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Governance Syllabus for UPSC

The Indian Polity and Governance syllabus for UPSC have overlapping segments in the prelims
stage. This stage comprises objective questions. The first step in the preparation journey of
becoming an IAS Officer is to get in touch with the syllabus of prelims. The main segments of
the Governance syllabus for UPSC are as listed here-
• Schedules
• Constitution of India
• Preamble

• Citizenship
• Fundamental Rights
• Fundamental Duties

• Directive Principles of State Policy

• Judiciary
• State Government, State Legislature

• Administration of Union Territories, Administration of Specialized Areas

• Emergency Provisions, State-Centre and Interstate Relations
• Panchayati Raj and Municipal Bodies
• Constitutional Bodies, and Non-Constitutional Bodies

• Special Provisions for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes

Governance Syllabus for Mains

The Governance syllabus for UPSC mains contain varied topics. The preparation for mains
needs to be a comprehensive one. You must get acquainted with the syllabus and not miss out
on making notes for mains. In this section, the aspirants will be required to refer to and write
descriptive answers. Along with the recommended books, be in touch with current affairs
through newspapers and magazines. Check the broad layout of the syllabus as listed here:

Governance Syllabus for UPSC Mains

Appointment to Various Constitutional Problems due to the implementation of the design and
Posts development of the Government

Policies and Schemes Initiated by the

Government Development of industry and other developmental processes
Constitutional Bodies Functions of NGOs, SHGs, donors, and associations

e-governance [Applications, Successes, Models, Citizens

Essential parameters of Governance, Charter, Transparency and Accountability, Limitations, and
accountability, and transparency Potential

Role of Civil Services in a Democracy Regulatory, Statutory, and Quasi-Judicial Bodies

Governance Syllabus for UPSC in Hindi

उ�ीदवार यू प ीएससी गवन�स पा� क्रम को िहं दी म� भी डाउनलोड कर सकते ह� । यह मु � परी�ा का एक
आव�क खंड है । उ�ीदवारों के िलए परी�ा के मह�पूण� िवषयों के साथ अ�ी तरह से वािकफ होना और िवषयों
की गहन समझ हािसल करना अ�िधक आव�क है । शासन पा�क्रम के मु � िवषयों को यहां सूचीब� िकया
गया है :

• िविभ� संवैधािनक पदों पर िनयु��

• सरकार के िडजाइन और िवकास के काया� �यन के कारण सम�ाएं

• सरकार �ारा शु� की गई नीितयां

• उ�ोग और अ� िवकास प्रिक्रयाओं का िवकास

• संवैधािनक िनकाय

• गैर सरकारी सं गठनों, �यं सहायता समूहों, दाताओं और संघों के काय�

• शासन, जवाबदे ही और पारदिश�ता के आव�क पैरामीटर

• ई-गवन�स [अनु प्रयोग, सफलताएं , मॉडल, नाग�रक चाट� र, पारदिश�ता और जवाबदे ही, सीमाएं और �मता

• लोकतंत्र म� िसिवल सेवाओं की भूिमका]

• सां िविधक, िविनयामक और अध�-�ाियक िनकाय

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