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7 JULY 2023

The case that i am going to report on is the murder of Nurman Bakaratu, 61, a MAXIM
e-hailing driver that was murdered on 13 Januari, 7.30PM to 9PM at a palm oil plantation near
Jalan Anjur Jura, Jalan Apas, Batu 5, Tawau, Sabah. The body of this victim was found on 16
Januari 2023 at the same area by a palm oil plantation worker near a vehicle (white Perodua
Myvi) which was distanced around 1 meter with the body. It is said that the plate number is
SAA7841W and the body was found lying down on the ground. The body was found in a state of
bloated and swollen with maggots surrounding it, the skin has darken. The victim was found
wearing full set clothing - dark collared shirt, brown coloured long pants, red belts and no shoes.
At that moment, no identification was found on the body so it was labeled as an unidentified
body. After checking the car plate ownership, it is then confirmed that the body was indeed
Nurman bin Bakaratu (NO.KPT: 621225-12-5173), he was registered as a MAXIM driver.

Other information that was obtained was all the car’s door was closed, there was blood
stain under the co-driver seat door and a parking receipt dated 13/01/2023 2.34 PM on the car
wiper. The body was confirmed to be left for 3 days after the evidence. Further investigations
showed that a white hat with ‘FILA’ written on it was found around the area. Besides that, there
was a blood pool on the driver's seat and at the left back passenger seat. There is no missing
person report that was reported in the PDRM system.

A forensic doctor was able to report the cause of death of the victim was a sharp injury
to the neck that confirmed the body was stabbed with a knife at the neck area.

After further investigations, the suspects that was arrested was listed down as below,

1. Nurima Juli, 33, wife of Nurman Bakuratu

2. Datuk Mat Zaki Md Zain, 58, adulterer with suspect 1
3. Rosdi Rastam, 44, police officer
4. Denis Anat Anit , 42, police officer
5. Fabian Anak Rungam, 44, police officer
6. John Kennedy Sanggah, 44
7. Khairul Azman Bakar, 47, police officer
8. Mohd Azlan Sakaran, 39, suspect 2 driver
9. Vivien Fabian
According to the interrogation with suspect 1, she and suspect 2 had planned to murder
the victim since suspect 2 had a fight with the victim on 3.1.2023 at a pub caused by the affair
between s1 and s2. The murder was told to be revenge on the victim for the fights at the pub, s1
told the police that s3 was the one who stabbed the victim in the car MYVI. S1 admitted to be at
the crime scene with some other of the suspects. S1 also admitted she saw s3 pull the victim out
of the car before placing the body on the grass ground. After more thorough investigation, 8
police officers were confirmed to be detained along with the suspects 1 and 2.
I think this case has caught attention because it involves murder and also higher
authorities. The public was shocked since police are supposed to be protecting the citizens but
were involved with this heavy crime. This case is still so new and still under investigation.
However, from the case above we can choose possible analysis of pattern prints. Although this
case is considered new, public opinion is raged with conspiracy theories and also suspicion.



No Evidence Develop method

1. Fingerprint on knife handle Powder

2. Fingerprint on knife blade Superglue

3. Shoe Print on muddy ground Plaster of Paris

4. Fingerprint on door handle Powder

5. Fingerprint on car seats and steering wheel. Fluorescent powder

6. Fingerprint on the receipt Ninhydrin

7. Fingerprint on the cap and cloth of victim and suspect Iodine fuming

8. Fingerprint on car window Powder

9. Earprint on the car window Tape lifting

10. Bloody Handprint, fingerprints, shoe prints, earprints. Photographs

1. Fingerprint on knife handle

Since the victim's cause of death is a stabbed wound on the neck. We can analyse the
fingerprint that is found on the handle of the knife. This surface is a non-porous surface.

