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Q:What are geostationary satellite?

Ans :The artificial satellite moving in a circular orbit in the equatorial plane of the earth
whose period of revolution is exactly equal to the period of revolution of earth about its own
axis.(24 hours)

Q:(The sum and difference of two vectors are equal in magnitude. What conclusion do you
draw from this?
Ans: they are perpendicular to each other
Q:What is the unit of coefficient of limiting friction?
Ans: no unit
Q:A pilot does not fall down when his airplane loops the loop.Why?
Ans: Due to centrifugal force.
Q:On which factors does moment of inertia of a body about an axis depend?
Ans: mass, shape and size of the body and position of the axis of rotation.
Q:What is meant by escape velocity?
Ans: the least velocity with which a body must be thrown vertically upwards in order that it
may just escape the gravitational pull of the Earth.
Q:Give two examples of bodies in which the geometrical centre and the centre of mass
Ans: uniform sphere and a thin rod of uniform crossection.

Q:Define radius of gyration and give its physical significance.

Ans : The radius of gyration of a body about an axis of rotation is defined as the radial distance
of a point from the axis of rotation at which ,if whole mass of the body is assumed to be
concentrated ,its moment of inertia about the given axis would be with its actual distribution of

Q:When ballet dancers fold their arms their speed increases. Explain why?
Ans : When ballet dancers fold their arms , their moment of inertia decreases.
As angular momentum remains constant by law of conservation of angular momentum and
J=I , their speed increases.

Q:What is binding energy of satellite ?give formula for the same.

Ans : The energy required for a satellite to leave its orbit around the earth
and escape to the infinity is called the ‘binding energy’ .

Binding energy of the satellite= =

-8 2 -2
Q:Given the value of G in cgs system is 6.67× 10 dyne cm g . Calculate its value in SI
Ans: 6.67× 10-11Nm2Kg-3

Q:What are conservative and non-conservative forces?

Q:Define radius of gyration and give its physical significance.
Ans : The radius of gyration of a body about an axis of rotation is defined as the radial distance
of a point from the axis of rotation at which ,if whole mass of the body is assumed to be
concentrated ,its moment of inertia about the given axis would be with its actual distribution of

Q:When ballet dancers fold their arms their speed increases. Explain why?
Ans : When ballet dancers fold their arms , their moment of inertia decreases.
As angular momentum remains constant by law of conservation of angular momentum and
J=I , their speed increases.

Q:What is binding energy of satellite ?give formula for the same.

Ans : The energy required for a satellite to leave its orbit around the earth
and escape to the infinity is called the ‘binding energy’ .

Binding energy of the satellite= =

-8 2 -2
Q:Given the value of G in cgs system is 6.67× 10 dyne cm g . Calculate its value in SI
Ans: 6.67× 10-11Nm2Kg-3

Q:What are conservative and non-conservative forces?

Ans:A force is said to be conservative if the work done by the force in moving a body depends
only upon the initial and final position of the body and is independent of the path followed
between the initial and final positions.
Examples are gravitational force. A force is said to be non-conservative if the work done by
the force in moving a body depends upon the path followed between the initial and final
positions. Example frication force.

Q:Obtain an expression for the acceleration due to gravity in terms of gravitational constant G.
Ans: Let Me and Re be the mass and radius of earth. ‘m’ be the mass of the body situated at
the surface of the earth. Then According to law of gravitation, the force of attraction acting on
the body due to the earth is given by
F= ------(1)
Also if ‘g’ is acceleration due to gravity by Newton’s second law
F=mg ---------------(2)
From (1) and (2)
mg =
Q:What do you mean by ‘acceleration due to
gravity’ what is the effect of rotation of earth
around its axis on the value of acceleration
due to gravity?
Ans:As a result of rotation all bodies on earth
move along circular paths with the same
angular velocity w . Therefore, the observed
value of g is less than what would have been
in the absence of earth’s rotation by an
amount supplied for the centripetal
acceleration . The supplied amount varies
with latitude on earth’s surface. Consequently
the value of g varies with latitude.
Consider a body at P on the surface of the
earth having latitude
Then due to earth’s rotation the observed
value of acceleration due to gravity at P is
given by
g’ = g -
This is the required expression. It shows that
g’ g that is, earth’s rotation result in a
decrease in the value of g and the decrease
diminishes with increasing latitude.
Q:State and explain work energy theorem.
Ans:The work done by the force in displacing
a body is equal to the change in the kinetic
energy of the body.
Suppose a body of mass m is moving with an
initial velocity u. When a force F acts upon it
in the direction of motion , its velocity
increases from u to v. then work done by the
dW=. = Fdscos0=Fds………..(i)
if ‘a’ be the acceleration produced by the
force, then
Putting in eq(i)
= mdv
Q. = mv.dv
2 2
W=m = mv - mu
W= Final K.E. – Initial K.E.

