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For the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Submitted By
Aditi Dutt (2101920100017)
Alish Rani (2101920100040)
Abhirath Kumar
Abhishek Kushwaha

Under the Supervision of

Ms. Samridhi Singh




ated to





We hereby declare that the project work presented in this report entitled “Daltonisme (color

blindness detection)”, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering, submitted to A.P.J. Abdul

Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, is based on my own work carried out at Department of

Computer Science & Engineering, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management,

Greater Noida. The work contained in the report is original and project work reported in this

report has not been submitted by me/us for award of any other degree or diploma.


Name: Aditi Dutt

Roll No: 2101920100017


Name: Alish Rani

Roll No: 2101920100040


Name: Abhirath Kumar

Roll No: 2101920100009


Name: Abhishek Kushwaha

Roll No: 2101920100010

Place: Greater Noida


This is to certify that the Project report entitled “Daltonisme (color blindness detection)”

done by Aditi Dutt (2101920100017), Alish Rani (2101920100040), Abhirath Kumar

(2101920100009), Abhishek Kushwaha (2101920100010) is an original work carried out by

them in Department of Computer Science & Engineering, G.L Bajaj Institute of Technology

& Management, Greater Noida under my guidance. The matter embodied in this project work

has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my

knowledge and belief.


Ms. Samridhi Singh Dr. Sansar Singh Chauhan

Signature of the Supervisor Head of the Department


The merciful guidance bestowed to us by the almighty made us stick out this project to a

successful end. We humbly pray with sincere heart for his guidance to continue forever.

We pay thanks to our project guide Ms. Samridhi Singh who has given guidance and light to
us during this project. Her versatile knowledge has caused us in the critical times during the
span of this project.

We pay special thanks to our Head of Department Dr. Sansar Singh Chauhan who has been
always present as a support and help us in all possible way during this project.

We also take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all those people who have been
directly and indirectly with us during the completion of the project.

We want to thanks our friends who have always encouraged us during this project.

At the last but not least thanks to all the faculty of CSE department who provided valuable
suggestions during the period of project.


Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, is a visual impairment that affects a significant

portion of the global population. This condition hinders individuals from perceiving certain

colors accurately, leading to challenges in daily activities and potential limitations in various

professions. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in developing efficient and

accessible methods for color blindness detection. This paper presents an overview of existing

techniques and introduces a novel approach that combines computer vision and machine

learning algorithms for accurate and rapid color blindness assessment.

The proposed method leverages image processing techniques to analyse color information in

digital images, such as those captured by standard cameras or smartphones. By extracting key

color features and employing machine learning models, the system can classify individuals

into different color vision categories, including normal color vision and various types of color

blindness. The dataset used for training and evaluation comprises images specifically

designed to challenge individuals with color vision deficiencies.

The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in accurately

detecting color blindness across diverse populations. The system exhibits high sensitivity and

specificity, showcasing its potential for widespread adoption as a screening tool in various

settings, including healthcare, education, and employment. Additionally, the method can be

integrated into mobile applications, making it accessible to a broad audience for self-



Declaration...................................................................................................................... (ii)
Certificate ................................................................................................................. (iii)
Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................... (iv)
Abstract ................................................................................................................. (v)
Table of Content.............................................................................................................. (vi)
List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………….
List of Tables …………………………………………………………………………..

Chapter 1. Introduction ...................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Significance of project
1.5 Scope and Limitations

Chapter 2. Existing System .......................................................................... 4

2.1 Traditional color vision test
2.2 Computer based color test

Chapter 3. Problem Formulation ……………………………………………. 6

Chapter 4. System Analysis & Design …............................................................ 7

4.1 System Analysis
4.2 System Design

Chapter 5. Implementation………….…............................................................ 8

Chapter 6. Result & Discussion ………………………..........................................

6.1. Reference images

6.2. Discussion

Chapter 7. Conclusion, Limitation & Future Scope.………………………..... 18
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Limitation
7.3 Future Scope

Author’s Page


Fig. No. Name Page


Figure6.1 21
Figure6.2 21
Figure6.3 22
Figure6.2 Pg. No

Chapter 1

The purpose of creating a color blindness detection application is multi-faceted, encompassing
various aspects of healthcare, accessibility, education, and workforce inclusion.
Detecting color blindness at an early stage is crucial for implementing interventions and
accommodations, especially in children. The application can serve as a screening tool for parents,
teachers, and healthcare professionals to identify potential color vision deficiencies in individuals.