Looking at a unique finger impression on a blade handle in a criminological setting

includes a precise way to deal with guaranteeing exact examination. Preserving the fingerprint on
the knife handle is the first step. Experts in forensics take precautions to prevent the print from
being altered or damaged in any way. They might wear gloves to try not to debase the unique
finger impression with their own prints or different substances. In order to maintain the chain of
custody and guarantee the integrity of the evidence, the handle of the knife is carefully packaged
and labelled.

To upgrade the perceivability of the finger impression, different perception methods are
utilised. The application of fingerprint powder is one method that is frequently used. The powder
sticks to the ridges' sweat and oils, making them visible. Contingent upon the outer layer of the
blade handle, various sorts and shades of powder might be utilised. Chemical reagents or dyes
can also be used to make the fingerprint traces stand out by reacting with them. Latent or hidden
prints that are not immediately visible can also be revealed using lasers or other light sources.

When the unique finger impression is made noticeable, nitty gritty photos are taken
utilising a high-goal camera. In order to document the print's relevant details, multiple angles and
close-up shots are taken. To enable a comprehensive analysis, accurate representations and
measurements are made using scale markers and appropriate lighting.

After that, the captured fingerprint is compared and analysed. The fingerprint's individual
characteristics, patterns, ridge flow, and minute points are scrutinised by forensic experts. They
carefully examine bifurcations, ridge ends, and other distinctive characteristics in order to
identify or exclude the species. In order to facilitate the comparison process, either automated
systems or manual examination methods may be utilised, depending on the expertise and
resources that are at hand.

In a formal report, the findings are verified and documented after the examination is
finished. The condition of the fingerprint, the visualisation methods used, the analysis process,
and any matches or exclusions found are all described in detail in the report. The report is ready
with objectivity, exactness, and clearness, guaranteeing that the ends drawn are upheld by the
proof and approaches utilised during the assessment.

It is essential to acknowledge that due to the nature of the surface and the possibility of
contamination, examining fingerprints on a knife handle can be challenging. However, forensic
professionals have the knowledge and experience necessary to overcome these obstacles. With
their expertise and specialised equipment, they maximise the chances of obtaining usable prints
and carrying out a thorough analysis.
2. Fingerprint on knife blade

Beside that, we can find fingerprints on the knife blade to identify the murder suspect
and compare with all the list above. This surface is known to be non-porous and we can use the
superglue fuming method.

Using superglue, cyanoacrylate fuming can be used to examine a fingerprint on a knife

blade. The cycle starts with exhaustive cleaning of the blade cutting edge to eliminate any
foreign substances. The sharp edge is then positioned in an impermeable nook, and a modest
quantity of fluid superglue is warmed inside the nook. The fumes released by the vapourized
superglue interact with the blade's fingerprints.

The fingerprint residues react with the superglue fumes over time, producing a white
residue that makes the fingerprint visible. When the improvement is finished, the blade cutting
edge is painstakingly taken out from the nook. Using a suitable solvent or cleaning agent, any
excess superglue residue is gently removed without damaging the fingerprint pattern.

The developed fingerprint is then examined in detail and recorded on the knife blade. To
capture detailed images and preserve the fingerprint for future analysis, forensic experts may use
specialised lighting, photography, or microscopy techniques.

It's important to remember that the quality of the fingerprint, the condition of the knife
blade, and the environment during the fuming process all have an impact on how effective this
method is. To optimise the procedure and obtain the best possible outcomes for analysis, forensic
experts rely on their knowledge and experience.
3. Shoe Print on muddy ground

Next, we can find the suspects involved at the crime scene since it is at a muddy ground
at the palm oil plantation. Thus, we can find shoe print patterns around the crime scene.

When collecting shoeprint evidence from a muddy ground, one commonly used method
is to utilise plaster of Paris for casting impressions. The process begins with careful preparation
to preserve the integrity of the muddy ground and the shoeprint. Any loose debris or objects near
the impression are cautiously removed to create a clean working area.

