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Epicor ERP

Posting Engine Technical

Reference Guide
This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
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Revision: October 16, 2020 5:45 a.m.
Total pages: 972
Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Contents

Purpose of this Guide.....................................................................................................................................33
Intended Audience.........................................................................................................................................33
How it is Organized.......................................................................................................................................33
The Posting Engine...............................................................................................................35
Book Components.........................................................................................................................................36
Posting Process Components.........................................................................................................................38
Posting Engine Elements................................................................................................................................39
Available Modes.....................................................................................................................................39
Posting Engine Process............................................................................................................................39
GL Transactions......................................................................................................................................40
Multi-Company Considerations...............................................................................................................41
Output Data...........................................................................................................................................41
Posting Engine Process Stages........................................................................................................................42
Stage 1 Business Transactions Generate..................................................................................................43
Stage 2 Run Posting Rules.......................................................................................................................43
Stage 3 Run Automatic Procedures.........................................................................................................44
Stage 4 Transaction Review....................................................................................................................45
Primary Components............................................................................................................47
Account Segment Values...............................................................................................................................47
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................47
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................50
Chart of Accounts..........................................................................................................................................52
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................55
Chart of Account Categories..........................................................................................................................57
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................58
Chart of Accounts Maps................................................................................................................................59
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................60
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................64

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Fiscal Calendars.............................................................................................................................................67
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................67
General Ledger Accounts...............................................................................................................................68
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................68
GL Control Types...........................................................................................................................................70
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................71
GL Controls...................................................................................................................................................72
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................73
GL Reference Type.........................................................................................................................................74
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................74
GL Transaction Type.......................................................................................................................................75
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................76
Journal Codes................................................................................................................................................77
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................79
Lookup Tables................................................................................................................................................79
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................80
Review Journal...............................................................................................................................................81
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................82
Rounding Engine...........................................................................................................................................82
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................83
Self-Balancing Segments................................................................................................................................84
Program Location and Modifiers.............................................................................................................84

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Contents

The GL Transaction Type Environment...............................................................................87
GL Transaction Types in Detail........................................................................................................................87
GL Transaction Type Components..................................................................................................................89
Incoming Document Templates...............................................................................................................91
Selection Criteria....................................................................................................................................92
Posting Codes.........................................................................................................................................92
Posting Booking Rules.............................................................................................................................93
Posting Rule Reference.........................................................................................................97
Posting Rule Data Types.................................................................................................................................97
Basic Data Types.....................................................................................................................................97
Complex Data Types...............................................................................................................................97
Transaction Header Containers...............................................................................................................98
Transaction Lines Containers...................................................................................................................99
Conditional Operators..................................................................................................................................100
System Functions.........................................................................................................................................101
Modifiable Items..........................................................................................................................................101
Lookup (variant 1).................................................................................................................................102
Lookup (variant 2).................................................................................................................................103
Lookup (variant 3).................................................................................................................................103
End of Period........................................................................................................................................104
Get Account.........................................................................................................................................105
Book-Specific Account..........................................................................................................................105
Get Segment........................................................................................................................................106
Select Amount......................................................................................................................................106
Concatenate Strings.............................................................................................................................107
User-Defined Fields in GL Transactions.........................................................................................................108
Add User-Defined Tables and Fields......................................................................................................108
Regenerate Data Model........................................................................................................................109
GL Transaction Type Reference.........................................................................................111
AP Adjustment.............................................................................................................................................111
AP Adjustment Posting Elements..........................................................................................................111
AP Adjustment Posting Codes.......................................................................................................111
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................111

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AP Adjustment Amounts...............................................................................................................114
AP Adjustment - Rule Set......................................................................................................................115
AP Adjustment - Functions............................................................................................................115
AP Adjustment - Combine String............................................................................................115
AP Adjustment - Posting Rules.......................................................................................................115
Book Adjustment Amount to Payables and Clearing Accounts................................................115
Set up main GL journal data...................................................................................................116
AP Apply Debit Memo.................................................................................................................................117
AP Apply Debit Memo Posting Elements...............................................................................................117
AP Apply Debit Memo Posting Codes............................................................................................117
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................117
Debit Memo...........................................................................................................................118
AP Apply Debit Memo Amounts....................................................................................................121
AP Apply Debit Memo - Line Posting Elements...............................................................................121
AP Apply Debit Memo - Line Posting Codes............................................................................121
AP Apply Debit Memo - Line Amounts....................................................................................123
AP Apply Debit Memo - Line - Tax Line Posting Elements........................................................123
AP Apply Debit Memo - Rule Set...........................................................................................................126
AP Apply Debit Memo - Functions.................................................................................................126
AP Apply Debit Memo - Posting Rules............................................................................................126
Post Amount Applied to Invoice.............................................................................................127
Post Currency Difference Amount...........................................................................................127
Post Payment Taxes................................................................................................................128
Post Total Applied Amount.....................................................................................................129
Post Withholding Taxes..........................................................................................................130
Reverse Invoice Interim Tax and Post it to Accrual...................................................................131
Set up main GL Journal data...................................................................................................132
AP Invoice....................................................................................................................................................132
AP Invoice Posting Elements..................................................................................................................132
AP Invoice Posting Codes...............................................................................................................132
Central Payment Company.....................................................................................................133
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................133
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................135
Linked Subsidiary Company....................................................................................................138

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Contents

AP Invoice Amounts......................................................................................................................139
Rounding Difference..............................................................................................................140
AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge Posting Elements........................................................................140
AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge Posting Codes.....................................................................140
AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge Amounts.............................................................................142
Job Charge.............................................................................................................................148
AP Invoice - Line Posting Codes..............................................................................................149
AP Invoice - Line Amounts......................................................................................................159
AP Invoice - Tax Line Posting Elements...........................................................................................160
AP Invoice - Tax Line Posting Codes........................................................................................160
AP Invoice - Tax Line Amounts................................................................................................163
AP Invoice - Rule Set.............................................................................................................................163
AP Invoice - Functions....................................................................................................................163
- Calculate Advanced Payment Account..................................................................................164
- Calculate Clearing Account..................................................................................................164
AP Invoice--Line--Expense - Calculate Expense Account..........................................................164
- Calculate Header Mischellaneous Charge Account...............................................................167
AP Invoice - Combine String...................................................................................................168
AP Invoice - Posting Rules..............................................................................................................168
Book EU Amount Rule............................................................................................................168
Book Gain/Loss Amount to Advanced Payment Account.........................................................170
Book Gain/Loss Amount to Currency Accounts.......................................................................170
Book Job Miscellaneous Charge Amount................................................................................171
Book Line Expense Amount....................................................................................................172
Book Payable amount Rule.....................................................................................................173
Book Unreceived Line Expense Amount..................................................................................174
Clear Logged Invoice Expense Suspense Amount....................................................................175
Clear Logged Invoice Payable Suspense Amount.....................................................................176
Post Allocated Non-Deductible Tax.........................................................................................176
Clear Logged Invoice Suspense Tax Amount...........................................................................177
Post Header Charge to Header Expense Account....................................................................178
Post Rounding Difference to Rounding Difference Account.....................................................179
Post Tax Amount to AP/AR Tax Accrual Account.....................................................................180
Post Witholding Tax Amount AP Tax Accrual Account............................................................181
Set up main GL journal data...................................................................................................182
AP Invoice - Pre-Posting Rules........................................................................................................182
Default Expense Line GL Control.............................................................................................183
Header Miscellaneous Charge GL Control...............................................................................183

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AP Invoice Tax Adjustment...........................................................................................................................184

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment Posting Elements.........................................................................................184
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment Posting Codes......................................................................................184
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................184
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................185
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment Amounts.............................................................................................188
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line Posting Elements..................................................................188
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line Posting Codes...............................................................188
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line Amounts.......................................................................190
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Rule Set....................................................................................................191
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Functions...........................................................................................191
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Combine String..........................................................................191
AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Posting Rules.....................................................................................191
Post Use Tax Amount to AP Tax Accrual/AP Tax Contra Accounts...........................................191
Set up main GL journal data...................................................................................................192
AP Logged Invoice.......................................................................................................................................193
AP Logged Invoice Posting Elements.....................................................................................................193
AP Logged Invoice Posting Codes..................................................................................................193
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................193
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................194
AP Logged Invoice Amounts..........................................................................................................197
Total Expenses........................................................................................................................197
Total Taxes.............................................................................................................................198
AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line Posting Elements...............................................................................198
AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line Posting Codes............................................................................198
AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line Amounts...................................................................................200
AP Logged Invoice - Rule Set.................................................................................................................201
AP Logged Invoice - Functions.......................................................................................................201
AP Logged Invoice - Combine String.......................................................................................201
AP Logged Invoice - Posting Rules..................................................................................................201
Post Expense Amount to Suspense Expense Account..............................................................202
Post Invoice Amount to Payables Suspense Account...............................................................202
Post Invoice Balance Amount to Payables Account..................................................................203
Post Tax Amount to Tax Accrual Accounts..............................................................................204
Post Total Tax Amount to Tax Suspense Account....................................................................205
Post Withholding Tax Amount to AP Tax Accrual Account......................................................206
Setup GL Journal Main Data...................................................................................................207
AP Payment.................................................................................................................................................207

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Contents

AP Payment Posting Elements...............................................................................................................207

AP Payment Posting Codes............................................................................................................207
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................210
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................210
AP Payment Amounts....................................................................................................................211
Check Amount.......................................................................................................................212
AP Payment - Bank Fee Posting Elements.......................................................................................212
AP Payment - Bank Fee Posting Codes....................................................................................212
AP Payment - Bank Fee Amounts............................................................................................213
AP Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements................................................................214
AP Payment - Line Posting Elements...............................................................................................216
AP Payment - Line Posting Codes...........................................................................................216
AP Payment - Line Amounts...................................................................................................219
AP Payment - Line - Tax Line Posting Elements........................................................................220
AP Payment - Rule Set..........................................................................................................................223
AP Payment - Functions.................................................................................................................223
AP Payment - Combine String................................................................................................223
AP Payment - Function to Calculate Bank Cash/Pending Account............................................223
AP Payment--Bank Fee - Function to Calculate Bank Fee Account...........................................224
AP Payment--Line - Function to calculate Discount Account....................................................224
AP Payment--Line - Function to calculate Expense Account for Miscellaneous Payment...........225
AP Payment--Line - Function to calculate Prepayment Account...............................................225
AP Payment - Posting Rules...........................................................................................................225
Post Bank Fee Amount...........................................................................................................226
Post Bank Fee Tax Amount.....................................................................................................226
Post Check Amount to Bank Cash/Pending Account...............................................................228
Post Gain/Loss Amount..........................................................................................................228
Post Invoice Tax Discount Adjustment Amount to Discount Account.......................................229
Post Invoice Tax Discount Adjustment Amount to Tax Account...............................................230
Post Operational Amount to Paybles/Expense Account............................................................231
Post Payment Discount Amount to Discount Account.............................................................232
Post Payment Taxes................................................................................................................233
Post Withholding Taxes..........................................................................................................234
Reverse Invoice Interim Tax and Post it to Accrual...................................................................235
Set up GL Journal main data...................................................................................................236
AP Payment - Pre-Posting Rules.....................................................................................................236
Calculate Default Bank Fee Account.......................................................................................236
Calculate Default Misc Payment Expense Account..................................................................237
Calculate Default Prepayment Account...................................................................................237
AP PI Payment..............................................................................................................................................238
Payment Instrument Posting Elements...................................................................................................238
Payment Instrument Posting Codes................................................................................................238

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Currency Master.....................................................................................................................238
Payment Instrument Amounts.......................................................................................................240
PI Amount..............................................................................................................................240
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements..................................................................................241
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes...............................................................................241
Payment Instrument - Line Amounts.......................................................................................242
AP PI Payment - Rule Set.......................................................................................................................242
AP PI Payment - Functions.............................................................................................................242
AP PI Payment - Posting Rules........................................................................................................242
Book Currency Gain/Loss........................................................................................................242
Book Invoice Payment............................................................................................................243
Book PI Total..........................................................................................................................244
Define GL Journal Properties...................................................................................................244
AP PI Status Change....................................................................................................................................245
Payment Instrument Posting Elements...................................................................................................245
Payment Instrument Posting Codes................................................................................................245
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................245
New Status.............................................................................................................................246
Old Status..............................................................................................................................247
Payment Instrument Amounts.......................................................................................................247
PI Amount..............................................................................................................................247
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements..................................................................................247
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes...............................................................................247
Payment Instrument - Line Amounts.......................................................................................248
AP PI Status Change - Rule Set..............................................................................................................249
AP PI Status Change - Functions....................................................................................................249
AP PI Status Change - Posting Rules...............................................................................................249
Define GL Journal Properties...................................................................................................249
Move PI Total.........................................................................................................................250
AP PI Voiding...............................................................................................................................................250
Payment Instrument Posting Elements...................................................................................................250
Payment Instrument Posting Codes................................................................................................250
Payment Instrument Amounts.......................................................................................................251
PI Amount..............................................................................................................................252
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements..................................................................................252
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes...............................................................................252
Payment Instrument - Line Amounts.......................................................................................253
AP PI Voiding - Rule Set........................................................................................................................253
AP PI Voiding - Functions...............................................................................................................253
AP PI Voiding - Posting Rules.........................................................................................................253

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Define GL Journal Properties...................................................................................................254

Reverse Currency Gain...........................................................................................................254
Reverse Currency Loss............................................................................................................255
Reverse Invoice Payment.........................................................................................................255
Reverse PI Total......................................................................................................................256
Apply Credit Memo.....................................................................................................................................257
Apply Credit Memo Posting Elements...................................................................................................257
Apply Credit Memo Posting Codes................................................................................................257
Bank Account.........................................................................................................................257
BillTo Customer......................................................................................................................258
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................258
Credit Memo Header..............................................................................................................258
Deposit Invoice.......................................................................................................................259
Deposit Payment....................................................................................................................260
Apply Credit Memo Amounts........................................................................................................262
Total Applied..........................................................................................................................262
Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax Posting Elements.......................................................................262
Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax Posting Codes....................................................................262
Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax Amounts............................................................................264
Apply Credit Memo - Line Posting Elements...................................................................................265
Apply Credit Memo - Line Posting Codes................................................................................265
Apply Credit Memo - Line Amounts........................................................................................266
Apply Credit Memo - Line - Tax Posting Elements...................................................................266
Apply Credit Memo - Rule Set...............................................................................................................269
Apply Credit Memo - Functions.....................................................................................................269
- Reverses sign of the given Amount.......................................................................................270
Apply Credit Memo - Posting Rules................................................................................................270
Book Invoice Tax....................................................................................................................270
Post Currency Difference Amount...........................................................................................271
Post to Invoice is Accounts Receivable.....................................................................................272
Post Total Applied amount.....................................................................................................273
Reverse Deposit Tax Amount..................................................................................................273
Set up main GL Journal data...................................................................................................274
AP Void Logged Invoice...............................................................................................................................275
AP Void Logged Invoice Posting Elements.............................................................................................275
AP Void Logged Invoice Posting Codes..........................................................................................275
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................275
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................276
AP Void Logged Invoice Amounts..................................................................................................279

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Total Expenses........................................................................................................................279
Total Taxes.............................................................................................................................279
AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line Posting Elements.......................................................................280
AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line Posting Codes....................................................................280
AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line Amounts...........................................................................282
AP Void Logged Invoice - Rule Set.........................................................................................................283
AP Void Logged Invoice - Functions...............................................................................................283
- Withholding.........................................................................................................................283
AP Void Logged Invoice - Posting Rules..........................................................................................283
Post Expense Amount to Suspense Expense Account..............................................................284
Post Invoice Amount to Payables Suspense Account...............................................................284
Post Invoice Balance Amount to Payables Account..................................................................285
Post Tax Amount to Tax Accrual Accounts..............................................................................286
Post Total Tax Amount to Tax Suspense Account....................................................................287
Setup GL Journal Main Data...................................................................................................287
AP Void Payment.........................................................................................................................................288
AP Void Payment Posting Elements.......................................................................................................288
AP Void Payment Posting Codes....................................................................................................288
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................290
AP Void Payment Amounts............................................................................................................292
Check Amount.......................................................................................................................292
AP Void Payment - Bank Fee Posting Elements...............................................................................292
AP Void Payment - Bank Fee Posting Codes............................................................................292
AP Void Payment - Bank Fee Amounts....................................................................................293
AP Void Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements........................................................293
AP Void Payment - Line Posting Elements.......................................................................................296
AP Void Payment - Line Posting Codes....................................................................................296
AP Void Payment - Line Amounts...........................................................................................298
AP Void Payment - Line - Tax Line Posting Elements................................................................299
AP Void Payment - Rule Set..................................................................................................................301
AP Void Payment - Functions.........................................................................................................302
AP Void Payment - Posting Rules...................................................................................................302
Post Bank Fee Amount...........................................................................................................302
Post Bank Fee Tax Amount.....................................................................................................303
Post Check Amount to Bank Cash/Pending Account...............................................................304
Post Discount Tax Adjustment Amount...................................................................................305
Post Gain/Loss Amount..........................................................................................................305
Post Operational Amount to Paybles/Expense Account............................................................306
Post Payment Discount Amount to Discount Account.............................................................307
Post Tax Amount....................................................................................................................308
Post Total Discount Adjustment to Discount Account..............................................................309

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Post Withholding Tax.............................................................................................................309

Set up GL Journal main data...................................................................................................310
AR Invoice....................................................................................................................................................311
AR Invoice Posting Elements.................................................................................................................311
AR Invoice Posting Codes..............................................................................................................311
BillTo Customer......................................................................................................................311
Central Collection Company...................................................................................................312
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................312
Invoice Currency.....................................................................................................................317
Project Sales Category............................................................................................................319
Sales Order.............................................................................................................................319
SoldTo Customer....................................................................................................................320
AR Invoice Amounts......................................................................................................................320
Rounding Difference..............................................................................................................321
AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit Posting Elements............................................................................321
AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit Posting Codes.........................................................................321
AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit Amounts.................................................................................323
AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit - Tax Posting Elements.............................................................323
AR Invoice - Line Posting Elements.................................................................................................326
AR Invoice - Line Posting Codes..............................................................................................326
AR Invoice - Line Amounts......................................................................................................333
AR Invoice - Line - Misc Charge Posting Elements...................................................................334
AR Invoice - Line - Tax Posting Elements.................................................................................335
AR Invoice - Rule Set.............................................................................................................................337
AR Invoice - Functions...................................................................................................................338
- Combines Transaction text from Invoice Number, Invoice Suffix and Customer Name...........338
AR Invoice--Line - Defines context of project Billing GL Control used to book Project Billing
Revenue based on Line Project Billing Charge Type............................................................338
AR Invoice--Line - Defines if Invoice Line is Project Billing Retention Line based on Line Project
Billing Charge Type...........................................................................................................339
AR Invoice--Line - Function to detemine Returns/Rebate Account for Line Type Part................339
AR Invoice--Line - Function to determine Sales Account for Line Type Part..............................340
- Reverses sign of the given Amount.......................................................................................340
AR Invoice--Line - This function determines account that intended to be either prepayment
account for deposit invoices or revenue account for advance billing invoices.....................341
AR Invoice--Line - This function determines account that intended to be either revenue
account or sales dicsount account depending on the value of Appropriate Context

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AR Invoice--Line - This function determines account that intended to be either revenue

account or sales dicsount account depending on the value of Appropriate Context
AR Invoice - Posting Rules..............................................................................................................342
Post Advance Billing Amount as Deferred Revenue.................................................................342
Post Currency Difference........................................................................................................343
Post Deposit Amount (Deposit Invoices)..................................................................................344
Post Discount Amount (All Invoice Types, Call)........................................................................345
Post Discount Amount (All Invoice Types, Contract)................................................................345
Post Discount Amount (All Invoice Types, Part)........................................................................346
Post Extended Price Amount (All Invoice Types, Contract).......................................................347
Post Extended Price Amount (All Invoices, Call).......................................................................348
Post Extended Price Amount (Credit Memo, Part)...................................................................349
Post Extended Price Amount (Project Billing)...........................................................................350
Post Extended Price Amount (Regular Invoice, Part).................................................................351
Post Extended Price amount as Financial Charge.....................................................................352
Post Invoice Amount to Accounts Receivable..........................................................................352
Post Less Advance Billing Amount..........................................................................................353
Post Less Deposit Amount to Prepayment Account.................................................................354
Post Misc Charge Amount......................................................................................................355
Post Prepaid Amount for Deposit Invoices created from Deposit Payments..............................356
Post Rounding Difference Amount.........................................................................................357
Post Tax Amount....................................................................................................................357
Post Withholding Tax Amount................................................................................................359
Reverse Deposit Tax Amount..................................................................................................359
Reverse Manually Recognized Amount (Project Billing)............................................................360
Set up GL journal main data...................................................................................................361
AR Invoice - Pre-Posting Rules........................................................................................................362
Rule to Calculate Default Account for Misc Invoice Line..........................................................362
AR Invoice Adjustment.................................................................................................................................363
AR Invoice Adjustment Posting Elements...............................................................................................363
AR Invoice Adjustment Posting Codes............................................................................................363
BillTo Customer......................................................................................................................363
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................364
AR Invoice Adjustment Amounts...................................................................................................366
Adjustment Amount...............................................................................................................367
AR Invoice Adjustment - Rule Set..........................................................................................................367
AR Invoice Adjustment - Functions.................................................................................................367
AR Invoice Adjustment - Combine String................................................................................367
AR Invoice Adjustment - Posting Rules...........................................................................................367
Post Adjustment Amount.......................................................................................................368
Set up main GL journal data...................................................................................................369
AR Payment.................................................................................................................................................369

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Cash Receipt Header Posting Elements..................................................................................................369

Cash Receipt Header Posting Codes...............................................................................................369
Bank Account.........................................................................................................................370
Company AR Parameters........................................................................................................370
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................371
Sales Order.............................................................................................................................374
Cash Receipt Header Amounts......................................................................................................374
Payment Less Tax...................................................................................................................374
Unapplied Cash......................................................................................................................374
Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Posting Elements..........................................................................375
Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Posting Codes.......................................................................375
Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Amounts..............................................................................376
Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements...................................................377
Cash Receipt Header - Line Posting Elements.................................................................................379
Cash Receipt Header - Line Posting Codes..............................................................................379
Cash Receipt Header - Line Amounts......................................................................................381
Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax Posting Elements..................................................................382
Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Posting Elements............................................................385
Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Posting Codes.........................................................385
Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Amounts.................................................................388
AR Payment - Rule Set..........................................................................................................................388
AR Payment - Functions.................................................................................................................388
- Function to determine Bank Fee account..............................................................................388
AR Payment - Posting Rules...........................................................................................................388
Book Bank Fee.......................................................................................................................389
Book Bank Fee Tax.................................................................................................................389
Book Currency Gain/Loss........................................................................................................390
Book Debit Note.....................................................................................................................391
Book Deposit Payment Credit.................................................................................................391
Book Discount Tax Adjustment...............................................................................................392
Book Discount Tax Adjustment Total......................................................................................393
Book Invoice Payment Credit..................................................................................................393
Book Invoice Tax....................................................................................................................394
Book Misc Payment Credit......................................................................................................395
Book Misc Payment Tax..........................................................................................................396
Book Misc Payment Withholding Tax......................................................................................397
Book Payment Discount..........................................................................................................397
Book Total Payment Debit......................................................................................................398
Book Unapplied Cash.............................................................................................................399
Book Withholding Tax............................................................................................................399
Reverse Deferred Tax..............................................................................................................400
Setup GL Journal Properties....................................................................................................401

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AR Payment - Pre-Posting Rules.....................................................................................................401

Default Bank Fee Account......................................................................................................401
Default Credit Account for Deposit Payment...........................................................................402
AR PI Payment.............................................................................................................................................403
Payment Instrument Posting Elements...................................................................................................403
Payment Instrument Posting Codes................................................................................................403
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................403
Payment Instrument Amounts.......................................................................................................405
Applied PI Amount.................................................................................................................405
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements..................................................................................405
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes...............................................................................405
Payment Instrument - Line Amounts.......................................................................................406
AR PI Payment - Rule Set.......................................................................................................................407
AR PI Payment - Functions.............................................................................................................407
AR PI Payment - Posting Rules........................................................................................................407
Book Currency Gain/Loss........................................................................................................407
Book Invoice Payment............................................................................................................408
Book PI Total..........................................................................................................................408
Define GL Journal Properties...................................................................................................409
AR PI Status Change....................................................................................................................................410
Payment Instrument Posting Elements...................................................................................................410
Payment Instrument Posting Codes................................................................................................410
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................410
New Status.............................................................................................................................411
Old Status..............................................................................................................................412
Payment Instrument Amounts.......................................................................................................412
Applied PI Amount.................................................................................................................412
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements..................................................................................412
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes...............................................................................412
Payment Instrument - Line Amounts.......................................................................................413
AR PI Status Change - Rule Set.............................................................................................................414
AR PI Status Change - Functions....................................................................................................414
AR PI Status Change - Posting Rules..............................................................................................414
Define GL Journal Properties...................................................................................................414
Move PI Total.........................................................................................................................415
AR PI Voiding...............................................................................................................................................416
Payment Instrument Posting Elements...................................................................................................416
Payment Instrument Posting Codes................................................................................................416
Payment Instrument Amounts.......................................................................................................417
Applied PI Amount.................................................................................................................417

