)—2 each.
are to run consecutively, and he would then be eligible to earn remission cn this (vi) Light Fleet carriers—2 each.
(vii) Fighter direction ships—2 each.
2. Naval offenders re-committed to Military Detention Barracks are, irrespective (viii) Battleships—2 each.
- of whether they were first committed to Naval Detention Quarters or Military
Detention Barracks, eligible to reckon any marks towards remission earned (ix) A.A. sloops—1 each.
before suspension when the remission earned in respect of the whole sentence is (x) Monitors—1 each.
being assessed, in accordance with the Rules for Military Detention Barracks. In all these cases any radio mechanics (WR) (ex W) borne are then to be withdrawn.
3. In order th a t Naval offenders should, as far as possible, receive uniformity After completing the above, ships allowed more than 2 radio mechanics (W/T) will
of treatment, it is desirable, therefore, that they should be sent to Naval Detention be brought up to full complement.
Quarters wherever practicable when re-committed on suspended sentences. 7. In all cases priority is to be given to implementing the above in the case of
(K.R. & A .I., Article 559.) ships belonging to or expected to join the East Indies or British Pacific Fleets.
(C.A.F.O. 769/45.) 8 . The Admiralty authority for implementing the various stages of the above
will take the form of “ A ” messages which will be issued as the ratings become
(A.F.O. 1507/44 is cancelled.) available.
(A.F.O. 3298/45.)
3303.—Radio Mechanics for H.M. Ships—Priority for Drafting (A.F.O. 886/45 and Admiralty General Messages 453A and 897A are cancelled.)
(N. 8648/45.—21 Jun. 1945.)
Owing to the shortage of radio mechanics the following rules are to be observed
m drafting them to H.M. ships. 3304.—Radio Mechanics—Drafting to Shore Establishments
2. Radio Mechanics (W R).—Every endeavour is to be made to draft radio (N./R.E. 03273/45.—21 Jun. 1945.)
mechanics (WR) to all ships allowed such ratings by A.F.O. 3298/45 or other
authority. I f no radio mechanics (WR) are available one radio mechanic (R) Consequent on the reclassification of radio mechanics detailed in A.F.O. 1550/45,
should be drafted temporarily in lieu. Radio mechanics (W/T) are not to be drafting authorities may be in doubt as to the correct categories of radio mechanics
drafted in such cases. to be drafted to shore establishments for which the authorized complements were
issued prior to the date of the above Admiralty Fleet Order.
3304 20
21 3305
2. Until such time as complements may be amended, radio mechanics are to be
drafted by categories to shore establishments as follows :— on his claim whether accommodation and/or food were supplied and return form
(а) For Radar work (e.g., staffs of Port Radar officers)—category (R). S.542 giving particulars of cash advances received overseas.
(б ) For W/T'work (e.g., staffs of Port W/T officers, W/T and “ Y. ” stations)— (c) The Central Advisory Gouncil will submit the claim for payment of
category (W/T). honorarium and all expenses to the Admiralty, after the lecturer has returned.
(c) Radio mechanics (WR) may be employed ashore :— 3. Travel and Travel Risks.—(i) Air transport overseas will be arranged by
(i) in lieu of radio mechanics (R) the Admiralty whenever possible, and all expenses thereby incurred will be borne
(ii) in lieu of radio mechanics (W/T), if the work concerns small ships’ by the Admiralty.
W/T equipment (or its equivalent). (ii) The Admiralty will in approved cases bear the cost of extra premiums
Paragraph (c) is applicable only :— which a lecturer has to pay on existing life assurance policies to cover air travel
(1) when radio mechanics of the (R) or (W/T) category, are not and foreign service. Lecturers are advised to consult their insurance companies
available, or in good time before departure and claims for refund of additional premiums should
be forwarded to C.E.H Branch, Bath.
(2) to shore establishments where the work, involving both Radar
and W/T, only justifiés a total of one radio mechanic. (ui) In the event of a lecturer falling ill while overseas, arrangements will be
made for him to receive treatment from a medical officer in the Navy or at a Naval
3. Commanding officers of establishments concerned are to forward to the hospital. If admitted to hospital, the lecturer will be responsible for meeting the
drafting authority (if at home, Commodore, R.N. Barracks, Portsmouth : if abroad, normal hospital charges.
the appropriate local drafting authority) such information as may be necessary to 4. Lectures to Members of other Forces.—Full costs of any tour arranged on
enable them to provide the correct category of radio mechanics when those now behalf of an Overseas Command of the Royal Navy Will be borne by the Admiralty,
borne become due for relief. but the services of lecturers may be utilized by other services and by Dominion
4. This order does not authorize any increase in the total number of radio and Allied Forces under local arrangements made between the appropriate officers.
mechanics borne ; nor is it intended to imply that those now borne shall be relieved (A.F.Os. 4846/44 and 1652/45.)
before they are otherwise due. (A.F.O. 1536/45 is cancelled.)
5. Where approved, W.R.N.S. radio mechanics (RR) and (LM) may be drafted
in lieu of radio mechanics (R) and (W/T) respectively. *3306.—Correspondence Course in Flour-Milling Science and Technology
6 . Complements of ships are given in A.F.0.3298/45. (N. 16281/45.—21 Jun. 1945.)
(A.F.Os. 1550/45 and 3298/45.) Those who have been employed in the flour-milling industry may, whilst
serving in H.M. Forces, continue to study flour-milling technology and science
3305.—Adult Education—Provision îor Lecture Tours in Overseas Commands by means of a correspondence course arranged by the National Joint Industrial
Council for the Flour-Milling Industry. Such students are eligible to enter for the
(C.E. 935/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) Intermediate and Final Examinations of the City and Guilds of London Institute.
A part-time lecturer employed by the Central Advisory Council and undertaking 2. The course will begin at the end of September, 1945. All applicants will
a tour overseas on behalf of the Admiralty will be entitled to claim an honorarium
of 10 guineas per week for the time he spends outside the United Kingdom. The be required to pay an enrolment fee of 10s., and this fee, together with the
Central Advisory Council is empowered to advance up to 50 per cent, of the application, should be forwarded to Captain L. H. Green, 6, The Hermitage,
estimated honorarium for a tour, if the lecturer so desires. Richmond, Surrey, to whom any enquiries in regard to this course should be
Full-time lecturers employed by the Council will continue to receive their The full fee is 35«., but payment of all or part of the balance may be waived
salaries from this body and will not receive any additional honorarium. in accordance with the individual circumstances of the applicant, which should
2. Travelling Expenses and Subsistence Allowance.— (a) In the Vnited Kingdom. be disclosed in confidence to Captain Green when the application is made.
—Travelling expenses and subsistence allowance incurred by the lecturer between 3. Arrangements can be made for candidates who are serving with the Naval
home and airport are payable by the Admiralty a t the rates laid down in A.F.O. Forces to take the examinations for which they are eligible in H.M. ships and
1652/45, Appendix II, paragraphs 8 and 9. First class rail travel will be allowed. establishments.
(6) Overseas.—(i) Arrangements for accommodation and transport between (A.F.O. 1652/45, Appendix VIII.)
H .M . ships and establishments will be made by Commanders-in-Chief. Cash (A.F.O. 4237/44 is cancelled.)
advances may be made to the lecturer by Supply Officers or Cashiers as follows :—'
Honorarium : not exceeding five guineas per week. 3307.—Instructional Film—“ Low Angle Firing with Eyeshooting Sights ”
I Subsistence : not exceeding the appropriate entitlement.
A record of such advances should be made on Form S.542 which will accompany
the lecturer throughout his tom’ and such advances are also to be reported to
(G.D. 0227/45.—21 Jun. 1945.)
An instructional film in technicolor, entitled “ Low Angle Firing with
Eyeshooting Sights ” (serial number A.169), has been produced under the technical
D.N.A. forthwith. Facilities should be given for the lecturer to use an account iai direction of H.M.S. “ Excellent ”, and copies will be distributed, without demand,
in accordance with paragraph 6 below.
the Post Office Savings Bank, if desired. The subsistence rate is th at laid down 2. This film has been primarily produced to meet the requirements of coastal
for Class A in A.F.O. 4846/44, paragraphs 16 and 17, but final claims for travelling force gunnery, but it is equally important that all close range gunnery ratings
expenses and subsistence allowance will be submitted to the Admiralty through maiming weapons fitted with eyeshooting sights should fully understand the
the Central Advisory Council by the lecturer, on his return. In order to facilitate subject.
the settlement of claims by the Admiralty, the Command Education Officer con­ I t is to be assumed that the audience of this film is fully conversant with
cerned will forward to Admiralty (for D.E.D.) three copies of the programme A.A. eyeshooting and use of eyeshooting sights, as the terms used in the eyeshooting
actually fulfilled, including particulars of accommodation provided. problems are referred to from time to time.
(ii) I f either accommodation or food is provided, the rate will be reduced by 3. The film is divided into the following parts :—-
one-third, and if both accommodation and food are provided, one-third only of the
rate will be paid, subject to a maximum of 5s. per night. The lecturer must state P art 1. Introduction and Direction of Aim-Off.
In 2 reels with total running time of approximately 15 minutes.

2 .\
23 3308
3307 22
3308.—Instructional Film—Radar Spotting
P a rt 2. A m ount o f Aim-off.
In 3 reels w ith to ta l running tim e of approxim ately 30 minutes. (G.D. 0125/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
P a rt 3. P o in t of Aim an d Aim-off E stim ation Exercises. A series of instructional films on “ R adar Spotting ” is being made by the
I n 2 reels w ith to ta l running tim e of approxim ately 20 minutes. Royal N aval Film Section, in collaboration w ith H.M.S. “ Excellent ” . I t is
P a rt 4. Laying—Firing Technique and Spotting. intended th a t these filing should supersede P a rt 6 of th e R oyal N aval Instructional
In 3 reels w ith to ta l running tim e of approxim ately 25 minutes. Film “ Radiolocation—(A. 74*) ” which is now out of date and will subsequently
P a rt 5. N ight Action. be withdrawn.
In 1 reel w ith to ta l running tim e of approxim ately 8 minutes.
2. The production of th e following films is now in h and :—
4. Instructional Technique principles have been used in th e production of
Series A . 16 mm. silent film entitled “ iltadar Spotting
this film in th a t it provides breaks for questioning, note-taking an d discussion a t
convenient stages during th e showing. The film m ust n o t be allowed to ru n p ast P a rt I Type 274, Spotting Tube, how to spot for range.
these breaks. P a rt H Type 274, Spotting Tube, how to spot for line.
5. An instructional pam phlet for use w ith th e film is in th e course of P a rt I H Type 275, R anging Tube, how to spot for range.
P a rt IV Type 284, Spotting Tube, how to spot for range.
preparation. P a rt V Type 273, w ith Panel L.17 or L.18, how to spot for range.
6. Copies of th e film will be distributed w ithout demand as follows :—
No. of Copies. Series B. 16 mm. silent film entitled “ Radar Fall of Shot—Practice films ”for use with
Cinema Radar Fall of Shot Teacher
(a) Copies for re-issue on tem porary loan :— 35 mm. 16 mm. P a rt I Type 274, Spotting for range.
Lyness Library 2
1 P a rt I I Type 274, Spotting for line.
R osyth Library ... P a rt I I I Type 2_75, Spotting for range.
Greenock Library 1
2 P a rt IV Type 284, Spotting for range.
Liverpool Library P a rt V Type 273, Spotting for range.
Chatham Library 1
Portsm outh Library 2 Series C. 35 mm. Sound Instructional Film entitled “ Radar Spotting ”
D evonport Library 1
1 3. Details of Films.—Series A shows a series of single and multi-gun salvos
London L ibrary ... fired a t moored practice target, carrying R adar reflectors whose R adar response
Londonderry Library effectively simulates a surface target.
Colombo Library 2
Trincomalee Library 2 These films have been m ade w ith th e object of enabling detailed instruction
M alta L ibrary 3 to be given to spotting operators in range and line spotting. They have been
Alexandria Library 2 made w ithout sound track to expedite completion and distribution, b u t edited so
G ibraltar Library 2 th a t each film is a complete record of one particular series of firings as seen on one
Sydney L ibrary ... 4 type of R adar set display. The fall of shot has been recorded by the visual camera
Bombay Library 2 simultaneously w ith a photographic record of the displays on th e 274, 275, 284 and
273 R adar sets.
(6) Copies on perm anent loan
H.M.S. “ Excellent ” 2 They are capable o f projection upon any 16 mm. sound film or silent film
2 projector.
R .N . G unnery School, C hatham
H.M. Gunnery School, Devonport 2 The general sequence for the five parts of this series is to show each salvo
R.M. Gunnery School, Chatham first, as th e visual spotting officer saw it, then as th e spotting operator saw it on his
R.M. Gunnery School, E astney display (and how he measured the M .P.I. of th e salvo), then th e actual fall of the
R.M. Gunnery School, Plym outh salvo as recorded by a R ake Marking camera. Thus th e spotting operator, in
H.M.S. “ Queen Charlotte ” addition to seeing th e fall o f th e shot on his R adar display, obtains a visual picture
A.A. Range, E astney of the fall of th e shot in correct relationship to th e targ et for range and line, which
A.A. Range, B arton’s Point should enable him to conceive a better appreciation of his problem under the more
A.A. Range, B reakw ater Fort realistic conditions of firing a t an enemy ship.
A.A. Range, Malta 4. Series B. Radar Fall of Shot—Practice Films.—These films provide a
Combined Schools Manoel Island, number of photographed practice runs of th e R adar displays of th e 274, 275, 284
A.A. Range, Trincomalee and 273 Rladar sets, which, when projected on to the screen face of th e teacher,
A.A. Range, Colombo . the construction of which is described below, give a realistic impression of salvos
A.A. Range, Alexandria fired a t a ship target.
A.A. Range, Sydney I t should be noted th a t these films are for practice purposes only and should
H.M.S. “ H ornet ” be shown after th e spotting operator has received prelim inary instruction from the
H.M.S. “ A ttack ” “ R adar Spotting ” films, P arts I to V.
H.M.S. “ Beehive ”
H.M.S. “ Wildfire I I I ’ The display shows exactly the echo of the salvo and th e target as seen on a real
C.C.F., Mediterranean tube, and th e spotting operator, by calling out to the instructor his appreciation
C.C.F., E astern Theatre of th e M .P.I. o f th e salvo, should obtain good practice in accurate spotting both for
H.M.S. “ Cape W rath ” lines and range on the 274 set, and for range in the 275, 284 and 273 sets. The
H.M.S. “ Mull of OA ” ... correct position of th e M .P.I. for each salvo will be issued in th e form of a “ Crib ”
H.M.S. “ Mull of Galloway ” for the use of th e instructors.
H.M.S. “ D erby H aven ” 5. Series C 35 mm. Instructional Film “ Radar Spotting ” .—This film is to be a
H.M.S. “ W oodbridge H aven ’ comprehensive instructional sound film dealing w ith all. aspects of spotting fall of
F.O .C.R .I.N . ............... shot b y means of th e various R adar sets. I t will deal w ith the principles involved
N.S.H.Q., O ttaw a advantages and lim itations of R adar spotting and show th e drill and procedure to
B.A.D., W ashington be used for all equipments.
(A.F.O. 5377/44)
3308 24 25 3308
6. Description of “ Radar Cinema Fall of Shot Teacher —This teacher has
been designed w ith th e object of instructing R adar Control ratings in th e a rt o f The sound film “ R ad ar Spotting ” will, on completion, be issued and distributed
R adar spotting. according to th e provisions of paragraphs 107 and 108 of A.F.O. 5377/44.
In addition, two copies of all th e films listed in paragraph 2 of this order will
I t consists of a 16 mm. projector and screen. In order to give realism to th e be distributed w ithout dem and as follows :—■
R adar fall of shot practice films referred to in paragraph 2, series B, th e screen on H.M.S. “ Excellent ”
which they are projected has been designed to represent th e face of a cathode ray H.M.S. “ Queen C harlotte ”
H.M.S. “ Excellent ” H.M.S. “ Valkyrie ”
tube. (for H.M.S. “ Blazer ” ) H.M.C.S. “ St. H yacinth ”
The teacher has been designed for simplicity in order th a t it can be quickly H.M. Gunnery School, Devonport N.O.I.C. Flinders N aval Depot,
and conveniently erected on board. F or this reason th e standard 16 mm. projector R .N Gunnery School, C hatham Australia
supplied to ships, vide C.A.F.O. 1863/44, is the principle component of th e teacher. H.M.C.S. “ Cornwallis ” H.M.I.S. “ H im alaya ”
These films can also be used w ith th e 16 m m . sound projector, b u t when using The Captain, R adar Training H.M .I.S. “ Chamak ” (Royal Indian
a sound projector it is im portant to note th a t th e switch of th e projector should be N aval R ad ar School) K arachi
set to “ silent speed ” (i.e. 16 frames per second instead of 24 frames per second). 10. The sea store establishm ents concerned will be amended.
7. Construction of Teacher.—The screen holder should be m anufactured from (C.A.F.O. 1863/44 and A.F.O. 5377/44.)
wood to dimensions shown in A.F.O. Diagram 227/45. The screen itself should be
m ade of “ Celestoid ” tracing paper, or tracing cloth attached to th e holder b y means
3309.—Instructional Film “ The Fighting Lady ”
of drawing pins. A green filter also m ade of Celestoid and inserted between the (Serial Number G.652)
screen an d th e screen frame will give a realistic impression of th e face of a cathode (N.T. 5252/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
ray tube. The film “ The F ighting L ady ” is now available in 35-mm. size only and copies
The height m arked “ X ” in th e diagram, from th e base of th e projector to will be issued w ithout dem and in accordance w ith paragraph 3 below.
th e optical axis of th e lens varies according to th e m ake of th e projector, and should 2. The running tim e of the film is 60 m inutes and it depicts the achievements
be measured before construction of th e screen. In order th a t the trace is shown a t of a U.S. N avy aircraft carrier during the Marshalls, T ruk an d Marianas campaigns.
approxim ately n atu ral size, th e distance m arked <c Y on th e diagram, from the 3. D istribution will be as follows :—
face of th e projector lens to th e screen, should be so adjusted th a t th e projected No. of copies
image o f the outside diam eter of th e cathode ray tu b e as shown in th e film coincides Lyness library ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
w ith th e aperture of th e screen. R osyth library ... 2
Note.—Sheets of “ Celestoid ” in green an d white (each size 6-in. b y 6-in.) Greenock library 2
for m aking of screen and filter can be obtained through storing yards. Supply of Londonderry library 1
one sheet of green and one sheet of white “ Celestoid,” size 6-in. by 6-in. (consum­ Liverpool library 2
able naval stores) to each capital ship, aircraft-carrier, cruiser and fleet destroyer C hatham library 2
under construction should be arranged by w arrant yards and supplying yards or Portsm outh library 2
depots in th a usual manner. D evonport library 2
London library ... 1
8. Two thousand No. “ Celestoid ” sheets 6-in. b y 6-in. by 10/10,000-in. (1,000 G ibraltar library
No. green and 1,000 No. white) have been requisitioned for purchase for delivery 1
M alta library 3
to yards and depots detailed below :— Alexandria library 1
Green White
Bombay library 2
Chatham ... 100 sheets 100 sheets Colombo library 2
Sheemess 50 sheets 50 sheets Trincomalee library 1
Portsm outh ... 100 sheets 100 sheets Sydney library ... 4
Devonport ... 100 sheets 100 sheets Commodore, D urban 1
R osyth 100 sheets 100 sheets F.O.C. W est Africa 1
Mersey area ... ... 200 sheets 200 sheets
Severn arra ... ... 300 sheets 300 sheets 4. Application for copies on tem porary loan is to be made to Film Libraries,
Carfin 50 sheets 50 sheets I)ut copies should only be retained for a minim um period, so th a t circulation to all
Arrangem ents have been m ade for th e underm entioned quantities to be sup units of th e Fleet can be completed as soon as possible.
to overseas bases :— 5. Sixteen millimetre copies are n o t y et available and a further A dm iralty
Green White Fleet Order will be published when distribution is made.
From Severn area— Simonstown ... 20 sheets 20 sheets (A.F.O. 5377/44.)
Durban 50 sheets 50 sheets
Colombo ... 80 sheets 80 sheets 3310.—Food Rationing—Allowances for Casual Meals
Brisbane ... 20 sheets 20 sheets (V. 11/4222/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
Sydney ... 80 sheets 80 sheets
From Mersey area—G ibraltar 50 sheets 50 sheets The following allowances are to be substituted for those shown for these
M alta ... ... 50 sheets 50 sheets foodstuffs in A.F.O. -4984/44, Section D, paragraph 2 :—
Alexandria ... 50 sheets 50 sheets Bacon and Ham—
Requirem ents should be demanded from storing yards under subhead E.2(e) Breakfast— 1h-oz. for every seven meals served.
Main meals— f-oz. for every seven meals served.
9. Completion and Distribution of Films.—P arts I, I I and I I I of Series A and Subsidiary meals— | -oz. for every fourteen meals served.
B have been completed and will be issued w ithout dem and to ships now fitted and
being fitted w ith Type 274 and 275. Butter, Margarine and Fats—
The rem ainder of th e films of series A and B will, as they are completed, be - 6 oz. per person per meal served. Of the am ount so calculated, not
issued to ships fitted w ith th e relevant R adar sets. more th a n one seventh m ay be taken in the form of cooking fats and
no t more th a n two-sevenths in the form of butter.
27 3315
3310 26
*3315.—Man-power—Reallocation—Release in Class A
Points Foods—
(C.W. 36607/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
J point per m ain meal, J point per breakfast, per subsidiary meal an d
per tea served per eight weekly period. The release in Class A of male ratings and other ranks, R oyal Marines in Age
and Service group No. 1, and of m arried W .R.N.S. ratings claiming high priority
(A.F.O. 4984/44.) under A.F.O. 892/45, is to commence on 18th Ju n e in accordance w ith th e instruc­
tions in A.F.O. 2835/45.
3311.—Food Rationing—Ration Cards for Personnel Granted Regular Night Leave (A.F.Os. 892/45 and 2835/45.)
(V. 11/3774/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) (Admiralty General Message Home and Abroad 892A is cancelled.)
Naval, R.M. and W.R.N.S. personnel w hether m arried or single who are serving
and victualled in shore establishm ents or seagoing ships undergoing prolonged refit, 3316.—Manpower—Re-allocation—Return to U.K. of Ratings in Certain Age and
and are granted regular night leave to visit th eir families who are perm anently or Service Groups
tem porarily living in the locality, m ay be provided w ith a 72-hour- ration card (C.W. 35321/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
(RB 8A) once every two weeks. All ratings and other ranks R.M., including W .R.N.S., who are in Age and
2. As this concession is intended to prevent hardship to the. families of p er­ Service Groups 9 to 16 inclusive and who are serving in ships and establishm ents
sonnel who tak e meals regularly w ith them , steps Eire to be taken to ensure th a t abroad, b u t excluding N.W. Europe, are to be returned to depots a t home, after
these ration cards- are issued only to individuals who are strictly entitled to them. relief if necessary, in accordance w ith A.F.O. 2835/45 (re-issued in B .R . 1281 (1)).
T hey are not to be issued to personnel who are norm ally victualled b y th e use of Endeavour is to be m ade to arrange for these ratings to reach U .K . betw een 13th
service ration cards ; who during night leave tak e th eir meals in civilian catering A ugust an d 10th September.
establishments or service hostels ; or to anyone to cover a period for which ordinary 2. A ny reliefs who axe n o t available on th e station are to be asked for in the
leave is granted and a ration card is supplied under existing arrangements. next periodical requirem ent signal.
(A.F.O. 4984/44.) 3. All ratings and other ranks R.M., including W .R.N.S., who are in Age and
(A.F.O. 1820/45 is cancelled.) Service Groups 3 to 8 inclusive, who are serving ashore in N.W. E urope outside
th e U .K ., are to be returned to depots a t home, reliefs being dem anded only where
absolutely essential. Endeavour is to be m ade for these ratings to reach U .K . by
3312.-H.M.S. “ Vervain ” and I.F.T.C. Retreat—Canteen Funds—Disposal 16th Ju ly if practicable and n o t later th a n 13th August.
(N /E.F.O . 128/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) 4. The above orders do not apply to volunteers for further service under
( Included in N otice Boards Issue only.) A.F.O. 2835/45 (re-issued in B.R. 1281 (1)), paragraphs 15 and 35 to 48 or to ratings
entered locally abroad. O ther exceptions are referred to in paragraphs 20, 85, 86
and 82 of which th e first line is being amended to include officers and ratings who are
3313.—Native Personnel Invalided at Stations Abroad—Documentation domiciled abroad. Form s in Appendices A and B are to be completed as necessary
(M.D.G. 28936/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) 5. No action is required as regards officers as their appointm ents will be dealt
A ttention is directed to K .R . & A .I., Article 1587. with by th e A dm iralty
W hen invaliding survey report Form D.145 is subm itted to A dm iralty in
respect of native personnel, who are being discharged medically unfit, it is essential 6. I t is im portant th a t Service Certificates and other official documents should
th a t a copy of th e Service Certificate of th e individual should be appended to th e accompany th e ratings sent home. See also A.G.M. 842A.
Form D.145 ; in lieu of th e original document which is required to be appended
by the instructions on th a t form. (B.R. 1281 (1).)
2. F urther, th e d ate of actual cessation of naval pay is to be reported. This (A.F.O. 2835/45.)
will be inserted plainly a t to p right corner of front page of Form D.145. (Admiralty General Message Home and Abroad 925A is cancelled)
3. Service records of locally enlisted personnel are no t available a t A dm iralty
and the above inform ation is essential for assessment of gratuities or compensation 3317.—Manpower—Re-Allocation—Revised Form S.161R—Issue
which m ay be payable.
(K .R . & A .I. Article 1587.) (C.W. 37009/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
(A.G.M.769A is cancelled.) A revised Form S.161R, designed to cater for the varied ty p e of release, etc.,
under th e re-allocation plan, will be issued shortly. On receipt of the revised
form, th e following consequential amendments are to be m ade to th e “ Instructions
*3314.—Services Central Book Depot—Books Obtainable at Reduced Rates for Release and Dispersal ” :—
(N/D.P.S. 732/45/W /45—21 Ju n . 1945.) A.F.O. 2835/45. Paragraph 22—
The following is a further list of authors’ titles and prices of books which are Delete an d substitute “ 22. Form S.161R is to be rendered in th e case of a
available :~ m arried W .R.N.S. ratin g who elects to be released in her age and service group.”
Price Paragraph 73—
Author Title (including carriage)
A t end delete all after “ ratings.”
s. d.
Charteris, L. The S aint in Miami A.F.O. 1808/45. P aragraph 154. L ast sentence—
Conrad, J . Alm ayer’s Folly Delete and-substitute “ Releases under paragraph 152 are also to be reported on
Llewellyn, R. . None b u t th e Lonely H eart ... Form S.161R.”
Lockley, R . M. In lan d F arm Paragraph 164-
M eredith, G. The Ordeal of R ichard Neverel
Shaw, G. B. .. Everybody’s Political W h a t’s What Delete second sentence.
Delete last three lines (i.e., all after “ Form S.161R in line 5).”
(A.F.O. 2990/45.)
3317 28
29 3319
A.F.O. 2545/45. Paragraph 231—-
3319.—Honours and Awards—Royal Hellenic Navy
Delete last sub-paragraph.
(H. & A. 670/43.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
A.F.O. 2652/45. P aragraph 297. L ast sentence—
Delete “ th e form being endorsed ‘ R epatriate ’ K ie K ing has been graciously pleased to approve the following H onorary
appointm ent to the Most Excellent Order of the B ritish Em pire for distinguished
(A.F.Os. 1808/45, 2545/45, 2652/45 and 2835/45.) service to th e Allied cause :
(A.F.O. 2976/45 is cancelled.) Hon. C.B.E.
Captain Alex Levidis, R oyal Hellenic N avy
*f3318.—Man-power Re-allocation—Tentative Release Time-table 2. This appointm ent will n o t be gazetted.
(C.W. 36488/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
As «already announced the dispersal of officers and ratings, including Royal I.—Honours and Awards—United States Navy and Naval Medical Corps
Marines, in Age and Service group No. 1, and all high priority m arried W .R .N .S. (H. & A. 163/45 ; H . & A. 110/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
officers and ratings, commences on 18th Ju n e. Owing to th e very large numbers in
these groups, th e period of dispersal will extend over some weeks. The K ing has been graciously pleased to approve the following H onorary
Appointm ents to the Most Excellent Order of the B ritish Em pire :
2. As has already been explained in th e W hite P aper setting out th e re ­
allocation plan and in A dm iralty messages and printed orders on th e subject of Hon. C.B.E.
release, it will n o t be possible in th e N avy for an equivalent num ber of Age and Rear-Admiral H oward Adams Flanigan, U.S.N.,
Service groups to be released a t th e same tim e in all th e various branches o f th e for distinguished service to the Allied cause from 1941 to 1945.
Service. Captain Frederick C. Greaves, U.S. Medical Corps,
3. A balanced N avy is essential a n d th e Age an d Service groups are no t equally for services to m any B ritish N aval and M ilitary casualties in the operations leading
distributed amongst th e different branches, ranks and ratings. A lthough it is hoped
to commence th e dispersal of some men t.nd women in th e different Age and Service to th e occupation of Southern France.
groups by th e dates quoted below, it m ust be fully understood th a t this will n o t apply 2. These appointm ents will not be gazetted.
equally to all branches.
4. I t is expected th a t th e dispersal o f officers in Age and Service group No. 1 3321—Honours and Awards—United States Navy and Naval Reserve
will be completed during October, w ith th e exception of engineer officers, medical
officers and some classes of w arrant officers whose dispersal will take longer. I t is (H. & A. 113/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
hoped th a t officers in Age and Service groups 3 to 7, w ith the same exceptions, The K ing has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following honorary
will be dispersed before th e end o f 1945. In th e case of W .R.N.S. officers, dispersal appointm ents and to approve the following awards for distinguished service in
of m arried women of low priority is expected to begin during August and will be operations leading to the successful invasion of Southern France :
followed soon after b y th e commencement of th e dispersal of W .R.N.S. officers in To be an Honorary Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath :
Age and Service groups 1 to 10.
Rear-Admiral B ertram J . Rodgers, U.S.N.
5. Provided sufficient progress is m ade w ith th e dispersal of th e ratings referred
to in paragraph 1, it is hoped th a t th e dispersal of th e following Age and Service To be an Honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire :
groups can be commenced by about th e dates shown below :— Rear-Admiral Calvin T. D urgin, U.S.N.
(а) Male ratings and other ranks R.M. in Age and Service groups 3 to 8 Bar to the Distinguished Service Order :
inclusive, after th e middle of July. Rear-Admiral Carleton F . B ryant, D.S.O., U.S.N.
(б) Male ratings and other ranks R.M. in Age and Service groups 9 to 16
Rear-Admiral Morton L. Deyo, D.S.O., U.S.N.
inclusive, after th e middle of August.
(c) Married W .R.N.S. ratings o f low priority, in the later p a rt of August. To be an Honorary Companion of the Distinguished Service Order :
(d) W .R.N.S. ratings in Age and Service groups 1 to 16 inclusive, tow ards Rear-Admiral Theodore E . Chandler, U.S.N.
th e end of September.
To be an Honorary Officer of the M ilitary Division of the Most Excellent Order of
6. The release of certain officer categories and rating groups (see A.F.Os. 2838/45 the British Empire :
and 505/45) will inevitably lag behind. I t is n o t possible to specify exactly which
these are, as they will v ary from tim e to tim e, depending on th e requirem ents for Commander R obert R aym ond Helen, U.S.N.R.
the war against Ja p a n and th e ra te a t which th e various branches can be freed from Mention in Despatches :
the m any duties now being carried out in Europe an d in Home W aters. Those in R ear-A dm iral Lyal A. Davidson, C.B., U.S.N.
each officer category an d rating group will be released in th e order of th eir Age and Rear-A dm iral Spencer S. Lewis, C.B., U.S.N.
Service groups, b u t inevitably th e release of some officer categories an d rating Rear-Admiral F ran k Jacob Lowry, C.B., U.S.N.
groups will proceed faster th an others. Commodore Campbell D. E dgar, U.S.N.
7. Our naval forces in th e E ast are being bu ilt up as rapidly as possible from C aptain W atson O. Bailey, U.S.N.
the later Age an d Service groups. Meanwhile there are m any comm itments o u t­ C aptain Ross A. Dierdorff, U.S.N.
standing in Europe an d in Home W aters and although these are being term inated as
quickly as possible, it cannot y e t be forecast how long this closing-down process 2. These appointm ents and awards will not be gazetted.
wall take, and therefore it is impossible to say how m any m en and women will
become available for release a t a given time. *3322.—Honours and Awards The 1939 45 Star, the Africa Star, the Atlantic Star,
8. Class B releases will n o t sta rt before July. The names of those nominated the Air Crew Europe Star, the Italy Star, the France and Germany Star,
for release will be communicated. the Pacific Star, the Burma Star and the Defence Medal.
9. F u rth er forecasts will be issued as soon as reasonably firm dates can be (H. & A. 90/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
determined. The following amendments are to be made to A.F.O. 3115/45
(A.F.Os. 505/45 and 2838/45.)
Section 11
(Admiralty General Message Home and Abroad No. 894A is cancelled.)
P aragraph 7. Add “ H e will not, however, be awarded the 1939-45 S tar ” .
3322 30
31 3323
Section I I I
three years served after the “ official ” date for the end of hostilities. Civil
Paragraph 2 (A). For “ in paragraphs (E), (F) and (G) ” hospital tim e will not count for this purpose. The gratuity is subject
read “ in paragraph 1 (A), (B) and (C) ” to income tax .
P aragraph 4 (A). For paragraphs (A)—(G) or (in th e case of air crews) tw o (4) Transferees will be required to serve for n o t less th a n 10 years from th e
m onths’ service ” d ate of transfer to the perm anent list before being eligible for a w ith­
read “ paragraph 1 (A) and paragraph 2 (A), or (in th e ease of drawal g ratu ity on voluntary retirem ent, b u t former service referred
air crews) tw o m onths’ service as defined in paragraph to in paragraph (2) (a), and civil hospital tim e, which counts for gratuity
2 (B) as in th e case o f perm anent officers entered on or after 1st July, 1926,
will be allowed to count for the purpose of assessing the to ta l am ount
Paragraph 4 (E). For “ the A tlantic and France and Germany S tar ” of th e gratuity. Officers invalided for disabilities n o t attributable to
read “ th e A tlantic and France and G ermany Stars th e service w ith five years’ service or less (including service referred to in
paragraph (2) (a)) will be eligible for gratuities on th e scale laid down for
P aragraph 7 (B). For “ on and after 6th Ju n e, 1944 ” Surgeon Lieutenants (short service) invalided in similar circumstances.
read “ between 6th June, 1944, and 8th May, 1945 (5) Surgeon Lieutenants who have been transferred to the perm anent list
(A.F.O. 3115/45.) under these arrangem ents will receive, after th e w ar, an additional
uniform allowance to bring th e to ta l uniform allowance paid u p to £50.
(6) The regulations regarding prom otion to higher ranks are shown in
3323.—Permanent List of Medical Officers, R.N.—Transfer to K .R . & A .I., C hapter V I, Section IV.
(C.W./M.D.G. 23300/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) (A.F.O. 5259/44 is cancelled.)
Their Lordships are now prepared to consider applications for transfer to th e
Perm anent L ist of Medical Officers of th e Royal N avy (instead of after th e w ar as
originally contem plated) from recommended applicants on th e following lists of
3324.—Permanent List of Medical Officers, R.N.—Officers Selected for Transfer to
medical officers :— (C.W./M.D.G.23300/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
(1) Short Service List, R.N . The Medical Officers nam ed below have been selected for transfer to th e
(2) Emergency List, R.N. Perm anent L ist of Medical Officers, R.N.
(3) Perm anent and Tem porary Lists, R.N.V .R.
2. This prior inform ation is circulated for th e inform ation o f th e officers
2. E ach application is to be accompanied b y a report on Form S.206 and should concerned ; th e seniority of each officer on transfer will be prom ulgated in the D aily
reach the A dm iralty by 30th September, 1945. Applications m ay be made b y signal R eturn o f A ppointm ents as soon as the necessary calculations as to mobilized service,
etc., have been made.
w ith sum marized recom mendations where th e w ritten application appears likely to
arriv e after the date given. 3. The question o f ante-d ate o f seniority on account of civil hospital tim e will
Provisional applications already received have been recorded b u t fresh arise in a num ber of cases. In this connection it is necessary for evidence to be
recom mendations will now be required, and medical officers who have n o t previously produced as to :—
applied m ay now do so. (i) The exact period actually served in the resident hospital appointm ent.
3. As regards R.N. officers, th e usual conditions will apply (Navy L ist Appendix, (ii) The number of beds in the hospital.
Ju n e , 1944, pages 198-200), b u t Emergency L ist officers so transferred will be (iii) The conduct of, an d ability shown, by the officer when so serving.
required to p a y income ta x on th e £1,000 g ratu ity already received. In order to facilitate th e adjustm ent of seniority of such officers, th ey should
4. The transfer of medical officers, R.N .V .R. (perm anent an d tem porary) will forward th e necessary evidence to th e Medical Director General of th e N avy as soon
as possible, I f an officer is abroad and is, therefore, unable to do so w ithout undue
be governed b y th e following conditions :—
delay, he should report the necessary details to enable enquiries to be m ade direct
(1) The num ber of officers selected will be a t A dm iralty discretion, having to the civil hospital named.
regard to th e num ber of higher appointm ents available for officers on
th e perm anent list, and w ith a view to ensuring reasonable prospects of 4. I t is anticipated th a t volunteers who have n o t been selected on this occasion
a career for those selected. will be given a further opportunity to apply a t a later date.
(2) Seniority on transfer will be given as follows, and will reckon for purposes Transfers from Short Service List, R.N.
of full, unemployed and half-pay ::— Surgn.-Lt. C. L. T. McClintock, L.R.C.P. & S.
(а) F ull p ay mobilized service will count in full.
Transfers from Emergency List, R.N.
(б) In addition to (a) above, officers who held appointm ents as Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. P . S. Edgecombe, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
resident medical or surgical officers in recognized civil hospitals Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. E. Jam es, M.D., Ch.B., M.R.C.P.
prior to appointm ent will be granted, a t A dm iralty discretion, Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. P. Jones, M.B., Ch.B., M.D., M.R.C.P.
an an tedate of seniority in respect of th e tim e spent in civil Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. T. F. Miles, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.A.
hospital appointm ent, subject to a m axim um of 12 months. Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. W . B. Teasey, M.B., B.Ch.
(3) On transfer to th e perm anent list officers will forfeit all th eir rights an d Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. M. Urie, M.B., Ch.B., L.R.C.P. & S.
privileges as reserve or tem porary reserve officers and, except as provided
below, will be eligible for the rates of pay, retired pay and conditions of Transfers from Permanent Lists R .N .V .R .
service of perm anent R.N . medical officers, full details of which are Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. C. A. St. C. Hiley, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
given in th e appropriate sections of th e Appendix to th e N avy List. S u rg t. Lt.-Cdr. P. G. C. M artin, M.B., B.Ch.. F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P
This will include th e g ratu ity of £1,000 provided under norm al Transfers from, Temporary List, R .N . V.R.
regulations for officers transferred from short service to th e Perm anent
List, b u t in th e case of transferees under this scheme, th e qualifying Tempy. Actg. Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. L. B. Arden, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
period will be a minim um of five years’ full p a y service, including Tempy. Surgn. L t. H . M. Darlow, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
Tempy. Surgn. L t. A. J . Gaskell, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
3324 32 33 3325
Tempy. Aotg. Surgn. L t. Cdr. W. A. H u tto n , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. B.— Under 40 years of age on retirement
Tempy. Surgn. L t. J. A. N. Lock, M.B., B.Ch., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (i) Perm itted to retire A fter not less th an G ratuity on th e scale laid
Tempy. Surgn. L t. A. T. Marshall, M.B., Ch.B. voluntarily. 10 years’ service down for Executive
Tem pty. Actg. Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. D. M. Morrissey, M.B., B.Ch., F.R.C.S. from the date of L ieutenant - Commanders
Tempy. Surgn. L t. G. J . P otts, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. transfer to per­ (Section D, page 54 of
Tempy. Actg. Surgn. Lt.-Cdr. H . P . W atson, M.B., Ch.B. m anent com- N avy L ist Appendix,
mission. December, 1944).
(A.F.O. 1406/45 is cancelled.) (Ü) Invalided on account (a) Sub-Lieutenant. G ratuity on the scale pro-
of non-attributable Acting vided for cadet entry
disability. L ieutenant. officers.
(b) Lieutenant. R etired p ay of £91 a year,
3325.—Short Service R.N. (A) and Reserve Officers—Transfer to Permanent Lieutenant- w ith an addition of £9 for
Commissions in the Royal Nayy—Retired Pay Conditions Commander. each complete yoar of
(P.M. 2368/44.—21 J u n 1945.) service in the ranks of
L ieutenant and L ieut­
W ith reference to paragraph 16 of A.F.O. 2304/44 an d paragraph 15 of enant Commander.
A.F.O. 23/45, th e following is a sum m ary of th e m ain retired pay, etc., conditions (iii) Invalided on account (a) Sub-Lieutenant D isability retired p ay on
which hSVe now been approved for officers transferred to perm anent commissions of attributable or Acting the scale laid down in
under th e term s of those orders :— disability. L ieutenant. clause 3 (6) of Schedule I
of th e D isability R etired
Commanders and above.—As for officers entered as cadets, subject to the special P ay Regulations (as an
modification in paragraph 2 below of th e age and service scale for officers alternative to the W ar
whose reckonable service commenced after the age of 27 '.— Pensions scale for tem ­
IAeutenant-Commanders and below— porary officers) (pages 70
and 242 of appendix to
A .— Over 40 years of age on retirement N avy List, December,
(i) R etired for age. Com­ A fter n o t less R etired p ay on th e general 1944).
pulsorily retired. th a n 15 years’ age and service scale for (6) Lieutenant R etired pay as (ii) (6) above
Invalided for a non- service. cadet entries, subject to (confirmed) w ith additional retired
attrib u tab le dis­ the special modification Lieutenant- pay on th e scale laid
ability. in paragraph 2 below of Commander. down in clause 1 of
th e age and service scale Schedule I of th e D is­
for officers whose reckon­ ability R etired P ay R eg­
able service commenced ulations (as an alternative
after th e age of 27. to the W ar Pensions
scale for tem porary offi­
(ii) Perm itted to retire A fter n o t less th an R etired pay on th e general cers) (pages 69 and 242 o f
voluntarily. 20 years’ service. age and service scale for appendix to N avy List,
cadet entries, subject to December, 1944).
th e special modification (iv) R etired compulsorily (а) Sub-Lieutenant Gratuities a t A dm iralty d is­
in paragraph 2 below of under Order in Coun­ or Acting L ieut­ cretion not exceeding
th e age and service scale cil of 21st A pril,1922, enant. non-attributable invalid­
for officers whose reckon­ or otherwise. ing awards.
able service commenced (б) Lieutenant Retired pay on the scale
a fte r th e age of 27. (confirmed) or laid down in paragraph
Lieutenant- 3A (iii) and 3B (iii) of the
(iii) R etired for age in the W ith less th a n 15 R etired pay a t th e rate of Commander. R etired P ay Regulations
ran k o f Lieutenant- years’ service. £250 a year, less deduc­ (appendix to N avy List,
Commander. tions of £12 for each year December, 1944, pages 52
short of 15 years’ service. and 53).
As provided under B below Age and Service Scale—Modifications for Late Entrants
(iv) Invalided for a non- W ith less th a n 15 2. For officers whose reckonable service commenced after the age of 27, it
attributable dis­ years’ service. for officers similarly re ­
tired when under th e age is necessary to make th e following modifications in the norm al age and service
ability or perm itted retired pav scale :—
to retire voluntarily. of 40.
(“J T h e deductions for service short of the specified periods will not be limited
(v) Invalided on account R etired pay as (i) above if to five.
of attrib u tab le dis­ qualified therefor, w ith (b) Further deductions will be made of £20 for each full year between the
ability. additional retired pay on date of their 27th birthday and the commencement of their reckonable
th e scale laid down in service.
clause 1 of Schedule I of Officers whose reckonable service commenced after their 35th birthday will not be
the D isability R etired eligible for retired pay on th e above term s : if an y case arises it will be considered
P ay Regulations (page 69 specially.
of appendix to N avy List, The following examples illustrate the working of the above modifications of
December, 1944). I f no t the scale for late entran ts :—
so qualified, as B (iii) (i) An officer who was 30 years of age a t the date of commencement of his
below. reckonable service will, if retired a t th e age of 45 after completion of 15
years’ service, receive retired pay as a t (6) below.
(71646) B
35 3328
3325 34
(а) R etired p ay rate on norm al “Age and Service ” scale for officer aged 45 special advancem ent o f suitable men to th e ratin g of Mechanic 1st Class (C.P.O.
w ith 15 years’ reckonable service = £440 10s., less £54 = £386 10s. status).
(б) R etired pay rate on modified “Age an d Service ” scale = £386 10s., 3. All special advancem ent artificers, artisans and mechanics are to be limited
less three deductions on £20 = £326 10s. to approxim ately 10 p er cent, of th e num ber of each grade borne, and the overriding
lim it for all special advancem ents is to be 10 per cent, of the to tal numbers of all
(ii) An officer who was 33 years of age a t th e date o f commencement of his grades borne, e.g., an establishm ent w ith 800 S.R.R.(D) m ay have a maximum
reckonable service will, if retired a t th e age of 48, after completion of to tal of 80 specially advanced men to take charge ; if such an establishm ent has :—
15 years’ service, receive retired p ay as a t (d) b elo w :— 400 artificers (in accordance w ith th e provisions of B .R . 1066, Article 52,
(c) Retired p ay rate on norm al “Age an d Service ” scale for officer aged 48 paragraph 3).
w ith 15 years’ reckonable service = £543, less £67 10s. = £475 10s. 30 artisans.
(d) R etired pay rate on modified “Age an d Service ” scale = £475 10s., 70 mechanics.
less £13 10s. an d six deductions of £20 = £342. 300 others,
3. Officers on Short Service (Gratuity-bearing) Engagement.—These officers are th e num ber of specially advanced men would be :—
required to forego their g ratu ity benefits, or to refund an y gratu ity paid, as a con­ 40 chief artificers
dition of counting former service for retired pay purposes. 3 chief artisans
4. “ Ordinary ” Widows' Pensions.—“ O rdinary ” pensions for widows and 7 1st class mechanics,
leaving 30 special advancem ents to be distributed if this was found necessary and
compassionate allowances for children to be a t th e sam e rates an d under th e same
conditions as those for officers prom oted from cadets. specially applied for.
4. B .R . 1066 will be am ended in due course.
5. Reckonable Service.—Reckonable service is full p ay mobilized service in (B.R. 1066, Article 52.)
the confirmed ran k o f Sub-Lieutenant or above. (In th e case of short service R.N.(A)
officers pre-war gratuity-bearing service m ay be allowed to count.) *3329.—Transfers to the South African Naval Forces
6. Officers who have deferred th eir acceptance of a perm anent commission (N. 12439/45.—21 J u n . 1945.)
pending the prom ulgation of the retired pay conditions should now fprward reports In continuation of A.F.O. 124/45, th e underm entioried block numbers have been
to the A dm iralty (C.W. Branch) statin g w hether th e y are prepared to give final allocated to further personnel transferred to th e South African N aval Forces.
acceptance of transfer on th e above conditions. In the case o f ratings these numbers supersede their present R.N . P o rt Division
(A.F.Os. 2304/44 and 23/45.) numbers ; in th e case o f officers the block numbers are allocated for accounting and
record purposes only.
*3326.—Long Service Pensions—Option for Quarterly Payment Rank S.A .N .F .
Name Block No.
(D.N.A. 3810/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
The atten tio n of Supply Officers is drawn to th e provisions of clause 6 (II) of Temp. L t. (Sp.), R.N.V.R. 330740
Bailes, J . L. 330743
Section 1 of General Regulations for Pensions to R.N. ratings and Royal Marines B eavitt, R . A. Temp. Sub-Lt., R .N .R . ...
in the appendix to th e N avy List wherein it is laid down th a t the option for quarterly Temp. Sub-Lt., R.N.R. 330737
Connock, T. A. 330741
paym ent of long service pension should be extended only to N aval ratings and Foster, C. W. Lt.-Cdr., R .N .R .
Royal Marine ranks whose re-engagement to com plete'tim e for pension dated from Temp. L t. (S), R.N.V .R. 330738
Garde, J . F. 330734
a date not later th an th e 30th Septem ber, 1935, or to R.M. ranks who, n o t later th a n Hillstead, W . R. S. L t., R .N .R .............................
th a t date, declared th eir intention to re-engage on the prescribed certificate, to Temp. Surg. L t., R.N.V.R. 330735
Leith, W. F. 330748
complete tim e for pension as soon as re-engagement became open to them . Reference McNaughton, J. A. D. Temp. Sub-Lt., R.N.R. ...
to this is contained in th e instructions in current issues of Form s S.409 (application Temp. Act. L t., R.N.V.R. 330736
Scragg, F. R. 330742
for pension). Steele, J . F . A. Temp. Sub-Lt., R .N .R . ...
L t., R.N .V .R ......................... 330753
Barker, R. H . V. ... 330757
3327.—Ratings—Particulars to be Quoted in Correspondence Bennett) M. C. H. ... Temp. Surg. L t., R.N.V.R.
(N. 154/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) Clausen, H . T. Temp. Act. Elect. L t. Cdr..R.N.V .R. 330765
Considerable tim e is wasted in depots in tracing men whose particulars are Davies-Webb, G. O. C. Temp. Act. Surg. Lt. Cdr., R.N.V R . 330762
Temp. Sub-Lt. (A), R.N.V.R. 330763
insufficiently given. Digby, J . E. 330749
Fraser-Jones, I. J . ... Temp. Sub-Lt. (A), R.N.V.R.
2. W ith the large numbers now borne, there are m any men o f th e same surnam e Temp. L t. (E), R.N. 330756
Garlick, I. R. 330761
and first initial. I f only th e first initial is quoted, th e records of all these ratings H am ilton, D. A. Temp. Surg. L t., R.N.V.R.
m ust be examined until the appropriate official num ber is found. L t., R .N .R . ................ 330754
Kroon, C. A. 330760
3. In future, fu ll initials are invariably to be quoted in all signals an d corre­ Phelan, J . A. Lt., R .N .R .............................
Temp. L t. (A), R.N.V.R. .. 330755
spondence and Commanding Officers should use their discretion as to including W hatm ore, J . P ... 330758
th e full Christian nam e where there is only one an d th e surname is a common one. W right, R. L t. Cdr. R .N .R . (Ret.) ...
L t., R .N .R . ... ... 330768
4. K .R . & A.I., Article 879 (s) will be am ended in due course. Candy, J . L __ 330766
Gordon, H . D . (D.S.C.) L t. R .N .R.
Temp. L t., R.N.V.R. 330771
*3328.—Special Repair Ratings (D)—Advancement to Chief Rate for Artisans and to H all, J . G.................... 330767
Hogg, W . D. Lt., R .N .R . ' ...
First Class Rate for Mechanics Temp. Surg. L t., R.N.V.R. 330769
McIntosh, E. G. 330774
(N. 26114/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) Rogers, A. H. Temp. L t., R.N.V.R.
W ith reference to B.R. 1066 (Advancement Regulations), Article 5£, paragraph 330770
on, H
Wilson, n.xv.o.
.R.B. ... ... .... Temp. L t., R.M.
3, it has now been decided th a t, in order to provide a supervisory ra te in these 2. The transfer of th e underm entioned ratings to the South African Naval
classes, advancem ent to chief rate in th e Special R epair R atings (£>) scheme is to Forces has been approved. They are being discharged from the Royal N avy as
be extended to artisans (plumbers, painters and joiners). from the dates shown, and will be deemed (a) to have been attested in the South
2. I t has similarly been decided to provide a supervisory rate for th e mechanic African N aval Forces, Active Citizen Force ; (6) to have been lent for service with
branches, b u t as there is no ratin g of Chief Mechanic in existence and it is n o t the Royal Navy, both as from the same date :—
desired to create one specially a t th e present time, th e requirem ent will be m et by
3329 36 37 3329
m ust, however, be responsible for effecting action or informing the ship to which a
Discharged rating has been discharged so th a t the necessary action can be taken.
from R.N.
and tra n s­ 4. In this connection, th e Commander-in-Chief, South A tlantic, reported
Name R ank Official No. W here serving in Ja n u a ry last th a t from receipt of p ay documents in H.M.S. “ A frikander,” it is
ferred to a t date shown
S.A.N.F. (V ap paren t th a t there is still a num ber of naval ratings who were transferred to th e
from South African N aval Forces under A.F.O. 1922/44 for whom the necessary a d ju st­
m ent o f p ay and allowances have not yet been m ade and th a t such-delay involves
a degree of hardship to th e men concerned. The information given in the column
Alcock, K . F. ... Act. P.O.R.M. F X .588176... 22 Dec. 1944 N aval Air “ W here last serving so far as known ” is based on information now very much out-
(A.R.). (S.A.N.F. Squadron 810. of-date an d is thus probably confusing; moreover, m any of th e personnel nam ed
Block No. 20 Feb. 1945. therein have since been advanced to higher rating and some granted commissions.
330772). W ith reference to paragraph 2 of A.F.O. 1922/44, only 50 per oent. of th e duplicate
Brymer, J . D. ... Lg. Air Mech. F X .81860 ... 22 Dec. 1944 service certificates concerned had reached Commander-in-Chief, South A tlantic,
(L). (S.A.N.F. b y Jan uary , 1945.
Block' No. 5. The personnel concerned should be transferred to th e South African N aval
330747.) Forces and thus to South African rates of pay as from th e date given in column 4.
Collier, E. J . ... A .B................. C/SS.11062 8 Dec. 1944 A.F.O. 3022/43, as am ended by A.F.O. 3913/43, and later A.F.Os. refer.
(S.A.N.F. (A.F.Os. 3022/43, 3913/43, 1922/44 and 124/45.)
Block No.
330746.) 3330.—Deputy Directors of Stores in Eastern Theatre—Appointments
Dingwall, J . D. Seaman L T /JX .437104 24 Ja n . 1945 H.M.S. .* (C.E. 10350/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
(S.A.N.F. “ H ertfordshire” The following Officers have been appointed to th e E astern Theatre for co­
Block No. 24 Ja n . 1945. ordination an d supervision of th e work of th e N aval Store D epartm ent.
Gray, R . M. S.P.O. D/KX.82514 28 Nov. 1944 H.M.S. Note.—The Senior D eputy D irector of Stores co-ordinates N aval store policy
(S.A.N.F. “ O ctavia.” an d supervises N aval store w ork in th e E ast Indies and South A tlantic Stations and
Block No. 21 Feb. 1945. in th e Pacific.
330775.) Post I Present Holder ) Postal Address I Address for Signals
H alioran, W . E. P.O. Tel. ... D/J.111307 8 Nov. 1944 H.M.S.
(S.A.N.F. “ Assegai.” Eastern Theatre
Bldck No. 22 Feb. 1945. Senior D eputy Direc­ Captain (Sp) N aval Office II I, A dm inistrative
330750.) to r of Stores, F . Montgomery, Galle Buck, A uthority con­
H arrison, W. ... Sto. 1 P /K X . 100859 1 Dec. 1944 E astern Theatre. R .N.V .R. Colombo. cerned “ for SDDS
(S.A.N.F. ^Headquarters). ET ”.
Block No. East Indies
330745.) D eputy D irector of C aptain (Sp) N aval Office II I, C.S. Ceylon for
Johnson, R . J . E.R.M .5 C/MX.692700 24 Oct. 44 H.M.S. Stores, E a st Indies R. E . V. Jelliffe, Galle Buck, D .D .S.E.I.
(S.A.N.F. “ Phoenicia.” R.N.V .R. Colombo.
Block No. 19 Dec. 1944. Pacific
330752.) D eputy D irector of C aptain (Sp) c/o Vice-Admiral V.A. (Q) B .P.F. for
Levy, A. M. A.B. D/JX.366474 21 Sept. 1944 H.M.S. Stores, Pacific. M. G. GUI, (Q), R . N. H ead­ D.D.S.P.
(S.A.N.F. “ A riadne.” R .N.V .R. quarters,
Block No. 7 Ja n . 1945. Melbourne.
Makings, G. E. Act. S.P.O. D/KX.81771 31 Aug. 1944 (A.F.Os. 6366/42, 4562/43 and 271/45 are. cancelled.)
(SA..N.F. 3331.—Dartmouth and Special Entry Cadets—Training in H.M.S. “ Frobisher ”
Block No. (C.W./N.T. 19/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
Rasmussen, J . ... Enginem an LT/X.10404S 8 Sept. 1944 H.M.S. In view of th e altered conditions in home w aters, Their Lordships have decided
(S.A.N.F. “ E uropa.” to reintroduce a modified form of sea-training for R.N. Cadets in a training cruiser
Block No. as a tem porary measure u n til circumstances allow of th e retu rn to full peace-time
330744.) training. H.M.S. “ Frobisher ” has been commissioned for this purpose under the
T ittley, W. H . ... L. Tel. P/J.89967 ... 3 Jan . 1945 H.M.S. adm inistration of th e Commander-in-Chief, R osyth, and training commenced on
(S.A.N..F. “ A frikander.” 2nd May, 1945.
V Block No. 13 Feb. 1945. 2. A t the-com pletion of th e eleven term s a t th e R .N . College, E aton Hall,
330759.) Cadets of th e D artm outh E n try will now carry out training for an additional term
W ebb, G. A. W. A .B................. C/JX.268786 27 Aug. 1943 H.M'.S. in th e training cruiser before being rated Midshipmen and appointed to the Fleet.
(S.A.N.F. . “ Nigeria.” 3. Special and D irect E n try Cadets will carry out th e following training :—
Block.No. 23 Nov. .1944. Executive Cadets ... ... I term a t R .N . College, E aton Hall,
330751.) 1 term in H.M.S. “ Frobisher ” .
Wilding, C. R. ...' N.A.2 FX .705696... 7 Feb. 1945 H.M.S. Supply Cadets ... ... ... 1 term a t R.N. College, E aton Hall,
• (S.A.N.F. “ Roval A rthur.” 1 term in H.M.S. “ F robisher” .
Block No. 15 F«>b. 1945. „ _ , , f i term in R .N . College, E ato n Hall,
330776.) Engineering Cadets ................term in H.M.S. “ Frobisher ” .
3. Duplicate service certificates should be forwarded by Commanding Officers 4. In addition to th e above tem porary Midshipmen (E) R.N.V .R. (ex Ministry
of ships in which these ratings are bom e to th e Commander-in-Chief, South A tlantic of Labour Cadet entry) will undergo six m onths’ training in Marine Engineering in
(see paragraphs 52-55 of A.F.O. 3022/43). The last known ship or éstablishm ent H.M.S. “ Frobisher ” prior to taking up their first appointm ents.
in which these ratings were serving is shown where this inform ation is available (71848) B 3
though the information m ay be out-of-date very considerably. The respective ships
3332 38
39 3333
3333.—Far Eastern Operations Allowance—Payment to Personnel Serving on T.124
Agreement and Variants, including Commissioned Cable Ship Agreement
(C.W. 25193/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
This Order does n o t apply to Lascars, Asiatics or personnel signed on Agreement
T.124 abroad a t local or dominion rates Of pay.
2. Their Lordships have approved th a t th e N ational Maritime B oard’s decision
regarding the paym ent of a F a r E astern Operations Allowance shall be applied to
officers and ratings serving on A dm iralty Agreements T.124, T.124X, T.124T and
C.S.P.1X, to tak e effect from th e 7th March, 1945.
3. The allowance shall be 15 p er cent, of the basic ra te of pay, including speed
allowance where admissible. The 15 per cent, allowance shall not be payable in
respect of—
(а) Consolidated overtim e pay ;
(б) Seafarers’ w ar risk m oney ;
(c) A ny allowance which does n o t form an element of basic pay.
4. The allowance shall apply to all officers and ratings signed on A dm iralty
A greements T.124, T.124X, T.124T a n d C.S.P.1X while serving in sea-going vessels
detained or expected to be detained for at least two months w ithin the Indian and
Pacific Oceans and Persian Gulf, subject to th e following boundaries :—
E astw ard 145 degrees W est longitude.
N orthw ard th e coastline of Asia an d N orth America.
W estward the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb in the N orth In d ian Ocean and
longitude 35 degrees E a st in the South Indian Ocean.
Southward—no lim it.
I t does not apply to vessels passing in and out of th a t area.
5. I t will n o t be payable to officers an d ratings unless and until they are
actually serving in the vessels covered by the term s of this Order, an d will, therefore,
no t be payable when such officers and ratings are—-
(а) on passage;
(б) accommodated on shore in Pools awaiting appointm ent or d r a f t;
(c) in hospital.
6. Officers an d ratings accom modated on shore or in non sea going ships
(.e.g, in rescue tu g pools) who are not eligible for the F a r E astern Operations
allowance will receive a g ran t of spending money a t the rate of 3 rupees per day
for officers an d 2 rupees per d ay for ratings, or the sterling equivalent a t Is. 6d.
th e rupee.
7. Officers and ratings in receipt of spending money as in paragraph 6 will not
be entitled concurrently to Colonial Allowance/Far E ast Allowance or th e preferential
ra te o f exchange known as th e rupee concession.

