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Boxer was more central to maintaining

the tyrannical rule of Napoleon than was


. Clover warned him sometimes to be careful not to overstrain himself, but Boxer would never
listen to her. His two slogans, "I will work harder" and "Napoleon is always right," seemed to him
a sufficient answer to all problems.

For a long time the quarry5 was full of snowdrifts and nothing could be done. Some progress was
made in the dry frosty weather that followed, but it was cruel work, and the animals could not
feel so hopeful about it as they had felt before. They were always cold, and usually hungry as
well. Only Boxer6 and Clover never lost heart. Squealer7 made excellent speeches on the joy of
service and the dignity of labour, but the other animals found more inspiration in Boxer's
strength and his never-failing cry of "I will work harder!"

For some time nobody spoke73. Only Boxer remained on his feet. He fidgeted to and fro,
swishing his long black tail against his sides and occasionally uttering a little whinny of surprise.
Finally he said:
"I do not understand it. I would not have believed that such things could happen on our farm. It
must be due to some fault in ourselves. The solution, as I see it, is to work harder. From now
onwards I shall get up a full hour earlier in the mornings."

As they approached the farm Squealer, who had unaccountably been absent during the fighting,
came skipping towards them, whisking his tail and beaming with satisfaction. And the animals
heard, from the direction of the farm buildings, the solemn booming of a gun.
"What victory?" said Boxer. His knees were bleeding, he had lost a shoe and split his hoof65, and
a dozen pellets had lodged72 themselves in his hind73 leg.

Nothing could have been achieved without Boxer14, whose strength seemed equal to that of all
the rest of the animals put together. When the boulder began to slip and the animals cried out in
despair at finding themselves dragged down the hill, it was always Boxer who strained himself
against the rope and brought the boulder to a stop. To see him toiling15 up the slope inch by
inch, his breath coming fast, the tips of his hoofs16 clawing at the ground, and his great sides
matted with sweat, filled everyone with admiration17. Clover warned him sometimes to be
careful not to overstrain himself, but Boxer would never listen to her. His two slogans, "I will
work harder" and "Napoleon is always right," seemed to him a sufficient answer to all problems.
For a long time the quarry5 was full of snowdrifts and nothing could be done. Some progress was
made in the dry frosty weather that followed, but it was cruel work, and the animals could not feel
so hopeful about it as they had felt before. They were always cold, and usually hungry as well.
Only Boxer6 and Clover never lost heart. Squealer7 made excellent speeches on the joy of service
and the dignity of labour, but the other animals found more inspiration in Boxer's strength and his
never-failing cry of "I will work harder!"

Sub argument
First boxer did all that Napoleon required to do, and as the strongest animal in the farm, the
boxer could provide substantial help to other animals in many ways. Napoleon proposed building
a windmill. His hard work was to give Napoleon the best support and infect other animals and
lead them to build together. In many defensive battles, Boxer was brave and led other animals in
resistance, greatly improving the morale of the animals and made a great contribution to the
final victory. However, as a close supporter of Napoleon, Squealer hid many times.He didn't want
to hurt or die.As a pig, He has his own ideas , and helping Napoleon more for his own benefit
than for his heartfelt support.The boxer is a horse, so he is not smart and would not consider
whether Napoleon's policies were good to him. He thought Napoleonis always right at the
beginning of this book, even if he doubted Napoleon for a moment, but he immediately denied
the idea. And because boxers has the same status and close to other animals, boxers are more
likely to get their trust than squealer.Slowly some animals began to doubt what squealer said,
and his propaganda skills began to fade away .For example, when building the windmill, the other
animals were already tired and wanted to give up, even though squealer use different kinds of
propaganda techniques as usual, but boxer's words are more effective, to really bring them back
together. The boxer was more capable of protecting the land, and the integrity and security of
the farm was the foundation of Napoleon's rule. Boxer quietly made a great contribution to the
farm and Napoleon.Squealer could only ideologically maintain Napoleon's dominion, lacking in
practical effect.In history, boxer represents a loyal supporter of revolutionary theory.Squealer Is
the most famous man around Stalin, Morotov.Molotov is almost a perfect example of
transitioning from a revolutionary to a bureaucrat
Polish Trotskyist historian Isaac Doitsch believes that "Molotov, on the other hand, lacks
distinctive features and stands in stark contrast to Dzerzhinsky. Later, he became Stalin's main
assistant under his command. Even during this period, his narrowness and sluggishness became a
joke in the Bolshevik community. He seems to lack any political talent and creativity. At the party
congress, he usually appears as a second-rate or third-rate speaker to speak, and his speeches are
always so dull and boring. He is a descendant of an intellectual family and a relative of the great
composer Scriabin. But he doesn't seem like an intellectual at all, but a person with no
independent opinions. He was not completely devoid of a flicker - a flicker that once shone briefly
in 1917- but now it has completely extinguished.
鲜明的对照。他不到 30 岁时就已在领导集团中占据高位了:当斯大林成为总书记之前,他
闪光曾在 1917 年闪耀过一阵—可现在已完全熄灭了。
Molotov is almost a perfect example of transitioning from a revolutionary to a bureaucrat;

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