Electric Motor

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Learning Competency:
The learner should be able to explain the operation of a
simple electric motor and generator. (S10FE-IIj-54)
Specific Objectives:
1.Describe the different parts of an electric
2.Explain how a simple motor works.
3.Construct a simple motor.
Guess the pictures on the
different sources of
energy using the
scrambled letters

Firs t Ho m e Ap p lia n c e
In t h e e a rly 19 0 0 s , e le c t ric a n d ga s
a p p lia n c e s in c lu d e d wa s h in g m a c h in e s ,
wa t e r h e a t e rs , re frige ra t o rs , ke t t le s , a n d
s e win g m a c h in e s . Th e in ve n t io n o f Ea rly
Ric h a rd s o n 's s m a ll e le c t ric c lo t h e s iro n
in 19 0 3 ga ve a s m a ll in it ia l b o o s t t o t h e
h o m e a p p lia n c e in d u s t ry.
What are the
basic parts in
simple motor?
How does a
simple motor
Making Your Own
Electric Motor
Guide Questions
1: Wh a t h a p p e n s t o t h e s h a p e d wire o n c e p o s it io n e d o ve r
t h e b a t t e ry’s p o s it ive t e rm in a l a n d wit h b o t h wire e n d s
c u rle d lo o s e ly t o u c h in g t h e m a gn e t s ?
2. Wh a t o t h e r o b s e rva t io n s h a ve yo u m a d e re ga rd in g yo u r
e le c t ric m o t o r m o d e l?
3. Wh a t will h a p p e n if t h e n u m b e r o f m a gn e t s u s e d in t h e
m o d e l is re d u c e d ? In c re a s e d ?
4 . Wh a t a re t h e b a s ic p a rt s / e le m e n t s o f a s im p le e le c t ric
m o t o r?
5. Ba s e d o n t h e a c t ivit y, h o w will yo u e xp la in t h e o p e ra t io n
o f a s im p le e le c t ric m o t o r?
5 3 1
Explanation Complete and Good and solid Unclear
detailed with clear explanation
explanation explanation

Demonstrated Shows complete Shows Shows some

Knowledge understanding substantial understanding
Electric Motor
• Anything that changes
electricity into motion.
• Electrical energy into
mechanical energy .
Parts of an Electric Motor

Parts of an Electric Motor

• It refers to a permanent magnet or row of magnets lining the
edge of the motor casing, which is usually a round plastic

• Inserted into the stator is the rotor, usually consisting of
copper wire wound into a coil around an axle.
• When electric current flows through the coil, the resulting
magnetic field pushes against the field created by the stator,
and makes the axle spin.
• It reverses the electrical current in the coil each time the coil
rotates half a turn.
• The commutator periodically reverses the current between
the rotor and the external circuit, or the battery.
• This ensures that the ends of coils do not move in opposite
directions, and ensures that the axle spins in one direction.
• The brushes send electrical current to the commutator and are
typically made of graphite.
• If you run electricity through a wire, it creates a
magnetic field. If you coil the wire around a rod
and run electricity through the wire, it creates a
magnetic field around the rod.
• One end of the rod will have a north magnetic pole
and the other will have a south pole.
• Opposite poles attract one another, like poles
repel. When you surround that rod with other
magnets, the rod will rotate from the attractive
and repulsive forces.
MODIFIED TRUE or FALSE. (1/4 sheet)
1.Motors work through the principles of electromagnetism.
2. In a simple motor, the wire around a rod and run
electricity through the wire, it creates a magnetic field
around the rod.
3.Every motor has a rotor, stator, commutator and brushes.
4.The coil in a simple motor you made represents the
5.The greater the battery the higher the magnetic field
produced in the coil.
Reflect on the statement below. Present your reflection
through a slogan, poem, reflection paper, poster or song.

In a motor, both the rotor (coil) and the stator (magnet)

created magnetic fields. In which there are attraction and
repulsion forces between them.

How will you relate the principle behind the motor to the old
saying that who you are is who you attract?

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