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The Structure of Quartz at 25 and 590°C Determined by Neutron



Institut Laue Langevin, 156X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France

Received March 24, 1980

Analysis of single-crystal data on the (Yto p transformation in quartz, which takes place at 573”C,
showed that the model which, till now, has best agreed with available X-ray data, does not hold for the
neutron data. In an earlier model both oxygen and silicon atoms move to special positions (6j and 3c in
the space group F&22). The new data for ~-quartz were best explained by assuming a disorder for the
oxygen atom around the 6j position, and in order to keep regular SiO, tetrahedra, a corresponding
small disorder in the silicon atom is assumed.

Introduction Two most common types of twinning

occur in quartz, Brazil twinning and Dau-
In an attempt to understand the anoma- phin& twinning. The former has no observ-
lous thermal properties of P-quartz (stable able effect on diffraction data, whereas the
above 573°C) an investigation of the struc- second leads to equality in the reflections
tural changes with temperature up to Fhkr and &,, which are not identical by
1000°C has been undertaken. High-resolu- symmetry. In a Dauphini twin, crystal II is
tion neutron diffraction has been obtained related to crystal I by a 180” rotation about
from powdered synthetic quartz and from the threefold axis. Reflection Fhk, of crystal
single crystals of natural and synthetic I is then superimposed on reflection Fkh, of
quartz. We report here the results for a crystal II, and given a volume fraction x of
single temperature (590°C) characteristic of crystal II the observed intensity is given by
the p-phase, since our conclusions repre- (1)
sent a significant departure from the classi-
cal structure for @-quartz. For complete- Ibc.&-W = xl%.&
ness, we also report the structure of (Y- + (1 - x)lhtk.~l?.
quartz at room temperature from data Since the twin configurations (Yeand (Yeare
collected from the same synthetic crystal. energetically equivalent at all tempera-
In all cases, the p-quartz data are best tures, the twinning density is only limited
described if we adopt a model in which the by the excess energy of the twin boundary,
SiO, tetrahedra are disordered. The pro- but may be influenced by local effects such
posed disorder is a correlated spatial distri- as impurities or surface strains, which di-
bution of the SiO, tetrahedra about the rect the crystal or parts of it into one or the
ideal high-quartz structure with large dis- other configuration. Impure natural crystals
placements in the direction of the Dauphini are often composed of (1~~ and (Yeregions
twin configurations (Yeand (Y*of low quartz. such that x + 0.5, whereas pure crystals
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are often monodomain except for minor the diffractometer were normalized and
regions at the surface. summed to give a single profile suitable for
Near the phase transformation, the den- refinement by the method of Reitveld (7).
sity of Dauphin& twinning increases and a The peaks were well resolved, enabling the
two-dimensional “lattice” of Dauphin& rather flat background between peaks to be
twins develops whose period decreases accurately subtracted. No correction for
with increasing temperature. The effect has absorption was necessary.
been observed by X-ray diffraction (2), by
light scattering (3), and by electron micros- (ZZ)Single-Crystal Diffraction
copy. The single-crystal domains have the Two crystals were used for measure-
form of triangular prisms elongated parallel ments, one synthetic and one of natural
to the threefold axis. In view of the long- origin. The synthetic crystal was a piece
range order of the domain structure, Dau- of a large single crystal (supplied by
phin& twinning is regarded as a characteris- Quartzkeramik, Stockdorf bei-Miinchen)
tic of the quartz structure. The role of which broke when cooled from the p to the
Dauphin& twinning in the p-phase or in the CYphase. A specimen suitable for measure-
mechanism of the phase transformation is ment was obtained by grinding a sphere of
not known. In the ideal p-quartz structure diameter 0.194 cm. Originally the large
there is no Dauphin& twinning since the crystal was a single-domain crystal of opti-
twin pairs are indistinguishable by symme- cal quality. The natural crystal was taken
try at the displacive limit, but recent work from a conglomerate of crystals found by
suggests that the real p structure retains the Drs. A. Heidemann and H. Egger near
a-quartz symmetry in a domain (5) or time- Chamrousse in the Belledonne mountain
averaged (4) structure. The present work chain of the French Alps. In this case the
shows that in the (Y+ p phase transition, sample was a hexagonal column with a
the high-symmetry displacive limit is not length of 0.24 mm and a distance between
attained, but instead an averaged structure opposite hexagonal faces of 0.17 cm. This
of the same symmetry results. The (Y+ p crystal had a milky appearance.
phase transition is therefore of the order- Neutron diffraction data were collected
disorder type similar to that of cristobalite at the four-circle diffractometer D9 located
(6). at the hot source of the Institut Laue
Lang&in high-flux beam reactor. The
wavelength was 0.723 A, and was chosen to
Experimental be a compromise between good reflectivity
for the crystal at the high temperatures and
(Z) Powder Diffraction reduction of extinction, which was ex-
Neutron powder diffraction profiles were pected to be severe for the synthetic crys-
obtained from ground synthetic quartz at tal. The monochromatic beam was obtained
630°C on the high-resolution powder dif- by reflection from the (200) planes of a Cu
fractometer DIA. The finely ground sample crystal in transmission geometry. Coupled
(supplied by Quartzkeramik, Stockdorf bei- o-28 step scans were used to record the
Miinchen) was packed in a l-cm-diameter reflection profiles in the bisecting geometry
vanadium can and mounted in a vacuum and the number of steps in each profile was
furnace with a vanadium foil heater. Data 41. The step length was varied as a function
were collected over the 28 range 20 to 140” of the Bragg angle, and in addition steps
at a wavelength of 1.909 A in a period of 24 were larger in the background than in the
hr. The profiles from the 10 counters of peak: In general half the points were re-

