Skop Penceritaan TUGASAN 1

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Video 1 : Skop Penceritaan

Nama Kumpulan : WHAT IS FORENSIC

Nama Ahli : 1. ADNEERA HEW ANN LIE (A195562)
Tajuk video : WHAT IS FORENSIC
Audien : KIDS AGED 9-12

Apa kandungan penceritaan yang ingin disampaikan

Forensic science is like being a detective and using science to solve mysteries. Just like in your
favorite detective stories or movies, forensic scientists help figure out what happened in a crime
or an incident.

Imagine you walk into a room, and something is not right. Maybe something is missing, or there's
a mess. The first thing a forensic scientist would do is carefully look around and collect any clues
they can find. Clues can be many things like fingerprints, hair, footprints, or even tiny fibers from

Once the forensic scientist collects all the clues, they take them to a special lab where they can
examine them more closely. They use different tools and machines to study the clues and figure
out what they mean. For example, they might use a microscope to look at a tiny hair and see if it
matches the hair of a specific person.

Forensic scientists also use chemistry to analyze things like blood or other bodily fluids. They can
tell if it came from a human or an animal and even figure out whose blood it is by comparing it to
samples from other people.

Sometimes, forensic scientists also work with computers and technology. They can recover
deleted files, investigate online activities, or analyze data from electronic devices to find

Once they have all the information, forensic scientists write reports to explain what they found.
They may even go to court to talk about their findings and help the judge and the jury understand
the scientific evidence.

So, forensic science is like being a detective who uses science to gather clues, analyze them, and
solve mysteries. It's a fascinating field that helps bring justice by using the power of science!

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