3334.—W.R.N.S. Linguist Category—Introduction

(N /N .I.D . 01319/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
As from th e date of this order, W .R.N.S. ratings employed solely as interpreters
or translators in any language are to form a new category to be known as the linguist
category. Personnel will be recruited from (a) members of the existing Special Duties
(Linguist) category, who will be transferred to the new category as and when they
m can be released from th e operational duties on which they are a t present employed ;
•+3 (b) transferees from other categories and (c) new entries.
bo 2. The Superintendent, W .R.N.S., The Nore, will be responsible for maintaining
> th e records of W .R.N.S. linguist ratings and, in conjunction w ith th e Director of
o N aval Intelligence, for th eir drafting.
3. New Entries.—R atings w ith the requisite qualifications will be entered as
W rens (General Duties) on th e lower unspecialized rate of pay and will continue on
th a t ra te during training a t th e W .R.N.S. Central Training Depot and the R.N.
T raining Establishm ent, Southm ead, or other training establishm ents as m ay be
necessary. They will be eligible for th e aw ard of th e lower specialized rate of pay on
satisfactory completion of training, and, if recommended, for progression to the
higher specialized ra te after 3 m onths’ service on the lower rate.
(71646) B 4
41 3335
3334 40 referred to in paragraph 6 above, will, on passing their prelim inary examination,
be retained a t W orthy Down u n til called to the Officers’ Selection B oard and return
4. Transfers.— (a) R atings who are transferred to th e new category from the afterw ards until called to th e Officers’ Training Course.
Special Duties (Linguist) category on completion of th eir operational duties will be
allowed to retain their existing ra te and seniority. The Officer-in-Charge, R.N. 8. Storage Assistants will be considered as being under training for the first
Training E stablishm ent, Southmead, is to inform th e Superintendent, W .R.N.S., m onth o f th eir initial appointm ent, after which th ey will be available to fill certain
The Nore, when ratings become available for transfer and is to furnish her w ith Jun io r Air Engineer Officers’ appointm ents in the Storage Sections.
their Service documents and records when th e transfers are effected. 9. A num ber of vacancies exist a t th e present tim e for those Officers and
(6) Applications from ratings w ith th e requisite qualifications to transfer from recom mendations for suitable candidates should be forwarded as soon as possible.
other categories are to be forwarded to th e A dm iralty through the usual channels (A.F.O. 2127/45 is cancelled.)
and th e conditions applicable to such transfers, if approved, will be considered on
their merits.
*3336.—Qualifying Course for Warrant Telegraphist
5. Advancement.— (a) To Leading Wren.—W rens will be eligible for advance­
m ent to Leading W ren Linguist after six m onths’ service from th e date of aw ard of (C.W. 30366/45.— 21 Jun . 1945.)
the lower specialized rate of pay, subject to fulfilme n t of th e norm al V.G. conduct The following ratings have been selected to undergo the qualifying course for
qualification and recommendation b y th e Commanding Officer. th e ran k o f W arrant Telegraphist a t H.M. Signal School, Portsm outh, commencing
(6) To Petty Officer Wren.—Leading W rens Linguist will be eligible for advance­ on 3rd September, 1945 :—
m ent to P.O. W ren Linguist after six m onths’ service as Leading W ren Linguist, R . J . A ttridge, P.O. Tel., P/JX.139311, H.M.S. “ Quantock ” .
subject to fulfilment of th e norm al V.G. conduct qualification and recommendation T. A. Boulton, C.P.O. Tel., P/JX.135101, H.M.S. “ F o rth ” .
by the Commanding Officer. W . S. Bourn, C.P.O. Tel., C /JX .137952, H.M.S. “ Essington ” .
Note.—Advancements under (a) and (b) are to be authorized b y th e Commanding W . H . Clark, P.O. Tel., P/JX.146160, H.M.S. “ Tuscan ” .
Officer and reported to th e Superintendent, W .R.N.S., The Nore. E . E . Colegate, P.O. Tel., D /JX.144822, H.M.S. “ V aliant ” .
(c) To Chief Wren.—A lim ited num ber of advancem ents to Chief W ren will be F . W . Cooper, P.O. Tel., D /JX.135657, H.M.S. “ D rake ” .
m ade from tim e to tim e b y selection from P e tty Officer W rens who have completed J . Evans, C.P.O. Tel., P/JX.152085, H.M.S. “ Fabius
a t least one year as P.O. W ren Linguist and who are recommended as being R . H . Foxlee, P.O. Tel., P/JX.134477, H.M.S. “ V aliant ” .
outstandingly suitable for advancem ent to Chief W ren on account of th eir powers J . E . Griffin, P.O. Tel., D/JX.134967, H.M.S. “ D rake ” .
of leadership, etc., in addition to their linguistic ability. L. C. Hill, C.P.O. Tel., D /JX.132776, H.M.S. “ F o rth
P e tty Officer W rens o f the required seniority who are regarded as possessing E . E . Sims, C.P.O. Tel., D /JX.134142, H.M.S. “ D rake ” .
these qualities m ay be recommended by Commanding Officers, through the T. Teece, C.P.O. Tel., D/JX .133500, H.M.S. “ Caesar ” .
Superintendent, W .R.N.S., The Nore, to th e A dm iralty where th e actual selection S. G. Woods, P.O. Tel., P/JX .136753, H.M.S. “ L anka ” .
will be m ade by the Director of N aval Intelligence. 2. The above-nam ed ratings should join H.M. Signal School p.m. Sunday
A rating recommended for advancem ent to Chief W ren b u t n o t so advanced 2nd September, 1945.
m ay be again recommended after a period o f no t less th a n six m onths from th e date
of the previous recommendation. ~—-

3335.—W.R.N.S.—Employment oi W.R.N.S. Officers in the Air Engineering

Department at Naval Air Stations
(C.W. 31453/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
I t has been decided th a t W .R.N.S. Officers shall be employed in th e air engineer­
ing departm ent a t N aval Air Stations as Air Engineer Officers’ Assistants and Storage
Section 3.—G., T., N., E., etc., & STORES ; HULL,
2. A ir Engineer Officers' Assistants.—W .R.N.S. Officers are required to tak e EQUIPMENT & FITTINGS
charge of the Air Engineer O f f e r 's office a t N aval Air Stations an d should be selected
from the following categories :—-
(а) W ren W riter^ in th e Air Engineer Officer’s departm ent. 3337.—Aircraft—Bombs—M.C., S.A.P. and G.P.—Fitted with Tail Pistols
(б) W rens w ith N aval Air B ranch secretarial experience. (A.S. 01503/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
(c) W ren Air Mechanics (A), (E) and (L) suitable for secretarial appointm ents. Bombs M.C., S.A.P. and G.P., are norm ally supplied for N aval Service plugged
3. Storage Assistants.—W .R.N.S. Officers are required for duties in connection nose an d tail, whilst bombs for R .A .F. use are norm ally supplied plugged a t the
w ith the equipm ent and m aintenance of aircraft in storage and should be selected nose b u t w ith tail pistol fitted in lieu of plug, the pistol num ber being stencilled on
from W ren Air Mechanics (A), (E) and (L). the bomb body.
4. To be eligible for prom otion to Officer ran k W ren Air Mechanics (A), (E) or 2. A proportion o f M.C. bombs m ay in future be supplied for N aval Service
(L) m ust have served a t least four m onths as such excluding tim e under training, w ith tail pistols fitted while others willl have tail plugs No. 27 fitted as heretofore.
and m ust be qualified to sign F orm 700. To avoid confusion, M.C. bombs which are stencilled w ith the pistol number
5. Commanding Officers are, in th e first instance, to forward recommendations should be examined on receipt to verify the presence of pistol or plug. I f fitted
on Form S.1530 to Admiral (Air) via Superintendent, W .R.N.S. of th e Command w ith tail plug, th e stencilling should be painted out. Where tail pistols are fitted
concerned. these should be retained to act as tail plugs while in storage.
3. I f for any purpose it is necessary to remove pistols from bombs (other than
6. Admiral (Air) will arrange for candidates to undergo a prelim inary p ro ­ for operational reasons) tail plugs No. 27 m ust be fitted to avoid exposure of the
fessional exam ination a t th e School of Aircraft M aintenance, R .N . Air Station, ta il fuze pocket over lengthy periods. Plugs removed from expended bombs m ay
W orthy Down. Form s S. 1530 and Service documents for successful candidates
will be forwarded to th e Director, W .R.N.S.s by Adm iral (Air). be used for this purpose, or if none are available from this source, th ey m ay be
dem anded from an A rm am ent Depot.
7. Those considered suitable will appear before a W .R.N.S. Officers’ Selection
Board, and, if successful, will undergo th e Officers’ Training Course. Candidates
3337 42
43 3340
4. Bombs fitted w ith tail pistols are on no account to be moved or transported
without the tran sit bases in place. M.A.464 .............. N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4-in. gun.
5. S.A.P. and G.P. bombs will continue to be supplied w ith tail plugs fitted M.A.468 .............. N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4 -7-in. gun.
an d any markings on th e bomb to d y denoting num ber of pistol should be painted M.A.470 .............. N.H.055 ... Q.F., 4 -5-in. gun.
out or ignored. M .A .4 7 1 .............. N.H.055 ... Q.F., 4 -5-in. gun.
M.A.473 .............. N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4 -7-in. gun.
(C.A.F.O. 1080/43 is cancelled.) Q.F., 4-in. gun.
M.A.474 .............. N.H.050 ...
M.A.475 .............. N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4-in. gun.
3338.—Ammunition—Primers, No. 26, Mark II R.L., Manufacture Lot 86— M.A.476 .............. N.H.055 ... Q.F., 4 - 5-m. gun.
Withdrawal M.A.479 .............. N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4-in. gun.
(A.S. 1780/45/B.89.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) M.A.480 .............. . N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4- 7-in. gun.
M.A.481 .............. . N.H.055 ... Q.F., 4 -5-in. gun.
All primers, percussion, No. 26, Mark I I , L ot 86 o f R .L. m anufacture, are to be M.A.482 .............. . N.H.050 ... Q.F , 4 -7-in. gun.
w ithdrawn from th e service. These prim ers m found in Q.F., 12-pdr., or Q.F., M.A.496 .............. . N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4-in. gun.
4- 7-in., Mark V, gun cartridges. Commanding officers of H.M. ships concerned are M.A.497 .............. . N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4-in. gun.
to arrange for am m unition on board to be exam ined a t th e first opportunity, and M.A.499 .............. . N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4-in. gun.
for cartridges containing these primers, w ith a n y loose ones on board, to be landed M .A .5 0 1 .............. . N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4 - 7-in. gun.
a t the nearest N aval arm am ent depot an d replacements demanded. M.A.509 .............. . N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4- 7-in. gun.
2. These prim ers are regarded as coming under (6) C.A.F.O. 991/42—not R . N . C . 4 .............. . S.C.044 Q.F., 3-in., 20-cwt., and 4-in. gun.
dangerous, b u t m ay bave a percentage o f failures to function. R .N .C .6 R .............. . S.C.280 B.L., 15-in, gun.
R.N.C.12R . S.C.280 B.L., 15-in. gun.
3. D.E.M.S. staff officers are to arrange for sim ilar action to be tak en in regard Q.F., 3-pdr. gun.
to m erchant ships. R.N.C.23R . S.C.027
R.N.C.26R . S.C.027 Q.F., 6 and 3-pdr. gun.
4. R.N.A. depots a t home an d abroad should scrutinize stocks as soon as R.N.C.27 ... . S.C.027 Q.F., 3-pdr. gun.
possible and arrange for an y cartridges containing primers of this description to be R.N.C.39 ... . S.C.109 Q.F., 4 - 7-in. gun.
re-primered an d the displaced primers, together w ith loose prim ers in store an d any R.N.C.83 ... . S.C.100 B.L., 4 -7-in. gun.
landed by H.M. ships to be brought to produce. R.N.C.84 ... . S.C.100 B.L., 4 - 7-in. gun.
(C.A.F'.O. 991/42.) R.N.C.85 ... . S.C.061 Q.F., 4-in., V-V* gun.
R.N.C.86 ... . S.C.100 Q.F., 4-in., V-V* gun.
R.N.C.87 ... . S.C.100 Q.F., 4-in., V-V* gun.
3339.—Ammunition—General—Demands for Ammunition, Packages and other R.N.C.89 ... . S.C.061 Q.F., 4-in., V-V* gun.
Naval Armament Stores for Testing and Fitting Purposes R.N.C.90 ... . S.C.270 B.L., 13-5-in. gun.
Gun Mounting and Principal (Ship) Overseers R.N.C.91 ... . S.C.205 B.L., 8-in. gun.
R.N.C.92 ... . S.C.061 B.L., 6-in. gun.
(A.S. 5905/45/B.89.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) B.L., 13-.5-in. gun.
R.N.C.94 ... . S.C.270
Demands for representative or dum m y amm unition, packages and other naval R.N.C.122RXA . . S.C.044 Q.F., 4-in., Q.F., 3-in., 20-cwt. gun.
arm am ent stores required for fitting purposes, testing hoists, testing gun mechanisms R.N.C.149XA .. S.C.103 Q.F., 4-in. gun.
and gun mountings, testing fuze-setting machines, etc., in H.M. ships, and a t R.N.C.210XB .. S.C.061 B.L., 4-7-in., Q.F., 4-in„ Q.F., 3-in„
contractors’ works, should be forwarded direct to Director of A rm am ent Supply, 20-cwt. gun.
Adm iralty, B ath. R.N.C.211XB . .. S.C.109 Q.F., 4 -7-in. gun.
R.N.C.231XO . .. S.C.061 Q.F.. 4-in., B.L., 6-in. gun.
2. So far as possible, these demands should be despatched so as to reach D.A.S. Q.F., 6-pdr. gun.
a t least one m onth before th e stores are required. R.N.C.440... .. H.S.C.T.124r-058
R.N.C.480... .. H.S.C.T. 124-058 Q.F., 2-pdr. gun.
3. A ttention is draw n to A.F.O. 579/44 regarding th e prom pt retu rn o f such R.N.C.518... .. H.S.C.T. 124-058 Q.F., 6 and 3-pdr. gun.
stores after completion of th e trials or tests. R.N.C.519... .. H.S.C.T. 124-058 Q.F., 6 and 3 pdr. gun.
R.N.C.543R .. S.C.T. an d S.C. Charges, catapult, A/C.
4. O.U. 5332/37, A rt. 23, paragraph 5, should be amplified as follows : id) Stores Q.F., 6 and 3-pdr. gun.
for fitting purposes 3hould be dem anded from D.A.S., B ath. R.N.C.595... .. H.S.C.T. 124-058
R.N.C.598... .. H.S.C.T. 124^-058 Q.F., 6 and 3-pdr. gun.
(A.F.O. 579/44.) R.N.C.599... .. H.S.C.T. 124r-058 Q.F., 2-pdr. gun.
R.N.C.655... .. H.S.C.T. 124-058 Q.F., 6 and 3-pdr. gun.
3340.—Ammunition Supply—Naval Armament Depots—Supply Test and R.N.C.656... .. H.S.C.T. 124r-058 Q.F., 6 and 3-pdr. gun.
Returns of Ammunition to R.N.C.657... .. H.S.C.T. 124r-058 Q.F., 2-pdr. gun.
R.N.C.663... .. H.S.C.T. 124-058 Q.F., 2-pdr. gun., M.L., 9 '5-in. D.C.T.
(A.S. 7005/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) R.N.C.664... .. H.S.C.T. 124-058 Q.F., 2-pdr. gun.
A sample of each of th e underm entioned lots an d sub-lots is to be landed for R.N.C.769R .. S.C.T. an d S.C. Charges, catapult, A/C.
test a t the nearest N aval A rm am ent depot as opportunity offers from each H.M. R.N.C.776R .. S.C.T. and S.C. Charges, catapult, A/C.
ship having these lots an d sub-lots on board :— R.N.C.1004R .. S.C.T. a n d S.C. Charges, catapult, A/C.
R.C.1013 ... .. N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4 -7-in., IX -IX * gun.
Lot No. Size Cartridges into which filled Q.F., 4-in., V-V* gun.
R.C.1019 ... .. N.H.033 ...
M.A.192 ... ... N.H.033 ... ... Q.F., 6-pdr. gun. R.C.1033 ... .. N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4-in., XVI* gun.
M.A.255 ... ... N.H.055 ... ... Q.F., 4 -5-in. gun. R.C.1037 ... .. N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4-in., XVI* gun.
M.A.442 ... ... N.H.050 ... ... Q.F., 4-in. gun. R.C.1038 ... .; N.H.050 ... Q.F., 4 - 7-in., IX -IX * gun.
M.A.443 ... ... N.H.033 ... ... Q.F., 12-pdr., 12-cwt. gun.
M.A.455 ... ... N.H.050 ... ... Q.F., 4-in. gun. 2. Officers in Charge of N aval Arm am ent depots are to arrange for a sample
M.A.458 ... ... N.H.033 ... Q.F., 3-in., 20-cwt. gun. from each lot and sub-lot held in store to be tested forthw ith and the results reported
M.A.461 ... ... N.H.050 ... ... Q.F., 4-in; gun. to Director o f Armam ent Supply, Branch B, Bath, as soon as known.
3. Similar immediate action is to be taken with samples landed from ships.
45 3342
44 “ Swiftsure ”
3341.—Ammunition—0- 50-in. Browning—Withdrawal ol Defective Lots “ A rgonaut ”
“ Bellona ”
(A.S. 01168/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) “ Black Prince ”
The following lots o f 0 -50-in. Browning A .P. am m unition are declared “ Cleopatra ”
unserviceable on account of liability to season cracking. “ Diadem ”
R.A.5563 L.C. 12544 “ Dido ”
R.E.M.5568 L.C.12559 “ Euryalus ”
R.E.M.5569 L.C.12561 “ Phoebe ”
F.A.756 L.C. 12575 “ 'Royalist ”
“ Scylla ” 1 5 per ship (includes 1 as spare)
L.C.12339 L.C.12576
L.C.12392 L.C. 12649 “ S iriu s” .
“ L o o k o u t”
L.C.12409 S.L.8148
L.C.12500 “ Loyal ”
“ Marne ”
2. A ny 0 • 50-in. Browning A.P. am m unition o f these lots which m ay be on “ Matchless ”
board is to be returned to th e nearest R .N . A rm am ent D epot a t th e earliest oppor­ “ Meteor ”
tu n ity and other dem anded in lieu. “ Milne ”
3. All quantities held or landed a t R.N. A rm am ent depots are to be dealt “ Musketeer ” .
w ith in accordance w ith existing instructions governing disposal o f unserviceable Gunnery School, Chatham
S.A.A. Gunnery School, D evonport > 2 to each
H.M.S. “ Excellent ”
3342.—Binoculars—“ P ” Sight (A.P. G363, 364, 365 and 366)—Improved Rubber H.M.S. “ Assegai ” j
Eyeguard 6. The Sea Store Establishm ents and Lists of Particulars concerned will be
G, 01218/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.) amended.
(A.F.O. 1682/44.)
A.F.O. 1682/44 gives instructions for th e modification o f existing red rubber
eyeguards (A.P. 2550) supplied w ith “ P ” sight binoculars. These eyeguards do 3343.—Guns, 0- 303-in., Fitting on Mountings—Distortion of Gun Casing
n o t position th e eyes correctly, an d as a result, th e performance o f these binoculais (G. 3426/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
a t night is seriously impaired.
R ecent gun trial reports show a n increasing num ber of failures o f 0-303-in.
2. An im proved rubber eyeguard has now been designed Which incorporates m achine guns due to th e distortion of the gun casing preventing th e free movem ent
the modifications in shape previously recommended. A continuous film of synthetic of th è internal mechanism of the gun.
rubber has been applied to th e surfa’c e of th e eyeguard which is n e x t to th e skin, 2. These failures suggest th a t th e necessity for free fitting of machine guns
and it is considered th a t this will remove all th e objections to rubber face-pieces on th eir m ountings is n o t fully appreciated. As th e m ounting is usually a much
which have been raised in the past. The film is particularly resistive to perspiration more rigid structure th a n th e machine gun, it is th e gun casing an d n o t th e m ounting
an d body greases, an d will not, therefore, perish or deteriorate w ith constant use. th a t will give if force is used. , Very little distortion o f the casing will cause binding
3. A dm iralty P a ttern No. 2550A (Subhead E 2 o f R ate Book for N aval Stores) or jam m ing of th e internal mechanism, more particularly in new guns.
has been assigned to the new eyeguards, an d it is intended th a t th ey shall replace 3. I f distortion is to be avoided, it is essential in m ountings employing rigid
entirely the existing eyeguards (A.P. 2550) a t present fitted to “ P ” sight binoculars, front an d rear fixing points, th a t the m ounting pins or bolts should enter th e gun
P a tte rn Nos. G363, 364, 365 an d 366. Arrangem ents for supply w ithout dem and lugs a n d m ounting lugs w ith complete freedom. No force greater th a n can be exerted
will be made as soon as stocks become available as indicated in paragraph 5 below. by th e finger an d thum b should be required to enter the pins an d if bolts are used
In addition to eyeguards for existing binoculars, including spares, fitted in ships the n u ts should n o t be pulled u p much more th a n “ finger tig h t ” on the gun lugs.
and in use a t gunnery schools, spare eyeguards will be supplied upon th e basis of
two to each capital ship and one to each cruiser or destroyer. 4. This m eans th a t th e m ounting pin holes o n th e m ounting m ust be parallel
to each other in both the horizontal and vertical planes and be correctly spaced.
4. Binoculars now being m anufactured for new construction ships will be
supplied w ith the ne\y eyeguards already fitted, b u t supply of spare eyeguards, 3344.—Guns—Q.F., 40-mm.—Lubricants and Buffer Oil for H.M. Ships
P a tte rn 2550A (Consumable N aval Stores), is to be arranged b y w arrant yards (A.S./C.I.N.O. 8983/42.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
and supplying yards and depots on th e basis given in paragraph 3 above.
The following table shows th e types of buffer oil and types of lubricants which
5. I t is expected th a t supplies of th e modified eyeguard, P a tte rn 2550A, will are to be used w ith all Q.F., 40-mm. guns and th e quantities to be carried on board
be available shortly. D istribution w ithout dem and should be arranged by th e
N aval Store Officer, Preston, as follows :—
Name of Ship Number to be supplied Q uantity per Gun.
“ K ing George V ” "I Use.
“ H ow e” L Oil or First Minimum
“ Duke o f Y ork ” > 8 per ship (mcludes 2 as spare) Lubricant. Stock.
“ Anson ”
“ Liverpool ”
“ B erm uda ” Supplies a ready
“ Gambia ” S.M.L.O. oil ... General lubrication
available on board.
“ Jam aica ” 7 lb. 41b.
“ K enya ” i W hite lubricant, special Auto - loader and breech
(Specification CS.1122' mechanism.
“ Mauritius ” f 5 P*?r shiP (includes 1 as spare) Filling recoil buffer (in all tem ­ 4 galls. 2 galls.
“ Nigeria ” Oil, D.T.D.44D
“ Uganda ” peratures).
“ Ceylon ”
“ Newfoundland ”
3344 46 47 3347
2. Stocks of S.M.L.O. and oil, D.T.D.44D, are already held a t yards and depots 2. I t is found th a t the axis p in is liable to w ork o u t o f position into th is hole
a t home an d abroad. w ith result th a t th e gun will n o t function or m ay fire prem aturely. The hole is
therefore to be plugged. The work will be done by R .N . arm am ent depots in accord­
3. White Lubricant.—(a) The following quantities have been requisitioned from ance with Instructional P rin t N.O.D. 2146/149.
th e W ar Office in 14-lb. containers for delivery as shewn :—
Chatham 3. All component an d spare Mark I I breech blocks in service are to be examined
2,800 lb. Mersey Area 15,400 lb. by ships’ staff, and where found to be of th e p attern described, modification or
Sheemess 2,800 lb. Severn Area 28,000 lb.
Portsm outh exchange is to be arranged a t the first opportunity. ,
2,800 lb. W est Riding 2,800 lb.
Devonport 2,800 lb. Carfin 4. Component an d spare breech blocks in store are to be similarly examined
2,800 lb. and modified where necessary before issue to service.
R osyth ... 2,800 lb.
(6) Arrangements should be m ade for th e shipm ent o f th e underm entioned
quantities from Mersey and Severn Areas to th e yards detailed below :— 3348.—Guns—Q.F., 4-in. Mark XXll—Levers, Breech Mechanism Marks I* and II
From Mersey Area—
and Cocking Sleeve of Striker Case—Modification
From Severn Area—
G ibraltar ... 4,2001b. Berm uda... 4.200 lb. (A.S./G.07647/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
M alta ......................4,200 lb. Simonstown 4.200 lb. The following modification is approved :—
Alexandria ... 4,200 lb. D urban ... 4.200 lb. Gun Q.F., 4-in. M ark X X II.
Ceylon ... 4.200 lb.
Sydney ... Part affected 1. Lever, breech mechanism Marks I* and II.
4.200 lb.
Brisbane 4.200 lb. 2. Case, striker Mark I.
Purpose ... To make dism antling arrows easily discernible.
4. Ships concerned in commission should forward demands as necessary to
their storing yards or depots. Supply to ships concerned of new construction should Nature of modification 1. E xisting arrows on under side of lever, b.m . to be
be arranged by w arrant and storing yards in the norm al manner. barred out and re-engraved on the upper side.
2. Existing letters and arrow on under side of cocking
5. The Sça Store Establishm ents concerned will be amended. sleeve for striker case to be barred out and re ­
engraved on th e upper side.
Drawing ... ... I.p . N.O.D. 3154/18.
3345.—Guns—U.S. and Canadian Q.F. 40 mm.—Fitting of Stop for Fire and Safe R.N . arm am ent depots.
Lever B y whom to be done
Degree of urgency... As convenient.
(A.S./G.470/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
The following modification is approved :— 3349.—Guns—B.L. 4-7-in., All Marks—Cordite N/FQ—Errors in Charge Weights
Guns Q.F. 40 mm. U.S., Mark I, M ark I Mod. I, Mark 2, (G. 015560/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
Mark 2 Mod. I and M -I and Canadian C, M ark I. Check firings of th e following lots of cordite N /FQ for O.B.L. 4 -7-in., Mark I
Part affected............... Breech casing. guns have shown th a t th e charge weights used for filling were too great. Ships to
Purpose ... To prevent fire and safe lever being moved below which charges o f these lots have been issued should m ake due allowances for the
“ stop fire ” position. excessive ballistics indicated below :—
Nature of modification Drill and ta p hole for stop screw in breech casing.
F it stop screw. (а) L ots RNC 3540
Drawing A.F.O. D iagram 232/45. RNC 3528 + lOf.s.
New parts required ... R N P 532R
One stop screw J in. X J in., to be made locally R N P 601
from J-in. W hitw orth steel bolts.
B y whom to be done Staffs o f H.M. ships, bases and R.N. armament, (б) L ots RNC 3541
depots. R N P 519
Degree of urgency ... As convenient. R N P 645 y + 20 f.s.
R N P 733
R N P 1102
R N P 1171
3348.—Guns—Q.F., 40 mm.—U.S. Watercooled and All Aircooled—Fitting of
Missfire Stops
3350.—Remote Power Control—R.P. 10 Systems- -Temperature Control Tanks,
(A.S./G.014420/43.—21 Ju n . 1945.) Marks n and HI
A.F.O. 2899/45 is to be amended as follows :— Ships concerned
Delete footnote “ A.F.O, 1436/45 is cancelled (G. 4713/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
Insert footnote “ A.F.O. 1293/45 is cancelled Several cases of overheating of tem perature control tanks, Mark I I I , in remote
power control (R.P. 10 systems) have been reported from sea a n d it is considered
(A.F.O. 2899/45.)
th a t this overheating m ay be caused by th e therm ostat failing to switch off the
heaters due to th e fact th a t th e uninsulated leads from th e therm ostat become
3347.—Guns—Q.F., 4-in., Marks V-V***, VC and “ A ”, Marks V-V*, Breech Blocks, short circuited.
2. This m ay be prevented b y covering th e therm ostat leads w ith “ systofiex ”
Mark n —Modification or similar insulating tubing and fitting a clip round the tube carrying the therm ostat
(A.S.O. O. 0666/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) as shown in A.F.O. D iagram 234/45.
3. Ships officers in ships fitted w ith Marks I I and I I I tem perature control
To ease m anufacture, certain Mark I I breech blocks for Q.F., 4-in., tan k s should arrange for th e modification shown in A.F.O. D iagram 234/45 to be
Marks V—V***, VC and “ A ”, Marks V—V* guns were made w ith a hole above an d carried o u t by ships’ staffs a t th e earliest convenient opportunity, care being taken
in line w ith the cocking lever axis pin of the firing case.
n o t to damage th e oil seals in th e tem perature control ta n k during the process.
3351 48 49 3352
3351.—Bofors, Mark IV and Mark IV* Mountings—Fitting of Improved Quick- 7. The installation o f A.G.E.S. units in workshops and te st rooms on F leet and
Release Cap lor Dimmer Switch Controlling Dial Lamps Light Fleet carriers will be as follow s:—
H .M . Ships and Establishments concerned (а) One A.G.E.S. unit, Mark 4, adjacent to aircraft special T.B.R . R ad ar
(G. 05710/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) workshop and test room.
The existing push-on cover over th e dim mer switch controlling th e dial lamps (б) One A.G.E.S. unit, Mark 4, adjacent to the aircraft special N .F. R adar
is unsatisfactory. One im proved, quick-release cap an d two pins per m ounting workshop and test room.
will be forwarded w ithout dem and to ships concerned, to be fitted in place of th e
existing “ push on ” cover. (c) One A.G.E.S. unit, Mark 4, adjacent to the aircraft R adar workshop
an d te s t room.
2. The existing switch body will be drilled and tapped in accordance with
A.F.O. D iagram 225/45 an d th e tw o pins fitted a t 180° for holding th e quick release (d) One A.G.E.S. unit, Mark ll(eleven) adjacent to the aircraft W /T workshop
cap in position. and test room.
3. The dimension 5-5 mm . shown on A.F.O. D iagram 225/45 m ust be adhered Drawings o f th e Mark 11 u n it an d the Mark 4 u n it w ith m ethod of installation
to in order th a t the rubber ring in th e quick-release cap will seat snug against the have already been issued to Emergency R epair Overseers, W arship Electrical
front face o f th e switch body and form a w atertight joint. Superintendents an d Admiral Superintendents of Dockyards, w ith A dm iralty
letters dated 24th October, 1944, and 10th January, 1945, D.022888/44.
8. The installation of A.G.E.S. units in workshops, etc., on escort carriers and
3352.—Aircraft Radio and Electrics—Provision of Special Electrical Power Supplies M.A.C. ships will be as follows :—
for Testing Purposes—As. and As. (а) One A.G.E.S. unit, Mark 4, adjacent to the aircraft R adar workshop and
H .M . Ships and Naval A ir Establishments te s t room.
(D/N.A.R. 200/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) (б) One A.G.E.S. unit, Mark 11 (eleven), adjacent to the aircraft W /T work­
Special electrical power requirem ents for th e testing of aircraft radio and shop an d te st room.
electrical equipm ent will in future be m et b y the issue of aircraft ground electric
supply units (short title A.G.E.S. units) an d aircraft starting rectifiers. A.G.E.S. 9. The installation of A.G.E.S. units inside workshops and test rooms is to be
units will also be provided to afford perm anent power supplies to Type 961 R adar avoided if possible, as th e hum of the units is unpleasant for personnel working
installations. The cost of the units an d rectifiers will be chargeable to Vote 8 .III. in a confined space.
2. The provision of A.G.E.S. units and aircraft starting rectifiers will be 10. Commanding officers of ships concerned are to forward an item ,
arranged by the A dm iralty w ithout dem and on th e p a rt of th e ships, squadrons and Classification A*, for th e installation of A.G.E.S. units as necessary, quoting this
establishments concerned. Details of th e various A.G.E.S. units which have been A dm iralty F leet Order as th e authority.
and are being supplied are shown in Appendix 1. The scale of provision of A.G.E.S.
units and rectifiers is shown in Appendices 2 and 3. 11. A ttention is drawn to A.F.O. 4337/44 concerning the provision of sockets,
3. I t is clear from experience already gained th a t requirem ents will continue electrical, 3-phase, 4-pin.
to arise for power supplies o f a ty p e and m agnitude for which no specific provision
has been made. I t should be possible to m eet the m ajority of difficulties under
th is head b y requisitioning alternative types of generator and fitting them to th e Ap p e n d ix 1
A.G.E.S. units in lieu of the stan d ard generators provided. In this connection Types of Aircraft Ground Electric Supply Unit
general inform ation as to permissible overloads o f A.G.E.S. u n it driving m otors
alternative generators, etc., are given in Appendix 4. A dditional generators, General
etc., required should be requisitioned through th e usual channels quoting this (1) A.G.E.S. units consist of various combinations of aircraft generators (D.C.
A.F.O. as authority. In th e m eantim e arrangem ents are in hand to modify and A.C.) driven by either m ains operated electric m otors or petrol engines. U nits
A.G.E.S. units before issue to m eet the latest known power requirem ents. provided for shore use are norm ally suitable for a 400-volt, 3-phase, 50-cycle mains
4. The Air Radio Officer will be responsible for ensuring th a t routine electricity supply. The supplies afforded by the various units are :—
m aintenance is carried o u t on all A.G.E.S. units and ro tary convertors used solely
for the purpose of testing aircraft radio equipm ent. This maintenance is. to (а) 14 volts D.C.
be in accordance w ith instructions issued w ith th e units and is to include the (б) 28 volts D.C.
following :—Exam ination and adjustm ent o f brush gear ; exam ination replace­
m ent and bedding of brushes ; adjustm ent of belt drives ; adjustm ent o f voltage (c) 80 volts, 1,600 cycles A.C.
regulators and control panels (where applicable) ; periodic checks of lubrication (2) A.G.E.S. units are complete w ith voltage regulators and suppressors for the
of all bearings, journals, etc. ; periodic change of lubricating oil in I.C. engines D.C. generators b u t th e A.C. generators require to be operated in conjunction with
associated w ith A.G.E.S. units. the appropriate type of control panel to be provided externally to the A.G.E.S. unit.
5. A.G.E.S. unité should n o t be returned to R.A.F. establishments for repair (3) The A.G.E.S. units equipped w ith petrol engine drive are intended for use
or disposal if no longer required. R epair should as far as possible be carried out only where suitable electricity supplies are not readily available. The A.G.E.S.
b y ship’s or station staff. R eplacem ent items bearing an Air M inistry p attern u n it Mark 3 (electrically driven) willgive the same outputs as th e units Marks 6'and 7.
num ber should be obtained under th e usual procedure for such equipm ent. Repairs The A.G.E.S. u n it Mark 11A (electrically driven) will give the same output as the
beyond the capacity o f ship’s or statio n staff should be referred to th e appropriate
Dockyard or Electrical Repair Overseer. I f A.G.E.S. units held by a ship or u n it Mark 12.
establishm ent are no longer required disposal instructions should be requested (4) Marks 8 and 9 units operate in pairs, each two units haying-a common
from the Director of Dockyards, Adm iralty, quoting the serial num ber of the unit. switchboard. Unless it is desired to make special arrangem ents the “use of single
6. The installation of A.G.E.S. units in workshops, etc., a t shore establishments units should n o t be specified.
will be covered by instructions issued direct to th e authorities concerned, and this T he various types of A.G.E.S. unit which have been and are being produced are
work will, in general, be the responsibility of th e appropriate dockyard. detailed below :—
No. of
H.P. gener­ Generators supplied with eaoh unit \ Fixed
Mark of ators Approximate
No. Output Where used Remarks
mg at one 24V 12V RLX UKX KX Mobile
0 RH U H L LX u o
motor time R R
1 1 1 1 1 Mobile 500-watt, 80 volts Squadron For testing aircraft Radar in­
A.C. with D.C. field use, ship stallations.
supply from batteries. and shore. No longer in production and
superseded by Marks 3 and 4.
Formerly termed motor alter­
nator test set, Mark I.
2 4 2 1 1 1 1 Both 500-watt or 1,200 Squadron For testing aircraft Radar in­
watt, 80 volts A.C. use, ship stallations.
and shore. No longer in production and
superseded by Marks 3 and 4.
Formerly termed motor alter­
nator test set, Mark II.
3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 Mobile 500-watt or 1,200- Squadron For testing all aircraft Radar and
watt, 80 volts, A.C. use, ship W/T installations.
Also D.C. outputs and shore. Later issues may be without R.H.
up to 90 amps., 28 generators, but modified to
give D.C. outputs.
volts when modified. Formerly termed motor alter­
nator test set, Mark III.
3A 4 2 —■ 1 1 * Fixed For permanent power supplies to
Type 961 Radar installations.
4 4 3 1 2 1 ] Fixed 500-watt or 1,200- Radar Fixed version of Mark 3 unit plus
watt, 80 volts A.C. workshops, an additional generator drive.
Also D.C. outputs ship and For testing all aircraft Radar in­
up to 90 amps., 28 shore. stallations in workshops.
Each unit when supplied is
volts when modified. complete with :—
(а) A plug board for installation
over the working bench.
(б) All cables and plugs, etc.,
for connecting the
• A.G.E.S. unit to the plug
' board.

