Question List by Mohit Balecha

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Advance Question list By Mohit Balecha

1. Can you briefly explain your understanding of the CA Articleship


2. What motivated you to pursue a career as a Chartered Accountant?

3. How do you stay updated with the latest accounting standards and

4. Can you explain the audit process and your role during an audit

5. Describe a situation where you had to handle confidential information

with discretion.

6. How would you approach a client who disagrees with your


7. Can you discuss a time when you faced a difficult ethical dilemma and
how you resolved it?

8. How do you ensure accuracy and attention to detail in your work?

9. Can you describe a time when you had to work under tight deadlines and
how you managed it?

10. What steps would you take to build strong relationships with clients and

11. How do you prioritize tasks when facing multiple deadlines?

12. Can you explain the importance of risk assessment in auditing?

13. Describe a situation where teamwork was crucial to achieving a

successful outcome

14. How do you handle constructive criticism or feedback on your work


15. Can you discuss any experience or knowledge related to taxation laws
and regulations?

By Mohit Balecha
16. How do you maintain professionalism and integrity in your work as a CA

17. Can you describe your experience with financial statement analysis or
financial modeling?

18. What steps would you take if faced with an ethical conflict of interest
during an engagement?

19. Discuss your experience in using accounting software or technology


20. Can you explain the process of budgeting and forecasting in an


21. How do you handle stressful situations or high-pressure environments?

22. Can you provide an example of when your attention to detail prevented
an error or mistake?

23. Discuss a time when you identified opportunities for process


24. How do you approach building strong professional relationships with


25. Can you discuss any experience or knowledge related to international

accounting standards?

26. What steps do you take to ensure effective communication with

colleagues and superiors
27. Describe a time when you demonstrated leadership skills within a team.

28. How do you ensure client confidentiality and information security in

your work?

29. Can you discuss your experience in conducting internal control


30. Explain the concept of materiality in auditing and how it is determined.

31. How would you handle a situation where a client requests unethical or
fraudulent activities?

32.Can you describe any experience or knowledge related to forensic

accounting or fraud investigation?

By Mohit Balecha
33. Discuss a time when you had to adapt to changes in accounting
regulations or policies.

34. How do you approach learning new accounting software or technology


35. Can you explain the process of financial statement preparation and

36. Describe a time when you had to resolve conflicts or disagreements

within a team.

37. How do you ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in
your work?

38.Can you discuss any experience or knowledge related to cost

accounting or management accounting?

39.What steps would you take if faced with an audit engagement that
required significant travel?

40. Discuss your long-term career goals and how this articleship position aligns
with them.

By Mohit Balecha
Practice and get comfortable with these common job questions and answer samples before our interview and we’ll feel
more confident, while giving much better answers. We recommend spending some time getting comfortable with what we
might be asked, what hiring managers are really looking for in our responses, and what it takes to show that we're
the right man or woman for the job.

1. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

To answer, walk them through our background, starting at how we began our career or our current line of work. Take them through
key accomplishments, key career moves we’ve made, and end by sharing what we’re looking to do next in our career and why we’re job
hunting. Good answer sample: “I started my career in Marketing after graduating with a Business degree in 2011. I’ve spent
my entire career at Google, receiving 3 promotions and 4 awards for outstanding performance. I’m looking to join a smaller
company now, and take on more leadership and project management.”

2. How did you hear about the position?

This is one of the simplest question and answer scenarios in any interview, but that doesn’t mean it can’t ruin our chances at the job if
we answer incorrectly. Good answer sample: “I saw the job posted on a website, and the position seemed interesting so I
wanted to learn more” “I found the position while looking for jobs online” “Your company was recommended to me by
somebody I worked with in a previous job and had heard good things about your organization” “I heard about it from a

3. What do you know about our company?

Our primary goal is to show we’ve done our research or knew about their company before applying. If we do this, we’ll be fine. If we
don’t seem like we know anything about them, we’ll come across as desperate – somebody who will take any job they can find. And
that’s going to make we unattractive to any good employers out there. Good answer sample: “From what I read, your company is
one of the leaders in providing BEST AUDIT to other businesses. I read the list of clients on your website. Do you mostly
serve Fortune 500 clients? I saw a couple big Fortune 500 companies mentioned on the list, including ... and........ ” “You’re
one of the largest AUDIT FIRM in the INDIA .

