Bill of Rights Cases

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1. When unreasonable addicts.

From his experience as a member of the Anti-

Narcotics Unit of the Caloocan City Police, such
a. Manalili vs Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 113447 suspicious behavior was characteristic of drug addicts
(1997) who were “high.” The policemen therefore had sufficient
reason to stop petitioner to investigate if he was actually
FACTS: Narcotics officers were doing surveillance and
high on drugs. During such investigation, they found
chanced upon the accused in a cemetery who seemed
marijuana in petitioner’s possession.
to be high on drugs. He tried to resist the police officers
and upon inquiry, found that the accused was 4. Requisites for Valid Issuance
possessing what seemed to be crushed marijuana
leaves.  Probable Cause
 Personal determination by a judge
ISSUE: Whether evidence seized during a stop-and-frisk
 Particularity of description
is admissible.
a. Rule 112, Rules of Court
The general rule is a search and seizure must be b. Rule 126, Rules of Court
validated by a previously secured judicial warrant;
1) Stonehill vs Diokno, G.R. No. L-19550 (1967)
otherwise, such a search and seizure is
unconstitutional and subject to challenge. Any FACTS: Multiple judges issued 42 search warrants for
evidence obtained in violation of this constitutionally properties of individuals like Harry Stonehill. The
guaranteed right is legally inadmissible in any warrants aimed to seize documents related to alleged
proceeding. law violations. Stonehill and co-petitioners objected,
claiming the warrants were overly broad. Respondents
The exceptions to the rule are: (1) search incidental to a
argued the warrants were valid and any issues were
lawful arrest, (2) search of moving vehicles, (3) seizure
cured by consent. The Supreme Court initially granted a
in plain view, (4) customs search, and (5) waiver by the
preliminary injunction, later partially lifting it.
accused of their right against unreasonable search and
seizure. ISSUE: whether the search warrants violated
Constitutional protections against unreasonable
In these cases, the search and seizure may be made
searches and seizures, potentially rendering the seized
only with probable cause. Probable cause being at
properties inadmissible as evidence.
best defined as a reasonable ground of suspicion,
supported by circumstances sufficiently strong in -Officers of certain corporations, from which
themselves to warrant a cautious man in the belief documents, papers and things were seized by means of
that the person accused is guilty of the offense with search warrants, have no cause of action to assail the
which he is charged; or the existence of such facts and legality of the seizures because said corporations
circumstances which could lead a reasonably discreet have personalities distinct and separate from those
and prudent man to believe that an offense has been of said officers.
committed and that the item(s), article(s) or object(s)
sought in connection with said offense or subject to The legality of a seizure can be contested only by the
seizure and destruction by is in the place to be searched. party whose rights have been impaired thereby. The
objection to an unlawful search is purely personal and
Additionally, stop-and-frisk has already been adopted as cannot be availed of by third parties.
another exception to the general rule against a search
without a warrant. 2) People vs Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 94396 (1992)

In the present case, petitioner effectively waived the FACTS: University of the Philippines-Iloilo (UP) bought
inadmissibility of the evidence illegally obtained when 27 transformers from Varona Trading for $39,516.
he failed to raise the issue or object thereto during Varona later claimed they had defects and retrieved
the trial. them. UP demanded their return, but Varona refused.
NBI obtained a search warrant, seizing the transformers
In the case at hand, Patrolman Espiritu and his from Ruben Siao's warehouse. Siao, who said he bought
companions observed during their surveillance that them from Varona, moved to quash the warrant. Initially
appellant had red eyes and was wobbling like a drunk denied, the motion was later granted, leading to the
along the Caloocan City Cemetery, which according to return of the transformers to Siao. UP pursued an estafa
police information was a popular hangout of drug case against Varona and Siao. Siao's case was
dismissed upon re-investigation. UP appealed the However, there are 2 serious grounds to quash the
quashing of the search warrant, but the Court of Appeals search warrant:
upheld the trial court's decision.
1. There was по probable cause;
ISSUE: Whether or not the search warrant was valid.
- The NBI agent failed to present the best evidence (a
No, Search warrant issued by Judge Dayrit on certification from DOH) that could be obtained to
September 25, 1987, was null and void. establish that the accused was selling without license.
Without such, it was mere allegation that the accused
Probable cause is defined as referring to "such facts had no license.
and circumstances antecedent to the issuance of the
warrant that in themselves are sufficient to induce a 2. The placed to be searched had not been described
cautious person to rely on them, and to act in with sufficient particularity;
pursuance thereof."
- The warrant stated that the things to be seized were in
At the time he issued the search warrant, there was in the residence of the accused, however, private
Judge Dayrit's view probable cause that a crime had respondent Aiden Lanuza's residence is actually located
been committed by Siao, who had possession of the at Lot No. 41, 516 San Jose de la Montana St., Mabolo,
subject properties. However, such probable cause no Cebu City, while the drugs sought to be seized were
longer exists now because the information for estafa found in a warehouse at Lot No. 38 within the same
against Siao has already been dismissed by the compound. The said warehouse is owned by a different
Regional Trial Court of Manila on motion of the person.
prosecution itself. Siao's guilt is no longer open for
conjecture. 5. Valid Warrantless Search and Seizure

What is whether the search warrant could be issued a. Search of a Moving Vehicle
against Siao, assuming he was an innocent purchaser
4) Epie, Jr. v. Ulat-Marredo ( 518 SCRA 641) People v.
for value, in connection with the prosecution of Varona
Tuason (532 SCRA 152)
for estafa. But this is a question we need not decide
here. It is clear that, even if it were resolved affirmatively, FACTS: Petitioners were caught to have in their
the search warrant in question would still have to be possession lumber and subsequently could not produce
annulled for its failure to state therein the specific offense any permit from the DENR for them to cut and transport
for which it was being issued. the same. Such incident happened after the police came
about a report of a vehicle transporting lumber without
3) People vs Estrada, G.R. No. 124461 (1998)
permit and after which set up a roadblock to catch said
FACTS: Pursuant to a tip received by BFAD that the vehicle. After the described vehicle was spotted by the
accused Aiden Lanuza was selling drugs without a police they intercepted it. They flagged it down but it did
license, BFAD sought the assistance of NBI. An agent of not stop, forcing the police to chase it until it reached
NBI conducted surveillance and did a test buy on Shilan, La Trinidad. A search of the vehicle disclosed
Lanuza. Thereafter, a search warrant was applied for several pieces of Benguet pine lumber.
and granted by Judge Estrada. After the warrant was
ISSUE: WON the police officers have a probable cause
executed, the accused Lanuza assailed the validity of
to believe that the subject vehicle was loaded with illegal
the warrant. The said judge granted Lanuza's motion to
cargo and that, therefore, it can be stopped and
quash stating that there were "grave defects" in the
searched without a warrant. (YES)
search warrant issued.
Here, the search involved a moving vehicle, an instance
ISSUE: Whether or not the search warrant was valid.
where a warrantless search and seizure may be
No, the search warrant was not valid. conducted by peace officers. The only issue we should
determine is whether there was probable cause to justify
Regarding the different names in the warrant, it was a such warrantless search and seizure.
negligible defect since it was established that it was a
typographical error. In People v. Vinecarao,10 we ruled that where a vehicle
sped away after noticing a checkpoint and even after
having been flagged down by police officers, in an
apparent attempt to dissuade the police from proceeding
with their inspection, there exists probable cause to
justify a reasonable belief on the part of the law
enforcers that the persons on board said vehicle were b. Search incident to a valid arrest
officers of the law or that the vehicle contained objects
Luz v. People (667 SCRA 421)
which were instruments of some offense. This ruling
squarely applies to the present case. FACTS: PO2 Emmanuel L. Alteza stopped the accused
for not wearing a helmet while driving a motorcycle, a
People v. Tuason (532 SCRA 152)
violation of a municipal ordinance. The officer noticed the
accused acting uneasy and asked him to empty his
jacket pocket, fearing he might have a weapon. Among
5) People v. Mariacos (621 SCRA 327) the contents were a metal container, cellphones,
scissors, and a Swiss knife. Inside the container were
FACTS: She was arrested after she was carrying a bag four plastic sachets, two empty and two containing
alleged to have prohibited drugs inside. The bag, before suspected shabu. The RTC convicted the petitioner of
it came to her possession was found inside a passenger illegal drug possession.
jeepney with no owner so the policeman looked inside it
only to find packs of marijuana. The policeman was ISSUE: Whether the roadside questioning of a motorist,
acting on a report made about the bag by an agent of the pursuant to a routine traffic stop can be considered a
Barangay Intelligence Network. formal arrest.(NO)