6 4 Fixed
- Mobile air
' 5A 4 ►Special units.
Fixed Mobile air
G Petrol 2 1 1 Mobile
engine Squadron For servicing Swordfish aircraft
use where Radar equipment. Modified
electricity Air Ministry set 42Y/1000.
supply not
7 Petrol 1 1 — Mobile
engine Squadron For servicing Radar equipment
use where in aircraft fitted with U.K.X.
electricity generator. Modified Air
supply not
available. Ministry set 42Y/1000. Later
units will be provided with O
generators additional to give
- - heavy D.C. supplies.
8 5 2 Fixed Approximately W/T test Mark 8 units are issued in com­
60 amps., 28 volts, house and plete workshop installations as
per unit or 37 amps., radio follows :—
14 volts, per unit. maintenance (The terminal box arrangements
block at with the Mark 8 units provide
R.N. Air for a 3-wire distribution sys­
tem. Care should therefore be
taken not to connect to the
same A.G.E.S. unit at one
time radio sets with different
poles of the supply earthed in
the sets.)
(a) 2 Mark 8 units.
(b) 1 "switchboard.
(c) 6 terminal blocks for in­
stallation over the work­
ing bench.
These units provide 12 and 24-
volt supplies for testing radio
H.P. No. of
of gener­ Generators supplied with each unit
Mark driv- ators Fixed Approximate
Output Where used Remarks
No. mg^ driven
motor at one 24V 12V Mobile

9 7 1 Fixed Approximately W/T Mark 9 units are issued in com­

100 amps., 28 volts maintenance plete workshop installations as
per unit. block at follows :— *
aircraft (a) 2 Mark 9 units.
repair or (b) 1 switchboard.
maintenance (c) 8 terminal blocks for in­
yard. stallation over the work­
ing bench.
These units provide 24 volts D.C.
for testing radio equipment.

10 4 2 2 Fixed Approximately W/T Mark 10 units are issued in

100 amps., 14 volts maintenance complete workshop installa­
per unit. blocks at tions as follows i-^—
aircraft (a) 1 Mark 10 unit.
repair or (b) 1 switchboard.
maintenance (c) 4 terminal blocks for in­
yard. stallation over the work­
ing bench.
These units provide 12 volts D.C.
for testing radio equipment.

11 4 2 1 1 Fixed 40-amps, 28-volts, W/T work­ To give 12 and 24-volts D.C.

D.C., and, at the same shop and supplies for testing radio equip­
time, 25-amps.; test room ment on board ship. Each'unit
14-volts D.C. on is complete with a terminal
H.M. ships block for installation over the
working bench. The unit differs
from normal A.G.E.S. units as
no belt drive is used but the
generators are directjy driven
from a 3,500-r.p.m. motor.

11A 2 1 — — — — 1 — — — — 1 — Mobile 40-amps., 28-volts Squadron To give 12 and 24-volts D.C.,

D.C., or 25-amps., use, shore supplies to aircraft for testing
14-volts D.C. only. radio installations.
11B 2, 2 2 Mobile Full-time rating ap­
later Squadron Shipboard equivalent of the
proximately 40-amps., use, ship shore-used aircraft starting
28-volts D.C., or only. rectifier. Comprises mains-
25-amps., 14-volts, operated motor, driving two
D.C. Short-time 12-volt generators with 40 A.H.
rating will give current batteries in parallel. The two
for aircraft starting 12-volt generators may be

\ or testing Avenger
connected in series or parallel
to give 12- or 24-volts supplies.
For electrical and radio testing.
Later Mark 11B units will utilize
a 4-h.p. 3,500-r.p.m. motor
with direct drive as for the
Mark 11 unit.
12 Petrol 1 1 1 Mobile
engine 40-amps., 28-volts Squadron To give 12- and 24-volts D.C,
D.C. or 25-amps, use where supplies to aircraft for testing
14-volts D.C. electricity radio installations. Modified
supply not Air Ministry set 42Y/800.
13 10 1 1 1 Mobile 1,200-watts, 80-volts Squadron To give 80 volts A.C., 115-volts
A.C., or 115-volts use, shore A.C., and 24-volts D.C., sup­
A.C., 100-amps., only. plies to aircraft for testing
28-volts D.C. radio installations. Arranged
with alternative mounting and
drive so that American-type
generators may be fitted in lieu
of British-type generators if
• 115-volts, A.C., supplies are given
from an Eclipse type 800-1-D,
motor generator fitted to the
55 3352
3352 54
A p p e n d ix 3
S c a le of P ro v is io n o r A.G.E.S. U n its a n d A ir c r a f t S ta rtin g R e c tifie rs
f o r E l e c t r i c a l T e s tin g

(These units m ay also be used for radio testing as convenient.)

03 A.G.E.S.
E stablishm ent or Ship A ircraft Starting Rectifier U nit.
O Mark 11B
R.N. air stations. Class A and B 4....................................................... —
R .N . aircraft repair yards 4 for general use
1 for use w ith starter te st rig.
1 for each aero engine test bench
- *.
a (Admiralty), i.e., two per test
R.N. aircraft m aintenance yards 4 for general use —
X! 1 for use w ith starter test rig.
’S ï | Fleet, light fleet and escort carriers — 1
H.M.S. “ Unicom ” — 2
Aircraft m aintenance ships — 2
Mobile N aval air base (each M.R. 2 ...................................................... —
s i and MiS.M.) component.
s |
Note.—The aircraft starting rectifier is a mobile m etal rectifier device suitable
for operation from a 15-amp., 400-volt, 3-phase, 50-cycle socket point and giving
10 12 or 24-volt supplies as required. Two types are supplied, one ty p e m anufactured
^ e
b y Messrs. W estinghouse Brake an d Signal Go. and a second type by Messrs.Standard
Telephones and Cables Ltd. The characteristics and details of the two types are
J- 2g as follows :—
*S.g 1. Westinghouse Type.—Continuous rating, 100 amps, a t 24 volts. In te r­
m itten t ratings to m eet all norm al aircraft starting requirem ents w ith
.S a
5-minute intervals betw een successive starts.
Voltage characteristics, 27 volts a t no load dropping to 19 volts
S 00 a t 500 amps.
.a r-t
^ 2. Standard Telephone Type.—Continuous rating, 84 am ps, a t 24 volts.
o ® In term itten t ratings to m eet all norm al aircraft starting requirem ents
* T | fl«S w ith 5-minute intervals between successive starts.
ß ? | N rt e e
.«Sj Voltage characteristics, 27 volts a t no-load to 15 volts a t 500 amps.
S ’S
s. os
°0 -w The following cables are provided w ith each rectifier :—
es 8 (а) In p u t 25>yards, 4-core T.R.S., cable A.M. Ref. 5E/2055.
11 (б) O utput 12 yards, Ducomflex 83 A.M. Ref. 5E/230I
^ I
û*°Q ua g (current rating 83 amps) term inating in plug, Type
■8-S B .T.H . E P.1A A.M. Ref. 5c/856.
7 .2
N'. rO il The o utput cables listed in Appendix 4, paragraph 3, are also
S§ suitable. W hen supplying heavy current the o u tp u t leads should be
s g) kept as short as possible, the leads supplied being shortened as con­
iio venient.
A p p e n d ix 4

A lte rn a tiv e A r r a n g e m e n t s o r A.G.E.S. U n i t s to M eet N ew Pow er