Q:What is meant by collision? Give brief

account of elastic and inelastic collisions.
Ans: collision between two bodies(or
particles) is said to occur when they either
physically strike against each other or if the
Q. = mv.dv
2 2
W=m = mv - mu
W= Final K.E. – Initial K.E.

Q:What is meant by collision? Give brief

account of elastic and inelastic collisions.
Ans: collision between two bodies(or
particles) is said to occur when they either
physically strike against each other or if the
path of the motion of one is influenced by the
Types of Collisions: Elastic collisions and
inelastic collisions. If the forces of interaction
between the colliding bodies are conservative,
the momentum as well as the kinetic energy
remains conserved in the collision and the
collision is said to be ‘elastic’. Collisions
between atomic, nuclear and fundamental
particles are usually elastic. Collisions
between ivory and glass balls are
approximately elastic.
When the kinetic energy is changed in the
collision, the collision is said to be
‘inelastic’ (the momentum and the ‘total’
energy are still conserved.

Q:Explain the separation of cream from milk.

Ans: When a vessel filled with milk is
rotating, the milk also rotates along with the
vessel about the same axis. As cream particles
are lighter than the milk particles. The lighter
particles would experience a lesser force than
the heavier particles moving along a path of
the same radius. Hence
the cream particles tends to take path of
smaller radius moves towards the centre and
heavier particles move towards the
circumference. In this way cream get
separated from milk.
If =+3j+2k and =3i+j+2k, then find the value
of .
Ans: 4i+4j-8k
Q:Friction is necessary evil. Comment.
Ans:Friction is a non-conservative force
which always opposes the motion of a body
over the other. It dissipates energy into non-
recoverable forms like heat and noise. The
excessive heat produced in machines due to
friction may cause damage. Friction also
causes wear and tear of machinery parts
which are in mutual contact. A part of the fuel
consumed in machines, engines and vehicles
is spent in overcoming friction. From this
point of view, friction is an evil.
But on the other hand, friction is necessary in
over the other. It dissipates energy into non-
recoverable forms like heat and noise. The
excessive heat produced in machines due to
friction may cause damage. Friction also
causes wear and tear of machinery parts
which are in mutual contact. A part of the fuel
consumed in machines, engines and vehicles
is spent in overcoming friction. From this
point of view, friction is an evil.
But on the other hand, friction is necessary in
our day-to-day life. If friction were totally
absent, we could not walk on road, and
vehicles could not run on the ground. If,
somehow, vehicles were set in motion, they
could not be stopped because the brakes
would not function. Moreover, in the absence
of friction, nuts and bolts could not hold parts
of machinery together.

Q:Establish relation between linear and

angular velocity.
Ans :The particle covers an arc of length ∆ s
in time ∆t . Hence the angular
displacement is
∆θ = ∆s/ r
Dividing both side by ∆t