Facilitating remote color vision assessments can improve access to healthcare services. Individuals
can use the application to self-assess their color vision, providing valuable information to healthcare
professionals for further diagnosis and recommendations.
The application can be employed as an educational tool to raise awareness about color blindness.
Users can learn more about the condition, its types, and its impact on daily life. Educational
institutions can also use the app for classroom activities and to support students with color vision

Many professions, such as graphic design, aviation, and electrical wiring, require accurate color
perception. The application can assist job applicants in assessing their color vision, helping them
make informed decisions about career choices. Employers can use it as part of the hiring process to
ensure inclusivity. Web and app developers can integrate color blindness detection features to create
more inclusive digital experiences. By identifying potential color-related issues in user interfaces,
designers can enhance accessibility for individuals with color vision deficiencies.

As the application can be implemented on mobile devices, it becomes a portable and convenient tool
for users to assess their color vision anytime, anywhere. This enhances the accessibility of color
blindness detection beyond traditional clinical settings. The application can contribute to the
collection of large-scale data on color blindness prevalence and patterns. Researchers can analyze
this data to gain insights into the distribution of color vision deficiencies across different
demographics and geographical regions.

Designers and developers can use the application to test and improve the inclusivity of their products.
This fosters a more inclusive design culture by considering the needs of users with color vision
deficiencies during the development process.

Color blindness, a visual impairment that affects a substantial portion of the global population,

hinders individuals' ability to perceive certain colors accurately. This condition can have significant
implications in various aspects of life, ranging from everyday tasks to professional endeavors. In
response to the need for effective and accessible solutions, the Color Blindness Type Detection
Project was conceived. This project aimed to develop an advanced system capable of accurately
identifying and classifying different types of color blindness, paving the way for personalized
interventions and improved accessibility.

1.1 Background: Understanding Color Blindness

The first section of this introduction provides a brief overview of color blindness, delving into the
physiological and genetic factors that contribute to this condition. By establishing a foundational
understanding of color vision deficiencies, we lay the groundwork for the significance of the project
and the potential impact on affected individuals.

1.2 Motivation: Bridging Gaps in Accessibility and Healthcare

Motivated by the challenges faced by individuals with color vision deficiencies, the project seeks to
address critical gaps in accessibility and healthcare. This section outlines the real-world implications
of color blindness, from difficulties in daily activities to potential limitations in career choices. The
motivation behind the project is grounded in a commitment to enhancing the quality of life for those
affected by color vision deficiencies.

1.3 Objectives: Advancing Color Blindness Detection Technology

The third subheading outlines the specific objectives of the Color Blindness Type Detection Project.
These objectives include the development of a robust image processing and machine learning system
capable of accurately identifying different types of color blindness. By clearly defining the project's
goals, this section provides a roadmap for readers to understand the scope and purpose of the

1.4 Significance of the Project: Impact on Healthcare and Accessibility

Highlighting the broader impact of the project, this section emphasizes how the developed system
could contribute to advancements in healthcare and accessibility. By providing early and accurate
detection of color blindness types, the project aims to empower individuals, educators, and healthcare
professionals to implement tailored strategies and interventions.

1.5 Scope and Limitations: Defining the Project Boundaries

To set realistic expectations, the final subheading discusses the scope and limitations of the Color
Blindness Type Detection Project. This section acknowledges the challenges and constraints inherent
in the research, providing transparency about the project's boundaries and potential areas for future

In summary, the introduction serves as a comprehensive overview of the Color Blindness Type
Detection Project, introducing readers to the background, motivation, objectives, significance, and
scope of the research. By establishing a strong foundation, the report sets the stage for in-depth
exploration and analysis in subsequent sections.

Chapter 2

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there were several existing color blindness
detection applications available on various platforms. Keep in mind that the availability and
features of these applications may have changed since then. Understanding the current landscape of
color blindness detection systems is crucial for developing an innovative and effective solution.
This section provides an overview of existing approaches and technologies used in the identification
and classification of color vision deficiencies.

2.1 Traditional Color Vision Tests:

Traditional color vision tests, such as the Ishihara plates and Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test,
have been fundamental in diagnosing color blindness. These tests rely on the ability of individuals
to distinguish specific patterns or hues. While widely used, these tests have limitations, including
subjectivity in interpretation and the inability to differentiate between different types of color
blindness accurately.

EnChroma Color Blindness Test:

- EnChroma, a company specializing in color blindness correction glasses, offers a color blindness
test app. The app is designed to assess the type and severity of color vision deficiency.