S u p p ly R e q u ir e m e n ts

1. D.C. Supplies, Continuous Ratings.—A.G.E.S. units, M ark 3, were originally

designed to give m ainly 80-volt A.C. supplies, w ith D.C. supplies for field excita­
tion and other very m inor services only. All M ark 3 units now being issued are
3352 56
modified to give 60 amps. 28 volts D.C., providing a blower is fitted to the TJKX 57 3352
generator. Arrangem ents have also been m ade for th e issue of modification 80 per cent. Motor generators for m ethod (6) are available in the U nited Kingdom
outfits to all authorities holding unmodified A.G.E.S. units, Mark 3, and this issue in limited quantities only and are approxim ately 50 per cent, efficient.'
should now be complete. Method (c) would be advantageous b u t no American type generators are
The Mark 4 un it m ay be modified in a similar w ay to give 60 amps. 28 volts available in th e U nited Kingdom for fitting to A.G.E.S. units. American gene­
D.C. output. rators m ay become available overseas but, as the m ounting and drive is different
The Mark 7 u n it (42Y/1000 petrol set m ounting a TJKX generator) will give from th a t of British type generators, it would n o t be practicable to fit them to
60 amps. 28 volts D.C. continuously. This D.C. o u tp u t should be taken directly standard A.G.E.S. units w ithout certain modifications to th e A.G.E.S. unit drive.
from the D.C. term inals on th e TJKX, a W -type suppressor (5c/1614) being The modification o f existing standard units to m eet this requirem ent is under
included in series w ith th e Output lead if found necessary. consideration and fu rth er information will be prom ulgated. L ater units issued
2. D.C. Supplies, Intermittent Ratings.—The Mark 3, 4, 5A and 7 A.G.E.S. will be modified for m ounting and driving American and B ritish type generators.
units m ay be fitted w ith Type O generators (5TJ/2848) in lieu of U K X generators. 5. Use of VO Generators.—F.A.A. aircraft m ay be fitted w ith UO generators
They will th en give o utputs of 90 amps. 28 volts D.C. for short periods, roughly operating in conjunction w ith Type 5 control panels. Power supplies for the
corresponding to 1 hour load followed by 1 hour cooling. ground testing o f such aircraft for the tim e being will be given by a Mark 3 or
The Mark 8 unit will also carry o u t these duties w ithout modification. Mark 4 unit m ounting a U generator and a U K X generator. The U K X generator
The Type O generator is norm ally used with Type H voltage regulator (5U/215). will in these circumstances be used to give 24-volt D.C. supply only.
The Type J regulator already m ounted on th e above A.G.E.S. units m ay, however, (C.A.F.O. 1271/43 and A.F.O . 4337/44.)
be used to regulate th e O generator, providing the series coil of th e regulator is (A.F.O. 931/45 is cancelled.)
n o t connected, i.e. th e D.C. o u tp u t should be taken directly from th e generator
terminals. 3353.—Emergency Electrical Supply Arrangements
W hen operating electrically driven A.G.E.S. units on th e perm itted in ter­
British-built M ajor War Vessels (except Submarines)
m itten t ratings, it is im portant th a t th e m ains voltage should n o t be below 95 per
cent, of its nominal value. (T. 424/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
General Principles
3. D.C. Supplies, General.—W hen supplying heavy currents of th e order of
40 amps, and above, th e length of cables connecting th e A.G.E.S. u n it to th e radio W ar experience has shown th a t it is often necessary to replace damaged portions
equipm ent should be k ep t down to th e absolute minimum. The following o u tp u t of the perm anent electrical supply system in ships after damage has been sustained.
To enable th is to be done as quickly as possible an d w ithout affecting th e w atertight
cables m ay be used ::— integrity of th e ship, a system of through bulkhead and other term inals and short
(1) D um et 37 (screened) A.M., Ref. 5E/1350 current carrying capacity lengths of perm anent cable, where necessary, is provided on which can be built up,
37 amps. with flexible cables, th e circuits necessary to replace the-dam aged parts of the
(2) D uallvin 37 (screened) A.M., Ref. 5E/2727, current carrying capacity perm anent system.
37 amps. 2. The emergency arrangem ents are intended for use when both th e norm al and
(3) Duallvin 83 (screened) A.M., Ref. 5E/2631, current carrying capacity alternative supplies are lost. As much of th e perm anent system as possible should
83 amps. always be used. C ertainty of supply is the prim ary consideration and to achieve
The following 3-core cables are norm ally used for connection between D.C. this, flexible cables should n o t be ru n until required, as directed in B.R. 268 (6)
generators, suppressors and voltage regulators, b u t th e 2-main cores m ay also be and (36). F or th e same reason any perm anent lengths of cable forming p a rt of the
used for carrying D.C. o utputs :— emergency system should be k ept as short as possible.
(1) Trigenm et 1 (screened) A.M., Ref. 5E/2013, current carrying capacity 3. The system is arranged to fulfil the following functions :—
of m ain cores 25 amps. (а) To enable a supply to be taken from any dynam o, or convenient point
(2) Trigenm et 2 (screened) A.M., Ref. 5E/2014. current carrying capacity on th e m ain supply system to term inals on an accessible deck and to
of m ain cores 50 amps. be distributed by flexible cables, term inals and perm anent risers to
(3) Trigenm et 3 (screened) A.M., Ref. 5E/2159. current carrying capacity any im portant service in the ship.
of m ain cores 95 amps. (б) To provide a supply for im portant services direct from sources on the main
supply system when this is more convenient th a n the route referred
I f th e U K X generator is required to give A.C. supplies a t th e same tim e as the to in (a).
D.C. load on th e generator is varying, th en fluctuations m ay occur in th e A.C.
voltage, causing difficulties in setting up apparatus. This has occurred in operating (c) To enable emergency diesels to be connected to th e m ain supply system.
AN/APS/6A equipm ent from a U K X generator and m ay be overcome by floating 4. Ships to be fitted w ith emergency supply system s can be classified under
an accum ulator across th e D.C. o u tp u t from the generator. three headings depending on th eir m ain supply systems as follows :—
4. 115-volt A.C. Supplies.— 115-volt A.C. supplies m ay be provided in th e (а) R ing m ain ships.
following ways :— (б) Non-ring m ain ships (except (c) below).
(а) Generation of 80-volt supply from a U K X generator in conjunction w ith (c) Flotilla leaders, destroyers (including “ H u n t ” class) and fast minelayers.
Type 6 voltage control panel (or a U generator w ith a Type 5 V.C.P.) The arrangem ents required in each to fulfil th e functions set out in paragraph 3
and stepping up to 115 volts b y means of a transform er (A.M., Ref. are outlined below. Details and allowances of equipm ent for emergency supply
10 K.B./1450). purposes are contained in th e Appendix.
(б) Generation of 28-volt D.C. supply from a U K X or O generator and
changing to 115 volts A.C. by means of a m otor generator (Eclipse Ring Main Ships
Type 800-1-D). 5. Fixed Arrangements.— (a) Emergency runs of through bulkhead terminals.—
(c) Mounting of American Type 115-volt A.C. generators on A.G.E.S. units Two separate and complete runs are provided—a lower emergency run on the same
and generating 115 volts A.C. direct. deck as and following th e same route as th e ring m ain, and an upper emergency run
on each side of th e ship on th e deck on which repair parties have the easiest fore
Method (a) is to be preferred as being reasonably efficient and utilising equip­ and a ft movement.
m ent readily available. The efficiency of th e step-up transform er is approxim ately
The latter ran is known as the m ain emergency ru n an d the deck on which i t
is situated should norm ally be th e deck im m ediately below th e w eather deck. In
59 3353
3353 58 (e) Flexible cables should be provided a t the upper end of each perm anent
those ships which have a communication deck under arm our, this deck should be vertical long enough to enable it to be connected to th e furthest bulkhead terminals
used. This will p u t th e m ain emergency ru n on tw o levels in m ost ships. Short in the com partm ent.
perm anent verticals should be provided where th e m ain emergency ru n passes from (/) Individual im portant services are to be provided w ith a pair of flexible
one deck to th e other. In aircraft carriers it should be th e highest deck giving cables long enough to reach to th e furthest emergency supply point in their own
protection from th e w eather. 1 he ru n should extend as far fore and aft as is necessary compartment. A list of im portant services is included in th e Appendix.
to provide a supply to an y com partm ent containing im portant electrical services.
7. Capacity of cables.—The capacity of cable runs, both flexible and perm anent
In addition to th e tw o emergency runs, through bulkhead term inals should be and their associated terminals, is to be as follows :—
fitted between an y com partm ent containing either a dynam o, or emergency term inals
in the m ain supply system, and any adjac&nt com partm ent containing im portant (а) From dynamo to main emergency run.—To be capable of carrying the
services which m ay need an emergency supply. full capacity of th e emergency fuses provided
(б) M ain emergency run and leads to breaker rooms.— Ships w ith 350 kW.
(6) Permanent cables and supjply fittings.—(i) F o r dynam os of 200 kW . and above, dynamos and larger, 800 amps. Ships w ith dynamos smaller than
tw o pairs of perm anent cables w ith bracket m ounted term inals a t each end, should 350 kW ., 500 amps.
be fitted between each dynam o com partm ent and th e m ain emergency run. The (c) All other cables to be capable of carrying continuously th e sum of the
tw o pairs m ust term inate on th e sam e deck as th e m ain emergency ru n and rated full load currents of the services they m ay have to supply, b u t
should norm ally be sited on th e route o f th e m ain emergency ru n and in com­ in no case should this exceed the capacity of the m ain rim.
p artm ents separated by a m ain transverse w atertight bulkhead. id) Cables from emergency diesel dynamo.—To be capable of carrying the
F o r supplying these leads, tw o p airs of 400-amp., H .R.C. fuses should be fitted full o utput of the machine.
adjacent to the m ain supply switchgear an d perm anently connected to its emergency
switch. The 500-amp. emergency fuses in th e m ain supply system should be replaced Non ring main ships (Except those in paragraph 4 (c)).
b y 800-amp. links, except in ships w ith Type IV, M.S.S. or later. 8. Fixed arrangements, (a) Emergency runs of through bulkhead terminals.—
These two supplies should n o t norm ally be paralleled a t th e upper end as this An emergency ru n -o f through bulkhead term inals should be fitted on the deck
would reduce th e chances of discrim ination betw een th e fuses and th e supply below th e w eather deck to as far forward and aft as necessary to provide a supply
breaker. I t will be necessary to parallel these supplies, however, when it is desired to any com partm ent containing im portant electrical services. In ships other than
to tak e advantage of the full capacity of the 800-amps, emergency ru n referred to those w ith flush decks th e ru n will be on tw o levels. I t should follow the main
in paragraph 7 (6). gangways on th e deck below the w eather deck as far aft as possible w ithin the
superstructure and then on the deck below, as near th e centre, line of the ship and
For dynamos o f less th a n 200 kW ., only one pair of perm anent cables should as high as possible consistent w ith accessibility. Through bulkhead terminals
be fitted. should also be fitted between any com partm ent containing either a dynamo, or
(ii) Two pairs of perm anent cables w ith bracket m ounted term inals each end emergency terminals in the m ain supply system, and any adjacent com partm ent
should be fitted between each emergency dynamo an d .the m ain emergency run, containing im portant services which m ay need emergency supply.
one pair to each side of th e ship. I f th e emergency diesel is separated either b y a
deck or by more th a n one w atertight bulkhead from th e m ain supply system, two (b) Permanent cables and supply fittings.— (i) A perm anent vertical lead w ith
additional perm anent runs should be provided from th e vicinity o f th e dynamo fuse bracket term inals a t each end should be fitted between each dynam o and the main
board to th e vicinity of suitable connection points on each side o f th e m ain supply emergency run.
system. These cables- being alternatives should be ru n well separated. (ii) W here th e switchboard is not in the same com partm ent as th e dynamo,
(iii) Terminal boxes w ith links should be fitted in th e shore supply cables on fuse and link boxes should be fitted in the dynamo leads close to th e dynamo for
the m ain emergency ru n deck. Where suitable these cables m ay take the place of supplying th e perm anent verticals.
one of th e runs referred to in (i). (iii) A double pole knife switch of suitable capacity is to be fitted a t each
(iv) A double pole switch an d fuse box w ith emergency term inals in a non- switchboard and connected to the existing emergency term inals by lengths of
w atertight case should be included in one breaker group on each service tapping to emergency cable.
provide additional sources of supply. (iv) Perm anent verticals w ith bracket terminals a t each end should be fitted
(v) A pair of perm anent cables w ith bracket term inals a t each end should be between th e m ain emergency run and com partm ents below it containing im portant
fitted between each breaker room an d th e m ain emergency run. electrical equipment.
(vi) Compartments below th e m ain emergency ru n containing im portant services 9. Flexible cables.— (a) A complete set of flexible cables should be provided for
should have a pair of perm anent cables fitted between them an d th e main the main emergency run. Cables should be long enough to connect the bulkhead
emergency run. terminals which are furthest a p art w ithout th e cables being lifted off the deck.
6. Flexible cables.— (a) A complete se t of flexible cables should be provided (6) Flexible leads should be provided a t each emergency supply point on the
for the m ain emergency pun. This set should also be utilized for th e lower emergency main supply system to enable it to be connected to the lower end of its perm anent
run when required. A dditional cables may have to be supplied for one ru n or th e vertical to th e m ain emergency rim, or to the furthest bulkhead term inals in the
other where subdivision a t th e two levels differs, b u t a full, set of cables will no t be compartm ent, whichever is th e further.
provided for both runs. (c) Flexible cables should be provided a t the upper end of each perm anent
(6) W here bulkhead term inals for both sides of th e m ain emergency ru n are vertical long enough to enable it to be connected to the furthest bulkhead terminals
in th e sam e com partm ent, flexible cables should be long enough to connect th e in the compartm ent.
port forward term inals and th e starboard after, or th e po rt after to th e starboard (d) Individual im portant services are to be provided w ith a pair of flexible
forward w ithout being lifted off th e deck. cables long enough to reach to the furthest emergency supply point in their own
(c) In cruisers under 6,000 tons a special length of flexible eable is to be compartm ent. A list of im portant services is included in th e Appendix.
provided to enable steering m otors to be fed direct from an y dynamo via th e upper 10. Capacity of Cables. (a ) From dynamos or switchboards to emergency run.—
deck and deck tubes. Supply should be taken' from th e upper end o f th e dynamo
perm anent vertical or from th e shore connection box where fitted. I t should be Ships w ith 100 kW . dynamos and larger 500 amps.
stowed on a reel adjacent to th e steering motors. Ships w ith dynamos less th an 100 kW . Capable of carrying continuously
th e full rated output current of
(d) Flexible leads should be provided a t each emergency supply point on the th e dynamo or in the case of
m ain supply system to enable it to be connected to th e lower end of its perm anent switchboards of ¿he largest
vertical to the m ain emergency ru n or to th e furthest bulkhead term inals in th e dynamo connected.
com partm ent, whichever is th e further.
3353 60 61 3353
(6) Emergency Run— 13. Capacity of cables (a) From dynamos or switchboards to emergency run :—
Ships w ith 100 kW . dynamos and larger 500 amps. Ships w ith 100 kW . dynamos a n d larger ... 500 amps.
Ships w ith dynamos of less th a n 100 kW. Capable of carrying continuously Ships w ith dynamos less th a n 100 kW . ... Capable of carrying continuously th e
th e full ra te d o u tp u t current of full rated output current of th e
th e largest dynamo fitted. dynam o or in th e case of sw itch­
Flotilla Leaders, Destroyers (including “ Hunts") and fast Minelayers boards of the largest dynam o
11. Fixed arrangements.— (a) Emergency runs of through bulkhead terminals.—An (6) Emergency run :—
emergency ru n of through bulkhead term inals should be fitted on th e upper deck
to as far forward as th e a fter bulkhead of th e forward crew space and on th e lower Ships w ith 100 kW . dynamos and larger ... 500 amps.
deck in each w atertight bulkhead betw een th e forward switchboard and th e steering Ships with, dynamos less th a n 100 kW . ... Capable of carrying continuously th e
motors. These term inals should be fitted as near th e 'centre line of th e ship an d as full rated o u tp u t current of th e
high u p as possible consistent w ith accessibility. largest dynamo fitted.
A ll ships
(b) Permanent cables and supply fittings.— (i) A pair of perm anent cables with
bracket term inals a t each end should be fitted between th e forward switchboard 14. Miscellaneous fittings, (a) Terminal bars.—-These should he fitted in
and the m ain emergency run. com partm ents on th e level of th e m ain emergency ru n where there are more
(ii) Combined fuse and link boxes should be fitted in a n accessible position perm anent verticals or individual services th a n can be connected to the through
adjacent to each dynamo in th e leads between th e dynamo and supply breaker. bull^head term inals. The term inal bars should be adjacent to the bulkhead term inals
and connected to them b y perm anent cables. Terminal bars should also be fitted in
(iii) A 500 am p. double pole knife sw itch is to be fitted a t each sw tichboard com partm ents above th e m ain emergency run where a num ber of services have to be
in all destroyers of “ Tribal ” class and later. These switches are to be perm anently supplied, an d instead of bracket term inals a t the lower ends of perm anent verticals
connected to th e existing emergency term inals on th e sw itchboard b y lengths q f where th e num ber of services in th e com partm ent m akes this necessary.
emergency cable. (b) Portable fuse boards.—Portable fuse boards should be fitted in com partm ents
(iv) A pair of perm anent cables w ith bracket term inals a t each end should be where a num ber of small services m ay require to be fed. They are intended for use
fitted between th a vicinity of th e combined fuse an d link box (see (ii) above) of in any p a rt of th e ship and are in no sense substitutes for- perm anent fittings such as
dynamos sited in th e boiler rooms an d an accessible w eatherproof position on the term inal bars.
upper deck. Each board should have its own supply leads attached and -a coil of light cable
(v) Pairs of bracket term inals or term inal bars should be fitted in sheltered by it for miscellaneous services. Facilities should be provided to enable th e board in
positions near the engine room and gearing room access lobbies. In fast minelayers its stowage position to be cqnnected to the m ain emergency run. The stowage m ust
bulkhead term inals should be fitted in lieu, between these com partm ents and th e be arranged so th a t th e board is easily removable.
mining deck. (c) Link boxes.—-A link box is to be provided in th e supply leads to im portant
services such as engine rooms fans or steering m otors where the emergency connec­
12. Flexible cables.-—(a) A complete set of flexible cables should be provided for tions in th e starter cannot be made easily accessible. The link box should be fitted
the m ain emergency run. Cables should be long enough to connect th e bulkhead as near th e starter as possible consistent w ith accessibility.
terminals which are fu rth est a p a rt w ithout th e cables being lifted off th e deck. (d) Emergency lighting circuits.—-A num ber of lengths of flexible cable fitted w ith
(6) Flexible leads should be provided a t each emergency supply point on the lam p holders should be provided for emergency lighting when perm anent fittings are
main supply system to enable it to be connected to the lower end o f its perm anent out of action.
vertical to th e m ain emergency run, or to th e fu rth est bulkhead term inals in the (e) Deck tubes.— Deck tubes are to be fitted where necessary to enable a supply
com partm ent, whichever is th e further. to be taken by flexible cables to services on decks above the main emergency ru n and
where specially authorized for upper deck runs. The num ber of deck tubes fitted
(c) Flexible cables should be provided a t th e upper end of each perm anent
should be k ep t to a minimum.
vertical long enough to enable it to be connected-to th e furthest bulkhead term inals
in th e com partm ent. Oemeral Instructions for Fitting Emergency Systems
(d) Individual im portant services are to be provided w ith a pair of flexible -cables 15. Through bulkhead terminals.—These should be fitted to a definite scheme
long enough to reach to th e fu rth est emergency supply point in th eir own com part­ throughout th e ship as follows :—
m ent. A list of im portant services is included in th e Appendix. (а) In athw artships bulkheads, the left hand term inal of a horizontal pair
(e) A length of flexible cable long enough to reach from th e forward sw itch­ looking forw ard should be positive.
board to the steering m otors along th e upper deck should be provided. This should (б) In longitudinal bulkheads th e after term inal cf a horizontal pair should be
also be used if an emergency connection between th e two switchboards is required. positive.
I t should be stowed on a reel on the upper deck level in the vicinity of th e foremost (c) W here a pair is m ounted vertically, the lower one should be positive.
switchboard. (d) They should be spaced two feet apart.
(/) Terminal bars in th e after superstructure should be fed b y flexible cables- 16. Permanent vertical cables.— (a) The lower ends of perm anent verticals m ust
from the after sw itchboard via a deck tube. never term inate in a through bulkhead term inal since in this case flooding of th e
(g) A length of flexible cable long enough to reach from th e steering m otors to adjacent com partm ent would p u t th e vertical out of action.
. the term inal bars in th e after superstructure should be provided. I t should be (6) The upper ends of perm anent verticals m ust never be used as connections
stowed adjacent to th e steering motors. in th e m ain emergency ru n or flooding of th e lower end would p u t a fault on th e
(I) Flexible cables should be provided for connection to th e dynam o fuse and system.
link boxes in th e engine room and gearing room long enough to reach through the (c) Compartments below the waterline containing im portant .electrical equip­
access hatch to th e bracket term inals or term inal bars in th e access lobby above, or m ent m ust each have their own p a rt of perm anent verticals. I f one pair is used for
to th e bulkhead term inals to th e mining deck in fast minelayers. two or more com partm ents, flooding of one prevents a supply being taken to the
3353 62 63 3353
Appen d ix
17. Stowage of flexible cables.—B racket stowages of approved ty p e should
norm ally be used for flexible cables, b u t reels should be provided for individual D ETA ILS OF E Q U IPM E N T A LLO W ED FO B EM ER G EN C Y S U P P L Y SYSTEM S
long lengths of cable. N ot more th an one length of cable should be stowed on any 1. Terminals and connections :—
one reel.
Where reels are fitted and have proved unsatisfactory, an item is to be inserted Description P attern Details Rem arks
in the defect list to replace them b y bracket stowages. No.
18. Positioning of terminals.—Through bulkhead term inals, bracket term inals
and term inal bars should be fitted as high as possible consistent w ith their being Through bulkhead 4573A F itted w ith f-in. B.S.F. Terminal nuts, P attern
w ithin reach of a m an of average height. I f it is necessary to site them higher th an terminal. hexagonal n u t b u t no 5040 or 5040A are to
6 ft. from the deck, suitable footholds should be fitted where no existing structure term inal nut. be fitted as requisite.
will serve the purpose. Through bulkhead 4573B F itted w ith f-in. B.S.F.
Terminal bars should be m ounted vertically for preference. terminal. hexagonal n u t and
term inal nut.
19. Marking of terminals and flexible cables.—Bulkhead term inals, bracket Through bulkhead 4573C F itte d w ith wing nut, All future supplies will
term inals and term inal bars should be painted red or blue to indicate polarity. terminal. P a ttern 6409 and te r­ be of this type.
T hey should be tallied in accordance w ith th e approved scheme. m inal nut, P attern
B oth ends of all flexible cables should be coloured red or blue for a length of 'T o enable a small
6-in. to indicate polarity. Terminal n u t 5040 F itte d w ith f-in. B.S.F. supply (up to 100
hexagonal nut. amps.) to be tapped
20. Deck tubes.—These should m eet th e following requirem ents :— Terminal n u t 5040A F itted w ith wing nut,
(а) Large enough to tak e two hook ends, P a tte rn 5492. off a through bulk­
P attern 6422. head term inal.
(б) The upper end to be 1 ft. above th e upper surface of the deck. To enable two addi­
(c) The lower end to be clear of obstruction. tional full supplies to
Terminal n u t 5496 F itted w ith f-in. B.S.F. be tapped off a
(d) A w atertight cap and screwed stowage to be fitted a t both ends. hexagonal nut.
(e) To facilitate identification, th e deck tubes and caps should be painted through bulkhead te r­
Terminal n u t 5496A F itted w ith wing nut, minal, or to provide
white, th e ’caps having a green cross painted on th e w hite background. P attern 6409. a connection to a
21. General.— (a) Those p arts of the emergency ru n which pass through com­ term inal bar.
partm ents not norm ally accessible should consist of perm anent cables connected Connected to a through
to bracket term inals a t each end m ounted outside th e com partm ents. bulkhead term inal by
(6) The main emergency run should n o t be taken through dam p com partm ents flexible lead and te r ­
Terminal bar 5495 F itte d w ith 4f-in. m inal n u t, P attern
such as bathrooms where this can possibly be avoided. B.S.F. hexagonal nuts.
(c) All switches used in connection w ith the emergency system should be 5496 or 5496A or to
Terminal bar 5495A F itted w ith 4 wing nuts, a perm anent vertical,
connected so th a t the switch blades are dead when in th e “ Off ” position. P a ttern 6409. when more th an two
(d) All perm anent lengths of cable in th e emergency system should be kept full supplies are
as short as possible. required.
Action Required by Ships Wing nuts 6409 To replace f-in. B.S.F. Ships are allowed these
hexagonal nuts. on a basis of 50 per
22. Action is applicable to all ships in full commission, b u t is to be imple­ cent, of f-in. B .S.F.
m ented only by vessels fitting out for, or employed in, th e F a r E ast. hexagonal nu ts fitted.
(а) Ships whose emergency supply arrangem ents fall short of th e require­ Wing n u ts 6422 To replace f-in. B.S.F. F itte d in new construc­
m ents described above should insert the following item in their lists hexagonal nuts. tion only.
of As. and As.— Bracket mounted To F itted w ith f-in. B.S.F.
“ To modernize emergency supply arrangem ents in accordance terminal. Drawing hexagonal nuts.
w ith A.F.O. 3353/45, Classification ‘ A ’.” D .E.E.
(б) Ships already fitted w ith a main emergency run on a deck other than th a t Bracket m ounted 12959 F itted w ith wing nuts,
described in this order or whose emergency ru n is of lower capacity terminal. P attern 6409.
th an th a t now authorized are to insert an additional item as follows :—
“ To modify the main emergency run in accordance w ith A.F.O.
3353/45, Classification ‘ B ’.” 2. Flexible cables. (a) Capacities.—The emergency ratings for types of flexible
cables m ost frequently used as emergency cables are given below. These figures
(c) W hen a new im portant electrical service (e.g. R.P.C. gun m ounting) is represent the maxim um steady current th a t can be carried continuously w ithout
installed, the necessary emergency supply arrangem ents should be undue tem perature rise an d th ey should not be exceeded except for short periods
provided concurrently, this A.F.O. being quoted as authority. w ithout proper regard to th e risk of fire caused thereby :—
(d) E quipm ent in th e Appendix should be dem anded as necessary, quoting Flexible cable, P a tte rn 1888 or 13868—up-to 30 amps.
this A .F.O . as authority.
Flexible cable, P a tte rn 4593A or D —30-100 amps.
(e) W here existing stowage arrangements for flexible cables are unsatis­
factory, an item should be inserted in th e defect list to fit bracket Flexible cable, P a tte rn 1889 or 13869— 101-200 amps.
stowages of an approved type (A.F.O. 2147/45, A.F.O. Diagram Flexible cable, P a tte rn 1887 or 13867—201-250 amps.
137/45). Flexible cable, P a tte rn 1890 or 13870—251—400 amps.
23. Separate instructions will be issued by th e A dm iralty for vessels under Flexible cable, P a tte rn 1887 or 13867 (two in parallel)—401-500 amps.
construction. Flexible cable, P a tte rn 1890 or 13870 (two in parallel)—501-800 amps.
65 3353
3353 64
(c) Allowances—
(6) Fitting of hook ends.—The following hook ends are available :— Allowance per vessel
(i) F or connecting to through bulkhead terminals, term inal bars and Pattern Pattern
bracket m ounted terminals :— Ship or ships 12962 12963
Hook end For use with Capital ships—
pattern cable pattern “ V an g u ard ” ... 30 16
“ K ing George'V ” class ... ... ... 30 10
5492 1889 an d 13869 “ Nelson ” class 30 10
1887 an d 13867 “ Queen Elizabeth ” class (expept “ Malaya ” ) 30 10
5493 1890 an d 13870 “ R en o w n ” !.. 30 10
(ii) F or connecting to individual services :— Monitors—
Hook end For use with “ Abercrombie ” an d “ Roberts ” ... 9 3
pattern Capacity cable pattern “ Erebus ” 6 2
5638 ... ... 30 amps. ... 1888 an d 13868 Aircraft carriers—
5637 ... ... 250 amps. ... 4593A and D
1889 an d 13869 “ F leet ” type (except “ Furious ” ) 20 7
1887 an d 13867 L ight Fleet 18 6
5636 ................ 400 amps. ... 1890 and 13870 Escort Aircraft Carriers—
I f th e en try into th e enclosure of the service is too small for these hook ends, the American built 7 3
service end of th e cable should be left bare. B ritish built ... 9 3
3. Important Services to be provided with individual flexible leads, (a) (i) Motors Cruisers—
driving th e following :— “ C ” class ... ......................... . 9
Machinery com partm ent fans. “ D ” class 12
D/G generators. Remainder 18
S/A alternators. H.M. Ships “ P rotector ” and “ Guardian ” 1
Steering gear. Auxiliary A. A. escort vessels 6
Fixed salvage pumps. Landing ships ta n k (class 1)... 2
Engine and boiler-room auxiliaries. Flotilla leaders and destroyers—
Gun m achinery and tu rre t pumps. 3*.
“ Tribals ” an d later class, except “ H unts ”
Low-power generators. 2*«
Classes previous to “ Tribal ”
W /T, W a/T and R adar alternators. 2**
Capstan.gear. “ H u n t ” class ...
(ii) Junction boxes supplying the following :— Fast minelayers—
All vessels ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 3**
One police light circuit in every m ain com partm ent.
Gyro compass alternator. Sloops—
Driving m otors of gunnery tables. All vessels ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 2**
N avigation lights. Minesweepers—
(iii) E ach portable fuze board as follows :— “ Halcyon ” an d later classes (except Diesel-driven — 2**
Fuze board, P a tte rn 12962—P a tte rn 13867 cable. “ Bangors ” ).
Fuze board, P a tte rn 12963— P a tte rn 4593D cable. “ Bangor ” (Diesel-driven) ... ... ... ... 2 2**
(6) Cables in (i) an d (ii) to be of suitable capacity an d long enough to reach th e Depot and repair ships—
furthest emergency supply point in their own com partm ent. “ TJnicorti ” (F.A.A. repair ship) ... ... ... 20 7
Cables in (iii) should be long enough to reach th e main emergency ru n from their H.M.S. “ A dventure ” ... ... ... ... 12 4
stowage position b u t no t less th a n 50 feet. Base an d Fleet repair ships and large depot ships ... 10 3
4. Temporary lighting circuits—Allowances.— Ships should carry emergency Small depot ships (except “ Alecto ” and “ Talbot ” ) 6 3
lighting circuits as sta te d below :— “ Alecto ” an d “ Talbot ” ... ............... ... 5 3
Capital ships and aircraft carriers ... ... 15" 1 pair of flexible cables, Corvettes and frigates—
Cruisers, depot and repair ships ... ... 15 P atte rn 1888, with All ships ... ... ... ... — ... ... 2
Monitors, destroyers an d fast minelayers ... 5 seven lampholders, Ships concerned n o t covered by the above allowances Full details of re ­
Sloops, corvettes, frigates, “ Algerine ”, 3 P a tte rn 6302, spaced quirements should
“ Hebe ” an d “ Bangor ” class minesweepers 8 ft. ap art. be forwarded to
Admiralty through
5. Portable fuze boards.—(a) Details.—Two types of portable fuzeboard are A d m in i s t r a ti v e
p ro v id ed :— A uthority.
Pattern Details Note.—** Figures m arked thus indicate th a t certain vessels should be in
12962 6 pairs o f 60 am p. fuzes. possession of two 6-way 10 am p. fuze boards which are to be considered as P a ttern
'12963 4 pairs of 10 amp. fuzes (the fuzeholders will tak e fuzes up to 12963 when completing to th e revised allowances.
30 amps, capacity b u t th e m axim um capacity of th e fuze­
board is 40 amps.). (A.F.O. 2147/45, A.F.O. Diagram 137/45.)
(6) Securing arrangements.—Studs w ith butterfly n u ts should norm ally be (A.F.Os. 799/40, 2695/40, 1307/41, 1340/41, 1805/41, 5540/41, 5559/41, 3652/42,
provided for securing th e boards in their stowage position, to perm it o f easy removal 4400/42, 5179/42, 299/43, 3178/43, 5742/43, 3414/44 and 3417/44and C.A.F.Os.
when required. 307/40, 904/42, 1273/43, and 1894/43 are cancelled-.)
(71848) 0
3354 66
67 3356
3354.—Low Frequency Suppressor A.P. 19447-F2B—Introduction
3356.—Torpedo Stores—Revised Allowances tor Submarines
(N.S. 21974/44.—21'Ju n . 1945.)
(A.S. 5781/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
I t is necessary for the power supplies to Asdic sets, Type 134 C/D /E, to be
suppressed in order to prevent th e transmission of low frequency disturbances into I t has been approved for th e following alterations to be made to th e allowances
the Asdic amplifiers. This suppressor is in addition to any required for radio of torpedo s to r a for submarines arm ed w ith 21-in., Mark V III type torpedoes,
interference. viz. :—
Items Present Revised
2. The suppressor has been added to th e Authorized L ist of N aval Stores Allowance Allowance
under Subhead F2B, Schedule C.750, as follows :—
A dapters for blowing through oil hole in engine crank, 1 Nil.
Pattern No. Description St. No. T.14.
19447 Low frequency suppressor. 220 volt 10 amps. Balances, spring, for testing pull-off of w ater tripper, 1 Nil.
3. The use of these item s is to be limited to purposes for which specific authority blowing heads, St. No. T.99.
is given. Demands for ships in home w aters should be forwarded to Superintending Levers, removing, crown wheel from propeller shaft, 1 2
N aval Store Officer, Severn Area, for compliance, and should be endorsed w ith th e St. No. T.103.
appropriate authority, e.g., C.A.F.O. 2228/42, A.F.O. 955/43, etc. Ships in foreign 2. In addition, “ Spanners, box parting reducer, etc., St. No. 196A,” will be
waters should forward dem ands to the appropriate storing yard. added to th e contents of “ Chests, tools and spare gear, 21-in., V III-V III** ” in
the proportion of one per chest.
4. Superintending N aval Store Officer, Severn Area, is requested to arrange
the following shipments :— 3. Submarines concerned are to—
Bombay Ceylon Malta (а) R etu rn Adapters, St. No. T.14, an d Balances, St. No. T.99 to the nearest
torpedo depot.
200 100 100
(б) D emand Leversj, St. No. T.103, and Spanners 196A required from the
(C.A.F.O. 2228/42 and A.F.O. 955/43.) nearest torpedo depot.
(A.F.O. 5792/44 is cancelled.) 4. Torpedo store accounts an d labels of chests are to be am ended as necessary.
3365.—Naval Stores lor Torpedo Purposes—Revised Allowances
Capital Ships, Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers, Depot Ships, Flotilla Leaders and Destroyers
3357.—Torpedo Stores—Spanners, St. No. 1151—Defective—Replacement
(N.S. 020293/43.—21 Ju n . 1945.) Arrangements
The allowances of telescopes, P a tte rn 3341, an d adaptors, P a tte rn 1810A, for (A.S. 13454/44.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
torpedo purposes, have been reduced, as shown in th e A ppendix to th is order.
2. Telescopes, P a tte rn 3341 are no longer required for use with torpedo Spanners, ring propeller nu ts forward, St. No. 1151, m arked “ J.H . & S. L td .” ,
deflection sights and are to be allowed in future only for use w ith gyro adjusting have been welded unsatisfactorily where the handle joins the ring. Such spanners
tables on the basis now shown. The R ate Book description o f these telescopes will are suspect.
be in future “ telescope P a tte rn 3341 for use w ith gyro adjusting tables ” . 2. All spanners, St. No. 1151, carried by ships and vessels in the under-mentioned
3. A ny of these items held in excess of the revised allowances are to be returned chests are to be examined and any m arked “ J.H . an d S. L td .” are to be exchanged
to the nearest dockyard except Portsm outh, C hatham an d D evonport. I n this b y arrangem ent w ith th e nearest torpedo depot, viz. :—
connection, it is possible th a t certain older destroyers m ay still have some telescopes Chests, tools, 21-in. II-IV *.
P a ttern 3341 on board, for which a service does n o t now exist. I f so they should Chests, tools, 21-in. V.
be returned similarly.
Chests, tools, 21-in. V T II-V ni**.
4. The R ate/ Book and the sea store establishm ents concerned will be amended. Chests, tools, 21-in. IX -IX **.
Appendix. Chests, tools, supplem entary, 21-in. II-V .
Allowances of adaptors P a tte rn 1810A for Valves (3,500 lb.). Chests, tools an d spare gear.
Class of Ship Existing Allowance Revised Allowance 21-in. II-IV *
Cruisers :— 21-in. V III-V III**.
“ F iji ” C l a s s ...................................... 21-in. IX -IX **.
“ U ganda ” Class
“ D id o ” Class...
Aircraft C arriers:—- f— 2 Nil 3358.—U.S.A. Torpedoes, 22 4-in., Mark 13 Type—Defects in Air Flasks and Tails
“ Illustrious ” an d later Fleet Carriers
D epot Ships (T. 08688/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) /
“ A dam ant ” and later
The following possible defects in 22-4-in., Mark 13, torpedoes and the m ethod
Allowances of Telescopes P a tte rn 3341. overcoming them have been reported :—
Capital Ships and Cruisers ... ... 1 for each torpedo 1 per ship if fitted (a) In th e welded air flask the nipple a t the forward end supplying air to
deflection sight w ith gyro ad- the blow valve has been found to develop leaks after repeated re-
supplied. justing facilities sweating. This trouble has largely been elim inated by increasing the
length of the threads on the nipple thus allowing it to be screwed
Aircraft Carriers and Depot Ships ... Allowance unchanged. further in un til its inner end bears hard against the seat a t the bottom
(Capt. H.M .S. “ Vernon " (W)— 8 Dec. 1943—No. W.8186/25/43. end of the screwed socket. This work should therefore be carried out
(A.F.O. 3691/44 is cancelled.) in th e case of any such leaky nipples as follows :—
(i) Blow th e air flask down or check th a t it is uncharged.
3358 68 69 3360
(ii) Disconnect and remove th e air pipe between th e nipple an d the 3360.—Magnetic Compasses—Safe Distances
blow valve. (C.D. 286/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
(iii) Unsweat an d unscrew the nipple. The following additions should be made to the safe distances given in C.D.
(iv) Increase the length of th e threads on th e nipple b y such an Pam phlets 11A and 11A (1) :—
am ount, th a t when screwed into its m ating socket th e inner Minimum
end of th e nipple will bring up on th e seat a t the bottom of the Distance
socket. (Note.—W hen cutting th e ex tra length of threads, it Description from Compass.
m ust be remembered th a t American threads are o f 60° V. Feet
section in stead o f 55° as in B ritish practice. Care m ust be Asdic apparatus :—
taken to ensure th a t th e existing an d th e new threads are not Control training un it A/S 3, P attern 9960 ...
m ade a slack fit, i.e. no m etal should be removed from the ♦Control training un it m ounted on bracket, P a tte m A.2614
existing threads during th e operation.) ♦Recorder A/S 393, P a tte rn A.2335 ...
(v) I f necessary remove m etal from the inner end o f th e nipple (the Indicator, range, A/S 414, P a ttern A.2249
sm allest am ount possible should be removed) u n til th e nipple Indicator, depth, A/S 403, P a ttern A.2304...
when screwed h ard in, so th a t th e inner end brings up on the Gunnery comm unication system, Type 470 :—
seating a t th e b ottom of its m ating socket, will be a t the ♦Buzzer, P a tte rn 19114—See Buzzer.
correct angle to line up with the existing air pipe to the blow Control un it, P a tte rn 13260 ...
valve. H eadset, P a tte rn 12550—Sec Telephone.
(vi) Refit th e nipple b y screwing and sweating into its socket, care Radio interference suppressor :—
being taken to ensure th a t th e inner end of th e nipple an d the ♦Pattern 19433B
seat a t the bottom of the-socket are. tigh tly in contact. F or ♦Pattern 19440 ...
satisfactory sweating th e threads o f th e nipple and socket ♦Pattern 19441A
m ust be properly tinned an d care m ust be taken n o t to close the ♦P attern 19443 ...
vent hole w ith solder. A fter th e nipple is finally fitted, a small
Receiver R.G.
fillet of solder should be ru n around th e projecting portion
P a tte rn W.6815
of th e threads an d th e adjacent surfaces should be touched up P a tte rn W.5766
as necessary w ith air drying Heresite, red lead p ain t or R.D . 1176
Telephone —
(if H eresite is required it can be obtained from th e depots). Mark X IX , P a ttern 13343 ...
(vii) Refit th e a ir pipe between th e nipple and the blow valve. ♦Switch and lam p box, P a ttern 12529
(6) A fter recovery of torpedoes subsequent to exercise shots, it has been W /T and R adar apparatus :—
found th a t the propellers could n o t be turned due to the seizing of E quipm ent model DÄS.2 ;—
♦Box spares 10
the forward propeller sleeve an d the tail bearing. U pon dissembling
the tails in such cases, it has been found th a t th e tail bearing h a s . Equipm ent, Type 274 :—
“ picked up ” m etal from th e forward propeller sleeve. This defect ♦Transm itter 9.U, P a tte rn W.9004 (when m ounted in D.C.Ts.) .. 15
has been corrected by ensuring a clearance of 0-01 to 0-012 between Equipm ent, Type 931 ::—
the tail bearing an d th e forward propeller sleeve, an d this correction R /F head, Type 3 (when m ounted in D.C.Ts.) 19
is therefore to be carried out in an y future cases where similar defects ♦ Denotes steel fittings or instrum ents in steel boxes.
occur. The clearance referred to m ay be obtained by th e rem oval of
m etal either from the bearing or th e sleeve as convenient.
2. In the case o f torpedoes already in service where such defects are know n or 3381.—Distant Reading R.A.F. Compass, Mark I—Spares
suspected, the work is to be carried out. as opportunity offers by staffs of H.M. ships,
etc., which have th e necessary facilities. Coastal Force and Landing Craft concerned
(A.F.O. 2014/45 is cancelled.) (N.S. 013830/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
The allowance of spares to landing craft and coastal force craft fitted w ith
D istant R eading R.A .F. Compass, M ark I, and th e allowance to Coastal Force bases,
is to be as shown in th e appendix.
3359.—L.C.G. (M) 1 and 1*—After Fairlead 2. Craft and bases concerned should adjust their stocks accordingly, and bases
should forw&rd demands for spares required to complete to these allowances to
(D.C.O.M. 5090/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.) N aval Store Officer, A dm iralty Compass Observatory, Slough.
In order to facilitate th e hardening up of th e kedge anchor on its agreed stowage, 3. No allowance of flotilla spares for landing craft is being issued as th e number
i t has been decided th a t th e after fairlead a n d support should be modified in of craft so fitted is small. Requirem ents for landing craft in E astern w aters should
accordance with th e arrangem ent shown on A.F.O. D iagram 226/45 (D.N.C. be obtained from th e Superintending N aval Store Officer, Ceylon, to whom a “ B ”
26/AB/500). In cases where the fairlead is a t present fitted on a stool above the allowance of base spares is being issued by N aval Store Officer, Slough, or, on arrival,
deck, the fore and a ft position of th e fairlead should be checked and modified if from landing craft m aintenance ships.
necessary. The existing Blake stopper should be replaced by a screw stopper for
1-in. cable to facilitate taking slack out of th e anchor chain. 4. Although initial requirem ents of all stores are to be obtained from Slough
in accordance w ith paragraph 2 of this Order, subsequent replenishm ents of stores
2. Commanding Officers of craft in which the fairlead requires modification other th an those under F3B can be demanded from norm al storing yards.
or th e screw stopper has h o t been fitted should insert an Item , Classification “ A ” ,
in the next list of As. an d As. to cover th e work involved. 5. The R ate Book and Sea Store Establishm ents concerned will be amended.
(71648) c 3
3361 70 71 3363
A p p e n d ix
3. To prevent such an occurrence ships should arrange for all horizontal deck
sheaves and th e associated vertical sheaves to be carefully inspected. Where
necessary, additional grease gutters should be cut in the sheave half-bushings as
Allowances shown in A.F.O. D iagram 231/45.
4. A ttention is draw n to NAVAER 19-82, chapter 6, which lays down th a t
P attern or these sheaves should be lubricated daily. The grease used for this purpose should be
Reference No. Description Denom. graphite grease Federal Stock No. 14-G-920, or British grease C.S.1653A (graphited)
P er P er Coastal
Force Base. vide A dm iralty letter D/P.06477/44 dated 3rd January, 1945.
See N ote *
3364.—Boilers—U.S. Navy System of Feed-Water Treatment—Extension ol Use
B.A.M s.
Permanent A B (D. 8973/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
6A/741 Master unit, Mark I or IA C
6A/742 No. 1 2 3 The U.S. N avy system of feed w ater treatm ent is to be applied to the auxiliary
P ilot’s repeater (non-watertight) 1 2
A .P .8031 99 — 3 Sentinel boilers fitted in B.A.Ms.
Steering repeater (watertight) ... 2 3 4
8A/1056 V ariation setting corrector
2. Commanding Officers of these ships ordered to join the British Pacific and
6P/29 R otary convertor
99 3 5 7 E a st Indies Fleets are to adopt this system of feed-water treatm ent and are to
6P/33 Fram e m otor 99 1 2 3 dem and supplies of U.S. N avy boiler compound, boiler w ater testing sets and
8A/1057 Motor, “ M ” tj'p e ...
99 1 2 3 necessary chemical testing reagents before leaving th e U nited Kingdom.
6AA/919 99 3 5 7
R otating frame gear-box assembly o O
o 4 (A.F.Os. 53/45, 1310/45 and 2459/45.)
6AA/2598 A tm ite pack (complete) ..*
A .P. 18912 99 0o 6 8
Dimmer (Subhead F2B )... 1
.99 -- 2 3 3365.—Cylinders for Oxygen Gas—Allocation of Admiralty Numbers
Consumable (N.S. 21877/45.-—21 Ju n . 1945.)
5C/463 Fuse The series allocated to various yards for the numbering of oxygen cylinders
A.P.8096 R.M. 99 3 18 36 60
Lamp, filament, 24 volt, for re ­ 2 have been revised as follows :—
” 18 30 48
peater, P a tte rn «031 (Subhead Oxygen Cylinders 100 cu.ft.
1181 Portsm outh ... P. 1-10,000
Oil, D.T.D.56 (Subhead E9) 10 oz. 1 9 PX . 1-20,000
15 21
bottles D evonport D .10,001— 20,000
Grease, No. 0 (E8) Tin D.60,001-100,000
6P/25 1 2 3
Brushes, ro tary convertor, and No. 4 18 Chatham C.20,001- 30,000
frame m otor D.C. 30 48
6P/26 M alta ... M.30,001- 40,000
Brushes, ro tary convertor, A .C.... 3 12 R osyth R.50,001-120,000
, ” 24 36
Oxygen Cylinders 200 cu. ft.
* A—for bases from which u p to 12 craft are operating. Chatham C .C .l- 2,000
* B— for bases from which 13 to 24 craft are operating. Portsm outh ... P .P .l- 2,000
D evonport D.D. 1-2,000
* C—for bases from which 25 to 48 craft are operating. R osyth R .R . 1-2,000
2. A dm iralty oxygen cylinders m anufactured in U.S.A. and A ustralia have
3362.—B.A.Ms.—Magnetic Compass th e num ber prefixed w ith the letters USA and AUS respectively.
(A.F.Os. 2741/45 and 2827/45 are cancelled.)
(C.D. 259/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
I t has been ascertained th a t in certain B.A.Ms. a movable steel seat is fitted 3366.—Propeller and Underwater Fittings—Form D.488—Recording Additional
in th e neighbourhood of th e standard compass for th e use of th e Officer o f th e Clearances
W atch. The movement of this seat has been found to cause changes in th e H .M . Ships
deviation of the standard compass of nearly 20°.
(D. 12304/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
2. Commanding Officers of vessels concerned should place no reliance on th e In future, when occasion arises for the lining of the “ A ” bracket or stern tube
deviation table for th e standard compass while th is seat is in position, and should, bushes fitted in H.M. ships to be renewed, this fact should be stated on Form D.488.
a t the earliest opportunity, arrange for th e seat to be removed by ship’s or base The shaft clearances and measurements of lignum-vitae or white m etal to wear
staff. Im m ediately after the rem oval o f th e seat th e compass should be readjusted. both before and after renewal are to be recorded on the form.
2. Form D.488 will be amended as necessary a t the next reprint.
3363-—Arrester Gear Sheaves (A.F.O. 3846/44 is cancelled.)
Escort Carriers
3367.—Radar—Ranging Outfit R.T.E. and Indicator Outfit J.J.I.—Sector Selector
(D. 11378/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) Unit, Pattern W.9083—Modification
(R.E. 143/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
Im m ediately prior to th e flying trials carried o ut recently in an escort carrier
it was found th a t a num ber o f th e arrester gear deck sheaves had seized solid, and E arly models of P a tte rn W.9083 Sector selector unit are fitted w ith dimming
several others were only ju s t moveable. potentiom eters in which th e wiper arm is connected to the potentiom eter spindle.
This m ay result in the 22-volt L.P. supply being earthed where the extension spindle
2. The landing of aircraft w ith the sheaves in this condition would have led to of the potentiom eter passes through a small hole in the front of th e unit.
excessive wear of the main reeving wire.
(7164«; 04
3367 72
2. Ships fitted w ith P a tte rn W.i)083 sectpr selector units are to cheek whether 73 3370
the dimmer potentiom eter wiper arm is connected electrically to th e extension 3. Principal (Ship) Overseers and Emergency Repair Overseers are therefore
spindle. If it is so connected the m etal cylindrical coupling between the potentio­ to apply to th e W arship Production Superintendent of their areas for a copy of
meter shaft and tfie extension shaft is to be replaced by a similar coupling made A.S.E. Specification, No. B.608.
from any suitable insulating m aterial.
(A.F.O. 790/40.)
3. F uture production of P attern W.9083 sector selector u n it will n o t suffer
from this defect. 3371.—Radar and W/T Cable—Distribution of A.S.E. Catalogue A, Volume 1
3368.—Radar—Type 253/P—Power Supplies—As. and As. (R.E. 10820/45.-21 Ju n . 1945.)
Ships Concerned A.S.E. Catalogue A, Vol. 1 has been compiled to give physical and technical
characteristics of Radio Frequency, Polythene and Pyrotenax Cables normally used
(R.E. 01829/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) in W /T and R ad ar installations.
Rectifier unit, P a tte rn W9823A, has been introduced in lieu of b a tte ry outfit 2. Copies of this catalogue have been forwarded to the Commanders-in-Chief,
BBh for fitting in certain ships. The rectifier requires a supply o f 300 w atts a t 180 B ritish Pacific Fleet, E ast Indies, and W estern Approaches ; V.A.(Q), Melbourne ;
voit, 500 cycles, which should be taken from the power board of a R adar set which R.A.D., B ritish Pacific F le e t; R ear A im iral Fleet Train ; Admirals Superintendent,
is normally continuously manned. The rectifier which is 16 J in. wide, by 21 in. high, Chatham , Devonport, Portsm outh, Orkneys, Rosyth, K ilindini; Flag Officers-in-
by 15 in. front to back, will replace all the units of BBh, batteries, charging board Charge, W est Africa, E ast Africa, Ceylon, Tunisia, Milford H aven, Aden (for R adar
and resistances. The rectifier will no t bo suitable for ships w ithout a 180 volt, 500 Officers) ; Flag Officer, B o m b ay ; N aval Secretary, Melbourne, for the officers
cycle supply or for coastal craft for which special arrangem ents are made. concerned a t Melbourne, Sydney and Frem antle ; N aval H eadquarters, India ;
2. The power supply for all Types 253/P will therefore be as follows :— N aval Secretary, W ellington; Secretary, N aval Board (N.D.A.), O ttaw a;
(a) Ships w ith suitable 180 volt, 500 cycle, supply—Rectifier, P a tte rn Commodores Superintendent, G ibraltar, Malta, Bermuda, Sheemess, Simonstown ;
yV9823A. (P attern 56584, which is identical in size and power require­ Commodore-in-Charge, H a lifa x ; Commodore (D), Londonderry ; Commanding
ments, m ay be supplied in lieu.). Officers, H.M. Ships “ Artifex ” and “ Resource ” ; Commanding Officer, H.M.I.S.
(b) Ships w ithout a suitable 180 volt, 500 cycle, supply b u t w ith a 110 volt or “ Ohamak ” ; Commanding Officers, H.M. Ships “ Lizard,” “ N orthney,” “ Sea
220 volt D.C. supply—B attery Outfit BBh or BBm. Serpent ” “ Squid,” “ Torm entor,” “ Vectis ” ; Commanding Officer, Combined
(c) Ships w ithout a 110 volt or 220 volt D.C. supply for charging—B attery Operations N aval U nit, C alshot; Captain, Major Landing C ra ft; Captain G S1;
Outfit BBj. Flag Officer, U nallocated Landing S h ip s; Commanding Officers, H.M. Ships
3. Ships referred to in paragraph 2 (a) which are a t present fitted w ith batteries, “ Midge,” “ M antis,” “ Beehive,” “ Aggressive,” “ H ornet,” “ A ttack,” “ Bee,”
should replace these w ith rectifiers a t th e earliest opportunity, th e work being “ F ervent,” “ B lackbat,” “ Cicala,” “ Mosquito,” “ Gregale ” ; Captains Super­
carried out as an A. and A. by ships’ staff w ith dockyard assistance as necessary. intendent, Alexandria, D urban, Ceylon ; D eputy Superintendent, P em broke;
Chief Constmctors-in-Charge, H.M. N aval Repair Bases, Dunstaffnage and Corpach ;
4. Rectifiers should be demanded, quoting this order as authority, as follows
B.A.D. W ashington.
(а) Ships in home w aters from S.N.S.O., Haslemere.
3. Copies of the catalogue have also been forwarded to the W arship Production
(б) Ships in the E ast Indies S tation from S.N.S.O., Ceylon. Superintendents, E ast Coast of Scotland, N orth W estern, H um ber, Southern,
(c) Ships in the Mediterranean Fleet from (S).N.S.O., G ibraltar, M alta or London and E ast Coast, South Wales, Belfast, Scottish and N orth E astern Areas ;
Alexandria. W arship Electrical Superintendents, Scottish, N orth W estern, N orth Eastern,
(d) Ships with th e British Pacific Fleet from D.D.S. (R.N.), Sydney. London and South Eastern, Midland and South Wales, South W estern, and
(A.F.O. 6438/44 is cancelled.) N orthern Ireland Areas.
Principal (Ship) Overseers and Emergency Repair Overseers requiring a copy
3369.—Disposal of Radio from Ships Reducing to Reserve of this catalogue, should apply to the'W arship Production Superintendent of their
(N.S. 23070/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) areas.
All American W /T an d R adar equipm ent removed from ships paying off into 3372. Gear Box, Pattern A.1993, for Recorders—Modified Design
Reserve, irrespective of condition, should be forwarded to Dex Garage, Newcastle. E /S Apparatus
2. All R.C.M. equipm ent, irrespective of condition, should be forwarded to (N.S. 022548/43.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
Messrs. Chapman, Lowry an d P uttick, L td., Shotterm ill Works, Haslemere, Surrey, An improved an d more robust design of gear box, P attern No. A.1993, has
and invoiced to the Superintending N aval Store Officer, Haslemere. been produced and designated p attern A.1993B (F I (a), P a rt 2).
3. A.F.O. 2758/45 should be amended accordingly. 2. The old type gear box is convertible to the new design, and w ith a view to
(A.F.O. 2758/45.) reducing to a minimum th e purchase of P attern A.1993B, all defective gear boxes,
P attern A.1993, in yards and depots a t home and abroad are to be returned as soon
3370.—General Information for Fitting W/T Transmitting and Receiving as practicable to the Superintending N aval Store Officer, R.N. Store Depot, W alcot
Aerials Street, B ath, for modification to the new design.
(R.E. 11049/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) (A.F.O. 2924/45 is cancelled.)
A.S.E. Installation Specification No. B.608 has been prepared to give general
information for W /T Transm itting and Receiving Aerials. The scope of this 3373.—Aircraft Radio—Modifications—Policy
specification is limited to details of a general nature and th e specification is prim arily (N.A.R. 224/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
intended for use in th e drawing offices of shipbuilders where rig drawings, based on To ensure consistency in the introduction of internal modifications to aircraft
A.S.E. guidance drawings, have to be prepared. radio equipm ent, an Inter-service Radio Modifications Committee has been set up,
2. Copies of the specification have been forwarded to the Admirals Super­ composed of representatives of the Adm iralty, Air M inistry and Ministry of Aircraft
intendent, Chatham, Devonport, Portsm outh, Orkneys, Kiilindini and R o s y th ; Production. The Committee has been constituted for the purpose of examining
the Commodores Superintendent, Gibraltar, Malta, Bermuda, Sheemess and Simons- th e need for all proposed modifications to B ritish and American aircraft radio
town ; the Captains Superintendent, Alexandria, D urban and Ceylon; th e D eputy equipm ent in use in th e service and to authorize the incorporation of approved
Superintendent, Pembroke ; the Chief Constructors-in-Charge, H.M. N aval Repair modifications w ith relevant priorities.
Bases, Corpach and Dunstaffnage ; W arship Production Superintendents, E ast 2. The Radio Modifications Committee (R.M.C.) is the sole authority for the
Coast of Scotland, N °rth W estern, H um ber, Southern, London, South Wales, approval and classifications of modifications. I t is essential, therefore, th a t all
N orthern Ireland, Scottish and N orth E astern Areas. proposals for th e application and introduction of modifications developed originating
henceforth b y th e Service shall be subm itted to the A dm iralty (Director of N aval
74 75 3373
3. Class 3 Modification.—Two types of modification (sub-classes 3A and 3B)
Air Radio) through th e appropriate channels. Submissions m ust state the reason are included in this class. They have the common characteristics th a t they are
for the proposal, i.e. operational requirem ents or improvem ent in performance, and essentially capable of embodiment by service units and th a t the work is justified by
be accompanied by any relevant correspondence. Submissions for the remedy of th e advantage accruing. In each instance the modification leaflet or other instruction
defective equipm ent are not required, since current A dm iralty Fleet Orders already is to give th e reason for embodiment. Details of the two types of modification are :—
provide for such submissions.
(i) Sub-Class 3A .— (a) Type of modification.—A modification which is
3. If, and when, submissions are approved b y the Committee, instructions desirable b u t n ot essential and which is capable of application by
to incorporate the modification will be issued to all concerned. In cases of urgency, Service units.
initial instructions will be given by the most rapid means practicable. In all cases (b) Em bodim ent by pre-issue test and radio repair centres will be effected as
a modification leaflet will be issued which will, where urgent instructions have early as possible.
been issued, confirm those instructions. (c) Assistance by working party, etc., will not be arranged.
4. Modification instructions will continue to be prom ulgated in their present (d) The S.D., C.D. or A.P. leaflet or other instruction is to be cast in discre­
forms b u t they will include, in addition, th e classifications awarded to th e modifi­ tionary term s on the basis of (b) and (c), above and is to indicate the
cation. Details of th e classification system for radio modifications are given in reasons.
the Appendices to this order. (e) The authority for classification will be the Radio Modifications Committee.
5. Modification Labels.— (a) The m ajority of aircraft radio equipm ents now in (ii) Sub-Class 3B.— (a) Type of modification.-—A modification of simple
Service should be fitted w ith a standard type of modification label. In th e case of nature which can be carried out by service units w ithout involving the
equipm ent in-Service and n o t bearing a modification label, paper labels of con­ supply of parts.
venient size are to be secured to the equipm ent in an accessible position by suitable (b) Em bodim ent by pre-issue test and radio repair centres will be effected
adhesive as required. as early as convenient.
(6) The underm entioned types of equipm ent are affected by this order :— (c) Assistance by working party, etc., will not be arranged
Transm itters, receivers, transm it ter-receivers, amplifiers, indicating (d) The S.D., C.D. or A.P. leaflet or other instruction is to be cast in dis­
units, m odulator units, power units, and all other m ain assemblies. cretionary term s on the basis of (6) and (c) above and is to indicate the
(c) U nits are to record on the labels in indelible marking, the modification
number of all modifications embodied. Modifications authorized by the Radio (e) The authority for classification will be the Radio Modifications Com­
Modification Committee will invariably bear a two-figure cypher, i.e. 55/1, the
first group of figures indicating the serial num ber of the modification generally, 4. Class 4 modification.—Two types of modifications (sub-classes 4A and 4B)
the second group indicating the serial num ber of the modification in respect of a are included in this class, which covers all modifications not allotted to higher
particular equipment. classes. Details of these classes are as follows :—
(d) Modification labels are to be inscribed only w ith modification numbers (i) Sub-Class 4A .— (a) Type of modification.—A non-retrospective modifica­
authorized by the Radio Modifications Committee. All such numbers are to be tion which m aterially affects interchangeability of parts. Modifica­
recorded on th e appropriate labels as soon as th e modifications have been tions in Class 4A will only be applicable when it is required th a t a
incorporated. radio equipm ent shall be converted to a new series. Such conversions
A P P E N D IX I involve the embodiment of any outstanding modifications in Class 2
The Incorporation of Modifications in Aircraft Radio Equipment— Classification and those in Class 4A modifications which constitute the change of
System series.
This Order details the system of classification of radio modifications and the (6) Em bodim ent by pre-issue test and radio repair centres—as determined
in specific instances by the Radio Modifications Committee.
methods of application. (c) The authority for classification will be the Radio Modifications Com­
1. Class 1 modification.— (i) Type of modification.—A modification which, if m ittee.
not incorporated, would impose a grave limitation on the use of the equipm ent or (d) Class 4A modification will be notified to the Service by an abbreviated
prejudice the safety of aircraft. S.D., C.D. or A.P. leaflet or equivalent instruction, bearing the class.
(ii) Embodim ent in radio systems in service use is compulsory. The leaflet is to make clear th a t action is required only by those units so
(iii) Embodiment by pre-issue test and radio repair centres is essential in all notified by Admiralty.
radio equipments before issue for service use. (ii) Sub-Class 4B.— (a) Type of modification.—A non-retrospective modifica­
(iv) The assistance of working parties, etc., will be arranged by A dm iralty when tion for th e improvem ent of design or facilitation of production which
necessary on the recommendation of the Radio Modifications Committee. does not m aterially affect operational qualities and/or interchange-
(v) The S.D., C.D. or A.P. leaflet or other instructions is m andatory. Action ability of parts.
will frequently proceed under authority from A dm iralty in advance of the leaflet, (b) Em bodim ent by pre-issue test and radio repair centres—as determined
which will serve as confirmation. in specific instances by the Radio Modifications Committee.
(vi) A uthority for classification will be C. of C./C.C.E. (Controller of Communi­ (t) The authority for classification will be the Radio Modifications Com­
cations, Air Ministry/Controller of Communications Equipm ent, M.A.P.). m ittee.
2. Class 2 Modification.— (i) Type of modification.—A modification of opera­ (d) Class 4B modifications will be notified to the Service by a leaflet or
tional character and of such importance th a t its absence places lim itations on the equivalent instruction only.
operational use of the radio system to an extent which justifies its early introduction 5. Consequential modifications.—Airframe, engine or other accessory modifica­
into radio items in Service use. Certain modifications of a safety, servicing, or tions m ay occasionally involve modifications to items of radio equipment. In such
m aintenance character, b u t n o t of Class 1 importance, may limit operational value cases th e consequential radio modifications will usually bear a similar classification
and thus justify inclusion in Class 2. to th a t given to the airframe, engine or accessory modification.
(ii) Embodiment in radio systems in service use is compulsory. Priority of Such modifications are to be referred to the Radio Modifications Committee for
embodiment as between different squadrons or units will be decided by Adm iralty. consideration and classification, w ith full details of the consequential modification.
(iii) Embodiment by pre-issue test and radio repair centres is essential in all When it is proposed to introduce a radio modification which will involve a
radio equipments before issue for Service use. variation of other equipm ent or a consequential modification to airframe, engine
(iv) The assistance of working parties, etc., will be arranged by A dm iralty or other item th e Radio Modifications Committee will obtain agreement from the
when necessary on th e recommendation of th e Radio Modifications Committee. appropriate au thority on these items before agreeing to the radio modification.
(v) The S.D., C.D. or A.P. leaflet or other instruction is to be cast in m andatory 6. Introduction of new tnarks or series.—In th e event of a modification being so
term s on the basis of (ii), (iii), and (iv) above. extensive th a t the con ~ersion w arrants the introduction of a new mark series to the
(vi) A uthority for classification will be C. of C./C.C.E. equipm ent, the new m ark or series will require to be sanctioned by the Radio
Modifications Committee.
3373 76 77 3374
3374.—Aircraft Radio—S.C.R.522 (TR.5043) in Firefly—Manual Receiver Muting
(N.A.R. 250/44.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
W hen transm itter-receivers, type TR.5043, are modified in the m anner
described in this Order, th e above facility will be m ade available. Since
“ contactor ” operation is n o t used, relay item 131 in the tran sm itter u n it is to be
employed to provide m anual receiver m uting. W hen the modification has been
m ade, a m uting switch is to be connected across the contactor socket of the junction
box. This m uting switch is introduced into Firefly aircraft by Firefly Modification
No. 376, and th e airfram e and radio modification should be carried out concurrently.
I f th e set is in th e tran sm it condition when the receiver m uting switch is made,
a warning n ote o f approxim ately 1000 c/s will be transm itted and heard in the
2. The underm entioned items of equipm ent are required and are to be
dem anded as necessary from appropriate store depot :—
Item Stores Ref. Nomenclature Qty-
1 5E/1780 Wire, copper, tinned, No. 20 S.W.G. As required
2 5F/1910 Tubing insulating, Grade E As required
3 5E/2001 Cable, electric, uniflexmet, 2 • 5 ... As required
4 5F/1297 Tubing, insulating, ^ -in . dia. ... As required
5 5F/451 Tape, insulating, adhesive, £-in. As required
6 10C/1U25 Condenser, Type 3361 (0-05M fd. tubular
7 10W/577 Resistance, Type 824 (470K., J w att) ...
8 10H/1766 Socket, Type 315 (2-pole) ..i
9 10H/1917 Plug, Type 384 (2-pole) ...
10 28S/2122 Screws, csk., 6 BA x f-in. long
11 28S/2092 Screws, ch. hd., 6 BA X ¿-in. long
12 28M/5903 N uts, Simmonds, 6 BA ...
13 28W/3526 W ashers, plain, 6 BA
14 10H/7274 Plug, Type 34 ... ... ... .........
3. The sequence of operations is as follows :—
Item references are as in T.O. No. 08-10-105—Instruction Book for Opera­
tion and Maintenance of Radio Set SCR.522A, etc.
Note.—Ensure th a t th e transm itter-receiver, Type TR.5043, has not
been modified for th e reduction of inherent noise. This modification
provides a two-pole plug and socket connection for sidetone between
receiver and transm itter. The modification described here is not applicable
to such sets.
A. Transmitter Unit, Type T.5017. (i) Solder one end of 2J-in. of covered
wire to the m etal braiding a t one end of a 3-in. length of uniflexmet 2-5 cable.
Cover the uniflexmet w ith insulating tubing.
(ii) Remove the two valves YT.134 and identify the relay, Item 131, one of
th e contactor operation relays, w ith two spring sets of change-over contacts and
one “ break ” Spring set.
(iii) Identify on the relay, Item 131, th e one contact of the eight which is not
wired. This will be the contact in the centre set of change-over contacts which is
made when the relay is operated. Solder to this contact th a t end of the uniflexmet
mentioned in (i) which is distant from the attached piece of uncovered wire.
(iv) Solder the other end of the uniflexmet to the negative pin (Pin 1) of a plug,
Type 884 (2-pole).
(v) Refer to A.F.O., D iagram 229/45.
(vi) Drill, two holes 0 - 116-in. diam eter (No. 32 drill) in the top of the chassis
as shown. Construct a single angle bracket in accordance w ith dimensions given
in th e diagram, using No. 16 S.W.G. metal. The lock bushes m ay be omitted
and 6 BA clearance holes substituted.
(vii) M ount the plug, Type 384, mentioned in (iv) with the 3-in. uniflexmet
attached on th e bracket by means of a 6 BA cheeseheaded screw ¿-in. long, n u t
and washer w ith the n u t and washer a t the bracket end. Secure th e whole assembly
under the transm itter top panel as shown. I t m ay be necessary to ease the con­
denser, Item 102-115 to one side to accommodate the plug.
3374 78 79 3374
(viii) Solder th e free end of th e 2 |-in . length of covered wire m entioned in (i) (xxv) Locate the component m ounting board oil the underside of the unit,
to pin 7 on tagboard TB.4, passing th e wire round th e back of th e plug and between and situated between th e Jones plug, Item 231, and the comer of the chassis.
th e plug and tagboard TB.4. Identify on this board th e two resistors, Item 272, 120K ohms, and Item 273, which
N.B.—The operations described in the three following paragraphs are are th e fourth and th ird resistors on this board from the end nearer the Jones plug.
to be om itted if relay Item 130 has been deleted. In some models, th e resistor, Item 273, is not fitted, and instead the th ird pair
(ix) Identify the slow release relay ; Item 130. Bemove th e lead connecting pins are connected together by a piece of wire. To the junction of these two
th e centre contact of th e relay to th e earth tag on th e relay frame. resistors, solder th a t end of the uniflexmet m entioned in (xxiv) which has the
(x) Identify on this relay the contact, connected to pole 4 of th e adjacent lj-in . piece of covered wire attached to the m etal braiding.
Jones plug, Item 123-1. Transfer lead from the relay contact to th e earth tag (xxvi) E a rth th e m etal braiding of th e uniflexmet by soldering th e free end
on the relay frame m entioned in (ix). Relay, Item 130 will now have two contacts of the IJ-in. covered wire to the earth tag adjacent to th e Jones plug, Item 231.
blank and one contact wired. (xxvii) Solder th e free end of th e uniflexmet to the negative pin of a socket
(xi) Identify th e lead, connecting one of th e two coil connection tags of relay,. type 315 (2-pole).
Item 130 to a contact on relay, Item 131. E ither remove this lead, or disconnect C. Assembly.— (xxviii) Replace the two VT.134 valves in the transm itter.
both ends and tape up. Engage th e plug type 384 m entioned in (vii), and the socket, type 315, m entioned
(xii) By means of a short length of wire, short circuit th e two contacts of the in (xxvii). Place th e transm itter and receiver side by side, and engage the Jones
“ break ” spring-set on relay No. 131. (These are th e two rear contacts of the plugs w ith th e Jones sockets in the m ounting rack. Replace th e eight mounting
assembly.) screws.
(xiii) Connect a resistance type 824 (470,000 ohms h-w att insulated) between D. A label, inscribed w ith the words “ R x m uting incorporated, Concealed
th é two front contacts of relay No. 131. (These are th e contacts to which th e leads Plug and Socket—T ransm itter and Receiver m ust be removed from Rack together,”
from the vertical screening tube are connected). The insulated resistance should is to be pasted on top of the rack between the two “ W ” plugs.
be bound to the leads from th e screening tube and the resistance leads insulated. I f it is no t required to use the m uting facility, a modified transm itter-receiver
xiv) Anchor a 0-05 Mfd. condenser, Type 3361, to th e screening tube fixing can be used in an aircraft w ithout alteration to th e installation.
bracket (located between transform ers 158 and 159 on th e under-side of th e
transm itter-unit chassis) b y looping a length of insulated 20 SWG. wire round th e
condenser and the fixing bracket, th e ends of the wire being tw isted together and 3375.—Test Pipes ior Use in Barracuda Oleos
soldered to secure. I f the outer foil connection of the condenser is indicated by a (N.S.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
coloured band, the condenser should be positioned so th a t this end is facing the
YT.134 valve holder. In accordance w ith Special Technical Instruction No. 27 arrangem ents are
(xv) Cover th e lead a t th e end of the condenser facing the adjacent VT.134 being m ade for th e supply of test pipes, Ref. 26BT/7920, P a rt No. GQ/5975, for use
in checking th a t th e correct qu an tity of oil is not exceeded in the filling and topping
valve holder w ith insulating tubing and connect it to socket No. 2 (heater socket)
on the YT.134 valve holder. up of th e m ain oleo legs.
(xvi) The lead a t th e other end of th e condenser is to be soldered to a length 2. These te st pipes are for issue to th e scale of 1 per station and ship holding
of 20 SWG. wire to enable a connection to be made to th e coil connection tag of B arracuda aircraft. Arrangem ents have been made for the initial twelve produced
relay No. 131 to which one lead is already connected ; th e lead should pass through to be supplied w ithout dem and to th e following stations
the hole in th e chassis above the relay No. 131 contact clearance hole. Bind the 1. Crail 7. Dunino
lead to the cable-form on both the top and under-sides of the chassis to avoid risk 2. E asthaven 8. Fearn
of fouling the relay contacts. The lead should be covered w ith insulating tubing, 3. A rbroath 9. Machrihanish
care being taken to ensure th a t the tubing passes over the junction in th e lead. 4. Crimond 10. Burscough
(xvii) The leads from the condenser should be kept as short as possible. 5. Ronaldsway 11. H al F ar
6. S tretton 12. Takali
(xviii) Identify the 1 meg. resistance, Item 138—3 situated on th e component
m ounting board under th e chassis a t the m odulator end. Transfer the end of this 3. Home stations and ships in home waters not included in paragraph 2, entitled
resistance th a t is common w ith an end of the 5K resistance, Item 154-2, to th e end to hold test pipes should dem and on the Superintending N aval Store Officer, R.N.
of the adjacent 500K resistance Item 140-3. Store Depot, P erth ; overseas services on the nearest Naval Store Depot.
(xix) Remove the short wire linking th e common end of resistances Item s
140-3 and 138-3 with an end of the resistance Item 154-2. The existing lead 3376.—Aircraft Equipment—Accounting and Checking Procedure—Temporary
from term inal No. 2 of the transform er Item 160 m ust rem ain connected to the Forms A.44/CC for Firefly NF, Mark I and Firefly FB, Mark I
5K resistance Item 154-2 only. (A.E. 6195/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
(xx) Çonnect a 9-in. length of insulated wire from the junction o f th e 1 meg. Form s A.4-4CC for Firefly N F, Mark I, and FR , Mark I, will be issued in the
resistance (138-3) and the 500K resistance (140-3) to term inal No. 1 of the choke form given hereunder. Pending the issue of printed forms, ships and stations holding
Item 126. these aircraft should duplicate the necessary forms locally.
(xxi) Disconnect two of th e existing three leads from term inal No. 2 of the A.44/CC • Ship’s R eg’d No.............
transform er Item 160, leaving only th e lead from the 5K resistance Ite m -154—2 ISSU E /R EC E IPT Voucher for Appendix “ A ” , Equipm ent for Firefly
connected to th a t terminal.
N F, Mark I and Firefly FR , Mark I, Aircraft on transfer.
(xxii) Join together the two leads disconnected in (xxi) and wrap the joint
w ith insulating tape. A.
The items of equipm ent shewn in column 5 below were fitted in Firefly
(xxiii) Connect a 10-in. length of insulated wire from term inal No. 2 of N F /F R , Mark I, Aircraft, Serial No............ on leaving............... for transfer
transform er Item 160 through th e chassis and up to pole No. 4 of the Jones plug to ........................
Item 123-2.
B. Receiver Unit Type R.5019.—(xxiv) Solder one end of a IJ-in. length of Signature........................................ Signature..................................
(Consignor U nit) (Ferrying Pilot)
covered wire to th e m etal braiding at one end of a 4-in. length of uniflexmet
2-5 cable. Carefully cover th e uniflexmet w ith insulating tubing. D ate........................................
3376 80 81 3376
B. Q uantity
on A/c
Qua n tity when
- on A/c
w ion Rem arks

