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A Lesson Design in English 5

Ms. Cheryl S. Basubas December 3, 2020

Mentee Date

Mr. Jiffy Rosano Cabarse Grade 5-Augusto / 2:10-3:00 pm

Mentor Class & Time

I. Intended Learning Outcomes

Within the period, the grade 5 students with 80% accuracy are expected to:
a. identify the words used in making generalizations on the given story;
b. share the importance of following directions in daily life experiences; and
c. write their generalizations to the given situations.

II. Subject Matter

Topic/s: Ultimate Clubhouse Sandwich; and The Mermaid
MELC/s: Engage in a variety of ways to share information (e.g. role playing,) reporting,
summarizing, retelling and show and tell EN3OL-IIIb-i-1.2
Reference: Read to Lead 5 by Sharel S.Legaspi, pages
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation

III. Procedure
● The teacher will ask the students, “Since this month is December, we are expecting of
giving and receiving gifts. What was the best gift that you have given to your parents or
friends? Have you tried preparing food for the family? What food did you cook?
● The teacher will now introduce the article “Ultimate Clubhouse Sandwich”. The students
will open their Read to Lead book and open to pages 197-168.

● The teacher will now ask the following questions:
1. Why is there a need to specify the amount or quantity of the ingredients?
2. How are ingredients listed? What comes first, amount or the ingredients?
3. How is the procedure being presented?
4. Do we really need to follow the procedure strictly? Why?
5. What do you notice with the beginning of every word in the sentences? Is it effective in
giving directions?
● The teacher will now introduce the lessons Following Directions; and Making
Generalization from the Story/Article.

● The teacher will post a video in the Google Classroom discussing about the lessons
Following Directions; and Making Generalization from the Story/Article.

● A. Get your Read to Lead book and read the story entitled “A Mermaid” found in pages
174-175. Let’s find out or cite the words used in story upon making generalizations.

1. What were the words used in the story upon making generalizations? Cite examples.

● How is it important to follow directions in our daily life experiences?

IV. Evaluation
● A. Prepare your own recipe. Think of a food that you wish to cook. You may want to have
a different procedure on how it will be prepared and cooked. List down your ingredients
and write your procedure below. Can be found in page 170. (10 pts.)


● B. On the space provided, write a generalization for each of the following sets of
statement. Can be found in pages 177-178. (2 points)

1. When the typhoon Ondoy hit the Philippines, many people lost their lives. Metro Manila
was flooded. The worst hit was Pasig City and Rizal Province. It took more than a month
before the capital of the country recovered.

2. The monkey eating eagle is but one of the disappearing animals in the Philippines.
In total, there are only a couple of hundreds left in the country. That the number includes
the eagles in captivity.
The primary cause of the decline of the species is overhunting and the destruction of their
habitat through illegal logging.

V. Assignment
Read and study the topics we have discussed last week and today, including the topics
on Wednesday because we will have your Summative test next Thursday, December 10,
2020. Just keep posted in our Google Classroom for the coverage of the Summative

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