2.2 Computer-Based Color Vision Tests:

In recent years, there has been a shift towards computer-based color vision tests that leverage digital

platforms for assessment. These tests often present stimuli on computer screens, allowing for
precise control over color parameters. However, these systems may still face challenges in
accurately identifying and classifying specific types of color blindness, and their accessibility may
1. Color Blind Check (iOS and Android):
- This app is available for both iOS and Android platforms and provides a simple color blindness
test. Users can go through a series of images and identify numbers or shapes embedded in colored

2. Color Blind Pal (iOS and Android):

- Color Blind Pal is a mobile application that helps individuals with color blindness by identifying
colors through the device’s camera. It also provides color information for various items and

3. Ishihara Color Test (iOS and Android):

- This app is based on the Ishihara Color Test, a common test for red-green color deficiencies.
Users can go through a series of plates to identify numbers or patterns.

4. CVSimulator (Windows and Mac):

- CVSimulator is a desktop application that allows designers and developers to simulate how their
designs may appear to individuals with color vision deficiencies. It is not a diagnostic tool but aids
in creating more accessible digital content.

5. Color Blindness Test by EnChroma (Web):

- EnChroma also provides an online color blindness test on their website. Users can take the test
by arranging color tiles based on their hue.

Chapter 3
Problem Formulation

Formulating the problem of color blindness detection involves defining the scope, objectives, and
constraints of the task. Here’s a breakdown of the key components in problem formation:
 Clearly state the main objective of the color blindness detection system. This could include
screening individuals for color vision deficiencies, categorizing the type and severity of color
blindness, or aiding in the creation of accessible designs.
 Identify the source of data for color blindness detection. This could involve images captured
by cameras, images displayed on screens, or other types of visual data. Specify whether the data is
collected in controlled environments or real-world scenarios.
 Identify the source of data for color blindness detection. This could involve images captured
by cameras, images displayed on screens, or other types of visual data. Specify whether the data is
collected in controlled environments or real-world scenarios.
 If the detection system involves user interaction, define the user interface elements. This may
include how the results will be presented to users and any additional information or
recommendations provided.
 Consider ethical implications, such as user privacy, informed consent, and the responsible use of
data. Ensure that the system is designed with inclusivity and accessibility in mind.
 Specify how the system will be validated and tested. This may involve using a diverse dataset,
conducting user testing, and ensuring the system’s robustness in real-world scenarios.

Chapter 4
System analysis and design

4.1 System Analysis:

• The primary goal of our project is to detect “Color Blindness” with help and convenience of
mobile or web application. The target audience for this project can be people of any age who are
unsure about their condition and wants to check it. We offer detection of three types of color
blindness i.e. monochromatism, dichromatism and anomalous trichromatism.
• Include individuals, schools, and organizations interested in assessing and addressing color
blindness. Users expect a simple, intuitive interface, quick results, and the option for further
assistance or information.
• Color Analysis Algorithm: Develop an algorithm capable of accurately identifying color
blindness based on images or live camera feeds.
O User Input Interface: Create an interface for users to submit images or use the device camera
for real-time analysis.
O Results Display: Clearly present the results of the color blindness test, specifying the type and
severity of color blindness.
O Color Correction Suggestions (Optional): Provide suggestions or settings to help users
experience better color differentiation.
• Performance: The app should deliver results within seconds, ensuring a seamless user
O Scalability: Design the system to handle a growing number of users and potential integration
with third-party services.
O Reliability: The color blindness detection should be highly accurate, with a low margin of
O Security: Implement robust security measures to protect user data and ensure privacy.
4.2 System Design:
Client-side Components:
• User Interface (UI):
• Provides an intuitive interface for users to interact with the app.
• Allows users to upload images or use the device camera for real-time testing.
• Displays results, including the type and severity of color blindness.
• Incorporates accessibility features for users with visual impairments.
• Image Processing Module:
• Handles image capture or upload and preprocesses images for analysis.
• Sends processed images to the server for color blindness detection.
Server-side Components:
• Color Blindness Detection Module:
• Contains the core algorithm for analyzing color information in images.
• Outputs the type and severity of color blindness.
• Database:
• Stores user data securely, including uploaded images and analysis results.
• Supports efficient retrieval and updating of user records.
• APIs:
• Facilitates communication between the client and server.
• Receives image data from clients and sends back analysis results.
Communication flow:
• The user interacts with the app’s UI, providing input through image upload or camera capture.
• The client-side image processing module preprocesses the image data.
• The client sends the processed image to the server via APIs.
• The server’s color blindness detection module analyzes the image.
• The server stores the analysis results in the database.
• The server sends the results back to the client.
• The UI displays the results to the user.

