ULO 2 Assignment

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Name: Khing Harold E.

Asentos ULO 2 Assignment

Course Title & Code: CEE112 (3529)
ULO 2 Assignment:
A. Rate your understanding. The activity below will test your vocabulary on some terms
you are going to deal with in this lesson. In the provided table, you are about to assess
your knowledge on the following terms and determine them whether you can fully
explain it, you can partially discuss it, you heard it before, or it's entirely new for you.
Mark (x) your answer.
I can fully I can partially I heard it It’s completely
explain it discuss it before new to me
1. Chemical
2. Physical
3. Biological
4. Ergonomic
5. Confined
Space Hazard


As a safety engineer or the in charge of the power generation under the technical support
department of a company, apply the concept of industrial hygiene by answering the
1. Anticipate. What are the activities being done inside the power generating room, and
the classification of hazards (Chemical hazard, Physical Hazard, Biological Hazard,
Ergonomic Hazard, Confined Space, Air and Water Quality) present in the facility? List
as many activities and hazards as you can.
Chemical Hazard
• Explosions caused by flammable materials placed in the power generating room
• Ethylene, benzene, and other hydrocarbons created by electrical burn are
chemicals emitted during an electrical fire.

Physical Hazard
• Inappropriate handling of machine and equipment
• Electrocution
• Explosion brought on by improper electrical equipment
• Harm caused by contact with malfunctioning electrical equipment
• Dangerous installation
• Faulty equipment
Biological Hazard
• Airborne Contaminants
• Pests and Insects deceases
Ergonomic Hazard
• Incorrect technique for using a ladder to fix electrical wires
• Sprains caused by wire installation
• Strains from lifting something heavy with incorrect posture
Confined Spaces
• Fires occur because confined spaces can quickly fill with smoke
• Lack of oxygen could be caused by materials stored in a small area
Air and Water Quality
• It is not permitted to use water within electrical rooms since doing so significantly
increases the risk of electrocution, particularly if the equipment has damaged
• Toxic vapors released by electrical insulation that is burning
2. Recognize. Specifically, what are these particular hazards and the effects on the health
of exposed employees working in the power generation room? Also, Explain how you
arrive with the list of hazards and its effects.
While working in the power generation room, workers frequently run into all of the
risks mentioned above. Employees who are exposed may experience a variety of health
impacts, including cancer, immune system deterioration, allergy or asthma development,
etc. Physical risks can have negative health effects such as pain, injury, and accidents
from electrocution, falls, stumbling, and burning. Some potential health effects of
biological hazards exposed in airborne pollution include skin irritation, respiratory
infections, and allergy to infections (e.g., tuberculosis). On the other hand, ergonomic
injuries damage the bones and muscles, leading to muscle strain and tiredness. In
addition to the risks posed by water and poor air quality in confined spaces, toxic gases
can also enter the space and result in suffocation, drowning, burning, and other damages.
3. Evaluate. List down the environmental factors and explain why it affects the health of
the workers. Include the standards applicable to monitor their health and explain why.
Chemical pollution, air pollution, disease-causing germs, a lack of access to health
care, inadequate infrastructure, and poor water quality are the eight environmental
elements that have an impact on worker health. The health and productivity of workers
are significantly impacted by these environmental conditions. People without access to
healthcare are more likely to live in polluted areas and have unsafe drinking water, both
of which can have a negative impact on their health. Chemical and air pollution can also
lead to cancer and respiratory illnesses. This is related to climate change, which is a result
of our continued disregard for the environment. Because of the presence of chemicals for
a variety of reasons, indoor air can also be dangerous. One of the requirements that apply
to monitoring employees' health at work is monitoring in the workplace and implementing
safety and health recommendations. To monitor everyone's health, the employer should
make it regular procedure for all employees to get annual physicals. Employees and the
business as a whole benefit from it since it fosters a positive work atmosphere that results
in excellent output.
4. Control. Overall. What control measures do you suggest to address the hazards? And
There are a number of risk management techniques we may employ to deal with
workplace risks, but in my opinion, the best risk management strategy is to eliminate any
potential hazards as soon as we become aware of them. It should be carried out
whenever practical because it is the best way to handle any hazard.
C. Show your idea with your last assignment, which of the following hazards that need
the use of PPE to mitigate or prevent it from occurring. Input your answers using the
format below.
PPEs, you
Activity Major Hazard propose to Why?
- cutting your
hand when
For the safety
slicing - Apron
of the people
ingredients - Foot wear
Injuries and and for a
1. Cooking - Touching with anti-slip
burns clean and
Hot pot or any - hairnets
healthy food
tools - signage
to serve.
- Falls, or
-Touch To prevent a
exposed direct contact
2.Fixing Electrical - Eye
Electrocutions electrical wire of our skin
Wires protection
- Overloaded from electric
circuits wires
Bump caps
- Falling from
high places To prevent
- Hard hat
3. Working in - caught any injuries
Injuries and - Protective
the between from falling
Accidents gloves
Construction things objects, and
- Metal shoes
-hit from other things.
falling objects

D. Research.
What is the personal protective equipment that is commonly used in electrical works?
Provide the type of PPEs, description, picture, proper use and maintenance, and the
hazards it controls. Present them in tabular form.

Proper use
Type of Hazard it
Description Picture and
PPEs control
Intended to
are hard but use when
lightweight, there is
and fully significant risk It provides a
adjustable so of impact protective
that they fit between the shield,
1. Hard Hat
comfortably head and helping to
on the stationary prevent injury.
wearer’s objects such
head. as low ceilings
or stairs.

Suitable for It provides a

live working It should secondary
on low and carefully be source of
2. Insulated
high voltage stored in a protection
cables and clean and dry from electric
boots space. shocks or
equipment electrocution
It is important
to store the
It insulates gloves in their
against It can prevent
polythene bag
3. Insulated electricity electric
and keep the
Gloves and sharp shocks
gloves away
objects from light,
heat, and

Is a non-
frame and
contain zero Clean it before
It can prevent
4. Eye metal parts using and
Protection reduce the stored in a
gear risk of injury clean place.

These are
ideal for use
It is widely
by It provides
used to
electricians, protection
safeguard the
5. Protective who may often against non—
workers from
Mask be drilling toxic, pollen
through walls and mould.
harmful dust.
to complete
their work.

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