Next, the plaster of Paris is mixed with water according to the manufacturer's
instructions. It is crucial to follow the correct ratio of plaster to water to achieve the desired
consistency. The mixture is typically prepared in a disposable container or bucket using a clean
tool for stirring, ensuring a smooth and pourable consistency.

With the plaster mixture ready, it is poured carefully and evenly into the shoe print
impression. Pouring from the outer edges and allowing the plaster to flow towards the centre
ensures complete filling of the impression. Care should be taken to avoid over-pouring, which
could cause the plaster to overflow and obscure the details of the shoeprint.

The plaster is then left undisturbed to set and harden. The setting time depends on the
specific type and brand of plaster being used. During this stage, it is crucial to avoid any
disturbances that could compromise the accuracy of the cast and the preservation of the shoeprint

Once the plaster is fully set, the cast is extracted from the muddy ground. It is essential to
handle the cast with care, using small trowels or spatulas to gently loosen the edges and lift it out
without damaging the impression. The goal is to maintain the integrity of the cast and preserve
any associated features or details.

Documenting the cast is an important step. Photographing the cast from various angles
and under different lighting conditions helps create permanent records of the shoeprint evidence.
These photographs serve as valuable documentation for further analysis and comparison.

It is important to note that collecting shoeprint evidence requires specialised training and
expertise. In situations where shoe prints may be crucial evidence, it is recommended to involve
qualified forensic professionals to ensure accurate collection and analysis of the evidence. They
possess the necessary knowledge and techniques to handle and interpret shoeprint evidence
4. Fingerprint on car door handle

As we can see from the report above, all the car doors were closed and there is a high
probability that we can find all the suspects, fingerprints on the car door handle. This surface is
non-porous, thus we can use the powder method.

Dissecting a unique finger impression on a vehicle entryway handle in a scientific setting

requires an efficient way to guarantee exact assessment. Preserving the fingerprint on the car
door handle as evidence is the first step. Forensic professionals take precautions to avoid
contamination, such as wearing gloves to prevent transferring their own fingerprints or other
substances onto the handle. They handle the vehicle entryway manoeuvre carefully to forestall
smirching or adjusting the unique finger impression.

Making the fingerprint more visible for analysis is the next step after it has been
preserved. Visualisation can be accomplished through a variety of methods. The application of
fingerprint powder is one method that is frequently used. The powder sticks to the oils and sweat
present in the edges of the unique finger impression, making them apparent. Enhancing the
fingerprint's visibility can also be accomplished through the use of chemical or laser visualisation

A high-resolution camera is used to take precise photographs of the fingerprint after it has
been made visible. To ensure that the fingerprint is recorded in its entirety, multiple angles and
close-up shots are taken. In order to provide an accurate representation and measurement,
appropriate lighting and scale markers are used.

After that, the captured fingerprint is compared and analysed. The fingerprint's individual
characteristics, patterns, ridge flow, and minute points are carefully examined by forensic
experts. In order to confirm or rule out a species, they look at ridge endings, bifurcations, and
other distinctive characteristics. Examination might be done physically or with the help of
computerised frameworks, contingent upon the accessible assets and mastery.

When the examination is finished, the discoveries are confirmed and recorded in a proper
report. The quality of the fingerprint, the visualisation methods used, the analysis process, any
matches or exclusions found, and any other pertinent information are all included in the report.
The report is written in an objective, precise, and straightforward manner, ensuring that the
conclusions drawn are supported by the methods and evidence used.

It is essential to acknowledge that a variety of factors, including the print's quality, the
surface it is found on, and the possibility of contamination, can affect the efficiency of
fingerprint analysis. Legal specialists depend on their insight, experience, and ability to enhance
the assessment cycle and guarantee solid outcomes to give significant proof in criminal
5. Fingerprint on car seats and steering wheel.

Since this case happened in the car, we can analyse fingerprints from the car seats, this
includes the passenger seat, co-driver seat and driver seat to pre-position the position of suspects
during the case. The surface of the booth, the seats and steering wheel is leather which is also
non-porous. The method we can use is fluorescent powder.

