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CNF Final Paragraph: Conclusion

GENERAL ESSAY TEMPLATE Sentence 1: Restate thesis statement- State the

thesis using new words. This helps readers
remember the focus of the essay.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Sentence 2-3: Briefly summarize main
Sentence 1: Hook- Captures readers' attention arguments- Present a summary of the essay's
main arguments. Again, this reminds readers of
 Quote your main points in case they have forgotten.
 Story
 Startling Statement Sentence 4-5: Explain the significance -
Indicate the significance of your analysis and/or
Sentence 2-3: Context/Background- Helps research to other scholars in your field/scholars
readers understand where the essay fits into the of the subject or topic/society in general. This is
scholarly discourse by providing background also called the "takeaway."
information on the essay topic.
A good question—in a professional
Sentence 4: (The) Thesis statement environment—is a query you can rely on to get
the information you need from colleagues, team
Sentence 5: Essay map/sign post- This may look
members, and supervisors.
like a "map" where you state the main arguments
you will make in your essay. Good questions are to the point, open-ended,
and clear in their intent. To ask a good
Paragraphs 2-10+: Body Paragraphs
question, you need a mixture of curiosity,
Sentence 1: Topic sentence - Summarizes the personal clarity of thought, and emotional
main argument or point of the paragraph. intelligence.

Sentence 2: Present evidence - Present evidence 1. Develop rapport- This means greeting
in the form of quotes or paraphrasing from and asking basic and easy questions to
authoritative primary or secondary sources, ask how they're doing and set a
which supports the paragraph main idea, as well comfortable atmosphere or mood
as the thesis main idea. between you and the interviewer.
2. Listen- Make it a point of listening
Sentence 3: Analyze, interpret, and explain more than talking more.
evidence - Use your own words to do so. While 3. Make your questions brief and clear-
what the information means may be clear to you, You don’t have to seem smart by using
the writer, you should not assume that readers big words to impress them.
will understand the information. Explain 4. Ask the difficult questions- BUT
everything within reason. prepare them for it.
Sentence 4: Contextualize evidence - Show how 5. Use negative assumption when asking
evidence relates to and supports your thesis possibly offensive questions- This
statement means that you'll assume the negative
trait is universal or common to many
Sentence 5: Transition - Introduce the next people before implying that its the same
paragraph topic by using a linking word, phrase, for them.
or idea. This will improve your essay's
organization and "flow."
Nonfiction aspect 3. Setting and scene. The writer creates
scenes that are action-oriented; include
1. Fact. The writing must be based on fact, dialogue; and contain vivid descriptions.
rather than fiction. It cannot be made up.
4. Plot and plot structure. These are the
2. Extensive research. The piece of main events that make up the story. In a
writing is based on primary research, personal essay, there might be only one
such as an interview or personal event. In a memoir, there are often
experience, and often secondary several significant events under one
research, such as gathering information overarching experience.
from books, magazines, and
5. Figurative language. The writer often
uses simile and metaphor to create an
3. Recording. The writer must be able to interesting piece of creative nonfiction.
document events or personal
experiences. 6. Imagery. The writer constructs “word
pictures” using sensory language.
4. Personal experience and personal Imagery can be figurative or literal.
opinion. Often, the writer includes
personal experience, feelings, thoughts, 7. Point of view. Often the writer uses the
and opinions. For instance, when writing first person “I.”
a personal essay or memoir.
8. Dialogue. These are the conversations
spoken between people. It is an
5. Explanation/Exposition. The writer is important component of creative
required to explain the personal nonfiction.
experience or topic to the reader.
9. Theme. There is a central idea that is
6. Essay format. Creative nonfiction is weaved through the essay or work.
often written in essay format. Example: Often, the theme reveals a universal
Personal Essay, Literary Journalistic truth.
essay, brief essay.

Creative aspects

1. Storytelling/narration. The writer needs

to be able to tell his/her story. A good
story includes an inciting incident, a
goal, challenges and obstacles, a turning
point, and resolution of the story.

2. Character. The nonfiction piece often

requires a main character. Example: If a
writer is creating his/her memoir, then
the writer is the central character.

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