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NAME : ............................................................................................ CLASS: 3.............

Term iii EXAMS 2023 igcse PHYSICS

FORM 3 PAPER 4 (0625/42)

Structured Theory paper - extended


[Total 84 Marks]


DURATION : 1h: 45min

INSTRUCTIONS: Write your answers in the spaces provided in the paper. In order to earn ALL mark
allocated to a part of a question, show the ESSENTIAL steps to your answer.
NB: (a) no Mark will be earned unless the working is not shown.
(b) take acceleration of gravity as g=10N/kg
Qustion Mark

Gravitational Field strength g = 10 N/kg
1 Fig. 1.1 shows a measuring cylinder containing water.
Fig. 1.2 shows the same measuring cylinder after stone A has been lowered into it on a fine

Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2

(a) Calculate the volume of stone A.

volume = .......................... cm 3 [1]

(b) The mass of stone A is measured as 40.5 g.
Calculate the density of the rock from which stone A was formed.

density = ................................. [3]

(c) Stone B, from the same rock as stone A, has a larger volume.
Stone A is removed from the water and replaced by stone B. The measurements are then
Which of the values in the experiment will be different when using stone B?
Tick boxes alongside any of the quantities that will have changed

[Total: 6]

2 A driving instructor gives a student a sudden order to stop the car in the
shortest possible time. The mass of the car is 1200kg. Fig. 1.1 shows the
speed-time graph of the motion of the car from the moment the order is given.

(a) The order to stop is given at time t = 0 s.

(i) State the speed of the car at t = 0 s.

= ..........................................................................................................................
(ii) Suggest why the car continues to travel at this speed for 0.9 s.


(b) Calculate
(i) the deceleration of the car between t = 0.9 s and t = 4.0 s,

= ..............................................................................................................[2]

(ii) Magnitude and direction of the braking force

Braking Force (magnitude)

= ....................................................................................

Direction ………………………………………………………………………………….[2]

(iii) the total distance travelled by the car from t = 0 s.

distance = ...........................................................................................................
[2] 0625/42/F/M/16
(c) Describe and explain a danger to a driver of not wearing a safety belt
during a sudden stop.



[Total: 10]

3 (a) Underline the pair of quantities which must be multiplied together to

calculate impulse.
force and mass force and velocity mass and time
time and velocity weight and velocity force and time

(b) Fig. 3.1 shows a collision between two blocks A and B on a smooth,
horizontal surface.

Fig. 3.1

Before the collision, block A, of mass 2.4 kg, is moving at 3.0 m /s. Block B, of
mass 1.2 kg, is at rest.
After the collision, blocks A and B stick together and move with velocity v.
(i) Calculate
1. the momentum of block A before the collision,
momentum = ...........................................................
2. the velocity v, of the blocks after collision

velocity = ...........................................................

3. the impulse experienced by block B during the collision.

impulse = ...........................................................[2]
(ii) State the principle of conservation of energy



(iii) Suggest why the total kinetic energy of blocks A and B after the collision
is less than the
kinetic energy of block A before the collision.


[Total: 8] 0625/42/M/J/17.

4 Fig. 3.1 shows a beam on a pivot. The beam is balanced at its centre of

Fig. 3.1

(a) (i) Explain the meaning of centre of mass.



(ii) State two conditions necessary for a body or system to be in equilibrium

..... ..........................................................................................................................




(b) Fig. 3.2 shows a load of 2.5 N on one side of the beam. The beam is
balanced by a load of
1.5 N suspended by a thin string.

Fig. 3.2 (not to scale)

(i) Calculate the distance x from the pivot to the string.
distance from pivot = ..................................................... cm [3]

(ii) Calculate the mass of the 2.5 N load.

mass = ...................................................... kg [3]

[Total: 9]

5 (a) On a day with no wind, a fountain in Switzerland propels 30 000 kg of water per minute to
a height of 140 m.
(i) Calculate the work done against gravity in raising the 30 000 kg of water through the
height of 140m. [Take gravitational constant as g=10N/kg]
work done against gravity= …………………………………………. [2]
(ii) Calculate the power used in raising the 30 000 kg of water up to 40m in one minute.

power = ............................................... Watts [2]

(b) The efficiency of the pump which operates the fountain is 70%.
Calculate the input power supplied to the pump.

Input power = ............................................... Watts [2]

[Total:7] 0625/31/M/J/14

(c) Fig. 4.1 shows a small wind-turbine used to generate electricity.

Fig. 4.1
Complete the sentences describing how electrical power is generated by energy in the wind.

(i) The source of the wind energy is ............................................................................................... ……... [1]

(ii) When the turbine blades turn, electrical power is generated in the ......................................................