Appx. “ A
No. 15890

Received §
Ref. No.
Appx. “ A ”

Item No.
No. 15890

Ref. No. Description R emarks
Item No.

T13 ■s

J3 'o
®! I
a t A 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 9 4 5 6 7
1 No. 1
t No. 1
__ Engine, Griffon I I No. 1 Serial No. * ........ No.*
tl A 7G/601 Guns, H ispano, 20-mm., No. 10 * .......... No.*
Mark II* ... ... No. 4
or or Radio Altimeter—
t * __ No. 1
7G/786 Guns, H ispano, 20-mm., No. 2,
Mark V Intercom m unication—
t * ............ No. 1
65A 7B/982 Signal Pistol, No. 4, Mark I* ... No. 2
88B 5A/2334 Signalling Lamp, Type B No. 1 t A ny other Radio—
* .......... N o* 1
t53C 6A/1595 Clock, Mark IIC , Fluor. No. 1 * ........... No.*
or or * ........... No.*
t54C BA/1072 Clock, Mark IIC, Lum. No.*
or or t Crystals, Ref.*............................
R ef.*.......................... No.*
t55C 6A/1104 Clock, Mark IIC, Lum. No.*
f56C 6A/1700 Clock, Mark IIB , Fluor. No. 1 R ef.*...........................
R e f* ............................ No.*
or or No.*
f57C 6A/1595 Clock, Mark IIC, Fluor. Ref.*............................
Ref * ......................... No.*
|89C 6A/892 Compass, Type 0.2A ................ No. 1
or or
|90C 6A/893 Compass, Type 0.2B
91C 6A/I671 Compass, Type P . 10 No. 1 C. The following items are also to be checked when the aircraft is transferred
or or between accounting units other th a n by air. Jn th e case of flight delivery they
92C 6A/745 Compass, Type P.4A
— — Cards, Compass Correction No. 3
— — Cards, Compass Deviation No. 3 -
135C 14A/1380 Camera, G.45B, 24v., Mark II I, |18A 8B/2522 Gyro Gunsight, Mark IID ,
complete No. 1
Complete ... ... ... No. 1
14A/1393 Magazines for G.45B Camera ... No. 2 t30A 8B/2483 Sight, M.G. Reflector Type Mark
136C No. 1
3D 27D/2062 Cover, P ilo t’s Cockpit ... No. 1 I I I L ........................................
5D/1197 Bomb D istributor, 2-way, 24v. No. 1
4D 27D/2061 Cover, R ear Cockpit No. 1 53A
Cover, Engine ... No. X IB 5J/1961 Accumulators, Alkaline, 2 -4 v .,
5D 27D/2063 No. 1
6D 27D/2104 Cover, Pressure H ead ... No. 1 3 Amp. H r. ...
27D/ Cover, Propeller, V P Mech No. 1 2B 5J/2294 Accumulators, Lead-Acid, 12 v.,
7D No. 2
18D 27N/12 Fire Extinguishers, H an d Type, T ypeD ... ••• •••
No. 5 ........................................ No. 2 16F 5U/421 Generator, Engine Driven, AO/
DC, Type U K X .............. . No. 1
23D 6F/169 Safety Harness, Type D No. 2
24D 6F/198 Safety Harness, Type Q No. 1
32D 26B2/ Control Locking Device No. 1 Notes.—-‘ Details o f radio installed are to be inserted in m anuscript.
37D 26BE/2171 R ear View Mirror, Desme No. 1
38D 26BZ/ Spanner, T ank Filjer Caps No. 1 §Only to be filled in when q u an tity differs from Col. 5.
42D- 6F/163 Speaking Tubes, complete Sets 2 ■(■These item s axe included in th e “ M ” List.
45D 27F/1870 Pum p, W indscreen de-icing ... No. 1
3F 36DD/ Engine D ata Card No. 1 D.
or or The quantities shown in column 5 above (as modified b y entries in column 6)
5F 36HH/260 Engine D ata Plate have been received a t.................... j ................. ....... ■.... an d explanations of any
t Communication Radio— discrepancies inserted.
* No. 1
* Signature. ............................. Signature..................... ...................
• No.* (Consignee U nit) (Ferrying Pilot)
t Beacon Receiver— D ate........................................
* No. 1
(A.F.O. 1249/45.)
3377 82 83 3380
3377.—Sand Trap Sea Chest—Increase in Height oi Access Hatch and Strainers— 3380.—Preparation of Minor Landing Craft for Shipment Overseas
As. and As. (D.C.O.M. 405/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
L.C.I.(L) The following refers to the shipm ent of craft (minor landing craft) not forming
(D .017453/44.— 21 Jun. 1945.) p a rt of U nit Equipm ent of flotillas, and which by definition will therefore be Pooled
In order to facilitate th e cleaning o f th e sand tan k s from which th e sea suctions Reserve craft. I t applies w hether shipm ent is by m erchant vessel, or in one of H.M.
are taken in th e above-mentioned craft, it has been approved to increase th e height ships for passage. I t does not refer to U nit E quipm ent craft embarked w ith ail or
of th e coaming of th e access hatch, as shown in A.F.O. Diagram 228/45. To render p art of their flotilla in, for example, a L.S.I.
th e strainer plate effective when th e hatch coaming has been raised, it will be F or convenience, th e shipping of craft as herein m ay be referred to as “ freight
necessary to fit a portable extension piece to the top of th e existing strainer plate as shipment ”, in contradistinction from em barkation and voyage by a flotilla
shown in the diagram. including its craft.
2. Instances have occurred in which the machinery and fittings of m inor
2. Commanding Officers should insert an item in th e n ex t list of As. and As. to landing c raft shipped overseas have suffered damage and deterioration whilst in
cover the w ork involved in raising th e coaming and fitting the strainer plate transit owing to failure to p u t them into a proper state of preservation prior to
extension, or th e work involved in fitting th e strain er p late extension only in cases shipment.
where the coaming has already been raised. I n future, th e local N aval A uthority a t th e port of loading will be responsible,
under th e Commander-in-Chief concerned, th a t the measures outlined in
(This Order is to be retained until complied with.) paragraphs 4 to 9 below have been properly carried out before em barkation for
(A.F.O. 6084/44 is cancelled.) shipment is perm itted.
3378. Small Arms Ammunition Stowage of 3. The au thority im mediately responsible for actually carrying out the
preparation for freight shipm ent is the C.O. of th e L.C. Base or Officer-in-Charge
L.C.T. (3), L.C.T. (4) and L.C.T. (5) of the Storage Section holding the craft a t the tim e it is selected for shipment,
(D.C.O.M. 4941/45.— 21 Jun. 1945.) unless otherwise ordered. I f this duty is beyond the unaided capacity or resources
Consequent upon th e increase in the allowance of small arm s am m unition to of the particular base or Storage Section concerned, th e la tte r’s adm inistrative
L.C.T. (3), (4) and (5) being prepared for tropical service, it has been approved to authority is to issue the necessary orders for assistance to be rendered by, or for the
supply a P a ttern 7135A small arm s am m unition locker to each craft affected. responsibility to be transferred to another authority possessing the requisite staff
and facilities.
2. The lockers should be demanded from th e nearest N aval Store Depot and
th e work of fitting on board, if n o t carried o u t during tropical service refits, should Note.—I t is one of the objects of the Minor Landing Craft Receipt and Despatch
be done by Base Staffs. Staffs, defined in C.A.F.O. 2283/44, to render the necessary technical assistance
in th e above connection, and this organization is to be developed and employed
3. The lockers should be sited in the following positions :— accordingly. In the same way, the provision of ferry crews for conveyance of
L.C.T. (3).
craft en route to freight shipm ent is to be made from the sources described in
On the deck extension a t th e after end o f th e Bridge Deck abreast th e C.A.F.O. 2283/44, paragraphs 13 to 18, or from any further F erry U nits since or
Oerlikon magazine locker, which should be moved athw artships, as necessary, y et to be formed additional to those in the paragraphs quoted.
to provide sufficient space.
L.C.T. (4). 4. All portable fittings (including engine starting batteries—see paragraph 9 (c)
below—bulkhead light fittings, radio interference suppressors, condensers and
In the starboard com partm ent under the ram p between poop and wing adaptors) are to be shipped w ith craft, but, a p a rt from the above and th e instruc­
tions in paragraph 10 below, no items forming p a rt of the minimum or operational
L.C.T. (5).
allowances of stores are to be sent in the craft.
On the Hold Deck a ft abreast the Vegetable Locker.
5. In order th a t the condition of th e craft and engines can be readily assessed,
■ (A.F.O. 1887/45 is cancelled.) and the maintenance routines carried out in accordance with A.F.O. 6010/43 when
they become due, the Craft Log Books (S. 1508) are to be made up to date and are
3379.—Plugs, Sparking—Supply to accompany th e craft. They are to be placed in the steel box provided for the
L.C.M.(3), L.C.M.(7), L.C.V., L.C.V.(P), L.C.P.(L) and L.C.N. purpose on th e engine room bulkhead or in the engine casing. W here no steel box is
Fitted with Hudson Invader and Hall Scott Screened Engines fitted, th e log is to be placed in a canvas bag, labelled to show the contents, and
148 (N.S./D.C.O.M. 327/45.—21 Jun. 1945.) secured in a conspicuous place in the engine room or engine casing.
Sparking plugs, Type KLG.RM.60/1, hitherto fitted to screened H udson 6. Form S.1597 is to be completed and subm itted in accordance with A.F.O.
Invader and screened Hall Scott engines in L.C.M.(3), L.C.M.(7), L.C.V.(P), L.C.V.,
L.C.P.(L) and L.C.N. have been found to be unsuitable. Craft fitted w ith either
of these makes of engines should be supplied with plugs, sparking, K.L.G., Type
RC/H.S. in lieu.
( 2822/45.
7. Craft are to be clearly labelled w ith least one label fixed in a prom inent
position, th e label to state “ Craft frepared for freight in accordance with A.F.O.
2. Supply to craft concerned of spare plugs, Types K.L.G. RC/HS should be 3380/45.
* A
arranged by bases or ships to which th e craft are allocated, in accordance w ith 8. Craft which have been prepared for freight or th a t are received a t loading
existing allowances for th e superseded type. ports by road, m ust not be p u t in the water again before being embarked. Craft
3. Additional orders should be placed under the standing contract with Messrs. arriving a t loading ports by w ater are to be lifted and allowed to dry out before
K.L.G. plugs for th e following quantities o f plugs being prepared for freight.
S.N.S.O., West Riding Area N.S.O., Carfin
Type RC/HS ............... 12000 2,000 9. The following measures are to be taken before loading :—
5. The following shipments should be arranged to Superintending N aval Store (A) General
Officer, Ceylon, by Superintending Naval Store Officer, W est Riding Area :— (i) All bilges to be cleaned and dried out.
Type RC/HS ... ... ... ... 5,000
(ii) Bottoms to be scrubbed on hoisting, if a t all dirty, and paintwork of hull
6. The Establishm ents o f Stores will be amended.
externally made good.
3380 84
85 3380
(iii) R am ps of L.C.A., L.C.M., L.C.P.(R) and similar craft are n o t to be secured
in the seagoing position, b u t four to five inches clearance should be left a t th e top Packing
to prevent rubber seating adhering to m etal face. Machines are to be completely enclosed in an envelope of ordnance wrap. The
R am p doors should be securely lashed in this position and ram p hoisting wires joints of the wrap are to be double lapped and sealed with adhesive tape. The
slacked off. wrapped machine is to be placed in a steel box as supplied. Two m otors or
(iv) All external bright fittings, other th a n alum inium fittings, liable to ru st dynamos m ay be p u t in each box if there is sufficient space. Only boxes w ith
or corrode to be protected w ith Compound R u st Preventive C.S.1033A, or w ith airtight covers should be used.
th e corresponding American Compound “ Tectyl ” Grade 506. B right aluminium A container o f silica gel, A.P. 182, should be secured in each case a t the rate
fittings to be protected w ith lanolised p ain t D.T.D. 279B (see A.F.O. 3701/44). of J-lb. per cubic foot of unoccupied space. A statem ent of the contents of each
In the absence of these m aterials heavy m ineral oil or grease should be used. case is to be stencilled on the lid with, w aterproof paint.
(v) R am p winches to be well oiled an d greased and covered w ith canvas. (iii) Distributors, coils, starter and solenoid switches and regulators, etc., but
excluding A .P . watertight switches, boxes, and fuse boards.—Each item is to be
(vi) R am p lifting wires, sheaves, hinges and all steering gear to be well oiled completely enclosed in an envelope of waxed paper, sealed w ith adhesive tape and
a n d greased. placed in a carton. The carton is to be wrapped in ordnance wrap-and sealed with
(vii) In craft fitted w ith steel propeller shafts th e tail shaft coupling is to adhesive tape. The cartons are then to be packed in steel boxes provided.
be broken, shaft draw n a ft as far as possible and grease worked into “ A ” bracket A statem ent of th e contents of each box is to be stencilled on the lid w ith w ater­
a n d stem tube bearings. Couplings then to be rejointed. This action is n o t to be proof paint. Regulators fitted in w atertight m etal fuseboards or boxes need
taken in craft fitted w ith bronze shafts and cutlass bearings. n o t be removed.
(iv) General Notes.—Identification labels are to be attached to items a t each
(viii) One set of derrick slings which is supplied initially w ith each L.C.M.(l), stage of packing, labels are to be waterproofed by varnishing, or by the use of
L.C.Mi(3), L.C.P.(L), L.C.V., L.C.V.(P) and L.C.P.(R) is to be p u t on board. Cradles waterproof transparent tape. Sealing of packages and cartons is to be superseded
fo r L.C.P. and L.C.V. types should be dem anded from Director of Combined b y wax dipping as soon as facilities are available. A fter setting an d before final
Operations Material, Adm iralty, as required.
packing, dip-coated packages are to be wrapped w ith kraft or sim ilar paper to
(ix) Craft to be stowed fairly w ith all bearers taking an equal load to avoid prevent adherence Of packages to each other, when subject to tropical tem perature.
possibility of distortion o f craft. I f it is found th a t some m otors or dynamos w ill not fit in the steel boxes, the
(x) Fuel and lubricating oil tan k s to be em ptied and all petrol tanks protected bendix m ay be tak en off a n d packed separately, or alternatively wooden boxes
by C .0 2, as described in A.F.O. 865/44. m ay be substituted. They are to be made to the following specification :—
(B) Minor landing craft engines To be of seasoned timber, i.e., not more th a n 18 per cent, moisture content, of
minim um thickness one inch, which has been sprayed or brushed w ith copper
(i) Engines should be ru n for a few m inutes until th ey are w arm and then naphthenate solution an d lined w ith a w aterproof liner bag. The case is to be
thoroughly drained of all lubricating oil and cooling w ater, care being taken th a t fitted w ith chocks, which have been similarly treated. The case is to be accurately
the oil is drained from oil filters, etc., an d th a t pockets of w ater do no t rem ain in fitted an d secured by cem ent coated nails. The lid is to be secured by counter
manifolds and water pumps, etc. sunk brass screws. Silica gel should be included as detailed in (ii) above.
(ii) Engines are to be treated internally and externally in accordance w ith (v) Securing of Cases.—The cases are to be secured in the engine room of the
A.F.O. 3701/44.
craft concerned, care being taken to see th ay are clear of the deck, to prevent
(iii) Air inlets and all open-ended pipes on exhaust, fuel and lubricating oil their being in contact w ith any water.
systems are to be blanked and protected to preclude the entry of w ater and dirt. (vi) Cables.—Cables which have been disconnected are to have the insulant a t
(iv) Silica gel fjlugs are to be fitted to all landing craft petrol engines. Supplies th e ends sealed w ith black adhesive tape.
of plugs of 14-mm. an d 18-mm. sizes should be obtained from L.C.M.S.O., Staines, (vii) Covers.—Covers are to be m ade and fitted to blank off positions from
to m eet these requirem ents. which motors, starters have been removed.
(C) The following instructions are issued for guidance when using the silica gel (viii) Batteries.-—All existing batteries are to be removed, p u t into a state of
plugs :— preservation, in accordance w ith B.R. 268 (9) and am endm ents, and returned to
(i) All sparking plugs to be removed and replaced b y the same num ber of silica a naval store depot or dockyard. A.P. batteries are to be replaced b y new
gel plugs (plug washers to be retained where these are used). batteries of a similar pattern, an d American W illard an d Exide batteries are to be
(ii) The silica gel plugs should be screwed down spanner tig h t in the same way replaced by A.P. 14068. B atteries should be dem anded from a N aval store depot
as sparking plugs. or dockyard an d shipped as drawn, i.e., dry an d not charged.
: (iii) B lank off inlet an d exhaust manifolds and all other orifices to give an a ir­ (E) Gunnery—General
tig h t seal. Small arm s and am m unition oufits are to be returned to th e nearest N aval
The base of the silica gel plug has a cover which should be removed ju st before arm am ent depot together w ith necessary covering notes, etc., stating reason for
use, otherwise the action o f the plugs will be ineffective. return (e.g. craft to be shipped overseas, etc.).
(D) Electrical Equipment On no account are small arm s or am m unition to be left aboard m inor craft
(i) Covers of fuseboard, sockets, etc., are to be examined for w ater tightness, about to be embarked for ocean passage.
and firmly tightened where necessary. On arrival a t port of destination, small arm s and am m unition should be
(ii) Starter Motors and Dynamos.—All are to be removed from the engine, and demanded from the nearest N aval arm am ent depot, in accordance w ith the
fan motors from the hull. All motors and dynamos are to be stripped down and provisions of C.A.F.O. 490/44.
arm atures withdrawn. In tern al surfaces, field coils and arm atures are to be (F) Fixed armament
cleaned, dried and varnished. Bearings and shafts are to be cleaned and greased
as necessary. Commutators are to be cleaned, turned up and undercut where (a) L.C.A.(H.R.)
necessary. They are then to be protected with linen tape on which a little pure (i) Ammunition.—As for small arm s ammunition.
mineral oil has been smeared. Brushes are to be renewed if necessary. After (ii) Hedgerow equipment.—To be reduced to care and maintenance, batteries
re-assembly bright exposed ferrous parts should be coated with preservative disconnected and treated as in (D) above and mounting and spigots
P attern 1178. painted and greased as necessary and covered w ith suitable canvas
3380 86 87 3380
(iii) 2-in. M .L. ranging mortars.—To be dismounted, preserved with grease
and packed separately for stowage below deck. 11. No special internal treatm ent for engines which have been inhibited with
C.S. 1746A, will be necessary before they are run, since the preservative will not
(iv) Electrical firing equipment.—Apply a few drops of oil to the plunger affect the recommended lubricating oils.
and to the spring of the safety switch, taking care to ensure th a t oil
does n o t reach the rubber gland of the m ain spindle. 12. Naval stores.—Minimum outfits of N aval stores, other th a n items listed a t
Grease the bearing of the ripple firing switch handle through th e paragraph 4, are to be despatched w ithout delay to H.M.S. “ Monck ” by the Landing
channel on the inside of th e handle and apply a few drops of oil to Craft Base or Storage Section holding the craft a t the tim e it is selected for shipment.
the spindle of th e selector switch. They are to be securely cased, and the cases are to be given appropriate markings,
which should be communicated to H.M.S. “ Monck ” for identification purposes.
(b) L.C.S.(M) A certificate should be forwarded to H.M.S. “ Monck ” , w ith th e relevant N aval
(i) Ammunition.—As for small arm s ammunition. store accounts, confirming th a t the N aval store items listed a t paragraph 4 are in
(ii) 4-in. Mortars and power-operated 0-5-in. turrets.— Guns and m ortars place in th e craft.
to be dismoimted (0-5-in. w ater jackets to be drained), preserved
w ith grease, D.T.D. 143C, and packed separately for stowage below 13. Despatch of Naval and armament stores and spare gear.—A dm iralty will
deck. Mountings to be painted and greased as necessary (0-5-in. notify the receiving auth o rity of arrangem ents m ade for the despatch o f :—
tu rre t to be topped up w ith Hydraulic Fluid, D.T.D. 44D) and covered Minimum outfits of N aval stores.
with suitable canvas covers. Operational outfits of N aval stores (including group store allowance).
N aval stores for maintenance and/or after-action repair.
(c) Marking.—All packages should be clearly m arked in waterproof m aterials A rm am ent (other then fixed arm am ent, vide paragraph 8 (D)).
with nature of contents and the number of the craft from which the Small arms.
arm am ent has been removed (e.g. 0-6-in. Vickers M/G ex L.C.S.(M) (3) A m m u n itio n .
No. 123) in addition to the necessary freight markings. Spare gear.
(d) Applications for assistance, if required, should be made through th e local (C.A.F.Os. 490/44, 2283/44 and 89/45.)
N aval A uthority to th e nearest Arm am ent Depot, or to the local F.O.G.O. (A.F.Os. 6010/43, 865/44 and 3701/44.)
or F.O.G.M.O. (A.F.Os. 6315/44, 715/45 and 2621/45 are cancelled.)
(G) L.C.N. (E /S and H /P equipment)
(a) Radar equipment—
(i) All radar apparatus should be left in situ, valves should n o t be removed. 3381.—Magnetic Compasses, Pattern 0183, and Binnacles, Pattern 1830V—With­
(ii) The S.0.13 m ast should be securely lashed in the stowage position. drawal of Allowances
(iii) All canvas covers to be lashed securely in place. L.S.T.(3) and Principal (Ship) Overseers
(b) W /T equipment (N.S. 014901/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
The T.C.S. and Q.H. whip aerials should be removed and stowed in a convenient On account of th e electrical equipm ent and magnetic m aterial in the vicinity,
position on board the craft. The rest of th e equipm ent should rem ain installed. a compass is not now to be fitted in the steering gear flat in L.S.T.(3).
(c) E /S equipment 2. L.S.T.(3) in commission are therefore to return compass, P attern 0183, and
Binnacle, P a tte rn 1830V (together w ith its binnacle lamp, and 9 No. Magnets,
Type 762 P attern 65, and 4 No. P attern 80) to the nearest dockyard or N aval store depot.
(i) Remove all dry (G.B.) batteries from recorder. Similar arrangem ents should be made by Principal (Ship) Overseers of vessels under
(ii) Provide and fit painted canvas covers for recorder and amplifier. construction for the return of any compasses, binnacles and magnets delivered to
(iii) Pack and tally spares and dry (G.B.) batteries. shipbuilders’ works.
Type 715c 3. The Establishm ent of N aval Stores will be amended.
(i) Remove dry (H.T.) battery and 2-volt (L.T.) cell from amplifier. Fully
charge latter then wash out w ith distilled w ater and leave em pty.
(ii) Unship amplifier. 3382.- Pore End—Additional Stiffening—As. and As.
(iii) Unship training shaft/oscillator assembly and stow where convenient on H.M . Destroyers— Fleet “ Qs.” to “ Cs.” and “ Chequers ”, “ Cossack ” and
board, leaving lifting cap fitted to protect connector. Great care is necessary “ Crescent ” Classes
in arranging stowage to ensure th a t rubber-covered face of oscillator is adequately
protected from damage. (D. 6934/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
(iv) Pack and tally amplifier (wrapped in damp-proof paper), spares, dry (H.T.) A dditional stiffening is to be fitted to the fore end in all ships of the above-
battery and 2-volt (L.T.) cell. B attery and cell m ust not be packed in amplifier. mentioned classes in accordance w ith drawing Plan No. S.H.491 and fly drawing
(v) Note.—All dry batteries have a very limited “ shelf life ” and th a y m ay be I6B/214.
found useless when sets are again required. I f so, new ones will have to be obtained
locally. 2. The Commanding Officers of any ships not so fitted before completion are
to include an item, classification A*, in their lists of As. and As., to cover the work
10. Voyage and offloading.—Craft which have been prepared in accordance with involved.
the foregoing instructions should not require any routine m aintenance during
voyage, and no provision for such maintenance is being made. A fter offloading, 3. Copies of the drawings quoted have been supplied to refitting authorities.
the engines should not be run and th e craft should be kept as dry as possible, F urther copies m ay be obtained on application to the Admiralty.
en route to the L.C. Base or Storage Section where it is to be held (in reserve).
4. Separate instructions have been issued by the A dm iralty for ships under