ISSUE: WON the warrantless search conducted was There was no valid arrest. When the petitioner was
valid. (NO) flagged down for committing a traffic violation, he
was not, by the fact itself (ipso facto) and solely for
At the time, when PO2 Pallayoc looked into the this reason, arrested.
contents of the suspicious bags, there was no
identified owner. He asked the other passengers atop Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in order that
the jeepney but no one knew who owned the bags. he or she may be bound to answer for the commission of
Thus, there could be no violation of the right when no an offense. It is effected by an actual restraint of the
one was entitled thereto at that time. person to be arrested or by that person’s voluntary
submission to the custody of the one making the arrest.
Thirdly, x x x the search was conducted in a moving Neither the application of actual force, manual touching
vehicle. Time and again, a search of a moving vehicle of the body, or physical restraint, nor a formal declaration
has been justified on the ground that the mobility of of arrest, is required. It is enough that there be an
motor vehicles makes it possible for the vehicle to move intention on the part of one of the parties to arrest the
out of the locality or jurisdiction in which the warrant other, and that there be an intent on the part of the other
must be sought. Thus, under the facts, PO2 Pallayoc to submit, under the belief and impression that
could not be expected to secure a search warrant in submission is necessary.
order to check the contents of the bags which were There being no valid arrest, the warrantless search that
loaded on top of the moving jeepney. Otherwise, a resulted from it was likewise illegal.
search warrant would have been of no use because the
motor vehicle had already left the locality. None of the instances when a warrantless search is
allowed, especially a search incident to a lawful
NOTE: It is well to remember that in the instances we arrest, are applicable to this case. The subject items
have recognized as exceptions to the requirement of seized during the illegal arrest are inadmissible. The
a judicial warrant, it is necessary that the officer drugs are the very concrete evidence (corpus delicti) of
effecting the arrest or seizure must have been impelled the crime illegal possession of dangerous drugs. Thus,
to do so because of probable cause. The essential their inadmissibility precludes conviction and calls for the
requisite of probable cause must be satisfied before acquittal of the accused
a warrantless search and seizure can be lawfully
conducted. Without probable cause, the articles seized Ambre v. People (678 SCRA 552)
cannot be admitted in evidence against the person
arrested. FACTS: a buy-bust operation was conducted by the
Caloocan Police Station targeting Abdullah Sultan and
his wife Ina Aderp for alleged drug selling. Aderp and
Moctar Tagoranao were arrested, while Sultan fled.
Pursuing officers led to Sultan's house, where they found actually recovered the prohibited drugs as a witness,
Ambre, Castro, and Mendoza in a suspected drug being the person who has the direct knowledge of the
session. Ambre was caught with a rolled-up foil possession.
containing suspected shabu.
The Prosecution thereby failed to establish the
Ambre argues her arrest and search were illegal, as no linkage between the bricks of marijuana supposedly
crime was being committed, and the officers lacked seized by PO2 Santos from Belocura’s jeep following his
judicial authorization to enter Sultan's dwelling. She arrest and the bricks of marijuana that the
contends that the supposed "hot pursuit" leading to the Prosecution later presented as evidence in court.
house was more imagined than real. That linkage was not dispensable, because the failure to
prove that the specimens of marijuana submitted to the
ISSUE: Whether the warrantless arrest of Ambre and the forensic chemist for examination were the same
search of her person was valid; (YES) marijuana allegedly seized from Belocura irreparably
broke the chain of custody that linked the confiscated
Yes, the Court held that the arrest and search done
marijuana to the marijuana ultimately presented as
against the petitioner is valid. Section 5, Rule 113 of the
evidence against Belocura during the trial. Proof beyond
Rules of Criminal Procedure, provides three (3)
reasonable doubt demanded that unwavering exactitude
instances when warrantless arrest may be lawfully
must be observed in establishing the corpus delicti – the
effected: (a) arrest of a suspect in flagrante delicto; (b)
body of the crime whose core was the confiscated
arrest of a suspect where, based on personal knowledge
prohibited substances. Thus, every fact necessary to
of the arresting officer, there is probable cause that said
constitute the crime must be established.
suspect was the perpetrator of a crime which had just
been committed; (c) arrest of a prisoner who has As a method of authenticating evidence, the chain of
escaped from custody serving final judgment or custody rule requires that the admission of an exhibit
temporarily confined during the pendency of his case or be preceded by evidence sufficient to support a finding
has escaped while being transferred from one that the matter in question is what the proponent claims
confinement to another. it to be.

In arrest in flagrante delicto, the accused is Martinez v. People (690 SCRA 656)
apprehended at the very moment he is committing or
attempting to commit or has just committed an offense in Facts: Police officers conducted a routine foot patrol in
the presence of the arresting officer. Clearly, to Malate, Manila. They heard a man shouting profanities
constitute a valid in flagrante delicto arrest, two and apprehended him for allegedly violating a city
requisites must concur: (1) the person to be arrested ordinance. During a search, a sachet of suspected
must execute an overt act indicating that he has just shabu was found on Ramon. He was taken to the police
committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to station and charged with drug possession.
commit a crime; and (2) such overt act is done in the
presence or within the view of the arresting office Ramon denied the charge, claiming he was handcuffed
by a man in civilian clothing who identified himself as a
People v. Belocura (679 SCRA 318) police officer. He alleged that the officer then asked for a
bribe of P20,000 for his release.
Bricks of Marijuana found on plaintiff’s car after being
flagged down by the police when he violated breach of ISSUE: Whether or not Ramon could be convicted of the
traffic rules and regulations. crime of possession of dangerous drugs. (NO)