∆θ/∆t = 1/r ×∆s/∆t

If the time interval ∆t be infinitesimally small
= []
=ω and =v

Q:A weight of 1.0 kg is suspended from the

lower end of a wire of cross-section 10mm .
Find the magnitude and direction of the stress
produced in it.
Ans :
applied force = F = 1.0 x 9.8
Area A = 10mm 2 = 10 -6 = 10 -5 m 2
Stress = F/A
= 9.8/ 10 -5
= 9.8 10 5 N m -2
Direction of stress will be upward.
Q:The temperature of 100g of water is to be
0 o
raised from 24 C to 90 C by adding steam to
it. Calculate the mass of steam required. The
latent heat of steam is 540 kcal kg-1. The
specific heat of water is 1.0 calg-10 C-1
Ans: let m be the mass of steam required , L
the latent heat of steam and c the specific heat
= 9.8 10 5 N m -2
Direction of stress will be upward.
Q:The temperature of 100g of water is to be
0 o
raised from 24 C to 90 C by adding steam to
it. Calculate the mass of steam required. The
latent heat of steam is 540 kcal kg-1. The
specific heat of water is 1.0 calg-10 C-1
Ans: let m be the mass of steam required , L
the latent heat of steam and c the specific heat
of water.
The amount of heat given by the steam in
condensing in to water at 1000 C is mL , and
that given by the condensed water in cooling
0 0
from 100 C to 90 C is mc ∆T , where ∆T
=1000 C -900 C= 100 C , Then the total heat
given is
Q = m(540)+m(1.0)(10)
=550 mcalg-1
This heat is taken by 100g of water in rising
0 0
from 24 C to 90 C
Q=mass of water× sp. heat× rise in temp
Q= 100× 1.0×(90-24)
=6600 cal
From eq (i) and (ii)
550 mcalg = 6600 cal
Hence m =6600/550 =12 g
Q:A balloon filled with helium does not rise
in air indefinitely but halts after a certain
height . why?
Ans: Initially the balloon rise up inair because
the weight of air displace by balloon , that is
the upthrust of air on the balloon is greater
than the weight of the helium filled in
balloon. As the balloon rise up the density of
air decreases and so balloon hails at such a
height where the upthrust of air becomes
equal to the weight of the helium filled
Q:A soap film is on a rectangular wire ring of
size 3 cm×3 cm. If the size of the film is
changed to 3 cm× 4cm , then calculate the
work done in this process. The surface tension
-2 -2
of the soap solution is 3.0× 10 Nm
Ans: intial surface area =9 cm sq = 9×10-4
-4 2
Final surface area of the film =12×10 m

-4 2
Increase in surface area =3×10 m
As soap film has two surfaces
work done in this process. The surface tension
-2 -2
of the soap solution is 3.0× 10 Nm
Ans: intial surface area =9 cm sq = 9×10-4
-4 2
Final surface area of the film =12×10 m

-4 2
Increase in surface area =3×10 m
As soap film has two surfaces
Increase in surface area =∆A=2×3×10-4 m2
-4 2
=6×10 m

Work done =T×∆A =1.8×10-5 J

Q:State and prove Pascal’s law of fluid

pressure. Illustrate with two examples
Ans: Pascals law states that pressure in a fluid
in equilibrium is the same everywhere , if the
effect of gravity can be neglected.
Let us imagine a right circular cylinder in a
liquid with the line CD as axis and point C
and D as centres of the flat ends faces of the
cylinder. Let us consider the liquid inside the
cylinder which is in equilibrium under the
action of forces exerted by liquid outside the
cylinder. These forces are perpendicular to the
surface of the cylinder everywhere .
Forces F1 and F2 on faces C and D are
perpendicular to the forces on the curved
surface of the cylinder .
Since the liquid is in equilibrium , the sum of
all forces acting on the cylinder must be zero.
As such F1=F2
If P1 and P2 are the pressure on faces C and
F1 = P1A F2-P2A
P1 = P2
Q:Find the pressure on a swimmer 10 m
below the surface of a lake . Take density of
3 -3 -2
lake water =10 kgm , g =10ms and
atmospheric pressure p=1.01×105 Pa.
Ans: P= p+hρg
P= (1.01×105 ) +(10×103×10 )
= 2.01×10 Pa =2 atm
Q:If a wire is stretched by applying an
external force, then prove that the elastic
potential energy per unit volume of the wire is
equal to ½ stress strain.[3]
Ans : When wire is stretched , work is done
against the inter-atomic forces.
Ans: P= p+hρg
P= (1.01×105 ) +(10×103×10 )
= 2.01×10 Pa =2 atm
Q:If a wire is stretched by applying an
external force, then prove that the elastic
potential energy per unit volume of the wire is
equal to ½ stress strain.[3]
Ans : When wire is stretched , work is done
against the inter-atomic forces.
This work is stored in the wire in the form of
elastic potential energy.
Suppose the length of wire is L and area of
cross-section is A. Suppose, on applying a
force F along the length of the wire, the
length increases by x.Then longitudinal
stress= F/A and longitudinal strain = x/L
The Young’s modulus Y of the material of
wire is
Y= = =
so, force necessary to increase the length of
the wire by x is given by
F= x
Now if wire further increased by infinitesimal
small length dx, then the work
done is
dW = F dx = x dx
therefore in increasing the original length L to
L+l that is from x=0 to x=l, work done is
W= xdx = = YA
Q:Establish relation between the surface
tension of a liquid and the work done in
increasing its surface area

