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Analysing FCC hot spots

Finite element analysis can be employed to improve the safety and quality of
old or new designs and troubleshoot problems in the field

Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology

ot spots on FCC units are validate traditional calculation ular in shape and very hard
a common occurrence but and more accurately define the compared to carbon or stain-
relatively little is known state of temperature, stress and less steels. The refractory used
about the implications for long strain that will occur under to line steel vessels or piping
term operation. Standard pro- normal operation in FCC units is designed to provide insula-
cedures in a FCC plant are to made from composite, refracto- tion and strength for stresses
monitor on a scheduled basis ry-lined steel, materials. and thermal strains; it is not
the thermal scans of their equip- Recently, as a result of hot designed purely for erosion
ment and use steam to cool if spots appearing on FCC equip- resistance. Therefore, the mate-
hot spots exceed a certain tem- ment, there was a need to ana- rial is susceptible to erosion by
perature threshold. Although lyse and determine the severity catalyst. Fortunately, this insu-
this has served operators in a of stresses and strains under hot lating refractory is thick, usu-
practical manner for years, there spot operation. This has pro- ally 4-5in in piping and vessels.
are larger safety issues that vided an excellent opportunity However, catalyst can quickly
should not be ignored. ASME to use FEA to explore these situ- erode through this thick-
has developed standards for ations using quantitative analy- ness with the help of the next
analysing thermal stresses that sis and make recommendations mechanism.
are suitable for design, mainte- to operators about the safety of
nance and operation. Operators their particular situation. 2. Thermal stress and strain
should be aware of these meth- Before further explaining a. Wall stress: thermal wall
ods and take advantage of them FEA, it is important to under- stress can easily reach lev-
for their hot spot maintenance stand why hot spots occur and els that will crack the refrac-
and procedures. how stress and strain occurs. tory. In many designs some
Finite element analysis (FEA) cracking cannot be avoided.
is a method that enables accu- Hot spot causes Longitudinal cracks in the
rate state-of-the-art analysis Hot spots are caused by sev- refractory outer diameter of lin-
of stress and strain in all types eral mechanisms of operation ing will form as soon as tem-
of solid materials for all types that come together like a ‘per- peratures reach operational
of loadings, including ther- fect storm’. They do not appear levels. This is due to thermal
mal. Thermal stresses are usu- randomly as there are reasons wall stresses in the refractory.
ally calculated for a design that why hot spots form in FCC These stresses have been deter-
is working perfectly to insu- equipment. mined from research experi-
late the steel shell from high ments by Wygant and Crowley1
temperatures inside the FCC 1. Erosion by catalyst among others.2 The inner diam-
vessel. FEA has been used to Catalyst is, by nature, irreg- eter of the lining is very hot, PTQ Q1 2017 1