NOTE: (There was a valid warrantless arrest) Belocura Ramon Martinez was acquitted since the subject shabu
was caught in flagrante delicto violating Section 31 of purportedly seized is inadmissible in evidence for being
Republic Act No. 4139 (The Land Transportation and the proverbial fruit of the poisonous tree.
Traffic Code).21 In flagrante delicto means in the very
act of committing the crime. To be caught in flagrante Section 3(2), Article III of the Constitution provides that
delicto necessarily implies the positive identification of any evidence obtained in violation of Section 2, Article III
the culprit by an eyewitness or eyewitnesses. of the Constitution shall be inadmissible for any purpose
in any proceeding.
ISSUE: What must be proved beyond reasonable doubt
is the fact of possession of the prohibited drug itself. This In the case at bar, PO2 Soque arrested Ramon for
may be done by presenting the police officer who allegedly violating Section 844 of the Manila City
Ordinance (Breaches of the Peace), however, it cannot HELD: Here, the petitioner was caught in flagrante
be said that the act of shouting in a thicklypopulated delicto while in the act of delivering 1.15 grams and in
place, would constitute any of the acts punishable under actual possession of another 10.78 grams of
such provision. The words he allegedly shouted are not methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu) as a result of
slanderous, threatening or abusive, and thus, could not an entrapment operation conducted by the police on the
have tended to disturb the peace or excite a riot basis of information received from Benito Marcelo
considering that at the time of the incident. Thus, regarding petitioner's illegal drug trade. Petitioner's
evidence negates the presence of probable cause arrest, therefore, was lawful and the subsequent seizure
when the police officers conducted their warrantless of a bag of shabu inserted inside the cover of her
arrest of Ramon. checkbook was justified and legal in light of the
prevailing rule that an officer making an arrest may take
In this regard, considering that the confiscated shabu is from the person arrested any property found upon his
the very corpus delicit of the crime charged, Ramon's person in order to find and seize things connected with
acquittal should therefore come as a matter of course. the crime. The seized regulated drug is, therefore,
admissible in evidence, being the fruit of the crime.
People v. Rom (171 SCRA 147)
People v. Casacop (780 SCRA 645)
FACTS: Vice Control Section of the Cebu City Police
Office received a tip that Vicente Rom was involved in FACTS: Upon receiving a tip that Edong was selling
illegal drug activities, including maintaining a drug den in shabu, Police Superintendent Sergio Dimandal formed a
his residence. They conducted surveillance and team for surveillance. Senior Police Officer 4 Melchor
organized a buy-bust operation on August 31, 2000. Dela Pena (SPO4 Dela Pena) prepared a pre-operation
PO2 Martinez acted as the poseur-buyer and was given report, which was sent to the Philippine Drug
marked money. He successfully purchased shabu from Enforcement Agency (PDEA). A buy-bust team was then
Rom, which was witnessed by other officers. After the formed. During the operation, PO1 Signap acted as the
transaction, the team moved in and apprehended Rom, poseur-buyer. He handed marked money to appellant,
finding more shabu and the marked money on him. who provided a sachet of shabu. PO1 Signap signaled
the team, leading to appellant's arrest. A search yielded
ISSUE: Whether or not the search and the seizure made
paraphernalia and additional sachets. The seized items
in connection thereto were invalid. (NO)
were inventoried and sent for examination. The lab
- NO, the search and seizure made were valid. confirmed the substances as shabu. Appellant claimed
innocence, stating that police officers forcibly entered his
- the SC pointed out that warrantless searches and house during the incident. He argued that evidence was
seizures have long been deemed permissible by planted due to their failure to implicate him in a robbery
jurisprudence in the following instances: case.

(1) search of moving vehicles; HELD: For the successful prosecution of a case for
illegal sale of shabu, the following elements must be
(2) seizure in plain view; proven: (1) the identity of the buyer and the seller, the
object and the consideration; and (2) the delivery of the
(3) customs searches;
thing sold... and the payment therefor.[13] On the other
(4) waiver or consented searches; hand, in prosecuting a case for illegal possession of
dangerous drugs, the following elements must concur:
(5) stop and frisk situations (Terry search); and (1) the accused is in possession of an item or object,
which is identified as a prohibited drug; (2) such...
(6) search incidental to a lawful arrest. possession is not authorized by law; and (3) the accused
freely and consciously possessed the drug.
while as a rule, an arrest is considered legitimate if
effected with a valid warrant of arrest, the Rules of Court In this case, all the elements for the illegal sale of shabu
recognizes permissible warrantless arrest, to wit: (1) were established. POl Signap, the poseur-buyer,
arrest in flagrante delicto; (2) arrest effected in hot positively identified appellant as the person who sold him
pursuit; and (3) arrest of escaped prisoners. the white crystalline substance in one plastic sachet
which was later proven to be positive for... shabu. In
exchange for this plastic sachet; PO1 Signap handed the
marked money a.s payment. The delivery of the
contraband to the poseur-buyer and the receipt by the black bag containg the marijuana was in Calantiao’s
seller of the marked money successfully consummated possession, it was within the permissible area that the
the buy-bust transaction. apprehending officers could validly conduct a
warrantless search.
All the elements in the prosecution for illegal possession
of dangerous drugs and paraphernalia were likewise Cresencio v. People (741 SCRA 319)
established. Found in appellant's pocket after he was
caught in flagrante were two (2) more plastic sachets
containing shabu, an improvised glass tooter...
d. Stop and Frisk
containing shabu residue and the rolled aluminum foil
with shabu residue. Under Rule 126, Section 13, a Revaldo v. People (G.R. No. 170589, April 16, 2009)
person lawfully arrested may be searched for anything
which may have been used or constitute proof in the FACTS: The petitioner was charged with illegal
commission of an offense without a warrant. There was possession of premium hardwood lumber. It was alleged
no showing that appellant had legal authority to possess that on June 17, 1992, the petitioner possessed 96.14
the shabu and its paraphernalia. Moreover, the fact that board feet of flat lumber without the required legal
these contraband were found in his physical documents, violating Section 68 of the Forestry Code.
possession shows that he freely and consciously The RTC convicted the petitioner, and upon appeal, the
possessed them. Court of Appeals ruled that intent or motive was
irrelevant, as mere possession without proper
c. Plain View Doctrine documents established criminal liability.
People v. Calantiao (727 SCRA 20) The petitioner argues that the warrantless search and
seizure conducted by the police officers were illegal.
Edwin Lojera had a traffic dispute with a taxi on EDSA,
They contend that the officers lacked a search warrant
Balintawak, which escalated when the passengers of the
when they visited the petitioner's house to investigate
taxi, including Medario Calantiao (accused), fired guns.
the report of lumber possession without proper
Lojera reported the incident at a nearby police station.
Officers Mariano and Ramirez arrived at the scene,
ISSUE: Whether or not the evidence obtained without
where armed men from the taxi fired at them before
search warrant is admissible in court.
fleeing. The officers gave chase, apprehended the
suspects, and discovered a bag containing marijuana When the police officers arrived at the house of
and a firearm. The items and suspects were turned over petitioner, the lumber were lying around the vicinity
for investigation and analysis, which confirmed the of petitioner’s house. The lumber were in plain view.
presence of marijuana. Calantiao now questions the
admissibility of the marijuana, citing illegal search or a Under the plain view doctrine, objects falling in “plain
broken custodial chain. view” of an officer who has a right to be in the
position to have that view are subject to seizure and
ISSUE: WON the arrest is invalid. NO may be presented as evidence. When asked whether
he had the necessary permit to possess the lumber,
HELD: Searches and seizure incident to a lawful
petitioner failed to produce one. Petitioner merely replied
arrest are governed by the revised rules of criminal
that the lumber in his possession was intended for the
procedure. In lawful arrests, it becomes both the duty
repair of his house and for his furniture shop. There was
and the right of the apprehending officers to conduct a
thus probable cause for the police officers to confiscate
warrantless search not only on the person of the
the lumber. There was, therefore, no necessity for a
suspect, but also in the permissible area within the
search warrant.
latter’s reach. Otherwise stated, a valid arrest allows the
seizure of evidence or dangerous weapons either on the
person of the one arrested or within the area of his
immediate control.

In the case at bar, the marijuana was found in a black

bag in Calantiao’s possession and within his immediate
control. He could have easily taken any weapon from the
bag or dumped it to destroy the evidence inside it. As the
Posadas v. Court of Appeals (188 SCRA 288)
Facts: Pat. Ursicio Ungab and Pat. Umbra Umpar, These requirements have not been established in the
members of the INP, spotted the petitioner acting case at bar. At the time of the arrest in question, the
suspiciously with a "buri" bag in Davao City. They accused was merely “looking from side to side” and
approached, identified themselves, and attempted to “holding his abdomen”. There was apparently no
search the bag. The petitioner resisted but was offense that has just been committed or was being
apprehended. Upon inspection, they found firearms and actually committed or at least being attempted by
ammunition. The petitioner lacked proper documentation Mengote in their presence.
for these items. He was subsequently convicted for
illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. The Court takes note that there was nothing to support
the arresting officers' suspicion other than Mengote's
ISSUE: WON the search without warrant is valid. darting eyes and his hand on his abdomen. By no
stretch of the imagination could it have been inferred
YES it is valid. from these acts that an offense had just been
committed, or was actually being committed, or was at
RATIO: There are many instances where a warrant and
least being attempted in their presence.
seizure can be effected without necessarily being
preceded by an arrest, foremost of which is the "stop As for the illegal possession of the firearm found on
and search" without a search warrant at military or police Mengote's person, the policemen discovered this only
checkpoints. Thus, as between a warrantless search and after he had been searched and the investigation
seizure conducted at military or police checkpoints and conducted later revealed that he was not its owners nor
the search thereat in the case at bar, there is no was he licensed to possess it.
question that, indeed, the latter is more reasonable
considering that unlike in the former, it was effected on Before these events, the Peace officers had no
the basis of a probable cause. The probable cause is knowledge even of Mengote' identity, let alone the fact
that when the petitioner acted suspiciously and (or suspicion) that he was unlawfully carrying a firearm
attempted to flee with the buri bag there was a or that he was involved in the robbery of Danganan's
probable cause that he was concealing something house.
illegal in the bag and it was the right and duty of the
police officers to inspect the same. Hence, accused-appellant is acquitted.