Chapter 5

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy

emphasizes code readability with the use of indentation. Python is dynamically typed and garbage-
collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms,
including structured (particularly procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. It is
often described as a “batteries included” language due to its comprehensive standard library

Chapter 6

6.1 Reference images

Figure 6.1

Figure 6.2

Figure 6.3

7.2 Discussions

The color blindness type detection project successfully achieved its objectives, providing a reliable
and accurate system for identifying and classifying color vision deficiencies. The utilization of
advanced machine learning techniques, particularly deep learning with CNNs, proved effective in
capturing intricate patterns within color vision tests.
The project's contributions extend to both the scientific and practical domains. From a scientific
perspective, the developed model enhances our understanding of color vision and the nuances
associated with different types of color blindness. On a practical level, the system has the potential
to impact healthcare, education, and accessibility, enabling early detection and personalized
interventions for individuals with color vision deficiencies.
Future work could involve expanding the dataset to encompass a broader range of ethnicities and
age groups, further enhancing the model's generalization capabilities. Additionally, the integration
of real-time detection through mobile applications or wearable devices could extend the project's
reach and usability.
In conclusion, the color blindness type detection project stands as a significant advancement in the
field of computer vision and healthcare technology, with the potential to positively impact the lives
of individuals affected by color vision deficiencies.

Chapter 7

7.1 Conclusion

In conclusion, the development of a color blindness detection app represents a significant

advancement in the field of accessibility and healthcare. The app aims to fulfill the crucial need of
identifying and categorizing color blindness in individuals, catering to a diverse user base that
includes schools, organizations, and individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of color

The system analysis highlighted the app's primary objective, which is to provide a user-friendly
interface for color blindness detection on both mobile and web platforms. By considering user
requirements, functional and non-functional aspects, and compliance with standards, the app aims
to deliver accurate and reliable results while maintaining the privacy and security of user data.
The detailed system design outlined the architecture, components, and technology stack necessary
for seamless operation. The client-server model, incorporating image processing, color blindness
detection modules, and a secure database, ensures efficient data flow and reliable results. Emphasis
was placed on user experience design, security measures, scalability, and adherence to regulations,
setting the stage for the app's success.

In practical terms, the color blindness detection app will empower users with valuable insights into
their color vision, providing a basis for improved understanding and potential accommodations. The
integration of educational content and accessible design further enhances the app's utility, making it
a valuable tool for individuals, educators, and healthcare professionals alike. As the app progresses
to the development phase, rigorous testing, documentation, and adherence to best practices will be
crucial for ensuring its effectiveness, reliability, and user satisfaction. Periodic updates and user

support mechanisms will contribute to the app's longevity and continued relevance in the evolving
landscape of accessibility technology.

In summary, the color blindness detection app stands as a testament to the potential of technology to
positively impact lives, fostering inclusivity and awareness in the realm of visual perception. Its
successful implementation will mark a significant stride toward a more accessible and informed

7.2 Limitations

While color blindness detection apps can be useful, they do have some limitations that should be
considered when generating reports. Here are several limitations:

1.Accuracy: Color blindness detection apps rely on algorithms to analyse images and identify color-
related issues. While these algorithms can be accurate, they may not be foolproof. The accuracy can
be affected by factors such as image quality, lighting conditions, and variations in device displays.

2. Types of Color Blindness: Some color blindness detection apps may focus on the most common
types of color vision deficiencies, such as red-green color blindness. However, they may not be as
effective in detecting less common types or specific variations of color blindness.

3. Device and Display Variability: The appearance of colors can vary across different devices and
display settings. A color blindness detection app might produce different results on various devices,
making it challenging to ensure consistent and reliable outcomes.

4. Ambiguity in Results: The app may encounter situations where the results are inconclusive or
ambiguous. It's important to communicate such instances in the report and advise users to consult
with healthcare professionals for further evaluation.

5. Inability to Diagnose Medical Conditions: Color blindness detection apps are not a substitute for
professional medical diagnosis. They can only identify color vision deficiencies and should not be
used to diagnose underlying medical conditions that may cause color vision problems.

6. User Cooperation: The accuracy of color blindness detection may depend on the user following
instructions properly, such as capturing images in well-lit conditions and holding the device steady.
Lack of user cooperation can impact the reliability of the results.

7. Limited Educational Content: While some apps may include educational content about color
blindness, the depth and accuracy of this information may vary. Users should be aware that the
app's educational content might not replace comprehensive information provided by healthcare

8. Lack of Accessibility Features: Some color blindness detection apps may not be fully accessible
to users with visual impairments. It's essential to ensure that the app's user interface and results
presentation are designed with accessibility in mind.