When attempting to find a fingerprint on a leather car seat using fluorescent powder, a systematic
approach is crucial for effective visualisation. The first step is to prepare the leather surface by
ensuring it is clean and free from any dust or debris. This ensures optimal adherence of the
fluorescent powder to the fingerprint residues.

Choosing the appropriate fluorescent powder is important. Select a powder specifically

designed for use on leather surfaces, and opt for a colour that contrasts well with the seat
material. Fluorescent powders are formulated to emit a distinct glow under specific wavelengths
of light, making the fingerprint stand out.

To apply the fluorescent powder, a sifter or fine-mesh sieve can be used to distribute it
evenly. Tap or gently shake the sifter or sieve over the leather car seat, allowing the powder to
fall uniformly and cover the surface.

Using a soft brush, such as a fingerprint brush or clean makeup brush, lightly and evenly
spread the powder over the leather. Ensure that the entire area where the fingerprint might be
present is covered. It is important to be gentle during this process to avoid causing any damage to
the seat material.

Once the powder is applied, the seat should be examined under ultraviolet (UV) light.
The use of UV light activates the fluorescent properties of the powder, causing it to emit a
distinct glow or fluorescence. This makes the fingerprint more visible against the background of
the seat material.

Carefully inspect the seat under the UV light to identify any fluorescing fingerprint
patterns. If a fingerprint becomes visible, it should be documented or photographed using
appropriate forensic techniques. Capturing multiple angles and close-up shots is recommended to
effectively preserve the details of the fingerprint.

It is important to note that the success of this method relies on various factors, including
the quality of the fingerprint, the compatibility of the fluorescent powder with the leather surface,
and the effectiveness of the UV light source. Following proper forensic practices and consulting
trained professionals is essential for accurate analysis and interpretation of the fingerprint
6. Fingerprint on the receipt

In the report above, there is a section stating that there are parking receipts found at the
window shield. With the receipt above, it is a porous surface and we can use the ninhydrin
method to develop the fingerprint.

Fostering a unique mark on a receipt involving ninhydrin is a generally involved strategy

in criminological examinations. The cycle includes a few moves toward guaranteeing a fruitful
turn of events and representation of the unique finger impression.

In order to ensure a clean surface for the ninhydrin reaction, the receipt should first be
carefully examined and any potential contaminants should be removed. During the process,
wearing gloves helps to prevent the introduction of additional fingerprints.

After that, a ninhydrin solution is made in accordance with the directions provided by the
manufacturer. Commonly, a grouping of 0.6-1.5% ninhydrin in a reasonable dissolvable, like
CH3)2CO or ethanol, is utilised. The ninhydrin solution is applied with a spray bottle, brush, or
by immersion after the receipt is placed in a container. It is essential to ensure that the solution is
evenly distributed across the receipt's entire surface, paying particular attention to areas where
fingerprints are likely to be found.

Heat treatment can be used to boost the reaction. The receipt is controlled and heated for
a predetermined amount of time, usually between 80 and 100 degrees Celsius. This speeds up the
response among ninhydrin and the amino acids present in the finger impression deposits.

The reaction changes the receipt's surface to a purple or blue colour over time, making
the fingerprint pattern visible. The process can take anywhere from a few hours to several days
to complete. To determine when the desired level of development has been reached, regular
monitoring is required.

When the unique mark has adequately evolved, it ought to be painstakingly archived. It is
essential to photograph the fingerprint using appropriate forensic techniques and lighting
conditions. Various points and close-up shots are prescribed to precisely catch the subtleties of
the finger impression.