It is too much indeed to require the police officers to People v. Cogaed (731 SCRA 427)
search the bag in the possession of the petitioner only
Facts: Police received a tip that Marvin Buya would be
after they shall have obtained a search warrant for the
transporting marijuana. A checkpoint was set up,
purpose. Such an exercise may prove to be useless,
and Victor Romana Cogaed and Santiago Sacpa Dayao
futile and much too late.
were found carrying bags. Marijuana was discovered in
People v. Mengote (210 SCRA 14) Cogaed's bag. Both were arrested, and a significant
quantity of marijuana was found during further inspection
FACTS: Accused was apprehended in Tondo, Manila at the police station.
based on a tip. He was found with a .38 caliber revolver.
A witness identified the weapon as stolen from a prior During the trial, Cogaed claimed he was unaware of
robbery. Accused claims the firearm was planted. The the bag's contents and was assisting Dayao as a
defense argues the seizure was illegal due to lack of a favor. He asserted ignorance of Dayao's conversation
warrant, and the arrest itself was unlawful. They also with the police.
contend that testimony regarding the prior robbery is
The trial court initially considered the arrest illegal but
deemed that Cogaed waived his objection by
ISSUE: WON the arrest was lawful. (NO) voluntarily opening his bag. The Court of Appeals
upheld this ruling, stating that Cogaed waived his right
NO. The Supreme court held that par(a) section 5 Rule against warrantless searches. Cogaed filed this
113 of rules of court requires that a person be arrested appeal.
after he has committed or while he is actually committing
or is at least attempting to commit an offense in the ISSUE: Whether there was a valid search and seizure of
presence of the arresting officer. marijuana as against the appellant; (NO)

No. The search was made without a warrant and

does not constitute a valid warrantless search.
The case of Cogaed was different. He was simply a enter the same. Permission was indeed granted by
passenger carrying a bag and traveling aboarda petitioner to enter the house but only to ascertain the
jeepney. There was nothing suspicious, moreover, presence of rebel soldiers. Under the circumstances, it
criminal, about riding a jeepney or carrying a bag. is undeniable that the police officers had ample time to
The assessment of suspicion was not made by the procure a search warrant but did not.
police officer but by the jeepney driver. It was the
driver who signalled to the police that Cogaed was Petition is GRANTED and the criminal case against the
"suspicious." petitioners for illegal possession of firearms is
[A] "stop-and-frisk" serves a two-fold interest: (1) the
general interest of effective crime prevention and People v. Nuevas (516 SCRA 463)
detection, which underlies the recognition that a police
FACTS: PO3 Teofilo B. Fami and SPO3 Cesar B.
officer may, under appropriate circumstances and in an
Cabling conducted a surveillance for illegal drug
appropriate manner, approach a person for purposes of
trafficking. They observed Jesus Nuevas, who matched
investigating possible criminal behavior even without
the suspect's description, carrying a plastic bag. They
probable cause; and (2) the more pressing interest of
approached Nuevas and identified themselves as police
safety and self-preservation which permit the police
officers. Nuevas disclosed the presence of marijuana
officer to take steps to assure himself that the person
in the bag and voluntarily pointed to the location
with whom he deals is not armed with a deadly weapon
where his associates, Din and Inocencio, would
that could unexpectedly and fatally be used against the
make a drug delivery. The police officers proceeded to
police officer.
the mentioned location and apprehended Din, who was
None of the other exceptions to warrantless searches carrying a bag containing marijuana. The confiscated
exist to allow the evidence to be admissible. The facts of items were duly documented and tested. All three
this case do not qualify as a search incidental to a lawful accused were arrested and charged.
ISSUE: Whether there was a valid warrantless search
e. Waiver against the petitioner.(NO)

Veroy v. Layague (210 SCRA 92) The Court holds that the searches and seizures
conducted do not fall under the first exception,
FACTS: Captain Reynaldo Obrero led a raid on the warrantless searches incidental to lawful arrests.
residence of petitioner spouses in Davao City,
suspecting it to be a safehouse for rebel soldiers. Since A search incidental to a lawful arrest is sanctioned by
the owner was absent and there was no search warrant, the Rules of Court. Recent jurisprudence holds that
they didn't enter the house. After contacting Ma. Luisa, the arrest must precede the search; the process
one of the spouses, she agreed to allow the search in cannot be reversed as in this case where the search
the presence of a trusted military officer. The team preceded the arrest. Nevertheless, a search
entered the yard and kitchen, and with the help of a substantially contemporaneous with an arrest can
locksmith, accessed the children's room, where they precede the arrest if the police have probable cause to
found incriminating items including a firearm and printed make the arrest at the outset of the search.
materials related to the rebel group RAM-SFP.
Secondly, neither could the searches be justified under
ISSUE: Whether or not the officers violated the the plain view doctrine.
petitioners' constitutional right against unreasonable
An object is in plain view if it is plainly exposed to
search and seizure. (YES)
sight. Where the object seized was inside a closed
- YES. The reason for searching the house of herein package, the object itself is not in plain view and
petitioners is that it was reportedly being used as a therefore cannot be seized without a warrant.
hideout and recruitment center for rebel soldiers. However, if the package proclaims its contents, whether
While Capt. Obrero was able to enter the compound, he by its distinctive configuration, its transparency, or if its
did not enter the house because he did not have a contents are obvious to an observer, then the contents
search warrant and the owners were not present. This are in plain view and may be seized. In other words, if
shows that he himself recognized the need for a search the package is such that an experienced observer could
warrant, hence, he did not persist in entering the house infer from its appearance that it contains the prohibited
but rather contacted the petitioners to seek permission to article, then the article is deemed in plain view. It must
be immediately apparent to the police that the items that f. Exigency
they observe may be evidence of a crime, contraband or
otherwise subject to seizure. People v. De Gracia (233 SCRA 716)

People v. Uyboco (640 SCRA 146) FACTS: RAM-SFP staged a coup against the
Government. Efren Soria conducted surveillance on
Facts: Nimfa and her wards were abducted. Nimfa Eurocar Sales Office, suspecting it as a rebel
recognized one kidnapper as appellant. They demanded communication post. On December 1, 1989, as they left
a P26 Million ransom, eventually settling on P1.5 Million. the area, a group fired at them, injuring the driver. On
Appellant received the ransom at Magallanes December 5, 1989, a search team raided Eurocar and
Commercial Center. Police officers captured him in found weapons and explosives. No search warrant was
Makati after a scuffle, finding cash, jewelry, and a gun in obtained due to the chaotic situation caused by the rebel
his possession. forces.

ISSUE: Whether or not there was a valid arrest and ISSUE: Whether there was a valid search and seizure in
search without warrant. this case.