4. Why did you apply for this position?

We need to sound like we want the RIGHT job and that we’re being picky. Companies want the best performers, and the best
performers are picky in their job hunt. Stay away from negatives and complaints too. Do not bad-mouth our current company or boss.
Focus on the positives of the company we’re interviewing with. Good answer sample: “I’ve heard great things about the work
environment here from a few colleagues. And when I saw this job posting, it seemed to match my skills very closely. For
example, I saw on the job description that you need somebody who’s an expert in STATUTORY AUDIT . This is what I focused
on in both of my previous positions, and was even the focus of my academic work before graduating university. I consider
myself an expert in STATUTORY AUDIT and it’s a skill I hope to continue specializing in.” “Since beginning my career, I’ve
wanted to work for a larger organization in this industry, and I know you’re one of the leaders in this space. I’m very
interested in your services, especially the mobile applications you’re building recently, so I’d be excited to come here and
grow my skills with an organization like yours.”

Question Which kind of ca articleship help ?

A CA articleship will also give me the chance to work with diverse clients and industries, allowing me to expand my understanding
of different business structures and challenges. This exposure will enhance my problem-solving abilities and enable me to apply
theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the articleship will provide networking opportunities, allowing me to
build connections within the industry and gain insights from seasoned professionals. Overall, pursuing a CA articleship aligns
perfectly with my career goals and aspirations in the field of accounting."

Question What is your x factor?

Talking about the x factor is i am an extrovert so its very easy for me to easily adapt in every situation and also got knowledge by
doing training of the classes provided by ICAI. I have a better knowledge in it field and also i have a interest in it.. being managing
all the work so by the time I became very calm and more focused about my work.

QUESTION What value addition you made during the last one year?

The major value addition that i found in myself would be more interactive with people and being confident ..

QUESTION Do you consider yourself and why?

So, if saying that I am self obsessed that exactly not . I consider myself were i actually fit and I also don’t find it wrong to not to
consider ourself ..being in this competittive world u yourself first have to give chance to prove.. so yes I consider myself being
dealing in tough situations and also having a leadership quality as I was a captain in my school team.

QUESTION What drives you in life

So the main thing that drive me in my life is passion about my work and the family support to every situation whether its bad or
good they are always with me .. and being serious about my future I always try to learn new things and take out my capabilities in
different fields ,, so concluding it in short my driving factor is passions and my family.

QUESTION When do you plan to get married ?

So I think I am very small to take a thought on it right now .as it is a phase of my life were I am more keen to learn new skills and
explore new things and most Important become financial stable on reaching to around that level I think than I can plan to get

QUESTION Which is more important money or job ?

if being talking intellectually i think job is more important because being in work is more as you will gain more knowledge and
experience and obviously money would be the factor for that job..

QUESTION You have serious disagreement with boss what will you do ?

Firstly I listen carefully what suggestions are given by him.

After considering all the facts I represent my self as per my opinion and try to convince them to agrees for my opinion.

QUESTION Why did you choice this company ?

I can choose this company because as per my interest this company would be suitable .

It provide that thing for which I looked

I decide this company provide me a better growth , security knowledge.

QUESTION Tell us something about yourself ?

my self NAME i am born and bought up in STATE .I completed my schooling from school name ,,, did my graduation from Delhi
university and if I talk about my hobbies I love playing outdoor games like my favorite game is basketball and i was a house captain
and also won a gold medal in football and along with this i love music and my recent favorite music is satranga from arijit singh

Good morning to all represented here


Here I give an interview

My hobbies is traveling and art

I also had Interest in group discussions

I clear my ca intermediate exam in Nov 23 with both grp

And I got exemption this subject

I clear my ca fdn exam in DATE

I clear my senior education from ----------- school and in 12 class my percentage was 98%

I am also interested in badminton

My strength is to tackle all situations

QUESTION why you left your old company ?

I leave that company for my personal growth

Which I think this company can provide me and to increase my knowledge ,experience and

Figuring out my new skills.

QUESTION Why did not you join your father's business ?

From starting i dont have an interest in my family business and always wanted to learn something new on my own capabilities and
see myself were i could stand .. and make my self realisation of what myself what i can achieve.

QUESTION where do u see yourself in next 5 years ?

I see myself in next 5 years to be in a strong senior position in the company along with my growth i would try my best for the
company to growth and continuously keep growing along with company.

QUESTION What are your strengths ?

I am passionate about my work and can manage mutliple work at the same time ....... i am good in managing the stress level even in
the difficult situations for eg being taking decision in an family some major decision are taken by me, and I know how to handle a
team as being a caption in my school time.

QUESTION Why we select you ?

I find myself for the company a perfect member ,i think i could provide a good value to the company , I can work late night at the
time of busy schedule and would not bundle up the work and surely i am good in managing my stuff .

QUESTION How Much Salary Do You Expect From Us?

if i would have to expect the range of my salary i would choose according to the work i am into.. and the value i am providing to
the company for this i would choose as an article around 15-20

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