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Students' Reliance on AI Writing Assistant Tools and Its Impacts on Writing Proficiency

Submitted by: Schrister Hynes D. Bedecir, Archimedes 12

Thesis Statement: The use of AI writing tools can lead to over-reliance, hindering the

development of students' self-editing and critical thinking skills. There is apprehension that

students might prioritize quick fixes over deep learning, potentially negating their growth and

development in writing.

I. Introduction

 The role of AI writing assistant tools in modern education.

 The convenience and efficiency they offer to students.

 The critical questions about their impact on students' writing proficiency.

II. Understanding AI Writing Assistant Tools

Definition and Functioning

 Definition of AI writing assistant tools.

 Explanation of their functioning, such as predicting the next word in a sentence (Horton,


 Overview of their capabilities, including grammar checks, text analysis, rewriting,

summarizing, and plagiarism checks.

Potential Inconsistencies and Errors

 Acknowledgment that these tools can produce inconsistencies and errors (Rogerson &

McCarthy, 2017).

III. Concerns and Challenges

Misuse and Academic Dishonesty

 Discussion of concerns about the potential misuse of AI-writing tools, including

academic dishonesty.

 The role AI writing tools may play in plagiarism and copying content from online sources

(Ahmad, 2023).


 The concern that students might become overly dependent on AI writing tools for


 Potential consequences, such as hindering natural learning and self-editing skills.

 The argument that over-reliance could hinder critical thinking skills (Iskender, 2023).

IV. AI's Impact on the Education Sector

 Examination of AI's broader impact on the education sector, including its benefits and


 Discussion of its role in decision-making, task automation, and assistance for teachers

and students (Han, 2023).

V. Conclusion

 Recap of students' increasing reliance on AI writing assistant tools.

 Emphasis on the potential impact of this reliance on students' writing proficiency.

 The overarching concern that over-reliance on AI tools might hinder students' growth and

development in writing.

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