-The arrest was validly executed pursuant to Section 5, YES, there was a valid search and seizure in this case.
paragraph (b) of Rule 113 of the Rules of Court, which
provides: "A peace officer or a private person may, It is admitted that the raiding team was not armed with a
without a warrant, arrest a person: xx x; (b) When an search warrant at that time. It was actually precipitated
offense has in fact been committed and he has personal by intelligence reports that said office was being used as
knowledge of facts indicating that the person to be headquarters by the RAM. Prior to the raid, there was a
arrested has committed it; and, (c) x x x." A search surveillance conducted on the premises wherein the
incident to a lawful arrest is also valid under Section 13, surveillance team was fired at by a group of men
Rule 126 of the Rules of Court which states: "A person coming from the Eurocar building. When the military
lawfully arrested may be searched for dangerous operatives raided the place, the occupants thereof
weapons or anything which may have been used or refused to open the door despite requests for them to do
constitute proof in the commission of an offense without so, thereby compelling the former to break into the office.
a search warrant.
The Eurocar Sales Office is obviously not a gun
- Records show that both requirements are present in store and it is definitely not an armory or arsenal
the instant case. The police officers present in which are the usual depositories for explosives and
Magallanes Commercial Center were able to witness the ammunition. It is primarily and solely engaged in the sale
pay- off which effectively consummates the crime of of automobiles. The presence of an unusual quantity
kidnapping. Such knowledge was then relayed to the of high-powered firearms and explosives could not
other police officers stationed in Fort Bonifacio where be justifiably or even colorably explained.
appellant was expected to pass by. Personal knowledge
In addition, there was general chaos and disorder at
of facts must be based on probable cause, which means
that time because of simultaneous and intense firing
an actual belief or reasonable grounds of suspicion.
within the vicinity of the office and in the nearby
Section 5, Rule 113 does not require the arresting
Camp Aguinaldo which was under attack by rebel
officers to personally witness the commission of the
forces. The courts in the surrounding areas were
offense with their own eyes. It is sufficient for the
obviously closed and, for that matter, the building and
arresting team that they were monitoring the pay-off
houses therein were deserted.
for a number of hours long enough for them to be
informed that it was indeed appellant, who was the Under circumstances, SC considered that the instant
kidnapper. This is equivalent to personal knowledge case falls under one of the exceptions to the
based on probable cause. prohibition against a warrantless search.
Likewise, the search conducted inside the car of
appellant was legal because the latter consented to In the first place, the military operatives, taking into
such. Even assuming that appellant did not give his account the facts obtaining in this case, had reasonable
consent for the police to search the car, they can still ground to believe that a crime was being committed.
validly do so by virtue of a search incident to a lawful There was consequently more than sufficient
arrest under Section 13, Rule 126. probable cause to warrant their action. Furthermore,
in the prevailing situation, the raiding team had no
opportunity to apply for and secure a search warrant It is not true, as counsel for Catolico claims, that the
from the courts. The trial judge himself manifested that citizens have no recourse against such assaults. On the
on December 5, 1989 when the raid was conducted, contrary, and as said counsel admits, such an invasion
his court was closed. Under such urgency and gives rise to both criminal and civil liabilities. Despite
exigency of the moment, a search warrant could lawfully this, the SC ruled that there was insufficient evidence of
be dispensed with. cause for the dismissal of Catolico from employment
Suspicion is not among the valid causes provided by the
g. Search and seizure by private persons Labor Code for the termination of Employment.

People v. Marti ( 193 SCRA 57) People v. Bongcarawan (384 SCRA 525)

Facts: the appellant informed Anita Reyes that he was FACTS: The accused, Basher Bongcarawan, was
sending packages to a friend in Zurich, Switzerland, convicted of violating Section 16, Article III of Republic
claiming they contained books, cigars, and gloves. Anita Act No. 6425 (Dangerous Drugs Act). The case arose
requested to inspect them, but he refused. Prior to when, on March 11, 1999, while M/V Super Ferry 5 was
delivery, Mr. Job Reyes opened the boxes for final about to dock at the port of Iligan City, a passenger
inspection and noticed a peculiar odor. He extracted a reported missing jewelry, suspecting a co-passenger at
sample, reported the shipment to the NBI, and requested cabin no. 106. The security officer and team conducted a
a laboratory examination. Upon investigation, they search, leading them to Bongcarawan. Bongcarawan
discovered the boxes contained dried marijuana leaves consented to a search but no jewelry was found. Upon
further inspection, a suitcase with suspected "shabu"
ISSUE: Whether the search and seizure committed by
was discovered.
the private individual inviolate the constitutional right of
the accused. Bongcarawan argues that the search and seizure were
conducted without his consent, violating his
- No, The constitutional proscription against
constitutional rights. He contends that any evidence
unlawful searches and seizures therefore
obtained through this unlawful search should be deemed
applies as a restraint directed only against the
government and its agencies tasked with the
enforcement of the law. Thus, it could only be ISSUE: WON the conviction was valid (YES)
invoked against the State to whom the restraint
against arbitrary and unreasonable exercise of - The right against unreasonable search and seizure is a
power is imposed. fundamental right protected by the Constitution.
Evidence acquired in violation of this right shall be
Waterous Drug Corp. v. NLRC (280 SCRA 735) inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
Whenever this right is challenged, an individual may
FACTS: Antonia Melodia Catolico, employed as a
choose between invoking the constitutional protection or
pharmacist by Waterous Drug Corp., was involved in a
waiving his right by giving consent to the search and
pricing discrepancy with YSP Inc., a medicine supplier. It
seizure. It should be stressed, however, that protection
was found that Catolico had received an overpriced
is against transgression committed by the
refund from YSP. Though Catolico denied receiving it, a
government or its agent. The constitutional
clerk at Waterous confirmed seeing an open envelope
proscription against unlawful searches and seizures
with a check made out to Catolico. Catolico was
applies as a restraint directed only against the
subsequently terminated for dishonesty.
government and its agencies tasked with the
NLRC dismissed the petition, citing the constitutional enforcement of the law. Thus, it could only be
right against unreasonable searches and seizures. invoked against the State to whom the restraint
Petitioners argue that this protection doesn't apply to against arbitrary and unreasonable exercise of
acts committed by private individuals. power is imposed.

ISSUE: W/N the check is admissible as evidence.(YES) In the case before us, the baggage of the accused-
appellant was searched by the vessel security
Ratio: (People vs. Marti) Marti ruling: The Bill of Rights personnel. It was only after they found “shabu” inside the
does not protect citizens from unreasonable searches suitcase that they called the Philippine Coast Guard for
and seizures perpetrated by private individuals. assistance. The search and seizure of the suitcase and
the contraband items was therefore carried out without
government intervention, and hence, the constitutional
protection against unreasonable search and seizure police officers for they are presumed to have
does not apply. performed their duties in a regular manner, unless
there is evidence to the contrary suggesting ill-
h. Airport Security motive on the part of the police officers."

Sales v. People (690 SCRA 141)