Any minor craft (other than L.C.M .(l), L.C.M.(3) and L.C.M.(7)) which are
transported in an exposed position on deck, are to be covered with tarpaulins
as a protection against sun and weather.
1 construction.
(A.F.O. 183/45 is cancelled.)
(This Order is to be retained until complied with.)
89 3384
3383 88 2. Vessels concerned, in commission, should forward their demands to their
storing yards or depots accordingly.
3383.—Carbon Brushes for Electrical Machinery—Introduction of New Patterns
3. The Sea Store Establishm ent concerned (B.R. 362) will be amended.
(N.S. 20978/41.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
(A.F.O. 3217/45.)
The underm entioned stores have been added to th e Authorized List of N aval
Stores under Subhead F.2A—Schedule C.713 :—
Brushes, Carbon Electro Graphite—Grade Link E.C.12 3385.—Fire-fighting in H.M. Ships—Foam Compound Units—As. and As.
Pattern Description
14021 Size J '1-in. X lf-in . X l-in. m arked APAU (D. 12917/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
14022 Size If-in. X lf-in. X f-in. m arked APAV Experim ents carried out a t the Fire Testing Ground, H aslar, have shown th a t
14023 Size lf-in . ><: lf-in. X f-in. marked APAW if foam compound units are kept charged, the liability of working parts to “ seize
14024 Size If-in. X- lf-in . X f-in. m arked APAX up ” is small, an d it is o f greater im portance to avoid the delay involved in having
14025 Size lf-in . X l-in. X f-in. marked APAY to charge th e units before foam can be directed on to a fire. F urther, w ith the
14026 Size lf-in. X f-in. X ¿-in. m arked APAZ introduction of non-sludge foam compound and recent improvements in the design
14027 Size lf-in . X f-in. X |-in . m arked APBA of the units, th e risk of failure to operate in emergency is eliminated.
14028 Size lf-in . X f-in. X & ->n m irked APBB(A)
14029 Size 1-in. f-in. X f-in. m arked APBC 2. In future, therefore, all foam compound units should be kept charged ready
14030 Size jf-in. X f-in. X f-in. m arked APBD(C) for use b u t are to be drained, cleaned and refilled a t intervals not exceeding three
14052 Size 1^-in. X &-m. X A-in marked APBY(A) months.
14053 Size 1 ^ -in . X A-in. x ' A-in marked APBZ(B) 3. Where th e units have rem ained em pty for long periods, they should be
14031 Size lf-in . X lf-in . X l-in. marked A PBE (D) examined carefully both internally and externally for corrosion and the presence
14032 Size lf-in . X lf-in . X f-in. marked APBF(D) of foreign m atter. Before charging they should be flushed through with w ater, care
14033 Size lf-in . X lf-in . X f-in. marked APBG(D) being taken th a t the non-return valves are free and th a t the water meter is functioning
14034 Size lf-in . X lf-in . X 4-in. marked APBH(D) correctly.
4348 Size lf-in. X lf-in . X l-in. m arked APBI(D)
4. Care should be taken to fill the u n it through a strainer when originally
Brushes, Morganite Grade Link C.M.6 charging. Purchase of m etal strainers is being arranged for supply to ships having
14042 Size lf-in . X lf-in . X l-in. m arked A P B J foam compound units to which strainers are n o t already fitted in th e hoppers,
14043 Size lf-in . X lf-in . X f-in. m arked A PBK and ships concerned should dem and from their storing yards.
14044 Size lf-in . X lf-in . X f-in. marked APBL 5. The im provements in the design of foam units referred to in paragraph 1
14045 Size lf-in . X lf-in . X f-in. marked APBM of this Order have been incorporated in the latest Patterns, Mark V and Mark VI,
14046 Size 1£-in’ X f-in. X f-in. m arked APBN and it is intended th a t these units shall eventually replace all units of earlier p attern
14047 Size lf-in . X |-in . X i-in. marked APBO which have been issued. In this connection, priority will be given to aircraft carriers
14048 Size lf-in . X f-in. X f-in. marked A PBP and the following arrangem ents should be made :—
14049 Size lf-in . X f-in. X ¿ -in . marked APBQ(A)
14050 Size lf-in . X é - in X A-in. marked APBR(A) (a) A ircraft carriers building—Mark V or Mark V I units only are to be fitted
14051 Size i -in. x  "in X Ä-in. m arked APBS(B) and units of earlier p attern should not be supplied, subject to no delay
in completion. Dem ands on the storing yard should be worded
(A) = flexible covered w ith insulating sleeve. accordingly.
(B) = having a spigot top A-in. diam eter and &-in. in length. The length (b) Ships building other th a n aircraft carriers—Mark V or Mark V I units
of th e brush as shown, includes the length of the spigot, should be supplied as stocks perm it.
(C) fitted w ith spring and brass ferrule. (c) Ships concerned in commission—as opportunity affords, foam units of
( D ) — having a top bevel of 15 degrees and a bottom bevel of 10 degrees. earlier p attern th an Mark V should be replaced by Mark V or Mark VI,
2. Replenishment demands should be forwarded in th e usual m anner to th e priority being given to aircraft carriers.
nearest (S) N aval Store Officer. Demands should be forwarded to the appropriate storing yard or depot
accordingly b u t demands should not be hastened, as some tim e will elapse before
sufficient of the new units become available.
*1334.—Fire Fighting Equipment—Allowances On receipt of the now units, the old ones should be returned to th e storing yard
to be forwarded to the makers for reconditioning and bringing up to date.
“ Envoy ” Class Rescue Tugs
6. Commanding officers of ships concerned are to forward an item of As. and
(N.S. 21754/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) As., classification “A ” , to cover the work involved in removing the existing foam
To meet the requirem ent outlined in item 2 of th e approved list of As. and As., units and replacing them w ith the new type, the work to be carried out by ship’s
viz., to fit arrangem ents for adm itting foam to engine and boiler rooms, the following staff.
naval stores are to be allowed to “ Envoy ” Class rescue tugs :—
7. The essential differences in the various patterns of foam units are as follows :
Mark I.—A s e p a r a t e m o v e m e n t i s r e q u i r e d t o o p e r a t e t h e a i r - c o c k s W h e n
P attern filling, operating and draining the unit. Filling and draining are arranged
No. Description Denom. Q uantity
by means of internal mechanism operated by levers in the front of the
unit. N on-return valves are fitted in the foam compound delivery pipes
to th e venturi.
B.8. Mark II .—The air-cocks are operated autom atically, either by link mechanism
F.B.2 (L.P.) foam branchpipes fitted with instan­ from the “ fill ” an d “ drain ” levers or by cam mechanism from the
taneous connections. water control cock. Filling and draining are arranged as for Mark I.
K napsack tan k , 4 gallon, complete with short length N on-return valves are fitted in the foam compound delivery pipes.
of hose.
3385 90
91 3388
Mark I I I .—The air-cocks are operated b y cam mechanism from th e w ater
control cock an d the filling an d draining of the u n it b y means of external which are being deleted from B.R. 377 an d B.R. 378 and the M.O.N.A.B. Schedule of
hand an d foot levers, th e “ fill ” an d “ drain ” valve springs being stores.
fitted inside th e tan k . N on-return valves are fitted in th e foam Ref. No. 6B /153 ... ... ... Planisphere, Mark IA.
compound delivery pipes. Ref. No. 6B/178 ... ... ... Planisphere, Mark IB.
Mark IV.—As Mark I I I except th a t th e “ fill ” and “ drain ” valve springs Ref. No. 6B /189 ... ... ... Planisphere, Mark IC.
are fitted externally Allowances of identifier, rude star (Stores Ref. No. 106B/55) to ships and services
Mark V.—As Mark IV except th a t th e non-return valves have been om itted will be in accordance with the following scales :—
from th e foam compound delivery pipes.
Mark V I.—As Mark V except th a t much of th e external piping has been B.R. 378 B.R. 377
dispensed w ith ; th e air valves have been incorporated in a single Ref. Description Articles in Use R.N. Air Stations M.O.N.A.B.S.
5-port w ater control cock, thus eliminating the cam mechanism. No. Carriers Class “A” Main Store
(A.F.O. 5060/42 is cancelled.)
(This Ordir is to be retained until complied with.)
Section 106B
55 Identifier, (K) (A) 2
3388.—Missing C02 Cylinders—REPORT rude star.
(K) = l per squad­ (A)= Allowances :—
(N.S. 31663/44.— 21 Jun. 1945.) ron. 4 to Piarco for
I t is desired to trace th e present whereabouts of COa cylinders, Nos. 4127, No. 1 Observers
5092 and 7653, which were originally supplied on loan to H.M.S. “ Capetown ” in Training School.
October, 1942, by the Bahrein Petroleum Co., L td., who had rented them from the 6 to Aibroat-h for
Sirdar Carbonic Gas Co., L td., Bombay. No. 2 Observers
T raining School.
2. H.M. ships and establishments having any knowledge of, or holding all or
either of the cylinders m entioned above, should report particulars to th e Director
of Stores (4A), Admiralty. Supply of 4 in num ber will be m ade w ithout demand from R.N. Store Depot,
Llangennech, to R.N. Air Station, Piarco, for No. 1 Observer’s Training School.
3387.—Electric Lamps—Supply of 3. The planispheres a t present held by Services are not to be withdrawn, but
(N.S. 19831/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.) no further issue of these items should be made. Future service requirem ents will
be m et by the issue of identifier, rude star.
Certain electric lamps now' in th e Authorized List of N aval Stores are no longer
required for general use in ships, and alternative general lighting service lam ps 4. Arrangements will be made for the necessary quantities to be despatched
to yards abroad to cover the requirement's of ships and Services attached to foreign
have since been introduced for use in shore establishments. stations. Details of th e quantities to be supplied will be forwarded direct to (S)
2. These new general lighting service type lam ps m ay be dem anded, however Naval Store Officers concerned.
for an y special service in ships if no “ S ’’ ty p e lam p is available, e.g. shore type
lamps P atterns 16169 and 16182 (shown in the list below) should be dem anded in 5. A ircraft Stores Establishm ents will be am ended in due course, meanwhile
lieu of P atterns 9796C an d 9891B respectively for W /T Services where th e la tte r Establishm ents held by H.M. Dockyards, R.N. Air Stations, Stores Depots, etc.,
should be amended in manuscript.
p attern lamps have hitherto been used.
Existing Pattern Description Alternative
Pattern 3389.—Optical Instruments—Anti-Rain Compound A.R. 54 for Use on—REPORTS
9857C ... ... lOOv. 15w. ... 16151
9872C ... ... llOv. 15w. ... 16156 (N.S. 014869/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
9877B ... ... 115v. 15w. ... 16179 Small quantities of th e water-repel Ia n t or anti-rain compound, known as
9878B ... ... 115v. 25w. ... 16180 SIRA. A.R. 54 (Admiralty P a ttern 4292) are to be supplied to destroyers and
9879B ... ... 220v. 15w. ... 16181 certain smaller vessels. Arrangem ents have already been made for its supply to
9891B ... ... 230v. 15w. ... 16182 coastal forces craft and submarines. R eports from sea upon its value in larger
9795B ... ... 240v. 15w. ... 16178 vessels are inconclusive, however, and general supply of the compound will not
9796C ... ... 240v. 25w. ... 16169 be made, therefore, until its value has been firmly established.
8089C ... ... 240v. 40w. ... 16170
16171 2. The compound prevents the accum ulation of rain, m ist or spray upon the
8091C ... ... 240v. 60 w. ...
16172 external glass surfaces of binoculars, telescopes and other optical instrum ents.
6655C ... ... 240v. lOOw. ... I t is not an anti-m istant or anti-dim m ing compound, and should not be applied to
3. Future demands should quote the alternative p atterns, b u t th e existing th e eye-pieces of instrum ents.
patterns, now to be regarded as obsolete, will be supplied until stocks are exhausted.
3. I t should be applied as described below, to th e object glasses or exposed
(A.F.O’s 4047/42 and 2419/44). glass surfaces of all optical instrum ents.
(i) Clean the surface to be treated by washing w ith soap solution. Spirits
3388.—Aircraft—Identifier Rude Star (Stores Ref. No. 106B/55) can be used if convenient.
(N.S. Air. 13275/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.) (ii) Polish dry w ith a clean cloth.
The underm entioned stores item —which gives the position of stars both in (iii) Smear a coating of the grease over th e surface ; this can be done most
the American and British Air Almanacs, and which m ay be used w ith either for easily and quickly by means of a piece of cloth dipped in the grease.
identifying or spotting stars—has been introduced in lieu of th e following items (iv) Allow to stand for 10 minutes until the grease hardens.
(v) Polish clear w ith a clean soft cloth.
3389 92
93 3390
Renewal of Film.
Re-clean the surface as in (i) and repeat procedure. Instructions for application 3. B arr an d Stroud an d G raham type elements for any particular service are not
vre also given on the lid of each tin in which th e compound is supplied. interchangeable an d in cases where replacement of an element would normally
suffice to effect repair of a B arr an d Stroud instrum ent, th e whole instrum ent m ust
4. Ships of the classes m entioned below in commission should dem and initial be replaced complete b y the Graham equivalent. In such case an y useful parts of
■supplies from r! ir storing yards and depots on the following basis :—- the old transm itter or receiver should be retained on board for repair of any remaining
Destroyi. (all classes), sloops and “ B ay ” class frigates six 2-oz. tins each Barr and Stroud instrum ents.
Frigates (other th a n “ Bay ” class) ... __ ... four 2-oz. tins each
Corvettes and fleet minesweepers ... ... ... two 2-oz. tins each 4. The instrum ents and elements concerned will bS marked “ O ” in the R ate
Supply to new construction should be arranged in th e norm al manner.
Pott. No. Pott No.
5. W hen sufficient experience w ith this compound has been gained th e Com­ of Barr 0f
manding Of:’- ers should forward reports, through their adm inistrative authorities, and Stroud Description Equivalent
upon— Instrument Graham
(i) Its suitability as a water-repellant for service use. Type
(ii) W hether a more general supply is recommended. Instrument
(iii) W hether th e present scale of supply is satisfactory.
9300 T ransm itter, range ... 5550
6. Purchase of 9,800 No. 2-oz. tins has been made under Contract C.P. 9300A T ransm itter, range ... 5550
3C/3442/4.VE7, dated 23rd February, 1945, for delivery as follows :— 9695 T ransm itter, ra n g e ... 0 to 59975 in 25 yard 5550
e e<52 9301 Receiver, range, w ithout “ Cut ” lam p 5551
JS ? 9301A Receiver, range, w ithout “ Cut ” lam p No stops. Cycle in­ 5551
««00 "S
© s •<s> <52
g o© -e 9696 Receiver, range, w ithout “ Cut ” lamp definitely repeated. 5551
0$ go

|o « e

I og g<52 *3 9302 Receiver, range, w ith “ Cut ” lam p 5552
<52 1 00 si I■» 9302A Receiver, range, with “ C ut ” lamp
§ o «2 © 1 5552
1 0Q Q <V S CQ k £ CQ 9700 Receiver, range, w ith “ Cut ” lam p 5552
500 400 500 500 500 2,000 2,200 500 500 400 1,000 400 400 9711 Receiver, range and deflection. Range element—0 to 59,975 in 5556A
7. Shipments should be m ade as follows :— 25-yard steps. No stops. Cycle indefinitely repeated.
Deflection element— 119J right, through 0 to 119J left, in
From Mersey Area. ¿-unit steps. Single zero. Stops fitted a t extrem e readings.
G ibraltar... ... 100 Bom bay ... 350 9312 Receiver, range ra te '(3,975 yards “ opening” through 0 to 5557
Alexandria ... 200 Sydney ... 200 9697 Receiver, range rate J 3,975 yards “ closing ” in 2,5-yard 5557
Malta ... 200 F rem antle... 200 steps. Single zero. Stops fitted a t
T aranto ... ... 100 Brisbane ... 200 extrem e readings.
From Severn Area. 9303 T ransm itter, height or range (with shutter and shutter switch). 6576
D urban ... ... 50 0 to 29,900 in steps of 100. No stops. Cycle indefinitely
Ceylon ... ... 1,500 repeated. S hutter switch, 2 position— “ H eight “ Range ” .
Simonstown ... 50 Shutter indicating “ H eight in feet ” “ Range in yards ” .
9304 Receiver, height or range (with shutter and “ cut ” lamp). 6577
8. The Sea Store Establishm ents concerned will be amended. 0 to 29,900 in steps of 100. No stops. Cycle indefinitely
(A.F.Os. 4536/44 and 189S/45) repeated. S hutter indicating “ H eight in feet ”, “ Range in
9310 T ransm itter, deflection' 5560
9310A T ransm itter, .deflection 5560
3390.—Counterdrum Instruments (Barr and Stroud’s Manufacture)—Replacement by 9687 T ransm itter, deflection 119J right through 0 to 119 J left in 5560
Graham Type Instruments 9311 Receiver, deflection i steps. Single zero. Stops fitted 5561
(N.S. 019083/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) 9311A Receiver, deflection a t extrem e readings 5561
9685 Receiver, deflection 5561
Existing stocks of Barr an d Stroud type counterdrum s and elements are 9333 T ransm itter, inclination Inclination— 0° to 179° right, 5565A
practically exhausted. In view of th e difficulty of re-starting production of these 9692 T ransm itter, inclination to 180°, to 179° left, to 0° in 5565A
instrum ents and in th e interests of standardization is has been decided th a t no 9525 Receiver, inclination 1° steps. Single 0° and 180°. 5566A
further purchases of B arr an d Stroud counterdrum s will be made and th a t defective 9525A Receiver, inclination No stops. Cycle indefinitely 5566A
instrum ents aia to be replaced by Graham type. 9315 Receiver, inclination and speed repeated. Speed 0 to 59 5829
2. In the m ajority of cases, B arr and Strond instrum ents can be replaced by 9690 Receiver, inclination and speed knots in 1-knot steps. No 5829
equivalent Graham type instrum ents having th e same scope and step value b u t 9309 Receiver, speed stops. Cycle indefinitely 6556
differing in mechanical construction. These equivalents are shown in the Appendix 9691 Receiver, speed repeated. 6556
to this order. W hen a B arr an d Stroud instrum ent becomes defective demands 9316 Receiver, compass bearing') 0° to 359|° in steps. Single zero. 5570
should be forwarded for the equivalent Graham type instrum ent. In some ships, 9316A Receiver, compass bearing >- No stops. Cycle indefinitely 5570
B arr and Stroud instrum ents m ay be fitted for which no equivalent is available, 9684 Receiver, compass bearing J repeated. 5570
b u t the numbers of such instrum ents in service should be small. Where replacement 9319 T ransm itter, compass bearing') 0° to 359° in 1° steps. Single 9454
of a Barr and Stroud instrum ent n o t listed in the Appendix is required, a demand 9318 Receiver, compass course ( zero. No stops. Cycle in- 5966
quoting the pattern number, scope and step value, or in the case of order instrum ents 9318A Receiver, compass course f definitely repeated. 5966
a list >f orders an d repeat orders of the defective instrum ent should be forwarded 9682 Receiver, compass course J 5966
to the Director of Stol id (6D) Admiralty, London. In such cases the type of in stru ­ 9321 Receiver-transm itter, orders (fire control) not arranged for See note
m ent to be supplied
replacement will be decided by A dm iralty and purchase 9694
} cross-connecting. 16 orders.
Transm itter-receiver, dynam o orders. 10 orders. ... ... See note
9709 Transm itter-receiver, dynamo orders. 10 orders ... ...«See note
95 3392
3390 94
4. Each outfit (“ perm anent ” N aval stores dealt w ith under Subhead F.1B of
Patt. No. Patt No. R ate Book for N aval Stores) will consist of the following :—
of Barr of (a) One “ Streamline ” filter, P attern No. 10458, Type “ 00 ”, consisting of
and Stroud Description Equivalent pressure vessel taking one gallon of dirty oil, filter pack, electric
Instrument Graharn heater o f 120-watts, suitable for 220-volts D.C., therm ostat, therm o­
Type meter, pressure gauge, th e usual cocks, valves, pipe connections,
Instrument term inal box w ith gland for flexible cable, etc. W ith each filter will
9327 R eceiver-transm itter, dynamo orders. 10 orders. .. See note be packed a supply of paper rings, one spare jo in t ring of each type
9710 Receiver-transm itter, dynamo orders. 10 orders. .. See note for cover, filter head and pressure vessel cap and a leaflet of instructions.
9716 T ransm itter, oil fuel order indicator .. See note
.. See note (b) Two filtered oil drums, P attern No. 10459, each of capacity one gallon with
9717 Receiver, oil fuel order indicator ... fittings and carrying handle fixed to the top of each drum , and a stowage
Note.—Provision of replacement order instrum ents will be arranged by com ­ pocket for the pouring spout.
pleting a blank Graham type instrum ent taken from stock.
Demands for these instrum ents should state the p attern num ber of th e defective (c) One hand air pum p, P attern No. 10460, for charging the pressure vessell
B arr and Stroud instrum ent (and a list of orders and repeat orders) and th e appro­ 5. The filter packs have now been introduced as “ consumable ” naval stores
priate Graham type instrum ent will then be supplied. and allocated P a ttern No. 10997 under Subhead F.1B of the R ate Book for
N aval Stores.
3391.—Mineral Sperm Oil—Stowage on board H.M. Ships 6. Purchase for delivery to dockyards and R.N . store depots has been arranged
(N.S. 21898/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) as follows :—
Filters Drums Filter Packs Pumps
W hen mineral sperm oil is stowed on board H.M. ships in 5-gallon drums, the Pattern No. Pattern No. Pattern No. Pattern No
drum s to be used for this purpose are P a tte rn 4713 (Sub-head B.10) and n o t P attern 10458 10459 10997 10460
4743 (Subhead K), which are intended for highly inflammable liquids. Portsm outh 10 20 50 10
2. W arrant yards should ensure th a t any necessary adjustm ents are m ade to D evonport 10 20 50 10
first outfit supplies to new construction ships. Chatham 10 20 50 10
Stroud ... 10 20 50 10
[S.N.S.O., Portsmouth’s 4B/6414x—20 A pr. 1945.)
Preston 10 20 50 10
R osyth ... — — 70 10
Leeds — — - 100 —
-Maintenance—Lubrication—Streamline Filters lor Use with Fire Control Carfin ... — — 80 —
Power Oil Systems—Revised Allowances
Shipment to S.N.S.O., Colomboand D.D.S. (R.N.), Sydney, will be arranged
Ships concerned by S.N.S.O., Leeds, as follows :—
(N.S. 34971/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.) Filters Drums Pumps Filter Packs
In consequence of the increasing use of oil-pressure systems in fire-control Pattern No.Pattern No. Pattern No. Pattern No.
equipm ents necessitating scrupulously clean oil, th e allowances of streamline 10468 10459 10460 10997
oil-filtering equipments have been extended as shown in paragraphs 2 an d 3 Colombo ... 15 30 15 30
below. The allowances to cruisers and above have hitherto been shown in the S y d n e y ............... 15 30 15 30
Establishm ent of N aval Stores for Electrical and Torpedo Purposes, B.R. 359. 7. Ships concerned in full commission should demand filter outfits to complete
In view of th e comparatively small quantities of light oil used b y th e Torpedo to th e allowance given in paragraph 3 above from their storing yards or depots.
D epartm ent, the revised allowances will be transferred to th e Gunnery D epart­ The m ajority of th e ships referred to should already have one outfit on board.
m ent and the allowances shown in th e Establishm ents of N aval Stores for Gunnery Supply to ships concerned under construction should be arranged by w arrant
Purposes. The equipm ent is to be regarded as available for th e Torpedo yards and supplying yards or depots in accordance w ith the revised allowances.
D epartm ent if and when required. Two spare filter packs should be demanded or supplied concurrently for each
2. The equipm ent will be allowed to all ships fitted with A.F.C. Tables, filter outfit allowed. Priority of supply is to be given to capital ships, cruisers
Marks V. VI, VI*, VIM, V II, IX or X , A.F.C. Clocks, Mark VI, H.A.C.S. Tables, and fleet carriers operating in or proceeding to the East Indies or Pacific Fleets.
Marks II I, IV or IV*, tran sit m ajor or tran sit minor.
8. The following instructions additional to those contained in the m anufacturer’s
3. (a) Two complete outfits will be allowed to the following :—• aflet should be carried o u t :—
Capital ships ... “ K ing George V ” and later, “ Queen Elizabeth ” Classes (a) Only oil which has been filtered should be poured into the m ain supply
(except “ W arspite ” an d “ Malaya ” ) and “ Renown ” . tan k s or servo oil pum ps of A.F.C. or H.A.C.S. Tables and R.P.C.
Cruisers ... “ F i j i ” , “ U g a n d a ”, “ Swiftsure ” and later, “ D id o ” systems, w hether filling initially or topping up.
(except “ Scylla ” ), an d “ Southam pton ” Classes.
“ A rethusa ”, “ Aurora ” an d “ Ajax ” . (b) Filtered oil drum s should be sealed by means of their screw caps
Fleet carriers ... “ Illu strio u s” , “ In d o m itab le” an d “ In d efatig ab le” immediately after filtration and kept sealed until required for use.
Classes. (c) The knurled air v ent screw (carrying the dip stick) should be slightly
(6) The following ships will be allowed one outfit only :— slackened when filtering and pouring, and closed again im mediately
Capital ships ... “ Nelson ” and “ Rodney ” . afterwards.
Cruisers ... “ Leander ” , “ D evonshire” , “ N o rfo lk ” , “ A u stra lia ” (d) After shipping the pouring spout to a filtered oil drum , the spout should
and rem aining 8-in. cruisers when fitted with be flushed out to remove any internal dirt by pouring a quantity of
H .A .C.S.III Tables, “ H obart oil, say, into a stock tin, for refiltration.
A .A . cruisers ... “ Scylla ” and “ Heemskerck ” .
Destroyers ... W eapons (1943 programme only), “ C ay u g a” and (e) W hen the type of oil is changed, the filter m ust be stripped and cleaned.
“ A thabaskan ” .
Miscellaneous ... “ A bercrom bie”, “ M aidstone” , “ F o rth ” and 9. A convenient place for th e installation should be selected by ship’s officers.
“ Woolwich ”.
3392 96
97 3395
10. Arrangements should be made to fit the electric heaters w ith a P a tte rn No.
6057 3-core cable from a switch socket fed from the 220-volt supply. Care should w span
be taken, when installing, to “ earth ” th e filter un it b y means of th e th ird core of forward demands to Superintending N aval Store Officer, Portsm outh. Ships and
the flexible cable. authorities abroad should dem and on their storing yard.
11. The Sea Store Establishm ents concerned will be amended. 5. B.R.363— Establishm ent of N aval Stores for Submarines of “ Oberon ” and
ater classes—will be amended.
(A .F .O . 1205141 is cancelled.)
(.Admiral (S /M ) No. S.M .563/723, 25 Apr. 1945.)
3393.—Paunch Mats, Pattern 400—Revised Allowances
Flotilla Leaders and Destroyers (including “ Hunt ” Glass)
(N.S. 014865/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) 3396.—Rudder Glands—Increased Clearance—As. and As.
The allowance of paunch m ats, P a tte rn 400, to flotilla leaders and destroyers H .M . Submarines
have been revised and are now to be as follows :— (D. 027234/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
“ B attle ” , “ Daring ” , “ Gallant ”, 2 for each 4 -5-in. and 4-in. mounting.
1 L. and M. classes.
“ H u n t ” class
All other classes
... 2 for each 4-in. gun.
... 2 for each 4-in., 4-5-in. or 4-7-in. gun-
Item Nos. “ T ” class 621, “ S ” class 619, “ U ” class 575, Minelayer class 562.
Classification A ” .
2. R eports of breakages of rudder gland studs have been received from a
number of subm arines and investigations indicate th a t this is probably due to
2 in addition for use a t tops of shell inadequate clearance between the rudder stock and gland.
hoists in ships fitted w ith whip and
bollard hoists. 3. Approved drawings quote a clearance of 0 • 012-in., b u t experience has shown
th a t there is. a; tendency for the gland to “ stick ’’ when this clearance is worked
2. Ships concerned in commission are to adjust th e num bers of paunch m ats to and th e stud.4 of th e rudder gland assembly become fractured when th e rudder
now held on board and retu rn any in excess of these allowances to th e nearest lifts.
dockyard or naval store depot. Supply to new construction vessels should be
adjusted by W arrant and supplying yards and depots. 4. The rudder gland assemblies of “ .S ” , “ T ” and “ U ” class subm arines are
similar and arrangem ents should be m ad s to increase the clearance between rudder
3. The Establishm ents of N aval Stores concerned—B .Bs. 373 and 332A—will
be amended. stock and gland from 0 -012-in. to 0 -030-in. in these vessels a t the first convenient
opportunity. The larger clearance has proved entirely satisfactory in new con­
(A.F.O. 6869/44 is cancelled.) struction 1940 “ S ” class submarines. I t is emphasized th a t the clearance a t the
rudder bearing is to rem ain as indicated on approved drawings.
3394.—Vice, Bench, 3-in., Parallel—Allowance 5. Separate instructions are being issued by the A dm iralty for vessels under
“ Loch ” and “ Bay ” class Frigates construction.
(N.S. 25150/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) (Admiral (S/M), 8-Dec., 1944, No. 2364IS.M. 479.)
A 3-in. parallel bench vice, D .H.T. No. 2953 (Admiralty P a tte rn 4349), is to (This Order is to be retained until .complied with.)
be allowed to each “ Loch ” and “ B ay ” class frigate for use in th e electrical store
and workshop.
2. Ships concerned in commission should demand th e vice from their storing 3397.—Vent Valves, Main Tank, Telemotor Operated—Modification of Stop Valve
yards or depots. Supply to ships under construction will be arranged in th e usual Spindles of Control Valves—As. and As.
m anner. Submarines
3. The establishments of N aval stores concerned will be amended. (D/P. 05136/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
Item numbers ‘ S ’ class 596
3395.—D.S.E.A.—Spanner Box, Double Ended, for Item numbers ‘ T ’ class 601 f-Classification A
Item numbers ‘ A ’ class 5 J
(N.S. 21458/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
2. In order to reduce noise when operating m ain ta n k vent valves in 1940 ‘ S ’,
D.S.E.A. sets of recent m anufacture have been fitted w ith outlet valves, ‘ T ’ and ‘ A ’ class submarines, the existing stop valves spindles of the telem otor
P a tte rn 1469, of slightly different dimensions from those previously fitted and, as
a result, it has been found th a t th e single-ended box spanner, P a tte rn 1474, hitherto operated control valves are to be replaced by spindles m ade as shown on A.F.O.
supplied, will no t fit th e lock n u t securing th e outlet valve to th e breathing bag. Diagram 230/45. The new spindles are to be m ade either of manganese bronze or
2. A double-ended box spanner, P a tte rn 1474A, to fit either th e new or the aluminium bronze.
old lock n u t is being substituted for th e present single-ended spanner and added to 3. Separate instructions have been issued by the A dm iralty for vessels under
th e B ate Book for N aval Stores under Subhead E , Item 5. construction.
3. Purchase of one hundred spanners, P attern 1474A, is being arranged for (This Order is to be retained until complied with.)
delivery to Portsm outh, and th e following quantities should be despatched from (A.F.O. 2508/45 is cancelled.)
Portsm outh to th e yards abroad indicated soon after receipt :—
G ibraltar ... ... ... ... 5
M alta... ... ... ... ... 10 3398.—“ Lead-on ” Roller Fairlead Fitting to Forward Winch—As. and As.
Alexandria ... ... ... ... 5 “ Tree ” , “ Shakespearian ” and “ Isles ” Class Danlayers
D urban ... ... ... ... 5 (D. 7894/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
Ceylon ... ... ... ... 10
Sydney ... ... ... ... 10 Danlayers of th e “ Tree ” , “ Shakespearian ” an d “ Isles ” classes are to be
Brisbane ... ... ... ... 5 fitted w ith “ lead-on ” roller fairleads to the forward winch, where n o t already so
fitted, in accordance w ith draw ing D.N.C. 17/T/73.
(71640) D
3398 98 99 3400
2. Copies o f drawing D.N.C. 17/T/73, sheets 1 and 2, showing th e details and board m ay become excessive and blow th e fuses m th e A.C. control panel and
arrangem ent of th e roller fairleads can be obtained on application to th e D irector damage th e relay contacts. To prevent this it has been decided to fit a 5-amp S.P.
o f N aval Construction, W arm inster R oad H utm ents, B ath, Somerset. th e supply to th e board from the control panel, the contactor being
3. The Commanding Officer, H.M.S. “ Marshal Soult ”, is to insert a n item , autom atically controlled from th e starter.
classification “ A in th e class list o f As. an d As. to cover th e work involved. 2. The necessary contactors and spares have been ordered from Messrs.
(S.E.O., Fleet Minesweepers, 9 A pr., 1945, No. Y/21.) Laurence Scott and Electrom otors, L td., Norwich, on contract C.P.4E/525Q7/45,
(This Order is to be retained until complied with.) and will be issued w ithout demand.
3. The contactors are to be m ounted in proxim ity to th e A.C. control panel
and A.F.O. D iagram 233/45 shows the modifications necessary to the wiring. The
3399.—Ventilation Valves—Stocks for use in Repairs, etc., to H.M. Ships in the work involved in th e fitting of the contactors is to be carried out by ship’s staff.
Far East
4. Pending receipt of th e S.P. contactors, a S.P. 5-amp tum bler switch,
(N.S. 020793/44.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) A.P.4224A, should be connected in the A.C. supply to A.P. W.1215 board as an
In order to expedite repairs an d replacements in the Indian Ocean, Australia. interim measure. This switch is effective only when th e m otor alternators are
New Zealand and W estern Canada, th e following Ventilation Valves (Subhead B, operated locally and a suitable label should be affixed near the switch giving
Item 8) are being provided in these areas and should be demanded from the instructions for it to be closed before starting and opened before stopping the
appropriate base :— m otor-altem ator.
5. An item to cover th e work involved is to be inserted in the n ex t list of
Size Qty. A. B. C. D. E. A lterations and Additions, quoting this Order as the necessary authority.
6. Separate instructions are being issued in connection w ith ships building.
(This Order is to be retained until complied with.)
4-in. No. 12 12 12 6 6
6-in. 12 12 12 6 6
7-in. "■ 12 12 12 6 6
8-in. 12 12 12 6 6
9-in. 12 12 12 6 6
10-in. ,, 6 6 6 3 3
11-in. 6 6 6 3 3
12-in. 6 6 6 3 3
14-in. 6 6 6 3 3
16-in. 6 6 6 3 3
18-in. yf 6 6 6 3 3
6-in. x 6-in. ... 12 12 12 6 6
8-in. x 6-in. ... >» 12 12- 12 6 6
10-in. x 8-in. ... „ 6 6 6 3 3
10-in. x 10-in*............... 12 12 12 6 6
11-in. x *6-in. ... 6 6 6 3 3
12-in. x 8-in. ... 6 6 6 3 3
12-in. x 11-in. ... 12 12 12 6 6
13-in. x 13-in.................. 6 6 6 3 3
15-in. x 15-in. ... 6 6 6 3 3
17-in. x 17-in.................. 12 12 12 6 6 Section 4
A.—Superintending N aval Store Officer, Ceylon.
B.—Superintending N aval Store Officer, D urban. 3401.—Shoes for Aircraft Handling Parties on Aircraft Carriers
C.— Superintending N aval Store Officer (R.N.), Sydney. (V. 8/2203/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
D .—N aval Store Officer, Auckland, N.Z.
Rope soled shoes m a y b e issued on loan to A ircraft Handliftg Parties employed
E .—N aval Officer-in-Charge, H.M. Canadian D ockyard, Esquim alt.
on th e F light Deck of A ircraft Carriers as an alternative to th e gym nastic shoes
(Manual of Victualling, Chapter X , Section 16).
3400.—C.W.S. System—Fitting of Single Pole Contactors 2. The m axim um allowances of rope soled shoes and/or gymnasium shoes to be
(R.E./S.D . 698/42.—21 Ju n . 1945.) carried for this purpose are :—
H .M .S. Ships “■Cleopatra”, “ S cylla ”, “ A dam an t”, “ U n ico m ”, “ Gambia” Fleet Carriers and Light Fleet Carriers ... ... ... 270 pairs
“ Jamaica ”, “ Argonaut ” , “ Royalist ” , “ Uganda ” , “ Ceylon ”, “ Diadem ” , Escort Carriers ... ... ••• ••• ••• ••• 150 pairs
“ Bellona ”, “ Black Prince ” , “ Bermuda ”, “ Newfoundland ”, “ Howe ”, 3. In bad w eather, when additional protection is required, rubber sea boots
“ Implacable ”, “ Indefatigable ” , “ Swiftsure ” and “ Montclare ” should be issued to F light Deck Parties, requirem ents being m et from th e quantities
Reports have been received of trouble experienced in service in connection carried for general loan issue.
w ith C.W.S. m otor-altem ator equipm ents fitted w ith voltage control board (B.R. 93 Manual of Victualling, Chapter X , Section 16.)
A.P.W . 1215, since upon stopping th e set and during th e running down period the
board will continue to function until such tim e as th e low voltage relay operates. (C.A'.F.Os. 2851/43 and 463/44 and A.F.O . 2357/45.)
D uring this period, which m ay last for several seconds, the current taken by the (C.A.F.O. 2803/43 is cancelled.)
T) 9
(71640) ”
3402 100 101 3403
3402.—Cooks’ Tubs, 40 gallons, Pattern 28d 3403.—Oiling at Sea—Instantaneous Coupling Adaptors
(V. 5/5907/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.) R .F .A . and Commercial Tankers, Capital Ships, Cruisers and Aircraft Carriers
The specification of Cooks’ tubs, P a tte rn 28d, has been am ended to provide (N.S. Fuel 13627/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
for a more robust bottom of a new design, an d future supplies will be to this specifi­
In order th a t fuelling hoses m ay be slipped in an emergency during oiling a t
cation. E xtended trials have shown th e new type tu b to be satisfactory in all sea operations, instantaneous coupling adaptors to join the 5-in. rubber hose to the
vessel receiving fuel have been introduced under Subhead K.
2. In the m eantim e, th e life of serviceable tvibs now in vise will be considerably
lengthened if th e base be reinforced by fitting four hard wood quadrants between 2. The adaptors have an instantaneous coupling one end and a 5-in. A dm iralty
the cross pieces, together w ith a circular mild steel plate, 20 in. diam eter by J in. screw connection th e other. P attern num bers have been allocated as follows :—
thick, screwed on a t th e bottom under th e wooden runners and filling pieces. A tu b P a ttern No. 5972 ............................ Male
modified in this w ay has been tested for several m onths an d has proved most P a ttern No. 5973 Female
satisfactory, all denting an d holing being obviated. This modification should be P a tte rn No. 5974 Washers
effected wherever practicable. 3. An order has been placed w ith Messrs. M erryweather & Sons, L td., for 800
3. For tubs which are about to become unservicaeble, new bottom s of a heavier sets adaptors and 3,000 spare washers for delivery to Greenock. Supply will be made
gauge m aterial can be obtained from H.M. victualling yards and depots for fitting on th e following basis :—
by ships or establishments. I t is considered th a t tubs repaired in th is way will '4 for abeam method.
last for some years in constant use. R .F A . tankers— 10 sets ............... -4 4 for astern method.
4. Three m ethods of fitting the new bottom s are set out below. Methods (1) . 2 for spare.
and (2) provide for th e bottom being fitted outside or inside th e tu b walls after for astern method,
cutting off th e old bottom ; th e two methods are necessary owing to minor differences Commercial tankers—2 sets ... - \il 1 , spare.
in the diam eter o f th e tubs. I f skilled labour is n o t available for carrying out
either of these m ethods, an d if th e e x tra weight is no objection, th e new bottom may HLM. ships—2 sets ... „ . " ' I I for astern or abeam method.
(Cruisers an d above fitted for fuelling >-.
be fitted inside th e tu b w ithout cutting o u t th e old b ottom by m ethod (3). other vessels a t sea.) J ”
Method (1) (Note.— 1 set comprises 1 male and 1 female adaptor and 3 spare washers.)
The flange of th e new bottom is fitted between th e side an d the hoop of the old Demands from H.M. ships and tankers in home w aters should be sent to the
tub, after cutting off th e old bottom :— N aval Store Officer, Greenock. Vessels abroad should dem and from their nearest
(a) I f necessary remove the bottom tim bers by rem oving th e attaching screws. storing y ard or depot. Supply to H.M. ships concerned under construction will
be arranged b y th e w arrant yards by whom demands should be forwarded to N aval
(b) Remove th e rim of th e tu b b y punching out th e rivets.
Store Officer, Greenock.
(c) Cut off th e old bottom below th e riv et holes.
4. Arrangem ents should be made by N aval Store Officer, Greenock, for the
(cl) F it new bottom , w ith flange of this fitting outside, to sides of body.
following quantities to be shipped abroad :—
(e) Mark and punch riv et holes. Sets
(/) Replace rim. M alta ... ... ... •■■ •■■ • •• 50
(gr) R ivet securely through rim, flange on new bottom , and side of tu b . G ibraltar 10
B erm uda 10
(h) Solder internally, using tinm an’s solder (50 per cent, tin and 50 per cent. 120
lead). (Plumbers' solder should not be used.) Ceylon ...
Sydney ... 250
(i) Replace old, or if required, new tim bers to th e bottom .
Method (2) 5. Telegraphic demands should be forwarded to A dm iralty for any additional
The flange of th e new bottom is fitted inside the side of th e old tu b after cutting quantities required.
off the old bottom :—- 6. The complete instantaneous coupling will be screwed into th e outer end of
(а) If necessary', remove the b ottom tim bers by removing th e attaching th e hose supplied b y th e oiler, w ith th e male thread covered by a cap. P a ttern
screws. No. 5954. Coupling up will be carried out onboard th e warship in th e usual m anner
(б) Remove th e rim of th e tu b by punching out the rivets. / by engagement of screw threads.
The instantaneous coupling is intended to be used solely for emergency release
(c) Cut off th e old b ottom below th e riv et holes. of the hose, when half of the coupling will be left behind in the warship.
(d) F it new bottom w ith flange of this fitting inside side o f body.
7. B .R . 358.—E stablishm ent of N aval Stores for Executive Purposes—will be
(e) If necessary, cut off side of tu b standing below new bottom after fitting amended.
down as far as possible inside. (A.F.O. 470/45 is cancelled.)
(f) Mark and punch rivet holds.
(g) Replace rim. 3404.—Insecticide Powder (A.L.63, Mark HI), Transfer from Vote 3 to Vote 8./II—
(h) R ivet securely through rim , flange on new bottom , an d side of tub. REPORTS
(i ) Solder internally, using tin m an ’s solder (50 per cent, tin, 50 per cent, lead) (N.S. 37349/44.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
(Plumbers' solder should not be used.)
(j) Replace old, or if required, new tim bers to th e bottom . Insecticide powder A.L. 63, Mark I I I , which has previously been dealt with
as a medical store will, in future, be dealt w ith as a N aval store item under subhead
Method (3) E.13, an d has been allocated P attern No. 1752. Stocks a t present held in all medical
W ithout cutting off th e old b ottom :—• depots should be transferred to the nearest dockyard or naval store depot an d the
(а) F it new bottom s inside existing tu b , w ithout removing any p a rt of th e A dm iralty (Director of Stores) informed of the qu an tity actually transferred. A.L.63
old tu b , an d ta p down new bottom hard on to the existing bottom . powder (as distinct from A.L.63, Mark III) will, however, still be retained as a
(б) Sweat in new bottom an d solder to side of tu b , using tin m an ’s solder medical store item an d stocks should not be transferred to (Superintending) N aval
(50 per cent, tin , 50 per cent. lead). (Plumbers' solder should not be used.) Store Officers.
3404 102 103 3405
2. F uture supplies, which will be obtained from th e W ar Office, will be m ade which have h ith ert 9 draw n bacon in rashers from ration stores a t N aval bases.
in 6-oz. containers for individual use an d in 10-lb. tin s for general use. This powder Any additional requirem ents of bacon slicing machines a t N aval bases should be
is very effective against cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies an d pediculi, b u t its Use notified to th e A dm iralty (Director of Victualling) as soon as possible.
against bugs is limited by th e difficulty o f getting contact. W here contact can be
made, however, rapid eradication is effected an d clothing an d bedding powdered 5. Arrangements have been made w ith N.A.A .F.I. under which stocks of the
w ith P a ttern 1752 will rem ain Free from infestation for a considerable period. Even item s referred to in paragraph 1 held by the Corporation for N aval messing purposes
where the “ hideout ” cannot be reached, thorough sprinkling o f bedding, crevices, ashore or afloat, on th e 1st A ugust, are to be taken over as victualling stores.
etc., will ensure control of th e infestation an d m ay eventually give complete eradica­ Subsequent deliveries to N.A.A .F.I.. depots abroad for N aval messing purposes
tion. Medical officers o f ships an d establishm ents where bugs or cockroaches are under existing commitments are also to be taken over. Receipts should be given
present are to take immediate steps to control th e infestation. P a tte rn 1752 to th e N .A.A .F.I. representative a t th e tim e of taking over th e stores, and settlem ent
insecticide powder whose only active principle is D.D.T., will give a kill only after of N .A.A .F.I. claims for stocks and for bacon slicing machines (see paragraph 4)'
several hours. will be arranged a t th e Adm iralty. Claims by N.A.A.F-I- in respect of contracts
taken over will also be settled a t th e A dm iralty and particulars of any such arrange­
3. P attern 1752 insecticide powder will eventually supersede P a tte rn 20 m ents should, therefore, be reported.
insecticide powder, b u t th e la tte r powder should be issued u n til existing stocks are
exhausted. P a ttern 21 insecticide powder will be retained for use in bakeries an d 6. The issuing prices of pork, veal, lam b and offals shown in A.F.O. 2833/45,
for use in close proxim ity to food. Appendix E , which are at- present applicable only to supplies obtained in the
U nited Kingdom, are to have world-wide application as from the 1st August, 1945.
4. S u p p l y A r r a n g e m e n t s . —Y ards an d depots in th e M editerranean should* The issuing prices o f th e remaining items affected will be as follows :—
obtain requirem ents 'from th e local Arm y authorities under th e description
“Anti-Louse Powder R equirem ents in A ustralia will be m et by local mianufacture Bacon (including bone) ... ... ... ... ... Is. 6d. per lb.
Cheese .................................................................. ... Is. 0d. per lb.
arranged by D eputy D irector of Stores (Pacific). Other depots should dem and F ruits, tinned, 30 oz. tins (size 2£) ... ... ... Is. 3d. per tin
requirem ents in the norm al manner.
F ruits, tinned, 20 oz. tins (size 2) ... ... ... lOeZ. per tin
5. Reports which m ay be of value in assessing the efficacy of this insecticide F ruits, dried
should be forwarded to th e A dm iralty (Medical Director-General) in due course. Apple rings, dates, figs and prunes ... ... ... 7Jrf. per lb.
Apricots, peaches and pears ... ... ... ... 10<2. per lb.
6. The R ate Book for N aval Stores an d Sea Store Establishm ents concerned
will be amended. W here special cuts or joints of m eat and offals other th an those specified in A.F.O.
(A.F.O. 5697/44.) 2833/45 are supplied through victualling yards and depots abroad, they are to be
issued a t pricps determ ined and prom ulgated locally.
7. As there is only one issuing price for bacon, the different cuts should be
issued to th e messes in rotation as far as practicable.
3405.—Supply of Bacon, Cheese, Dried and Tinned Fruits, Frozen Meats and Offals
as Service Provisions—REPORTS 8. Small tins of fruit and fancy cheese will continue to be provided by N.A.A.F.I.
for sale in canteens to m eet individual requirem ents, and tinned ham s will be
(V2/1125/43.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) provided by N .A.A .F.I. as hitherto.
The requirem ents for N aval messing purposes of bacon, cheese, tinned and
dried fruits, as well as frozen m eats (including pork, veal, lamb, and offals) are to Appendix A
be m et by supply from Service stocks, in th e same way as other staple messing Arrangements for Supply of Bacon in the United Kingdom
items, ,the requisite quantities being draw n from victualling yards or victualling (1) The detailed arrangem ents for issue are as follows :—
store issuing ships or under A dm iralty contracts instead of from N .A .A .F.I. This
arrangem ent is already in force on th e E ast Indies Station and in th e Pacific Fleet, (а) At ports where there is a victualling yard or depot or victualling store issuing
and also, so far as frozen m eats and offals are concerned, on certain other foreign ship.— (i) Destroyers, corvettes and "larger ships should dem and from
stations and a t home. From th e 1st August n ext, it will be extended to all stations th e victualling yard or depot or V.S.I.S.
a t home and-abroad. (ii) Smaller vessels, e.g., submarines, trawlers, should dem and from the
Supply Officer of their parent ship or establishm ent or the Base Supply
2. Special arrangem ents for th e supply o f bacon and cheese at home under th e Officer.
new scheme are set o u t in Appendices A and B to this Order. Dried and tinned (iii) Shore establishments (except those in paragraph (a) (iv) ) should demand
fruits required a t home should be dem anded from th e victualling yards ; only their requirem ents weekly under th e A dm iralty contract w ith
lim ited quantities are available a t th e present tim e and demands will be m et as N .A.A .F.I. (see paragraph 2).
stocks perm it. Abroad supplies of all th e item s should be dem anded from th e
victualling y ard or victualling store issuing ship following th e usual procedure for (iv) Small establishments (e.g., W .R.N.S. quarters) requiring less th a n o n e'
Service provisions. side (approximately 56 lb.) of bacon a t a tim e and which cannot
conveniently be supplied from the victualling yard will obtain their
3. Steps are to be taken to ensure th a t adequate facilities for th e storage and supplies from a local A dm iralty contractor.
issue of the new items, including facilities for slicing bacon for issue to small vessels, (б) A t ports where there ’is a Base Supply Officer, but no victualling yard.—
are available a t Fleet bases. (i) The Base Supply Officer will demand supplies weekly in bulk under
4. Bacon will norm ally be supplied in whole sides. C ut pieces will be supplied th e A dm iralty contract w ith N .A.A.F.I.
where necessary by th e vicualling yards and middles will be supplied on certain (ii) Seagoing ships will dem and supplies from the Base Supply Officer. Ten
foreign stations. C utting in rashers will norm ally be carried out in H.M. ships days’ notice should be given of any large requirem ents.
and N aval establishments. Slicing machines are already provided in general mess (iii) Shore establishments, except those requiring less th a n one side (approxi­
ships apd establishments and arrangem ents have been m ade w ith N .A.A .F.I. under m ately 56 lb.) of bacon a t a tim e will demand their requirem ents
which bacon slicing machines fitted in canteens in other ships m ay be taken over weekly under th e A dm iralty contract.
by th e A dm iralty provided th ey are removed from th e canteens. The new position (iv) Small establishm ents will dem and their requirem ents from th e .Base
for them should be determ ined by Commanding Officers. Base Supply Officers Supply Officer who will supply either from his own stocks or through
should arrange for bacon to be cut in rashers for issue to small vessels (trawlers, etc.) a local contractor.
(71646) 1)4
3405 104
(c) Ports where there is neither a victualling yard nor a Base Supply Officer.— 105 3405
Should ships require supplies a t such ports application should be made
to the local Food Executive Officer who will arrange for supply from Area Distribution Officer Area covered
local tradesm en’s stock. Where there is a N aval Officer-m-Charge or Mr. S. Roberts, A nthom , Barrow-in-Furness, Birkenhead,
Resident N aval Officer, th e arrangem ents w ith Food Executive Officers 139, Com Exchange, Bootle, Burscough, Carlisle, Chester, Inskip,
should be made b y him. Bacon so obtained should be paid for b y the Hanging Ditch, Lancaster, Liverpool, Malpas, Manchester,
ship and taken on charge in th e ship’s account . Only small day-to-day Manchester, 4. Preston, Southport, W arrington, W hite­
requirem ents can be provided for under this arrangem ent ; bulk Tel. Deansgate 3901/2/3. haven.
requirem ents should be obtained b y arrangem ent w ith th e nearest Mr. A. Sample, Grimsby, Im mingham, Risley, Skegness.
victualling yard or Fleet base. 3, Clare Valley,
(d) Inland establishments.—Large inland establishm ents should demand their The Park, Nottingham .
requirem ents weekly under the A dm iralty contract ; small establish­ Tel. N ottingham 43048/9.
m ents will obtain supplies from local A dm iralty contractors. Mr. W. M. Clark, Coventry, Hinstock, Leamington Spa, Mal­
(2) Demands on N .A .A .F .I. should be sent to th e A ccountant, Supplies 8, Waterloo Street, vern, Millmeece, Newcastle-under-Lyme.
Accounts Branch, S.A. 10, N .A.A.F.I., Kennings W ay, London, S .E .ll, and a clear Birmingham, 2.
week should be given of requirem ents.. Establishm ents should n o t dem and more Tel. Midland 6491.
frequently th an once a week. Tem porary receipts should be given for deliveries Mr. J . P. Morgan, Holyhead, Isle-of-Man, Pwllheli, Towyn..
and final receipts on Form S.92 should be forwarded in accordance w ith th e usual Office No. 19,
procedure for supplies of fresh provisions from A dm iralty contractors. Produee Exchange Building,
(3) Reports should be furnished a t an early date through th e respective 8, Victoria Street,
. A dm inistrative Authorities indicating establishments a t which local contracta for Liverpool, 2.
th e supply of bacon in small quantities (paragraph 1 (a) (iv), 1 (6) (iv) and 1 (d) ) will Tel. Liverpool Central 2311/2.
be required, stating th e average q uantity required weekly. Mr. E. P. Jupp, B arry, Cardiff, Fishguard, Haverfordwest,
59, Cathedral Road, Milford H aven, Newport, P o rt Talhot,
Appendix B Saundersfoot, Swansea.
Arrangements for Supply of Cheese in the United Kingdom Tel. Cardiff 8012/5.
1. Packs.—Supplies normally will be New Zealand or A ustralian cheese packed Mr. G. Woodcock, Arundel, Bletchley, Bognor, Brightlingsea,
two cheeses each of 80 lb., in a crate. Alternatively, Canadian or American cheese 24, Buckingham Gate, B righton and Hove, Burnham-on-Crouch,
m ay be supplied packed in boxes of about 70 or 80 lb. each. London, S.W .l. Calmore, C anterbury, Chatham , Chelms­
2. Demands.— (a) Bulk supplies of n o t less th a n a whole crate of cheese should Tel. Victoria 3243. ford, Chichester, Claydon, Gulham, Deal,
norm ally be demanded direct from th e appropriate M inistry o f Food D istribution Dover, Dovereourt, Dorchester, Eastbourne,
Officer as shown a t th e end of this Appendix. If, however, for reasons suçh as lack Eastleigh, E ast Meon, Fareham , Faringdon,
of tim e, this is im practicable, such demands m ay be lodged w ith th e nearest Felixstowe, Fifehead, Magdolen, Folke­
victualling yard or depot or V.S.I.S. stone, Gillingham (Dorset), Gravesend,
(6) Q uantities less than a whole crate should be dem anded from a victualling yard Grays, Great Y arm outh, Greenhithe, H a r­
or depot, V.S.I.S. o r Naval base except as indicated a t (c) and (d) below. wich and Shotley, Haslemere, H astings,
(c) Ships and establishments no t in th e neighbourhood o f a victualling yard, H avant, H ayling Island, Holbrook, Isle-of-
depot, V.S.I.S. or N aval base an d requiring a t least a whole cheese should dem and W ight, Lancing, Lee-on-Solent, Leighton
direct from the appropriate M inistry of Food D istribution Officer. Buzzard, Liphook,- London Area, Lowestoft,
Lym ington, Lympne, M intem e Magna,
(ii) Ships and'establishm ents n o t in th e neighbourhood of a victualling yard, Newhaven. Petersfield, Poole, Portland,
depot, V.S.I.S. or N aval base an d requiring quantities less than a lObelecheese should Portsm outh and D istrict, Ram sgate, Rye,
apply to the local Food Office for a perm it authorizing th e purchase of cheese from Sheerness, Sherborne, Shoreham, Shering-
a retailer nom inated by the Food Office. ham , Stoke Poges, Southend-on-Sea, South­
(e) Supplies from th e M inistry o f Food under (a) an d (c) above will be invoiced am pton and D istrict, Southwold, Steeple,
on- Form D.55 and receipts should be given on th a t form. F or supplies under (d) W argrave, W arsash, W atford, W avenden,
arrangem ents should be made for local payment. W eymouth, Winchester, W indsor, W oburn
3. Allowance for loss in weight.—The weight of each cheese is m arked on the Abbey, Woodford Green, W orthy Down.
package in the country of origin an d cheese will be invoiced a t these weights by Mr. C. S. Kingdon, Appledore, Avonmouth, Barrow Gurney,
the M inistry of Food. Some loss in weight, however, occurs through shrinkage, 5, U pper Belgrave R oad, B ath, Bodmin, Bristol, Brixham , Exeter,
varying according to th e age o f th e cheese. Receipts should be furnished to the Bristol, 8. Falfield, Falm outh, Henstridge, Ilfracombe,
M inistry of Food for th e m arked weights an d credit taken in th e victualling store Tel. Bristol 36838/9. Lympstone, L ynm outh, Newton Abbot,
accounts for the loss of weight on issue. Plym outh, St. Ives, St. Mawes, St. Merryn,
4. Storage.—Cheese should be k ept in a d ry cool store an d in a tem perature Salcombe and Gara Rock, Teignmouth,
Of not higher th a n 65-70°. Thurlestone, Torquay, Weston-super-Mare,
List of M inistry of Food Distribution Officers Yeovilton.
Area Distribution Officer Area covered Mr. Jas. Clement, The whole of Scotland.
Mr. G. E. Charlton, B lyth, Newcastle-on-Tyne, N orth Shields, 127, Candleriggs,
66, Percy Street, Scarborough, W est Hartlepool. Glasgow, C .l.
Newcastle-on-Type, 3. Tel. Glasgow Bell 0844/5/6.
Tel. Newcastle 28051. Mr. A. M. H . Simons, The whole of N orthern Ireland.
Mr. R . D. P arry, Hull, H arrogate, Leeds, W etherby. Government of Northern Ireland,
N orth British Buildings, Ministry of Agriculture,
Leeds, 1. H am pton House,
Tel. Leeds 28559. Balmoral Avenue,
(A.F.O . 2833/45.)
3406 106 107 3408
3406.—Small Vessels Berthing at Glasson Dock, Fleetwood—Store Documents 3. W .R.N.S. officers an d ratings in possession of white stockings m ay continue
(V./3/2950/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) to wear them un til worn out.
All supply and receipt notes for victualling stores, including loan clothing and 4. Dem ands for supplies required b y N aval an d W .R.N.S. Establishm ents a t
naval store inventories, should be forwarded to the Base Supply Officer a t Liverpool home should be forwarded to th e D irector, W .R.N.S. In itial supplies are being
for all M.F.Vs. and other vessels ordered to proceed to Glasson Dock, Fleetwood, despatched to th e principal victualling yards abrpad and particulars are being
for berthing preparatory to shipm ent abroad or for care and m aintenance pending communicated to th e (Superintending) Victualling Store Officers concerned. Any
further duties or return to owners. additional supplies required should be dem anded from the Director, W .R.N.S.
(A.F.O. 642/45.) 5. R eports should be forwarded to th e D irector, W .R.N.S., showing the
quantities of w hite stockings rem aining on receipt of supplies of the new pattern,
a n d to w hat exten t these are likely to be required for issue on repaym ent to Nursing
3407.—Fresh Tomatoes—Supply Arrangements 1945 Sisters, Q.A.R.N.N.S., an d V.A.D. Nursing Members.
(V. 14/4271/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
6. A.F.O. 3165/42 is to be amended as follows :—
The arrangem ents made la s t year, whereby supplies of fresh tom atoes from th e
home-grown crop wére m ade available for H.M. ships and establishments a t home Paragraph 1.
through the A dm iralty vegetable contractors purchasing from Tom ato D istributing Delete “ 2 prs. stockings, white
Associations, are being repeated on th e same general lines this year. Copies o f the Insert “ 2 prs. stockings, lisle, tropical
relevant amendm ents to existing contracts will be distributed to all N aval A uthori­ Footnote.
ties concerned.
Substitute “ tropical stockings ” for “ white stockings ” ,
2. Supplies will become available generally on th e 1st Ju ly , 1945, and will
7. A.F.O. 1049/44 is to be amended as follows :—
continue until mid-October, 1945. I t is anticipated th a t th e quantities available
Section I.
will perm it a to tal issue to naval personnel over th e whole period of approxim ately
5 lbs. per head, b u t owing to tran sp o rt restrictions and local conditions, this qu an tity DeZeie “ f* Stockings, lisle, w hite ... ... ... Is. 9tf. pair
m ay not be obtainable in full a t all places. Insert “ f* Stockings, lisle, tropical ... ... ... 1*. 9d. pair
Seption II.
3. Contact should be made as soon as possible with th e Tomato D istributing
Association in the' area where th e ship or naval establishm ent is situated (particulars Delete.“ f Stockings, lislf, w hite ... ... ... 2s. Id. pair
of the Association concerned can be obtained from th e Vegetable Contractor). Insert “ t Stockings, lisle, tropical ............................ 2s. Id. pair
E nquiry should be made weekly from th e T.D.A. as to the current rate of distribution (A.F.Os. 3165/42, 1049/44 and 2793/45.)
to civilians, expressed in chips per 1,000 people, and as to th e num ber of th e current
allocation. The requirem ents of th e ship or naval establishm ent a t th e same rate
as the current rate o f distribution to civilians should then be calculated and a firm
dem and on Form S.549 for th e q uantity required should be forwarded in duplicate
to the contractor. The need for knowing the num ber of th e current allocation is
to avoid more th an one demand being made against an allocation in respect of th e
same naval personnel.
As the season progresses an d heavier supplies come on to th e m arkets, more
th a n one allocation m ay be distributed in a week and it is therefore essential th a t
fairly close contact should be m aintained w ith th e local Tomato D istribution
Association to ensure th a t full advantage is taken of th e available supplies.
4. Supplies of fresh tom atoes are n o t to be obtained from private firms other
th a n A dm iralty contractors. A t places a t which there is no A dm iralty Vegetable
C ontract, application for supplies should be m ade to th e local Tom ato D istribution
Association. H.M. ships and establishments which have in the past obtained fresh
tom atoes from N .A.A .F.I. m ay continue to do so.
5. .Victualling yards an d depots norm ally handling fresh provisions will carry
day-to-day requirem ents only of fresh tom atoes.
6. The issuing price will be Is. per lb.
(A.F.O. 3208/44 is cancelled.)

