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The Relationship between Length of Hospitalization and the Level of Anxiety of the Families
of Patients Treated in the High Care Unit (HCU) of Tk Hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo
Padang City in 2023

Pramita Dewi1, Rebbi Permata Sari2, Willady Rasyid3

Alifah Padang College of Health Sciences Jl. Khatib Sulaiman No. 52 B

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Treatment in the intensive care unit with the patient in a coma can cause worry which will cause discomfort
so that the family experiences anxiety. With the presence of good caring nurses, the anxiety felt by the family
can be reduced. Health problems are often faced by the community and are the cause of death now. These are
usually chronic diseases. Patients with chronic disease conditions require care and treatment with a
multifactorial and comprehensive approach. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between
length of stay and the anxiety level of the patient's family in the High Care Unit (HCU) of Dr. Reksodiwiryo
Hospital Padang in 2023. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional approach, This research
was conducted from January - August 2023. The population was 110 with a sample of 43 respondents,
purposive sampling technique, data collection using the HARS questionnaire, analyzed univariately and
bivariately. Based on the research results, it was found that the majority of respondents had a length of stay of
≥ 5 days (51.2%) and their families experienced moderate anxiety (41.9%). After carrying out the Pearson
Chi-Square statistical test, the P value was 0.034 (p value ≤0.05). This research can be concluded that there is
a relationship between length of stay and the level of anxiety of families treated in the high care unit (HCU) of
Dr. Reksodiwiryo Hospital, Padang. analyzed univariately and bivariately. Based on the research results, it
was found that the majority of respondents had a length of stay of ≥ 5 days (51.2%) and their families
experienced moderate anxiety (41.9%). After carrying out the Pearson Chi-Square statistical test, the P value
was 0.034 (p value ≤0.05). This research can be concluded that there is a relationship between length of stay
and the level of anxiety of families treated in the high care unit (HCU) of Dr. Reksodiwiryo Hospital, Padang.
analyzed univariately and bivariately. Based on the research results, it was found that the majority of
respondents had a length of stay of ≥ 5 days (51.2%) and their families experienced moderate anxiety (41.9%).
After carrying out the Pearson Chi-Square statistical test, the P value was 0.034 (p value ≤0.05). This
research can be concluded that there is a relationship between length of stay and the level of anxiety of
families treated in the high care unit (HCU) of Dr. Reksodiwiryo Hospital, Padang.

Keywords :HCU, Family Anxiety, Length of Hospitalization.

Address : Jl. Khatib Sulaiman No. 52 B


The health problems that people often face

INTRODUCTIO and are the causes of death today are usually
chronic diseases. Most chronic diseases do not

