UNIT 3-ON SCREEN (Practice)

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FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN (PRACTICE) Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.


Unit 3: ON SCREEN (Practice)

EXERCISE 1: VOCABULARY BUILDING – Find the antonyms of the following adjectives by using
negative prefixes: un-, in-, im-, ir-, il- and dis-

1) Certain 2) Possible

3) Honest 4) Feasible

5) Relevant 6) Moral

7) Legible 8) Productive

9) Likely 10) Tolerant

11) Satisfied 12) Responsible

13) Dependent 14) Adequate

15) Explicable 16) Logical

17) Precise 18) Practical

19) Surprising 20) Tidy

21) Patient 22) Occupied

23) Normal 24) Realistic

25) Perfect 26) Regular

27) Visible 28) Accessible

29) Fair 30) Common

31) Legal 32) Wise

33) Economical 34) Mobile

35) Expensive 36) Able

37) Loyal 38) expensive

39) Convenient 40) Comfortable

EXERCISE 2: PHONOLOGY – Indicate the word whose underlined parts differ from the other three in
1) A. principal B. optimal C. rural D. salmon
2) A. season B. soap C. persuade D. scary
3) A. boring B. odour C. offshore D. moreover
4) A. trespass B. surprising C. confusing D. pleasing
5) A. anthem B. breathless C. although D. thrilling
6) A. assume B. presume C. summarize D. consume
EXERCISE 3: PHONOLOGY – Indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress.
1) A. dimension B. responsible C. piracy D. effective
2) A. anxious B. antique C. anticipate D. analysis
3) A. guitar B. employment C. detective D. legible
4) A. conflict B. concerning C. concentrate D. conference
5) A. violence B. violation C. vibrant D. victim
6) A. benefit B. strategic C. computer D. anxiety

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN (PRACTICE) Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

EXERCISE 4: USE OF ENGLISH – Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences
1) The play last week was two-hour long but there were three ________.
A. breaks B. intervals C. rests D. recess
2) At the movie theatre, I would prefer not to sit too near the ________.
A. film B. stage C. screen D. box office
3) The best ________ in the film, I think, is when Simba comes back and takes over his kingdom.
A. scene B. place C. stage D. act
4) This law governs the publication of novels, short stories, essays and film ________.
A. pieces B. biography C. signatures D. scripts
5) Leonard Maltin was the only ________ who wrote in praise of that movie.
A. critic B. director C. sculptor D. conductor
6) Actually, I haven’t seen ________ of those films, so I don’t mind which one we go to.
A. no B. any C. either D. neither
7) You’ll ________ ask your parents first if you want to see that movie.
A. should B. must C. had to D. have to
8) Hachi: A Dog’s Tale ________ Richard Gere and Joan Allen.
A. acts B. plays C. stars D. contains
9) The new series is praised for its acting and the ________.
A. dressing B. outfits C. attire D. costumes
10) We long to watch the new film by that French ________.
A. critic B. director C. announcer D. playwright
11) Despite our high expectations, we both found it a very ________ film I’m afraid.
A. dull B. popular C. readable D. modern
12) I never read film ________ since I do not trust the critics’ opinions.
A. reviews B. criticism C. articles D. investigations
13) Let’s eat before we go. We ________ take food into the auditorium.
A. cannot B. may not C. needn’t D. don’t need to
14) The audience enjoyed the performance so much that they ________ for fifteen minutes.
A. screamed B. handed C. applauded D. booed
15) According to a recent survey, the average British ________ watches television for about 12 hours a week.
A. audience B. viewer C. observer D. spectator
16) Please note that the next program is ________ for children of all ages.
A. unusual B. unmistakable C. unreasonable D. unsuitable
17) All members of the ________ held a party after the play was over.
A. scene B. circle C. cast D. drama
18) A lot of people used to enjoy watching soap ________ on television.
A. operas B. rehearsals C. scripts D. documentaries
19) Michelle became ________ that her script was going to win the award.
A. condemned B. contained C. contended D. convinced
20) His ________ stories are famous for their elements of poetry and rhythms.
A. imaginative B. embarrassing C. confusing D. dull
21) We ________ pay for the tickets yesterday as Justin won them in a competition.
A. mustn’t B. didn’t have to C. couldn't D. hadn’t to
22) Nguyen Nhat Anh has ________ an enormous influence on Vietnamese children’s literature.
A. given B. done C. had D. set
23) Last year’s exhibition was fantastic, but the entrance ________ was not so reasonable.
A. charge B. fee C. charge D. cost
24) Everyone ________ present a valid personal ID because it will be required to enter this theatre.
A. need B. must C. should D. might
25) Over the last 10 years, ________ has been done to protect the copyright of books.
A. a little B. few C. many D. much

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN (PRACTICE) Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

EXERCISE 5: PREPOSITIONS – Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable preposition.