3408.—W.R.N.S.—Tropical Stockings
(V/l/3169/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
A new p attern lisle stocking, flesh coloured, has been approved for wear b y
W .R.N.S. personnel w ith tropical uniform in lieu o f th e present p attern w hite lisle
stocking. I t will be known as “ Stocking, lisle, tropical, W .R.N.S.” 3409.—R.N. Air Station, Crimond, Renamed R.N. Air Station, Rattray
2. Stockings of th e new p a tte rn are to be issued in future in lieu of white (A. 66/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
stockings in the tropical outfits for W .R.N.S. ratings on being drafted abroad and I n view o f postal difficulties caused by th e use of the present nam e and address
will also be available for issue on repaym ent to W .R.N.S. officers and ratings o f R.N. Air Station, Crimond, this station is to be renam ed R.N. Air Station,
abroad or about to proceed abroad.
R a ttra y , on 1st Ju ly , 1945.
3409 108 109 3411
2. The new postal address will be :—
R .N . Air Station, 3411.—B.R. and O.U. Publications—Distribution during May, 1946
R attray , (N.S. 312/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
Aberdeenshire. B.R. 125.—Lloyds Register of Shipping. Amendments No. 14, 15, 16, 17.
The telegraphic address Conas R a ttra y is being registered. B.R. 150.—A ircraft Recognition Manual. Am endm ent L ist No. 11.
B.R. 268 (42).—Electrical Manual Vol. II, Pam phlet No. 2.
(C.A.F.O. 2507/44.) B.R. 359.—E stablishm ent of N aval Stores, etc. E rra ta No. 14 and Form D.128D.
(C.A.F.O. 362/43 is cancelled.) E rra ta No. 14.
B.R. 386.—Establishm ent of N aval Stores for Photographic Purposes.
B.R. 493A.—H andbook on Jugoslavia, Vol. II.
B.R. 512A.—Handbook on French W est Africa.
3410.—Amendments to Books B.R. 516A.—Handbook on Greece.
(E.F.O.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) B.R. 549.—H andbook on Holland.
The underm entioned am endm ents (A.F.Os. P .481-497/45) to B.R. and O.U. B.R. 640 (24).—C.O. Pam phlet. Cliff Assault.
books are available for issue from th e R .N . Store Depot, Elveden R oad, P ark Royal, B.R. 640 (6C).—C.O. Pam phlet. N aval Communications in Combined Operations..
N.W. 10, in accordance w ith A.F.O. Volume, 1941, Instructions, paragraph 9. B.R. 640 (7B).— C.O. Pam phlet. S.P. A rtillery in an Assualt Landing.
D istribution is lim ited to holders of th e relative publication(s) affected. B.R. 640 (26).—C.O. Pam phlet. Commandos in th e Field.
B.R. 751.—Army List, P arts 1 and 2, Jan u ary , 1945.
2. Demands from Shore Establishm ents in th e Nore, P lym outh and Portsm outh B.R. 811 (2C).—A ircraft Torpedo Manual, P a rt III.
Commands should be addressed as under :— B.R. 959/44.—H andbook for 8-in. Marks V III, V III* and VIII** Guns.
Nore. Book Office, Q uarry House, AylestOne Hill, Hereford. B.R. 980 (B).—Range Table No. 608, for 4-7-in-Guns.
Plymouth. Book Office, R .N . P o rt Library, Devonport. Range Table No. 609, for 4-.7-in. Guns.
B.R. 980 (N).—Range Table No. 600, for Q.F. 6-pdr. Hotchkiss Gun.
Portsmouth. Book Office, 54 Bedford S treet, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.
B.R. 980 (Q ).l—Revised Page, 24 to O.P. 551.
A.F.O. P.481/45.—O.P. 629A (U.S. Publication)—Description, A djustm ent Care and Revised Page, 25 to O.P. 551.
Operation of U.S. N avy Torpedoes, Mark 13—R ,N . A m end­ B.R. 980 (W).—R evised Page 1 to Range Table No. 206.
m ent No. 17. B.R. 980 (X).—Range Table No. 610, for Q.F. 4- 5-in. Guns, Marks I, I I I , IV and V.
*P.482/45.—B.R. 377 (B)—B arracuda—A.S.E.—Amendment No. 14. B.R. 1042A.—Instructions for Analysing Lower Angle Gunnery Practices, Vol. I.
*P.483/'45.—B.R. 378— (General) A.S.E.—Amendment No. 72. B.R. 1042B.—Instructions for Analysing Lower Angle Gunnery Practices, Vol. II.
tP.484/45.—A.P. (N) I—Amendm ent No. 3. B.R. 1062.—Defence Against Gas (Navy).
*P.485/45.— B.R. 378 (C)—Firefly—A.S.E.—Amendment No. 24. B.R. 1072.—H ints to Instructors.
P.486/45.— B.R. 893 (39)— Office Instructions for A dm iralty O utport B.R. 1224A.—Handbook for Mark X X X V II Director System, Vol. I, General.
Establishm ents—A m endment No. 4. B.R. 1226.—Pam phlet on Fire Control.
P.487/45.—B.R. 184/1936—Royal N aval H andbook of Lewis and Machine B.R. 1234.—Surf Landing.
Guns— 1936—Amendment No. 7. B.R. 1260.—Thjs W ar Against Japan.
P.488/45.— B.R. 291— Tables Showing Particulars in R egard to N aval Ocean Front.
Ordnance—-1942— Amendment No. 29. O.U. 5365A.—Priced Vocabulary of N.A. Stores, P a rt I. E rra ta No. 18.
P.489/45.—B.R. 912 (16)—Director H andbook—Cross Levelling Gear for O.U. 5365B.—Priced Vocabulary of N.A. Stores, P a rt II . E rra ta No. 33.
Low Angle Fire— 1940—Amendment No. 1.
P.490/45.—B.R. 669 (1)—Instructions for th e Conduct of Cash D uties— Corrections to O.U. and B .R . Publications.
Addendum—A m endments.
P.491/45.—B.R. 995—Pam phlet on th e Mark XXV Mine—A m endment A.F.O. “ P ”
316-318—see A.F.O. 2195/45.
No. 6. A.F.O. “ P ”
320-329—see A.F.O. 2195/45.
P.492/45.— O.U. 6260— H andbook of Mark XVI Mine U nit—A mendment A.F.O. “ P ”
356-380—see A.F.O. 2517/45.
No. 15. A.F.O. “ P ”
381-386—see A.F.O. 2803/45.
F.493/45.—O.U. 6395—H andbook of Mark XIV, XV, XVII and XXII* A.F.O. “ P ”
394—396—see A.F.O. 2803/45.
Mines and Mark XV, XVII and XVII* Sinkers—A m endment Corrections to Signal Publications. O.U. and B.R. Series.
No. 21. A.F.O. S.C. 21/45 Correction No. 4 to B .R . 1035—see A.F.O. “ S ” 183/45.
P.494/45.—B.R. 849—Handbook for th e 15-in., B.L., Mark I Gun on Twin, A.F.O. S.C. 22/45 Correction No. 10 to B .R . 299—see A.F.O. “ S ” 193/45.-
Marks I and I/N Mountings, 1943—A m endment No. 4.
P.495/45.—B.R. 1042A—Instructions .for Analysing Low Angle Gunnery Miscellaneous.
Practices, Vol. 1—Analysis of Main A rm am ent Practices of
Battleships and Cruisers—Amendment No. 1. A.P. 1480A.— Silhouettes of A ircraft, A m endment L ist No. 119.
P.496/45.—B ■R. 1042B— Instructions for Analysing Low Angle Gunnery . Silhouettes o fA ircraft, A m endm ent List No. 120.
Practices, Vol. 2—Analysis of Practices for A rm am ents using A.P. 14801.—Silhouettes of A ircraft, A m endment L ist No. 28.
A.F.C.C., F.C.B. or Simple Instrum ents—A mendment No. 1. A.P. 1938.—Radio H andbook “ Project K nobbly ” .
P.497 45.—B.R. 1281 (1)—Instructions for Release from th e N aval Service, O .P. 972.—Mouse T rap and Hedgehog Handbooks.
P a rt I —A m endment No. 1.) Op 1
N' A' y 39_ 4Q2 f Manual of the N aval T ransportation Service.
* Exceptionally A.F.Os. P .482, 483 and 485 will be distributed without demand D.N.C. 3A and 5.—Corrections ALCOM 139, 149, 152, 154, 155, 156 and 157.
by the Superintending Naval Store Officer, R.N. Store Depot, 191a, Askew Road, D.N.C. 11B Change No. 8.
Shepherds B u s h W ., and f A .F.O . P .484 by the Naval Store Officer, R .N . Store N .R.P.M . 228-239.
Depot, (Publications), 6, Murray Street, Belfast, respectively, who hold the stocks of In te r Services A ircraft Recognition Journal, Vol. I l l , No. 9.
the. parent books. Flight Deck, April, /45.
(A.F.O. 3253/45.) W arship Recognition Sheet, No. 10.
3411 110 I ll 3415
N aval A viation News, 15/3/44. 3415.—Ammunition Label N.940—Introduction of
Large W all Silhouettes. “ Jack I I ” . “ Mustaijg I V ” , “ I n ­ (A.S. 6096/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
vader I I ” , “ Superfortress ” , “ K ing Cobra ”, “ Sentinel ” ,
“ A n so n ” , “ Seahawk ” (Reconce), “ Liz I I ”, “ Seahawk ”
(Scout), “ Mavis 22 ” , “ Sunderland I I I ” , “ Topsy I ” , Serial W here Page in A.S.
“ H arpoon ” , “ P ete I I ” , “ Thunderbolt No. Description Used Form 0.6 No.
Epidiascope Cards. P ack “ A ” , 4th Supplem ent Set.
C.S.C. M emoranda 1-17. :
C.S.C. Specimen Pages, 7 Classes. N.940 Instructional- label for setting three Inside lid 27 6096/45
N aval Teleprinter, Lines Diagram. position E jector, Contents, No-. 8 of box.
N aval Telephone, Lines D iagram . in H ead, Rocket, Flare, 2-in. No. 3.
(A.F.O. 2804145.)
2. Labels should be deifianded as necessary from Senior A rm am ent Supply
Officer, Fjnchfield House, Cor^nton, W olverhampton.
3412.—B.R.1281 (1) and (2) “ Instructions Sor Release From the Naval Service”—
Parts I and H Tssue
(C.W./D.P.S. 610/45/M—21 Ju n . 1945.) 3416.—Native Personnel Invalided at Stations Abroad—Documentation
B.R.1281 (1) an d (2) “ Instructions for Release from th e N aval S ervice” , (M.D.G. 28936/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
P arts I an d II, will be issued shortly w ithout dem and b y th e Superintending N aval A ttention is draw n to A.F.O. 3313/45 under Section 2 of this issue.
Store Officer, R .N . Store D epot, 307, Elveden R oad, Parjs R oyal, N.W.10, to ships
and establishments a t home an d abroad. *
2. On th e receipt of this B.R. the following A.F.Os. are to be cancelled :—
5514/44. 2652/45.
3417.—Libraries, Officers’ Reference—Annual Publications
1808/45.’ 2661/45. (V.5,/3310/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
2223/45. 2663/45. Copies of W hitaker’s Almanack, 1945 edition, are being supplied from H .M
2246/45. 2835/45. N aval Victualling Depots, M idland and Yorkshire Areas, to ships entitled to a
large or reduced officers’ reference library.
2545/45. 2836/45.
2837/45. 2. On receipt of th e new edition ships concerned should return th e 1944 edition
to th e nearest victualling y ard or depot.
... Destroyers and other vessels w ith a small officers’ reference library n o t
including- th e current edition should dem and th e 1944 edition from the local
3413—Commodore Superintendent, Ceylon : Victualling Store Officer, and on receipt should retu rn to th e nearest victualling
Captain Superintendent, Trincomalee—Correspondence y ard or depot concerned any earlier editions on board.
(M. 1805/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) 4. Victualling yards and depets.—Copies of the 1944 edition received under
Thé H eadquarters of Commodore Superintendent, Ceylon, are a t Colombo, to paragraph 2 of this Order should be re-issued, so far as they are available, to
which place correspondence shosld be addressed.- -destroyers and other .vessels in compliance w ith demands received under paragraph 3.
2. There is no such appointm ent as Commodore Superintendent, Trincomalee ; A ny surplus copies should be returned to. the Victualling Store Officer, H.M. N aval
the adm inistration of R.N. Y ard, Trincomalee is discharged a t present by Captain Victualling Depots, Midland or Yorkshire Area ; and any dem ands which cannot-
Superintendent, Trincomalee,,to whom all correspondence an d signals on dockyard be complied w ith should be forwarded to the A dm iralty' (Director of Victualling)
. m atters should be addressed. for supply from another source if available. Before forwarding any such demands,
th e Victualling Store Officers a t yards or depots abroad should ensure th a t super­
3.. The H eadquarters of'Professional Officers in Ceylon are" also a t Colombo seded editions have been received from all ships on th e stations entitled to new
an d correspondence for these officers should be addressed accordingly. editions o r th a t an explanation has been furnished for the non-return of the book.
(A.F.O. 2412/44 is cancelled.)