cordings of background. The total scan measurements on the instrument using

width ranged from 2.6” at low angle to 3.10” good-quality Cu crystals have shown that
at 70“ in 28. The stability of the instrument the scanning ratio between o and 8 that
was monitored by measurement of a stan- keeps the Bragg spot at the center of the
dard reflection at intervals of 30 reflections. detector surface during the scan is zero (o
Second-order contamination was reduced scan) at low Bragg angles increasing to 2
to less than 0.2% by means of an ir filter. (o-28 scan) for 8 around 35”, so with a
Data were obtained at room. temperature sufficiently large aperture a complete inte-
for the synthetic crystal and at 590°C for gration should be possible. Indeed,
both crystals. The crystals were heated by refinements of the two sets of data led to
a stream of hot air which arrives at the structural parameters that agreed within
crystal along an axis coincident with the two standard deviations except for the
neutron beam (8). This is obtained by mak- scale factor, where the value was three
ing the diameter of the gas nozzle large standard deviations smaller for the w scan
enough to allow the neutron beam to pass than for the o-28 scan.
through the center without touching. No Profiles were reduced to F$ values with
neutrons are scattered by the heating equip- the minimal u(Z)/Z criteria including a cor-
ment. The heater was easily calibrated at rection of the known bias in the method (9))
the transition temperature of 573°C by ob- where Z is the integrated intensity and a(Z)
servation of the change of extinction at the its standard deviation. No corrections were
transition. This effect was observed over a made for absorption, thermal diffuse scat-
range of several degrees, and can be as- tering, and multiple scattering.
cribed partly to a small gradient over the The numbers of reflections measured
crystal and partly to the fact that extensive were 583 and 681 for the synthetic crystal at
changes in the mosaic structure do take room temperature and 590°C respectively,
place some degrees below the transition and for the natural crystal 677 reflections
(4). The transition temperature was as- were recorded. After averaging of symme-
sumed to correspond to maximum extinc- try-related reflections there were 204
tion change. An estimate of the stability of reflections at room temperature and 128 at
the furnace was obtained from repeated high temperature. The disagreement index
measurements of reflection intensities at between symmetry-related squared-struc-
the transition, and it was found that temper- ture amplitudes was 0.026 for the natural
ature variations were less than a degree crystal, and for the synthetic crystal the
over several days. values were 0.014 at room temperature and
For both crystals data were measured to 0.039 at 590°C. This decrease in agreement
a 28 value of 70”, and it was ensured that for at high temperature is quite remarkable. It
the room-temperature data at least two, and is partly due to a reduction in precision
for the high-temperature data at least four, from reduced intensities at high angles, but
symmetry-related reflections were re- also from lower agreement between sym-
corded. The Bragg reflection profiles for the metry-related reflections in the high-tem-
natural crystal had large shoulders. In order perature phase. This disagreement could
to ensure that the scan gave a complete not be removed either by several passages
integration of the elastic intensity a set of through the transition, or by several days’
data was collected using the w-scan tech- heating at 800°C.
nique, which for small Bragg angles is a
scan through reciprocal space nearly ortho- Powder Data Re$nements
gonal in direction to the w-28 scan. Earlier Since the powder profile is a representa-

