Earth and Life Science

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Earth and Life Science

Name: Veniedick Blancia Manibplel

Level/Strand: 11-Humanities and Social Sciences
Subject Teacher: Sir. Rey Palmares

Activity 1: My Own Origin of the Earth.

Note: My output is at the back of this bond paper

Activity 2: State and Explain the following theories

on the origin of the universe.

1.) Theory of Special Creation

The theory of special creation proposed that a supernatural power
created life. Hence it is called life on earth as a divine creation. It also stated
that the diversity among living organisms was always the same from the
creation time and will continue to be the same.

2) Theory of the Spontaneous Generation

The theory of spontaneous generation states that life arose from

nonliving matter. It was a long-held belief dating back to Aristotle and the
ancient Greeks.
is an obsolete body of thought on the ordinary formation of living organisms
without descent from similar organisms. Typically, the idea was that certain
forms such as fleas could arise from inanimate matter such as dust or that
maggots could arise from dead flesh.
3.) Theory of Bio-genesis
The theory of bio-genesis proposes that new living organisms can only
emerge from other previously existing living organisms as a result of
Reproduction can occur sexually or asexually, however life can only
arise from living cells.

4.) Theory of Biochemical Evolution

The Oparin and Haldane theory is known as biochemical theory for
the origin of life. According to the Oparin-Haldane model, life could have
arisen through a series of organic chemical reactions that produced ever more
complex biochemical structures.

5.) Theory of Panspermia

The panspermia hypothesis states that the seeds of life exist all over
the universe and can be propagated through space from one location to
another. For millennia, this idea has been a topic of philosophical debate.
However, due to lack of any validation, it remained merely speculative until
few decades ago.

6.) Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Theory

What is deep-sea vent theory?

The theory goes: At the time of life's origin, the early ocean was acidic and
filled with positively charged protons, while the deep-sea vents spewed out
bitter alkaline fluid, which is rich in negatively charged hydroxide ions, Lane
told Live-science.
1. It is a jelly like fluid structure inside the cell that provide an area of movement of
all dissolved molecules that. H. Cytoplasm

2. A structure found in the nucleus that help produce ribosomes.

E. Nucleous

3. It is a thin layer around the cell but not a rigid one it is opening to allow
transportation and exchange of materials. C.Cell Membrane

4. When a cell needs energy it brings in nutrients and break it down and supply
energy to the cell. O.Mitochondria

5. Cell Storage. U.Vacuole

6. It help produce food for plants and absorbs light energy from the sun and use it to
convert CO2 and H2O into sugar and oxygen. L.Chloroplast

7. it is the digestive system in an animal cell because it contains enzymes that break
down waste and other materials. D.Lysosomes

8. this build proteins in the cell and can be found in several places in the cell which
includes in the cytosol and on endoplasmic reticulum. U. Ribosomes

9. they do the DNA synthesis and direct the genetic information of the cell these are
made of DNA and found in the nucleus and usually in pairs. T. Chromosomes

10. Brainof the cell. P. Nucleus

11. An organelle that serve as the transport system. N. Endoplasmic Reticulum

12 It is only found in the plant cell that support the plant which is also made of
specialized sugar called cellulose. T. Cell Wall

13. It gathers molecules and make them more complex. It is also stores then or send
them into the cytosol or cut of the cell. This organelle also process the proteins
produced by the endoplasmic reticulum androbosomes. I Golgi apparatus

14. It does not contain Cell wall. T.Animal Cell

15. An organism made up of one cell. D. Uncellular Organisms

16. Organism composed of many cells. O. Multicellular Organisms

17. An organism with true nucleus. N.Prokaryotic

18. An organism with true nucleus. W. Eukaryotic

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 12 10 8 14 13 9

15 16 18 11

Answer: He couldn’t put it down.

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