let a liquid film be formed between bent wire

ABC and a straight wire PQ which can slide
on the bent wire without friction . As the film
surface tends to contract, the wire PQ moves
upward. To keep
PQ in equilibrium a uniform force F has to be
applied in the downward direction.
F 2l
F =T×2l
Where T is called surface tension.
If wire is moved downward through a small
distance ∆x. The results in an increase in the
surface area of the film. The work done by
the force F
W=F×∆x = T×2l×∆x
But 2l×∆x is the total increase in the surface
area of the film i.e. ∆A. Then
F 2l
F =T×2l
Where T is called surface tension.
If wire is moved downward through a small
distance ∆x. The results in an increase in the
surface area of the film. The work done by
the force F
W=F×∆x = T×2l×∆x
But 2l×∆x is the total increase in the surface
area of the film i.e. ∆A. Then
W = T×∆A
T= W/∆A
Q:Define ‘ coefficient of thermal
conductivity’ and state its SI unit and
Ans: the coefficient of thermal conductivity K
of a material is defined as the amount of heat
that flows in unit time through unit area of the
material perpendicular to the flow under unit
temperature-gradient , when the steady state
has been reached
SI unit of coefficient of thermal conductivity
is Js-1 m-1 C-1
[MLT-3 θ-1]
Q:Explain the terms stress, strain and define
Young’s modulus of elasticity
Ans: the internal restoring forces acting per
unit area of cross-section of the deformed
body is called stress.
If F is external force , the stress is measured
by the external force per unit area of cross-
The stress developed in body depends upon
how the external forces are applied over it. On
this basis, there are three types of stress :
longitudinal stress, hydrostatic stress and
tangential stress.
The change occurred in the unit size of the
body is called ‘ strain’
There are three types of strains longitudinal
strain, volume strain and shear strain.
With in the elastic limit upto which Hooke’s
law is applicable , the ratio of the longitudinal
stress to the corresponding longitudinal strain
is called the ‘ young’s modulus’ of the
material of the body.

Q:What is capillarity? Establish a relation

among the height h of water column in a glass
capillary tube, the internal radius r of the tube
and the surface tension T of water.
Ans:When a clean capillary tube is partly
dipped vertically in a liqud, then the liquid
rise or falls in the capillary. This phenomenon
called capillarity.
material of the body.

Q:What is capillarity? Establish a relation

among the height h of water column in a glass
capillary tube, the internal radius r of the tube
and the surface tension T of water.
Ans:When a clean capillary tube is partly
dipped vertically in a liqud, then the liquid
rise or falls in the capillary. This phenomenon
called capillarity.
Let a glass capillary of uniform internal radius
r is kept vertical in water with its lower end
dipping in water. Let the water rises in the
capillary to a height h. At this stage, the total
upward force acting on the periphery is
F = 2…(i)

