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Distributed Systems Question lecture Source


1 What is Distributed System? Explain with example. aktu 13-14

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of distributed system over centralized system? 1 aktu 13-14
Explain different types of architectural models? aktu18-19
Explain difference between computer networks/operating systems with distributed system 2 self
Explain two limitation of distributed systems aktu15-16
Explain why global clock concept fails in DS. 3 aktu18-19
Explain the concept of Logical Clock. aktu16-17
Explain working of Lamport logical clock. 4 aktu16-17
What are the limitations of Lamport’s Clock aktu18-19
Explain vector clock. 5 aktu14-15
Differentiate between Casual Order and Total Order? self
Describe Casual Ordering of messages and explain a protocol for its implementation? 6 aktu15-16
Explain why it is quite difficult to get global state in distributed systems. aktu16-17
Explain the algorithm (snap shot)for calculating global state in DS. 7 aktu16-17
Why is it very important to terminate a distributed process in DS? aktu17-18
Explain how Termination detection is achived in distributed system with the help of algorithm. 8 aktu13-14

What is Mutual Exclusion aktu18-19
9 Classify Distributed Mutual Exclusion. 9 aktu18-19
What are the requirements of a good mutual exclusion algorithm? Explain the performance matrices to judge the performance o
10 Differentiate between Token based and Non Token based algorithms? 10 aktu16-17
Explain Lamport algorithm? aktu15-16
11 Explain Ricart Agrawala algorithm? 11 aktu15-16
Explain Critical Section? self
12 Explain Maekawa's Algorithm. 12 self
Explain how Suzuki-Kasami algorithm works? aktu14-15
13 Explain how Singhal's Heuristic algorithm works? 13 self
Explain Raymond's Tree Based algorithm? self
14 Differentiate between resources and communication deadlock? 14 aktu13-14
Explain the working of wait for graph? aktu15-16
15 15 detection?
What are the deadlock handling strategies in distributed systems? What are control organizations for distributed deadlock aktu16-17
Discuss an algorithm w
Explain Obermarck’s path pushing algorithm? aktu16-17
16 Describe Edge-chasing deadlock detection algorithm. 16 self

Explain Agreement Protocols. aktu15-16
17 Why agreement protocol are needed? 17 aktu15-16
Explain Byzantine, Consensus and Interactive consistency Agreement Problems? aktu16-17
18 Application of Agreement problem. 18 aktu16-17
Give Solution to Byzantine Agreement problem. aktu16-17
19 Show that Byzantine agreement cannot always be reached among four processes if two processes 19 aktu17-18
are faulty?
Explain lamport shostak pease algorithm for (3m+1)or more processor's where 'm' is number of faulty processors. aktu16-17
20 Discuss the general system model where agreement protocol's are used. 20 aktu15-16
Explain Caching and why is it useful. aktu15-16
21 Explain Hints and Mounting. 21 aktu11-12
What do you mean by Distributed File System? aktu 13-14
22 Explain various Design Issues in DFS. 22 aktu16-17
What do you mean by Distributed Shared Memory(DSM)? aktu 13-14
23 Explain four algorithms used for implementing DSM. 23 aktu 13-14
Explain various Design Issues in DSM. aktu15-16
24 Briefly explain the write invalidate and write update protocols. 24 aktu17-18

What do you understand by Faults ? Explain different types of Faults aktu16-17
25 Explain Failure Recovery in Distributed Systems. 25 aktu16-17
What do you mean by backward and forward error recovery? aktu15-16
26 Discuss recovery in concurrent systems in detail. 26 aktu14-15
With reference to the backward error recovery explain the operation based approach and state based approach. aktu12-13
27 Problem of livelocks. 27 aktu14-15
Explain Orphan messages and Lost messages. aktu14-15
28 Explain Domino Effect. 28 aktu14-15
Method to obtain consistent set of check points. aktu16-17
29 Give the checkpoint algorithm. 29 aktu15-16
Explain the rollback recovery algorithm. aktu14-15
30 What do you mean by failure? Give the classification of failure with examples. 30 aktu16-17
Explain Issues in Fault tolerance. aktu16-17
31 What are voting protocols? Compare and contrast static and dynamic voting protocols. 31 aktu16-17
Describe Commit protocols in details. aktu14-15
32 what are Shadow Pages? 32 aktu15-16

Difference between messages and transaction. self
33 Explain flat and nested transactions 33 aktu16-17
Explain the need of Locks aktu12-13
34 Explain types of Locking? 34 aktu12-13
Discuss the optimistic method for distributed concurrency control. aktu15-16
35 What are the different validations conditions for optimistic concurrency control? 35 aktu16-17
Explain Dirty reads and Premature writes? self
36 Explain time stamp ordering for transaction management 36 aktu15-16
Explain Atomic Commit Protocol. aktu17-18
37 Explain two phase commit protocol 37 aktu15-16
Explain Hierarchical two phase commit protocol. aktu17-18
38 Explain Fault Tolerant Services 38 aktu16-17
Explain Highly Available Services. aktu18-19
39 Transactions with replicated data 39 aktu 13-14
Explain the lost update problem. self
40 Explain the inconsistent retrivals problem. 40 self

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