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Training Report

on Disability Mainstreaming Training (Free State)

1. Period: 27 – 30 August 2013

2. Participants (including National DSD officials and Facilitators):

Number of Total
Participants (Actual)
Participants Participation
Provincial & Regional/District DSD officials 54 129
Disability Sector 8 29
Local Municipality 2 2
Other Departments 3 10
Other Countries 4 15
Facilitators 2 8
Organizers (DSD National / JICA) 5 12
PA / Sign Language Interpreter / Other 7 17
Total 85 222

3. Evaluation:

Average level of understanding for 8 topics BEFORE the training: 2.82

Average level of understanding for 8 topics AFTER the training: 4.46

Please rate the following statements using a 1 through 5 scale where:

1 = Disagree Strongly 5 = Agree Strongly
1 I understand disability mainstreaming. 4.69
2 The presentation met my professional needs. 4.28
3 The facilitator(s) actively involved me in the learning process. 4.55
4 I can explain disability mainstreaming to others people. 4.62
5 I can apply the lessons learned in my practice/service setting. 4.45


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