particularly in a regenera- holes can then form, leading held rigidly at the edges and
tor, typically 1300°F (700°C). to catalyst circulating past the heated with a torch at the cen-
The inner refractory will go steel, overheating, and rapid tre of the plate. The material in
into compression when inter- erosion of the steel skin from the centre will begin to expand
nal temperatures start to rise. the inside out. and thermal stress will occur.
The outer surface of the lining The most apparent result of The edges, if truly rigid, will
may not expand as much as a combination of these mech- prevent expansion from occur-
the steel. Thus the lining will anisms is a hot spot. The steel ring in the plane of the plate.
go into tension stress and the will often reach temperatures Once the stresses exceed the
refractory may not bear upon in excess of piping or vessel proportional limit, the plate
the inner diameter of the steel design values, typically around will begin to warp out of plane.
piping. If so, thermal wall stress 650°F (340°C). When the skin Imagine that this happens on
can cause the lining in the outer reaches temperatures higher the surface of a large catalyst
edges to crack. than design, the situation transfer pipe. The steel must
b. Thermal bending stress: requires cooling steam to keep bulge outwardly but will be
thermal expansion forces in the temperatures under con- resisted by the geometrical con-
the piping and vessel can crack trol. This is standard mainte- straints of the adjacent cooler
the refractory in bending, often nance procedure, but what are pipe and, to a lesser extent,
transverse to the longitudinal the resulting safety and long refractory anchors. But the gap
direction. In addition, compres- term implications? When is a between the steel and refrac-
sion bending stress can open shutdown necessary? If a shut- tory is larger now and the cir-
gaps between the steel and down is planned, what needs to culation of catalyst is naturally
lining, leading to large gaps be done? Is the steel and/or lin- increased. The hot spot temper-
through which vapour and cat- ing material ruined or can it be ature is increased and the ther-
alyst can easily circulate. These reused after shutdown? mal stress becomes higher. This
are the most damaging stresses Usually, the answers are not instability will not stop until
to the refractory that can occur. so clear to the operator as a one of the following mecha-
The resulting hot spots will potentially dangerous situa- nisms occurs:
exacerbate the problem, mak- tion arises. What if the steam 1. The catalyst streaming in
ing the thermal stress and gap pressure is lost temporarily? builds up to fill the void left
worse. What if the temperature rises? by the steel strain and the
Continuous monitoring of the gas bypass flow is reduced or
3. Worm holes steam cooling system is rarely eliminated.
As a direct result of wall stress done. The thermal scans are not 2. The strain hardening in
cracks in the refractory lining continuously reviewed either, the steel, already in the plas-
and gaps opened by thermal but done only periodically. tic region, reaches a point of
bending of the refractory on the How can an operator know equilibrium before the rupture
outside of the lining, there is a that his plant is safe for the next point is reached. This is usually
strong possibility that the hot day or week, or until the next assisted by a geometric con-
vapours and catalyst will find scheduled shutdown? straint and/or steaming.
alternate paths through the pip- These questions should not be 3. The steel reaches rupture
ing. The wall stress cracks are answered by rough estimates or point. Catalyst and vapours
probably not large enough for guesses. Hot spots, once formed, begin to spew from the
catalyst to circulate through, cause additional thermal stress. opening.
and they may fill with cata- When a hot spot appears, the Obviously every opera-
lyst instead. A larger problem situation will worsen and ther- tor hopes for number 1 or 2 to
is the thermal bending strain in mal stress and strain can quickly occur. Despite denials, number
the refractory. Thermal bend- become unstable. 3 has been known to happen.
ing stress and strain will open Based on the Goodier3 equa-
existing cracks or form new How hot spots cause thermal tion for thin circular plates
cracks large enough for cata- stress unconstrained at the edges,
lyst to circulate through. Worm Take, for example, a thin plate the following relationship can

2 PTQ Q1 2017

roughly estimate the thermal
stress rise due to additional 50000
y = 73.789x

Change in hot spot equivalent

temperature rise in the elastic 45000
R2 = 0.6434
region: 40000
dσ r dσ t dτ rt 0.5 ⋅ E⋅ α ⋅ dT  

stress, psi
where: 20000
sr = radial stress in the hot spot 15000
st = tangential stress in the hot 10000
spot 5000
τrt = shear at the edge of the hot 0
spot 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

dT = temperature change Change in temperature of the hot spot, ºF

E = elastic modulus of the
material Figure 1 Rise in equivalent stress as a function of rise in hot spot temperature
a = coefficient of thermal
expansion be done, but the results will be degree of accuracy. These ther-
Of course this must be added highly uncertain, could be inac- mal stresses can be compared
to the normal operating weight, curate, and likely misleading. with ASME allowable to deter-
pressure and thermal stress Methods are available to mine if continued operation is
state which existed before the determine the complete state of safe. Figure 2 illustrates a FCC
hot spot formed. The sample stress and to mitigate the causes. lined pipe hot spot model and
field data employed in Figure This is where the application of the associated thermal state.
1 show that geometric config- FEA modelling can help. ASME Section VIII, Division
uration and pre-stress matter 2, has developed an analysis
greatly because there is much The FEA modelling approach to method for determining the
scatter in the equivalent stress lined pipe hot spot analysis safety of steel thermal stress.4
data. Where pre-stress is largely An FEA model can analyse hot The ASME piping code B31.35
compressive, hot spot stress will spots in detail. With the assis- can be used also, but this will
simply add more compressive tance of thermal scans, the result in more conservatism as
stress to the negative compo- hot spot can be replicated in a the piping code is based on tra-
nents of pre-stress. Where pre- model. By doing so, the state ditional calculations. Both have
stress is mostly tensile, the hot of stress caused by the hot spot been used for most studies, as a
spot will lower or reverse the can be determined with a high check against one another. The
tensile components and raise
the compressive components.
In addition, geometric condi- Temperature, ºF Lining
1423.10 (max)
tions such as crevices, bending 1294.20
stress and other stress risers will 1165.40 200ºC skin
play an important part. Finally, 907.68
Steel pipe
vibration will also increase 778.84
the general state of stress 500.00 1382.00
with reversing components 450.00 750ºC
that will complicate the situa- 352.97 Typical hot spot
tion. Vibration stress is almost 305.94 788.00
always present in an FCC and is 211.88 (min)
largely disregarded, despite the 435.06
0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
fact that it can be significant. inches
Combining all of these fac-
tors makes a traditional anal- Figure 2 Thermal gradients in typical lined FCC pipe modelled with heat
ysis very challenging. It can transfer through both materials using FEA PTQ Q1 2017 3