AHoJ : Allied Health of Journal Vol X No X

2 The Relationship between Length of Hospitalization and the Level of Anxiety of the Families of
Patients Treated in the High Care Unit (HCU) of Tk Hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang City in
cause death directly, but result in patients feeling in the family that is being treated, which means that
very sick for a long time (Widiyanti, 2020). Patients the longer the patient is treated, the more anxiety
with chronic disease conditions require care and the patient's family members will increase (Saragih,
treatment with a multifactorial approach and carried & Suparmi, 2017).
out comprehensively (Hariyono, 2021).
The condition of the patient being treated in
During critical nursing, care in an intensive the intensive care unit will affect the length of the
care unit with the patient in a coma can cause patient's treatment period. The length of treatment
anxiety which will cause discomfort so that the for patients in the intensive care unit varies greatly.
family experiences anxiety, the patient and family Based on the Barber-Johnson chart (International
members have different emotional mental burdens. Standard), the average length of stay for clients is 5
The fast-paced atmosphere and busy HCU activities days (Amelia et al, 2020). Based on the standard
cause families to have difficulty communicating length of stay for patients in the HCU Room at TK
with patients, nurses and other staff, so that the Hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang average 4.69
patient's condition is not easily known by the days or 5 days, (TK. III Hospital Dr. Reksodiwiryo
family. Situations like this make families Padang, 2023).
experience anxiety (Sudarsih, 2022). Based on a preliminary study conducted by
Anxiety is a subjective feeling of mental researchers on December 29 2022, by interviewing
calmness that is disturbing as a general reaction to 10 families of patients treated in the High Care Unit
the inability to overcome a problem or a lack of (HCU) of TK Hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo
feeling safe. These uncertain feelings are generally Padang. It was found that 8 patients' families said
unpleasant which will later lead to physiological they were anxious, of which 2 people said they felt
and psychological changes. The emotional tense, tired and anxious, 2 people felt afraid and
reactions commonly experienced by patient uneasy in the hospital, 2 people felt they didn't get
families in the intensive care unit are anxiety, anger, enough rest and couldn't get enough sleep, 2 people
grief, hope, love, depression, helplessness, also said they were anxious, no calm/often paces
loneliness or loyalty (Kristiani & Dini, 2017). around, and is afraid of what will be done to the
According to Carpenito in Mubarrok et al family being cared for. Of the 10 patient families
(2021), anxiety that occurs in the patient's family interviewed, 4 of the patient's families said their
can also be influenced by the length of time a family had been treated for 5 days. 2 of the patient's
person is treated. Patients treated in the HCU arrive families said they had been treated for > 7 days. 3
suddenly and unplanned, the illness is critical and patients' families said they were treated < 5 days,
the severity of the disease causes long treatment Based on the background above,
which is associated with worry and anxiety. The researchers are interested in examining the
length of treatment required for a patient to undergo relationship between length of stay and the anxiety
treatment at the hospital is calculated from the time level of the families of patients treated in the High
they are admitted to the hospital until they are Care Unit (HCU) of TK Hospital. III Dr.
discharged from the hospital, whether they recover Reksodiwiryo Padang in 2023.
or die.
Length of Stay (LOS) or length of stay is RESEARCH METHODS
the number of days a patient is treated in hospital, This type of research is quantitative with a
from the day of admission to the day of discharge cross sectional approach. This research was
or going home and LOS is used by hospitals as an conducted in the High Care Unit (HCU) of the Tk
indicator of service. LOS shows how many days a
hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang City in 2023,
patient is hospitalized during one treatment period
(Hosizah & Maryati, 2018). the population in this research were all families of
patients treated in the High Care Unit (HCU) in the
The length of stay for patients treated in the
intensive care unit generally comes as planned or last 3 months, namely 110 people. Sampling in this
not. The severity of the disease and the critical study used purposive sampling, the population was
condition of the patient means that patient care in calculated using the Slovin formula, the number of
the intensive care unit requires a long time which is respondents was 43 respondents.Dataobtained
associated with anxiety. The length of treatment directly from the respondent by giving a
days will have an influence on the family that is questionnaire directly to the respondent which
caring for it, such as it can cause feelings of anxiety
includes the variables studied (length of stay and