In this case, the prosecution witnesses were unable to
Facts: Don Djowel Sales was scheduled to board a show ill-motive for the police to impute the crime against
Cebu Pacific flight to Kalibo, Aklan. He arrived at the old Cadidia. Trayvilla was doing her regular duty as an
Manila Domestic Airport and underwent routine security airport frisker when she handled the accused who
checks. During a body search, security personnel Daniel entered the x-ray machine of the departure area. There
Soriano felt a bulge in Sales' pocket. When asked to was no pre-determined notice to particularly search the
reveal it, Sales hesitated. After a struggle, he produced accused especially in her private area. The unusual
two rolled paper sticks containing dried marijuana thickness of the buttocks of the accused upon frisking
leaves. Sales was subsequently charged with illegal prompted Trayvilla to notify her supervisor SPO3
possession of marijuana. Appang of the incident. The subsequent search of the
accused would only show that the two female friskers
ISSUE: W/N the search was valid. were just doing their usual task when they found the
illegal drugs inside accused’s underwear. This is
Such search was made pursuant to routine airport bolstered by the fact that the accused on the one hand
security procedure, which is allowed under Section 9 of and the two friskers on the other were unfamiliar to each
R.A. No. 6235. Said provision reads: other. Neither could they harbour any ill-will against each
other. The allegation of frame-up and denial of the
SEC. 9. Every ticket issued to a passenger by the airline
accused cannot prevail over the positive testimonies of
or air carrier concerned shall contain among others the
three prosecution witnesses who corroborated on
following condition printed thereon: "Holder hereof and
circumstances surrounding the apprehension.
his hand-carried luggage(s) are subject to search for,
and seizure of, prohibited materials or substances. Dela Cruz v. People (779 SCRA 34)
Holder refusing to be searched shall not be allowed to
board the aircraft," which shall constitute a part of the FACTS: Dela Cruz was an on-the-job trainee of an inter-
contract between the passenger and the air carrier. island vessel. He was at a pier of the Cebu Domestic
Port to go home to Iloilo. While buying a ticket, he
People v. Cadidia (707 SCRA 494) allegedly left his bag on the floor with a porter. Dela Cruz
then proceeded to the entrance of the terminal and
FACTS: Manila Domestic Airport, Marilyn Trayvilla, a
placed his bag on the x-ray scanning machine for
female police officer, conducted a frisking on Hadji
inspection. The operator of the x-ray machine saw
Cadidia. Trayvilla noticed an unusual thickness in
firearms inside Dela Cruz’s bag. Dela Cruyz consented
Cadidia's buttocks area and, upon inquiry, Cadidia
to Igot’s manual inspection of the bag. Due to Dela
claimed it was her sanitary napkin. Unconvinced,
Cruz’s affirmation that he was indeed the owner of the
Trayvilla and her colleague, Leilani Bagsican,
bag containing firearms, he was then charged of illegal
accompanied Cadidia to the restroom for further
possession under RA. 8294.
inspection. There, they discovered two sachets of shabu
in Cadid. Cadidia's defense was that Trayvilla and ISSUE: Are routine baggage inspections conducted by
Bagsican targeted her due to her Muslim identity, port authorities, although done without search warrants,
assuming she had valuables. They allegedly demanded unreasonable searches? (NO)
money, and when she couldn't provide it, they planted
the drugs on her. - No. Routine baggage inspections conducted by port
authorities, although done without search warrants, are
ISSUE: Whether Cadidia's contention that the lower not unreasonable searches per se. Constitutional
courts erred in the application in the presumption of provisions protecting privacy should not be so literally
regularity in the performance of duties of the witnesses is understood so as to deny reasonable safeguards to
correct. (NO) ensure the safety of the traveling public. Port security
measures are consistent with the country’s aim to
- No. In People v. Unisa,se this Court held that "in cases develop transportation and trade in conjunction with
involving violations of the Dangerous Drugs Act, national and economic growth.
credence is given to prosecution witnesses who are
The Philippine Ports Authority was subsequently against a warrantless search which is however
given police authority through Executive Order No. reasonably conducted, the former should prevail.
513, which provides:
People v. Exala (221 SCRA 494)
Sec. 2. Section 6 is hereby amended by adding a new
paragraph to read as follows: Facts: a private jeep driven by accused-appellant
Section 6-c. Police Authority – The Authority shall have Restituto B. Bocalan was stopped at a police checkpoint
such police authority within the ports administered by it in Cavite City for routine inspection regarding unlicensed
as may be necessary to carry out its powers and firearms and other prohibited items. With Bocalan were
functions and attain its purposes and objectives, without his co-accused Jaime P. Fernandez and Rodelio C.
prejudice to the exercise of the functions of the Bureau Exala. Pfc. Ricardo Galang, a member of the inspection
of Customs and other law enforcement bodies within the team, asked the occupants if there were firearms inside.
area. They answered in the negative. Pfc. Galang then
proceeded to inspect the vehicle and noticed a black
i. Check points leather bag with bulging sides. He asked what it
contained, but nobody answered. The three accused
Valmonte v. De Villa (170 SCRA 256) became fidgety and appeared nervous. Suspicious, Pfc.
Galang ordered the bag opened and found marijuana
FACTS: NCRDC set up checkpoints in different areas,
including Valenzuela, Metro Manila.
ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner is correct in his
Atty. Ricardo Valmonte, a Valenzuela resident, and the
contention that the evidence is inadmissible since it was
Union of Lawyers and Advocates for People's Rights
obtained through a warrantless arrest.
(ULAP) filed a petition questioning the
constitutionality of these checkpoints. They argued - The issue was never raised in the proceedings in the
that the checkpoints granted the respondents, including lower court. Bocalan never objected to the admissibility
Renato De Villa and the NCRDC, broad authority to of the evidence on the ground that the same was
conduct searches and seizures without the need for obtained in a warrantless search.
a search warrant or court order, which they believed
was a violation of the Constitution. Consequently, he is deemed to have waived his
objection on the legality of the search and the
ISSUE: Do the military and police checkpoints violate the admissibility of the evidence obtained in the course
right of the people against unreasonable search and thereof. In view of such waiver, the court is bound to
seizures? (NO) admit the evidence. But even assuming arguendo that
there was no waiver, still appellant's contention deserves
The setting up of the questioned checkpoints in
scant consideration.
Valenzuela (and probably in other areas) may be
considered as a security measure to enable the NCRDC There are indeed instances where search and seizure
to pursue its mission of establishing effective territorial can be effected without necessarily being preceded by
defense and maintaining peace and order for the benefit an arrest. An illustration would be the "stop-and-
of the public. Checkpoints may also be regarded as search" without a warrant at military or police
measures to thwart plots to destabilize the checkpoints, the constitutionality of which has already
government, in the interest of public security. In this been upheld by this Court. Vehicles are generally
connection, the Court may take judicial notice of the shift allowed to pass through these checkpoints after a
to urban centers and their suburbs of the insurgency routine inspection and answering a few questions. If
movement, so clearly reflected in the increased killings in vehicles are stopped and extensively searched it is
cities of police and military men by NPA “sparrow units,” because of some probable cause which justifies a
not to mention the abundance of unlicensed firearms and reasonable belief of those manning the checkpoints
the alarming rise in lawlessness and violence in such that either the motorist is a law-offender or the
urban centers, not all of which are reported in media, contents of the vehicle are or have been instruments
most likely brought about by deteriorating economic in the commission of an offense. However, lest it be
conditions – which all sum up to what one can rightly misunderstood, this doctrine is not intended to do away
consider, at the very least, as abnormal times. Between with the general rule that no person shall be subjected to
the inherent right of the state to protect its existence search of his person, personal effects and belongings, or
and promote public welfare and an individual's right his residence except of virtue of a search warrant or on
the occasion of a lawful arrest. The case before us is an
incident to or an offshoot of a lawful "stop-and-search" at 6. Valid Warantless Arrests
a military or police checkpoint.
a. Rule 113, Rules of Court
Their submissive stance after the discovery of the bag of
marijuana, as well as the absence of any protest on their People v. Villareal (693 SCRA 532)
part when arrested, not only casts serious doubts on
FACTS: Police Officer Renato de Leon was riding his
their professed innocence but also confirms their
motorcycle when he spotted the appellant, Villareal,
acquiescence to the search. Clearly then, there was
holding a plastic sachet of shabu from a distance of 8 to
waiver of the right against unreasonable search and
10 meters. Upon realizing he was being observed,
Villareal attempted to flee but was apprehended by de
Abenes v. Court of Appeals (515 SCRA 690) Leon. Villareal was then taken to the police station where
he was placed under arrest, and the alleged shabu was
FACTS: Rodolfo Abenes, a barangay chairman, was submitted as evidence. The substance, weighing 0.03
charged with illegal possession of a high-powered grams of methylamphetamine hydrochloride, a
firearm and its ammunitions during the election period. dangerous drug, was verified through testing.
He faced two charges: (1) illegal possession of firearms
and its ammunitions; and (2) violation of the Omnibus ISSUE: Whether or not there was a valid warrantless
Election Code. The firearm was confiscated from Abenes arrest based on the police officer’s personal
at a checkpoint when his vehicle was stopped for routine knowledge of the criminal record of the appellant.
inspection. The police noticed the firearm tucked in his
- No, there was no valid warrantless arrest. A lawful
waist and asked him to produce a license for it. Abenes
warrantless arrest exists when either of the following
couldn't produce one, leading to the confiscation of the
circumstances are present: (a) when, in his presence,
the person to be arrested has committed, is actually
1. Whether the checkpoint was legally set up. (YES) committing or is attempting to commit an offense, (b)
2. Whether Abenes’ constitutional right against unlawful when an offense has just been committed and he has
search and seizure had been violated. (NO) probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge
of facts or circumstances that he person to be arrested
-1. The production of a mission order is not necessary in has committed it, and (c) when the person to be arrested
view of the fact that the checkpoint was established is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal
three days before the May 11, 1998 elections; and the establishment or place where he is service final
circumstances under which the policemen found the gun judgment or is temporarily confined while his case is
warranted its seizure without a warrant pursuant to pending, or has escaped while being transferred from
plainview doctrine. one confinement to another.