3414.—Information about the Far East and the. War against Japan—
Distribution of Literature
.(D.P.S./S.C./45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
(E.F.O.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
Copies of “ A Pocket Guide to B urm a ” , containing information about places
of interest, peoples, customs, languages, etc., are being distributed w ith this issue A dm iralty Merchant-Ship Defence Instructions (A.M.D.Is.) Nos. 28-30/45 are
of A.F.Os. being distributed-concurrently w ith this issue of A.F.Os.
2. D istribution is based on a sliding scale depending on th e num ber of copies (A.F.O. 3267/45.)
of “ The D itty box '” supplied to ships and establishments and will include major,
landing craft b u t n o t trawlers, M.T.Bs, o r M.G.Bs.
3. F urther copies required should be demanded from th e E d ito r of Fleet 3419.—Air Publications Distributed during the Week Ending 26th May, 1945
Orders, c/o H.M. Stationery Office Press, W ealdstone, Middlesex, or from the
appropriate distributing authority. (N.S. Air. 810/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
The following Air Publications have been distributed from the R.N . Store
(A.F.O. 2640/45, paragraph 9.) D epot, 191A, Askew R oad, Shepherds Bush, W.12.
3419 112 113 3421
4. The key to the notations in the “ R em arks ” column is as follows :—
2. The general distribution of all publications m arked w ith an asterisk * will
be made by th e N aval Store Officer, R.N . Store Depot, 6, M urray Street, Belfast. B R ... ... Being Reprinted.
N Y P ... ... N ot Y et Published.
A .P . No. Description. Distributism..
NYS ... ... Bulk supplies not yet in sight from U.S.A.
(i) Airframe.and Aero-Engine Publications
A .P. 1515A and B, V o l. W alrus, Mark I, and A.S.R., Mark I Initial General. LIST “ A ”
I l l , P a rt I (2nd and I I Aircraft. Publications Dealt with at the R.N . Store Depot, Shepherds Bush, but not available.
Edition, November, Publication Remarks
1944). Technical Air Intelligence Centre Summaries ... NYS
A .P. 1565A, B and E, Merlin I I I , X II, 45; 46, 50, 50A, 45M, Initial General.
How to Survive on L and and Sea ... NYS
Vol. II , P a rt 2 (Issue 50M, 55M, Engines.
No. 5, September, R .N . Air Diagram A/62 ... N Y P
1944). R .N . Air Diagram A/73 ... N Y P
A .P. 2044C, Vol. II, Double W asp R.2800 Series Engines Initial General.
P a rt I. LIST “ B ”
A.N. 02-35HC-4 (dated P arts Catalogue for R .2600-20 and -52 Initial General. Publications Dealt with at the R.N . Store Depot, Shepherds Bush, but issued on a
5th January, 1945). Engines. Rationed Basis.
(ii) Other Technical Publications Publication Remarks
*AN. 05-5-11 (dated H andbook of Installation, Operation, R estricted P.A .P. No. 124— G.G.S. Mark IA and IB ... BR
15th January, 1945). Service and Overhaul Instructions, (advance P.A .P. No. 127— Gridded Oblique Photography BR
w ith P arts Catalogue for Electric copies).
Tachom eter Generators and In d i­ L ist “ C ”
cators and Electric Synchroscopes.
Publications dealt with at the R.N . Store Depot, Belfast, but not available.
(iii) A ir Diagrams A .P . No. Remarks A .P . No. Remarks
A.D. 2791, Sheets 1 Merlin Aero-Engine—General In fo r­ Restricted 129 ............................ ... BR 1766Z ............................ ... N Y P
and 2. m ation. (advance 837 ............................ ... BR 18C3A, Volume I ... NYP
copies). 880 ............................ ... BR 1803B to P, Volumes I and 11
AD. 3207B Mosquito (21, 23, 25 Merlin) Oil System Initial General. 957 ............................ ... BR P a rt 1, I I P a rt 2, II P a rt 3 ... N Y P
A.D. 4109, Sheet Griffon 65 “ Perspective ” In itia l General. 1081 ............................ ... BR 2034B, Volume I ... N Y P
(August, 1944). 1086, P a rt 3A ... ... ... BR 2162A ............................ ... N Y P
1086, P a rt 5A ... BR 2239A ............................ ... N Y P
1095A, Volume II , P a rt 3 ... NYP 2240, Volume I ... ... BR
1095H, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... NYP 2305B ............................ ... BR
3420.—Air Publications Distributed During the Week Ending 26th May, 1945 1181, Volume II I, P a rt 1C, 2306C, Volume I ... N Y P
(N.S. Air 810/45.—21 Jim . 1945.) Section 2/8 ... BR 2306D, Volume I ... N Y P
1182C, Volume I ... BR 2306E, Volume I ... NYP
The following Air Publications have been distributed from th e R.N. Store
D epot, 6, M urray Street, Belfast. 1186, Volume I ... ... BR 2306H, Volume I ... NYP
1275C, Volume I ... NYP 2311 ............................ ... BR
General P u b l ic a t io n s 1275F, Volume II, P a rt 1 ... NYP 2317A, Volume I, P a rt 2, Section 1 BR
A .P . No. Description. Distribution. 1275F, Volume II, P a rt 4 ... NYP 2330A .......................... . ... BR
1355A to N , Volume I I I ... N YP 2486B, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... N Y P
A.P. 1182A, Vol. I Parachutes and Parachute Harness ... Initial General. 1374, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... BR 2486C, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... N YP
A.P. 1275B, Vol. II, In strum ent Manual—Navigational In- Initial General, 1374, Volume II I, P a rt 1C ... BR 2486D, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... N YP
P a rt 1. strum ents. 1374, Volume II I, P a rt IN ... BR 2486E, Volume I ... N YP
A.P. 1355B, Vol. I ... Photographic E quipm ent Manual ... Initial General. 1388B, Volume I ... BR 2486E, Voiume II, P a rt 3 ... N Y P
A.P. 2710B, Vols. I and Gyro Gun Sight, Mark IID ............... Initial General. 1464A, Volume I ... N YP 2486F, Volume I ... N Y P
I I P a rt 3 (combined). 1480X ............................ ... BR 2486F, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... N YP
T.O. 03-1-5 (dated 1st P arts Catalogue and Interchangeable Initial General. 1492A, Volume I ... NYP 2486G, Volum e'I ... N Y P
November, 1944). P a rts List for Eclipse Aircraft Acces­ 1492A, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... N YP 2486G, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... N Y P
sory Equipm ent. 1529 ............................ ... BR 2518A, Volume I ... N Y P
1538A, Volume I ... NYP 2538E, Volume I ... N Y P
1538H, Volume II , P a rt 2 ... NYP 2538G, Volume I ... N Y P
1538H, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... NYP 2538H, Volume I ... N YP
8421.—General Air Publications Enumerated in A.P.(N) 1—Supply Position 1641A, Volume I ... N YP 2546B, Volume I ... N YP
(N.S. Air 7023/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.) 1641E, Volume II, P a rt 1 ... N YP 2552A ............................ ... NYP
1654 ............................ ... NYP 2554A ............................ ... BR
The supply position a t 20th May, 1945, of General Publications enum erated in ... BR 2563B ............................
1659F, Volume I ... NYP
A.P.(N) 1, b u t no t a t present available for full distribution, is indicated in th e 1661H, Volume I ... NYP
following lists. 2563U ............................ ... NYP
1680 ............................ ... NYP 2708A ... ................ ... NYP
2. I t is intended to prom ulgate the information monthly. 1730B, Volume I ... BR 2802B, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... NYP
3. Services no t holding allowances shown in A.P.(N) 1 for publications which 1732A, Volume I ... BR 2817A, Volume I ... NYP
are not included in the under-mentioned lists, should ascertain despatch details from 1732B, Volume I ... BR 2850A ............................ ... NYP
the R.N . store depot concerned. 1766Q ............................ ... BR 2876A, Volume I ... NYP
1766X ............................ ... NYP
3421 114 115 3421
p Technical Order Remarks Technical Order Remarks L ist “D ”
T.O. 00-25*13 ............... ... NYS N av. Aer. 03-10BQ-763 ... NYS Publications dealt with at the R .N . Store Depot, Belfast, but issued on a rationed basis.
T.O. 00-55-2 ............... ... NYS N av. Aer. 03-10BQ-765 ... NYS A .P . No. Remarks A .P . No. Remarks
N av. Aer. 00-80Q-6 ... NYS N av. Aer. 03-10DC- 5 ... ... NYS ... BR 1538C, Volume II , P a rt 3 ' ... BR
113 ... ................
N av. Aer, 00-80Q-9 ... NYS T.O. 03-10ED-1 ... NYS 1086, P a rt 4B •............... ... BR 1538D, Volume II , P a rt 3 ... B R '
N av. Aer. 00-80Q-10 ... ... NYS T.O. 03-10GB-1 ... NYS 1086, P a rt 11 ............... ... BJl 1641B, Volume II, P a rt 3 ... B R
N av. Aer. 00-80Q-11 ... ... NYS T.O. 03-15-9 ............... ... NYS 1086, P a rt 13 ............... ... ' BR 1661B, Volume I ... BR
N av. Aer. 00-80Q-12 ... ... NYS T.O. 03-20B-32 ... NYS 1086, P a rt 1 3 B ............... ... B R - 1661C, Volume I ... BR
N av. Aer. 00-80Q-13 ... ... NYS A.N. 03-20BA-2 ... NYS 1186D, Volume I ... B R 1661G, Volume I ... ... B R
N av. Aer. 00-80Q -l4 ... ... NYS A.N. 03-20B K -] ... NYS 1269 ............................ ... BR 1664," Volume I ... *. ... ... BR
N av. Aer. 00-80Q.-15 ... ... NYS T.O. 03—20CB—2 ... NYS 1374, Volume II, P a rt 2 ... BR 1980 ............................ ... B R
N av. Aer. 00-80Q-16 ... ... NYS T.O. 03-20CC-11 ... NYS 1374, Volume I I I , P a rt 1U ... BR 2122, Volume I ... BR
N av. Aer. 00-80Q- 17 ... ... NYS Nav. Aer. 03-20E-502 ... ... NYS 1480F ................ ... BR
N av. Aer. 00-80Q-19 ... ... NYS A.N. 03-25B—9 ............... ... NYS
N av. Aer. 00-80Q-22 ... ... NYS A.N. 03- 25B--10 ... NYS (A.F.O. 2646/45 is cancelled.)
N av. Aer. 00-80V -60 ... ... NYS Nav. Aer. 03-30-524 ... ... NYS
T.O. 03-1-2 ............... ... NYS T.O. C3-300lf=-l ... NYS 3422.—Poster S. 272—Revision
N av. Aer. 03-1-6QG ... ... NYS N av. Aer. 03-35B-501 ... ... NYS
(Chapter 58, P a rt A.) T.O. 03-50-3 ............... (N.L. 6502/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
... NYS
N av. Aer. 03-1-6Q H ... ... NYS T.O. 04-1-8 ............... ... NYS A revised edition of Poster S. 272— “ R epresentations about conditions of
N av. Aer. 03-1-6Q J ... ... NYS N av. Aer. 04-10-503 ... ... NYS service! and complaints of unfair treatm en t ”—has now been distributed.
(C hapter 66, P a rt A.) T.O. 05-1-21 ............... ... NYS
N av. Aer. 03-1-6Q L ... ... NYS 2. The new edition is to be posted up im m ediately on receipt. All copies of
N av. Aer. 05-1-508 ... NYS
(C hapter 3, P a rt A.) N av. Aer. 05-1-571 previous editions are to be destroyed.
... NYS
N av. Aer. 03-1-6QM ... ... NYS N av. Aer. 05-1-573 ... NYS
(Chapter 3, P a rt F.) T.O. 05—3AA—1 ............... ... NYS 3423.—“ Careers for Men and Women ” and Other Pamphlets—Distribution oi
N av. Aer. 03-1-6Q N ... ... NYS T.O. 05-5-9 ... NYS (E.F.O/D.P.S. 674/45 S.C.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
(Chapter 3, P a rt C.) A.N. 05 -5C-2 ............... ... NYS
T.O. 03-5-9 ............... ... NYS N av. Aer. 05-10-510 ... ... NYS The three categories of Career “ pam phlets ” will n o t be distributed as laid
T.O. 03-5-26 ............... ... NYS N av. Aer. 05-10—544 ... ... NYS down in paragraph 11 of A.F.O. 1639/45 by the Superintending N aval Store Officer,
T.O. 03-5-58 ... ... NYS T.O. 05-15-4 ... ... NYS P ark Royal, N.W . 10. They will be distributed from A dm iralty (E ditor of Fleet
T.O. 03-5AA—1 ............... ... NYS Nav. Aer. 05-15-504 ... ... NYS Orders) w ithout demand to E ducation and R esettlem ent Inform ation Officers as
N av. Aer. 03-5AA-515... ... NYS Nav. Aer. 05-15-542 ... ... NYS supplies become availahle. . ' •
Nav. Aer. 03-5AA-519... ... NYS T.O. 0 5 -2 0 A -4 ............... ... NYS 2. Non-receipt of these pam phlets should be reported to A dm iralty, E ditor
Nav. Aer. 03-5A A-525... ... NYS Nav. Aer. -05 -20QR-751 ... NYS of Fleet Orders, c/o'H.M .S.O. Press, W ealdstone, Middlesex.
T.O. 03-5A B-4 ... ....... NYS N av. Aer. 05-20QR-752 ... NYS
N av. Aer. 03—5AD-519 ... NYS N av. Aer. 05-20R—31 ... ... NYS (Paragraph 11.of A.F.O . 1639/45 is cancelled.)
A.N. 03-5A H-2 ... NYS T.O. 05-40-3 ............... ... NYS
N av. Aer. 03-5C-505 ... ... NYS Nav. Aer. 05-40-518 ... ... NYS
N av. Aer. 03- 5CA-517 ... NYS Nav. Aer. 05-40—551 ... NYS
A.N. 03—5 C C -6 ............... ... NYS A.N. 05—40B—6 ............... ... NYS
T.O. 0 3 -5 D A -2 ............... ... NYS A.N. 05—40B—12 ... NYS
T.O. 03 5 D A -3 ............... ... NYS A.N. 0 5 -4 0 D -7 ............... ... NYS
T.O. 03—5 D A -7 ............... ... NYS A.N. 05-45BA-4 ... NYS
N av. Aer. 03-5DA-583 ... NYS A.N. 05—4 5 E - 1 ............... ... NYS
T.O. 0 3 -5 D C -9 ............... ... NYS A.N. 05-55A - l ............... ... NYS
Nav. Aer. G3- 5DC-541 ... NYS T.O. 05-70C-5 ... :.. NYS
N av. Aer. 03-5H -507 ... ... NYS N av. Aer. 05-70D -5I6 ... NYS Section 6.—SHORE ESTABLISHMENTS
N av. Aer. 03-10-511 ... ... NYS T.O. 08-10-108 ............... ... NYS
T.O. 03-10B—1 ............... ... NYS T.O. 08-25-15 ... ... NYS 3424.—Mass Radiography for the Detection of Tuberculosis—Sick Leave and
T.O. 0 3 -1 0 B -2 ............... ... NYS A.N. 08-25-16 ............... ... NY'S Establishment
T.O. 0 3 -1 0 B -3 ............... ... NYS T.O. 10-10A-11 ... NYS
A.N. 03-10BC—3 ... NYS A.N. 10 10AC-25 ... (C.E.53162/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
... NYS
N av. Aer. 03-10BQ-62... ... NYS Nav. Aer. 11-1-506 ... NYS Sjck absence as a result of exam ination b y mass radiography will be treated
N av. Aer. 03-10BQ- 64... ... NYS T.O. 1 1 - 2 0 - 1 9 ............... ... NYS according to th e ordinary sick-leave rules. .
N av. Aer. 03-10BQ-65... ... NYS T.O. 1 1 - 3 5 - 2 1 ............... ... NYS
N av. Aer. 03-10BQ-68... 2. Cases where unestablished officers due for consideration for establishment
... NYS N av. Aer. 19-1-520 ... NYS have been on sick leave covered by a medical certificate as a result of exam ination
N av. Aer. 10BQ-69 ... NYS Technical N ote 46-44 ... ... NYS by mass radiography should be subm itted to the Civil Service Commissioners in the
usual way. W ith th e submission should be included a copy of the sick record,
relative medical reports and a note stating which of the following categories covers
th e case :— •
(i) Cases of doubt, where sick leave has been recommended merely as a
precautionary measure.
(ii) “ Non-clinical ” cases (with negative sputum ), and
(iii) “ Clinical ” cases (with positive sputum ). ‘
3424 116 117 3427
3427.—Gun Mountings—Transferable—Values for Financial Year 1945
Inform ation as to th e category in w hich'a particular case falls can be obtained
from the Treasury Medical Adviser, Treasury Chambers, G reat George Street, (G. 3011/45.— 21 Ju n . 1945.)
London, S.W .l, in whose departm ent records o f all such cases are kept.
The values assigned to transferable gun m ountings prom ulgated by
3. I t will be for th e Civil Service Commissioners to decide w hat action should A.F.O. 2695/44 are to rem ain ih force for the year 1945. The item s underlined or
be taken ; b u t it m ay be necessary, in respect of cases in category (ii) above, to side-ruled are additional to those already published.
postpone establishm ent or extend probation until a period of n o t more th a n four
years, w ith a satisfactory sick record, has elapsed ; and in respect of cases in cate­ In addition th e estim ated value of certain m ountings m anufactured in Canada
gory (iii) until a period of n o t more th a n ten years, w ith a satisfactory record, has has been included.
elapsed. Detailed Total
(A.F.O. 5960/44.) Nature of Mounting or Part value value
£ 8. d. £ a. d.
7 • 5-in. C.P.V. SO“ m ounting w ith power elevating and 4,478 10 O'
3425.—Civilian Non-Industrial Staff—Claims for N.H.I. Benefit for Periods of Absence training gear and H .C.P. gear, b u t less sight, shield,
Without Medical Certificate 69 10
4,918 5 0
Do. Sight .........................................
(C.E. 5523/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) Do. Shield ......................................... 268 5
U nder present rules, deductions from sick pay in respect of sickness benefit Do. D irector operating gear ... 102 0
under the N ational H ealth Insurance Acts m ay be waived for tem porary and 6-in. P .II I 15° m ounting, less sight and shield 560 0
unestablished staff for any period of sick absence (not exceeding four consecutive Do. Sight ... 39 0 633 15 0
days) provided th a t an officer absent on uncertificated paid sick-leave for more th a n Do. Shield (spray) 34 15
a single day states in writing th a t he does n o t intend to claim sickness benefit from
his Approved Society. (A.F.O. 5953/44, paragraph 3 (iii)). 6-in. P .III 20° m ounting, ,168s sight and shield 604 15
Do. Sight 41 5
2. W here, however, a medical certificate is furnished on th e fourth or fifth 43 5 768 10 0
Do. Shield (spray)
day of absence the whole period of continuous absence should norm ally be regarded Do. D irector operating gear ... 79 5
as certificated sick leave in respect of which N .H .I. deductions m ust be made under
the norm al rules subject to waiver, where appropriate, in respect of th e “ first three 6-in. P .IV 15° m ounting, less sight .............. . 571 0
38 5 609 5 0
days ” of sickness. Do. Sight .........................................
3. An insured person should, however, n ote th a t even though he does n o t 6-in. P .IV 20° m ounting, less sight ................ 604 15
propose to claim benefit, it is norm ally in his own interest to inform his Approved Do. Sight 41 5 745 15 0
Society of any period of sickness, though w ithout medical certificate, in order th a t Do. Director operating gear ... 99 15
benefit m ay be paid, if due, from th e first day of any later period of sickness. In 6-in. P.V 13° mounting, less sight 519 0
this connection it is understood th a t an insured person who has given “ notice of 79 10 598 10 0
Do. Sight
illness ” w ithin the first three days of incapacity is n o t precluded from receiving
6-in. P.V 20° m ounting, less sight ................ 555 15
the appropriate benefit merely because he did n o t subm it a medical certificate a t
90 10 646 5 0
th e tim e when such notice was given. Do. Sight
4. In actual practice, however, it is understood th a t there are certain Approved 6-in. P.V* 13° m ounting, less sight and shield 512 5
Societies who do not issue benefit except on th e production of a medical certificate Do. Sight 88 10 652 10 0
Do. Shield ................ ................ 51 15
and do not recognise absences preceding th e d ate of th e medical certificate as sick
absences. 6-in. P .V I 15° m ounting, less sight, shield and director 498 0 O'
Such societies m ight, however, be prepared to modify th eir procedure if the operating gear. 824 5 C
officer concerned were able to produce a certificate from his establishm ent indicating Do. W ith power worked gear ... ... 574 0 900 5 0
either (a) th a t th e whole period of absence (dates to be given) has been officially Do. Sight ............................ . .............. 59 5 w ith power-
recorded as certificated sick leave (i.e. where a medical certificate is furnished not Do. Shield ..................................................... 207 10 worked gear,
later th a n th e fifth day of absence), or (6) th a t th e period of absence (dates to be Do. D irector operating gear ... ... ... 59 10
given) has been officially recorded as sick absence (i.e. where no medical certificate 6-in. P .V I 20° m ounting, less sight ... ... ... 572 0 O'
is furnished and the absence does n o t exceed four days). 646 5 0
Do. Sight ... ... ... ... ... 74 5 0 ,
5. There can be no obligation on th e p a rt of establishm ents to furnish certificates 6-in. P .V II 15° mounting, less sight, shield and director 562 10 O'
in all cases, b u t where an officer is of opinion th a t such a certificate would assist in operating gear.
his dealings w ith his society, establishments are authorized to give the certificate Do. Sight ..................................................... 78 0 0 868 15 0
upon application by th e officer concerned. Do. Shield (armoured) ... ... ... 172 10 0
I t is emphasized th a t th e initiative in this m a tte r rests entirely w ith th e officer Do. Director operating g e a r ......................... . 55 15 0^
arid th a t no account can b6 taken of any loss o f benefit which m ight be due to th e 6-in. P .V II 20° m ounting, less sight, shield and 683 10 O'
failure of an individual to comply w ith th e rules and regulations of his Approved director operating gear.
Society relating to claims for benefit. D o. Sight ... ... ... ... ... 107 0 1,070 0 0
(A.F.O. 5953/44.) D o. Shield (armoured) ................ ... 172 10
Do. D irector operating g e a r ............................ 107 0
6-in. P.V II* 15° m ounting, less sight, shield an d 702 0
director operating gear.
3426.—Cylinders for Oxygen Gas—Allocation of Admiralty Numbers Do. Sight ............................ ................ 66 0 841 0 0
(N.S. 21877/45.—21 Ju n . 1945.) ' Do. Shield (spray) ......................................... 17 5
A ttention is drawn to A.F.O. 3365/45 in section 3 of this issue. Do. D irector operating g e a r ............................ 55 15
3427 118 119 3427
Detailed Total Detailed Total
Nature of Mounting or Part value value Nature of Mounting or Part value value
£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d
6-in. P.V H* 20° mounting, less sight, shield and 794 15 0 5 - 5-in. P.I** 25° m ounting, less sight ... 411 15 0 \
. Do. Sight 33 10 O f 445 5 0
director operating gear.
Do. Sight ...........................: ... 75 10 0 943 5 0 5 -5-in. C .P .II 30° m ounting, less sight, shield and 638 15 0
Do. Shield (spray) ... ... ... 17 5 0 director operating gear.
Do- D irector operating gear ... ... 55 15 0 Do. Sight ... ......................................... 113 10 0 869 0 0
Do. Shield .... 51 15 0
6-in. P .V III 14° mounting, less sight, shield and 484 15 o'
Do. D irector operating gear ... 65 0 0
director operating gear.
Do. Sight 74 15 0 725 15 0 4 -7-in. P.V 20° mounting, less sight ... 506 .0
10 0\
Do. Shield ... ... 77 5 0 Do. Sight ,.. 55 0 0 / 561 10 0
Do. Director operating gear .... ... ... 89 0 0. 4 -7-in. C.P.VI 30° m ounting, loss sight, shield and 496 10 0
6-in. P .IX 14° and 171° m ounting, less sight, shield and 566 10 o ' 833 10 0 director operating gear.
director operating gear. with circular Do. Sight 64 10 0 645 0 0
Do. Sight ... ... 87 5 0 shield. Do. Shield (spray) 41 15 0
Do. Shield (circular armoured) ... ... 77 5 0 790 0 0 Do. D irector operating gear ... ,v. 42 5 0
Do. D irector operating gear ... ... 102 10 0 w ith spray 4 -7-in. C.P.VI* 30° m ounting, less sight, shield and
33 15 0, shield. 498 5 0
Do. Shield (spray) ................ ... director operating gear.
6-in. P .X 15° mounting, less sight and director 530 0 O' Do. Sight " ............................ 64 10 0 646 15 0
operating gear. Do. Shield (spray) 41 15 0
> 652 0 0 Do. D irector operating gear ...
Do. Sight ... ... 61 0 0 42 5 0
Do. D irector operating gear ... ... ... 61 0 0 , 4 -7-in. C.P.VI** 30° m ounting, less sight, shield and 641 0 O'
6-in. P .X I 15° m ounting, less sight ... 530 0 o ' director operating gear.
0 0
Do. Sight ................ ... 61 0 0 [■ 591 Do. Sight 77 15 0 849 5 0
Do. Shield (spray) 65 5 0
6-in. P .X II 15° mounting, less sight, shield and 629 10 o ' Do. D irector operating gear 65 5 0
director operating gear.
Do. Sight ................. ... 87 0 0 917 0 0 4 - 7-in. P .X 20° m ounting, less sight 506 10
Do. Shield (circular arm oured) ... 125 0 0 Do. Sight ... ,.. 54 15 S} 561 5 0
Do. D irector operating gear ... ... ... 75 10 0 j 4 • 7-in. H .A .X I mounting, less sight 1,533 0 0 \
6-in. P .X II* 20° m ounting, less sight, shield and 1,178 0 O' Do. Sighi 255 15 O f 1,788 15 0
director operating gear. 4 -7-in. H .A .X H mounting, less sight and director 3,226 15 01
Do. Sight 92 0 0 » 1,500 0 0 operating gears
Do. Shield (armoured) ... ... 138 15 0 Do. Sight 4,295 10 0
Do. D irector operating gear ...
6-in. P .X H I* 30° mounting, less sight, shield
91 5 0
678 0 01
Do. D irector operating gear ... ... ...
■941 5
127 10 0 I
4 -7-in. C .P.X IV 30° m ounting, including shield, 1,803 0 01
director operating gear. director operating gear an d electrical gear (cables,
Do. Sight ... 96 15 0 - 889 0 0 circuit« and switches). 2,034 5 0
Do. Slneld ............................ ... 52 15 0 Do. Sight ................ ... ................
61 10 o J 231 5 OJ
Do. D irector operating gear ...
4 -7-in. C.P.XIV 30° m ounting (lightened type), 1,589 15 01
6-in. P.X H I** 30° m ounting, less sight, shield and 850 10 o ' including shield, director operating gear and
director operating gear. electrical gear (cables, circuits and switches). 1,761 0 0
Do. Sight ............................ ... 89 5 0 ► 1,054 0 0 Do. Sight ... ... ... " ... 171 5 0 ,
Do. Shield 52 15 0 4 -7-in. C.P. (S) X V I m ounting, less revolving p la t­ 2,867 0 0 :
D o. D irector operating gear ... 61 10 0 . form, breakwater, canopy an d sight
6-in. C .P.X IV 30° mounting, less sight, shield and 969 0 o' Do. Revolving platform and breakw ater 406 5 0 3,945 10 0
director operating gear. Do. Canopy ... ... ... 281 15 0
Do. Sight ............................ ... 43 15 0 1,137 0 0 Do. Sight 390 10 0 ,
Do. Shield ... ... 59 S 0 4* 7-in. C .P.X V H 40° mounting, including shield, 1,887 10 O'
Do. D irector operating gear ... ... 65 0 0_ director operating gear and electrical gear (cables,
127 15 0 127 15 0 circuits and switches). 2,046 10 0
6-in. B.L. travelling carriage, complete ... ...
5 •5-in. P .I 15° m ounting, less sight shield and director 411 15 o ' Do. Sight 159 0 0
operating gear. 4 ' 7-in. C .P.X V IH 40° m ounting, including shield, 2,293 0 O'
Do. Sight ............................ 33 10 0 568 5 0 director operating gear and electrical gear (cables,
52 10 0 circuits and switches). 2,521 0 0
Do. Shield ...» ...
70 10 0 , Do. Sight 228 0 0 ,
Do. D irector operating gear ... ... V
612 5 4 • 7-ui., Mark X X II (with shield and simple sight) 5,400 0 o ’ 5,400 0 0
5 -5-in. P.I* 25p mounting, less eight and director
operating gear. °! 4* 5-in., Mark V (with shield and simple sight) 5,475 0 0 5,475 • 0 0
747 0 0
Do. Sight ... ................ ... 64 5 n 4-in. P .II 15° mounting, less sight 207 0 0 \
Do. D irector operating gear ... ... ... 70 10 OJ Do. Sight ..................................................... 69 0 o f 276 0 0
121 3427
3427 120 Detailed Total
Detailed Total Nature of Mounting or Pari value value
Nature of Mounting or Part value value £ s. d. £ s. d.
£ ». d. £ ». d. 4-in. C .P.IH c 30° m ounting, less sight, shield and 336 5 O'
director operating gear.
4-m. P .II* 15° mounting, loss sight ............................ 207 0 Do. Sight 39 5 0 ► 445 0 0
69 0 ° A 276 0 0
Do. Sight ............................ ................ 0/ Do. Shield (spray) 14 5 0
4-in. P .II I 20° mounting, less sight and shield 199 5 Do. D irector operating gear ... 55 5 0
D o. Sight ... ... ... ... 67 15 21 281 0 0 4-in. H A .I I I mounting, less sight and director 914 15 0=
D o. Shield (spray) 14 0 oj operating gear.
Do. Sight ..................................................... 137 0 I 1,135 15 0 P .III* 20° mounting, less sight and shield 199 5 0
67 15 °1 281 0 0 Do. D irector operating g e a r ............................ 84 0 0,
Do. Sight ... . . ...................... ,.
Do. Shield (spray) ......................................... 14 0 no jf 4-in. H .A .H I* mounting, less sight and director 974 0
operating gear. °1
199 5
4-in. P .III** 20° me anting, less sight an d shield
Do. Sight ................ ............................ 67 15 01 281 0 0
Do. Sight 137 0 0 » 1,195 0 0
Do. D irector operating g e a r ............................ 84 0 0.
Do. Shield (spray) ......................................... 14 0 oj 4-in. H .A .m * * m ounting, less sight and shield 2,300 0
4-in. P.IV* 15° mounting, less sight and shield 207 0 Do. Sight ... ... ............................ 300 0
° i >•
276 0 0 0 2,875 0 0
Do. Sight ... ;.. 69 0 0J Do. Shield ..................................................... 275 0 oj
4-in. P.IV** 15° m ounting, less sight ............................ 207 0 n 4-m. H .A .IV m ounting, less sight and director. 1,016 10
69 276 0 0 operating gear. °1
Do. Sight 0 0/
4-in. P.V 20° mounting, less sight and shield 19p 5 Do. Sight ....................................... 180 10 0 » 1,284 0 0
67 15 281 0 0 Do. D irector operating gear ... 87 0 0.
Do. Sight
Do. Shield (spray) ... ........................... 14 0 OJ 4-in. U.D. twin H .A .X IX mountings, less sight 6,400 0 01
Do. Sight ..................................................... 400 0 5,800 0 0
4-in. P.V I 15° m ounting, less sight and shield ... 207 0 0J
69 0 276 0 0 4-in. H .A .X X m ounting, less sight 5,000 0 0Ì
Do. Sight ... 0J Do. Sight 758 0 5,758 0 0
4-in. P .V II 20° mounting, less sight and shield 199 5 4-in. H .A .X X III m ounting, less sight and shield 840 0
Do. Sight ..................................................... 67 15 21 281 0 0 °i
2ojr Do. Sight ......................... .. ................ 105 0 0 1,025 0 0
Do. Shield (spray) ... .............. . 14 0 Do. Shield ... ... .., ................ 80 0 oj
4-in. P .V III 15° mounting, less sight and shield 207 0 4-in. B.L. field carriage, complete 234 10 0 234 10 0
2o 1j 276 0 0
Do. Sight 69 0
4-in. Q.F. field carriago, complete 198 5 0 198 5 0
4-in. P .IX 20° m ounting, less sight, shield and 259 5 o'
4-in., Mark I/N , m ortar ... 75 0 0 75 0 0
director operating gear.
Do. Sight 72 5 o V 396 15 0 3 -7-in. howitzer travelling carriage, w ithout equip­ 727 15 0 727 15 0
Do. Shield (spray) 10 0 0 m ent and spares.
Do. D irector operating gear ... ................ 55 5 0 3 -7-in. howitzer m ounting (pedestal type), Mark II, 1,408 10 0 1,408 10 0
4-in. P .X III mounting, less sight and sh ie ld ............... 205 0 w ithout spares.
Do. Sight ..................................................... 46 15 2 1 283 15 0 3 • 7-in. howitzer m ounting (pedestal type), Mark I I I , 1,435 5 0 1,435 5 0
Do. Shield 32 0 2ojr w ithout spares.
4-in. Triple, Mark 1 30° m ounting, less sight, shield and 657 0 o ' v ■***■ Jir /9— X VXVf 1,475 5 0 1,475 5 0
w ithout spares.
director operating gear.
Do. Sight, L.H. cradle ... 23 0 0 3-in. H .A .n and H A m ounting, less sight and director 535 15 O'
23 0 0 912 10 0 ■operating gear.
Do. Do. centre cradle ............................ Do. Sight 743 5 0
Do. Do. R .H . cradle... 37 0 0 130 15 0
102 0 0 Do. D irector operating gear ... 76 15 0j
Do. Shield (spray)/ 3-in. H .A .H I m ounting, less sight and director
Do. D irector operating gear ... :.. 70 10 0 637 5 01
operating gear.
4-in. S.'I 20° mounting, less sight arid revolving p la t­ 279 5 Do. Sight ..................................................... 58 15 0 I 772 15 0
form. °1L
488 5 0 Do. D irector operating g e a r ............................ 76 15 Oj
Do. Sight ..................................................... 63 15 3-in. H .A.IV and IVA m ounting, less sight and 489 10 0l
Do. Revolving platform 145 5 2!
Oj director operating gear.
4-in. C .P.I 30° mounting, less sight and shield 349 10 Do. Sight 130 15 697 0 0
Do. Sight 26 5 21 397 5 0 Do. D irector operating gear ... 76 15
Do. Shield (spray) ......................................... 21 10 2
OJr 3-in. C.P.V m ounting, less sight 1,526 5
388 15 o ' Do. Sight ............................ 256 10 1,782 15 0
4-in. C .P.II 30° m ounting, less sight, shield and
director operating gear. 12-pdr. P .I mounting, less sight 46 5
50 5 0 - 508 10 0 Do. Sight ............................ 17 15 64 0 0
Do. Sight
Do. Shield (spray) 14 5 0 12-pdr. P.I* m ounting, less sight 123 0
Do. Director operating gear ... 55 5 0, Do. Sight ............................ 27 5 150 5 0
4-in. C.P.I1I 30° mounting, less sight, shield and 336 5 o: 12-pdr, S .II m ounting, less sight 31 15
Do. Sight 14 0 45 15 0
director operating gear.
Do. Sight 39 5 0 - 445 0 0 12-pdr. H .A .V III m ounting, less sight 241 10
Do. Sight 54 0 01 295 10 0
Do. Shield (spray) ........................................ 14 5 0
Do. Director operating gear ... 55 5 0
3427 122 123 3427
Detailed Total Detailed Total
Nature of Mounting or Part value value Nature of Mounting or Part value value
£ s. d. £ ». d. £ 3. d . £ s. d .

12-pdr. H.A.VEH* mounting, less sight 346 7 0-5-in. “ M ” , Mark I m ounting, less sight ... 912 10

Do. Sight 56 5 S} 402 12 0 Do. Sight 70 10 ► 983 0 0

r ^
o o
12-pdr. H .A ./L.A .IX m ounting, less sight 430 0 0-5-in., “ M ” , Mark I* m ounting, less sight ... 929 0
Do. Sight
12-pdr. 8-cwt. field carriage
32 0
11 0
2} 462 0 0 Do. Sight ... «...
0-5-in. “ M ”, Mark I I m ounting, less sight ...
70 10
891 0
- 999 10 0

o o
Do. Lim ber 11 0 2} 22 0 0 Do. Sight .„ 65 5 956 5 0

0-5-in. “ M ” , Mark I I I m ounting, less sight 870 0

o o
6-pdr., Mark I, recoil m ounting 10 10 10 10 0
Do. Sight 70 0 » 940 0 0
6-pdr., Mark I*, recoil m ounting 17 5 17 5 0
6-pdr., Mark I**, recoil m ounting, less sight 70 0 0-5, Mark IV 617 0 < n
95 5 0 Do. Shield ................ ... ................ 31 0 o j 648 0 0
Do. Sight 25 5 o
6-pdr. non-recoil... 130 0 0 130 0 0 0 • 5-in;, Mark V tw in (ex boat equipm ent) ... 760 0 0 760 0 0
Do. Local drive u n it 160 0 0 160 0 0
{ 108 10 0
w ith simple 0 ■5-in., Mark V tw in arm oured (ex boat equipment) 1,050 0 0 1,050 0 0
6-pdr. H .A IV m ounting, less sight 86 0 .1 sight. Do. Local drive u n it ... 160 0 0 160 0 0
Do. Simple sight 22 10 114 10 0 20 mm. Oerlikon S., H .A ., Mark I ............................ 385 0 0 385 0 0
°1 20 mm. Oerlikon S., H .A ., Mark IIA ... ... ...
Do. H .A. sight ... 28 10 with 385 0 0 385 0 0
0 H.A. sight. 20 mm. Oerlikon, Mark IA (hydraulic) 790 0 0 790 0 0
6-pdr., Mark V II (powered) 625 0 20 mm. Oerlikon, Mark D A 140 0 0 140 0 Ö
I Local drive unit
3-pdr., Mark I, recoil m ounting
3-pdr., Mark I*, recoil m ounting, less sight
175 0 0 J
16 10 0
24 15 °1>
16 10
0 0
20 mm. Oerlikon, M ark IH A ...
20 mm. Oerlikon tw in, Mark V '(ex boat equipment)
Do. Local drive u n it ...
... ... 125 0 0
950 0 0
160 0 0
125 0 0
950 0 0
160 0 0
Do. Sight ................ 8 10 0 J 33 5 0 1 20 mm. Oerlikon, Mark VILA. 110 0 0 110 0 0
I 20 mm. Oerlikon, Mark VIIA*, S.M. 87 0 0 87 0 0
105 0 0 r 20 mm. Oerlikon, Mark V IIIA 60 0 0 60 Q 0
w ith simple
3-pdr. H .A .IV mounting, less s i g h t ......................... 82 15 0 sight. 0-3 0 3 -In. tw in Browning an d shield ... 47 0 0 47 0 0
Do. Simple sight 22 5 0 111 5 O 0 • 303-irx. single Browning and shield ... 18 0 0 18 0 0
Do. H .A. sight ... 28 10 0 w ith R ing m ounting for Lewis guns 129 5 0 129 5 0
H .A. sight. Maxim field stand 7 10 0 7 10 0
Maxim tripod, Mark I I ..................................................... 11 15 0 11 15 0
| 3-pdr. Marks I or I*, converted to 50° elevation 110 0 0 110 0 0 Maxim tripod, Mark IV ......................................... 11 0 0 11 0 0
3-pdr., Mark V, and shield ... ... ... . . 550 0 0 550 0 O Maxim tripod, Mark IVB, less dial direction and 11 15 0 11 15 0
112 15 0 pointer.
with Mk. I I Maxim tripod, Mark IVB, w ith dial direction and 13 10 0 13 10 0
sight. pointer.
2-pdr., Mark II , pom-pom, less sight ... 83 5 0 128 5 0
Do. Scotchm an... 4 5 0 w ith Mk. II* Portable Maxim stands ... 1 15 0 1 15 0
Do. Pedal operated firing gear 6 15 0 sight. Mountings, tripod, A. A. Lewis or H otchkiss 0 -303-in. 4 0 0 4 0 0
Do. Sight, Mark I I 25 5 0 162 0 0 M.G., Mark I , complete w ith holder.
Do. Sight, Mark II* .............. . 40 15 0 w ith Mk. □** 11-in. howitzer m ounting, complete ... ... 422 10 0 422 10 0
Do. Sight, Mark I I * * .............. . 67 15 0 sight and 7 -5-in. howitzer mounting, complete ... 65 10 0 65 10 0
pedal 200-lb. bomb thrower, complete 84 10 0 84 10 0
2-pdr. H .A ., Mark D * C ..................................................... 192 0 0 192 0 , 0 Distinguishing
2-pdr., “ M ” , Mark V m ounting, less sight and 6,424 0 0 Description of Component Parts letter Value
director operating gear. £ s. d.
Do. Sight ... ... ... ................ 300 15 0 6,779 10 0 Clamping ring ... ................ ... “ A” 0 7 6
Do. D irector operating gear ... 54 15 0 Clamping ring “ B ” 1 6 0
2-pdr., “ M ” , Mark V I mounting, w ith director 8,108 15 0 Socket pin “ C” 0 10 0
operating gear, b u t less sight. 8,403 15 0 Socket pin ......................................... “D ” 0 16 6
Do. Sight 295 0 0 Base socket “G” 1 0 0
Bulkhead s o c k e t... “H ” 1 0 0
2-pdr., “ M ” , Mark V II mounting, with director 4,880 0 0 Socket ... ... ... ... ' ... “K ” 1 0 0
operating gear, b u t less sight. 5,175 0 0 Combined clamping ring and shield carrier “L ” 0 7 6
Do. Sight 295 0 0 Pillar ..................................................... “M” 1 8 6
2-pdr., Mark V III, mounting 660 0 0 B racket ... ... ... ... ' ... “N ” 2 0 0
Do. Shield 35 0 0 695 0 0
Long pedestal an d adjustable pillar ... “R ” 2 7 0
2-pdr., sub-calibre, Mark IX , w ith torque tube 107 0 0 107 0 0 Short pedestal “S” 0 15 0
2-pdr., sub-calibre, Mark IX , w ithout torque tube 102 0 0 102 0 0 Double clamping r i n g ............................ “ XV 1 16 0
2-pdr., Mark X V I (ex-boat equipment) 950 0 0 950 0 0 Muzzle clip ... ... .:. “U ” 0 6 6
2-pdr., Mark X V I, local drive unit 160 0 0 160 0 0 Clamping ring “W ” 5 0 0
8427 124 125 3428
Nature of Mounting Value (C.E. 7096/43.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
£ 8. d.
4-in. tw in, Mark X IX ... 6,835 0 0 The arrangem ents for the use of Volunteer Car Pools on official business by
4-in. tw in, Mark X IX , sights ... 1,009 0 0 the A dm iralty staff will cease on the 30th June, 1945.
4-in. H.A., Mark I I I * * ............................ 2,373 0 0 2. P aragraphs 186 to 195 of A.F.O. 4846/44 are accordingly cancelled.
4-in. H .A., Mark III**, s i g h t s ................ 500 0 0
4-in., Mark X X II I 2,205 0 0 (A.F.O. 4846/44.)
4-in., Mark X X III, sights 215 0 0
12-pdr., Mark IX 892 0 0 (A.F.O. 2828/45 is cancelled.)
40 mm., Mark I I I , Bofors 640 0 0
20 mm., Mark V(c), tw in Oerlikon (powered) 1,712 0 0
2-pdr., M ark V II 12,380 0 0 3429.—National Health and Unemployment Insurance Yard Crait Employees and
2-pdr., Mark VTI*P 9,482 0 0 Skippers and Crews of Boom Defence Vessels
2-pdr., Mark V III 1,020 0 0
Twin Lewis 35 0 0 (C.E. 17189/44.—21 Ju n . 1945.)
Single Lewis 33 0 0 W ith effect from 2nd Ju ly, 1945, Foreign Service or Colonial Allowance and the
value of quarters on shore, should be excluded in calculating the value of rem unera­
TRAINING AND ELEVATION RECEIVERS tion for insurance purposes of yard craft employees (including ratings, e.g. stokers,
etc.) and skippers and crews of boom defence vessels (i.e. excluding leading riggers
Detailed Total and riggers) while serving abroad under agreem ent. In addition overtime earnings
Nature of P att value value should also be excluded unless paym ent of overtim e is a condition of employment.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
2. P aragraph 4 of Article 264A of Cash D uties Instructions—B.R.669—will
Elevation receivers (less motors), P attern s F.C.3, 18 0 0 18 0 0 accordingly be am ended as follows :—
“ In calculating the value of rem uneration for insurance purposes, account
Elevation receivers (less motors), P attern s V .E .l, 44 10 0 44 10 0 should be taken of all emoluments received in addition to wages, if any, in
V.E.3, V.E.4, V.E.6. respect of services rendered. Cash paym ents such as bonus and regular p ay ­
Elevation receivers (less motors), P attern s V.E.5, 54 5 0 54 5 0 m ents in respect o f allowances, etc., should be treated as rem uneration if the
V.E.7. expectation of such paym ents is reasonably assured. Foreign Service or Colonial
Allowance should not be regarded as rem uneration for insurance purposes,
Training receivers (less motors), 5, 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 23 10 0 23 10 0 neither should overtime unless the paym ent thereof is made as a condition of
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27. em ploym ent.”
Training repeat receivers (less motors) 22 5 0 22 5 0 (C.D .I. A.F.O . P255/44—Article 264A.)

Elevation receivers, less motors :—

Type “ C ” , Marks I, I* and I** 34 15 0 34 15 0
3430.—Timber—Very Short Supply
Type “ C ” , Marks I I and II* 37 0 0 37 0
Type “ C ” , Marks I I I and III* 53 10 0 53 10 0 (P. 5379/45.—21 J u n . 1945.)
Tÿpe “ C ” , Mark IV 40 0 0 40 0 0 The tim ber supply position is worse now th a n a t an y other tim e since the
Type “ D ” , Mark I 232 15 0 232 15 0 outbreak of war, an d there is no possibility of improvement for some m onths,
Type “ D ” , Mark I I 364 10 0 364 10 0 notw ithstanding th e cessation of hostilities in Europe.
Type “ D ” , Marks I I I and III* 209 15 0 209 15 0 2. Softwoods rem ain in exceedingly short supply, and the supply of plywood
Type “ E ” , Mark I 275 0 0 275 0 0 has now become equally difficult. Consequently the substitution of plywood for
softwood authorized in A.F.O. 4052/44 no longer assists the general tim ber supply
Training receivers, less motors :— position, and should be discontinued. Shortages of certain varieties of imported
Type “ C ” , Marks I, I* and I** 34 15 0 34 15 0 hardwoods are also expected.
Type “ C ” , Marks I I and II* 37 0 0 37 0 0
3. A determined effort m ust be made to further reduce consum ption especially
Type “ C ” , Marks i n and III* 53 10 0 53 10 0 of softwoods an d plywoods. Standards of inspection should, wherever possible, be
Typo “ C ” , Mark IV 40 0 0 40 0 0 relaxed and contractors persuaded to utilize existing stocks, where practicable,
Type “ D ”, Mark I 214 0 0 214 0 0 and to reduce stocks to a hand-to-m outh level before m aking application for “ new ”
194 0 timber.
Type “ D .” , Mark I* 194 15 0 15
Type “ D ”, Mark I I 338 5 0 338 5 0 4. The A dm iralty tim ber agents, Messrs. Denny, M ott & Dickson, L td., have
Type “ D ” , Mark IV 196 10 0 196 10 0 been instructed n o t to issue a Certificate to Purchase for an y specification of tim ber
to a contractor until he has shown th a t his stocks of such a specification are extremely
Motors, Vickers’ “ Step by Step ” type, for above 2 17 6 2 17 6 low, and th a t he possesses no suitable alternative.
receiver, other th a n types “ C ” and “ D ”.
5. Officers are requested to do all they can to the end th a t available timber
Motors, “ M ” type, Mark I I I , for receivers, types “ C ” Price as shown in current supplies are husbanded with care and economy.
and “ D R ate Book for N aval
Stores, O.U. 5409. 6. All im portant A dm iralty contractors are being asked to co-operate.
(A.F.O. 2695/44 is cancelled.) (A.F.O. 4052/44 is cancelled.)
3431 126 127
3431.—London to Paris Sea Rail Service—Arrangements for Civilian Passengers abroad in one or other of the four professional (Vote 8) departm ents specified in th e
order, irrespective of th e departm ent to which they m ay have belonged before
(C.E. 54537/45.—21 Ju n .' 1945.) transfer.
A London to Paris (Sea-Rail) service has now been in operation for several
m onths and the following are th e revised regulations for travel on this route. 2. A fter retu rn to th e U nited K ingdom , these agreem ent workmen will be
eligible for paym ent of th e ship repair allowance only if they then belong to one of
2. Applications for passages, in respect of A dm iralty civilian officers or th e four professional departm ents.
representatives of A dm iralty contractors proceeding on d u ty , should be m ade to
Civil Establishm ents, B ranch I, London. In order to ensure ready identification, 3. The decision is effective as from 18th May, 1945.
travellers should be correctly docum ented as follows :— (A.F.O. 5374/44.)
Civilian personnel directly employed under the Croum.— Should carry an
Allied E xpeditionary Force Perm it, which should be obtained in accordance 3433.—Scheduling oî Admiralty Establishments under Essential Work Order—
w ith the procedure^ laid down in C.A.F.O. 817/45 and are now required Necessity for following Correct Procedure
where possible to obtain a passport in addition, application for which should
be m ade through D .N .I. In th e event of urgent journeys where there is no (L. 4953/45.—21 Ju n . 1945)
tim e to obtain a passport, persons directly ettiployed under th e Crown should A case occurred recently in which considerable em barrassm ent was caused a t
carry a Green N ational R egistration Card w ith photograph or a D .R. Form 12 headquarters as the result of th e officer in charge of a n industrial establishm ent
in addition to th e Allied E xpeditionary Force Perm it. having applied directly to a local official of th e L abour Exchange to have his
Civilian travellers N O T in the service of the Crown must obtain a passport establishm ent scheduled under the Essential W ork (General Provisions) Order.
and exit perm it to enable them to leave th e country. In addition th ey m ust, 2. A ttention is draw n to the procedure in A.F.O. 771/44, which m ust be followed
of course, carry an Allied E xpeditionary Force P erm it obtainable in when it is proposed th a t an establishm ent be scheduled under th e Essential W ork
accordance w ith C.A.F.O. 817/45. In cases of extrem e urgency, if there is Order.
no tim e to obtain a passport and exit perm it, D .N .I. (Perm it Section (A.F.O. 771/44.)
telephone Abbey 1200, ext. 216 or 217) should be consulted. E ach application
which should be m ade well in advance of th e proposed d ate of visit, m ust be
in th e following form :—
(1) Full nam e o f passenger.
(2) N ationality.
(3) P resent private address and telephone num ber (if any).
(4) Official or business status.
(5) D ate on which passage is desired.
(6) U ltim ate destination.
(7) A pproxim ate d ate of retu rn to U nited Kingdom.
(8) Purpose of journey. In this connection it is essential th a t complete
inform ation should be furnished in order th a t th e passenger’s
relative priority m ay be assessed.
3. R eturn passages from Paris cannot be allocated in this country and passengers
should contact the Offices of B ritish M inistry of W ar T ransport, 11, Avenue de
Friedland, Paris 8.
4. The international free baggage allowance of 66 lbs. per ad u lt passenger
(44 lbs. for a child) will apply on this route. Excess baggage over an d above
th is free allowance will be charged a t th e ra te of 5s. 4d. per 22 lbs. covering
th e conveyance to Paris. The to ta l am ount of baggage th a t m ay be registered
will be limited to 200 lbs. In addition a registration fee of Is. 0d. per package
will be chargeable. Although th e baggage will be registered throughout to
destination, it will be necessary for passengers to clear th e baggage through
the Customs a t b o th Newhaven and Dieppe. In addition to th e free allowance
of 66 lbs. no charge will' be raised on baggage which can conveniently be placed
on th e luggage rack or under th e seat in com partm ents. Sim ilar arrangem ents
in respect of the luggage rack of civilian passengers travelling in th e Paris—London
direction are now in operation.
5. These arrangem ents do n o t affect th e existing procedure in regard to
passages for N aval Personnel.
(C.A.F.O. 817/45.)
(A.F.O. 1133/45 is cancelled.)

3432.—Ship Repair Allowance to Certain Agreement Workmen Serving at Dockyards

(L. 15033/44.—“21 Ju n . 1945.)
I t has been decided to extend th e scope of paym ent of th e ship repair allowance
referred to in A.F.O. 5374/44, to cover agreem ent workmen employed a t dockyards
(71646) W t. 8021/2273 19,800 6/45 Hw. G.338/10.

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