1) Jurassic World is expected to come out ______ DVDs by the end of next year.
2) In the last scene, all the actors and actresses are ______ stage together.
3) I’m not very keen ______ classical music. I prefer pop.
4) I saw this film ______ the first time when I was on holiday in Singapore.
5) A survey shows that spending on cinema-going has increased ______ ten per cent.
6) There’s has been an 8% increase ______ house prices over the past year.
7) Is there anything good ______ Disney Channel this evening?
8) It’s important that the actors come _______ the scene at the right time.
EXERCISE 6: QUANTIFIERS – Choose the most suitable word
1) There’s not _____ sunshine in the forecast for this week and ______ areas will see more rain than usual.
A. many / much B. much / many C. many / many D. much / much
2) We had very ________ problems living here until our car was stolen ________ days ago.
A. few / few B. a few / a few C. a few / few D. few / a few
3) If you have ________ at the end of the exam, do not forget to check your answer.
A. a few B. few C. little D. a little
4) I used to drink ________ of coffee when I studied for this exam.
A. a great number B. a lot of C. a few D. many
5) He supposes now he’s 43, he has ________ hope of becoming an actor.
A. little B. few C. a few D. a little
6) I’ve been trying to eat ________ snacks and less junk food as part of my diet.
A. less B. lesser C. fewer D. more of
7) How ________ your time is devoted to going to the cinema? – Not ________ it, I’m afraid.
A. much of / much of B. many of / many of
C. much / much D. many / many
8) There may still be ______ red squirrels in the forests of Scotland, but there aren’t ______ left in England.
A. some / some B. a few / some C. some / any D. much / any
9) Not ________ students nowadays have the nerve to stand up and speak in front of a large audience.
A. much B. many C. a few D. few
10) I’d like to spend ________ of my time in meetings.
A. less B. few C. many D. the little
11) ________ the new professors have already arrived. Have you met any of them yet?
A. A lot of B. Many C. A few D. Some of
12) Pubs are important in the social life of ________ British people.
A. much B. many of C. many D. much of
13) ________ of the information you asked for can be found on our web site.
A. Either B. Many C. Some D. A few
14) It will be a dry sunny over ________ of Britain.
A. many B. much C. some D. few
15) People still use butter in cooking, but ________ say they don’t use as ________ as before.
A. much / many B. many / many C. many / much D. much / much
EXERCISE 7: GUIDED CLOZE – Choose the correct answer to complete the following passages

When the (1) ________ at a football match all cheer at the same time or the members of the (2) ________ all
laugh together at something in a film, they are having a very different experience from the person (3) ________ a
video on their own. The (4) ________ of a TV programme are isolated from each other and can’t react together to
what they (5) ________.

1) A. onlookers B. viewers C. witnesses D. spectators

2) A. mob B. crowd C. audience D. group
3) A. glimpsing B. noticing C. watching D. inspecting

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN (PRACTICE) Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

4) A. onlookers B. spectators C. seers D. viewers

5) A. see B. search C. witness D. glimpse

I saw a great film about a woman who is a (1) ________ to a murder. She’s driving home one day when she
catches (2) ________ of two men fighting in the street. She (3) ________ a gun in the hands of one of the men
before they suddenly disappear around a corner. She hears the shot and one of the men runs out, (4) ________
at her for a moment, and then runs away. She (5) ________ which way he goes and she follows him. It’s really

1) A. spectator B. watcher C. witness D. viewer

2) A. view B. sight C. glance D. vision
3) A. inspects B. glances C. stares D. glimpses
4) A. glances B. glimpse C. observes D. watches
5) A. views B. notices C. searches D. examines
EXERCISE 8: GUIDED CLOZE – Choose the correct answer to complete the following dialogue
Roosevelt, 6 June – The premiere of Barbara Kopple’s documentary Running From Crazy was held last week at the
Roosevelt County Theatre. Many members of the press were among the audience to see the latest film by this (1)
________ director.
Ms. Kopple formerly worked (2) ________ an assistant at Hopkins Mental Health Clinic in Baltimore. Running From
Crazy is based (3) ________ her own observations there, and critics are giving it high marks for its (4) ________.
The film details the torture of a middle-aged writer who suffers (5) ________ severe amnesia, (6) ________
gradually takes over her life while she struggles (7) ________ a hold of her past and precious memories.
The movie open in theatres in selected cities this month. (8) ________