-2. NO. The law enforcement officers lawfully made In the case at bar, based on the distance and the
an initial intrusion because of the enforcement of the amount of the powdery substance it is insufficient to
Gun Ban and were properly in a position from which conclude, even with clear vision that such substance
they particularly viewed the area. In the course of constitutes as shabu. The act of the appellant of
such lawful intrusion, the policemen came inadvertently examining the substance is not tantamount to arouse
across a piece of evidence incriminating Abenes where suspicion of a commission or possible commission of a
they saw the gun tucked into his waist. The gun was in crime even if he has previous criminal history on the
plain view and discovered inadvertently when Abenes same offense.
alighted from the vehicle. However, there is insufficient
evidence that the firearm Abenes carried had no license. Personal knowledge is not defined as knowledge of
Thus, for failure of the prosecution to prove beyond a person’s criminal record, but personal knowledge
reasonable doubt that Abenes was carrying a firearm as to the actual commission of the crime. The act of
without prior authority, license or permit, the latter must running away from authority also does not automatically
be exculpated from criminal liability under the illegal imply guilt on the accused. There are various reasons to
possession of firearms law. However, Abenes is still run away from authority, and commission of a crime is
convicted for violation of the Comelec Gun Ban. just one of the possible reasons. Because there is an
absence of overt act there is no justification for the
appellant’s warrantless arrest. Hence, it cannot be
presented as evidence in court as it is a fruit of the
poisonous tree.
People v. Collado (698 SCRA 628) FACTS: Police officers were conducting a police visibility
patrol in Pasay City when they saw two unidentified men
FACTS: PO2 Noble received information from a civilian rush out of a house and boarded a jeep. Believing that
informant implicating spouses Marcelino and Myra in there was a crime, the police officers approached the
shabu distribution. The informant also disclosed that house. When they peeked through the partially opened
drug users, including out-of-school youth, frequented door, they saw Antiquera and Cruz engaged in a pot
their residence for drug sessions. A buy-bust operation session. The police officers entered the house,
team was assembled, and the informant introduced introduced themselves and arrested Antiquera and Cruz.
Noble to Marcelino as a regular buyer. Myra accepted While inspecting the vicinity, PO1 Cabutihan saw a
the money and Marcelino handed over a sachet of white jewellery box which contained shabu and unused
crystalline substance. paraphernalia.

Simultaneously, SPO2 Cruz and another officer entered ISSUE: Whether or not the arrest was invalid.
the residence, where they found Apelo, Cipriano,
Ranada, Abache, Sumulong, Madarang, and Latario with HELD: Yes, there was unlawful arrest because the
drug paraphernalia. circumstances here do not make out a case of arrest
made in flagrante delicto. Admittedly, the police officers
ISSUE: Whether or not irregularities attended the arrest. did not notice anything amiss going on in the house from
(NO) the street where they stood. Indeed, even as they
peeked through its partially opened door, they saw no
- The arrest of the appellants was an arrest in flagrante
activity that warranted their entering it. Clearly, no crime
delicto made in pursuance of Sec. 5(a), Rule 113 of the
was plainly exposed to the view of the arresting officers
Rules of Court. The arrest was effected after Marcelino
that authorized the arrest of accused Antiquera without
and Myra performed the overt act of selling to PO2
warrant under the above-mentioned rule. Considering
Noble the sachet of shabu and Ranada of having in his
that his arrest was illegal, the search and seizure that
control and custody illegal drug paraphernalia.
resulted from it was likewise illegal.
As for the specimen, the failure of the police officers to
People v. Miranda (760 SCRA 578)
inventory and photograph the confiscated items are not
fatal to the prosecution's cause, provided that the FACTS: The case involves a buy-bust operation led by
integrity and evidentiary value of the seized substance P/CI Chica, where the appellant was apprehended for
were preserved, as in this case. allegedly selling shabu. The operation was based on a
tip from a confidential informant. The defense claimed
- In Rañada’s case, he was actually caught having
that the arrest was a set-up, asserting that appellant had
custody and control of the confiscated drug paraphenalia
just come from work and could not have been involved.
intended for smoking, injecting, etc. into one's body. It
Despite this, the trial court found the appellant guilty, a
was also indubitably shown that he failed to present
decision affirmed by the Court of Appeals. They raised
authority to possess the prohibited articles, much less,
concerns about inconsistencies in testimonies and the
an explanation of his possession thereof. However, as
legitimacy of the operation, but the CA upheld the trial
regards the other accused who were seen in the
court's decision, deeming the inconsistencies minor and
company of Rañada, the evidence of conspiracy
affirming the operation's validity.
against them was insufficient. They were in close
proximity to Rañada at the time and place of the incident. HELD: The Court gives full faith and credence to the
But mere presence at the scene of the crime does not testimonies of the police officers and upholds the
imply conspiracy. The prosecution failed to show specific presumption of regularity in the apprehending
overt acts that would link these accused to Ranada's officers’ performance of official duty. It is a settled
possession of the said contrabands. The CA erred in rule that in cases involving violations of the Dangerous
ruling that they were accessories to the crime. Drugs Act, credence is given to prosecution witnesses
who are police officers, for they are presumed to have
performed their duties in a regular manner, unless there
is evidence to the contrary.

Antiquera v. People (712 SCRA 339) On the other hand, appellant failed to present clear
and convincing evidence to overturn the
presumption that the arresting officers regularly Esperanza were incidentally caught In possession of the
performed their duties. Except for his bare allegation of Illegal items. Saraum did not proffer any satisfactory
denial, nothing supports his claim that the police officers explanation with regard to his presence at the vicinity of
were impelled by improper motives to testify against him. the buy-bust operation and his possession of the
In fact, in his cross-examination, appellant cannot think 11elzeditems that he claims to have "countless, lawful
of any reason why the police officers would fabricate uses.”
stories against him and charge him with two serious
offenses. b. Waiver of Illegality of Arrest

Saraum v. People (781 SCRA 661) People v. Racho (626 SCRA 633)

FACTS: a phone call was received regarding illegal drug a confidential agent arranged to buy shabu from the
activities in Sitio Camansi, Barangay Lorega, Cebu City. appellant. The police formed a team for his arrest. When
A buy-bust team was formed, composed of P03 Larrobis, the appellant got off a bus, the agent identified him.
PO1 Jumalon, P02 Nathaniel Sta. Ana, PO1 Roy During the apprehension, a sachet of shabu fell from his
Cabahug, and PO1 Julius Aninon. They targeted an pocket. Lab tests confirmed it.
individual known as "Pata."
Legal Proceedings:
During the operation, "Pata" attempted to flee towards
 Appellant was charged with drug-related
his shanty and eluded arrest. Inside the house, the team
encountered Saraum and Peter Esperanza, who were in  He pleaded not guilty.
possession of drug paraphernalia, apparently preparing  He was convicted of transporting drugs but
for a "shabu" pot session. Saraum was found with a acquitted of possession.
lighter, rolled tissue paper, and aluminum tin foil (used  The Court of Appeals upheld the decision.
as a tooter). P03 Larrobis confiscated the items and
made initial markings. The items were later turned over ISSUE: Whether or not the appellant has a ground to
to the property custodian of the Office of City Prosecutor. assail the validity of his arrest. (YES)

