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The definition of spare parts which are not under warranty

- Crushed tools and blades are not under warranty for all kinds of machines
- All parts for machines which are not fixed to floor according to setting plan are not
under warranty
- All parts which damaged because of wrong using are not under warranty.
- All parts which damaged during loading are not under warranty
- All parts which are not used according to machine’s manual are not under warranty
- There is no second warrant after sending spare parts for expired machine
- All parts which have 200 voltage and above are not under warranty.
- The machine is not under warranty if some part and parts weld to the machine
- All punches and dies are not under warranty for IW and Punch machines
- Spring, nozzle, mirror switch and lens are not under warranty for Punch, laser,
plasma, shear and Oxy cut machines.
- If laser, plasma and oxy cut machines are feeding with unsuitable air which doesn’t
mentioned on manual and doesn’t conditioned with filter, all parts for that machine are
not under warranty
- All broken and deformed blades because of cutting with sandy, rusty, shear , plasma
or oxy cut are not under warranty

F.255 Rev.0

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