1) A. controversial B. renowned C. productive D. impressed

2) A. by B. about C. as D. into
3) A. in B. into C. with D. on
4) A. realism B. contribution C. creativity D. simplicity
5) A. with B. by C. about D. from
6) A. it B. so C. that D. which
7) A. to getting B. gets C. to get D. getting
8) A. During the shooting of the film, she visited clinics across the country.
B. In addition, it is important for local residents to view it before then.
C. However, it is scheduled to be shown in over 300 theatres by August.
D. Accordingly, it has a chance to win the best feature film award this year.
EXERCISE 9: WORD FORMATION – Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the brackets.
1) I’d like to complain about your assistant, who was both rude and _______________. (HELP)
2) The secretary of the office pastes a _______________ on the wall. (BULLET)
3) There was some _______________ (AGREE) about who should be captain and it took quite a while to reach
a _______________ (DECIDE).
4) The children were playing _______________ and I couldn’t think straight. (NOISE)
5) People watched in _______________ as the helicopter crashed into the nearby TV mast. (HORRIBLE)
6) This remote island is _______________ only by snakes. (HABIT)
7) You should always take special care with your _______________ when you go for an interview (APPEAR).
8) Derek is _______________. You can never trust him to arrive on time for anything. (RELY)
9) The _______________ offers an insight into the everyday lives of ordinary Russian citizens. (DOCUMENT)
10) Failure to reach an _______________ will result in a strike. (AGREE)
11) _______________, she had forgotten her keys again. (TYPE)
12) The Shining is probably the most _______________ film I’ve ever seen. (FRIGHT)
13) Bees are not _______________ aggressive and will sting only when threatened. (NATURE)
14) They held a _______________ firework display to mark the new millennium. (SPECTACLE)
15) Be _______________! You can't expect a big salary at the age of eighteen. (REAL)

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN (PRACTICE) Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

16) Johnny Depp is not one of my favourite actors but he gave a _______________ good performance in this
film. (SURPRISE)
17) I am trying _______________ Shoreline Drive on the map, but I can’t find it. (LOCAL)
18) This evening we're debating the issue of the _______________ of soft drugs. (LEGALIZE)
19) President Obama is expected to formally announce the _______________ today. (PROPOSE)
20) Women often feel men are too direct and not _______________ enough. (SYMPATHIZE)
21) Further work is in _______________ to clarify this problem. (PROGRESSIVE)
22) Travelers can move through the country without _______________. (HINDER)
23) I think it’s an _______________ building; it’s far too big and it ruins the character of the area. (ATTRACT)
24) My mother is an avid reader of _______________ novels. (HISTORY)
25) When I was at school, history lessons were really boring; the teacher was so dull and _______________.
26) The actress spoke _______________ about the height of her career. (PASSION)
27) French police are _______________ that she was tortured and killed. (CONVINCE)
28) Make sure not to make any _______________ in your report or your score will be deducted. (TYPE)
29) The first English patent for a _______________ was issued in 1714. (TYPE)
30) I didn’t really enjoy the film. The special effects were OK but the plot was rather dull and _______________.
31) There's concrete evidence of a link between _______________ and some forms of cancer. (OBESE)
32) The boss sponsored _______________ and social activities for the benefit of his workers. (RECREATION)
33) Nowadays, the process of money _______________ is taking place within the banking system. (CREATE)
34) The new tax system gives a _______________ impact to the many workers. (DEPRESS)
35) The frog’s _______________ habitat is the Amazonian jungle with a high temperature and humidity.
36) I was _______________ that my exam result was better than average. (CONVINCE)
37) You must not take this attitude as _______________ of English people. (TYPE)
38) You look a little _______________. Don’t you understand what you have to do in this exercise? (CONFUSE)
39) My father has had _______________ problems with this car ever since he bought it. (CONTINUE)
40) Professor Heo teaches a course in conflict _______________ this semester. (RESOLVE)
41) The Sun is such a star, creating enough warmth to make a planet like Earth _______________. (HABIT)
42) In some countries, it is _______________ to sell cigarettes to children who are under 18 years old. (LEGAL)
43) Another team of scientists has come up with _______________ evidence. (CONFLICT)
44) DBF also manages _______________ to a file system instead of a database. (LOAD)
45) Vitamin K is routinely given in the first week of life to prevent _______________. (BLOOD)
46) The potatoes are _______________; you should have boiled them for a bit longer. (COOK)
47) Are you always as _______________ as this when you don't get what you want? (AGREE)
48) The government has announced its plans to _______________ parts of the health service. (PRIVATE)
49) _______________ means avoiding both external physical violence and internal violence of spirit. (VIOLENT)
50) He claimed he had won the lottery, but most people who know him suspected he had obtained the money
_______________. (HONEST)

EXERCISE 10: WORD FORMATION - Complete the following passage by filling in the blanks with the
correct form of the words in the brackets.