tion of the sum of all crystal orientations, RI = &I Z,(obs)

powder diffraction is insensitive to macro- - (l/c)z, Wc)l/WdoW.
scopic twinning where each component dif-
fracts as an individual crystal. Neutron scattering lengths used were bsi
In a time-averaged or “microtwin” do- = 0.415 x 10-12cmand b,, = 0.58 x IO-l2 cm
main structure however, diffraction occurs (II). Anisotropic thermal parameters were
from the average structure weighted ac- refined for oxygen, but considering the
cording to the occupation of sites in each need to restrict the number of parameters in
domain. We can thus discriminate between line with the limited data available from the
ideal ordered or “disordered” structures powder profile, an isotropic thermal param-
by refinement of the total or fractional eter was used for silicon. Since silicon is at
occupancy of the atomic positions. the center of a regular tetrahedral arrange-
Refinement of the powder profile was car- ment, this represents a good approxima-
ried out according to the method of Riet- tion.
veld (7), developed to include anisotropic Refinement very strongly favored a dis-
thermal parameters by Hewat (IO). The ordered structure (Table I), with a large
space group was assumed to be P&22, separation (0.4 A) between equivalent oxy-
which corresponds to adding a twofold axis gen atoms of the (Yeand cyzdomains, very
to the threefold axis of the low-temperature much greater than the estimated limits of
form. For the choice of the atomic positions error (3~ for z, 6a for y). The silicon atom
we consider two possibilities. Young (2) also showed a small displacement from the
suggested that both atoms are in special ideal p-quartz position (0.06 A) but at this
positions, Si in 3c(i, 0,O) and 0 in 6j (2x, x, stage it could not be considered significant,
8). By placing the three silicon atoms in 6j as in general all the standard deviations
(x, 0,O) and the six oxygen atoms in general were relatively large. Confining the silicon
positions, with an occupancy factor of +, we atoms to x, y = 0.5 did not cause any
describe the diflraction from an average significant increase in R,. On the other
structure where the two local configura- hand all the refined parameters including
tions corresponding to (Yeand (Yetwins are the Si coordinates are remarkably close to
equally represented in the diffraction event. those determined by Young for a-quartz in
The ordered structure (a1 = a& is of course space group K&21 below the phase trans-
implicitly included as a limiting case of this formation at 570°C. Refinements on data
model. The quantity minimized in the Riet- collected at other temperatures up to
veld profile refinement is 1000°Cconfirmed all the structural features
of the 630°C measurement, but additional
x2 = Z,wi(yXObS) - (I/C) Yi (CdC))', structural trends with temperature which
where yi (ohs) and yi (talc) are the observed we hoped to see were not observed, pre-
and calculated intensities at 28,, wi = sumably because such changes are small
l/yi(obs) is the assigned weight, and c is the compared to the standard deviations of the
scale factor. Two R factors are calculated, atomic coordination of our refinements.
the profile residual
Single-Crystal Refinements
Refinements were carried out using the
and a corresponding R factor for integrated least-squares program LINEX (Z2), and the
intensities for comparison with single-crys- quantity minimized was C W (F2, - k2Fsz
tal results or classical powder pattern anal- with W = l/(d(counting) +(pF$)“). The
ysis. scale factor is k, andp is a variable weight-

Room temperature Powder (630°C)