The quality and age of the fingerprint, the composition of the receipt paper, and the
specific ninhydrin formulation utilised are all important considerations that can impact the
efficiency of ninhydrin development. It is essential to carry out the procedure in a controlled
setting with adequate ventilation, to adhere to safety measures, and to properly handle the
chemicals. The developed fingerprints and the receipt as evidence will be accurately analysed
and interpreted if trained forensic professionals are consulted.
7. Fingerprint on the cap and cloth of victim and suspect

Next, the cap found with ‘FILA’ on it can also be analysed to find the owner and
confirmation of suspects.Besides that, we can analyse the fingerprint on the victim and suspect
clothing. All of these surfaces are fabrics and are porous. Thus we can use iodine fuming method
to develop fingerprints.

Developing a fingerprint on fabric, particularly on the victim's clothes, using iodine

fuming is a common and effective technique in forensic investigations. This process involves
several important steps to ensure successful visualisation of latent fingerprints.

To begin, it is crucial to handle the fabric, such as the victim's clothes, with care to
preserve potential fingerprint evidence. Wearing gloves helps prevent contamination and the
introduction of additional fingerprints onto the fabric. This ensures that the obtained prints are
truly relevant to the investigation.

Creating a controlled environment is essential for the iodine fuming process. It is

advisable to use a fuming chamber or a sealed container to contain the fumes and allow for better
interaction with the fabric. This enclosed space enhances the effectiveness of the fuming process
and reduces the risk of fumes dissipating.

Iodine crystals are used for fuming, as they sublimate from a solid to a gas state. A small
amount of iodine crystals is placed in a suitable container within the fuming chamber. The fabric,
such as the victim's clothes, is positioned near the container, ensuring maximum exposure to the
iodine fumes. However, care should be taken to prevent direct contact between the fabric and the
iodine crystals to avoid potential staining.

Seal the fuming chamber or container to enable the iodine fumes to circulate around the
fabric. The fumes react with the fingerprint residues on the fabric, resulting in a visible brownish
or reddish-brown colour change where the fingerprints are present. The fuming process typically
takes several minutes to hours, depending on factors like temperature and humidity. Close
monitoring is necessary to achieve the desired level of development without overexposure that
could lead to excessive staining or damage to the fabric.

During the fuming process, carefully observe the fabric for the appearance of visible
fingerprint patterns. The brownish or reddish-brown colour change indicates successful
development. Once the fingerprints have sufficiently developed and are visible, it is important to
document them promptly using proper forensic techniques. Photographing the fabric under
appropriate lighting conditions, capturing multiple angles and close-up shots, ensures accurate
preservation of the fingerprint details for further analysis.

It is important to be aware that the effectiveness of iodine fuming can vary based on
factors such as the quality of the fingerprint, the fabric's composition, and environmental
conditions. Handling the fabric with care, conducting the process in a controlled environment,
and consulting trained forensic professionals is advisable to ensure accurate analysis and
interpretation of the developed fingerprints on fabric.
8. Fingerprint on car window

The fingerprint that was found on the car seat window can also be developed. Thus, we
can use the powder method since it is a non-porous surface.

To ensure effective visualisation, putting a fingerprint on a car window requires specific

steps. Checking that the car window is clean and free of any potential contaminants is the first
step. During the process, wearing gloves helps keep the evidence's integrity intact by preventing
additional fingerprints from getting onto the window surface.

For a successful development, selecting the appropriate fingerprint powder is essential.

Dark carbon powder is a flexible choice that functions admirably on different surfaces, including
glass. Magnetic powder is another option that works well, especially on surfaces that are textured
or uneven. Using either a suitable applicator or a fingerprint brush, the chosen powder is applied
to the car window. It's vital to begin with a slim layer and bit by bit develop it depending on the
situation, guaranteeing careful inclusion of the surface where the unique finger impression might
be available.

A soft brush, like a fingerprint brush or a clean makeup brush, is used to gently spread
and brush the powder evenly over the car window after the powder has been applied. Brushing in
a single direction with light pressure helps prevent smearing or disrupting the fingerprint pattern.
The objective is to guarantee an even and uniform circulation of the powder.