(b) Describe two advantages, apart from cost, of generating electrical power by using wind
turbines compared with using a coal-fired power station.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 .......................................................................................................................................................................


(d) State and explain whether each of the following methods of electrical power generation is
(i) power generation in a nuclear power station

statement ....................................................................................................................................................

explanation .................................................................................................................................................

(ii) power generation from waves in the sea

statement ...............................................................................................................................................

explanation .............................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................................................................ [2]
[Total: 14] 0625/43/M/J/23

6 (a) Define pressure.


................................................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Fig. 2.1 shows a submarine. The submarine is fully submerged in the sea.

Fig. 2.1

(i) The atmospheric pressure on the sea surface is 100kPa and the total pressure on the top surface
of the submarine is 500kPa.
Calculate the depth of the top surface of the submarine below the surface of the sea.

depth = ......................................................... [3]

(ii) A hatch (an opening door) on the top surface of the submarine has an area of 0.62m 2.
Calculate the downward force on the hatch due to the total pressure on the top surface
of the submarine.

force = ......................................................... [2]

(c) The submarine undergoes tests in fresh water of density 1000 kg/m3.
Explain why the pressure on the submarine is less at the same depth.


...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) A balloon contains a fixed mass of gas.

(a) Explain, in terms of the motion and change of momentum of molecules,
how the gas in the balloon exerts a pressure.


(b) Explain, in terms of molecules, why the pressure of the gas increases
when the volume of the balloon decreases. The temperature of the gas is




(c) The initial volume of the gas is 500cm3 and its pressure is 1.1 x 105Pa. The
volume is
reduced to 200cm3. The temperature of the gas is constant.
Calculate the new pressure.

pressure = ...........................................................[2]
[Total: 13] 0625/42/M/J/17
7 (a) A teacher shows a class examples of three states of matter. These are a
solid metal block resting on the bench, a liquid in a glass beaker and a gas in
a clear balloon in the laboratory.
Fig. 4.1a represents the arrangement of molecules in the solid.
(i) Complete Fig. 4.1b, to show the arrangement of molecules in the liquid.
(ii) Complete Fig. 4.1c, to show the arrangement of molecules in the gas.
(b) In Fig. 4.1, the smoke cell consists of an illuminated glass box into which some smoke has been

(i) Describe briefly what is seen when the contents of the smoke cell are viewed through the
focused microscope.



(ii) State the name we normally give to what is seen.

(iii) What deductions about the properties and behaviour of air molecules can be made from
these observations?


(c) Use the Kinetic Theory to explain why;
(i) solids have a definite shape and volume



(ii) Gases are highly compressible


(iii) Liquids can flow and have no definite shape

(iv) Liquids have a definite volume

[Total: 13]

8 (a) Define specific heat capacity



(b) Fig. 6.1 shows a shower that takes in cold water. The water passes
through an electric water
heater and emerges from the showerhead at a higher temperature.
Fig. 6.1
The power of the heater is 9000W.
The specific heat capacity of water is 4200J/(kg°C). The initial temperature of
the cold water
is 16°C.

Determine the:
(i) amount of thermal energy supplied to water in 1.0 second.

Thermal energy = ........................................................J [2]

(ii) mass of water that can be heated to a temperature of 35°C in 1.0s.

mass = ........................................................ [3]

(c) Stae two ways in which evaporation differs from boiling.

(i) ...........................................................................................................................

(ii). .........................................................................................................................

(d) The rate at which a evaporates depends on a number of factors.

State and explain any two of these factors.

(i) ...........................................................................................................................

(ii). .........................................................................................................................
[Total 11 Marks] 0625/33/M/J/14

9 (a) Describe in terms of particles the transfer of thermal energy through a:

(i) metal bar


............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(ii) glass block


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) A house has white wooden walls and a black wooden door, as shown in
Fig. 4.1.

Fig. 4.1
The Sun is shining on the door and the front wall of the house.
(i) State the name of the process by which thermal energy is transferred from
the Sun to the

............ [1]

(ii) Fig. 4.2 shows part of the white wall and the black door of the house. Two
have been attached, one to the wall and the other to the door.
Fig. 4.2
Thermometer A measures the temperature of the white wall. Thermometer B
the temperature of the black door.
The thermometer readings are recorded after the Sun has been shining on the
house for
some time.
Suggest which thermometer has the higher temperature and explain why.

temperature ..........................................................................................................

explanation ...........................................................................................................



....... [3]
(c) The air conditioning unit inside a room in the house is switched on. The air
conditioning unit
takes in warm air and gives out cold air, as shown in Fig. 4.3.

Fig. 4.3
With the aid of arrows, explain how the air conditioning unit cools all the air
in the room.




............... [3]
[Total: 10]

For the greater glory of God


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