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Unapplied PI Amount.............................................................................................................417
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements..................................................................................417
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes...............................................................................417
Payment Instrument - Line Amounts.......................................................................................418
AR PI Voiding - Rule Set........................................................................................................................419
AR PI Voiding - Functions...............................................................................................................419
AR PI Voiding - Posting Rules.........................................................................................................419
Define GL Journal Properties...................................................................................................419
Reverse Currency Gain...........................................................................................................420
Reverse Currency Loss............................................................................................................420
Reverse Invoice Payment.........................................................................................................421
Reverse PI Total......................................................................................................................421
AR PI Write-off.............................................................................................................................................422
Payment Instrument Posting Elements...................................................................................................422
Payment Instrument Posting Codes................................................................................................422
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................422
Current Status........................................................................................................................423
Write-off Details.....................................................................................................................425
Payment Instrument Amounts.......................................................................................................425
Applied PI Amount.................................................................................................................425
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements..................................................................................426
Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes...............................................................................426
Payment Instrument - Line Amounts.......................................................................................427
Payment Instrument - Line - Tax Posting Elements...................................................................427
AR PI Write-off - Rule Set......................................................................................................................430
AR PI Write-off - Functions............................................................................................................430
AR PI Write-off - Posting Rules.......................................................................................................430
Book Currency Gain/Loss........................................................................................................431
Book Invoice Payment............................................................................................................431
Define GL Journal Properties...................................................................................................432
Post AR Invoice Tax................................................................................................................432
Post AR Invoice Withholding Tax............................................................................................434
Post PI Total to Write-off Account...........................................................................................434
Reverse AR Invoice Interim Tax................................................................................................435
Withdraw PI Total from PI Receivable......................................................................................436
Bank Adjustment.........................................................................................................................................436
Bank Adjustment Posting Elements.......................................................................................................436
Bank Adjustment Posting Codes....................................................................................................436
Bank Account.........................................................................................................................437
Company GL Parameters........................................................................................................437
Bank Adjustment Amounts............................................................................................................438
Adjustment Amount...............................................................................................................438

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Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line Posting Elements....................................................................438

Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line Posting Codes.................................................................438
Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line Amounts.........................................................................440
Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line - Bank Fee Tax Posting Elements.....................................440
Bank Adjustment - Rule Set..................................................................................................................442
Bank Adjustment - Functions.........................................................................................................442
Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line - Function to calculate Bank Fee/Adjustment Account......442
Bank Adjustment - Posting Rules...................................................................................................443
Book Adjustment Amount......................................................................................................443
Book Bank Fee Tax.................................................................................................................443
Book Cash Amount................................................................................................................445
Setup GL Transaction Properties.............................................................................................445
Bank Adjustment - Pre-Posting Rules.............................................................................................446
Get Defaults for Bank Adjustment..........................................................................................446
Bank Funds Transfer.....................................................................................................................................447
Bank Funds Transfer Posting Elements..................................................................................................447
Bank Funds Transfer Posting Codes...............................................................................................447
Source Bank...........................................................................................................................447
Target Bank............................................................................................................................448
Bank Funds Transfer Amounts.......................................................................................................450
Transfer Amount....................................................................................................................450
Bank Funds Transfer - Rule Set..............................................................................................................450
Bank Funds Transfer - Functions....................................................................................................450
Bank Funds Transfer - Posting Rules...............................................................................................450
Post the movement from Bank Cash to Transfer Account.......................................................450
Post the movement from Transfer Account to Cash Account..................................................451
Set up GL Journal main data...................................................................................................452
Bank Reconciliation......................................................................................................................................453
Bank Reconciliation Posting Elements....................................................................................................453
Bank Reconciliation Posting Codes.................................................................................................453
Company AP Parameters........................................................................................................454
Company GL Parameters........................................................................................................454
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................455
Bank Reconciliation Amounts........................................................................................................457
AP Checks Variance................................................................................................................457
Closing Balance......................................................................................................................457
Opening Balance....................................................................................................................457
PayRoll Checks Varience.........................................................................................................458
Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing Posting Elements.............................................................458
Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing Posting Codes..........................................................458
Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing Amounts..................................................................459
Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee Posting Elements.....................................460

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Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement Posting Elements................................................................464

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement Posting Codes.............................................................464
Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement Amounts.....................................................................465
Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee Posting Elements...............................465
Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line Posting Elements.......................................469
Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing Posting Elements.............................................................472
Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing Posting Codes..........................................................472
Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing Amounts.................................................................474
Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee Posting Elements....................................474
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse Posting Elements.....................................................................477
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse Posting Codes..................................................................477
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse Amounts..........................................................................478
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee Posting Elements....................................479
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line Posting Elements...........................................483
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement Posting Elements................................................................487
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement Posting Codes.............................................................487
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement Amounts.....................................................................488
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee Posting Elements...............................488
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line Posting Elements......................................492
Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment Posting Elements...............................................................496
Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment Posting Codes............................................................496
Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment Amounts....................................................................497
Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment - Bank Fee Tax Posting Elements.................................497
Bank Reconciliation - Rule Set...............................................................................................................499
Bank Reconciliation - Functions......................................................................................................499
Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee - Function to determine Bank Fee account
for a cleared AP check.......................................................................................................499
Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee - Function to determine Bank Fee account
for a cleared AR check.......................................................................................................500
Bank Reconciliation - Get PI Bank Fee Account From Bank Fee GL Control..............................500
Bank Reconciliation - Posting Rules................................................................................................500
AP Check Clearing - Book AP Bank Fee..................................................................................501
AP Check Clearing - Book AP Bank Fee Tax............................................................................501
AP Check Clearing - Post AP Checks Pending Amount to Bank...............................................503
AP PI - Book Bank Fee............................................................................................................503
AP PI - Book Bank Fee Tax......................................................................................................504
AP PI - Book Settlement..........................................................................................................505
AP PI - Post AP Invoice Tax......................................................................................................505
AP PI - Post AP Invoice Withholding Tax..................................................................................507
AP PI - Reverse AP Invoice Interim Tax.....................................................................................507
AR Check Clearing - Book AR Bank Fee..................................................................................508
AR Check Clearing - Book AR Bank Fee Tax............................................................................509
AR Check Clearing - Post AR Check Pending Amount to Bank................................................509
AR PI - Book Bank Fee............................................................................................................510
AR PI - Book Bank Fee Tax......................................................................................................511

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AR PI - Book Settlement.........................................................................................................512
AR PI - Post AR Invoice Tax.....................................................................................................512
AR PI - Post AR Invoice Withholding Tax.................................................................................514
AR PI - Reverse AR Invoice Interim Tax....................................................................................514
AR PI Reverse - Restore Interim Tax.........................................................................................515
AR PI Reverse - Reverse AR Invoice Tax....................................................................................516
AR PI Reverse - Reverse AR PI Bank Fee...................................................................................516
AR PI Reverse - Reverse AR PI Bank Fee Tax.............................................................................517
Bank Adjustment - Book Bank Fee Tax....................................................................................518
Bank Adjustment - Post Adjustment Amount to Bank.............................................................519
Reconciliation - Post AP Checks Variance Amount..................................................................520
Reconciliation - Post Payroll Checks Variance Amount to Bank................................................521
Set up GL Journal main data...................................................................................................522
Cancel AR Invoice........................................................................................................................................522
Cancellation Invoice Posting Elements...................................................................................................522
Cancellation Invoice Posting Codes................................................................................................522
BillTo Customer......................................................................................................................523
Cancelled Invoice...................................................................................................................523
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................524
Invoice Currency.....................................................................................................................525
SoldTo Customer....................................................................................................................526
Cancellation Invoice Amounts........................................................................................................526
Currency Difference...............................................................................................................526
Less Deposit...........................................................................................................................527
Rounding Difference..............................................................................................................527
Cancellation Invoice - Line Posting Elements..................................................................................527
Cancellation Invoice - Line Posting Codes...............................................................................527
Cancellation Invoice - Line Amounts.......................................................................................528
Cancellation Invoice - Line - Misc Charge Posting Elements.....................................................529
Cancellation Invoice - Line - Tax Posting Elements...................................................................530
Cancel AR Invoice - Rule Set.................................................................................................................532
Cancel AR Invoice - Functions........................................................................................................532
Determine Tax Account for Allocated Deposit and given Context............................................533
Determine Current Revenue/Returns Account for Given Context.............................................533
- Reverses sign of the given amount.......................................................................................533
Cancel AR Invoice - Posting Rules..................................................................................................534
Reverse Less Deposit Amount.................................................................................................534
Reverse posting Currency Difference amount..........................................................................535
Reverse posting Rounding Difference Amount........................................................................535
Reverse posting to Accounts Receivable..................................................................................536
Reverse posting to Deferred Revenue Account........................................................................537
Reverse posting to Discount Account......................................................................................537

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Reverse posting to Misc Charge Account................................................................................538

Reverse posting to Prepayment Account.................................................................................539
Reverse posting to Sales Account...........................................................................................539
Reverse posting to Tax Account..............................................................................................540
Set up GL journal main data...................................................................................................541
CompleteStorno - Rule Set....................................................................................................................541
CompleteStorno - Functions..........................................................................................................542
COSAndWIP Posting Elements..............................................................................................................542
COSAndWIP Posting Codes...........................................................................................................542
COSAndWIP Amounts...................................................................................................................545
COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales Posting Elements................................................................................545
COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales Posting Codes.............................................................................545
COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales Amounts....................................................................................550
COSAndWIP - Labor Posting Elements...........................................................................................551
COSAndWIP - Labor Posting Codes........................................................................................551
COSAndWIP - Labor Amounts................................................................................................557
COSAndWIP - PartTran Posting Elements.......................................................................................557
COSAndWIP - PartTran Posting Codes....................................................................................557
COSAndWIP - PartTran Amounts............................................................................................584
COSAndWIP - Rule Set..........................................................................................................................586
COSAndWIP - Functions................................................................................................................586
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Account For Referenced PartTran And Given Context.......586
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran....................................587
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Asset Account For site Transfer........................................587
COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales - Determine COS Account For Cost Of Sales Detail......................587
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine COS Account For site Transfer..........................................588
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine COS Account For Shipment..............................................589
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Cost of Returns Account For PartTran..............................590
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine DMR Write Off Account For PartTran...............................590
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Inspection/DMR Account For PartTran..............................591
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Inventory Account For PartTran........................................591
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Inventory Adjustment Account For PartTran.....................591
- Determine Manufacturing Variance Account........................................................................592
Determine Manufacturing Variance Account for Given Contact and Plant Division..................592
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine site Transfer Contra Account (Contra COS, Contra
Revenue, Contra Asset).....................................................................................................593
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine site Transfer Revenue Account.........................................593
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Purchase Variance Account..............................................594
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Purchase Variance Context Prefix.....................................594
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Purchase Variance Target Account...................................594
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Supplier Expense Account For PartTran............................595

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COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Supplier Landed Cost Account For PartTran......................596

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Variance Account For site Transfer...................................596
COSAndWIP--Labor - Determine WIP Account For Labor Detail...............................................596
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine WIP Account For PartTran................................................597
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine WIP Account For PartTran (Target Job).............................598
- Disable Segments Substitution.............................................................................................598
- General Function to Determine Inventory Account................................................................599
- General Function to Determine Inventory Adjustment Account.............................................599
COSAndWIP--PartTran - Get Part Class GL Control from Part or Part Class..............................600
- Invert Amount Sign..............................................................................................................600
- Invert Amount Sign..............................................................................................................600
COSAndWIP - Posting Rules...........................................................................................................601
ADJ-CST: Post Extended Cost to Purchase Variance and Inventory Accounts...........................601
ADJ-CST/ADJ-QTY: Post Extended Cost to Inventory Adjustment and Inventory Accounts.......602
ADJ-DRP: Post Extended Cost to Purchase Variance and Drop Ship Accounts..........................603
ADJ-MTL: Post Extended Cost to WIP and Adjustment Accounts.............................................604
ADJ-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts............................................605
ADJ-PUR: Post Extended Cost to A/P Clearing and Variance Accounts.....................................606
ADJ-SUB: Post Extended Cost to WIP and Adjustment Accounts.............................................607
ADJ-SUB: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts.............................................608
AST-STK: Post Extended Cost to Inventory And Asset Clearing Account..................................609
Cost of Sales: Post Burden Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts.........................................609
Cost of Sales: Post Labor Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts...........................................610
Cost of Sales: Post Material Burden Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts...........................611
Cost of Sales: Post Material Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts.......................................612
Cost of Sales: Post Rounding Amount to COS and AR Clearing Accounts...............................613
Cost of Sales: Post Subcontract Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts.................................614
DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Burden Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts........................................615
DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Labor Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts..........................................616
DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts..........................617
DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Material Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts......................................618
DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and DMR Accounts..............................619
DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts................................620
DMR-MTL: Post Extended Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts.....................................................621
INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Rounding Amount to WIP and DMR Accounts................622
INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Labor Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts............................623
DMR-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts...........................................624
DMR-REJ: Post Extended Cost to DMR Write-Off and DMR Accounts......................................625
DMR-STK: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and DMR Accounts..............................................626
Header Rule...........................................................................................................................627
INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Burden Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts..........................628
INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts............629
INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Material Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts........................630
INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts..................631
INS-DMR (Rcpt/Misc NonConf): Post Extended Cost to Inspection and DMR Accounts.............632

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INS-DMR (RMA): Post Extended Cost to Cost of Returns and DMR Accounts...........................633
INS-MTL: Post Extended Cost to Cost of Returns and WIP Accounts........................................634
INS-MTL: Post Extended Cost to Inspection and WIP Accounts................................................635
INS-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts.............................................636
INS-REJ: Post Extended Cost to Cost of Returns and DMR Write Off Accounts........................637
INS-STK: Post Extended Cost to Cost of Returns and Inventory Accounts................................638
INS-STK: Post Extended Cost to Inspection and Inventory Accounts.........................................639
INS-SUB: Post Extended Cost to Inspection and WIP Accounts................................................640
Labor Detail: Post Burden Cost to Applied Overhead and WIP Accounts..................................641
Labor Detail: Post Indirect Burden Cost to Applied Overhead and COS Accounts....................642
Labor Detail: Post Indirect Labor Cost to Applied Labor and COS Accounts.............................643
Labor Detail: Post Labor Charges (Project Billing).....................................................................644
Labor Detail: Post Labor Cost to Applied Labor and WIP Accounts..........................................645
MFG-CUS: Post Burden Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts..............................................646
MFG-CUS: Post Burden Cost to WIP and COS Accounts..........................................................647
MFG-CUS: Post Labor Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts.................................................648
MFG-CUS: Post Labor Cost to WIP and COS Accounts............................................................649
MFG-CUS: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts.................................650
MFG-CUS: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and COS Accounts............................................651
MFG-CUS: Post Material Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts.............................................652
MFG-CUS: Post Material Cost to WIP and COS Accounts........................................................653
MFG-CUS: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and COS Accounts................................................654
MFG-CUS: Post Rounding to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts..................................................655
MFG-CUS: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Account........................................656
MFG-CUS: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and COS Accounts..................................................657
MFG-PLT: Post Burden Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts....................................................658
MFG-PLT: Post Labor Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts......................................................659
MFG-PLT: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts......................................660
MFG-PLT: Post Material Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts..................................................661
MFG-PLT: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and In Transit Accounts..........................................662
MFG-PLT: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts............................................663
MFG-STK: Post Burden Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts...................................................664
MFG-STK: Post Labor Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts.....................................................665
MFG-STK: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts.....................................666
MFG-STK: Post Material Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts.................................................667
MFG-STK: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and Inventory Accounts..........................................668
MFG-STK: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts............................................669
MFG-VAR: Post Burden Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts...................................................670
MFG-VAR: Post Labor Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts......................................................672
MFG-VAR: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts......................................673
MFG-VAR: Post Material Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts..................................................675
MFG-VAR: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and Variance Accounts..........................................676
MFG-VAR: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts............................................678
MFG-WIP: Post Burden Cost to WIP (Burden) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts...........................679
MFG-WIP: Post Labor Cost to WIP (Labor) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts................................680

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MFG-WIP: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP (Material Burden) and WIP2 (Material)
MFG-WIP: Post Material Cost to WIP (Material) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts........................682
MFG-WIP: Post Rounding Amount to WIP (Rounding) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts..............683
MFG-WIP: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP (Subcontract) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts.............684
MTL-INS: Post Extended Cost to WIP and Inspection Accounts................................................685
MTL-INS: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts.............................................686
PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Extended Cost to AP Transfer and Contra AP Accounts........687
PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Extended Cost to AR Transfer and Contra AR Accounts........688
PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Extended Cost to Contra Asset and Variance Accounts........689
PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Extended Cost to Revenue and Contra Revenue Accounts....690
PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Other Cost to Contra Asset and In Transit Accounts.............691
PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Other Cost to COS and Contra COS Accounts......................692
PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Other Cost to In Transit and Variance Accounts....................693
PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post site Cost to Asset and Variance Accounts.............................694
PUR-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to Applied Material Burden/Landed Cost and WIP
PUR-MTL: Post Material Cost to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts..............................................696
PUR-MTL: Post Rounding Amount to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts......................................697
PUR-STK/PUR-INS: Post Extended Cost to A/P Clearing And Inventory/Expense/Inspection
PUR-STK/PUR-INS/PUR-SUB/PUR-UKN: Post Material Burden Cost to Applied Material
Burden/Landed Cost and A/P Clearing Accounts................................................................700
PUR-SUB: Post Extended Cost to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts.............................................702
PUR-UKN/PUR-DRP: Post Extended Cost to AP Clearing and Expense/Drop Ship Accounts.......703
Revert Amount Posted to Converted1 Account.......................................................................704
Revert Amount Posted to Converted10 Account.....................................................................705
Revert Amount Posted to Converted11 Account.....................................................................706
Revert Amount Posted to Converted12 Account.....................................................................707
Revert Amount Posted to Converted13 Account.....................................................................708
Revert Amount Posted to Converted14 Account.....................................................................709
Revert Amount Posted to Converted15 Account.....................................................................710
Revert Amount Posted to Converted16 Account.....................................................................711
Revert Amount Posted to Converted2 Account.......................................................................712
Revert Amount Posted to Converted3 Account.......................................................................713
Revert Amount Posted to Converted4 Account.......................................................................714
Revert Amount Posted to Converted5 Account.......................................................................715
Revert Amount Posted to Converted6 Account.......................................................................716
Revert Amount Posted to Converted7 Account.......................................................................717
Revert Amount Posted to Converted8 Account.......................................................................718
Revert Amount Posted to Converted9 Account.......................................................................719
Revert Applied Material Burden Cost......................................................................................720
Revert Burden Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account................................................................721
Revert Burden Cost Posted to COS Account............................................................................722
Revert Burden Cost Posted to Inventory Account....................................................................723

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Revert Burden Cost Posted to WIP Account............................................................................724

Revert Extended Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account.............................................................725
Revert Extended Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account.............................................................726
Revert Extended Cost Posted to Expense Account...................................................................727
Revert Extended Cost Posted to Inspection Account................................................................728
Revert Extended Cost Posted to Inventory2 Account...............................................................729
Revert Labor Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account...................................................................730
Revert Labor Cost Posted to COS Account..............................................................................731
Revert Labor Cost Posted to Inventory Account.......................................................................732
Revert Labor Cost Posted to WIP Account...............................................................................733
Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account...................................................734
Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account...................................................735
Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to COS Account..............................................................736
Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to Inventory Account.......................................................737
Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to Landed Cost Account..................................................738
Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to WIP Account...............................................................739
Revert Material Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account...............................................................740
Revert Material Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account...............................................................741
Revert Material Cost Posted to COS Account..........................................................................742
Revert Material Cost Posted to Inventory Account...................................................................743
Revert Material Cost Posted to WIP Account...........................................................................744
Revert Rounding Amount Posted to AP Clearing Account.......................................................745
Revert Rounding Amount Posted to AR Clearing Account.......................................................746
Revert Rounding Amount Posted to COS Account..................................................................747
Revert Rounding Amount Posted to Inventory Account...........................................................748
Revert Rounding Amount Posted to WIP Account...................................................................749
Revert Subcontract Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account.........................................................750
Revert Subcontract Cost Posted to COS Account....................................................................751
Revert Subcontract Cost Posted to Inventory Account.............................................................752
Revert Subcontract Cost Posted to WIP Account.....................................................................753
STK-ASM/STK-MTL: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and WIP Material Accounts....................754
STK-ASM/STK-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP (Material) and WIP2 (Material Burden)
STK-AST: Post Extended Cost to Inventory And Asset Clearing Account..................................756
STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Burden Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts.....................................756
STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and AR Clearing Accounts.......................757
STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Labor Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts........................................758
STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Material Burden Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts........................759
STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Material Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts....................................760
STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Rounding Amount to Inventory and COS Accounts............................761
STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Subcontract Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts..............................762
STK-INS: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and Inspection Accounts.........................................763
STK-KIT: Post Extended Cost to Inventory (Part) and Inventory (Kit Parent Part) Accounts........764
STK-PLT: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and In Transit Accounts..........................................765
STK-STK: Post Extended Cost to Source and Target Inventory Accounts..................................766

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STK-UKN: Post Extended Cost to Inventory Adjustment and Inventory Accounts.....................767

SVG-STK: Post Extended Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts.................................................768
SVG-STK: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP (Material) and WIP (Material Burden) Accounts....769
UKN-CUS/DRP-CUS/PUR-CUS: Post Extended Cost to Expense/AP Clearing and COS/AR
Clearing Accounts.............................................................................................................770
Deferred Expense Recognition......................................................................................................................772
Deferred Expense Recognition Posting Elements....................................................................................772
Deferred Expense Recognition Posting Codes................................................................................772
Deferred Expense Recognition - Rule Set...............................................................................................782
Deferred Expense Recognition - Functions......................................................................................782
Combine Text from Invoice Number and Supplier Name.........................................................782
Combine Text from Journal Number and Journal Line Number and Description.......................783
Get Currency GL Control........................................................................................................783
Reverse Sign of the Amount...................................................................................................783
Deferred Expense Recognition - Posting Rules................................................................................784
Post Gain/Loss Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)..........................................................784
Post Gain/Loss Amount (GL Journal Line)................................................................................785
Recognize Expense Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)...................................................786
Recognize Expense Amount (GL Journal Line).........................................................................787
Reverse Deferred Expense Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line).........................................788
Reverse Deferred Expense Amount (GL Journal Line)...............................................................789
Set up GL Journal Main Data..................................................................................................790
Fixed Asset...................................................................................................................................................791
Asset Posting Elements.........................................................................................................................791
Asset Posting Codes......................................................................................................................791
Asset Class.............................................................................................................................791
Asset Group...........................................................................................................................792
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................792
Posting Details........................................................................................................................793
Asset Amounts..............................................................................................................................794
Asset - Addition Posting Elements..................................................................................................794
Asset - Addition Posting Codes...............................................................................................794
Asset - Addition Amounts......................................................................................................795
Asset - Depreciation Posting Elements............................................................................................795
Asset - Depreciation Posting Codes........................................................................................795
Asset - Depreciation Amounts................................................................................................796
Asset - Disposal Posting Elements..................................................................................................796
Asset - Disposal Posting Codes...............................................................................................796
Asset - Disposal Amounts.......................................................................................................797
Asset - Impairment Posting Elements.............................................................................................798
Asset - Impairment Posting Codes..........................................................................................798
Asset - Impairment Amounts..................................................................................................799
Asset - Revaluation Posting Elements.............................................................................................799

26 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Contents

Asset - Revaluation Posting Codes..........................................................................................799

Fixed Asset - Rule Set............................................................................................................................801
Fixed Asset - Functions..................................................................................................................801
Fixed Asset - Posting Rules.............................................................................................................801
Header Rule...........................................................................................................................801
Post Addition Cost.................................................................................................................802
Post Addition Depreciation Amount.......................................................................................802
Post Addition Grant Amount..................................................................................................803
Post Depreciation Charge.......................................................................................................804
Post Disposal Cost Amount....................................................................................................805
Post Disposal Depreciation Amount........................................................................................805
Post Impairment Loss Amount................................................................................................806
Post Impairment Revaluation Surplus Amount.........................................................................807
Post Proceeds Amount...........................................................................................................807
Post Profit/Loss amount..........................................................................................................808
Post Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation...........................................................................809
Post Total Grant Amount........................................................................................................809
Post Unrecognized Grant Amount..........................................................................................810
GL Allocations..............................................................................................................................................810
GL Allocations - Rule Set.......................................................................................................................810
GL Allocations - Functions.............................................................................................................811
GLRevaluation - Rule Set.......................................................................................................................811
GLRevaluation - Functions.............................................................................................................811
GL Journal Entry Posting Elements........................................................................................................811
GL Journal Entry Posting Codes.....................................................................................................811
GL Journal Entry Head............................................................................................................812
GL Journal Entry Amounts.............................................................................................................813
GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail Posting Elements.........................................................................813
GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail Posting Codes......................................................................813
GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail Amounts..............................................................................815
MultiGLJrn - Rule Set............................................................................................................................815
MultiGLJrn - Functions...................................................................................................................815
Payroll Check...............................................................................................................................................816
Payroll Check Posting Elements.............................................................................................................816
Payroll Check Posting Codes..........................................................................................................816
Bank Account.........................................................................................................................816
Payroll Check Amounts..................................................................................................................818
Check Amount.......................................................................................................................818
Payroll Check - Deduction Posting Elements...................................................................................818
Payroll Check - Deduction Posting Codes................................................................................818

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Payroll Check - Deduction Amounts........................................................................................820

Payroll Check - Line Posting Elements............................................................................................820
Payroll Check - Line Posting Codes.........................................................................................820
Payroll Check - Line Amounts.................................................................................................823
Payroll Check - Tax Posting Elements.............................................................................................824
Payroll Check - Tax Posting Codes..........................................................................................824
Payroll Check - Tax Amounts..................................................................................................826
Payroll Check - Rule Set........................................................................................................................826
Payroll Check - Functions...............................................................................................................826
Payroll Check - Posting Rules.........................................................................................................826
Accrual Deduction..................................................................................................................827
Credit Bank Account..............................................................................................................827
Employer Expense Tax............................................................................................................828
Gross Pay...............................................................................................................................828
Premium Pay..........................................................................................................................829
Setup GL Journal properties....................................................................................................830
Shift Pay.................................................................................................................................830
Special Deduction...................................................................................................................831
Undistributed Gross Pay.........................................................................................................832
PeriodicConsolidation - Rule Set............................................................................................................833
PeriodicConsolidation - Functions..................................................................................................833
PO Release...................................................................................................................................................833
PO Posting Elements.............................................................................................................................833
PO Posting Codes..........................................................................................................................833
Company Parameters.............................................................................................................834
PO Amounts..................................................................................................................................835
PO - Line Posting Elements............................................................................................................835
PO - Line Posting Codes.........................................................................................................835
PO - Line Amounts.................................................................................................................837
PO - Line - Release Posting Elements.......................................................................................837
PO Release - Rule Set............................................................................................................................840
PO Release - Functions...................................................................................................................840
PO Release - Pre-Posting Rules.......................................................................................................841
Calculate PO Release GL Control............................................................................................841
Header Rule...........................................................................................................................843
Revaluation Posting Elements................................................................................................................844
Revaluation Posting Codes.............................................................................................................844
Revaluation Amounts....................................................................................................................846