Despite the (1) (SUGGEST) _______________ by many critics that reality TV would be a very short-lived
phenomenon, it is still increasing in (2) (POPULAR) _______________. Several reality shows are (3)
(CURRENT) _______________ watched by millions of viewers each night, and it’s clearly a form of (4)
(ENTERTAIN) _______________ that’s here to stay. Indeed, a number of people have become (5) (FAME)
_______________ because of their (6) (INVOLVE) _______________ in reality TV shows, and have gone on to
have successful careers as singers, (7) (ACT) _______________ or TV presenters. We can watch with (8)
(EXCITE) _______________ each night the “goings-on” in the house (or jungle, or bar, or school of arts). The
FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN (PRACTICE) Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

(9) (CONVERSE) _______________ between the contestants are interesting so we don’t get (10) (BORE)
_______________, and there are frequently (11) (VARY) _______________ conflicts, which provide further
(12) (AMUSE) _______________. If the contestants have to give some kind of (13) (PERFORM)
_______________ at the end of the week, that’s even more appealing. But there’s a (14) (SAY)
_______________ in the TV industry: “It’s all in the editing” and this is especially true of reality TV shows.

EXERCISE 11: READING COMPREHENSION - Read the following passage and answer the question


When thinking of music in the UK, the first name that comes to mind is the Beatles and Liverpool was where
the members of the group were born. The River Mersey passes through the city and their genre of music,
which is a mixture of pop and rock, is called the “Merseybeat”.
Recently, Liverpool was nominated as the World Capital City of Pop. The musicians of Liverpool have produced
56 number-one hits in the UK, more than any other city in the world. As well as the Fab Four, the city also gave
us Gerry and the Peacemakers, and Billy Fury.
Not only pop and rock, Liverpool also boasts the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Britain’s longest surviving
orchestra. The Liverpool International Music Festival takes place every summer in Sefton Park. It is Europe’s
biggest free music event and attracts local talent as well as musicians from far and wide.
Africa Oye, a huge musical event held in Liverpool, is the largest festival of African music in the UK. It’s free
and around 50,000 people attend each time. So, Liverpool is not only about John, Paul, George and Ringo, but
also has a lively music scene involving many other musicians and music genres.
Outside of Liverpool there are other cities in the UK where you can find a large and vibrant music scene. One
such is Manchester where the music scene is so lively that it is known as “Madchester” by the music media. And
of course, London is the magnet for musicians from all over the UK.

1) When we think of pop/rock music, we think of the Beatles because

A. they were born in Liverpool.
B. they became so famous everywhere.
C. they received many world-famous awards.
D. their music was better than any other.
2) Where does the name Merseyside come from?
A. A big river B. A huge hill C. A holy church D. A sweet fruit
3) Why has Liverpool been nominated as the World Capital of Pop?
A. Because many tourists came to the city every summer.
B. Because so many musicians were born there.
C. Because lots of songs written there became hits.
D. Because the city has hosted many music festivals.
4) In Liverpool, pop and rock music…
A. used to be loved by young generations.
B. have limited other genres of music played there.
C. showed that other types of music were outdated.
D. is not the only kind of music performed there.
5) The Liverpool International Music Festival…
A. has no entrance fee.
B. does not welcome local bands.
C. is the largest event in the world.
D. used to be held during the holiday season.
6) Africa Oye is a musical event that is
A. for African residents only.
B. very popular with thousands of visitors.
FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN (PRACTICE) Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

C. designed to honour the Beatles.

D. held in South Africa.
7) Manchester is called with “Madchester” mainly because
A. the music scene there is very lively.
B. the musicians who play there are crazy.
C. the music events there get dangerous.
D. there is serious crime there.
EXERCISE 12: READING COMPREHENSION - Read the following passage and answer the question