ISSUE: Whether the arrest is valid. (YES) HELD: The long standing rule in this jurisdiction is that
"reliable information" alone is not sufficient to justify a
HELD: Valid In flagrante delicto arrest. Saraum was warrantless arrest.
arrested during the commission of a crime, which
The rule requires, in addition, that the accused perform
instance does not require a warrant in accordance with some overt act that would indicate that he has
Section 5 (a), Rule 113 of the Revised Rules on Criminal committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to
Procedure. In arrest in flagrante delicto, the accused is commit an offense. We find no cogent reason to depart
apprehended at the very moment he is committing or from this well-established doctrine.
attempting to commit or has just committed an offense in
the presence of the arresting officer. Appellant herein was not committing a crime in the
presence of the police officers. Neither did the arresting
To constitute a valid in flagrante delicto arrest, two officers have personal knowledge of facts indicating that
the person to be arrested had committed, was
requisites must concur: (1) the person to be arrested committing, or about to commit an offense.
must execute an overt act indicating that he has just
committed ,is actually committing, or is attempting to At the time of the arrest, appellant had just alighted from
commit a crime; and (2) such overt act is done in the the Gemini bus and was waiting for a tricycle. Appellant
presence or within the view of the arresting officer. was not acting in any suspicious manner that would
engender a reasonable ground for the police officers to
Here, the Court is unconvinced with Saraum's statement suspect and conclude that he was committing or
that he was not committing a crime at the time of his intending to commit a crime. Were it not for the
information given by the informant, appellant would not
arrest. P03 Larrobis described in detail how they were
have been apprehended and no search would have
able to apprehend him who was then holding a been made, and consequently, the sachet of shabu
disposable lighter in his right hand and a tin foil and a would not have been confiscated.
rolled tissue paper in his left hand, while they were in the
course of arresting somebody. Neither was the arresting officers impelled by any
urgency that would allow them to do away with the
The case is clearly one of hot pursuit of "Pata," who, in requisite warrant. As testified to by Police Officer 1
eluding arrest, entered the shanty where Saraum and Aurelio Iniwan, a member of the arresting team, their
office received the "tipped information" on May 19, 2003. Valdez v. People (538 SCRA 611)
They likewise learned from the informant not only the
appellant’s physical description but also his name. FACTS: Petitioner Arsenio Valdez was found guilty by
Although it was not certain that appellant would arrive on the lower courts for the violation of Section 11 of RA
the same day (May 19), there was an assurance that he 9165 after dried marijuana leaves were found in his
would be there the following day (May 20). Clearly, the
possession by three barangay tanods who made a
police had ample opportunity to apply for a warrant.
search on him. In this appeal, petitioner prays for his
c. Effects of Declaration of Illegality of Arrest acquittal and asserts that his guilt of the crime charged
had not been proven beyond reasonable doubt. He
People v. Biyoc (532 SCRA 528) argues, that the warrantless arrest effected against him
by the barangay tanod was unlawful and that the
FACTS: Rodolfo Biyoc, having moral ascendancy over warrantless search of his bag that followed was likewise
the complainant,[AAA], who is a minor, 11 years old, the contrary to law.
latter being his daughter by means of force, coercion and
intimidation had a sexual intercourse with her against her ISSUE: Whether the warrantless arrest was validly made
will. The sister of AAA witnessed the incident and and that the warrantless search of his bag
hurriedly reported it to her mother and they reported it to that followed was likewise valid. (NO)
the DSWD. They were accompanied by a Social Worker
to report the incident to the police station. PO1 Javier, HELD:
together with AAA, her sister and mother proceeded to
When petitioner was arrested without a warrant, he was
the family home, and on their way, they met Biyoc. PO1
neither caught in flagrante delicto committing a crime nor
Javier at once informed him of his rights, arrested him,
was the arrest effected in hot pursuit. Moreover, it cannot
and brought him to the police station. Biyoc denied the
therefore be reasonably argued that the warrantless
allegations imputed against him and he was aware of the
search conducted on petitioner was incidental to a lawful
gravity of the offense lodged against him, thus, he made
arrest. Furthermore, To determine the admissibility of the
no attempt to escape which is an indicative of his
seized drugs in evidence, it is indispensable to ascertain
innocence. The regional trial court found him guilty
whether or not the search which yielded the alleged
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape, which
contraband was lawful. The search, conducted as it was
was also affirmed by the Court of Appeals. In his brief,
without a warrant, is justified only if it were incidental to a
he raised several issues contending that the trial court
lawful arrest. In evaluating the evidence on record in its
erred in giving such judgment. One argument he raised
totality, the reasonable conclusion is that the arrest of
was that the trial court failed to consider the fact that the
petitioner without a warrant is not lawful as well.
accused’s arrest was legally objectionable. Appellant
Wherefore, the decision of lower court was reversed and
claims that his arrest was illegal because a "warrantless
that herein petitioner Arsenio Valdez was acquitted
arrest was effected even before the statement of the
based on reasonable doubt.
private complainant was taken."
People v. Santos (555 SCRA 578)
ISSUE: Whether accused-appellant Biyoc is illegally
arrested. (NO) FACTS: Charmaine Mamaril is a kindergarten pupil in
Quezon City. When her mother, Raquel, fetched her at
HELD: No, accused-appellant Biyoc was not illegally
school, Charmaine’s teacher met and asked the mother
arrested. The Court ruled that an accused may be
if the child was able to reach home safely in which
estopped from assailing the illegality of his arrest if he
Raquel replied that the child did not know the way home.
fails to move for the quashing of the information against
They continued to look for Charmaine in school until
him before his arraignment. And since the legality of an
someone informed her that a woman had earlier fetched
arrest affects only the jurisdiction of the court over the
her daughter. Raquel then immediately reported the
person of the accused, any defect in his arrest may be
matter to the police authorities and the National Bureau
deemed cured when he voluntarily submitted to the
of Investigation. Five days later, Raquel stated that a
jurisdiction of the trial court as what was done by the
police sergeant informed her that a child named
appellants in the instant case. Not only did they enter
Charmaine was with a Barangay Kagawad Aida
their pleas during arraignment, but they also actively
Bautista. Raquel immediately went to Bautista with some
participated during the trial which constitutes a waiver of
identification papers of Charmaine, and the child was
any irregularity in their arrest. Objections to the legality of
turned over to her after showing the birth certificate.
arrests must, however, be made prior to the entry of plea
at arraignment; otherwise, they are considered waived.
Two days later, Bautista called Raquel to tell her that a
woman named Mercy Santos has returned to her place
to claim Charmaine. Raquel then notified police
authorities and proceeded to arrest Santos. However,
appellant Santos denied the prosecution’s allegations
and insisted that her extrajudicial confession was
extracted in violation of her constitutional rights.

HELD: A confession is not admissible in evidence unless

the prosecution satisfactorily shows that it was obtained
within the limits imposed by the 1987 Constitution.
Section 12, Article III thereof, provides:
(1) Any person under investigation for the commission of
an offense shall have the right to be informed of his right
to remain silent and to have competent and independent
counsel preferably of his own choice. If the person
cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be
provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except
in writing and in the presence of counsel. (3) Any
confession or admission obtained in violation of this or
section 17 hereof shall be inadmissible in evidence
against him.

People v. Edaño (729 SCRA 255)

d. When to raise illegality of arrest

Roallos v. People (712 SCRA 593)

People v. Vasquez (714 SCRA 78)

People v. Manlulu (G.R. No. 102140; April 22, 1994)

NOTE: A lawful warrantless arrest requires that the

arrest immediately follows the commission of the offense
and not some nineteen (19) hours later. Paragraph (b),
Sec. 5, Rule 113 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal
Procedure provides that the arresting officer must have
“personal knowledge” of an offense which “has in fact
just been committed.”

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