28 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Contents

Revaluation - Doc Currency Posting Elements.................................................................................846

Revaluation - Doc Currency Posting Codes..............................................................................846
Revaluation - Doc Currency Amounts.....................................................................................847
Revaluation - Doc Currency - AP Invoice Posting Elements......................................................847
Revaluation - Doc Currency - AR Invoice Posting Elements......................................................849
Revaluation - Doc Currency - Bank Account Posting Elements.................................................851
Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Payable Posting Elements...........................853
Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Receivable Posting Elements......................855
Revaluation - Rule Set...........................................................................................................................857
Revaluation - Functions..................................................................................................................858
- Add Amount to Total...........................................................................................................858
Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice - AP Invoice Revalue Text............................................858
Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice - AR Invoice Revalue Text...........................................858
Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account - Bank Revalue Text..............................................859
Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable - PI Payable Revalue Text.................859
Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable - PI Receivable Revalue Text........860
Revaluation - Posting Rules............................................................................................................860
A/P Invoice - Balance Adjustment............................................................................................860
A/P Invoice - Realized Gain.....................................................................................................861
A/P Invoice - Realized Loss......................................................................................................862
A/P Invoice - Unrealized Gain..................................................................................................863
A/P Invoice - Unrealized Loss..................................................................................................863
A/R Invoice - Balance Adjustment...........................................................................................864
A/R Invoice - Realized Gain.....................................................................................................865
A/R Invoice - Realized Loss......................................................................................................866
A/R Invoice - Unrealized Gain.................................................................................................867
A/R Invoice - Unrealized Loss..................................................................................................867
Bank Account - Balance Adjustment.......................................................................................868
Bank Account - Realized Gain.................................................................................................869
Bank Account - Realized Loss.................................................................................................870
Bank Account - Unrealized Gain.............................................................................................871
Bank Account - Unrealized Loss..............................................................................................871
PI Payable - Balance Adjustment.............................................................................................873
PI Payable - Realized Gain.......................................................................................................874
PI Payable - Realized Loss........................................................................................................875
PI Payable - Unrealized Gain...................................................................................................875
PI Payable - Unrealized Loss....................................................................................................876
PI Receivable - Balance Adjustment.........................................................................................877
PI Receivable - Realized Gain...................................................................................................878
PI Receivable - Realized Loss...................................................................................................879
PI Receivable - Unrealized Gain...............................................................................................879
PI Receivable - Unrealized Loss................................................................................................880
Revenue Recognition...................................................................................................................................881
Revenue Posting Elements....................................................................................................................881

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Contents Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Revenue Posting Codes.................................................................................................................881

Company Parameters.............................................................................................................881
Revenue Amounts.........................................................................................................................883
Revenue - Project Posting Elements................................................................................................883
Revenue - Project Posting Codes.............................................................................................883
Revenue - Project Amounts....................................................................................................885
Revenue Recognition - Rule Set.............................................................................................................886
Revenue Recognition - Functions...................................................................................................887
Revenue - Define COS Account for Given Context..................................................................887
Revenue - Define Recognized Account for Given Project Billing Context and Optional AR
Account Context...............................................................................................................887
Revenue--Project - Define Transaction Text.............................................................................888
Revenue - Define WIP Account for Given Context...................................................................888
- Inverse Amount Sign............................................................................................................888
Revenue Recognition - Posting Rules..............................................................................................889
Book Actual Burden Charge...................................................................................................889
Book Burden Cost..................................................................................................................890
Book Labor Cost.....................................................................................................................890
Book Material Burden Cost.....................................................................................................891
Book Material Cost.................................................................................................................892
Book Other Direct Cost..........................................................................................................893
Book Sales Revenue................................................................................................................893
Book Subcontract Cost...........................................................................................................894
Set Up GL transaction Properties.............................................................................................895
Reverse Cash Receipt...................................................................................................................................896
Cash Receipt Header Posting Elements..................................................................................................896
Cash Receipt Header Posting Codes...............................................................................................896
Bank Account.........................................................................................................................896
Company AR Parameters........................................................................................................897
Currency Master.....................................................................................................................897
Source Cash Header...............................................................................................................900
Cash Receipt Header Amounts......................................................................................................900
Payment Less Tax...................................................................................................................901
Unapplied Cash......................................................................................................................901
Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Posting Elements..........................................................................901
Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Posting Codes.......................................................................901
Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Amounts..............................................................................903
Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements...................................................903
Cash Receipt Header - Line Posting Elements.................................................................................906
Cash Receipt Header - Line Posting Codes..............................................................................906
Cash Receipt Header - Line Amounts......................................................................................908

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Contents

Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax Posting Elements..................................................................909

Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Posting Elements............................................................912
Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Posting Codes.........................................................912
Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Amounts.................................................................915
Reverse Cash Receipt - Rule Set............................................................................................................915
Reverse Cash Receipt - Functions...................................................................................................915
Reverse Cash Receipt - Posting Rules.............................................................................................915
Restore Deferred Tax..............................................................................................................915
Reverse Bank Fee....................................................................................................................916
Reverse Bank Fee Tax.............................................................................................................917
Reverse Currency Gain...........................................................................................................917
Reverse Currency Loss............................................................................................................918
Reverse Deposit Payment Credit.............................................................................................918
Reverse Discount Tax Adjustment...........................................................................................919
Reverse Discount Tax Adjustment Total...................................................................................919
Reverse Invoice Payment Credit..............................................................................................920
Reverse Misc Payment Credit..................................................................................................921
Reverse Misc Payment Tax......................................................................................................921
Reverse Payment Discount......................................................................................................922
Reverse Tax............................................................................................................................922
Reverse Total Payment............................................................................................................923
Reverse Unapplied Cash.........................................................................................................924
Setup GL Journal Properties....................................................................................................924
SingleGlJrn - Rule Set............................................................................................................................925
SingleGlJrn - Functions..................................................................................................................925
Void Payroll Check.......................................................................................................................................926
Payroll Check Posting Elements.............................................................................................................926
Payroll Check Posting Codes..........................................................................................................926
Bank Account.........................................................................................................................926
Payroll Check Amounts..................................................................................................................928
Check Amount.......................................................................................................................928
Payroll Check - Deduction Posting Elements...................................................................................928
Payroll Check - Deduction Posting Codes................................................................................928
Payroll Check - Deduction Amounts........................................................................................930
Payroll Check - Line Posting Elements............................................................................................930
Payroll Check - Line Posting Codes.........................................................................................930
Payroll Check - Line Amounts.................................................................................................933
Payroll Check - Tax Posting Elements.............................................................................................934
Payroll Check - Tax Posting Codes..........................................................................................934
Payroll Check - Tax Amounts..................................................................................................936
Void Payroll Check - Rule Set................................................................................................................936
Void Payroll Check - Functions.......................................................................................................937

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Contents Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Void Payroll Check - Posting Rules.................................................................................................937

Reverse Accrual Deduction.....................................................................................................937
Reverse Cash..........................................................................................................................937
Reverse Employer Expense Tax................................................................................................938
Reverse Gross Pay...................................................................................................................939
Reverse Premium Pay..............................................................................................................939
Reverse Shift Pay....................................................................................................................940
Reverse Special Deduction......................................................................................................940
Reverse Tax............................................................................................................................941
Reverse Undistributed Gross Pay.............................................................................................941
Setup GL Journal properties....................................................................................................942
Posting Rules in Action.......................................................................................................943
GL Transaction Type Conversions.................................................................................................................943
Standard GL Transaction Types.............................................................................................................944
Standard GL Transaction Types with Customizations.............................................................................947
Standard GL Transaction Types with Two or More GL Books.................................................................950
Modifying Posting Rules...............................................................................................................................953
Amend Posting Rules and View the Results...........................................................................................953
Posting Engine Troubleshooting.......................................................................................958
Error Handling.............................................................................................................................................958
Book Validations...................................................................................................................................960
Posting Rule Validations........................................................................................................................961
Posting Engine Log...............................................................................................................................961
Error Message Log................................................................................................................................962
Common Error Messages......................................................................................................................963
System Monitor....................................................................................................................................965
Review Journal......................................................................................................................................966
PE Log Viewer.......................................................................................................................................967
Check Syntax Functionality...................................................................................................................967
Best Practices...............................................................................................................................................968
Creating a New Posting Rule.................................................................................................................968
Checklist for Creating Posting Rules......................................................................................................968
Tips for Creating Posting Rules..............................................................................................................968
Further Steps...............................................................................................................................................969
Gather Information for Support............................................................................................................970

32 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Introduction


Purpose of this Guide

The Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide explores how the Epicor application processes financial transactions
for display within financial reports and the general ledger. When the Epicor application installs, it uses a default
series of posting rules to run this process.
You can however, create multiple books for different financial needs. Each book, in turn, can have a different
set of posting rules which affect how the financial transactions it contains display within the general ledger.
You can modify the posting process for a book through two methods. If you need to make minor changes to
this process, you should use chart of accounts mapping to link, or map, one source COA to a target COA. The
target COA can then be updated as needed to satisfy the changes you need in the target book. Most posting
process changes are minor, so you typically will use the COA mapping functionality.
If you need to make more complex changes to the posting process, however, you can create, modify, and delete
posting rules. The application uses a series of general ledger transaction types, like AP Invoice and AR Invoice
Adjustment, to process and record financial (business) transactions. Each GL transaction type contains a series
of posting rules, called a rule set, that define how transactions for the specific type post. You can make precise
changes to the posting rules by create a revision within the GL transaction type. When you finish changing the
posting rules, you activate the revision. This active revision is then used for all business transactions for the GL
transaction type.
This guide explains how you can customize the posting logic to match the needs of a specific book.

Intended Audience

This guide is for individuals within your company responsible or partially responsible for accounts receivable,
accounts payable, cash management, and any other financial areas of responsibility.
Employees who may find this guide useful include:
• Controllers
• Business Managers
• Accountants
• Financial Planners

How it is Organized

This guide first explores the structure of the financial functionality within the Epicor application. It then explains
the stages of the posting process and the various components which impact the financial results.
The guide then continues by documenting the transaction type environment within GL Transaction Type
Maintenance, the primary program you use to modify and create posting rules. The guide concludes with a series
of sections which details the GL transaction types.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 33

Introduction Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

The main sections of this guide:

• The Posting Engine- This section contains an overview of both the financial functionality and how this
functionality interacts with the posting process.
• Primary Components-- The main records used during the posting process are documented in this section.
These records include GL control types, business entities, chart of accounts, fiscal calendars, books, and more.
• The GL Transaction Type Environment-- This section explores the items you can modify and create within
each GL transaction type. The purpose of selection criteria, variables, posting rules, posting codes, and so on
is explored.
• Posting Rule Reference-- Use this section to review the primary items which you can modify to create new
posting rules or modify existing ones.
• GL Transaction Type Reference-- GL transaction types contain the incoming document templates (business
transactions) and the posting rules used to record transactions within a specific book. This section documents
the default set of GL transaction types and their posting rules.
• Posting Rules in Action-- Use this section to review examples which show how the posting engine arrives
at its results.
• Posting Engine Troubleshooting -- Use this section to help with the understanding and troubleshooting
of errors you may receive when creating posting rules.

34 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide The Posting Engine

The Posting Engine

The posting process is the core financial functionality within your Epicor application. It first collects financial data
and then evaluates this information to create appropriate general ledger (GL) transactions.
Depending on the current transactions and your chart of accounts structure, the transactions can post through
one or multiple books to the general ledger. The functionality which runs this process is the Posting Engine. It
provides a unified process for all business transactions, and it is a flexible rule-based system you can modify to
define which accounts you want to populate for which amounts.
The posting engine functionality runs independently for each company created within the Epicor application. A
company can also have multiple books defined for specific financial requirements, and each book, in turn, can
be mapped to a source chart of accounts (COA) or have a unique set of posting rules which you define. These
account maps and posting rules indicate how the business transactions are posted as GL transactions to various
accounts. You have complete control over the financial processing needed for each company. You can define
the specific data that populates dynamic segments, create automatically self-balancing segments, and convert
and round currency amounts based on up-to-date exchange rates.
The posting process runs through a number of stages, pulling input data from a series of generated business
transactions (sometimes called business documents). It then uses the account maps and posting rules (sometimes
called booking rules) created specifically for each book to post the results. Your Epicor application provides default
GL transaction types that generate all business transactions which then post as GL transactions to the general
ledger; you can extend these GL transaction types to include more data or alternate posting methods.
Your organization will have unique reasons for leveraging the posting engine. Some typical uses for this
functionality include:
• If your company requires multiple books, like one for taxing purposes and another for accounting purposes,
you can set up posting rules to reflect the different purposes of these books.
• If your organization works in a multi-company environment, you can set up unique posting rules for an
intermediate book which transforms the financial data into a format usable by the receiving company.
• During company acquisitions, posting rules can be configured so that the acquired company can maintain
their old books, fiscal calendar, and so on during the transition year.
• Your company may require multiple books for payroll to track employee costs in separate locations. These
locations, for example, may require different currencies.
• If your chart of accounts uses dynamic segments, you can directly assign this dynamic segment in a GL control
or use some other posting rule combination. Typically however, you do not assign a dynamic segment value
in a GL control, so you will modify a posting rule instead.
• If you customize the application, use the posting engine to handle the automatic posting needs of the additional
data you enter through these custom programs.
By default, the Epicor application uses the posting rules originally defined for the 8.03 application. Because of
this, 8.03 users can upgrade with no changes to their posting rules. These standard posting rules insures that a
base set of rules is always initially available within each company. The standard posting rules contain the department
and division account segments used within the 8.03 application. Later you can delete or modify these posting
rules as you need.
If this is a first time installation, however, you will most likely install the extended posting rules. This set contains
a more open series of rules which do not contain department and division hierarchies, so you have a flexible
framework to begin reflecting the specific posting needs of your organization.
Tip If your organization is upgrading from Vantage but still wants to leverage the flexibility of the extended
rule set, Epicor recommends you first set up a book using the standard rules to conduct your normal
business transactions. At the same time, create a second book and import the extended rule set into it.
Use this second book for a soft conversion process where you gradually post specific business transactions

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 35

The Posting Engine Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

into it when users are ready to make the change. Your consultant can help you set up a soft conversion
process so that your company can gradually leverage the extended rule set.

Regardless of the rule set installed, you can create new account maps, posting codes, posting rules, and other
user extensions to the default GL transaction type structure. These modifications are called revisions, and they
either are based on an original rule structure or on a unique rule structure you define. You have complete control
over these posting rule revisions. To help you during the development of your posting rules, you assign status
levels to them in order to control when the revisions are implemented on your financial records.
By leveraging this powerful toolset, you can set up the posting processes you need to create accurate financial
records which address the internal realities of your organization and the legal requirements of the localities inside
which you conduct business.

Book Components

This section describes how various components are used with each book.
Review this graphic and the brief descriptions which follow to become familiar with the book functionality:

36 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide The Posting Engine

The following list briefly explains how each item interacts with a book. Use this list to gain a beginning
understanding of each item; all of these components are described in more detail later in this guide within the
Primary Components section. Book components:
• Account Segment Values- These components define values for both dynamic and controlled segments. You
can also use them to define options for natural account values and indicate the effective dates for these
segment values. Account segments are applied to GL control types as account contexts.
• Books- A component which contains a unique set of financial records created for a specific purpose, like
budgeting or alternate currency calculations. Each company can have as many books as it needs. A book
defines the currency, chart of accounts, and fiscal calendar used to process its financial transactions; it can
also map to a source COA and contain a unique set of posting rules.
• Business Entities- Business entities define various items within the company, like Customer, Supplier, and
Part. These static tables contain the data related to these items. You can select business entities on GL control
• Chart of Accounts- These components define a set of accounts used to organize the financial results of
business activity within a company. The posting engine places the GL transactions in the accounts specified
for the COA you select for a specific book.
• COA Categories- Categories link natural accounts to specific values you define with Account Segment Values
Maintenance. They group accounts which track similar functions. Use these items to determine how balances
are maintained for linked accounts and the structure and form of financial statements generated for a specific
chart of accounts.
• Currencies- You must select a specific currency to use with the transactions generated through a specific
book. Each currency record also contains the values it needs for rounding amounts on specific transactions.
• Fiscal Calendars- A component which determines the periods during which GL transactions post during a
fiscal year. Each book can have a unique fiscal calendar assigned to it.
• GL Control Types- A component which groups account contexts, journal contexts, and business entities. GL
control types are templates for GL controls. GL control types determine the overall account and journal contexts
used for transactions with a selected GL control. They determine the business entities used with each GL
control to generate their specific account information. You select the GL control type you need on each GL
control. The GL controls use these contexts and business entities to define the specific account string and
journal code to use with each GL transaction.
• GL Controls- A component which defines the account strings and journal codes available to a specific record
(part, customer, marketing campaign, and so on) during the posting process. These items identify each account
through a string value which then displays within financial reports and trackers. GL controls are used in three
ways. Reusable GL controls are controls users link to setup (maintenance) records; only reusable GL controls
use business entities. Instance GL controls are used with specific items within the database; the instance GL
control links a unique account (like a purchase order account) to the specific item. Reference GL controls are
hidden from users; they populate the TranGLC table with system records.
• Journal Codes- Journal codes define the codes used to group journals. These codes help you track and report
on journals, and they are applied to GL control types as journal contexts.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 37

The Posting Engine Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Process Components

This section describes how various components work together to post financial transactions. Review this posting
process graphic and the brief descriptions which follow to better understand how the posting engine works with
other components within the Epicor application.

Posting process components:

• Book- A component which contains a unique set of financial records created for a specific purpose - like
budgeting or alternate currency calculations. A book defines the currency, chart of accounts, and fiscal calendar
used to process its financial transactions. It contains the transactions generated by financial activity for the
• Chart of Account Maps- You use COA maps (or account segment maps) to automatically transform one
chart of accounts to another chart of accounts during the posting process. These items link, or map, accounts
and journal codes across multiple books. The posting rules within GL transaction types use these maps to
transform the COAs into the correct structure. You typically use COA maps when you only need to make
minor posting changes between two books.
• GL Transaction Types- Transaction types define all the posting codes, functions, pre-posting rules, posting
rules, reference rules, and other items required to pull in a business transaction and post its data as a GL
transaction. The application installs with a series of GL transaction types you can access through GL Transaction
Type Maintenance. You create revisions for each GL transaction type and then create, modify, and delete
posting rules and other items as you need. You typically use this functionality when you need to make more
complex changes to the posting process for a specific book.
• Lookup Tables- These components link any number of source fields to any number of target values. These
target values can be a segment, an account, or some other value. They pull in specific data required for the
posting rules.
• Posting Process- This four stage process pulls in the financial transactions from a specific book and records
it using the COA maps, default posting rules, and modified posting rules contained within GL transaction
types. This complex process can be run manually whenever you need or automatically through a schedule
you define for each entry program which posts to the general ledger.
• Financial Reports-- The resulting financial transactions can be viewed on various financial reports which
display the posted transactions.
• General Ledger-- The company general ledger records the financial transactions. It uses the account structure
and calculations defined for the book within its GL transaction types.

38 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide The Posting Engine

Posting Engine Elements

This section of the guide describes the primary elements which make up the posting engine process.

Available Modes

The posting engine process runs in the following modes:

• Pre-Post Mode - This mode is used when some accounts must be calculated before actual posting occurs.
This mode calculates and outputs data used later during the posting process. Pre-posting rules pull in the data
required for each GL transaction type.
• Validation Mode- Use this mode to test your posting rule modifications. This mode generates entries for
the Review Journal; use this program to preview the GL transactions generated in books when you post source
business transactions. The transactions are not yet posted to the general ledger, so you can make changes
to the transactions, COA maps, and posting rules as you need. You can also print edit lists and use the Review
Journal to view the results. When you are satisfied with the results in the Review Journal, you can then post
them from within this program out to the general ledger.
• Open Invoice Mode- Run this mode when you use the Open Invoice Load program in either AP or AR. This
mode populates reference GL controls without creating GL transactions. You use Open Invoice Load when
you are first pulling in financial data from another application. After you post the invoices, you then use these
reference GL controls with your current financial data.
• Regular Posting Mode- This mode posts a source business transaction (or document) to create a GL
transaction. The posting engine process uses this mode when a user enters a record within an entry program.
After the posting process is complete, the source business transaction is marked as posted. This mode can
output calculated accounts for just GL transactions or both GL transactions and GL controls.

Posting Engine Process

The posting process can be run immediately against a group of transactions (for example, AR invoices) or run
through a regular, automated schedule on the system agent. To leverage system agent functionality, you first
create the recurring schedule you need within System Agent Maintenance and then select this schedule on the
specific posting process you need.
The posting process can be run immediately against a group of transactions (for example, AR invoices) or run
through a regular, automated schedule on the system agent. To leverage system agent functionality, you first
create the recurring schedule you need within System Agent Maintenance and then select this schedule on the
specific posting process you need.
When the posting engine runs, it assigns the following status levels to business entities:

1. The application first blocks adjustments to the corresponding business entity and designates the entity as
in process for being posted.

2. Business transactions (or documents) generate for this business entity.

3. When the posting process completes successfully, each business transaction is defined as posted and the
result GL transactions are available for display. All tracker programs display the posted status for the business

4. When the posting process fails, however, the Review Journal displays both the errors and warnings for the
transactions. At this point, you can cancel the results, which indicates that the business transaction is
unposted. You can then adjust the source business transaction and re-post them.

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Depending on how your application is set up, the transactions post to a single book or multiple books. The
journals uses the chart, currency, and fiscal calendar from the posting rules defined for the GL transaction type
which generates the business transaction. When transactions post to multiple books, you must set up either COA
maps or posting rules to indicate for which books the transactions post. Likewise, you can also set up posting
rules for Red Storno and reversing journals.

GL Transactions

As described previously, when the posting engine runs, it creates GL transactions for one book or multiple books.
A single input document, defined within a GL transaction type, creates a single GL transaction in every affected
You modify the COA maps and/or posting rules needed to process the transactions for the methods required in
each book:
• COA Maps are user-defined items that link the source chart of accounts from one book to the target chart
of accounts of another book. The posting engine then creates a GL transaction in one book by mapping the
same GL transaction from another book. A GL transaction created in one book through a mapping table
cannot be applied again later by a GL transaction type. You create COA maps to handle minor differences in
the posting processes for separate books.
• Posting Rules are either default or user modified rules; they can a sequence of instructions on how to generate
a GL transaction within a specific book using the data from the input business transaction. You can add, edit,
and delete the posting codes, functions, posting rules, and other items needed to post business transactions
for each GL transaction type. You modify posting rules to handle more complex changes required in the
posting process for a single book or multiple books.
In some cases, the posting engine process also handles rounding differences that occur after converting currencies,
auto-balancing segments, and validating transactions. You can configure these procedures to match your business
environment, and the application executes them as automatic procedures.
The primary components which control the posting engine process are the GL transaction types. Each GL transaction
type gathers the data input required for the posting engine process. The application contains a series of GL
transaction types which it uses as default templates for generating GL transactions. You can modify these
transaction types as you need within GL Transaction Type Maintenance by creating revisions. You can modify
nearly every aspect of a revision and then use it as the default for the GL transaction type.
Each business transaction belongs to a specific GL transaction type. The application supports various types of
business transactions, such as inventory issues and payments. Because of this, Invoice Payment is a GL transaction
type, while a specific payment by check number XXX for the invoice number YYY is considered a single business
transaction. The GL transaction type describes the entire business transaction and provides data that determines
how GL transactions are constructed for this type.
The structure of a GL transaction type is unique. Each has a different number of rule levels, and posting codes
and amounts are also unique at each level. This structure enables each GL transaction type to correctly reflect
the business transaction. The standard structure also provides a common way for posting (also called booking)
rules to access data.
Each GL transaction type has a rules structure which contains:
• A Header posting rules level
Note Only one header rule is available for each GL book.

• An extensive number of Detail posting rules levels.

• Functions- These rules define various operations which are used across all of the posting rules for the specific
GL transaction type. They include the rules required to populate account segments for divisions, departments,
and charts.

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• An optional pre-posting rules level which contains rules that populate the data needed before the GL
transaction type runs.
Each level contains posting code and amount elements. During posting, posting rules use data pulled from these
posting elements, depending on the rule level for which the posting element is defined.
• Amounts- These values are a collection of named amounts available at a specific level of the transaction type
hierarchy. For example, an AR Invoice transaction type contains an Extended Price and Discount Amount
which are available at the Invoice Line child level.
• Posting Codes- Posting codes are grouped in posting entities. Each posting entity is data used by the posting
rules; each posting code within the entity usually corresponds to a field within that data table. For example,
the Part business entity may contain a group of fields from the Part table; these fields are useful when the
application creates a GL transaction for the given business event.
You can define posting rules that use additional data by modifying the transaction type which generates the
document. To do this, you extend the transaction type templates by first adding new elements, like posting codes,
functions, operations, logical conditions, and so on. You can then construct the posting rules which access these
new elements.
By modifying the transaction types within GL Transaction Type Maintenance, you can customize the posting
process to generate GL transactions that reflect the business needs of your company. These transactions display
as GL journals.
You can quickly navigate from the current posting rule or function to the user-defined function definition by
clicking the Go to Function Definition selection from the Context menu. A rule or function operation which
calls a user-defined function is marked with a specific icon . You can go back to the posting rule or function
by clicking the related link displayed on the user-defined function's operation tab.

Multi-Company Considerations

The posting engine does not interact directly with the multi-company functionality. When the engine runs, it
posts transactions to any accounts defined as a multi-company account.
Then at a later time, the multi-company functionality pulls this account information from the source company
and updates it within the target company.
This process works the same if you require an intermediate book in order to transform the amounts from a
currency used by the source company into the currency used by the target company. In this case, the posting
engine runs and stores the transactions in the intermediate book. At a later time, the multi-company functionality
pulls the account information from intermediate book at the source company into the corresponding intermediate
book within the target company. These amounts then update the target book within the target company.