AHoJ : Allied Health of Journal Vol X No X

3 The Relationship between Length of Hospitalization and the Level of Anxiety of the Families of
Patients Treated in the High Care Unit (HCU) of Tk Hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang City in
anxiety level of the patient's family) using the the length of treatment varies from 1 day to 34
HARS questionnaire.Then the data was processed days, but generally more than 7 days (85.2%).
using univariate analysis and bivariate analysis DayTreatment is the time required for a
using the chi-square statistical test which showed a patient to undergo treatment in hospital which is
value (p value <0.05). calculated from the time they are admitted to the
hospital until they are discharged from the
RESEARCH RESULTS AND hospital, whether they recover or die, with an
DISCUSSION average of 5 days of treatment (Keliat et al,
A. Respondent Characteristics 2009).
Characteristics of respondents in this study Research by Saragih & Suparmi 2017,
included age, gender and length of time shows that the patient's long length of stay is
undergoing hemodialysis.
caused by chronic disease, complications and
Table 1.Frequency Distribution of Respondents
Based on Characteristics. cost factors. A long length of stay indicates that
the disease tends to get worse or that there are
Respondent Characteristics f % complications or other comorbidities. Patients
Man 11 25.4%
with a short length of stay can indicate several
Woman 32 44.4% factors, namely that the patient's condition can
Last education improve within 24 hours or, on the contrary, die.
elementary school 22 51.2%
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 14 32.6% According to assumptionsResearchers say
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 7 16.3% that the longer the length of stay, the disease
Doesn't work 1 2.3% tends to be worse or there are other
IRT 32 74.4% complications. This is influenced by the
Self-employed 8 18.6%
Private 2 4.7%
condition of the patient. The longer the patient is
treated in the HCU, this means that the patient is
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that Of the 43 not yet stable and requires special treatment and
respondents, the results showed that more than complete equipment so that the patient cannot be
half were female, namely 32 respondents transferred to normal room
(74.4%). More than half of the 22 respondents
(51.2%) had at least elementary school 2. Family Anxiety
education. Meanwhile, more than half of the Table 3.Frequency Distribution based on the
32 (74.4%) are housewives. level of anxiety of the patient's family in the
High Care Unit (HCU)
B. Univariate Analysis
Anxiety Level f %
1. Length of Hospitalization
Severe Anxiety 12 27.9%
Table 2. Frequency Distribution based on Moderate Anxiety 18 41.9%
Length of Stay in the High Care Unit (HCU) Mild Anxiety 13 30.2%
Length of ƒ % Total 43 100%
Hospitalization Based on Table 3. it can be seen fromFrom
≥ 5 days 22 51.2% 43 respondents, more than half of the results
< 5 days 21 48.8% were obtained, namely (41.9%) of families
Total 43 100%
experiencing moderate anxiety in the High Care
Based on the table above, from 43
Unit (“HCU) of TK Hospital. III Dr.
respondents, the results showed that more than
Reksodiwiryo Padang in 2023.
half of the 22 respondents (51.2%) had a length
MatterThis is in line with the results of
of stay of ≥ 5 days in the High Care Unit (HCU)
Waruwu's research (2019), the level of family
at TK Hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang in
anxiety in the inpatient room (Santa Theresia
room) Santa Elisabeth Hospital Medan. In 2019,
This research is not in line with the results
the results showed that as many as 57 families
of Hardisman's (2018) research which shows
experienced severe anxiety with a percentage of

AHoJ : Allied Health of Journal Vol X No X

4 The Relationship between Length of Hospitalization and the Level of Anxiety of the Families of
Patients Treated in the High Care Unit (HCU) of Tk Hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang City in
(73.1%), mild anxiety as much as 5 people The Chi-Square Test results obtained a p-
(6.4%), 8 people were moderately anxious value of 0.034 (p-value ≤0.05), namely there
(10.3%), 5 people were very anxious (6.4%), isThe relationship between the length of
while only 3 people did not experience anxiety hospital stay and the level of anxiety of the
with a percentage (3.8%). families of patients treated in the HCU
According toKristen & Dini 2017, that ward at Dr. Reksodieiryo Hospital, Padang
Anxiety is a subjective feeling of mental in 2023.
This research is not in line with the theory
calmness that is disturbing as a general put forward by Carpenito in Mubarrok et al
reaction to the inability to overcome a (2021), the anxiety that occurs in the patient's
problem or the lack of a sense of security. family can also be influenced by the length of
These uncertain feelings are generally time a person is treated. Patients treated in the
HCU arrive suddenly and unplanned, the
unpleasant which will later lead to illness is critical and the severity of the disease
physiological and psychological changes. causes long treatment which is associated with
Emotional reactions commonly experienced worry and anxiety. The length of treatment
by patient families in the intensive care unit required for a patient to undergo treatment at
the hospital is calculated from the time they
are anxiety, anger, grief, hope, love, are admitted to the hospital until they are
depression, helplessness, loneliness or discharged from the hospital, whether they
loyalty. recover or die.
According to researchers' The results of research conducted by Siti
(2019), factors such as age, education, socio-
assumptions,that family anxiety can also be
economic level, physical appearance of the
caused by several factors, such as the illness room, relationships between personnel,
suffered by the patient, where this has an equipment noise and interaction restrictions
impact on the patient's healing process, are factors that influence the anxiety level of
patient families in the HCU room. Waruwu
especially family members being treated in
(2019), in his research on coping and family
the HCU room in critical condition, causing social support, stated that nurses have an
excessive anxiety for the patient's family. important role and function in helping parents
cope during hospitalization. Andi (2019),
C. Bivariate Analysis researched emotional support and information
Relationship between length of stay and anxiety for families when children are sick, especially
level of families of patients treated in the High parents whose children have received
Care Unit (HCU) treatment for a long time. The results of this
Table 4.Relationship between length of stay and research are that families really want to be
anxiety level of families of patients treated in the listened to by nurses. In this research,
High Care Unit (HCU) According to researchers'
assumptionsthat it was proven that there was
a relationship between length of stay in
hospital and the level of anxiety of the patient's
family in the HCU room at Tk.III Dr.
Reksodiwiryo Hospital, Padang, with a P value
of 0.034. The longer the patient is treated does
not necessarily determine the family's anxiety,
because family anxiety occurs due to several
factors, one of which is cost, there is no
experience of waiting, the family's anxiety will
Table. 4showed that the length of stay for increase.
most patients was in the category ≥ 5 days as
many as 22 respondents (45.5%). Meanwhile,
<5 days were 21 respondents (14.3%).
Based on the research results, the length of
stay for 43 respondents was more than half that of