0.51241×10−3 (max)
0.34160×10−3 Max
0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 0.17080×10−3
5.6934e−5 Min
Figure 3 FEA sub-model of steel 0 (min)
plate, refractory lining and stainless 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
anchors inches

results were similar although Figure 4 ANSYS FEA sub-model of steel and lining pulling apart. Colours show
stresses checked against B31.3 deformation with highest shown in red and lowest in blue. Refractory has been
had a slightly lower margin of cut away to show the anchors clearly
Refractory stress can be do not provide for placing dis- this approach could be non-con-
checked also. Although allow- crete refractory material in the servative if the refractory
able material limits are not piping model. Although the strength is factored in and the
available in ASME, the manu- added strength of the refractory refractory is actually breaking.
facturer’s strength properties can be factored in, stress in the FEA is the most advanced
can be used with a safety fac- refractory material often cannot means to analyse the refrac-
tor applied. Compared to steel, be determined. If the refractory tory-lined pipe in FCC sys-
refractory strength is very low. reaches the bending rupture tems. No other method can
Although compressive strength point, the contribution to overall supply the detailed stress
has been stated as high as 5000 strength is lost. Yet the one-di- state or the design quality for
psi, tensile or rupture stress mensional approach would not both steel and refractory lining
strength, determined from take this into account. Therefore, in one model.
bending specimens, is generally
less than 1500 psi, even though Case history: FCC hot spot FEA
stainless needles are used in A major European operator was
many formulations to improve experiencing an increasing num-
tensile strength. Fortunately, ber of hot spots on transfer lines
the elastic modulus is gener- and nozzle connections. The
ally less than steel and there- 662.00 plant had vessels bulging, pipes
fore flexibility is greater. In rupturing, and hot spots occur-
addition, the flexibility of the ring across the piping system’s
anchors is fairly high and this slide valve, cyclone dip-leg noz-
isolates some of the steel strain 755.60
zle and other transfer lines. The
788.00 Temperature, ºF
from the refractory strain and 1423.1 (max) long standpipe and riser transfer
vice versa (see Figures 3 and 4). 1036.5 piping had no expansion joint so
377.12 650.00
Despite the use of anchors 500.00 thermal stress and strain were
and needles, refractory is very 450.00 suspected. A transfer line model
susceptible to cracking under 899.60 352.97 was set up to determine the
operating conditions due to 305.94 complete state of stress in the
thermal stress. If the design 791.60 211.88 (min)
affected piping. Figure 5 shows
is not analysed carefully with hot spot tagged by temperature
the use of FEA, areas of criti- 0 225 450 675 900 with existing steam cooling.
cal bending stress in the refrac- inches In addition to a model of nor-
tory are usually missed. This is mal operation under weight,
because most piping is analysed Figure 5 Field case situation: hot spot pressure and thermal loads,
with a one-dimensional piping temperatures found from thermal a second model was set up
stress program. These programs scans, steam on and the hot spots were added.

4 PTQ Q1 2017

Figures 6 to 8 show the tem-
0 10 20 30 40
perature contours of model inches
setup and resulting stresses and
deformations for typical parts
of a catalyst transfer system. Temperature, ºF
The results of the study were 1425.5 (max)
very revealing. Figure 9 shows 650.00
computed displacements later 500.00
verified by the operator. Figures 450.00
10 to 11 illustrate the stresses 352.97

in the reactor cyclone dipleg 305.94

skin and lining. Figure 12 sum- 211.87 (min)
marises safety factors. All of
the thermal hot spot stresses Figure 6 FEA replicated hot spot on regenerated catalyst withdrawal well
could pass ASME Section VIII, nozzle, top side. High stress existed here because of normal operating thermal
Div 2, part 5 rules. The opera- tension load in the regenerated catalyst standpipe
tor decided to continue running
the plant to the next scheduled at the hot spot. Figure 13 illus- start-up. From there, it may be
shutdown with confidence. trates this with a graph of hot only a matter of time before the
spot temperature vs steel oper- hot spots appear.
Pre-stress and hot spots: causal ating stress.
relationships Although the data are scat- Use of FEA to analyse FCC
In almost every case, high lev- tered, the relationship between designs
els of operating stress and pre-stress and hot spots is clear. The detailed design process
strain coincide with hot spot Faulty thermal design causes for FCC equipment should
locations. The hot spot tem- high operating stress and this
perature can be correlated by leads to cracking of the refrac-
the operating stress and strain tory, perhaps during the first