Output Data

The posting process creates GL transactions and calculated accounts; these transactions and accounts are used
in subsequent processing.
During the posting process, business transactions (sometimes called source documents) are evaluated by the
posting engine. The process then creates, or outputs, the results into the multiple locations you define through
mapping and posting rules. A single business transaction can generate a number of successive GL transactions
in all books configured to receive them. For example, one AR invoice detail line can post to multiple books, and
the GL transaction can be placed into different accounts within each book.
The posting process can output:
• A GL transaction
• A number of calculated accounts
• Both a GL transaction and a number of calculated accounts

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The calculated accounts are stored within the TranGLC table within the database. These accounts then display
in the respective books which generated them during the posting process.
This process also outputs single or multiple calculated accounts and returns them as GL controls. A GL control is
an item which stores a set of account strings and journal codes available to a specific business transaction during
the posting process. You define all the specific account strings used during posting within each GL control. These
primary components are discussed in more detail later in this guide.
As an output data example, you create a payment on an invoice where the payment business transaction affects
the same AR account calculated in the previous invoice business transaction. Another example is when you use
a pre-posting rule, which is used by the posting process to calculate a default account overridden before the
source business transaction posts to GL.

Posting Engine Process Stages

The Posting Engine runs its process through a series of stages. Each stage builds on the data generated during
the previous stage.
The posting process stages:
• Stage 1: The business transactions generate.
• Stage 2: Both default and user modified posting rules execute. This two-part stage first runs posting rules and
then maps the corresponding GL transactions.
• Stage 3: The automatic procedures execute.
• Stage 4: You can review the posting process results. An optional stage, you typically perform this stage when
you need to validate modified maps/rules or when posting errors occur.

The next sections contain more detail on what occurs during each processing stage.

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Stage 1 Business Transactions Generate

The posting process begins when the application creates a business transaction for a specific business event. A
business event type is first detected and then an incoming template loads for this event type.
The loading process first takes the default structure and then extends it with any modified posting elements
(posting codes, functions, and so on) you may have created.
Next, the template populates with the business event data. It becomes a business transaction which will be
processed during the subsequent posting stages.
The following illustration shows the process flow for creating business transactions:

Stage 2 Run Posting Rules

During this stage, the business transaction is then used to generate GL transactions in the company books which
record this business transaction. The GL transactions are generated through two methods.
The first method (Stage IIa) directly applies posting rules to the incoming business transaction. You define posting
rules for books separately so that each book can have its own rule set for every GL transaction type. Each rule
constructs a single GL transaction detail or a pair of transaction details which balance each other, creating an
entire GL transaction. When this stage is complete, the GL transactions for the source business transaction
generate in all books which have posting rules that handle the specific business transactions. You use this method
when you need to make more complex changes to the posting process.

The second method (Stage 11b) maps GL transactions generated by the posting rules from one source book to
one or more target books. When a GL transaction is created for a source book, it can also be mapped to other
target books. You map a source book to target books when you can reuse the same set of posting rules to
construct GL transactions in other books. Use this method for minor posting changes.

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Tip GL transactions are not validated (verified) during this stage. They may be unbalanced, may contain
invalid accounting segments, or invalid combinations of segments in the account.

Stage 3 Run Automatic Procedures

During this stage, several procedures are applied against unverified transactions in all affected books.
These procedures validate the transactions generated through Stage 2. When Stage 3 completes, the GL
transactions either update the book journals and account balances or are posted to the Review Journal - where
you can adjust, validate, confirm, or cancel them.

The procedures run in the following order:

1. Balance Validation- Verifies that the transaction total debit equals total credit. If the process cannot
complete the balance validation, the Posting Engine raises a logic error.

2. Account Validation- Verifies that all accounts are valid. This process is a complex review which includes
verifying an account exists and is active, its combination of segments is valid, and that all mandatory segments
are specified. If an account is invalid, the Posting Engine raises a logic error.

3. Transaction Summarization- An optional process which runs only if you summarize the GL transaction
type. When you activate the summary process, all transaction details which affect the same account summarize
using one of the following methods:
• The application replaces its details with a single detail. This detail amount is calculated by subtracting
the total credit amount from the total debit amount for all the summarized lines. If a negative amount
calculates, the resulting detail credits the account; if a positive amount is calculated, the resulting detail
debits the account. Note that even if a negative amount is calculated, the resulting detail contains it as
a positive amount-- but in the Credit field.

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• Debits and credits generate separately by the application and will create one debit detail and one credit
detail. It creates the debit details by summing up all the details that debit the account; it creates the
credit detail by summing up all the details that credit the account. Note that the summarized credit or
debit detail is created only if the sum is a non-zero amount. The original lines are kept separately as
details of the summarized lines maintain the integrity of the references. This process is similar to what
is done for summarized inventory transactions.

4. Automatic Posting of Rounding Difference- All rounding calculations, both the original amount and the
rounding difference values, are captured by the Epicor application before the posting process. Then when
the process runs, the posting engine updates both the rounded amount and the difference amount per
each detail line (for example, on a sales order). Then these values map to a total account which sums the
amounts on each detail line.

5. Self-balancing Segments - This procedure makes sure that all accounting segments defined as self-balanced
are actually balanced. If unbalanced segments are detected and the Posting Engine is configured to
automatically balance such segments, it creates additional lines to balance these segments. If the automatic
balancing of accounting segments is not enabled, the Posting Engine generates a logic error.

6. Final Validations- Several validation rules defined on each book are applied against the GL transactions in
order to verify each transaction. If a validation rule finds that a transaction is invalid, it either generates a
logic error or a warning, depending on the setup of the rule.

Each GL transaction in the affected book is eventually evaluated as either a valid or an invalid transaction. Valid
transactions update the balances in books, while invalid transactions are sent to the Review Journal for manual
processing. Note that if a transaction is evaluated in one book as invalid, the entire posting session is then
considered invalid and the transactions go to the Review Journal.

Stage 4 Transaction Review

This optional stage occurs when a business transaction produces an invalid GL transaction or when you indicate
that valid GL transactions can also post to the Review Journal. You activate the second procedure when you
either want to manually confirm posted journals or when you need to verify that modified posting rules run
Note however, that the Review Journal displays the posting results; the GL transactions created in validation
mode appear in the edit list for the specific entry program (for example, AR Invoice Entry) and not in the Review
During this phase, the application stores the GL transaction in an intermediate journal, called a transaction review
journal . You can review, adjust, cancel, and confirm transactions while they are in the Review Journal. Confirmed
transactions become permanent journal transactions and later post to GL.

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The only correction you can make directly in the Review Journal is to change the account code. All other changes
must be made in GL Transaction Type Maintenance or within the entry record itself. When you have made the
changes, run the posting process again (Stage 3) and evaluate the results in the Review Journal.
Note that when you are satisfied that the posting rules work correctly, you can indicate on the revision that you
no longer want transactions to automatically display in the Review Journal. Then valid transactions will post
straight to the book and only invalid transactions are captured by the Review Journal.

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Primary Components

The components required for configuring the posting engine -- like books, business entities, and lookup tables
-- are explored in the following section. Many of these components were explained briefly in the previous Book
Components and Posting Process Components section, and are now described in more detail here.

Account Segment Values

Account Segment Values define the value you need for both dynamic and controlled account segments. You
can also define options for natural account values and indicate the effective dates for these segment values.
To begin using this functionality, you first create the segments you need within Chart of Accounts Maintenance.
When you finish defining the segments you need for a specific COA, you then launch Account Segment Values
Maintenance to define the values you want for each segment. Use this functionality to define:
• Natural Accounts-- Natural account values typically reflect the structure of the financial statements for the
current company. You can associate COA categories with natural accounts. This association determines how
the application maintains account balances, as the application zeros balances in income statement accounts
and maintains balances for balance sheet accounts. You can also determine whether journals which use this
account segment are summarized - reducing the number of records stored within the database. A natural
account segment can also contain currency revaluations which occur when a transaction currency is different
from the reporting currency. When reports are run, the application captures exchange rate gains and losses
for natural account segments which have currency accounts linked to them. Lastly, you can prevent manual
journal entry for a specific natural account segment.
• Controlled Segments-- These segments define a specific business activity within the current company. The
controlled segment values you define in this program are available when users enter accounts in programs
such as AP Adjustment and Cash Receipts Entry.
• Dynamic Segments and GL Reference Types-- You can associate a dynamic segment with a GL reference
type. You use reference types to define items within the current company that have a limited life span, like
marketing campaigns and projects. When you associate a reference type with a chart of account (COA)
segment, you can select a segment value for a posted transaction.
• Effective Dates-- You define a date for a segment to indicate when the segment value is no longer active.
The COA can then reflect changes. For example, you can set a segment used for a product line to expire on
the date when the product line is discontinued.
You link a segment to a business entity to use its values as dynamic segment values. Business entities define
tables within the application which hold primary data like customer and supplier records. You can select these
entities for a dynamic segment.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Account Segment Values functionality
from the Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.
Use the Account Segment Values Maintenance to create the segment values you need for a specific chart of
account. To launch this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/General Ledger/Setup/Account Segment Values

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Modifiers you define in this program:

• Accrual Account- A natural account option, this value defines the account to which reversing entries post.
If no account is specified, reversing entries created by the exchange post to the currency account.
• Allowed-- A natural account option, this check box indicates that the currency account can keep the balance
using the value in the specific currency.
• Blocked-- A restricted function option, this check box determines whether the natural account can appear
in manual journal entries processed by the function. When you select this check box, it excludes the account
from displaying within manual journals.
• Category-- Defines the COA category you want linked to the current account segment value. This value
determines how the application maintains both account balances and the accounts which provide financial
statement values.
• Credit-- Defines the currency exchange rate used to revalue amounts posted to credit accounts. Typically,
accounts payable and other credit accounts use a buy rate.
• Currency Account-- A natural account option, this designates the natural account as a currency account.
When you select this check box, the Epicor application converts transaction currencies to a selected reporting
currency. Financial reports can then reflect exchange gains and losses resulting from revaluation at the time
the report is run.
• Debit-- A natural account option, this value defines the currency exchange rate used to revalue amounts
posted to debit accounts. Typically, accounts receivable and other debit accounts use a sell rate.
• Effective From Date-- Indicates the date from which the segment value can first be used for posting. By
defining an Effective From Date, you cause the COA to reflect business changes in the current company.
However, if you do not enter a date in this field, you can use this value to post the segment immediately.
• Entry Control-- Used for natural accounts, these values defines how the segment is used with the natural
account. Available options:
• Mandatory (Controlled Segments)-- When you select this check box for a controlled segment, users
must enter and use this segment in any account codes which use the natural account.
• Mandatory (Dynamic Segments)-- When you select this check box for a dynamic segment, users must
enter and use this segment in any account codes which use the natural account. The GL control which
uses the account code also requires that a business entity must be linked to the segment.
• Optional-- Select this check box to indicate that this segment is available, but not required, for using the
natural account.
• Not Used-- Indicates that the current segment is not used with the natural account.

• Function-- A restriction function option, this value identifies the function itself. You create the restricted
functions which display on this drop-down list by using Restricted Function Maintenance.
• Gain Account- A natural account option, this value defines the account used to capture gains occurring from
currency exchanges.
• Loss Account- A natural account option, this value defines the account used to capture losses occurring from
currency exchanges.
• Normal Balance-- Indicates whether the current account segment generates debit or credit values. You can
only select this value for natural accounts.
• Reference Type-- Indicates the GL reference type used to group values for the segment. These account
segments are then associated with the GLCOARefType business entity within Chart of Account Maintenance.
• Revalue Option-- A natural account option, this check box designates whether the application captures
gains, losses, or both when exchanges involve the currency. When you select this check box, revaluation
• Summarization-- A natural account modifier, this check box determines whether the application summarizes
the journal details when a transaction posts to an account which uses this segment. When you summarize

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an account segment, this reduces the number of records stored in the database. You have the following
• Summarize-- Posts a single journal which summarizes the debits and credits for the account.
• Summarize Debits and Credits Separately-- Posts one journal that summarizes the account's debits
and one journal that summarizes the account's credits.
• Not Summarize-- Posts journal details to the account.

• To Date- Defines the final date on which the segment value can no longer be used for posting. By defining
a To Date, you cause the COA to reflect business changes in the current company. However, if you do not
enter a date in this field, you can use this value to post indefinitely.


The Account Segment Values functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
Account segment values define the account contexts used on GL control types.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Account Segment Values functionality.
You need to create a controlled segment that designates company divisions in the account codes. To do this,
you define the values TOOLS, SERVICES, FINANCE, and OEM for the segment. The controlled segment values are
then available when users enter accounts in programs such as AP Adjustment and Cash Receipts Entry.


Each company can have one or multiple books, and each book can in turn have a different currency, chart of
accounts, and fiscal calendar.
These unique values are then applied against journals which post to the specific book and these values are also
used when you generate financial reports within the book.
Books can either record financial transactions or consolidate other books. A standard book records the financial
activity of a company. Consolidation books, however, provide a preview which displays the financial results when
multiple books are combined within the source company.
The fiscal calendar for the book determines valid apply dates. The application maintains periodic balances for
segments based on the fiscal calendar.
The currency used to post to the book displays on financial reports and in consolidations. All journal amounts
post in the book currency. Books also store journals for currency accounts using transaction currencies instead
of the book currency. You use these accounts as you need for reporting.
You can also use the same COA by mapping it between two or more books. Each book can also, however, use
a unique set of chart of accounts. The COA defines valid general ledger accounts, available dynamic segments,
and balance maintenance for any segments other than the natural account (The natural account maintains
continuous balances). The book defines the retained earnings account.
You can also implement validation rules for each book to correct posting errors which may occur. You can cause
the validation rules to raise a warning, automatically correct an issue, or ignore the error condition. When you
post a group (or batch) through an entry program, the application blocks the posting of any invalid journals and
continues to process the remaining journals in the group. You investigate error transactions in the Review Journal.

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Typically, a company uses multiple books to display the same financial information for multiple purposes. Use
multiple books to value items differently in financial and statutory reports. For example, an insurance company
might use GAAP to value investments and other items for one report, but use National Association of Insurance
Commissioners guidelines within another book. State, province, or other governing localities might also impact
your financial reporting, requiring multiple books.
Tip Before you implement multiple books, carefully consider the role each book plays in the financial
management and reporting within the current company.

New Book Setup

Whenever you create a new book, you can either set up new posting rules for the book or use mappings instead
of the posting rules. When the two books share the same COA, you can use COA Mapping to link a COA from
a source book into the new target book. Because the new book uses the same posting rules, no changes need
to be made to them. Typically when a COA is pretty much identical between books and the accounting methods
are also the same but use different currencies, fiscal calendars, or level of details, consider using mappings instead
of posting rules. The mappings are easier to maintain than user modified posting rules.
If you need to create more complex posting process changes, however, you can create these changes for a specific
book by modifying GL transaction types. For example, if you conduct business in Russia, you could set up the
posting rules to accommodate Red Storno accounting. The posting engine produces GL transactions within each
book based on the unique GL transaction type revisions defined for each book.
You can change a book's settings until a journal is posted to its COA. After a journal posts to the COA selected
on the book, only the book description can change.

Retained Earnings
You leverage the Retained Earnings functionality to designate the standard account used for retained earnings
for each book. The Epicor application continually updates the retained earnings account balance with postings
to the revenue and expense accounts for the selected COA. Because of this, the balance sheet always reflects
the current balance. At year-end closing, the application transfers account balances to the next fiscal year.
Balance sheets report the balance in the standard retained earnings account. You can further divide the reported
retained earnings balance by substituting a segment in the retained earnings account for a corresponding segment
in the income statement. You can then split retained earnings by division, department, or any other mandatory
controlled account segment.
Account masks designate the relationship between the split segment and the retained earning accounts that
displays the balances. Often, a book that uses segment substitution also uses self-balancing segments. When
you designate a self-balancing segment in Self-Balancing Segment Maintenance, you cause the balancing journals
within a segment to automatically balance. This makes sure the book to which the journals post maintains a
balanced set of records within the account segment.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Books functionality from the Main Menu.
It also describes the values you can change for this item.
Use Book Maintenance to create new books or modify existing books.
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > Book
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Account Mask-- A Retained Earnings modifier, this value creates an account mask so the account's balances
can transfer to multiple retained earnings accounts. The application substitutes the segment in the income
statement account for the corresponding segment in the retained earnings account.

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• Action-- A validation rules modifier, this value defines how the application handles invalid journals that post
to the book. Available options:
• Error-- Blocks posting of the journal. You can view the transaction in the Review Journal.
• Warning-- Causes the journal to post, but a warning message appears in the error log.
• Ignore-- Causes the journal to post, but no entry appears in the error log. This option is the default setting
for most posting errors.
• Autocorrect-- Select this option to cause the application to use a pre-defined process to correct the error.
For example, if a journal has an Apply Date which occurs in a closed period, the application changes the
Apply Date to the current period. A warning message displays in the Review Journal detailing the automatic

• Book Currency-- Select the currency you wish to use with the book from this drop-down list. The book
currency can be used on financial reportsand in consolidations. All journal amounts post in the currency you
select on the book. For multi-currency reporting, books can also store journals using transaction currencies
as needed for multi-currency reporting.
• Calendar-- Select the fiscal calendar you wish to use with the current book. These calendars define the fiscal
periods used by the application to record transactions. You create fiscal calendars within Fiscal Period
• Chart of Account-- Defines the chart of account (COA) you wish to use with the book. Each book can have
a different COA or several books can share the same COA. The COA defines valid general ledger accounts,
available dynamic segments, and balance maintenance for segments other than the natural account. You
create chart of accounts within Chart of Account Maintenance.
• Main Book-- Indicates whether the book is the default book for the current company. This book automatically
display on all reports and trackers for the current company.
• Retained Earnings Account-- A retained earnings option, this value creates an account mask for a retained
earnings account so it can display balances from a split COA segment. The application substitutes the segment
in the retained earnings account for the corresponding segment in the income statement account.
• Standard Account-- Designates a balance sheet account as the standard account used for retained earnings
for the book. The application updates the retained earnings account balance with postings to the COA's
revenue and expense accounts.
• Type-- Determines the primary function of the book.You can use books to either record financial transactions
or consolidate other books.


The Books functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.

Books contain a fiscal calender, a chart of accounts, and a book currency. GL transaction types use these items
to calculate the financial results for each book.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Books functionality.
A book uses a COA with a second mandatory segment that defines two divisions, LA and MP. The third segment
is optional and defines cost centers. You use segment substitution to split the balance in the standard retained
earnings account 3070. At year-end close, the following balances exist in COA revenue and expense accounts.

Account Amount

4010-MP-100 240

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4010-MP-200 500

4020-MP-100 100

4020-LA-100 300

3010-LA-100 -500

3010-MP-100 -1200

The application updates the retained earnings account when transferring opening balances to the new fiscal

Account Retained Earnings Account Amount

4010-MP 3070-MP 740

4020-MP 3070-MP 100

3010-MP 3070-MP -1200

Total to 3070-MP -360

4020-LA 3070-LA 300

3010-LA 3070-LA -500

Total to 3070-LA -200

Chart of Accounts

The Epicor application uses a chart of accounts structure (COA) to control the entry of accounts. Each book must
have a COA selected on it so that journals can post to the book.
The account structure and segment values used for the book is then defined by its selected chart of accounts.
Each book can either have its own COA, or multiple books can also share the same COA through COA mapping.
A chart of accounts consists of controlled and dynamic segments. A controlled segment does not change as
transactions are applied against it, so controlled segments record the primary financial history of the company.
You use dynamic segments to record temporary, unique business activity.
You create and modify COAs within Chart of Accounts Structure Maintenance. Be sure before you modify or
create a COA that you carefully consider the purpose each book and chart of accounts has for the financial
management within the current company. Once a COA is used for a transaction, you can no longer add a
controlled segment to it. You can, however, always add dynamic segments to a COA, as these segments do not
affect the validity of the account.

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Segment Characteristics
Use Chart of Accounts Structure Maintenance to define the segments and their overall characteristics which will
be used on the COA. The characteristics you define here indicate how a segment interacts with other segments.
COA accounts can contain as many as 20 segments, each of which contains as many as 50 characters. Then each
account code can contain up to 240 characters maximum, including their separator characters. Options you
define for each segment:
• Where they get their values- The application validates controlled segments posted to the COA against
values defined as valid in general ledger programs. Values defined for controlled segments are available in
fields used for entry of general ledger accounts. Dynamic segments set segment values based on values in
posted transactions or on user input. The application uses entity references, posting rules, and user input to
set dynamic segment values.
• Whether they are required in COA accounts- When you indicate that a controlled segment is required or
optional, this value applies to all accounts which use this controlled segment.
• Account Length-- You indicate how long each account will be within this program.
• Alpha or Alphanumeric-- You indicate whether the accounts can contain letters or both letters and numbers.
• Balance Options-- You indicate how each segment maintains balances on this sheet. These balances then
appear on financial reports.
Tip To define more specific characteristics for each segment, use Account Segment Values Maintenance,
Self-Balancing Segment Maintenance, or General Ledger Account Maintenance. These programs are also
described in this section of the guide. For example, the application always designates the first segment in
the COA as the natural account segment. You must define natural account values in Account Segment
Values Maintenance. In that program, you define revaluation settings and segment requirements for each
account segment.

Dynamic Segments - Setting Values

The Epicor application sets values for dynamic segments through the following methods:
• Accounting Rules-- Dynamic segments without a business entity use lookup tables and posting rules to set
the value of a segment based on values in a posted transaction. Account Segment Values define the segment
values, which are selected programmatically when a transaction posts.
• Record Identifiers-- By using the identifier for a Customer, Supplier, Part, or other system business entity,
the dynamic segment can define subsidiary ledgers for accounts receivable and accounts payable control
accounts. Account segments can reference the same entities used with GL control types. A GL control based
on a type can expose the dynamic segment to the posting process for the entity. Because of this, the posting
rules for the process can set the value of the segment.
• Reference-Type Identifiers -- Use a reference-type segment to classify campaigns, projects, and other items
with a fixed life span. You use GL COA Reference Types to define reference types and the accounts with
which they are used. Account Segment Values define the type values. You determine the value of a
reference-type segment when a transaction posts.

Business Entities
Business entities define the overall primary items within each company database, like customer, supplier, part,
and part class. Your Epicor application installs with primary business entities; each business entity is essentially a
static table which contains the overall database structure used to record transactions against the specific item.
When a transaction is placed against a record contained by a specific business entity (for example, customer), it
populates the fields contained within the business entity table. You can configure how the existing entities can
be used to match your business needs.
Business entities are at the top of the hierarchy which generates accounts during the posting process. The items
directly below business entities in the hierarchy are GL control types. Each GL control type is linked to a specific
business entity, and so the business entity defines what areas of the database the GL control type updates through

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its account and journal contexts. GL control types are templates used by the third and final level of this hierarchy
-- GL controls. A GL control uses the account contexts specified through the GL control type to defines the specific
accounts which update for each transaction.
To reflect any changes to the database, your Epicor application will automatically update the primary business
entities through each service pack and release. These business entities are required by the application, so you
cannot change them.
The Use Business Entity check box defines whether a business entity can be used for a dynamic segment. When
this check box is selected, it indicates you can associate the business entity with a dynamic segment within Chart
of Accounts Maintenance.

Master Chart of Accounts

The Master COA for a company defines the general ledger accounts available for manual entry of general ledger
accounts. You define the Master COA for a company within Company Configuration. The application uses the
Master COA to do the following:
• Define available values in fields used for general ledger account entry. For example, the application limits
entries in the GL Account field in AP Adjustment to only Master COA accounts. Because of this, the Master
COA must define all accounts needed to post from these fields.
• Define default accounts available for manual journal entry in multi-book mode. This mode applies to a journal
group defined in Journal Entry and results in the Master COA being used with all the journals in the group.
• Provide a means of specifying the COA to which other types of transactions post. Optionally, you can limit
posting from AR Invoice, AP Voucher, and other programs to Master COA accounts. The general ledger control
associated with the program sets the limitation.
• Define available accounts when upgrading to the Epicor application. The COA used prior to the upgrade
supplies the general ledger accounts used by the Master COA. The upgrade creates a Main Book associated
with the Master COA in order to maintain default posting processes.
• Determine which COA displays when general ledger maintenance programs open. These programs open with
the Master COA displayed by default.
Typically, the Master COA maintains a complete set of accounts used to post journals from all programs to the
Master Book for the company. Other books use amounts posted to the Master COA. You can map book segments
and define posting rules to enable the transfer of amounts between books.
Alternatively, you can use the Master COA to capture journals for other books. For example, you define two
books with different COAs, neither of which have enough details to derive accounts from each other. The master
COA combines the COAs in the two books so all accounts are available to both books.

Balance Settings
Options in the Balance Options area of Chart of Accounts Maintenance affect balance processing for the selected
segment. Available options:
• Store balances for segments for use in reports and trackers. The natural account segment always maintains
balances, but the application can store balances for other segments. Use the Include in Detail Balances and
Include in Summary Balances check boxes to determine how the application maintains segment balances for
use on reports and trackers. In addition, consolidation processes create journals for source COA segments
that maintain balances.
• Carry balances forward for revenue and expense accounts. By default, the application zeros balances in
temporary accounts at year end. When you select the Opening Balance on P/L option, the income statement
balances independently from the fiscal year. For example, you apply the option to a segment used to post
project revenue. As a result, the application maintains period-to-date revenue data by project for use in
multi-year analysis and reporting.

