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Most Essential Topic # 3: Animating with Stykz

Lesson # 7: Introduction to Stykz

Prerequisite Content-knowledge:
3D Animation

Prerequisite Skill:
The learners can describe and identify the following:
Name the different styles in animation.
Describe each animation style.
Differentiate the five styles of animation.

Prerequisites Assessment:

Ask the learners to answer the following questions to find out their knowledge and skills about the topic “3D Animation”.


 The questions will be asked to the students face to face before the discussion (for offline or face to face modality)
 The questions will be posted through google classroom (for modular or online modality)
1. Differentiate 3D and 2D animation.

Pre-lesson Remediation Activity:


1. For Students with Insufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):

 Explaining and/or concepts clarification


1. In your own opinion, describe the use of the Stykz application.

2. Identify the parts of Stykz interface and their uses.
2. For Students with Fairly Sufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):
 “Q & A”, processing of student’s responses and/or feedback-based understanding.


a. Time frame a student is expected to finish learning the lesson (and where to contact the teacher when concerns arise).
 The time allotted is 240 minutes.
 My office is in Building 3 at SJDMCCI Office of the Registrar – First Floor, my e-mail address is, you can also message me through
my number (0915-299-4099) and my FB account (Lileen Raquel Castillo).

Online and Distance (Online + Offline remote)

Learners can communicate with their teacher via text or call, or social media messenger.

Blended (Online + In-person On-campus)

Learners can communicate with the teacher during the on-campus meeting and utilize the channels for Distance Learning during off-campus days.

b. The knowledge (RUA) the student is expected to gain from learning the topic/lesson

i. Discuss what Stykz is and how it was developed.

ii. Identify the terms and file extensions used in Stykz.
iii. Identify the various parts of the welcome Center.

Context where the student is going to apply his/her learning (In what PAA/EAA and personal use?)

● The lesson allows the learners to learn the Intoduction to Stykz.

3. Overview of the Lesson

This lesson discusses the Common Terminologies, File Extensions, and Welcome Center using the Stykz application.

Student’s Experiential Learning: (Note: Use the Flexible Learning Activity Identified for the topic/lesson relative to the General Enabling Teaching Strategy)

This section is intended for the presentation guide of the lesson proper. It must highlight the chunking of the topic into essential concepts through the use of formative

Direction: Each learner must give their own ideas about the questions asks.

1. What do you think of animation software?

2. Do you know any animation software? How much do you know about it?
3. Are you familiar with the Stykz application? If yes, how did you know about it?
4. Are you interested in learning how to use an animation software? Why?

CHUNK 1: Introduction to Stykz

Formative question
What is Stykz all about?

Learning Activities:

1. The teacher facilitates the interactive discussion.

2. The student will present their ideas about the topic and the teacher will explain further the discussion based on the students’ ideas.

Guided Questions:

1. What is Stykz?
 Stykz is the first multi-platform program used in creating stick figure animations.

2. Who developed Stykz?

 Ken Ray started developing Stykz in 2008 and sooner released the first public beta for MAC in December 2008.
CHUNK 2: Common Terminologies

Formative question
What are the common terminologies that the learners may encounter throughout the lesson?

Learning Activities:

1. The teacher facilitates the interactive discussion.

2. The student will present their ideas about the topic and the teacher will explain further the discussion based on the students’ ideas.

Guided Questions:

1. What are the terms used and their definitions?

 Figure – It refers to any stick figure that consists of one or more segments and nodes.
 Nodes – These are red and yellow circles that are attached to the ends of each segment.
 Segments – These are the lines and circles that make up a figure. They are more specifically called as line segments and circle segments.
 Stage – It refers to the working environment in an open Stykz document. Figures that should be animated are placed here.
CHUNK 3: File Extensions

Formative question
What are the different file extensions used in Stykz?

Learning Activities:

1. The teacher facilitates the interactive discussion.


2. The student will present their ideas about the topic and the teacher will explain further the discussion based on the students’ ideas.

Guided Questions:

1. Define the different file extensions and their usage.


.stykz It is used for documents created in Stykz.

.styk It is used for stick figure files created in Stykz.

.stykzback It is used for Stykz document backups.

.piv It is used for documents created in Pivot Stick Figure Animator.

.stk It is used for stick figure files created in Pivot Stick Figure Animator which can be imported and converted
to use with Stykz.

CHUNK 4: The Welcome Center

Formative question
What are the steps to Open a new document in Stykz?

Learning Activities:

1. The teacher facilitates the interactive discussion.


2. The student will present their ideas about the topic and the teacher will explain further the discussion based on the students’ ideas.

Guided Questions:

1. How to Open a Recent Document?

2. How to Create a New Document?
 Default Document
 Blank Document
 From a Pivot .stk File
 From a Stykz .styk File
3. How to Start animating using Stykz?
4. How to access tutorials?
Stykz is the first multi-platform stick figure animation program used in creating animations. It is created and released by Ken Ray in 2008. The Welcome Center appears on
the screen when users launch the program for the first time. It has five main sections labelled as Open a Recent Document, Create a New Document, Getting Started,
Tutorials, and Show at Startup.

RUA of a Student’s Learning:

Welcome Center:

Direction: Read the instructions carefully to achieve the desired output.

1. This project should be done individually.
2. On a 1/8 illustration board, draw a diagram of the Welcome Center of Stykz and name their parts.

10-15 5-9 0-4

DETAIL Shows a lot of details Shows some detail. Shows little detail.
LABELS Has all accurate labels Has some accurate details. Has little or no accurate details.
WRITING Clearly explains the uses of each label Tells something about the topic. Does not talk about the topic.
PRESENTATION Everything is neat and easy to read Some is neat and easy to read. Little or no neatness.


Post-lesson Remediation Activity:

Let the learners answer the following questions to find out what they have learned about the whole topic/lesson Introduction to Stykz.


Direction: Identify the following.

1. He developed and released Stykz in 2008. KEN RAY

2. It appears on the screen when students launch the program for the first time. WELCOME CENTER
3. It is the first muti-platform stick figure animation program used in creating animations. STYKZ
4. It is another freeware application used in creating stick-figure and simple animations. PIVOT ANIMATOR
5. It refers to any stick figure that consists of one or more segments and nodes. FIGURE
6. It refers to the working environment in an open Stykz document. Figures that should not be animated should placed here. STAGE
7. These are the red and yellow circles that are attached to the ends of each segment. NODES
8. These are the lines and circles that make up a figure. They are specifically called as line segments and circle segments. SEGMENTS
9. It rotates the attached segments and also called as red circles. PIVOT NODES
10. It moves a figure around the stage and also called as yellow circles. DRAG NODES
11. This option allows students to create a new document that is completely blank. BLANK DOCUMENT
12. The program shows the most recent documents and it is found on the top-left corner of the Welcome Center. OPEN A RECENT DOCUMENT
13. The program shows some options for creating new document and it is found on the lower-left corner of the Welcome Center. CREATE A NEW DOCUMENT
14. It is found on the top-right corner of the Welcome Center. GETTING STARTED
15. It is found on the bottom-right corner of the Welcome Center. TUTORIALS

Post Lesson Remediation for Students with Insufficient Level of Prerequisite Content-Knowledge and/or Skill(s):


Direction: Complete the given sentences or paragraphs by filling in the blanks with the correct words.

Direction: Read the instructions carefully to achieve the desired output.


1. This project should be done individually.

2. On a bond paper draw the Stage of Stykz and its parts.
 Presentation = 40%
 Details = 40%
 Writing = 20%
TOTAL = 100%


Animation 1st Edition – iBook IT Courseware Series

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