Electronic Music

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Electronic Music

❖Technological advancement offer limitless potential and

possibilities of creating and controlling not just music
itself, but also sound of any sort.
❖Engineer-composer Pierre Schaeffer used the magnetic
tape recorder to record different sounds and combined
these recorded everyday sounds in different ways.
❖The recording is known as musique concrete, French for
“concrete music”.
Here are the ❖Performance is not limited to humans because various
sounds can be manipulated, such as thunder, baby’s cry,
features of scream, or a sneeze.
electronic ❖Electronic music composers need new ways of notating
their work since the traditional way does not provide
music that you exact means of notating this kind of music.
should know: ❖Some electronic music composers abandoned beat and
meter and considered time instead.
• “The Father of Electronic Music”
• He was born in France in December 22,
• He believed that noise is any sound that
one does not like.
• Music, according to him, is just an
organized collection of noises in a pleasant
❑ Ameriques
❑ Arcana
Voice and
❑ Un grand sommeil noir- for
voice and piano
❑ Offrandes- for soprano and
chamber orchestra
❑ Ecuatorial- for bass voice, brass,
organ, percussion, and theremin.
❑ Etude pour Espace- for solo
soprano, chorus, piano, and
Electronic Tape
❑ Deserts- for wind, percussion,
and electronic tape.
❑ Le procession de vergas- a
soundtrack for Around and About
Joan Miro
❑ Poeme electronique

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