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Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Chart of Accounts functionality from the
Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.
Use Chart of Accounts Structure Maintenance to create new COAs or modify existing COAs. To launch this
program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > Chart of Accounts
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Master-- Indicates whether this COA is the Master Chart of Accounts for the current company.
• Chart Length-- Defines the length of the chart.
• Separator Character-- Defines the character used to separate the various segments within the chart.
• Display Order-- Use this sheet to modify the order in which controlled segments and dynamic segments
• Dynamic-- Select this check box to indicate the segment is dynamic. The Epicor application then defines the
value of the dynamic segment based on entity references and posting rules. If this check box is clear, the
segment is controlled and cannot be automatically changed by the application.
• Maximum Length-- Defines the largest number of characters which can be used for the segment. Each
segment can contain as many as 50 characters
• Minimum Length-- Defines the smallest number of characters which can be used for the segment. Each
segment must have a minimum of 1 character.
• Name-- Use this field to enter the name you wish to use for the segment. Typically Segment 1 is often named
Natural. Examples of other segment names: Department, Product, Customer, and so on.
• Use Business Entity-- Select this check box to indicate the current segment uses a business entity to define
the segment value. If this check box is clear, it indicates the application uses posting rules and lookup tables
to define the segment value.
• Business Entity - Defines the business entity referenced by a dynamic segment. This segment type can define
subsidiary ledgers for accounts receivable and accounts payable control accounts. All primary business entities
are available for selection on this drop-down list when you select the Use Business Entity check box.
When you select a customer, supplier, part or other business entity, you indicate the segment uses the values
recorded within the business entity's table and fields to calculate the segment values. The posting rules which
reference the business entity set the segment values during the posting process.
• Segment Value Field - Defines the database table used for the business entity. You can select tables which
contain a single-value primary key.
• Description Field Name - Defines the database field for the business entity. All the fields available in the
table you selected for the Segment Value Field display on this list.
• Create Segment Values-- Select this check box to indicate that dynamic segment values are created
automatically. This causes segment values to be automatically added when a system business entity record is
created. If this check box is clear, you must manually update the business entity values for this segment.
• Balance Options-- A number of options are available in this section:
• Include in Detail Balance-- Indicates that the application maintains segment balances for display on
reports and trackers.
• Include in Summary Balance-- Indicates that the application summarizes segment balances for display
on reports and trackers.
• Opening Balances on P/L-- Indicates that the application maintains year-end segment balances for
expense and revenue accounts. By default, the application zeros balances in temporary accounts at year
end. If you select this option, you can maintain an income statement independent of the fiscal year.

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• Alphanumeric-- Select this check box to indicate the account segment can include both letters and numbers.
• Entry Control-- Use this drop-down list to indicate whether the current segment must appear within general
ledger account codes. Available options:
• Mandatory-- This segment must be included in general ledger accounts.
• Natural Account-- The segment can be either optional or mandatory for each natural account value. You
define this option within Account Segment Values Maintenance.
• Optional-- If you wish, you may post general ledger accounts using this segment.
• Reference Account Mask-- The segment can be either optional or mandatory, depending on the account
mask defined in GL COA Reference Type Maintenance.


The Chart of Accounts functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
A chart of accounts contains the account structure used to generate accounts for a specific book.
Business entities define various items, like customers and projects, which are required for system GL control types.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Chart of Accounts functionality, including business entities.

Example One
Government regulations require reports that use an account structure different than the one used for corporate
reporting. In this case, company D can define two books. One book uses a COA for government reporting; the
other uses a COA for corporate reporting.

Example Two
COAs used by the subsidiaries within a company can supply values to a management COA that contains a limited
number of accounts.

Example Three
You use a required controlled segment to define the departments within the current company. Values for each
department are defined within Account Segment Values Maintenance. Then you define the valid combinations
of the department segment and other controlled segments within General Ledger Account Maintenance.

Example Four
Customer is a business entity, and so the static table it contains is the CustID table. Its Description Field Name
value is Name. When a GL control type is linked to the Customer business entity, the GL control type's account
and journal contexts only evaluate data contained in the CustID table. The account and journal contexts defined
on the GL control type then filter the accounts and journal codes generated for each of its child GL controls.

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Chart of Account Categories

Categories link natural accounts to specific values you define with Account Segment Values Maintenance.
Use this program to determine how balances are maintained for associated accounts and the structure and form
of financial statements generated for a specific chart of accounts. You modify and create these categories within
COA Category Maintenance.
You set up these categories to determine how balances are maintained for associated accounts. The application
zeros balances in income statement accounts and maintains balances for balance sheet accounts.
You also use this program to define the structure and formatting of financial statements. The GL Report Wizard
uses entries in this program to automatically create the company's balance sheet and income statement. Entries
in this program define descriptions that appear in the reports and also indicates whether an entry displays as a
debit or credit.
You can create sub-categories which are the children of parent categories, and you can create as many
sub-categories as you need. Typically you will do this by running the Copy COA Categories command from the
Actions menu. Use this functionality to copy a set of categories from one COA to create another set of COA
categories. The previous categories are then used as a template, and will often save you work. You can modify
the categories copied from the template to create a set of categories appropriate to the COA.
Tip This process is one method you can use to define financial statements. You can set up financial
statements without the use of categories or the GL Report Wizard.

Through COA Category Maintenance, you also designate the balance sheet category used to report net income
from the income statement. Corporate balance sheets typically use Retained Earnings to describe this category.
When you select the Net Income check box for a category, it defines it as the retained earnings entry on reports.

Predefined Categories
Predefined categories added to new COAs can help you create financial statements and define natural accounts.
When you create a COA, the application automatically creates the following default balance sheet and income
statement categories:

Balance Sheet Categories Income Statement Categories

Assets Sales/Revenue

Current Assets Cost of Sales

Property and Equipment Gross Profit

Liabilities Expenses

Current Liabilities Operating Income

Long Term Liabilities Other Income/Expenses

Profit, Liabilities Net Income before Taxes

Equity Tax Provisions and Net Income

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If you need, you can edit and delete all of the predefined categories.

Consolidation Types
Consolidation types and consolidation rate types determine the exchange rates and balance amounts used during
consolidations. Typically, consolidations involve posting consolidation journals from a subsidiary book to an
intermediate book or from a target book of the source book. These settings apply when the currency of the
source book differs from the currency of the book to which the journals post.
Consolidation rate types determine the exchange rate used during consolidations. You can use the period-end
method to apply a specific exchange rate or the daily-average method to apply an average exchange rate for a
consolidation period. Exchange rate groups supply values and effective dates used in the calculation of consolidation
exchange rates.
Consolidation types determine the method used to calculate account balances and the consolidated rate type
applied to them. Calculation methods are used to generate balances or period movements. The balance method
uses year-to-date balances to determine period balances for an account. Period movements use period balances
to calculate account amounts.
Consolidation rate types apply to consolidation types and to consolidation definitions. Consolidation types apply
to account categories which you define in COA Category Maintenance. The consolidation definition supplies
default exchange rates applied to consolidation journals posted from the source book.
The following table lists typical applications of consolidation rate types and consolidation types:

Typically applies to... Consolidation Rate Type Consolidation Type

COA categories for income statement accounts Daily Average Period Movement

The default consolidation rate type for income statement Daily Average N/A
accounts. This value applies to the source book in a
consolidation definition.

COA categories used with monetary balance sheet accounts Period End Balance

COA categories used with non-monetary balance sheet Either Period End or Daily Period Movement
accounts. This includes fixed assets, inventory, and equity Average
accounts, including retained earnings.

The default consolidation rate type for balance sheet Period End N/A
accounts. This value applies to the source book in a
consolidation definition.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Chart of Account Categories functionality
from the Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.
Use Chart of Accounts Structure Maintenance to create new COAs or modify existing COAs. To launch this
program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/General Ledger/Setup/COA Category
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Chart of Account-- Use this drop-down list to select the COA for which you want to add or update a category.

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• Consolidation Type-- Use this drop-down list to define the exchange rate settings used when consolidation
journals generate from the selected COA.
• Net Income-- Indicates whether the category reports net income values. Typically corporate balance sheets
use Retained Earnings to describe this category.
• Normal Balance-- Use these options to define whether this category carries either a Debit or a Credit balance.
• Parent Category-- Use this drop-down list to define the main category under which this child category
displays. The GL Report Writer uses this field to structure statements. You can define as many subcategory
levels as you need.
• Sequence-- Determines the position of the current category in relation to the other child categories on
financial statements.
• Type-- Determines whether accounts associated with the category are temporary or permanent. You have
two options -- Balance Sheet and Income Statement. At year end, the application zeros balances in income
statement accounts and maintains balances in balance sheet accounts. The GL Report Wizard uses the type
to determine the financial statement where the category appears.


The Chart of Account Categories functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
COA categories define the natural accounts used for account segment values.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Chart of Account Categories functionality.
You use this program and the GL Report Wizard to create a corporate balance sheet. First, you define Assets,
Liabilities, and Equity categories. The Assets category has a normal balance of debit while Liabilities and Equity
have credit balances. These settings ensure the correct placement of the categories on the report. These categories
have no parent. On the balance sheet, they group other categories and display a total of their sub-accounts.
You define a category named Accounts Payable, select Liabilities as its parent, and set it as the first entry in the
Liabilities category. As a result, the balance of the account associated with the Accounts Payable category is used
to calculate the total for the Liabilities category. Typically, you would define sub-categories for Accounts Payable.

Chart of Accounts Maps

You use COA maps (or account segment maps) to automatically transform one chart of accounts to another
chart of accounts during the posting engine process. Leverage this functionality when the differences between
books are minor.
For example, if two books share accounting methods but use different currencies, you can map the COA from
one source book for use within the other target book. You create these maps within the Chart of Accounts
Mapping program and then reference this map within the posting rules for the GL transaction type.
Epicor recommends you use COA maps as much as possible. Maps are easier to maintain than user-defined
posting rules. If you have a situation where you can reflect the function of a new book by mapping an existing
COA to it, you should always create the map. Mapping transforms a portion of one COA to a portion of another
COA and eliminates the need to redefine posting rules that create journals. You can use COA maps to:
• Create consolidation journals. The consolidation process uses the maps to link accounts from a source book
to a target book. Consolidation Definition Maintenance specifies the map used in a consolidation.

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• Automatically transfer posted journals between books. You associate maps with a book and its rules in GL
Transaction Type Maintenance .
Each logical map links two books by defining which COA is the original, or source, and which COA is the receiving,
or target. This functionality transforms an account from the COA in one book to the COA in another book. You
can then easily transfer accounting transactions between both books, as their COAs have similar structures.
You do this by associating each value of an account segment from the source COA with a single account segment
from the target COA. This functionality automatically transfers an accounting transaction line from one book to
another by replacing each segment in the accounting string with a corresponding segment from the COA in the
target book. Each set of associations between segment values of two particular COA is treated as a single logical
During the posting process, the posting engine evaluates posting rules first, followed by any COA maps available
within the application.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Chart of Accounts Maps functionality from
the Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.
Use Chart of Accounts Mapping to create maps that transfer one COA to another COA. To launch this program
from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/General Ledger/Setup/Account Segment Mapping
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Map Type-- Defines how the map links the two COAs. Available options:
• Account Segment Map-- Links the source and target COAs through their account segments.
• GL Account Map-- Links the source and target COAs using entire GL accounts.

• Source Chart of Account-- Designates the source COA for the map. Transactions posted to accounts in this
COA also posts to the target COA.
• SourceGLAccount-- Specifies a general ledger account in the source COA. Transactions posted to this account
post to the corresponding target account.
• Source Segment-- Specifies a segment in the source COA. Values defined for this segment map to values
in the target segment.
• Source Segment Value-- Specifies a value in the source segment. Transactions posted to this segment post
to the corresponding target segment.
• Target Chart of Account-- Designates the receiving, or target, COA for the map. Transactions posted to
accounts in the source COA also post to the target COA.
• Target Company-- Defines the company to which the target COA is used. A source COA can transfer
transactions to target COAs in multiple companies.
• TargetGLAccount-- Specifies a general ledger account in the target COA. Transactions posted to the
corresponding source account post to this account.
• Target Segment-- Specifies a segment in the target COA. Values defined for this segment map to values in
the source segment.
• Target Segment Value-- Specifies a value in the target segment. Transactions booked to the corresponding
source segment book to this segment.

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The Chart of Accounts Maps functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
COA maps are used by GL transaction types to move values from one COA in a source book to another COA in
a target book.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Chart of Accounts Maps functionality.
The company has a financial and a legal book that use different COAs. You want to post the same accounts
payable journals to both COAs. To do this, you create a map with the financial book's COA as the source COA.
The map links natural account segment values for AP accounts in the two COAs.
You access the GL transaction type used to post accounts payable journals. This transaction type contains rules
used to create the journals for the financial book. You associate the COA map with the financial book. As a
result, journals booked to AP accounts in the financial book also post to the COA in the legal book.


You use the multi-currency functionality to enter and maintain the currencies through which each company in
your database does business.
The multi-currency functionality affects transactions throughout the entire application. As exchange rates between
currencies change (as often as daily), your transactions can be automatically revalued using the current, active
exchange rates, ensuring that your monetary amounts on all your transactions are up to date.
You can also lock in the exchange rates on specific records. These records then ignore exchange rate fluctuations
and maintain the original conversion amounts for all transactions linked to them.

Currency Types
The application organizes currencies through different types. Available types:
• Transactional- A currency used on a specific document, or record, in order to conduct business on that
record. Transactional currencies are used for records created for external transactions with customers and
suppliers, and internal transactions with sites and companies within your organization. A transactional currency
is also called a Document currency; you can have as many document currencies as you need for the localities
in which you conduct business.
• Reporting- A currency your company uses to store, or report, amounts for financial reports. These currencies
are used to calculate the final income and expense amounts generated by the business of a specific company.
These amounts are officially expressed through a reporting currency. You can have up to three reporting
currencies for each company.
• Base- The primary currency used by a company. Technically this currency is also considered a reporting currency
by the application as well (you may see documentation which refers to each company having four currencies).
The base currency is unique, however, as it is the default currency used on all transactions generated within
a specific company. When the application cannot find another currency to use for a transaction, it calculates
the amounts using the base currency defined for the company.
You can enter as many transactional currencies as you need. Each company, however, can only have four reporting
currencies (including the base currency). Business transactions are recorded in all four reporting currencies. Use
these currencies in published reports and financial documents. If your organization conducts business in other

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countries, you run quarterly and annual reports in the base and reporting currencies, displaying financial results
with the correct currency values.
Reporting currency conversion is available in all modules except Fixed Assets, Payroll, and Inventory. For these
modules, however, a currency conversion may happen if the book currency is different from the base currency
for the company. In this case, a conversion does run using the current exchange rate for the currency and its
defined rounding tolerances. As a result, a rounding difference may occur in this situation, and a balancing
amount is generated within the rounding difference account.
Tip Currency conversions do not happen in the posting engine if the business transaction is recorded in
all of the reporting currencies.

Currency Selection
The application locates the specific currency to use on a transaction through a hierarchical structure. It selects
the currency to use depending on the position of the record within the hierarchy. Records lower within the
hierarchy override records in a higher position. Think of the currency hierarchy as a tree, with a primary default
currency at the top and overriding currencies defined on each large branch and then subsequently smaller branch
on this tree.
The primary currency used as the default by the application is the base currency. If another currency is selected
on a maintenance record, like a book or country, this currency is used instead of the base currency. Likewise, if
another currency is selected on a specific record, like a sales order, this currency overrides the currency defined
on the maintenance record.
The currency hierarchy:

1. The base currency defined on the company record (Company Configuration).

2. The currency selected on higher level maintenance records overrides the base currency. If a currency is
selected on a book or a country record, this currency is used for all records linked to the book or country.

3. If a currency is selected on lower level maintenance records, however, it overrides the currency defined on
the higher level maintenance record. Any currencies selected on customer, supplier, or bank account records
are used instead to calculate amounts.

4. Lastly, if a currency or rate type is selected on a specific transactional record, like a sales order or an AP
invoice, this currency or rate type is used to calculate the amounts on the transactional record.

You can leverage this hierarchy to manage currencies through a method that best fits how your company conducts
business. Use the currency hierarchy to select the currencies you need overall, but then modify these default
currencies for any unique business situation that may occur.

Manage Exchange Rates

Exchange rates are used by the application to calculate converted amounts from the source currency to the target
currency. If you need, you can update exchange rates on a daily basis.
You set up the multi-currency functionality by creating currencies and rate types and then defining where these
records are used on customers, books, and other maintenance records. From this point on, you can enter the
active exchange rates for these currencies and the application automatically converts your international transactions
using these rates. You enter these rates through Exchange Rate Entry.
You can also temporarily revalue currencies through the Currency Revaluation Process program. Use this program
to adjust, or revalue, the exchange rate a specific currency pair has within all your open transactions.
All open sales orders, purchase orders, AP invoices, AR invoices, and bank balances that use the selected currency
update with the revised exchange rate. Any gains and losses that occur automatically post to the GL accounts
assigned to the currency.

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Tip The rate changes you enter in the Currency Revaluation Process program do not update the active
exchange rates defined within Exchange Rate Entry. This program only temporarily changes the exchange

If you need, you can also temporarily revalue currencies within general ledger accounts through the GL Currency
Revaluation process. This process can be run for each book set up within your company; it updates the Chart of
Account values defined for the book. Any accounts which contain actual values are evaluated through this process,
and any account which contains amounts in a different currency are selected by this process for revaluation.

Override Rates
You have control over the exchange rate used on specific records. You can override an exchange rate on an entry
record and lock this rate for all other transactions created against this record. The primary financial entry programs,
Sales Order Entry , Purchase Order Entry , AR Invoice Entry , and AP Invoice Entry , all contain fields you can use
to override the multi-currency amounts calculated automatically by the application. These fields are located on
the header sheets found within each entry program.
You do this by first selecting the Lock check box on the record header. The Exchange Rate field becomes active,
and you can enter the exchange rate value you need for this specific record. The converted amounts are calculated
using the conversion rule defined for the currency pair and the updated exchange rate.
Now this record is ignored by the multi-currency functionality. As long as the Lock check box is selected, its
exchange rate never updates. Its exchange rate is frozen and all transactions created with this record use the
locked exchange rate. You can then enter any exchange rate that you need on a specific record and maintain
this rate throughout all the transactions calculated against the specific record.

Currency Accounts
Any amounts generated through currency conversion or revaluation are tracked by the Epicor application. Each
reporting currency has its own set of accounts that display these revalued amounts. These accounts are defined
as Gain and Loss accounts. The amounts are further divided into Realized and Unrealized categories.
Usually gains and losses are recognized as Realized when the transaction is either fully or partially complete (in
this case, the partial amount is considered settled). In some cases, however, a transaction is only considered
Realized when a transaction is fully complete.
When gains and losses are considered unrealized, the transaction either is not started or is partially complete
(not settled). These transactions typically need to be reversed at some point. When these amounts are reversed,
they are changed immediately and both the direct and the reversal revaluation are created at the same time. The
appropriate audit records are also created; balances, however, are not affected by the reversed amounts.
When the positive amount is booked as debit, a positive revaluation amount is described as gain, while a negative
revaluation amount is described as loss (for example, an AR invoice). In the opposite case, when a positive amount
is booked as credit, it is described as loss, while a negative revaluation is described as gain (for example, an AP
invoice). Gain amounts are always recorded as credits, while loss amounts are always recorded as debits.
The accounts defined for each currency are:
• Realized Gain
• Realized Loss
• Unrealized Gain
• Unrealized Loss

Each currency can additionally be set up to use a series of rounding rules. A rounding rule is available for a specific
value type, like Unit Price, Extended Price, Total, Total Tax, and so on. The rounding rule you define for each
value type indicates the value direction in which the amount will be rounded. Available rounding rules:
• Round Up

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• Round Down
• Round Nearest
• No Round
The rounding rule you select for a value type is then used to calculate the final value of a transaction. For example,
if you indicate the Unit Price for a currency will be rounded up, a Unit Price value will automatically go to the
next highest decimal value. The number of decimals each currency uses is defined on the currency record. If three
decimals are defined for the currency, this rounding rule calculates the next highest amount on the third decimal
You define rounding rules and decimals within Currency Master Maintenance. You enter the decimals allowed
for the currency on the Detail sheet, and set up the rounding rules for each value type on the Rounding sheet.
Rounding rules are mainly used with sales documents, such as invoices where specific requirements exist for
determining how to round values. The multiplier and rules for the rounding total can also be used in AP Invoice
Tip For more information on leveraging multiple currencies, review the Currency Management module

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Multi-Currency functionality from the Main
Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.
You launch the following programs to create and manage multiple currencies within the application:

Currency Master Maintenance

Use Currency Master Maintenance to enter and update the currencies available within a company. You define
the currency symbols, number of decimal places, and the rounding rules for each currency. To launch this program
from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/Currency Management/Setup/Currency Master
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Base Currency-- Indicates that the currency is the primary currency used by the company. This currency is
the default used for all transactions within the company. Only one currency can be defined as the base currency
for a company.
• Currency Symbol-- Indicates the special character used for this currency. This value appears on reports and
programs near the currency amounts.
• Global Currency-- Indicates whether this currency can be used by other companies within your organization.
Select this check box if you want to make this currency available across your entire organization.
• Inactive-- Select this check box to indicate the current company can no longer use this currency. Users cannot
create new transactions against this currency, but any previous records that use this currency are maintained
by the application.
• Maintain Rate-- Select this check box to indicate the exchange rate values for this currency can be updated.
Selected by default, this check box activates the exchange rate fields for this currency within Exchange Rate
• Number of Decimals-- Defines how many decimals this currency can display for unit cost amounts. You can
have between 0-5 decimals for Cost and Price amounts and 0-3 decimals for General amounts like extended
prices, tax amounts, and any amounts posted through inventory, general ledger, assets, and banks.
• Reporting Currency-- Select this check box to indicate the currency can be used to display amounts on
invoices, purchase orders, sales orders, and other records. You must select at least one currency as a reporting

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currency for each company. This currency then becomes available on Currency lists throughout your Epicor
• Scale Factor-- Defines the value used to modify the actual exchange rate in order to display amounts for a
currency in a more readable format. The actual rates within the database are not changed by this value, but
all display rates are entered by users and are shown using this factor value.

Rate Type Maintenance

Use Rate Type Maintenance to apply conversion rules to currency pairs. A currency pair consists of an original,
or source currency and a resulting, or target currency. Each currency you add through Currency Maintenance is
automatically paired with another currency. This relationship displays in Rate Type Maintenance as undefined;
use this program to then define the conversion rule which applies to the currency pair. You can have multiple
rate types available to reflect different business needs.
To launch this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/Currency Management/Setup/Rate Type
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Alternative Cross Rate Currency-- Use this section to define the interim currency for the Alternate Cross-Rate
conversion rule or the Secondary Interim currency for the Double-Cross Rate and Reverse Double-Cross Rate
conversion rules. If you can round values for the Alternative Cross Rate Currency, select the Round check box.
You can then indicate up to how many decimals can be used to round within the Decimals field.
• Conversion Rule-- Use this drop-down list to define the rule used for a selected currency pair. Available rules:
• Direct-- Multiples an amount in the source currency against the exchange rate for the target currency.
• Inverse-- Divides an amount in the source currency against the exchange rate for the target currency.
• Cross-Rate -- Uses an intermediate, or Interim, currency to convert amounts between the source and
target currencies.
• Double Cross-Rate -- Uses two Interim currencies to convert the source amount to the target amount.
This conversion rule runs the Direct calculation to convert the amounts generated between each currency.
• Alternate Cross-Rate -- Users an alternate Interim currency to convert amounts between the source and
target currencies.
• Reverse Double Cross-Rate -- Uses two Interim currencies to convert the source amount to the target
amount. This conversion rule runs the Inverse calculation to convert the amounts generated between each

• Cross Rate Currency-- Use this section to define the interim currency used for the Cross-Rate conversion
rule or the primary interim currency for the Double-Cross Rate and Reverse Double-Cross Rate conversion
rules. If you can round values for the Cross Rate Currency, select the Round check box. You can then indicate
up to how many decimals can be used to round within the Decimals field.
• Decimals-- Determines how many decimals calculate and display for amounts converted through the current
rate type. You can enter between 0-6 decimal places in this field.
• Fixed Rate-- Indicates whether the rate defined for this currency pair can update the Effective Rate value. If
you select this check box, the rate is locked, or fixed, and the Effective Rate cannot be updated by this
conversion rule. If the check box is clear, however, the application considers that the conversion rule uses a
variable, or float, exchange rate and it can be updated daily.
• Global-- Indicates whether this rate type can be used by other companies within your organization.
• User Base Rate-- Select this check box to indicate if the conversion rules from the parent rate type (if one is
selected) should be used for the currency pair. If you select this check box, all other fields on the Conversion
Rules - Detail sheet become inactive.

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Exchange Rate Maintenance

Use Exchange Rate Maintenance to define exchange rates for currency pairs and an effective date for the rate
type to which they belong. The Epicor application uses these rates to convert amounts on multi-currency
To launch this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/Currency Management/General Operations/Exchange Rate Entry
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Effective Date-- Defines the date on which the exchange rates begin.
• Rate Type-- Indicates the Rate Type against which these exchange rates apply. You create rate types within
Rate Type Maintenance.
• Rate Value-- Defines the specific exchange rate value you need for each currency pair.


The Multi-Currency functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.

• Direct Conversion = Source Currency Amount x Target Currency Exchange Rate
• Inverse Conversion = Source Currency Amount/Target Currency Exchange Rate
• Cross Rate Conversion = (Source Currency Amount x Interim Currency Exchange Rate) x Target Currency
Exchange Rate
• Alternate Cross-Rate Conversion = (Source Currency Amount x Alternate Interim Currency Exchange Rate)
x Target Currency Exchange Rate
• Double Cross-Rate Conversion = ((Source Currency Amount x Interim Currency Exchange Rate) x Alternate
Interim Currency Exchange Rate) x Target Currency Exchange Rate
• Reverse Double Cross-Rate Conversion = ((Source Currency Amount/Interim Currency Exchange
Rate)/Alternate Interim Currency Exchange Rate)/Target Currency Exchange Rate


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Multi-Currency functionality.
You are converting a transaction from Singapore Dollars (SGD) to Japanese Yen (JPY). If you do not use a scale
factor, the conversion values are the following:
• Source Currency: SGD
• Target Currency: JPY
• Actual Rate: 0.007716 (1 JPY = 0.007716 SGD
• Actual Rate: 129.59 (1 SGD = 129.59 JPY)
• Direct Conversion: JPY Amount = SGD Amount * 0.007716
• Inverse Conversion: SGD Amount = JPY Amount * 129.59
If you use scale factors, however, the conversion values are the following:
• Source Currency: SGD
• Source Scale Factor: 1
• Target Currency: JPY
• Target Scale Factor: 100
• Display Rate: 0.7716 (100JPY = 0.7716 SGD)

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• Display Rate: 1.2959 (1SGD = 129.59 JPY)

• Actual Rate: 0.007716 (1JPY = 0.007716)
• Actual Rate: 129.59 (1SGD = 129.59 JPY)
• Direct Conversion: JPY Amount = SGD Amount * 0.007716
• Inverted Conversion: SGD Amount=JPY Amount * 129.59

Fiscal Calendars

Fiscal Calendars define the company calendar used for financial reporting. You can create multiple calendars and
designate one calendar as the primary company fiscal calendar.
If you use the Asset Management module, a fiscal calendar must be assigned to this functionality. You must also
assign a fiscal calendar to each book. Calendars can start on any date, have any number of periods, and be
whatever length in days is required.
Each fiscal calendar contains a sequence of fiscal years. The fiscal years in one Fiscal Calendar record cannot
overlap; likewise, no gaps between years can occur.
Because periods close for posting independently in different locations, business transactions may occur in one
period in one book and a different period in another book. Each closing period lasts for one day, and if that day
is the final date of the fiscal year, the posting engine can post the transaction to this closing period date.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Fiscal Calendars functionality from the
Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.