AHoJ : Allied Health of Journal Vol X No X

5 The Relationship between Length of Hospitalization and the Level of Anxiety of the Families of
Patients Treated in the High Care Unit (HCU) of Tk Hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang City in
22 respondents (51.2%) with a length of stay of ≥ 5 Rumah Sakit TK. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang.
days in the High Care Unit (HCU) at TK Hospital. 2023. Angka Kejadian Penyakit di
III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang in 2023. The results of ruangan HCU dan ICU Rumah Sakit
research on anxiety levels from 43 respondents TK. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang
showed that more than half (41.9%) of families Tahun 2022
experienced moderate anxiety in the High Care Saragih dan Suparmi. (2017). Faktor-Faktor yang
Unit (“HCU) room at TK Hospital. III Dr.
Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kecemasan
Reksodiwiryo Padang in 2023.
Pasien yang Dirawat di Ruang
There is a relationship between the length of ICU/ICCU RS Husada Jakarta.
hospital stay and the level of anxiety of the families KOSALA, 5(1), 61-69.
of patients treated in the HCU room at the
Kindergarten hospital. III Dr. Reksodiwiryo Padang Siti, N. (2019). Hubungan Lama Rawat dan Status
City in 2023 with p-value = 0.034 (p-value ≤0.05). Pasien Kritis dengan Koping
Keluarga Di Ruang ICU RSUD Sele
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Be Solu Kota Sorong. Jurnal Inovasi
On this occasion the researcher would like Kesehatan, 1(1), 44-49.
to thank STIKes Alifah Padang who has helped in
carrying out this research and the researcher also v1i1.57
thanks the Tk hospital. III Dr. Rekodiwiryo Padang Sudarsih. (2022). Hubungan Pemberian
who has provided support and permission Informasi Penyakit Jantung
toresearchers to conduct research so that this Terhadap
research runs smoothly. The researcher also thanks Kecemasan Keluarga Pasien di
the supervisor Mrs. Ns. Rebbi Permata Sari, M.Kep Ruang ICU Rumah Sakit Mardi
and Mr. Ns. Willady Rasyid, M.Kep, Sp. Kep MB Rahayu Kudus. Journal of
for taking the time to guide and provide direction TSCS1Kep,7(1), 23-36.
and input so that researchers can complete this
research. ndex.php/TSCS1Kep
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AHoJ : Allied Health of Journal Vol X No X

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