Synthetic crystal (590°C) Natural crystal @WC)
Le Page and 0 in 6j 0 general
This work Donnay (I) 0 in 6j 0 general 0 in 6j 0 general Si in 3c Si in 6g

x 0.4701(l) O/%987(9) 1 f 0.486
B 1.95(6) 1.46(9)
Ul, 0.0056(2) 0.0066(l) 0.0216(9) 0.0227(6) 0.0248(8) 0.0250(6)
UZZ 0.0039(2) 0.0051(2) 0.0161(10) 0.0184(6) 0.0190(10) 0.0196(7)
US77 0.0052(2) O.o060(1) 0.0166(9) 0.0167(4) 0.0185(9) 0.0178(6)
Ua3U, lb2 4% t u** t&.2 +uZZ
Ulsf% t&S 0 0 0 0
IJrJ -0.0006(2) -0.0003(l) 0 0 0 0
Oxygen g
x (0.4136(l) 0.4141(2) 2Y 0.4164(3) 2Y 0.4 168(4) 2Y 0.4179(4) 2
Y 0.2676( 1) 0.2681(2) 0.2072(26) 0.2381(11) 0.2072(23) 0.2380(12) 0.2091(2) 0.2432(g) %
Z 0.1191(l) 0.1188(l) t 0.1419(10) 4 0.140~(11) t 0.1416(8) 8
u,, 0.0137(2) 0.0156(4) 0.0508(13) 0.0529(8) 0.0538( 13) 0.0536(9) 0.046(2) 0.051(2)
UP 0.0093(2) 0.0115(3) 0.0531(16) 0.0374( 11) 0.0570(20) O&+06(23) 0.06qll) 0.041(9)
UB 0.0109(l) 0.0119(3) 0.0607(12) 0.0381(23) 0.063q14) 0.0377(24) 0.035(l) 0.027(7)
u* 0.0078( 1) 0.0092(3) 1 Ul, 0.0298(4) 4 u,, 0.0308(7) f u,, 0.032(2)
v, -0.003ql) - 0.0029(3) 0 -0.0064(8) 1 -0.0057(8) - 0.002(2)
up -0.0048(l) - 0.0046(2) - 0.363(8) -0.0174(6) - 0.0368(9) -0.0169(14) -O.Oi4(3) -0.013(6)
R % 1.9 1.6 5.3 3.8 5.3 3.5
R, (%I 8.04 7.24
RI (%I 4.40 2.61

D The unit cells used are: room temperature (2/): a = 4.9134 A, c = 5.4052 A. Space group: P3*21. 590°C (22): a = 4.9977 A, c = 5.4601 %. Space group:

