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Alba Castro

The sun earth and moon

01 - the earth
Our home planet Earth is a world unlike
others. Being the third planet from the
sun it is the only known planet to host
life. Earth is the fifth largest planet in
the solar system and also known for
sure to have water on its surface.

02 - the sun
The sun is the star at the centre of the
solar system It is a nearly perfect
sphere of hot plasma. It has a
convective motion that generates a
magnetic fiels. It is the most important
source of energy for earth.

03 - The moon
A moon is an object that orbits a planet
or something else that is not a star.
Besides planets, moons can circle
dwarf planets, large asteroids, and
other bodies. Objects that orbit other
objects are also called satellites, so
moons are sometimes called natural
satellites. The moon we see is called
Earth's natural satellite.

04 - seasons

The four seasons are summer,autumn

autumn, winter, spring.The earth's spin
axis is tilted with respect to its orbital
plane. This is what causes the seasons.
When the earth's axis points towards
the sun, it is summer for that
hemisphere. When the earth's axis
points away, winter can be expected.

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