Where is the angle of contact and T the

surface tension of water. In equilibrium, this
upward force is balanced by the weight of
water column raised. To calculate this weight
of water column we assume that the curved
surface AEB (Fig. 10c) is hemispherical
whose radius may be taken equal to the radius
r of the capillary tube. Now, the volume of the
liquid column raised in the tube is
Volume of liquid filled in the cylinder of
height h + volume of the liquid filled in the
curved surface AEB
= h + ( volume of the cylinder
ABCD – volume of hemisphere AEB)
= h + {(r) - } = h + = .
Weight of the liquid column raised in the
tube = pg…(ii)
Where p is density of the liquid.
In equilibrium, we have from eqs. (i)
and (ii),
2= pg
Since, h be neglected in comparison to h.
For pure water and clean glass, may be taken
zero. Hence, the surface tension of pure water
is given by
T = …(iii)
By measuring h and r, the surface tension of
water T can be determined.
Q:State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem.
Ans: Berrnoulli’s Theorem
When an incompressible and non-viscous
liquid ( or gas) flows in stream-lined motion
from one place to another, then at every point
zero. Hence, the surface tension of pure water
is given by
T = …(iii)
By measuring h and r, the surface tension of
water T can be determined.
Q:State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem.
Ans: Berrnoulli’s Theorem
When an incompressible and non-viscous
liquid ( or gas) flows in stream-lined motion
from one place to another, then at every point
of its path the total energy per unit volume
( pressure energy + kinetic energy + potential
energy) is constant, That is,
P + + p g h = constant.
Thus, Bernoulli’s theorem is in one way the
principle of conservation of energy for a
flowing liquid (or gas).
Proof: Suppose an incompressible and non-
viscous liquid is flowing in stream-lined
motion through a tube XY of non-uniform
cross-section (Fig. 10). Let A1 and A2 be the
areas of cross-section of the tube at the ends
X and Y respectively which are at heights h1
and h2 from the surface of the earth. Let P1
be the pressure and v1 the velocity of flow of
the liquid at X; and P2 the respective
quantities at Y. Since, the area A2 is smaller
than A1 the velocity v2 is greater than
v1( principle of continuity).
The liquid which enters at X travels a distance
v1 in 1 second. On this liquid is acting a
pressure force P1 A1( pressure area.)
work doe per second on the liquid entering
the tube at X is
Force distance
= P1 A1V1.
Similarly, work done per second against the
p2 A2 by the liquid leaving the tube at Y is
P2 A2 V2.
net work done on the liquid = (P1 A1 v1 - P2
But A1 v1 and A2v2 are respectively the
volumes of the liquid entering at X and
leaving at Y per second. These volumes must
be equal and so
A1 v1 = A2v2 =
Where m is the mass of the liquid entering at
X or leaving at Y in 1 second, and p is the
density of the liquid. Substituting this in eq.
(i) , we have
Net work done on the liquid = (P1 -
1 1 2 2
volumes of the liquid entering at X and
leaving at Y per second. These volumes must
be equal and so
A1 v1 = A2v2 =
Where m is the mass of the liquid entering at
X or leaving at Y in 1 second, and p is the
density of the liquid. Substituting this in eq.
(i) , we have
Net work done on the liquid = (P1 -
P2) .…(ii)
The kinetic energy of the liquid entering at X
in 1 second is and that of the liquid leaving at
y in 1 second is .
increase in kinetic energy of the liquid = m
( - ).
The potential energy of the liquid at X is mg
h1 and that atY is mg h2.
decrease in potential energy of the liquid = m
( - ) – m g ( h1 – h2).…(iii)
This increase in energy is due to the net work
done on the liquid:
net work done = net increase in energy.
Hence by eq. (ii) and eq. (iii) , we can write
(P1 - P2) = m ( - ) – m g ( h1 – h2).

Or P1 - P2 = p (- ) - p g (h1 – h2)

Or P1 + p + p g h1 = P2 + p + p g h2

This is Bernoulli’s equation.