ing parameter. Final calculations varying p the powder profile refinement. The results
gave only small changes in agreement fac- are given in Table I. For Si the thermal
tors and a value of p = 0.02 was finally motion of the atom placed in the special
adopted. The extinction correction was position 3c (3, 0, 0) was so isotropic that
done using the theory of Becker and Cop- there was no reason to suspect any disor-
pens (13) with the formalism of Thornley der. Confining the oxygen atom to the spe-
and Nelmes (14) whenever anisotropic ex- cial position 6j (2x, x, A)->,however, pro-
tinction was applied. Extinction was severe duced- an atomic density strongly smeared
for the synthetic crystal. For the room- along a line connecting the two possible
temperature data a slightly better agree- oxygen sites in the twinned low-tempera-
ment was obtained when an anisotropic ture structure. A much better agreement
extinction model was used, whereas this was obtained when placing the two half-
was not the case for the high-temperature oxygen atoms in general symmetric posi-
data. In no case were there any significant tions corresponding to a1 and (Ye sites,
variations of the parameters with the var- although no such improvement was ob-
ious extinction models. The extinction was tained in the case of the silicon atoms. It is
of the same order of magnitude at the two possible that a cumulant description of the
temperatures, and the largest reduction fac- atomic distribution of oxygen might give an
tor was 0.35 for the reflection 01.1. For the even better agreement. Indeed we obtain
natural crystal the extinction was negligi- some additional improvement using a three-
ble, the largest reduction being 0.94 for the position disorder model for oxygen cover-
reflection 0 1.1. ing a distribution over the special and gen-
For the room-temperature data a prelimi- eral sites. However, it is not possible to
nary estimate of the Dauphin6 twinning refine the occupation factor for these sites
indicated it to be less than 1%. If there is no without independent determination of the
extinction andx is fixed we can solve for F thermal ellipsoids. Nevertheless the
(hkl), or likewise for x < 1 we can solve for present results clearly show that a disorder
jF(hk - l),j if we replace )F(kh . l),,) by the model is a better description than the or-
calculated value, which does not suffer dered model suggested by Young.
from extinction. This was done for a series The list of structure factors is available in
of x up to 1% and a minimum in the the microfiche version’ or from the au-
agreement factor was obtained for an x thors.
value of 0.25%. This value was then used in
further refinements. Measurements of a few a-Quartz
reflections on the natural crystal at room The room-temperature structure is in
temperature showed x to be near 50%. good agreement with the recent study by
For refinement of the room-temperature Le Page and Donnay (1) as seen from Table
data, the starting parameters as well as the I. The only important differences are found
coordinate system were as given by Le Page
1 Order from ASIS/NAPS c/o Microfiche Publica-
and Dormay (I) and the results are summa- tions, P.O. Box 3513, Grand Central Station, New
rized in Table I. For the high-temperature York, New York 10163. Remit in advance for each
data, several models were refined to inves- NAPS Accession number. Institutions and organiza-
tigate the possible disorder in both the tions may use purchase orders when ordering; how-
silicon and oxygen atoms. Starting parame- ever, there is a billing charge for this service. Make
checks payabIe to Microfiche Publications. Photo-
ters for confined ordered models were copies are $5.00. Microfiche are $3.00. Outside of
those of Young for quartz at WC, and for the U.S. and Canada, postage is $3.00 for a photo-
the disordered models those obtained from copy or $1.50 for a fiche.

in the thermal parameters where the X-ray quartz is submicroscopically twinned ac-
results are consistently larger than the neu- cording to the symmetry of (y-quartz, but
tron observation. This can be explained by his X-ray film data were not of sufficiently
assuming that the thermal parameters of the high quality to contest the report of Young.
X-ray data to a certain extent make up for Due to problems of computation Young
the electronic deformations that occur by was not able to test directly his data against
bonding, and which are not included in the the split-atom model although he made an
form factors. It is also possible that the attempt to do so. More recently van Tende-
different experimental techniques lead to loo et al. (4) have suggested that the oscil-
discrepancies. The amount of thermal dif- lating boundary observed between twin do-
fuse scattering measured is not the same in mains in a-quartz just below the phase
the two cases, and multiple scattering is transition is a time average of aI and aZ
undoubtedly of importance in the neutron domains. The volume swept by this bound-
case as judged from the rather strong ex- ary increases with temperature until the
tinction. The latter effect would tend to microstructure appears homogeneous to
shift intensity to the weak reflections which the resolution of the electron microscope at
are mainly found at high angles and there- the temperature of the p-phase, and they
fore the temperature factors would be too conclude that p-quartz is a time average of
small. However, we see no trace of multi- the (Yeand (Yestructures. On the basis of
ple scattering in the extinct 001 reflections. these data alone, there is a weakness in this
Presently a charge density study using the argument because in order to reverse the
X-ray data is under way (I), and this will twin configurations a1 e CQthe structure
give us a clear indication whether the whole must pass at least momentarily through the
difference can be explained from charge ideal p-quartz configuration of Young. The
distortions. stability of the domain structure in a-quartz
shows that the time spent in the (Yeand CQ
configurations is large compared to that
&Quartz spent in the ideal p-quartz configuration
The most detailed X-ray diffraction study which is indicated by the thickness of the
of the (Y--, p quartz transition was made by twin boundary at any instant of time. Dif-
Young (2)) who considered in detail the fraction intensities being defined by the
question of Dauphin& twinning. On the space time average of the structure clearly
basis of the intensities of a number of show in the present work that the average
chosen reflections in the w and p-phases it time spent in the (Yeand (Yeconfigurations at
was concluded that p-quartz was not disor- 590°C dominates over that spent in the ideal
dered. The structure was defined by a sin- p-quartz configuration.
gle potential minimum, although this was Diffraction results do not distinguish be-
probably somewhat less than parabolic for tween a spatially static microdomain struc-
oxygen atoms in the direction perpendicu- ture, or a time-averaged structure, but dif-
lar to the Si-0-Si plane. The neutron fuse scattering (4, Z5), intense near the
diffraction refinements in the present work, transition and persisting into the p-phase, is
which take advantage of the larger neutron inelastic and therefore dynamic in origin
scattering length of oxygen compared to (16, 17). The diffuse scattering pattern is
that of silicon to give greater contrast at the compatible with the mode which drives the
oxygen atom, favor a disordered model (Y + /3 phase transformation (4, 18). Dy-
based on split-half-oxygen positions. namic disorder of oxygen atoms between CQ
Arnold (5) has already proposed that p- and a2 configurations would normally be