Fiscal Calendar Maintenance

Use Fiscal Calendar Maintenance to determine the periods during which journals post.
Launch this program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > Fiscal Calendar
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Description-- Displays the concise explanation for the fiscal calendar. Use this text field to help explain the
purpose of the fiscal calendar.
• End Date-- Indicates the last date on which the fiscal calendar is active.
• Start Date-- Indicates the first date on which the fiscal calendar is active.


The Fiscal Calendars functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
EachThe book must have one fiscal calendar selected for it.

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The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Fiscal Calendars functionality.
A business may want to have a calendar that represents their fiscal year according to their operations which runs
from October 1st through September 30th, while their taxes may need to be calculated based on a calendar

General Ledger Accounts

Each COA must contain a valid series of general ledger accounts so that financial information posts correctly.
You create and modify these accounts within General Ledger Account Maintenance.
General ledger accounts contain the natural account segment and other controlled segments. You cannot,
however, include dynamic segments in general ledger accounts, as the posting rules set the value of most dynamic
You must set up these accounts so that they generate valid entries for a specific COA. The application validates
the general ledger transactions that post to the COA against the accounts you define within General Ledger
Account Maintenance.
You also define which accounts display on GL Account drop-down lists throughout the application. For example,
you can select a GL account within AP Adjustment Entry, but this drop-down list only displays Master COA
accounts. Any GL account you define as a master account within General Ledger Account Maintenance displays
on this list.
Optionally, each account can be limited for use during a time period you specify. Use the Effective From Date
and To Date values to indicate when a specific GL account is active; this causes the COA to reflect changes in
the company's account structure or business needs.
For each account, you also must determine if the account description and active status are preserved during
automatic account updates. Lastly, you also define whether the account is used for inter-company processing.
Inter-company processing updates multi-company accounts defined in the COAs of a parent company and its
Tip Chart of Accounts Structure Maintenance designates whether a segment is dynamic or controlled.
You use the Account Segment Values program to define the values used for the account segments in
General Ledger Account Maintenance.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the General Ledger Accounts functionality
from the Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.

General Ledger Account Maintenance

Use General Ledger Account Maintenance to define valid general ledger accounts for a selected COA.
Launch this program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > General Ledger Account
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Active-- Indicates whether this GL account is currently used by the Epicor application.

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• Chart of Accounts-- Use this drop-down list to select the COA for which you want to create general ledger
• Description-- Defines the text used for the GL account. This value prints on reports and displays in programs
which use this account. Enter the text you need in this field. By default, this value includes the name of the
natural account and the abbreviated descriptions of the other segments.
• Effective From Date and Effective To Date-- This date range defines the time period during which this GL
account can be used for posting. The From Date defines the first day on which this GL account can be used.
If the To Date field is blank, the current GL account can be used for posting indefinitely (or end when its Active
check box is clear).
• GL Account-- Use this field to either create a new GL account or select an existing GL account. To create a
new account, click the drop-down list and select the chart, division, and department options as you need. To
search for an existing GL account, click the GL Account button to find and select it.
• Multi-Company -- Indicates whether this account is used for inter-company processing. During this process,
all multi-company accounts update within the book COAs of a parent company and its subsidiaries. If you
select this check box, the current GL account is included in this process.
• Preserve Activation-- Indicates whether the current GL account should remain active during automatic
account updates. These updates occur while accounts generate within Chart of Accounts Structure
• Preserve Description-- Indicates whether the Description text cannot be deleted during automatic account
updates. These updates occur while accounts are generated within Chart of Accounts Structure Maintenance.


The General Ledger Accounts functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
General ledger accounts define the accounts used for posting to the general ledger.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the General Ledger Accounts functionality.

Effective Dates Example

An account is defined to record financial transactions for a product line. This product line will be discontinued
at the end of the year. When you create the account, you set the To Date field to the last day of the year. As a
result, an error occurs if a journal that uses the account is posted to the COA after the end of the year.

Segment Properties Example

The following example illustrates how segment properties affect general ledger account codes. You define the
segments and enter the settings shown in the following table.

Segment COA Settings Valid Values

1 Segment type: Controlled 1000, 2000, 3000 (Segment values defined in the
Account Segment Values program)
Entry control: Natural Account

2 Segment type: Controlled 10, 20 (Segment values defined in the Account

Segment Values program for these Departments)
Entry control: Optional

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3 Segment type: Dynamic Dalton, Addison (Segment values created for these
Customer IDs)
Entry control: Optional

You designate 1000-10 and 2000-20 as valid general ledger accounts in General Ledger Account Maintenance.
The following table shows how the application validates journal account codes when posted to the general

Account Code Valid or invalid?

1000-10 Valid combination of defined segment values.

1000-20 Invalid combination of defined segment values.

1000-10-Dalton Valid combination of defined segment values and customer ID.

1000-Dalton Valid combination of a defined segment value and customer ID. The second
segment is optional.

GL Control Types

GL control types and GL controls work together to define the accounts used for all business transactions entered
in the application.
First, GL Control Types work as a template of default values common to all GL controls assigned to each GL
control type. Each type contains a list of account contexts, journal contexts, and business entities available for
all of its child GL controls. Each GL control defines the account strings and journal codes available to a specific
record during the posting process.
Business entities are at the top of the hierarchy which generates the accounts during the posting process. The
items directly below business entities in the hierarchy are GL control types. Each GL control type is linked to a
specific business entity, and so the business entity defines from which database tables the GL control type pulls
information through its account and journal contexts. The items in the third and final level of this hierarchy are
GL controls. A GL control uses the account contexts specified through the GL control type to defines the specific
accounts and journal codes to update for each business transaction.
GL control types define:
• Account Contexts-- GL controls use the account contexts defined for the type to specify the books and
accounts to which journals post. Posting rules also use the account information to define journal details.
• Account Entry Defaults for GL Controls-- The defaults can limit how an account maps to a book; they can
also require using a specific account for all GL controls linked to the GL control type.
• Journal Contexts-- Use journal contexts to associate journal codes with GL controls. During the posting
process, journal codes can group journals to which a GL control applies.
• Entities-- The business entities limit the records accessible by the GL controls. Specific programs can only use
a GL control if its type references the business entity managed by the entry program. For example, if a a GL
control is linked to a type that includes the Customer business entity, this GL control can only be selected
within Customer Maintenance .
You can modify GL control types to extend the posting rules functionality. Before you do this, however, make
sure the new contexts are appropriate for the business entities to which the GL control type applies. Once you

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create new GL control types, you need to modify and create posting rules which then reference the GL control
type and its child GL controls.
The application installs with a default set of GL control types; these GL control types correspond to the programs
that post business transactions. You might, however, need to create a GL control type which supports either a
new accounting process or integration with another financial application.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the GL Control Types functionality from the
Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.

GL Control Type Maintenance

Use GL Control Type Maintenance to create and modify GL control types to reflect the account contexts, journal
contexts, and business entities you need for all GL controls. To launch this program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > GL Control Type
Modifiers you define in this program:
• All Books-- Indicates whether the account context can map to multiple books.
• Book-- Optionally, use this drop-down list to select a specific book. This account context can then only be
mapped within the selected book.
• Business Entity-- An Entity modifier, use this drop-down list to define the business entity for which the GL
control type uses. All the available business entities display on this list.
• Context-- Describes the purpose for the account context. Enter the context you need in this field; for example,
bank fee.
• Journal-- A Journal Context modifier, use this drop-down list to define the journal to which the GL control
type uses. All the journal codes available within your application display on this list; you create these codes
within Journal Code Maintenance.
• Required-- Indicates whether an account must be defined for this account context. If you select this check
box, you must define the account for GL codes which use this GL control type.
• User Master Chart-- Indicates whether the current account context requires a master COA. If you select this
check box, you can only use this account context for accounts defined as part of the Master COA. When you
select this check box, the Master COA displays in the accompanying field.


The GL Control Types functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
GL control types determine whether a GL control is a system GL control or a reference GL control.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the GL Control Types functionality.
The AR Account and AP Account control types reference the Company business entity. You define GL controls
which use both types and apply them to Company A within Company Configuration .
Now a transaction which belongs to Company A is posted. The posting rules use the GL control type and GL
control's account references to generate the accounts for the company journals.

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GL Controls

GL controls define all the account strings and journal codes used during the posting process. Each GL control
contains the accounts and journal codes available to a specific record; as part of the posting process, these
accounts generate as needed based on the business transaction which occurred.
Every account or journal code within the GL control has a string identifier that defines the business transaction,
likes Sales or Payable.
To generate accounts and journal entries, each GL control uses the account contexts, journal contexts, and
business entities (for a reusable GL control, instance and reference GL controls do not use business entities)
defined on the GL control type to which it is assigned. The GL controls reflect the COA structure required for a
specific book or multiple books. When a business transaction generates, the application reviews the group of
accounts specified in the GL control and selects the specific account which applies to the business transaction.
You create GL controls within GL Control Maintenance. All posting accounts used in the application are defined
within this program. You can select as many accounts as you need for each GL control. Based on the GL control
type, the journals each business transaction creates is automatically included with the GL control. You can use
GL controls to define an account hierarchy through the posting rules. For example, you can assign a GL control
to a customer and a part class record. You can then set up the posting rules so that if a business transaction is
not valid against a customer record, it will then use the GL control linked to the part class record. Instead of the
GL controls on the customer, the GL controls defined on the part class are used by the application to determine
the accounts.
After you set up the GL controls, you can then select one or more GL controls to a specific record within a
maintenance (setup) program. Although you can select multiple GL controls for each record, each GL control
you select must be linked to a different GL control type. Within Customer Maintenance, for example, you can
select multiple GL controls, each with different GL control types, for a specific customer record. The accounts
and journal codes defined for each GL control then calculate when a business transaction is placed against this
customer record.
Tip You do not use GL controls on programs where you select posting accounts while entering transactions.
Examples of this type of program include AP Adjustment and Cash Receipts . You instead select a GL
account defined as part of the Master COA; these accounts display on the GL Account drop-down lists
within these programs.

Instance, Reference, and Reusable GL Controls

As briefly described previously, the application uses GL controls in three ways:
• Reusable GL Controls-- These GL controls can be modified by users and generate unique results for display
on financial reports. They provide multiple contexts for accounts and journal codes, and they can be assigned
to various maintenance records (for example, customer, supplier, and part records). Only reusable GL controls
use business entities, so the posting results for these GL controls always populate the business entity tables
linked to their parent GL control types.
• Instance GL Controls-- These GL controls define a specific account used for a particular item. Any transactions
which cause accounts to generate master data, operational data, or general settings require instance GL
controls. Typically, instance GL controls generate pre-posting data. They are also used when a posting rule
provides the specific account for a transaction. An example is the instance GL control which generates account
values for a PORel (purchase order release) record.
• Reference GL Controls-- These GL controls generate system level transactions required for the application.
They create automatically by the posting engine during the posting process; they create a link between the
GL transaction and the source business transaction. Hidden from users, reference GL controls populate the
TranGLC table with GL transactions. For example, the source business transaction can be a PartTran (part
transaction) record and reference GL control generates when the Capture COS/WIP GL transaction type posts.

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Posting Process
During posting, various posting rules, defined in GL Transaction Type Maintenance , use control values to create
journal details. The rules generate account values through their account contexts. Often, control accounts lack
values for one or more segments. The posting rules use data in posted transactions to define these segment
values. Likewise, the journal contexts associated with the GL control type generate the specific journals codes
defined on the child GL control during the posting process. As a result, you can track and report on journals by
You can create and modify GL controls to extend posting functionality. For example, you add a Landed Cost
account context to the AP Account GL control type so that you can then add a landed cost account to the AP
GL control. You select this GL control to a company record within Company Configuration . The Landed Cost
accounts now automatically generate for this company when landed cost financial transactions calculate.
Important: Be sure the new account contexts are appropriate for the business entities to which a reusable GL
control applies. If you modify or delete an account you need within the GL control, it can cause invalid journals
to generate. Before you go live with your GL control changes, verify that the posting processes which use the
modified reusable GL control create valid accounts after you make account context changes on a GL control type.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the GL Controls functionality from the Main
Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.

GL Control Maintenance
Use GL Control Maintenance to create and modify GL controls. You then assign these controls to specific records
within maintenance programs. To launch this program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > GL Control Code
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Account-- Specifies an account referenced by the posting processes to which the control applies. Posting
process rules use this reference to define journal accounts. You can link as many accounts as you need to the
GL control.
• Type-- Use this drop-down list to define the GL control type to which you need to assign the current GL


The GL Controls functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.

GL controls determine the account strings and journal codes used to record financial transactions for a specific


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the GL Controls functionality.
The AR Account and AP Account control types reference the Company business entity. You define GL controls
which use both types. You then select them as GL controls for the Company A record within Company
Configuration . A transaction for Company A posts to the general ledger. The posting rules use the account
strings selected on the GL controls to record both the AP and AR transactions and generate the appropriate
journal codes.

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GL Reference Type

GL reference types contain values which classify specific campaigns, projects, and other temporary items within
the current company that have a fixed life span. Reference types define the specific temporary item you need in
an account segment.
Reference type masks determine the general ledger accounts which include the reference type segment. They
also indicate if the specific segment is either required, optional, or blocked from the account generation.
When the posting process runs, the GL reference types automatically generate GL controls which contain the
accounts and corresponding journals required to record the transactions. As a result, posting rules are also not
needed to generate the values for these accounts.
You use GL COA Reference Type Maintenance to first define the reference types and reference type masks you
want to apply to a COA segment. You can then select a specific reference type within the Account Segment
Values program, and, in turn, you can select this account segment within Chart of Accounts Structure Maintenance.
You can create a reference-type account segment which contains multiple reference types or create a reference
type account segment linked to a single GL reference type which contains multiple masks. Account masks
determine the general ledger accounts that include the reference-type segment and whether inclusion of the
segment is required or optional.
In some cases, two references types can have masks that match the same account. In this case, the application
uses the type with the mask that most closely matches the account for the transaction. For example, a type that
includes a mask for the account 2008-22-738 takes priority over a type with a mask of 2008-2_-738.
Tip You can define a different set of reference types and masks for each COA, but if you use a standard
set of reference types across multiple COAs, you will have a broader analysis of company data.

When a transaction posts, users determine the value of a reference-type account segment. Because these values
are entered manually, you can use classifications which cannot be set by values within posted journals. For
example, you define a reference type to classify businesses as corporations or sole proprietorships, because this
information is unavailable from customer or supplier records.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the GL Reference Type functionality from the
Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.

GL COA Reference Type Maintenance

Use GL Control Maintenance to create and modify GL COA reference types. To launch this program from the
Main Menu:
• Financial Management/General Ledger/Setup/GL COA Reference Type
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Chart of Account-- Use this drop-down list to select the COA you want to contain with the reference type
• Account Mask-- Determines the general ledger accounts that use the current reference type. You can select
the specific accounts or use the underscore ( _ ) as a wildcard to reference multiple accounts.
• Reference Status-- Use this drop-down list to define whether accounts that match the mask include values
defined for the selected type. Available options:
• Exclude-- Blocks using reference type values with accounts that match the mask.

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• Optional-- Can use reference type values with accounts that match the mask.
• Required-- Must user reference type values with accounts that match the mask.


The GL Reference Type functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
GL reference types are used by account segment values to define short term items like marketing campaigns and


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the GL Reference Type functionality.
You want to create a reference type to classify travel expenses incurred by employees. In Chart of Accounts
Maintenance, you define a reference-type segment for the Master COA.
In this program, you select the COA and segment and create a Travel type. You define the mask 2008-___-___.
This mask includes the natural segment account you use for employee vouchers, and the division and department
segments are masked. You indicate the mask status is required.
In Account Segment Values , you select the segment mask and define segment values for the options Lodging,
Air Fare, and Per Diem. Since the mask is required, users must designate their expenses as either Lodging, Air
Fare, or Per Diem when they post them.

GL Transaction Type

GL Transaction Types define the posting rules which run during the posting process for a specific business activity.
Examples of GL transaction types include AP Invoice, AR Invoice, Bank Reconciliation, PO Release, and so on.
Each GL transaction type has a set of posting codes and amounts specific to the posting process; these values
pull in the data needed by the posting rules to build journal details. You modify and create GL transaction types
within GL Transaction Type Maintenance. You can also import and export GL transaction types as .xml files; use
this feature to use modified GL transaction types in different companies within your organization.
The GL multi-book transaction type (MultiGLJrn) includes the standard default set of posting rules for a single
book. The single book is required to be linked to the master chart of accounts (COA) in order for the rules to
work correctly. You can then use this default set of posting rules as a starting point to build on the rules for your
book or for the COA mapping of other books
You modify a GL transaction type by creating revisions. You can add, edit, and delete the posting elements
(posting codes, amounts) and posting rules (functions, pre-posting rules, posting rules, and reference rules) on
each revision. By modifying posting codes and rules, a revision can extend how a specific transaction type posts
its results to financial reports and the general ledger. Posting rules can create a single detail or a pair of balancing
entries; these rules, except for the reference rule, determine the line amount, the account to which it posts, and
whether the amount debits or credits the account. The reference rule is used to set up and populate a reference
GL control with no direct relation to posting any amounts or selecting debit and credit accounts. In some cases,
rules create a GL control used to store accounts and contexts for subsequent processing. Pre-posting rules define
defaults used during manual entry of general ledger accounts.
Each GL transaction type revision can be modified for each book, so a book's chart of accounts, fiscal calendar,
and currency all affect the posting process. The COA mapping you select for the book in the GL transaction type
determines how the accounts are structured. The GL controls used by each book also affect posting results, as
they determine the specific account strings and journal codes used to record each transaction. You can modify

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the posting rules as you need within each book and these specific rules are processed independently. And if you
add a book, you will either need to select a COA map or copy posting rules to it before the new book can post
transactions to the general ledger through the GL transaction type.
You can create a revision which summarizes the journals posted by the transaction type to the book. This limits
the number of financial transactions saved to the general ledger tables, as posting invoices, vouchers, and other
transactions can result in too many detail records being added to the database. Revisions can also define the
posting codes and rules used to post journals. The posting codes determine the attributes used with the journals,
while the posting rules define the journal details.
You can also create revisions which integrate the Epicor application with other financial applications. The posting
rules can prepare the financial data for import into these other applications.
Important Creating, modifying, or deleting posting rules can create invalid journals. Be sure to verify you
are creating valid accounts after you make changes. You should always review the financial results of a
new or modified transaction type on a test server to avoid posting invalid journals to your live data.

Posting Rules Versioning

The virtual business document (VBD) and posting rules are upgraded only if there is an actual change, improving
performance of the conversion program when a new service pack is released.
Important The incoming data structure of a transaction type, was previously referred to as an abstract
business transaction (ABT) and is now identified as a virtual business document (VBD).

Customized revisions also receive updates from the service packs for out-of-the-box rule sets and individual
rules/functions. Users can import individual rule sets into existing revisions, making a manual upgrade. This greatly
simplifies setting up multi-book configurations.

Business Transactions and GL Transactions

When the posting engine runs, it uses the GL transaction types to generate business transactions (sometimes
called business documents). These business transactions hold the actual financial data which will post to the
general ledger.
Each business transaction reflects a specific financial activity within your company. GL Transaction Type Maintenance
provides a single interface where you can modify the settings for posting each business transaction. The posting
rules process a business transaction for each book in the company, and the validation rules defined on each book
verify the results of the posting process. When posting completes, the business transactions are recorded as one
or more GL transactions within the general ledger.
When you are modify a GL transaction type you should review all of the financial information it generates before
actively using the revision. To do this, you select the Manually review all transactions check box on the Revisions
> Revisions Detail sheet; you can then review all the valid and invalid GL transactions in the Review Journal.
Tip GL Transaction Types are only discussed briefly in this section. For details on how to create and modify
transaction types, review the GL Transaction Type Environment section later in this guide.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the GL Transaction Type functionality from the
Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.

GL Transaction Type Maintenance

Use GL Transaction Type Maintenance to create and update the posting rules for transaction types. To launch
this program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > GL Transaction Type

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Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

• Financial Management/General Ledger/Setup/GL Transaction Type Maintenance

Modifiers you define in this program:
• Always a single Active Revision-- Select this radio option to indicate that only one active revision can be
used with this transaction type at a time. You cannot activate other revisions while you are in this mode.
• Detailed Description-- Displays the purpose of the transaction type. For example, Posting AP Logged Invoice.
• Manually review all transactions-- Indicates that all of the GL transactions generated by the current
transaction type will display within the Review Journal. Activate this mode after you have modified or created
a transaction type; you can then use the Review Journal to verify you are generating the results you want.
• Select an Active Revision by Date-- Select this radio option to indicate you can use different active revisions
for the current transaction type. The application uses the Apply Date value on a journal to calculate which
active transaction type to use.
• Transaction Type-- Defines the specific transaction type you are creating or modifying.


The GL Transaction Type functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
GL transaction types contain the posting rules logic for a specific business activity within your database.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the GL Transaction Type functionality.
You define a rule for a journal generated when an AR invoice posts. The rule pulls in the warehouse ID for the
inventory amount which was sold; this value is puled from the sales order linked to AR invoice. The posting rule
sets the value of a dynamic segment based on the warehouse ID.

Journal Codes

Journal codes define the codes used to group journals. These codes help you track and report on journals.
The journal codes are applied to journals by GL controls. The journals each GL control generates is defined by
the GL control type linked to the GL control; the GL control type defines the journal contexts which each GL
control then uses to define a specific journal code for each transaction. In some cases, posting rules automatically
use default journal codes when a GL control does not contain the needed code.
Consolidation definitions also apply codes to journals posted from source books to intermediate books and target
books. You can then use journal groups to validate and track consolidation journals.
You create journal codes to group:
• Month-End Journals - These journal codes record month end activity.
• Consolidation Journals- These journal codes group journals used with the Consolidate to Parent and Import
Consolidation from Subsidiary programs.
• New Transactions- These transactions are created by new GL transaction types which you create within GL
Transaction Type Maintenance.

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Pre-Defined Codes
When you create a new company within Company Configuration, a series of journal codes are automatically
created by default. The following table details these codes:

Code Description Process

AJ Adjustments Journal Adjustment entry in AP or AR

CD Cash Disbursements Journal Check entry in AP

CR Cash Receipts Journal Cash receipt entry in AR

FA Fixed Assets Journal Asset posting process in fixed assets

GJ General Journal Journals entered in Journal Entry

IJ Inventory Journal Capture COS/WIP activity in Job Management

IN Internal Transfer Journal Multi-site consolidation

PJ Purchase Journal Invoice entry in AP

PR Payroll Journal Payroll check entry in Payroll

SJ Sales Journal Invoice entry in AR

Default Journal Codes

Some posting processes use default codes when there is no journal code is supplied by a GL control. The following
table lists programs where default journal codes are defined:

Journal Code Entry of default settings occur in...

Adjustments Journal • The Accounts Receivable- General sheet in Company Configuration

• The AR Account Detail sheet in AR Account Maintenance
• The Detail sheet in Accounts Payable GL Accounts Maintenance

General Journal The General Ledger sheet in Company Configuration

Inventory Journal The Inventory - General sheet in Company Configuration

Purchase Journal The Detail sheet in Accounts Payable GL Accounts Maintenance

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Sales Journal • The Accounts Receivable- General sheet in Company Configuration

• The AR Account Detail sheet in AR Account Maintenance

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Journal Codes functionality from the Main
Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.

Journal Code Maintenance

Use GL Transaction Type Maintenance to create and update the posting rules for GL transaction types. To launch
this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/General Ledger/Setup/Journal Code Maintenance
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Description-- Indicates the purpose for the journal code. This text value displays on various reports and
• Journal Code-- Defines the code you use to identify this journal. When you use a journal code with a GL
control, it applies the journal code to all the journals created through the GL control.
• System Journal-- Select this check box to indicate that this code is applied to default journals generated by
the application.


The Journal Codes functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
Journal codes determine the journal contexts on GL control types.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Journal Codes functionality.
The pre-defined journal code SJ (Sales Journal) applies to journals that post AR invoices. The code SJ is linked to
the GL control which posts journals from AR Invoice Entry. The application applies the code to journals posted
from the AR Invoice Entry program. Reports and trackers then group sales transactions by the SJ (Sales Journal)

Lookup Tables

Lookup tables map database field values to both segment and account values. You can then modify or create
posting rules which use lookup tables.
The tables define segment and account values for journal details based on values which generate in a business
transaction, which provides the transformation of the source business transaction data into target GL transaction
Posting rules use lookup tables to obtain values for any COA segment. Typically, the tables set values which
define dynamic segments. You can leverage lookup tables to define multiple target values from a source value.
The parameters you define on a posting rule indicate the lookup table columns it uses during the posting process.

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Use this functionality to link any source (sometimes called key) value to one or multiple target values. This
• Creates and maintains groups of fields with the names and descriptions you assign to them.
• Accesses data from posting rules as a separate logical named lookup table.
Important If you modify or delete a lookup table, invalid journals may generate. After you change a
pre-posting rule, verify that functions which use a lookup table still create valid accounts.