Watching TV is a very popular pastime in the UK. But what kind of programmes do British people like to watch?
Well, the most-watched TV programmes every week are very popular dramas that are usually on at least four
times every week. They are dramas based in one neighbourhood that try to depict ordinary life in the UK - we
call these dramas ‘soap operas’ or ‘soaps’.
In the early days of TV, there were often dramas on during the day. Back in those days, it was traditional for
the husband to go out to work and for the wife to stay at home and look after the house and the children. Most
of these daytime dramas were aimed at entertaining the housewives who would traditionally be at home,
probably doing the washing. Companies selling washing powder would advertise their products at times when
these dramas were on, and sometimes those companies would even sponsor the drama. Hence the word ‘soap’.
So, what about the word opera? Well, that’s because these dramas are often an exaggeration of real life.
They are supposed to represent ordinary lives but, to make them entertaining, lots of dramatic events, like
murders, divorces, affairs etc., all happen probably much more regularly than they would in a normal
Most soap operas these days are shown in the evening. Each show will have several different storylines
happening at once that continue over several shows. The same cast members will appear in every show, too.
There are lots of different soaps on in the UK on different channels but there are three main popular ones.
‘Coronation Street’ has been on since 1960. It is set in a suburb of Manchester and it’s supposed to represent
working class life in the north of England. Then there’s ‘Eastenders’ which started in 1985, set in the East End
of London, and ‘Emmerdale’, which is set on a farm in Yorkshire, in the north of England.

A – Decide whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.

1) People don’t like to watch TV in the UK.
2) The word ‘soap’ in ‘soap opera’ refers to washing powder used by housewives to do the washing.
3) The word ‘opera’ in ‘soap opera’ refers to the classical singing you hear in the dramas.
4) Soap operas have lots of continuing storylines happening over a few shows.
5) Coronation Street has been on British TV since 1985.
B – Choose the correct answer
1) What type of programmes do British people prefer to watch?
A. soap operas B. action film C. reality show D. chat show
2) Why did sponsors advertise soap on TV during the mornings?
A. because the advertising cost was much lower.
B. because these soaps are only used in the mornings.
C. because they could draw the attention of more women.
D. because the law did not allow them to advertise soap after midday.
3) Which of the following is NOT among the most popular soap operas in British television?
A. Coronation Street B. Eastenders C. Emmerdale D. Manchester
4) Which of the following is TRUE about soap operas these days?
A. Different actors and actresses appear in each of the shows.
B. Most of them are shown in the evening.

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN (PRACTICE) Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

C. The same plot is included in each that continues over a number of shows.
D. The shows are not suitable for viewers under 18.
5) The underlined word “exaggeration” in the 3rd paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. reflection B. development C. overstatement D. creativity
EXERCISE 13: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION – Complete the second sentence by using the word given
in the brackets, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1) It looks certain that the orchestra’s instruments are arriving on a later plane. (MUST)
 The orchestra’s instruments _________________________ on a later plane.
2) There are aren’t any more Guardian newspaper left, I’m afraid. (RUN)
 I’m afraid we _________________________ Guardian newspaper.
3) How about going the theatre tonight? (LIKE)
 Would you _________________________ the theatre tonight?
4) They held the ceremony at a concert hall in London. (TOOK)
 The ceremony _________________________ in London.
5) I have a lot of respect for journalists who put themselves in danger. (LOOK)
 I really _________________________ who put themselves in danger.
6) Only a few people applied for the job of production designer. (MANY)
 There weren’t _________________________ the job of production designer.
7) I suggest that you invite Tony to come to the premiere. (LET)
 Why _________________________ to the premiere?
8) The film camera was invented by an American. (WHO)
 It _________________________ the film camera.
9) I don’t like you spending so much time on watching period dramas. (WISH)
 I wish you _________________________ on watching period dramas.
10) Have you ever discovered a writer called Jack Common? (ACROSS)
 Have you ever _________________________ called Jack Common?
11) There were a lot of cars on the road to Manchester. (TRAFFIC)
 There was _________________________ on the road to Manchester.
12) I kept looking for my missing watch, but I knew it was no use. (EVEN)
 I kept looking for my missing watch _________________________ it was no use.
13) It wasn’t necessary for me to go out after all. (HAVE)
 I _________________________ out after all.
14) I am sure that the cat is in the house somewhere. (BE)
 The cat _________________________ somewhere.
15) Is it all right if you book the cinema tickets? (MIND)
 Do _________________________ the cinema tickets?
16) The chemistry teacher made me clean all the test tubes. (MADE)
 I was _________________________ all the test tubes by the chemistry teacher.
17) It was such an interesting book that I stayed up all night to finish it. (SO)
 I was _________________________ that I stayed up all night to finish it.
18) Eleanor is clearly proud of her achievements. (PRIDE)
 Eleanor _________________________ her achievements.
19) I enjoyed myself so much that I didn’t want to come home. (GOOD)
 I _________________________ time that I didn’t want to come home.
20) I don’t think you should stay up late watching television. (BETTER)
 You _________________________ up late to watching television.

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