Si-0 (0-Si-0 (Si-0-Si

Model (& b-W (de@

Room temperature 1.608(l) 110.54(4) 108.87(4) 143.61(4)

1.610(l) 108.74(4) 109.42(4)
590°C oxygen 1.589(9) 111.3(5) 110.1(5) 153.1(2)
in 6j position 1.590(9) 107.0(5) 111.3(5)
590°C oxygen in 110.3(5) 109.6(3) 150.1(Z)
general position 1.560(5-) 103.7(3) 112.8(3)
590°C oxygen 1.591 110.5 108.0 150.9
in general position; 1.606 108.2 109.8
silicon at 0.484, 0, 0

a Values are given only for the synthetic single crystal. For the 590°C structures the space group P3,21 has
been used for the calculation assuming that the SiO, unit moves as a whole in the case where there is disorder.

coupled with a silicon motion to avoid parameters were used, a similar displace-
distortion of the tetrahedral bonds. The ment (x = 0.5 + 0.014) was found.
calculated bond lengths and angles between We are now in a position to describe the
a set of (Yeor cr2oxygen sites and the high- structure of p-quartz. The evidence indi-
symmetry p-quartz silicon site (Table II) cates that the high-symmetry displacive
show a distortion of the tetrahedron around limit of the ideal p-quartz is not achieved as
silicon. This distortion can be relieved by a stable structure. Instead the Dauphin6
moving the silicon away from the special twin structure of a-quartz below the transi-
position. Figure 1 shows a stereographic tion becomes correlated over shorter dis-
picture of the unit cell content, and the tances giving an average structure, proba-
motion of relaxation for the silicon in the bly of a dynamic nature. The displacements
SiO, group is along the twofold axis which relating the domains are those of the classi-
is nearly orthogonal to the plane of the
figure. By distance and angle calculations
involving one-half of the disordered oxy-
gens we find that the distortion is mini-
mized for silicon onx, y, z = 0.5 t 0,016,0,
0. Distances and angles in this SiO, tetrahe-
dron are given in Table II. In the figure this
corresponds to the silicon being above the
FIG. 1. Stereoview of the unit cell content of p-
plane when associated with the dotted oxy- quartz at 590°C. Small atoms are silicon; large atoms
gen atoms and below when associated with are oxygen. The ellipses enclose regions where the
the white oxygen atoms, corresponding atomic density is higher than 50%, and indicate in this
again to the LYEand CY~ twin configurations. way the average thermal motion and disorder. In the
The displacement of silicon corresponds to present case the oxygen distribution is represented by
two half-atoms. Dotted oxygen atoms correspond to
20.08 A, which is observed as a small one position of the SiO, tetrahedra, and the motion of
anisotropy in the temperature parameters the tetrahedra can be described as a screw motion
from the single-crystal data. For the pow- along an axis through silicon and approximately orthog-
der analysis, where isotropic temperature onal to the plane of the figure.