Using lookup tables reduce how many changes you need to make to a posting rule for it to define segment and
account values. You create look up tables within the Lookup Tables Setup program.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Lookup Tables functionality from the Main
Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.
Use Lookup Tables Setup to create and update lookup tables used during the posting process. To launch this
program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/General Ledger/Setup/Lookup Tables Setup
Modifiers you define in this program:
• COA Code-- Designates the COA used in the lookup table map.
• DB Field-- Designates the database field that supplies data for the lookup. Entries include fields in the selected
database table.
• DB Table-- Designates the database table that supplies data for the lookup.
• Name-- Defines the lookup table type. Available options:
• Segment-- Create a lookup table which defines the selected segment values.
• Use Full Account-- Creates a lookup table that sets account values.

• Search Name-- Defines the table. Posting rules you modify and create in GL Transaction Types Maintenance
use this name as a parameter in lookup functions.
• Source Field Name-- Defines a field used to supply the values in the lookup table. The name appears in the
source column header on the Detail sheet.
• Source Value Fields-- Designates the database table and fields that provide the data which populates a
dynamic segment.
• Target Field Name-- Defines the target lookup field. The name appears in the target column header on the
Detail sheet.
• Validate-- Indicates whether the application validates field details entered in this program. If you select this
check box, a warning displays if target value fields on the Detail sheet contain invalid values.
• Value Type-- Describes the type of information contained in the field. This field provides information to users
of this program.


The Lookup Tables functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
Lookup tables pull in database values required by a GL transaction type.

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The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Lookup Tables functionality.

Example One
You define a rule for a GL transaction which generates when a sales order posts. You want to modify the rule
that obtains the ID of the warehouse from which the inventory came and sets the value of a dynamic segment
based on the ID.
You use the Source Value Fields sheet in Lookup Tables Setup to define the database table and field that store
the ID. You use the Target Value Fields sheet to select the COA. In the Details sheet, you define rows that link
warehouse IDs with the values defined for the dynamic segment.
In GL Transaction Type Maintenance , you add a posting code to return the ID from the posted transaction. The
rule uses the ID and the lookup table to set the segment value.

Example Two
A user assigns a user-defined property color to parts and needs to account for parts differently depending on
their color. A lookup table can associate color codes with accounting segments or accounts. A GL transaction
type revision (and an underlying posting rule) receives a color code as a posting code and uses it to retrieve a
corresponding accounting segment directly from the lookup table. This saves the work of defining the association
in the posting rules.
The table links each particular field of the source value to a field in one of the existing database tables. Posting
rules populate the field with the values from the linked database field. In a similar way, the table links each
particular field of the target value to an accounting segment in a chart of accounts. If such link is created, the
rules can use the values of a linked segment or a whole accounting string as a target value.

Review Journal

The Review Journal is a key tool you leverage while you develop new or modify existing posting rules. When you
first create a new revision within your test environment, you can indicate that all transactions generated by the
revision display within the Review Journal.
To do this, you select the Manually review all transactions check box on a GL transaction type revision; this check
box is located within GL Transaction Type Maintenance on the Revision-Detail sheet. You can then evaluate the
GL transactions generated by the revision and correct any errors the revision may cause. After you finish your
corrections, you can then re-post them from the Review Journal and review the data results.
During normal operation of the application, the Review Journal captures any posting errors which occur. So after
you go live with your new GL transaction type revision, the Review Journal is still an important tool for
troubleshooting issues and monitoring results. You can display error transactions by module, date, and user. You
can then identify the source of the GL transaction, make a change to the record, and re-post. The Review Journal
shows you the results of your change.
You can also directly adjust the account numbers for an entry line. After you complete the adjustments, you can
re-validate the journal and directly post it from the Review Journal. Typically you adjust and post new account
numbers when invalid journals originate from an external application. You can also both cancel and confirm GL
transaction entries. Both actions remove the journal entries from the program. The confirmation process updates
the GL transactions within the books to which they post. If the updated transactions are invalid, the Review
Journal displays the posting errors.

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The Review Journal divides the posting results by book. You can then print edit lists to review the results within
each book, so you can generate lists for source business transactions which have generated both internally
through the Epicor application and externally through third party applications.
When you post a single transaction, it can create different journal details in multiple books. A single journal entry
groups all journals posted to all the books by a single GL transaction. The validation settings defined on each
book determine the errors and warnings which display in the Review Journal, so the validation process can
produce different results when you post to different books. One book may ignore a GL transaction that generates
an error or a warning in another book.
If a revision within a specific book is designed to summarize transactions, it affects the adjustments available
within the Review Journal. Summary lines post to both natural accounts and accounting processes. The Review
Journal displays source details for summarized lines.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Review Journal functionality from the Main
Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.
Use the Review Journal to verify the results of a posting process. You also use this program to review and correct
posting errors. To launch this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/General Ledger/General Operations/Review Journal
Modifiers you define in this program:
• GL Account-- Defines the account to which the amount posted. If you need, you can change this account
and re-post the transaction through the Review Journal.


The Review Journal functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
The Review Journal has two modes:
• Capture all GL transactions for a modified revision for later review and validation.
• Capture GL transactions for which a warning or an error occurred during the posting process.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Review Journal functionality.
Posting an AR invoice can post a journal with one set of details to the company's financial book and a journal
with completely different lines to the company's legal book. Journal entries displayed in Review Journal group
these separate GL transactions. You can then review these GL transactions to make sure they process correctly.

Rounding Engine

Use the Rounding Engine to define location-specific rounding requirements and rounding-related settings for
specific business areas. This functionality includes currency tolerances, company tolerances, and rounding accounts.
The Rounding Engine controls rounding for currencies, sales documents, customers, payments, and cash receipts.
All rounding calculations, both the original amount and the rounding difference values, are captured by your
Epicor application before the posting process runs. Then during the posting process, the functionality updates

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both the rounded amount and the difference amount per each detail line (for example, on a sales order). The
difference amount, for example, may generate by rounding the maximum difference between the debits and
the credits. These values then map to a total account which sums the amounts on each detail line -- causing the
rounding values to balance.
You activate rounding by defining rounding tolerances for both AR and AP within the Company Configuration
program. You can also define tax amount tolerances on customer records within Customer Maintenance. This
tolerance criteria defines when the Epicor application recognizes when amounts are considered a currency
difference and then posts these amounts to the specified account.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Rounding Engine functionality from the
Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.

Currency Master Maintenance

Use Currency Master Maintenance to define rounding settings for a currency. You define the rounding tolerances
for a specific currency on the Rounding sheet. To launch this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/Currency Management/Setup/Currency Master
Modifiers you define in this program:
• Multiplier-- Defines the value used when rounding amounts for the value type. This value must be a positive
number. A zero value indicates no rounding calculation occurs. The number of decimals used when entering
multipliers is the same number of decimals defined for the currency on the Currency-Detail sheet.
• Rule-- Use this drop-down list to select the rule you need for each value type. Available options:
• No rounding
• Round up to multiplier
• Round down to multiplier
• Round to nearest multiplier-- For example, round up if the remainder value of dividing the number by
the multiplier is greater or equal to half the value of the multiplier; otherwise, round down.

• Value Type-- Indicates the field values affected by the rounding tolerance. You can define rounding tolerances
for Unit Prices, Unit Taxes, Extended Price, Extended Tax, Total, and Total Tax.

Company Maintenance
You can define rounding tolerances in both AR and AP configuration. Company settings determine whether
customer-specific rounding applies. Rounding rules apply to the net unit price when the company calculates
discounts on unit price in sales programs.
To launch this program from the Main Menu:
• System Management / Company Maintenance / Company

Customer Maintenance
You can also define rounding parameters on specific customer records. Use Customer Maintenance to define a
tax rounding rule and indicate whether the rule applies to invoice lines or totals. Customer settings override the
rounding defaults defined for the company.
To launch this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/Accounts Receivable/Setup/Customer
• Financial Management/Multi-Site/Setup/Customer

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• Production Management/Field Service/Setup/Customer

• Production Management/Material Requirements Planning/Setup/Customer
• Sales Management/Customer Relationship Management/Setup/Customer
• Sales Management/Demand Management/Setup/Customer
• Sales Management/EDI/Setup/Customer
• Sales Management/Order Management/Setup/Customer
• Sales Management/Quote Management/Setup/Customer


The Rounding Engine functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
Provides the logic used to round amounts on specific transactions for a currency.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Rounding Engine functionality.
You map all GL transactions, line by line, so they move from Book A to Book B. Book B is in a different currency,
so this book needs to round the incoming amounts and record the change in a difference account. When the
posting engine updates Book A and Book B, the credit and debit amounts will not balance, and Book B records
the difference.

Self-Balancing Segments

A self-balancing segment is one which automatically posts a balancing journal when a GL transaction occurs
between two values defined for the segment; the sum of these two values must equal a zero balance. This makes
sure that the book linked with the COA maintains a balanced set of records within the segment. Self-balancing
segments use balancing and offset accounts to create the balancing journal. You define which existing segments
are self-balancing within Self-Balancing Segment Maintenance.
All self-balancing segments must have a balancing account. You can also define an offset account for optional
segments in the chart of accounts (COA). When you define an offset account for an optional segment, you can
balance the accounts for mandatory segments.
Segments that define divisions, organizations, departments, and projects are often used as self-balancing segments.
You must first create the segment within Chart of Accounts Structure Maintenance and then select the segment
within this program.

Program Location and Modifiers

The following section details the location(s) where you can access the Self-Balancing Segments functionality from
the Main Menu. It also describes the values you can change for this item.
Use the Self-Balancing Segment Maintenance program to define segments used for self-balancing journals. To
launch this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management/General Ledger/Setup/Self-Balancing Segment

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Modifiers you define in this program:

• Balancing Account-- Defines the natural account used to process balancing journal amounts. Either enter
this account directly or click the Balancing Account button to find and select it.
• Level-- Determines the processing order when a COA has multiple self-balancing segments. The process
begins with a segment which has a "1" value and continues in numeric order.
• Offset Natural Account-- Defines the account which can receive offsetting balances when an optional
segment is self-balancing.
• Self-Balancing -- Indicates whether you want the current segment to self-balance.


The Self-Balancing Segments functionality uses this logic to calculate its results.
• When a balancing account is present, record the balancing amounts in this account.
• When an offsetting account is present, place the starting value within the balancing account and the opposite
value in the offsetting account.


The following example(s) illustrate how you use the Self-Balancing Segments functionality.
The COA has two controlled segments: a mandatory division segment and an optional project segment. You
define both as self-balancing and use the following accounts.
• A balancing account of 8000 for the division segment.
• A balancing account of 7000 and an offset account of 7001 for the project segment.
A journal credits the revenue accounts for a project owned by Division A and shared with Division B. The journal
contains the following lines:

Account Division Project Amount

2100 A -2500

4010 A 10 1200

4010 B 10 500

4010 A 11 500

4010 A 500

The 500 amount applies to Project 10, which is the project shared by the two divisions, and must transfer from
Division B to Division A to balance the division segment. The balancing process first uses the project segment
accounts to offset balancing account entries.

Account Division Project Amount

7000 A 10 -1200

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7000 A 11 -500

7001 A 1700

7000 B 10 -500

7001 B 500

The process can then create the balancing entries for the division segment.

Account Division Project Amount

8000 A 500

8000 B -500

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide The GL Transaction Type Environment

The GL Transaction Type Environment

This section describes GL transaction types in more detail. It explores the various items like posting codes, functions,
pre-posting rules, posting rules, and reference rules which make up a transaction type.
The section concludes with a section on posting rule tips.

GL Transaction Types in Detail

Your Epicor application contains a unique set of GL transaction types which post financial results to reports,
trackers, and the general ledger. GL transaction types control the posting processes used by each book, and a
posting process uses one or more GL transaction types to generate its financial results.
A GL transaction type uses an incoming document template to pull in a specific business transaction, and then
generates one or multiple GL transactions for it using a set of posting rules to determine how journals and
accounts record the business transaction.
Each book also has settings that affect the posting process. These settings include the chart of accounts, fiscal
calendar, and currency for the book. The GL controls used by the posting process define the accounts used by
the posting rules.
The posting rules can contain default and user modified algorithms to generate GL transactions. You can select
an amount to post and determine which accounts record the selected amount. You can then determine whether
the account can be a debit or a credit and you can also include any transaction text you may need to identify the
results. In the case of reference rules, they are detached from storing account codes for future reference from
the posting rules themselves. This type of rule creates a GL control and links it to a posting entity independently
from creating a actual GL journal detail. In other words, the reference rule sets up and populates a reference GL
control with no direct relation to posting any amounts or selecting debit and credit accounts.
The Epicor application installs with a series of GL transaction types which record the business transactions created
by financial activity in the database. For example, GL transaction types define the posting process for inventory
movements, invoices, and bank reconciliation. You can display and review GL transaction types within GL
Transaction Type Maintenance, a program located on the Main Menu within the General Ledger > Setup folder.
In order to update a GL transaction type to match your posting needs, you create a revision for it. Within the
revision, you can add, modify, and delete posting elements (posting codes, amounts, BAQs, and so on) and
posting rules (functions, pre-posting rules, posting rules, and reference rules) as you need. You typically create
revisions for the following purposes:
• Use COA maps from one source book for use in a new target book.
• Copy posting rules from one source book into a new target book.
• Define the revision used to post GL transactions. This revision applies the posting elements and posting rules
you define for the revision.
• Summarize the journals posted to a book. Posting invoices, vouchers, and other transactions can cause a large
number of detail records to generate in the database. Summary journals reduce the number of financial
transactions saved to general ledger tables.
• Define the posting codes and rules used to post journals. Posting codes determine the attributes used with
the journals, and posting rules define journal details.
• Change and add posting codes to extend the functionality available when journals post.
• Define the posting rules you use to post journals. Pre-posting rules define defaults used in the manual entry
of general ledger accounts. These rules pull in the data needed for the business transaction to post to the

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general ledger. Posting rules can create a single detail or a pair of balancing entries; these rules determine
the line amount, the account to which it posts, and whether the amount debits or credits the account. In
some cases, rules create a GL control used to store journal and account contexts for subsequent processing.
• Create revisions which integrate posting processes from the Epicor application to posting processes within a
third-party financial application.
Important If you change a posting rule, it can create invalid journals. Before you use a modified rule on
your live data, make sure that the posting rule creates valid accounts. Always modify and verify rules on a
test server to avoid the risk of posting invalid journals to the live general ledger.

Virtual Business Document Version

The virtual business document (VBD) and posting rules are upgraded only if there is an actual change, improving
performance of the conversion program when a new service pack is released.
Tip The incoming data structure of a transaction type, was previously referred to as an abstract business
transaction (ABT) and is now identified as a virtual business document (VBD).

The VBD Version field specifies the version of the virtual business document (VBD) and consists of a major and
minor sequence (for example 504.1).
The major sequence increments every time a change is made in the server code that generates the document
and is used to verify the structure of the document is compatible with the server code.
The minor sequence increments every time a change is made to the document structure and is reset to zero each
time the major version increments. It is used to track changes.
The Patch VBD Version specifies the patch version of the virtual business document (VBD) and has the same
structure as the main version. The patch version increments each time a change is released in a patch to a client
between service packs and resets to zero each time a service pack is released.

Rules Set Version

In GL Transaction Type Maintenance, use the Book > Detail sheet to determine how transactions post to a book.
When you select a book on this sheet, you can define its rules. All posting rules, functions, and variables defined
for a single book are a rule set which generates a complete journal for the book.
The Ruleset Version field increments each time a change is made in any underlying rule or function. The Package
field specifies the identifier of a rules package (for example, Standard or Extended).
Your Epicor application comes with two packages of posting rules, in addition to several Country Specific
Functionality (CSF) packages. The Standard package is available for users upgrading from Vantage 8.03. The
Standard package contains all of the account segments used in this previous version, ensuring that previous GL
transactions update into Epicor ERP. The Extended package is available for new users and existing users who
wish to modify their posting processes. The Extended rules package is derived from the Standard rules package,
but all segments are removed so that they do not contain any division or department specific logic. Because of
these changes, this rules package is a better base for modifying the posting process.
Note You should only import CSF posting rules if you have activated the corresponding CSF license for
your company. Refer to the CSF Guides for details on using CSF Posting Rules.

Individual Rule and Function Version

The version control on the rule and function level is used when comparing two rule sets, one of which is about
to be imported and the other already in the system. This provides a way to distinguish between posting rules
and functions that have changed and therefore need to be pulled in. Those that have not changed do not need
to be imported, saving time on the import and conversion.

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The Version field specifies the individual rule or function version. The Version field uses a single numeric sequence
and increments every time a rule or function is changed in a corresponding rule.
The Patch Version field specifies the rule or function patch version. A single numeric sequence is used and it
increments each time a change is released in a patch to a client between service packs. The patch version resets
to zero every time a service pack is released.

GL Transaction Type Components

• Transaction Type-- Displays the transaction type as registered in the application -- for example, AP Invoice
and AR invoice.
• Revisions-- Displays the current revisions for the transaction type. Each node also indicates the current status
of the revision - active, draft, or blocked.
• Incoming Document Templates-- Displays the various business transaction structures available within the
GL transaction type. For example, the AP Invoice transaction type contains the Header Misc. Charge, Line,
and Tax Line document templates.
• Posting Codes-- Displays the specific data values the revision pulls in to process a business transaction. For
example, on the AP Invoice GL transaction type, the default revision pulls in the Central Payment Company,
Company Parameters, Currency Master, Details, EuroFinance, and Supplier database information.
• Amounts-- This node displays the specific amount values pulled in by the revision. For example, on the AP
Invoice GL transaction type, the default revision tracks the Balance, Expense, Invoice, Rounding Difference,
and Tax amounts.
• Rules-- Indicates where all the rules for the GL transaction type revision are contained.
• Book Rules Node-- Displays the rules node for a specific book. The functions, posting rules, and pre-posting
rules for the book display under this node. You can add multiple books to each revision.
• Functions-- Expand this node to display the default functions available within the book. Functions are global
rules which generate default data across all the posting rules within the current book.
• Posting Rules-- Expand this node to display the rules used to post GL transactions for the current book.
• Reference Rules - Expand this node to display the rules used only to post GL transactions with no direct
relation to populating any amounts or selecting debit and credit accounts. This rule type does not create any
GL details.

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• Pre-Posting Rules -- Expand this node to display all of the pre-posting rules used to gather data in order for
the posting rules to run correctly within the current book. Pre-posting rules use lookup tables to pull in required


To modify transaction types, you create revisions. Only one revision can be active at a time within the book. You
can either create a new revision by copying the existing posting rules, or you can create an entirely new revision
which contains no posting rules and create the posting rules you need.
You can add or update many items within each revision; you can modify posting codes, pre-posting rules, posting
rules, reference rules, functions, book variables, rules variables, operations, and so on.
You can assign one of three status levels to each revision. Each status defines the current state of the revision.
Assign the status on the Revisions > Revision Detail sheet. The Status field has the following options:
• Active - The revision the application currently uses to post GL transactions for the GL transaction type. The
revision is in use, processing GL transactions for all books assigned to it. Only one revision can be active at a
time for each GL transaction type and you cannot modify an active revision.
• Draft - A revision you are currently modifying; this status is the default when you create a new revision. For
as long as the revision stays in the draft status, you can edit it. Once you change its status to Active or Blocked,
it can no longer be updated.
• Blocked - A previous or alternate revision which is no longer in use. The application does not use this revision
to generate GL transactions for the current GL transaction type. Although you cannot modify a blocked
revision, you can change its status back to active and use it to post again. Blocked revisions are also used as
a reference to compare against the active and draft revision(s).
Use different revisions to model and test changes in the accounting logic for each transaction type. For example,
your company uses posting rules to set values for a dynamic segment that defines a product line. The product
line expires at the end of the year. You create a revision that includes new posting rules which record this change
at the same time.
Tip You can delete blocked revisions by archiving them into a specified folder from the Actions > Delete
Revisions menu.

Option to Manually Review Transactions

In addition to creating a new revision and assigning it a status, you can activate the manual review option when
you select the Manually review all transactions check box. This causes the application to capture all GL
transactions generated by the process and log them in the Review Journal. Epicor recommends you select this
option while you are creating and testing a revision; after you are satisfied with the results, clear this check box
option so the Review Journal only captures errors and warnings.

Upgrades and Revisions

Transaction Type Maintenance has a separate and independent version control for different parts of the transaction
type. These include:
• VBD level
• Version and Package ID on the rule set level
• Version on the posting rule/function level
This extended versioning allows limiting imports and updates to the parts of transaction types where actual
changes are present during manual imports and patch upgrades. You can choose to import new revisions in
replace mode or apply updates to already existing revisions.

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When you upgrade the Epicor application through a service pack or patch, you can configure the upgrade in
Update or Replace mode. Refer to the installation guide for detailed instructions.
In the Replace mode, the current active Revision remains Active if there were no changes in the Business
Document Structure. The revision becomes Blocked and a new Active Revision is generated if changes in VBD
were successfully merged. Custom rules of the current revisions are not upgraded. The new out-of-the-box
Revision is installed as blocked. You can then review the blocked version to see if any updates are needed to your
modified revision. If you wish, you can then add your modifications to the new default revision and set its status
to Active.
In the Update mode, the current Active Revision is updated to reflect changes in the Incoming Document
Template. Only out-of-the-box Posting Rules and Functions which have changes are updated. Customized posting
rules/functions are not updated.
Updates are always automatically installed for both the Standard and Expanded packages of rules.

Compare Revisions
Before you make changes to a revision, you can compare revisions to see the different posting elements and
rules between the two versions. To do this, click on the Actions menu and select Compare Revisions. Use this
window to review the differences between the revisions.

Incoming Document Templates

An incoming document template specifies the elements used to gather business transaction data for the posting
rules. Each GL transaction type uses one or more templates, and each template has a set of elements unique to
the posting process for that GL transaction type.
All templates gather both general and specific data about posted business transactions. General information
includes the date the business transaction posts, the business entity involved in the transaction, and the journal
code for the transaction. Each template also contains a set of elements specific to a posting process. For example,
the template used to post invoices defines elements that contain data from the invoice header, invoice lines, and
tax lines.
Templates can combine predefined and custom elements. Predefined elements ensure support for the transaction
type's posting processes. You cannot change or delete predefined elements. You can add custom elements to
provide attributes needed by any new or modified posting rules. You can also modify and delete your custom
The posting rules for a revision use information from the template elements to define journal details. These rules,
except for the reference rule, determine the detail amount, the account to which the detail posts, and whether
the amount debits or credits the account. The reference rule is used to set up and populate a reference GL control
with no direct relation to posting any amounts or selecting debit and credit accounts.
Each incoming document template contains the following elements:
• Document Lines - Document lines group elements obtained from a portion of the posted transaction. For
example, an accounts receivable invoice template contains document lines for the invoice header, invoice line,
tax line, and miscellaneous charge line.
• Posting Entities - Entities group related posting codes together. An entity holds a posting code collection
and provides default settings used to populate fields.
• Posting Codes - Posting codes define the parameters used with posting rule operations and functions. Posting
rules use posting code values to create journal details. You can add posting codes and modify and delete the
codes you create. Posting codes are grouped under a parent posting entity.
• Amounts - Amount elements hold the transaction amounts used by calculated fields.

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Selection Criteria

In GL Transaction Type Maintenance, selection criteria are statements which return specific data from the posting
codes on the revision. The posting rules then use the data to create accounts used in journal details.
The incoming document template contains posting codes unique to its process. The posting codes are grouped
by posting entities and the entities are then grouped by the document lines from the business transaction (incoming
document template).
You can create or update selection criteria to return the posting code data required by a rule. For example, you
want to define a rule which posts an invoice amount to an account segment based on the Warehouse ID. The
incoming document template contains an invoice line element which has the warehouse posting entity which
contains the posting code required for each warehouse. You select Invoice Line in the For Each field and use the
other field in the sheet to create a statement that selects the correct posting code. The result resembles a WHERE
clause in a SQL statement. You then click Add to include the statement in the Selection Criteria field. You use
the And, Or, and Not buttons to insert logical operators into the statement.
Selection criteria can only pull in data from parent tables. Information stored in child tables cannot be pulled in
by using selection criteria from the parent. You must create or modify a posting rule which pulls in data directly
from the child table.

Posting Codes

To add posting codes, you define settings that control how the revision retrieves data used for its posting rules.
These rules includes defining the data source for the posting codes. The application obtains data for posting code
fields by using:
• Entity Fields-- Business entities (do not confuse these items with posting entities) are static database tables
like Part, Customer, and Supplier which contain data a business transaction requires. Because of this, you can
specify a field in the same table to access data in the business entity field.
• Business Activity Queries (BAQs)-- You can pull in more detail into the revision by linking a business activity
query (BAQ) to an incoming document template. The revision then uses selection criteria defined for a posting
rule to obtain data pulled in by the BAQ. The interface can return a value from a single field or a calculated
sum of fields.


Functions are standard packages of posting rules which contain functionality common across the posting rules
within a revision. They include the rules required to populate account segments for natural accounts, divisions
and departments.
When you install or update the Epicor application, functions are included as part of each GL transaction type
revision. Typically each function contains a series of account and journal contexts. When the posting engine
processes the function, it pulls in a complex piece of data and makes this data available to the pre-posting,
posting, and reference rules for the revision. For example, when the AR Invoice transaction type is run, its functions
pull AR account information out of the database to make this information available to the AR invoice posting
Each function is an algorithm that gathers the specific data and the function code which processes the information
into a format usable by the pre-posting, posting, and reference rules. The other rules and functions share the
gathered data. You can create, modify, and delete functions as necessary. When you add or modify a function,
you extend the operations list available to the posting rules.
Functions are very useful when you create or update posting rules. You can use functions to avoid writing complex
rules to pull in common financial data. They also help you avoid constantly repeating the GL hierarchy while you
develop posting rules.