Q:Define the term ‘angle of contact ‘ Draw
labeled diagram to show angle of contact
between (i) water and glass (ii) mercury and
glass. What is the value of the angle of
contact between water and clean glass?
Ans: The angle inside the liquid between the
tangent to the solid surface and the tangent to
the liquid surface at the point of contact is
called the ‘angle of contact’ for that pair od
solid and liquid

The angle of contact for those liquids which

wet the solid us acute. It is zero for pure water
and clean glass; for ordinary water and glass
it is about 8. The liquids which do not wet the
solid have obtuse angle of contact. For
mercury and glass the angle of contact is 135.
In Fog. 8 (a) and (b) are shown the angles of
contact for water-glass and mercury-glass.
The angle of contact for water and silver is
90. Hence, in a silver vessel the surface of
water at the edges also remains horizontal
wet the solid us acute. It is zero for pure water
and clean glass; for ordinary water and glass
it is about 8. The liquids which do not wet the
solid have obtuse angle of contact. For
mercury and glass the angle of contact is 135.
In Fog. 8 (a) and (b) are shown the angles of
contact for water-glass and mercury-glass.
The angle of contact for water and silver is
90. Hence, in a silver vessel the surface of
water at the edges also remains horizontal
Q:Explain the behaviour of a stretched of a
stretched wire and show graph between stress
and strain also explain what name of a
quantity can be given to area enclosed by the
stress and strain curve.

The initial part OA of the graph is a straight

line, indicating that upto the point A the
increase in length is directly proportional to
the load. Thus Hook’s law is obeyed.
The stress corresponding to the point A is
called the “ limit of proportionality”. This part
of the graph is related to Young’s modulus of
the material of the wire.
Beyond the point A, the graph begins to be
curved. This indicate that on further
increasing the load, the increase in length is
no longer proportional to the load, but is
greater than allowed by proportionality.
However, upto a point B, the elastic property
exists in the wire, that is, the wire returns to
its original length when the load is removed.
The stress at this point B is called the ‘elastic

Q. Define simple harmonic motion.

Ans-Simple harmonic motion is the motion of
the projection of a particle on any diameter of
a circle of reference.
Q. What are beats?
Ans- When two sound waves of nearly equal
frequencies are produced simultaneously, then
the intensity of the resultant sound produced
by their superposition increases and decreases
alternately with time. This rise and fallof
intensity of sound is called the phenomenon
of beats.
Q. State the necessary conditions for the
interference of sound waves.
Ans- i. The phase difference between the
waves must remain constant.
ii. The amplitude of waves should be nearly
iii. The displacement Produced by the two
alternately with time. This rise and fallof
intensity of sound is called the phenomenon
of beats.
Q. State the necessary conditions for the
interference of sound waves.
Ans- i. The phase difference between the
waves must remain constant.
ii. The amplitude of waves should be nearly
iii. The displacement Produced by the two
waves should be along the same straight line.
Q. What is the phase difference between (i) a
node and the nearest antinode in a stationary
waves ?
Ans- radian
Q.Give differential-equation in simple
harmonic motion.
Ans : +ω2y=0
Q. Distinguish between progressive wave and
stationary waves. Write any two points.
Progressive Wave- i) the wave advance in a
medium with definite velocity.
ii) In these waves, all the particles of the
medium vibrate and the amplitude of
vibration is the same for all of them.
Stationary Waves- i) These waves remain
stationary between two boundaries in the
medium .
ii) in these waves, expect nodes , all other
particles of the medium vibrate but the
amplitude of vibration is different from one
particle to another particle. The amplitude is
zero at the nodes and maximum at the

Q.Give characteristics of linear S.H.M.

Ans- i) the motion of the particle is in a
straight line to and fro about a fixed point,
called equilibrium position.
ii) the restoring force(acceleration ) acting on
the particle is always proportional to the
displacement of the particle from the
equilibrium position.
iii) the force is always directed towards the
equilibrium position.

Q.Draw a diagram showing the formation of

first overtone in a stretched string.

Draw a diagram showing the positions of

nodes and antinodes in an open organ pipe
when the air column inside it produces first
first overtone in a stretched string.