cal (Y+ p phase transition, with an addi- structure, and consequently any small sili-
tional twofold. symmetry about the ideal p- con disorder appears as an increased iso-
quartz positions. As is clearly observable in tropic thermal parameter. It is evident,
Fig. 1, the displacements describe a screw however, that the disorder in p-cristobalite
motion which appears as an undamped may also be a correlated displacement of
overshoot (YeR (112. the silicon and oxygen atoms toward the (Y-
Provided the motion is correlated, the cristobahte position of the six twin
SiO, tetrahedra are not distorted, so the configurations, in which case the local
amplitudes are large and the restoring structure in each domain has cY-cristobalite
forces are probably small. The motion will symmetry (P4,2,2). The cristobalite and
therefore be on a much longer time scale quartz transformations are then very
than typical thermal vibrations, corre- closely related. Although the common
sponding to a very low frequency lattice twinning operation in a-cristobalite is only
mode, propagated as a wave through the twofold, with increasing temperature the
crystal (Tendeloo et al. (4)). Transient oc- axial ratio co/a0 moves from 0.986 (2)112to
cupancy of the ideal P-quartz sites is im- 21i2.This gives the additional possibility of
plicit in this model, but the local a-quartz threefold twinning about the body diagonal
symmetry is dominant. of the pseudo cubic unit cell, and an aver-
age unit cell of cubic symmetry with six-
fold-disorder p-cristobalite.
Comparison with High-Temperature Silica The structure of orthorhombic high tri-
Polymorphs dymite is also disordered relative to that of
ideal high tridymite (20). SiO, tetrahedra
Disorder has been recognized in two are twisted and adjacent tetrahedra alterna-
other important crystalline polymorphs of tively displaced in the b-axis direction. The
silica, both of which are high-temperature oxygen atoms show strong thermal motion
forms related to an ordered structure by a normal to the Sl-0-Si plane. Electron
rapid displacive transition. p-Cristobalite density maps demonstrate clearly the elon-
has been shown to have 16 oxygen atoms gated oxygen position and confum that the
distributed over the 96 (h) positions in the oxygen atom is disordered.
cubic space group Fd3m (19). This average Taken altogether, the results on p-
structure is interpreted in terms of a short- quartz, p-cristobalite, and p-tridymite indi-
range order in domains of lower symmetry cate a general instability of the high-sym-
with each domain a subset of 16 sites of 96 metry SiO, structures compared to
(h) of Fd3m, each occurring with equal disordered structures of lower local sym-
probability. The subset of 16 positions is a metry. This instability is due to the freedom
set of FJd2, or taking the smaller tetragonal of rotation (even over a limited range) of
cell Z42d, which compares directly with (Y- the silica tetrahedra about the twofold axes
cristobalite, reduces to the set 8d of ZA2d. without distortion of the SiO, tetrahedra.
Disorder of the silicon atoms in p-cristobal- Only in p-cristobalite, however, is this free-
ite has also been noted (19)) but has simply dom exploited along all three axes. In p-
been described as relaxation of the Si atoms quartz and p-tridymite the crystal symme-
to relieve stress on the silica tetrahedral try restricts the rotation to only one twofold
angles caused by the displacements at do- axis of the tetrahedra.
main boundaries. The domain structure This work is being continued as a study
represents a sixfold microtwinning of the of the thermal and structural parameters of
tetragonal cell to generate the average quartz from 500 to 1000°C.

Acknowledgments MAREZIO AND L. PONTONNIER, Fourth Euro-

pean Crystallography Meeting, Oxford, England
We thank Professor R. Cowley and Drs. B. Dorner (1977).
and R. Pynn for helpful suggestions and discussions. 9. M. S. LEHMANN AND F. K. LARSEN,AC~~ Crys-
Professor G. Donnay is thanked for critical reading of tallogr. Sect. A 30, 580 (1974).
the manuscript and many helpful comments. We are 10. A. W. HEWAT, Phys. Lett. A 39, 249 (1972).
indebted to Mr. J. Allibon for very efficient technical II. G. E. BACON, The Neutron Dz@raction Newsletter
support. (W. B. Yelon, Ed.), February (1977).
12. P. COPPENS, private communication (1975).
13. P. BECKER AND P. COPPENS, Acta Crystallogr.
Sect. A 30, 129 (1974).
References 14. F. R. THORNLEY AND R. J. NELMES, Acta Crys-
tallogr. Sect. A 30, 748 (1974).
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