The window's surface is visually examined for any visible fingerprint patterns following
the application and spreading of the powder. It may become clearly visible against the powder's
background, depending on lighting conditions, angle, and quality of the fingerprint.
Photographing the fingerprint with the right lighting and the right forensic techniques can be
used to record it. To accurately capture the details, it is recommended to use close-up shots and
multiple angles.

Recognizing that the quality and freshness of the fingerprint, the window surface's
cleanliness, and the powder's efficacy all play a role in the success of fingerprint development on
a car window is essential. Alternative methods like superglue fuming or chemical methods can
be taken into consideration if the first attempts do not produce satisfactory results. When
developing fingerprints requires precise analysis and interpretation, it is highly recommended to
consult trained forensic professionals.
9. Earprint on the car window

Other than that, we can also try to develop earprints, to identify suspects.

Developing an earprint on a car window is a complex task due to the less common use of
earprints as evidence compared to fingerprints. However, if an earprint is suspected to be present
on a car window, there are steps that can be followed to attempt its development.

To begin, it is essential to preserve the potential earprint on the car window by taking
precautions to prevent contamination. Wearing gloves during the handling of the window helps
avoid introducing additional prints or substances onto the surface, maintaining the integrity of
the potential earprint.

Proper lighting is crucial for visualising the earprint on the car window. Adequate
ambient or natural lighting may be sufficient, but the use of additional lighting sources such as a
flashlight or oblique lighting can enhance contrast and make the earprint more visible.

Carefully examine the car window for any visible earprint patterns. Look for
characteristic features such as the helix, lobe, and antihelix. Earprints can be faint, partial, or
distorted due to the nature of the surface and the conditions under which they were left. Pay close
attention to any areas where an ear might have made contact with the window.

Once the earprint is identified, it should be documented using proper forensic techniques.
Take photographs of the earprint from various angles and distances, ensuring to capture the
relevant features and details. Close-up shots and photographs with a scale reference can aid in
accurate documentation, preserving the details of the earprint for further analysis.

If the earprint is particularly fragile or likely to smudge, protective measures such as

transparent tape or adhesive lifters can be used to preserve and lift the print from the car window.
The lifted print should then be carefully packaged to maintain its integrity, following appropriate
evidence handling procedures.

Given the specialised nature of earprint analysis, it is strongly recommended to consult

trained forensic professionals with expertise in earprint identification and analysis. They possess
the necessary skills and experience to accurately examine, interpret, and compare the earprint
evidence, contributing to a thorough and reliable investigation.

It's important to bear in mind that developing and analysing earprints on car windows can
be challenging due to various factors, including surface conditions, print quality, and potential
contamination. Seeking the assistance of forensic professionals ensures that the earprint evidence
is properly examined and interpreted, thus enhancing the reliability and validity of the
investigative process.
10. Bloody Handprint, fingerprints, shoe prints, earprints.

Since there are blood stains and pools found at the crime scene, there is a possibility there
is blood shoe print, hand print , fingerprint and earprint.

In a forensic investigation, analysing a combination of bloody handprints, fingerprints,

shoe prints, and earprints can provide crucial evidence. For meaningful information to be
extracted from each type of evidence, careful examination and analysis are required.

Forensic experts look at the size, shape, and other characteristics of bloody handprints. In
order to comprehend how the hand came into contact with surfaces, they examine the pattern and
distribution of bloodstains. The blood flow's directionality is assessed after measurements are
taken. Recognizable elements inside the prints are investigated, and DNA examination might be
directed to distinguish likely suspects or casualties.

The distinctive ridge patterns in the prints are the primary focus of fingerprint analysis.
The characteristics of friction ridges, such as ridge endings, bifurcations, and minutiae points, are
studied by forensic experts. Identification or exclusion can be made by comparing the
fingerprints found at the crime scene to those of known people in a database. Chemical
enhancements or latent fingerprint powder are some of the methods used to make the prints more
visible for analysis.