899.6 47439

Deformation, in
4.9886 (max)
Temperature, ºF Stress, psi
1423.10 (max) 55852.00
791.6 2.2172
1036.50 49653.00
53780 1.6629
650.00 43454.00
500.00 37255.00 27937
450.00 31057.00
Max 0 (min)
400.00 24858.00
352.97 18659.00
12460.00 0 225 450 675 900
258.91 6261.20 inches
211.88 (min) 100.47 (min)

0 50 100 150 200 0 25 50 75 100

Figure 9 As a benefit of an accurate
thermal strain state, FEA will yield
Figure 7 Standpipe to riser wye piece; Figure 8 Stresses found with FEA in very accurate thermal displacements.
hot spots appear in high bending the wye, probably due to bending The operator measured a 4in lateral
stress areas failure in the refractory movement with hot spots, matching
the FEA closely PTQ Q1 2017 5

principal stress,
1.0363e5 (max)
Stress, psi 6222.2
1.2519e5 (max) 5444.4
41255 2333.3
24382 1555.6
27509 777.78
20636 0
13764 −500
6891 −1000
18.237 (min) −50397 (min)

54654 0 5 10 15 20

0 125 250 375 500

inches Figure 11 Dipleg refractory lining stress contours at the hot spot indicating
ultimate failure of refractory throughout thickness
Figure 10 Skin stress on an external
FCC reactor with hot spot around the hot spots. This premise is based Once a hot spot has appeared,
nozzle connection on experience with hot spots in an FEA analysis can determine
the field. Most, if not all, cases if the stresses are high enough
rely on an FEA stress model to are associated with thermal to cause alarm. Variables
determine the complete ther- stress and strain, the key causal include temperature, size, pre-
mal stress state before an FCC elements in hot spot forma- stress, position, geometric fac-
is built. FEA will reveal where tion. If these are eliminated, ero- tors and material properties.
thermal stress and strain is high, sion is the likely reason for a hot It is difficult to know with cer-
allowing custom changes to the spot to form and that could take tainty if a hot spot is a safety
design and possibly preventing many years to happen. issue without a detailed FEA
The analysis can take all of
DPT normal FOS these factors into consideration:
DPT ASME FOS anchors, refractory strengths,
DPT B3.13 FOS refractory expansion coeffi-
Factor of Safety

10 cients, piping material, weight,

pressure and thermal stress.
Even vibration and fatigue can
1 create damaging refractory
stress and strain to occur, lead-
ing to hot spots and the pos-
sibility of rupture. This can be
analysed with a dynamic stress








FEA model of the piping or



















FEA is a maturing technology

used more frequently as the
Figure 12 Factor of safety (FOS) comparison for dead weight, pressure and thermal tools become more widespread,
(DPT) case at new condition vs hot spot operation. A factor of safety of 1 or greater is user friendly and real world
a passing grade, indicating that computed stress is lower than allowable stress. Normal
effective. With proper setup,
FOS indicates as designed. For hot spot cases, ASME indicates Sec 8, Div.2 evaluation and
B31.3 is a piping evaluation verification of computations

6 PTQ Q1 2017

and experience to evaluate the Society Bulletin, Vol. 43, No. 3, 1964. University and a master’s from the
results, this engineering tool 2 Buyukozturk, Oral, Tseng, Journal of the University of Texas. PE licensed, he holds
can be a means to improve the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 65, No. 6, seven US patents, received numerous
quality of old or new designs Jun 1982. professional awards, and is a Fellow of
3 Goodier J N, Thermal Stress, ASME J of the American Society of Mechanical
and troubleshoot problems in
Applied Mechanics, Vol 4, No 1, 1937. Engineers. Email:
the field with the vision like no
4 ASME Section VIII, Division 2, Part 5:
other method. Do not discount LINKS
Design by Analysis, 2007.
FEA as unnecessary, too com- 5 ASME Process Piping, B31.3, 2006.
plicated or expensive as the More articles from the following
investment returns can greatly Kenneth Fewel is a Senior Supervising categories:
advance engineering and prod- Engineer with Technip Stone & Webster Catalysts and Additives
uct quality. Process Technology. With 40 years of Fluid Catalytic Cracking
industry engineering experience, he Instrumentation, Automation and
References holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical Process Control
1 Wygant J F, Crowley, American Ceramic engineering from Southern Methodist PTQ Q1 2017 7

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