Draw a diagram showing the positions of

nodes and antinodes in an open organ pipe
when the air column inside it produces first

Q:Human heart, on the average , beats 75

times per minute. Find its frequency and
Ans- the beat frequency of heart is
) -1 -1
n=75(min =75(60) =1,25 s -1 =1.25
T= 1/n = (1/1.25) s -1 =1.25

Q:Give any two practical application of beats.

Ans- (1) Determination of frequency- If we
know frequency n1 of tunning fork, then we
can determine the exact frequency of another
tuning fork of nearly equal frequency by
phenomenon of beats.
(2)Tuning of musical instrument- the
musician make use of beats for tuning their
instrument. They sound two instruments ,one
by one and adiust the frequency of one in
such a way that its sound appears to them
similar to the sound of second instrument.

Q:What are the laws of vibration of stretched

string ?
Ans- i) Law of Length: for given string under
a given tension , the frequency of the string
varies as its vibrating length, that is
n 1/l
ii) For a uniform string of given length and
material , the frequency of the string
varies directly as the square root of the
iii) Law of mass : For given tension vibrating
length and material, the frequency varies
inversely as squre root of the mass per unit
length of the string.

Q:State the necessary conditions for the

constructive and destructive interference.
Ans-for constructive interference at a point
=-1,that is
=0, 2 , 4
=2 ………..where n=0,1,2
inversely as squre root of the mass per unit
length of the string.

Q:State the necessary conditions for the

constructive and destructive interference.
Ans-for constructive interference at a point
=-1,that is
=0, 2 , 4
=2 ………..where n=0,1,2
Imax=I1+I2+ 2

K(a1+a2) 2
Thus at a point where the two interfering
waves meet in the same phase the resultant
intensity is maximum.
For Destructive interference or for minimum
intensity at a point =, 3 , 5
= (2m _1) ………………………..where
m= 1,2.3
Then I min =I1 +I2 -2 =( -) 2 =K(a1 –a2) 2

Q:Write the formula for the frequency of

vibration of stretched string , explaining the
meaning of the symbols used.
Ans: n= where n is frequency, T is tension in
the wire ,l is vibrating length of the wire and
m is mass per unit length.

Q:The ratio of intensities of two waves is

16:9. What is the ratio of amplitude?
2 2
Ans- =a1 /a2

= 16/9
= 4/3

Q:What are periodic motion, oscillatory

motion and simple harmonic motion? Explain
that all oscillatory motions are periodic, but
all periodic motion are not oscillatory.
Ans : Periodic Motion
When a body repeats its motion continuously
on a definite path in a definite interval of
time , then its motion is called periodic
Oscillatory Motion
If a body in periodic motion moves to and fro
about a definite point (mean position) then the
motion of the body is a oscillatory motion.
Oscillation which can be expressed in terms
of simple harmonic function and the force
acting upon is always directed towards the
mean position.
The revolution of earth around the sun is a
periodic motion but not oscillatory one.
Q:Discuss SHM as a projection of uniform
If a body in periodic motion moves to and fro
about a definite point (mean position) then the
motion of the body is a oscillatory motion.
Oscillation which can be expressed in terms
of simple harmonic function and the force
acting upon is always directed towards the
mean position.
The revolution of earth around the sun is a
periodic motion but not oscillatory one.
Q:Discuss SHM as a projection of uniform
circular motion and derive displacement –
equation of SHM.
Suppose a particle is moving with uniform
speed along the circumference of a circle of
radius a andcentre O. When the particle was
at B, the projection was at O. When the
particle moving along the diameter also
reaches A. Thus if a particle moving with
uniform speed along the circumference of a
circle, then the straight li
Suppose the particle P starts from the point B
and revolves through an angle of θ radian in t
seconds . If the angular velocity of the particle
be ω, then ω=θ/t or θ=ωt. In t seconds the
projection of the particle P on the diameter
AOA’ is at N. Then , ON (=y say) is the
displacement of the projection in time t. In
tringleOPN , we have
Y= ON = OPsinNPO
But OP=a and NPO = POB =θ =ωt.
y= asinωt
This is the displacement –equation of the
simple harmonic motion.

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