Shoe print examination fixates on recognizing and looking at shoe prints found at the
crime location. The shoe print's size, pattern, and wear characteristics are examined by forensic
experts. They might utilise projecting or lifting methods to protect and report the prints. Forensic
experts are able to identify the shoe's type and brand by examining distinctive features in the
tread, such as design patterns, wear marks, and specific damage. Shoe databases and footwear
impression databases are important tools for identifying objects.

Earprint analysis entails examining the distinctive features and contours of ear
impressions left at the scene of a crime. The helix, lobe, and antihelix of the earprint are
compared by forensic experts to known earprints in a database or to the ears of suspected
criminals. The earprint evidence may be documented and preserved using specialised imaging
methods like silicone moulds or photography. The focus of the analysis is on determining
individual characteristics and comparing them to known earprints or suspects.

Specialised skills and methods are needed to analyse these various types of evidence. In
criminal investigations, forensic professionals use their knowledge of comparative analysis,
pattern recognition, and database searches to make connections, find potential suspects, and
provide useful evidence. Each piece of evidence helps to build a bigger picture and establishes
connections between the crime scene and the people involved. A comprehensive understanding
of the events is provided by the combination of bloody handprints, fingerprints, shoe prints, and
earprints, which can be crucial to the investigation and prosecution process.

In conclusion, a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to the investigation is

provided by the examination of fingerprints, shoe prints, earprints, and lip prints during the
analysis of a forensic case. The unique and valuable information that each type of evidence
provides aids in establishing connections between the crime scene, suspects, and victims.

Fingerprint analysis is a powerful tool for identifying and excluding individuals because
it focuses on the distinctive ridge patterns. Forensic experts are able to identify potential suspects
by comparing fingerprints found at the crime scene with known prints by examining the
characteristics of friction ridges, such as ridge endings and bifurcations.

Shoeprint examination assumes a pivotal part in deciding the sort and brand of the shoe
worn by a person at the crime location. The assessment of size, example, and wear qualities lays
out associations between the shoeprint and a particular suspect or a gathering of people.

Although it is less common, earprint analysis provides valuable information by

examining the distinctive features and contours of ear impressions. Forensic experts can assist in
the identification of potential suspects or exclude individuals from the investigation by
comparing the characteristics of earprints found at the crime scene with known earprints.

The unique patterns and characteristics of lip impressions left at the scene are the subject
of lip print analysis. Lip prints are a form of evidence that is less common than other types, but
they can be helpful in establishing a connection between a particular person and the crime.

Forensic experts are able to make solid connections between the crime scene, suspects,
and victims by integrating the results of fingerprint, shoe print, earprint, and lip print analysis.
The overall investigation is improved, the evidence base is strengthened, and the likelihood of a
successful prosecution is increased by this multifaceted strategy.

It is essential to keep in mind that the expertise of trained forensic professionals who
employ specialised techniques, comparative analysis, and database searches is essential to the
accuracy and dependability of the analysis. In order to guarantee the admissibility of the
evidence in a court of law and an accurate interpretation, their expertise and knowledge are

In conclusion, in a forensic case, the analysis of a person's fingerprint, shoe print,

earmark, lip print, and fingerprint provides a comprehensive and potent arsenal of evidence. This
multidisciplinary approach contributes to a thorough investigation and the pursuit of justice by
helping to establish connections, identify suspects, and construct a solid case.

1. Latent Fingerprints on Fabric – EVISCAN. (n.d.).
2. Can You Get Fingerprint From Leather Surface? [Forensic Expert Answer]. (2022, March
3. (2023).
4. Cohen, A., Wiesner, S., Grafit, A., & Shor, Y. (2010). A New Method for Casting
Three-Dimensional Shoeprints and Tire Marks with Dental Stone. Journal of Forensic
Sciences, 56, S210–S213.

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