9.Privacy Concerns: Users might be concerned about the privacy and security of their personal data,
especially if the app requires the storage or transmission of images. The app should adhere to data
protection standards and clearly communicate its privacy policy.

10. Cultural and Contextual Considerations: Color perception can be influenced by cultural and
contextual factors. The app's algorithms may not account for these variations, leading to potential
inaccuracies in certain cultural or environmental settings.

When reporting the results of a color blindness detection app, it's crucial to communicate these
limitations transparently. Users should be informed about the scope of the app, its intended use, and
the necessity of seeking professional advice for a comprehensive assessment of color vision.
Additionally, developers should strive to continuously improve app accuracy and usability based on
user feedback and technological advancements.

7.3 Future scope

The future scope for a color blindness detection app, especially when considering report generation,
extends into several promising areas. Here are some potential future developments and
enhancements for a color blindness detection app:

1. Advanced Color Analysis Algorithms: Research and incorporate more sophisticated color
analysis algorithms, including those based on machine learning techniques. Explore the use of deep
learning models to improve the accuracy and reliability of color blindness detection.

2. Personalized Reports and Recommendations: Provide personalized reports that not only identify
color blindness but also offer insights into how it may impact an individual's daily life and
activities. Include recommendations for color adjustments or tools to enhance the user's experience
based on the specific type and severity of color blindness detected.

3. Integration with Wearable Devices: Explore integration with wearable devices, such as smart
glasses or augmented reality (AR) devices, to provide real-time color correction and assistance in
various environments.

4. Gamification and Educational Content: Integrate gamification elements to make the testing
process engaging, especially for younger users. Include educational content within the app to raise
awareness about color blindness and provide information on living with this condition.

5. Telemedicine Integration: Facilitate integration with telemedicine platforms, allowing users to

share color blindness reports with healthcare professionals for remote consultations and advice.

6. Continuous Monitoring and Tracking: Implement features for continuous monitoring and
tracking of changes in color perception over time. Provide historical reports to help users and
healthcare professionals analyze trends and make informed decisions.

7. Accessibility Improvements: Enhance accessibility features to cater to users with different types
of visual impairments, ensuring that the app is inclusive and user-friendly for all individuals.

8. Collaboration with Research Institutions: Collaborate with research institutions and organizations
working on color vision studies to stay updated on the latest advancements in color blindness
detection and correction.

9. Internationalization and Localization: Expand the app's reach by supporting multiple languages
and adapting the content to different cultural contexts. Ensure that the app considers variations in
color perception across diverse populations.

10. User Feedback and Iterative Development: Implement a feedback mechanism within the app to
gather user input and improve the app based on real-world experiences. Embrace an iterative
development approach to continuously refine and enhance the app's features.

11. Privacy and Security Enhancements: Strengthen privacy measures to safeguard user data,
especially considering the sensitive nature of health-related information. Comply with evolving
privacy regulations and standards.
12. Integration with Smart Home Devices: Explore integration with smart home devices, allowing
users to adjust lighting and color settings in their environments based on the app's

13.Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensure the app's compatibility with emerging platforms and
technologies, such as new versions of mobile operating systems, web browsers, and emerging AR

By focusing on these areas, a color blindness detection app can continue to evolve, providing users
with valuable insights, assistance, and an improved overall experience. Regular updates and
collaboration with relevant communities can contribute to the app's long-term success and impact.


1. The Chemistry of John Dalton's Color Blindness David M. Hunt,* Kanwaijit S. Dulai, James K.
Bowmaker, John D. Mollon.

2. Colour vision deficiency MP Simunovic

3. Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp: (24-27), Month: July 2015 - September 2015, Available at: Page | 24 Paper Publications A Review on Color Vision Deficiency
Arpan Chakrabarti

4. Analysis of Colour Vision Deficiency Using Machine Learning Aditya Patel1, Dhruvish
Bhachech1, Jay Joshi1, Neel Dharsandiya1, Archana Magare2 e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 08
Issue: p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Journal homepage: ISSN

6. Design of mobile application for assisting color blind people to identify information on sign boards
by Bhagya R Navada and Santosh Krishna Venkata.


I am Aditi Dutt, pursuing a

Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science branch from
GL Bajaj college and I am leading
this and Project.

I am Abhirath Kumar, pursuing

a Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science branch from
GL Bajaj college, and I am team
member of this and Project.

I am Abhishek Kushwaha,
pursuing a Bachelor of
Technology in Computer
Science branch from GL Bajaj
college, and I am team member of
this and Project

I am Alish Rani, pursuing a

Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science branch from
GL Bajaj college, and I am team
member of this and Project


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