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Task 1
Look at the pictures below and read the text.


1 Many years ago, I took my four year old daughter Vivi to her cousin’s birthday party
2 in New Castle. As my car broke down, we travelled by train. Vivi was excited
3 because she never went by train before. She stood near the window and asked a
4 lot of questions about the things she saw. Half way through our journey, an old lady
5 came into out compartment and sat opposite Vivi. “Hello, little girl,” the old woman
6 said. My daughter did not answer her, but looked at her curiously. The lady opened
7 her handbag and started to put some make up on her face. “Why are you doing
8 that?” Vivi asked. “To make myself look more beautiful.” The old lady answered.
9 Then, she packed away her makeup and smiled at us. To my astonishment, Vivi
10 kept looking at her, and said ”But you are still ugly.”

Task 2
Find the verb in past form in the text above.
Line Verb
1 Took 1
2 broke down …………….., ………………… 3
3 …………………, ……………………, …………………….. 3
4 1
5 2
6 4
7 1
8 2
9 1
10 2

Task 3
Answer the questions based on the text.
1. Did the speaker go shopping with her daughter?
2. What did the speaker and her daughter do many years ago?
3. Why did they go by train?
4. Did Vivi ever go by train before?
5. Was Vivi very happy going by train>?
6. Was Vivi a curious girl?
7. Was an old woman friendly?
8. How did the old woman probably feel?
Task 4
Complete the table with the correct verb I. Two have been done for you.
1. To ask Asked -
2. Answered -
3.. To come - Came
4. To - Did
5……………………. - Kept
6……………………. Looked -
7…………………….. Opened -
8……………………. Packed -
9……………………. - Said
10……………………. - Sat
11…………………….. Smiled -
12……………………. Started -
13……………………. - Stood
14……………………. Travelled -
15……………………. - Was
16……………………. - Went

He asked a question. He did not ask a question. Did he ask a question ?
You came here yesterday. You did not come here Did you come here
yesterday. yesterday ?
They opened the box. They did not open the box. Did they open the box ?

Task 5
Complete these sentences into the correct form of Past Tense.
I (look) at them (+) I looked at them.

1. She (smile) at me (-) ………………………………

2. We (travel) by plane (?) ……………………………..
3. Mr. Gardner (open) the room (+) ……………………………..
4. She (come) to the meeting last week (-) ………………………………
5. You (start) a discussion (?) ……………………………….
6. Your mother (go) shopping (+) ……………………………….
7. He (sit) beside me (-) …………………………………
8. John (keep) on working (?) ……………………………….
9. They (answer) my question (+) ………………………………..
10. Tina and Vivi (do) homework yesterday (-) ……………………………………

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