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Is religion necessary in promoting women empowerment?

In the past we could undoubtedly say

no, but as the world progresses and slowly becomes more liberal and accepting of gender
equality the major religions will have to adapt and we can say yes that religion is necessary in
promoting women empowerment and in fact it probably had been shown by religion such as
Christianity and Judaism while Islam is slowly getting there.

Although Religion surely has its fair share of shortcomings about gender equality, the power of
religion to tip over that power imbalance can be a huge factor in promoting women
empowerment. The Christians have become one of the most prominent forces in pushing for
women empowerment. The past cultures and traditions that often degrade women are slowly
being phased out and removed altogether and women of faith have created efforts to fight
against the undesired treatment against women. For example, women in Christianity before was
that they were not considered as equal to a man, but those ideas and beliefs are gone in this
day of age. In Sikhism they believe that men and women have the same soul therefore the
same rights and they also believe that A man cannot be happy or successful without a woman
supporting him and a woman can not be happy or successful without a man supporting her,

It is necessary for women to approach religion as a means of fighting back against their
oppressor, being against the whole idea of religion can be used as a talking point and a means
of hurting their credibility, still remaining religious while fighting for your rights as a religious and
devout believer of God. You can use that to protect yourself from accusation of being a heretic.
It is not religion or God that puts women down, but is our own misinterpretation of God’s words
and culture that are often reflected by our toxic beliefs.

The recent development in the Muslim world about women empowerment has been a sign that
even though religion can be seen as a tool to opress women it can also be a tool to fight those
who oppreses them, the same words that puts them down can be used to lift them up. The
Qur'an asserts that men and women have equal dignity. In the Qur'anic worldview, men's and
women's actions are worth the same in the presence of Allah. Mental virtues are valuable for
both men and women, and Allah appreciates them. Men and women both own what they earn.
This further proves the misinterpretation of holy books and how it can affect the lives of women
and men.

Religion can be a source of power for the women of our generations to use the same words and
wisdom of God that said "all humans are equal" and god forbid anyone says women aren't equal
to men. And I don't believe God would allow such horrible acts against God's own beautiful
creation. It's just that humans have become so sinful that even they twisted God's words and
used them for morally questionable action

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