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Name: _____________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade and Section: __________________________ Date: ____________

I. Directions: Choose the correct letter of your answer.
___________1. Fleet sweep by the sleeping geese.
A. Onomatopoeia B. Assonance C. Alliteration
___________2. The lonely owl hooted from his perch in the tree.
A. Onomatopoeia B. Assonance C. Alliteration

___________3. The truck driver passed on the lumpy, bumpy road.

A. Onomatopoeia B. Assonance C. Alliteration
___________4. A mighty man managed to mend the sail.
A. Onomatopoeia B. Assonance C. Alliteration
___________5. The bells are ringing! Ding Dong Ding!
A. Onomatopoeia B. Assonance C. Alliteration
II. Directions: Choose the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions. Write your answer before
each number.
___________6. I can’t believe that our Math exam was just a piece of cake.
a. It was a very delicious task.
b. It was a very quick task.
c. It was a very easy task.
___________ 7. My sister is burning the candle at both ends.
a. She works hard and never take a rest.
b. She works at the candle station.
c. She is planning to burn down her house.
___________8. My uncle has a very beautiful garden because he has a green thumb.
a. A person with plants on hands.
b. A person who is good at growing plants.
c. A person who sells plants.
___________9. Jill can’t come to school today. She is feeling under the weather. She has a runny nose
and sore throat.
a. She is feeling great.
b. She is soaked under the rains.
c. She is not feeling well or sick.
___________10. Mom said that I should bring an umbrella with me because it’s raining cats and dogs
a. We are going to the zoo.
b. The animals keep falling.
c. It’s raining heavily.
III. Directions: Infer the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expressions in each sentence. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.
_____11. Jose Zavalla basketball team made a game plan to bring home the bacon.
a. badly b. earlier today c. to win d. without hesitation
_____12. The policemen barked up the wrong tree in our village.
a. arrested the right person c. accusing the wrong person
b. accusing the right person d. arrested no one
_____13. The BMW car is truly costed an arm and leg.
a. very low price b. very intimidating c. very huge d. very expensive
_____14. My sister loves to treat us delicious food and she will foot the bill.
a. She will pay for the meal. c. She will not pay at all.
b. She will eat all of the food. d. She will send me the bill.
_____15. It takes two to tango to commit this suspicious crime.
a. actions need more than one person c. continuous actions
b. beautiful dance craze d. mysterious crime
IV. Directions: Write whether the image is real or make- believe. Write the answer after each number.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

V. Directions: Study carefully and identify the purpose of each picture. Choose the letter of the correct
answer inside the box.
A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain

________16. ________17. ________18.

________19. ________20.

VI. Directions: Read and understand the given question. Then, choose and write the letter of
the correct answer.
21. The pictures that show what really exist in the real-life situation are called ______________images.
A. real B. good C. beautiful D. not real
22. The pictures that show products of imaginations are called ____________________images.
A. real B. fantastic C. wonderful D.make- believe

23. Which of the following is an example of a real image?

A. your own picture C. a picture of your favorite cartoon character
B. your class picture D. A and B
24. Which of the following are NOT make- believe images?
I. a picture of nurses, doctors, and medical stall
II. a picture of Rapunzel, Snow White and Cinderella
III. a picture of talking tree and a talking animal in a grassland
IV. a picture of a hospital, a school, and a market with their workers
A. I only B. II only C. II and III D. I and IV
25. Which is the purpose of Science lessons like about the Solar system being presented in your google
A. to show C. to educate
B. to persuade D. to entertain
VII. Directions: Read and understand the given statement. Then, choose and write the letter of
the correct answer.
26. It tells the readers to buy a certain product.
A. persuade B. inform C. entertain

27. This shows a given fact cited by the experts.

A. persuade B. inform C. entertain
28. A certain story that makes the reader cry, laugh or happy.
A. persuade B. inform C. entertain
29. It is fun to read. You should try it!
A. persuade B. inform C. entertain

30. Buy a slice of cake for 50 pesos each only!

A. persuade B. inform C. entertain

VIII. Directions: Read and understand the statement. Write TRUE or FALSE on the blank.
___________31. An image can be a fact or non- fact.
___________32. Real images are real pictures of persons, places, and objects.
___________33. Make- believe images are real pictures of persons, places, and objects.
___________34. All images that we see are make-believe only.
___________35. Images can be educating, entertaining and persuading.
IX. Directions: Identify the Figure of Speech, such as Simile, Metaphor, Personification and Hyperbole.
___________________36. The night is as dark as black stone.
___________________37. The camel is the ship of the desert.
___________________38. My daughter sings like her father.

___________________39. Joseph is as noble as his father.

___________________40. I heard the humming of bees.
___________________41. Experience is the best teacher.
___________________42. I can even pick up 1000 kilos weight by my one hand.
___________________43. Life is bittersweet.
___________________44. The trees are our friends who protect us.
___________________45. The blanket is as white as snow.
X. Directions: Give the plural form of the underlined nouns. Write your answer on the blank.
________________46. Alvin bought bread from a nearby bakery.
________________47. The child plays his toys happily.
________________48. The woman washes the soiled clothes at the river.
________________49. My favorite potato salad is not available at the moment.
________________50. You look so tired. Take some rest.

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