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Posting Booking Rules

Use the Book Detail sheet to determine how transactions post to a book. You first select a book from either the
tree view or the Booking Rules - List sheet; you can then create, edit, or delete posting rules for the current book.
Use the Book Detail sheet to determine how transactions post to a book. You first select a book from either the
tree view or the Booking Rules - List sheet; you can then create, edit, or delete posting rules for the current book.
All the rules defined for the book create a rule set. When the posting engine runs, it generates a complete journal
for all books contained within the revision -- using the default or modified rule set defined for each book.
Most posting rules create journal details from business transactions. These rules can create one transaction line,
a single journal detail, or a pair of balancing entries. Rules determine the detail amount, the account to which it
posts, and whether the amount debits or credits the account.
As described previously, rules use functions to generate global data across all of its pre-posting and posting rules.
These algorithms provide the data required to populate pre-posting and posting rules with the data required to
generate GL transactions.
Another type of rule, called a pre-posting rule, creates an instance GL control and calculates the default account
which displays and the GL transaction. For example, a pre-posting rule creates the default expense account for
the miscellaneous line on a purchase invoice. Pre-posting rules do not process data from posted transactions,
instead they process the incoming data from the business transaction and places it in the appropriate accounts
required for the posting process.
To generate a GL transaction, a posting rule populates detail fields with appropriate values. The posting rule
builds the detail field-by-field. Posting rules can also create output GL controls. These optional GL controls store
an association between source data, account contexts, and specific accounts. By storing this data through the
output GL control, the application can then use it during later processing.
You can do the following actions with posting rules:
• Determine whether journals are summarized by account when posted. When you summarize the posted
details, it reduces the number of records stored in the database.
• Designate whether mapped segments populate book accounts. The Chart of Accounts Mapping program
defines the maps between COA segments. A map transfers journal details in another book to this book.
Segment maps reduce the need to define the same posting rule in multiple maps. You typically use this
functionality when you only need to make minor changes in the posting process in different books.
• Define the functions referenced by the posting rules. Reusable functions reduce the time needed to program
the rules. For example, the book might use a COA with a mandatory division segment. You define a reusable
function that pulls a posting code value by using a lookup table; the function then returns the segment value.
• Define variables that provide values to the posting rules. The rules use variables to populate fields in a GL

Important: Creating, modifying, or deleting posting rules can create invalid journals. Be sure to verify that valid
accounts generate after you make your changes. You should always first generate the results on a test server to
avoid posting invalid journals to live data.


Operations define the processing sequence used by a posting rule to move the data gathered by pre-posting
rules and functions into financial data which displays on financial reports and the general ledger. The posting
engine uses the values generated by operations to create GL transaction detail lines.
Operations define the processing sequence used by a posting rule to move the data gathered by pre-posting
rules and functions into financial data which displays on financial reports and the general ledger. The posting
engine uses the values generated by operations to create GL transaction detail lines.

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You create and update operations within the Booking Rules - Operations sheets. This interface displays all of the
operations which make up the current rule and provides you with a way to edit an existing operation or add a
new one. There are two sheets under the Operations sheet that feature the identical interface for configuring
posting rules. This logic allows you to divide your operations-related activities. You can use either of these sheets
to create and update operations considering the following:
• Use the Operations - Base sheet to configure the base part of the posting rule. During ERP application updates,
only the base part of the posting rule which was not modified is replaced with the one that comes in an
update regardless of whatever changes you made in the customized part. The possibility to configure rules
on this sheet is kept mostly for the purposes of backward compatibility. Usually posting rules are customized
on the Customization sheet.
• Use the Operations - Customization sheet to configure the customized part of the posting rule. It is
recommended to configure the customization, not base, part of the rule as this is the only way to keep
receiving changes from updates. The customization part of the rules is executed right after the base part.
The order in which the operation nodes display represents the order through which these operations run. Each
operation sets a value in a container for the rule. Containers define the line amount, the account to which it
posts, and whether the amount debits or credits the account.
Typically the operation logic runs sequentially, although in some cases they can use conditional branching. Each
operation in the posting rule returns a single value or tests a condition. You can add, update, or delete various
items on operations:
• Variables used by the rules. You might use a variable to store an intermediate value used in calculation of a
field in a rule.
• Functions referenced by the rules. For example, the book might use a COA with a mandatory division segment.
A function pulls in a posting code value used to look up and return the segment value.
• Containers that make fields available to the rules. Use containers to access the GL transaction's journal code,
apply date, and closing period. Containers for a detail include credit account, debit account, book amount,
transaction amount, text, and other transaction-specific containers.
• Selection Criteria that select the posting code to which the rules apply. Use the Selection Criteria sheet to
define the process used to select a posting code from one of the doc lines in the incoming document template.
• Operations that include functions used to set container values. Operations include lookup functions that set
segment values based on attributes in a posted transaction.
Each specific operation can be either a formula, a procedure, or a conditional operator (If/Then/Else). A formula
populates a field of a GL journal detail (Header and Posting Rule) or an account only (Pre-Posting Rule). The syntax
typically used with each operation is the following:
• <Field/Variable> = Formula <Operands>
• Call<system function>
• Comment< Text>
• Conditions
• If <logical expression>
• Else <logical expression>
• Else If<logical expression>
To define accounts, the operations set segment values based on values within an incoming business transaction.
For example, a posting rule could set the value of a dynamic segment which classifies customers by country. The
operation uses the customer's country, data included in the incoming business transaction, to pull in the country
value needed for the segment.
Operations use the following functions to pull in segment values:
• Lookup Tables-- These tables define relationships between database fields and account segments. These
relationships define the key-value pairs used by the posting rules.

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• BAQs-- A business activity query (BAQ) obtains data related to the posted GL transaction to use in defining
account codes. To do this, you must define the BAQ within the incoming document template.
Tip Modifying and creating operations is powerful functionality. Although you can create the rules you
need to post a GL transaction type, using this functionality can often be complex and unnecessary. You
should always try COA mapping or lookup tables first to see if you can receive the financial results you
want. The COA mapping defines the maps between segments; the map transfers journal details from one
book to another book. Lookup tables locate a segment value based on a value in a posted transaction. If
using this functionality does not provide you with the results you need, you should next modify or create
posting rules.

Color Key
The editing environment on the Operations sheet of GL Transaction Type Maintenance uses colors to designate
various elements. Colors highlight the various logical elements in the text of an operation. The color legend is
the following.

Element Color Example

Comment Green Comment: Define Transaction and Book


Standard Container Bold Violet Debit Account.Chart

User-def. Container Violet TestAccount.Chart

Named Constant Maroon Today; Journal Code

Literals & expressions Dark Red "Expense", Today + 3

Posting Element reference Bold Blue Amount Record, Supplier, AccountingCode

Function Keywords, Control Flow Bold Black IF Debit Account Is Valid Then

Function Parameter (not initialized) Blue Underlined Convert Amount To Currency Using Rate

Function Parameter (initialized) Same color as the actual Convert Debit Amount To "USD" Using
argument Amount Record Invoice Rate Type

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Variables are temporary fields intended to store the intermediate data results from operations. Several pre-defined
variables are available for each GL transaction type revision, and they can be defined at different locations within
the revision structure.
Variables are temporary fields intended to store the intermediate data results from operations. Several pre-defined
variables are available for each GL transaction type revision, and they can be defined at different locations within
the revision structure. To extend posting functionality, you define variables. Available variable types:
• Book Variable-- A variable usable by all the rules within the current book. These variables are set by the book
when it is initialized and they cannot be modified within a posting rule.
• Function Variable-- A variable only available within the function which contains it. You cannot use a function
variable outside of its parent function.
• Rule Variable-- A variable only available within the posting rule which contains it. You cannot use a rule
variable outside of its parent rule. Rule variables are available for you to use on all operations in the rule which
contains them.
Custom variables can use any of the data types available during the posting process. For example, you might use
a custom variable to store an intermediate value used for calculating a field in a custom posting rule.
The incoming document template for the GL transaction type revision can hold both predefined and custom
variables. The posting process controlled by the GL transaction type uses the pre-defined variables. You can
neither delete nor modify these variables. You can, however, add, modify, and delete custom variables on any
revision you create.

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Posting Rule Reference

This section of the guide contains information on the specific items you can modify within each posting rule
operation. Use these sections as a reference guide to help you understand the items you can modify on posting
rules so that they configure to your business needs.

Posting Rule Data Types

The data type defines which arguments pull in basic data for the posting rule container (items which holds data
generated for the operation) and which arguments calculate more complex data for each container.

Basic Data Types

The following table lists and describes basic data types.

Data Type Description

String This type defines character data. Any value assigned to the string container is trimmed to
remove leading and trailing spaces. You can use posting rules to populate predefined string
fields like GLJrnDtl.Description and user-defined string fields like GLJrnDtl.Character01. The
default value for string field/container is an empty string.

Date This type defines calendar date values. You can use posting rules to populate predefined
date fields like GLJrnDtl.CreateDate and user-defined date fields like GLJrnDtl.Date01. The
default value for the field/container is the unknown (not selected) value.

Numeric This type defines number (including decimal) values. You can use posting rules to populate
predefined numeric fields like GLJrnDtl.FiscalPeriod and user-defined numeric fields like
GLJrnDtl.Number01. The default value for the field/container is the unknown (empty) value.

Complex Data Types

The following table lists and describes complex data types.

Data Type Description

Account The container of an Account data type is defined as a unique structure which stores an account
as a collection of segments; it provides access to the account as a whole as well as to an individual
accounting segment.
Each container of an Account data type requires that a book be selected for it. The COA of that
book is then used as a source for the account segments list. A special option indicates whether
this COA is a Master Chart.

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The segments and accounts are synchronized. When and account is assigned, all segments refresh
with new values which derive from the new account value. When a segment is assigned, the
value of the whole account is modified using the new segment value.
The default value is an empty string.

GL Control A GL control is used as a simple string in all operations, but the metadata attached to the GL
control make it a complex type. The metadata stores the GL control type ID, and you use it while
you modify a rule to determine the appropriate list of account and journal contexts which apply
to the GL control.
The default value is an empty string.

Amount A value of type Amount which is retrieved though a function; you select an amount value through
its attributes. An amount is a complex type treated as a structure with the following elements:
• Name- the business name of the amount (Sales, Discount, and so on)
• Value- the numeric value of the amount
• Currency- the currency of the amount (its three-letter ISO currency code)
• Currency Type- which its transactional or reporting currency
• Calculation Method- a free-form string identifier that distinguishes amounts calculated by
different methods (for example, a method can be for different depreciation models or different
inventory costing models)
• Conversion Date- a fixed date for currency conversions (for example, a conversion date is
can be used for a currency contract or forward cover)


Containers are fields which contain the target data which results from a posting rule operation. You create target
data by populating containers with specific values.
You can set up modified containers for the types described in the following sections.

Transaction Header Containers

The following containers are always the same for the entire GL transaction and are considered part of a transaction
The data type for each container is in square brackets:
• Comment [string]
• Call
• Journal Code [string]
• Apply Date [date]
• Closing Period Num [string]
• Red Storno

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Transaction Lines Containers

An accounting transaction line can have one of following containers.

The data type for each container is in square brackets:
• Credit Account [account]
• Debit Account [account]
• Book Amount [amount]
• Transaction Amount [amount]
• Transaction Text [string]
• AR Invoice Num Ref [string]
• AP Invoice Num Ref [string]
• Bank Account [account]
• Bank Slip Ref [string]
• Bank Transaction Num [string]
• Check Num Ref [string]
• Cash Receipt Ref [string]
• Vendor Ref [string]
• Temp Account [account]
• External Account [account]
• Multi Company [string]
• External Company [string]
• Reference Account [account]
• Credit Context [string]
• Debit Context [string]
• Reference Context [string]


Constants are named values run by the application which are then available for a posting rule. Each constant
must have a fixed value throughout as it executes within the posting rule.
The only exception is the constant Today; this constant is fixed throughout the entire posting process for a single
business transaction.
Within a rule, each constant is treated in the same way as any other value. The following table lists available

Name Description Type

Today The current system date Date

Book Currency The currency code of the current book String

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Default Rate Type Default rate type String

Space A space character String

Empty String A blank string String

Current Book The current book for which GL transactions String


Conditional Operators

The following table details the conditional operators available for each operation. These operators define how
operations for each rule interact with each other.

Keyword Description

If Logical branching operator

Else Logical branching operator, must be preceded by If

Else If Logical branching operator, must be preceded by If

Comment Adds a line into a rule's code which contains text you enter

Log Error Writes a line into the Review Journal which displays as an Error; you can enter a
text description for the error

Raise Error Writes an error into Review Journal and stops the rule from running. The transaction
lines which create or do not create depend on the status of the Debit Account and
Credit Account containers.

Log Warning Writes a line into the Review Journal which displays as a Warning; you can enter a
text description for the warning

End Rule Stops the rule from running. The transaction lines which create or do not create
depend on the status of the Debit Account and Credit Account containers.

Log Debug Message Writes a line into the Review Journal which displays as a Debug message; you can
enter a text description for this message

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System Functions

A list of the system functions is below.

These algorithms define operations common across the GL Transaction Types. Items you can modify are in bold
• A=B
• Value
• Lookup Map name For Field Using arg1, arg2
• Lookup COA map name For Segment Using Segment value
• Lookup Business Data Using Query Field
• Convert Amount To Currency Using Rate Type
• End of Period which includes Date
• Account is Valid
• Account is not Valid
• Value is Available
• Value is not Available
• Get Account From GLControl For Current Book AND Context Context
• Get Segment From GLControl For Current Book AND Context Context
• Select Amount From Doc Line Where Add Condition
• Comment Text
• Log Error: Log Error Text
• Raise error: Error Description
• Log warning: Warning Description
• End Rule
• Log Debug Message: Log Debug Message
• Argument1 and Argument2 is Available
• Lookup COA map name Using Account Account
• Get Book Amount From GLControl For Current Book AND Context Context
• Get External Account From GLControl For Context Context
• Concatenate String + String ...

Modifiable Items

While you modify posting rule operations, you can change the items defined in this section.


Use these items to enter an arithmetic or string expression; this expression may contain several operators.

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Links Functionality

Link Action

Expression Click this link to display a pop-up box with a field for text entry. You can then select
a field (VBD) or a container from a list and insert it into current cursor position.

Return Value Type

Either string, numeric, or a date value. These values are determined by the field or container you select. These
values can be used within any container.


Use these items to enter a single value (a numeric one or a literal or field or container).
Links Functionality

Link Action

Value Clicking this link displays a pop-up box you can use to enter a single value. This value
can be one of the following: field (VBD), container, constant, literal

Return Value Type

As the selected value. These values can be used within any container.

Lookup (variant 1)

An item with accesses a user-defined COA map.

Lookup map name For field Using argument1, ..., argumentN
Links Functionality

Link Action

map name Display a list of all user maps registered within the company.

field Display a list of field names which make up the target value of the selected
map. This feature only works when the map name is defined.

argument1, ..., argumentN Each link opens a pop-up form for you to enter an argument (a part of the
source value for the selected map).

Return Value Type

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Can be either any simple type or Account type (cannot be controlled at design-time). You can use this value for
any container of a basic data type or of an Account (complex) data type.

Lookup (variant 2)

An item with accesses a user-defined COA map linked to the current book.
Lookup COA map name Using Account or Segment Account
Links Functionality

Link Action

COA map name Display a list of all those COA maps registered in the company where one of the
charts is the chart of the current book.

Account Link only works if COA map name is specified. Open a pop-up form for entry of a
key value for the lookup, which may be either an account or a segment (string),
defined by the selected map's type.

Return Value Type

Can be either a simple string or Account type (depending on the map type). You can use this value for any
container of types String or Account.

Lookup (variant 3)

An item with accesses a business activity query (BAQ).

Lookup Business Data Using Query Field
Links Functionality

Link Action

Query Display a list of all BAQ queries linked to this particular GL transaction type.

Field Display a list of all fields of the selected BAQ. Only works if a business activity query
(BAQ) is specified.

Return Value Type

Any simple type Applicable to any container.


Currency conversion using a default rate.

Convert Amount To Currency Using Rate Type
Links Functionality

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Link Action

Amount Opens a pop-up form which you use to enter or select a reference to one of the
modified or standard containers of type Amount.

Currency Displays a list of currency codes. The list includes the Book Currency.

Rate Type Display a list of currency rate types. The list includes the Default Rate Type.

Return Value Type

The function returns value of type Amount. The elements of this complex type update with the new numeric
value of the amount and the new currency code. The rest of the data is pulled from the Amount value. You can
use this value for any container of type Amount.

End of Period

Returns the end of the fiscal period which contains the date on the business transaction.
End of Period which includes Date
Links Functionality

Link Action

Date Opens a pop-up form where you can select either a field (VBD), a container, or the
constant Today.

Return Value Type

The function returns value of type Date. Applicable to containers of type Date.


Validates an account against the current COA.

Available validation operations:
• Is Valid and Is Not Valid operations are used to validate accounts. An account is considered valid when it
satisfies the following conditions:

1. The account is defined as Active.

2. The transaction date occurs on or between the Effective From Date and the Effective To Date range.

3. The account's static segments match the structure defined within Chart of Accounts Maintenance.

If the account does not satisfy these conditions, it is not considered valid and an error message displays within
the Review Journal.
Note that the validation function accepts any dynamic segments added to the end of the account structure.
Because of this, dynamic segments are included in the validation process and do not return errors.

104 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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• Is Available and Is Not Available operations are used to determine if a supplied value is defined. A value
is considered defined if it is a non-empty string for a string data type or a non-undefined value for a date and
numeric data type.
These operations are used in the conditional operators. The "Is Not" operations are basically the same as "Is"
operations. Because the Not operator is used, however, the opposite validation occurs.
Account Is Valid
Account Is Not Valid
Value Is Available
Value Is Not Available
Links Functionality

Link Action

Account Display a list of fields (VBD) or containers of type Account

Value Same as the Value function

Return Value Type

Treated as True or False

Get Account

Pulls in an account from a GL control for a given context and the current book.
Get Account From GL Control For Context
Links Functionality

Link Action

GL Control Display a list of VBD fields or containers for the GL control

Context Opens a pop-up form for you to either manually enter a string context identifier or
select one of the VBD fields. When the GL control is defined, you can select a context
identifier from the list of default account contexts available on the GL control type.

Return Value Type

The function returns value of type Account Applicable to containers of type Account.
Tip The default account is retrieved when you supply the special context <default context>.

Book-Specific Account

Pulls an account from a GL control for a defined context and the selected book ID.

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Get Account From GL Control For Book And Context

Links Functionality

Link Action

GL Control Displays a list of VBD fields or containers for the GL control.

Book Lists all books registered in the application with a special additional item for Master

Context Opens a pop-up form for you to enter a string context identifier manually or to select
one of the VBD fields. When the GL control is defined, you can select a context
identifier from the list of default account contexts available on the GL control type.

Return Value Type

The function returns value of type Account Applicable to containers of type Account
Tip The default account is retrieved by entering the special context <default context>.

Get Segment

Gets a single segment from an account from GL Control.

Get Segment From GL Control For Context
Links Functionality

Link Action

Segment Opens a pop-up form for you to enter segment name manually or to select one of the
VBD fields or one of containers (both of String type).

GL Control Displays a list of VBD fields or containers for the GL Control.

Context Opens a pop-up form where you can enter a string context identifier manually or select
one of the VBD fields. When the GL control is defined, you can select a context identifier
from the list of default account contexts available on the GL control type.

Return Value Type

The function returns value of type String Applicable to containers of type String
Tip The default account is retrieved by entering the special context <default context>.

Select Amount

Selects one of amounts from an Amount record by its parameters.


106 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Select Amount From Doc Line Type Where Condition

Links Functionality

Link Action

Doc Line Type The VBD document line type from which you want to select an amount. Each posting
rule evaluates only one VBD line of a specific Doc Line Type, so type is enough to point
to a line.

Condition Displays a popup window you can use to construct a condition based on Currency,
Currency Type, and Calculation Method. All individual conditions combine by using the
AND logical operator. You can define a condition based on just some (not all) of the

Return Value Type

The function returns value of type Amount Applicable to containers of type Amount.

Concatenate Strings

Constructs text from multiple strings using single formula.

Concatenate String + String …
Links Functionality

Link Action

String Opens a pop-up form for entering string text manually or selecting a VBD field or a
container in case they are of type String.

String Opens a pop-up form for entering string text manually or selecting a VBD field or a
container in case they are of type String.

... Adds the next string for concatenation when you click on ... in the formula:
Concatenate String + String + String ...

Return Value Type

The function returns value of type String applicable to containers of type String.

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User-Defined Fields in GL Transactions

Follow these steps to store data in user-defined fields linked to GL tables.

Add User-Defined Tables and Fields

Leverage User Defined Column Maintenance to create user-defined tables and add columns to this table extension.
This program is available if your user account has Security Manager or Global Security Manager rights.
The Epicor ERP application tables do not contain UD fields. You use this program to add UD columns (_c) to
tables and make them available for use in your customizations. Through this utility, you select any existing table
and create a user defined table (_UD) that contains columns you define. These UD tables begin as empty tables
with columns SysRowID and ForeignSysRowID, and these default columns link the record back to the associated
record in the main table. You next add the user-defined columns required for your customization.
Important In Epicor Cloud ERP - Multi Tenant or Epicor Cloud ERP - Dedicated Tenancy, this program
or feature may not be available or may operate under certain restrictions.

1. Launch User Defined Column Maintenance.

Menu Path: System Setup > System Maintenance > UD Column Maintenance
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

Important This program may not be available, or operate under certain restrictions in Epicor Cloud

2. Click New Table. The Table Search window displays.

3. Click Search and select the GLJrnDtl table to customize it. Click OK.
Note The Table Name field automatically displays the name of the database table you selected,
adding a "_UD" suffix to the end of this table.

4. Enter a short description for the table in the Description field.

5. The System Code field displays the name of the Epicor application which contains the UD table. Typically
ERP will appear in this field.

6. Click Save.

7. Click New Column. The Column > Detail sheet displays.

8. From the tree view, select the new column.

9. In the Column > Detail sheet, enter a name for the new column in the Column name field.
Note The system assigns a _c suffix to the column name.

10. Enter column description in the Description field.

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11. Accept the defaults for Data type and Format and click Save.
Note After you set up GLJrnDtl UD table, repeat the steps 1-10 to make the same setup for the
RvJrnTrDtl table.

Regenerate Data Model

Do the following to launch the data model regeneration process from the Epicor Administration Console.
To finish adding the user-defined table to the database, you need to regenerate the data model for the Epicor
database. You or your system administrator accesses the server that contains the database, launches the Epicor
Administration Console, and then runs the Regenerate Data Model process.

1. On your server machine, press <Windows> + F to display the Search bar.

2. Use one of these options to launch your search:

a. From the Search drop-down list, select the Everywhere option. In the search field, enter Epicor
Administration Console.

b. Click on the Apps button.

The Apps screen displays.

3. Locate the Epicor Software section on this screen and click the Epicor Administration Console icon.

4. From the tree view, expand the Database Server Management node and the node for the database server
that contains the database you wish to regenerate.

5. Select the database.

The properties for the database displays in the center pane.

6. From either the Action menu or the Actions pane, select Regenerate Data Model.
The Generate Data Model dialog box opens.

7. Adjust or verify the settings in the dialog box:

• Server name - SQL Server server\Instance name where the database is located. Initially populated with
the database server for the selected database.
• Database name - The database for which you are regenerating the database model. Initially populated
with the selected database.
• Authentication - If you select Windows Authentication, the User name and Password default to your
current login values. If you select SQL Server Authentication, enter the user account and password you
use to log into SQL Server.

8. Click Generate.
Important If you receive an error that the .dll file for the data model generation is in use by another
process, end the task. Launch the Internet Information Services Manager by clicking Start > Programs
> Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Select the Application
Pools node; the center pane displays the application pools available on your system. Right-click your
application server node; from the context menu, select Recycle. You should be able to regenerate
the data model.

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Likewise if you receive an error that states some tables did not synchronize, you can review the log
file to see more details about these table errors. The location of this log file displays in the error

When you successfully regenerate the data model, a dialog box displays. Click OK.

9. Now to complete this process, you must pull the latest data model from the database and copy it to the
local application server by recycling the application pool. Recycling the application pool is a mandatory task
after the data model successfully regenerates. To do this, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools
> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

10. Expand the tree view and select the Application Pools node.
The center pane displays the application pools available on your system.

11. Right-click on the application pool for your application server; from the context menu, select Recycle.
Tip Optionally you can also recycle the application pool within the Epicor Administration Console.
To do this, expand the Server Management node and select your application server. From the
Actions pane, select the Recycle IIS Application Pool option.

The regenerate process stages the data model in the database. When the application server restarts, the Epicor
ERP application checks the data model on both the disk and the database. If a new data model version is available,
this version is retrieved from staging and the database is updated to include the user-defined table. Epicor users
can now view and enter data in the user-defined columns.
Important When you reference these user-defined columns through either programming or a customization,
the columns appear to be part of the base (primary) table because the data model merges the two tables
into one logical entity. To identify the UD columns, their identifiers all use the "_c" suffix.

If you need to regenerate the data model more often, consider running this process through a command line, a
desktop icon, or a recurring task. These launch options are explained in the Epicor Administration Console help,
Command Line Tools Guide and the System Administration Guide.
The new columns are now available to add through the Customization Tools Dialog. You link custom text
boxes, check boxes, and other controls to these UD columns by using the EpiBinding property. Users can now
enter data in these extended user defined columns through the customized program.

110 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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GL Transaction Type Reference

Your Epicor application provides default templates for each type of business transaction that affects the general
The default structure of these document templates is based on the posting rules for the Vantage 8.03 application.
When you use these default transaction types, you populate COAs that have a natural account segment and two
additional controlled segments. These controlled segments were used to designate divisions and departments
within the Vantage 8.03 application.
This section of the guide contains the details about both the default incoming document templates and default
posting rules for each GL transaction type. Use this information as a base for customizing the incoming document
templates and posting rules to reflect the business purposes of your company books.

AP Adjustment

AP Invoice Adjustment

AP Adjustment Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Adjustment GL transaction type. Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Adjustment Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Adjustment GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLSyst

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 111

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AP Interface with GL

AP Interface with GL

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Interface with GL AP Interface with GL GLSyst.APInterfaced Logical


APTran details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APTran

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APTran. GLControl--N--AP Transactions

Invoice Number

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Number Invoice Number APTran.InvoiceNum String


AP Transaction Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number AP Transaction Number APTran.APTranNo Numeric

Red Storno

Red Storno Flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Red Storno Red Storno Flag APTran.RedStorno Logical

112 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Transaction Date

Transaction Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Transaction Date Transaction Date APTran.TranDate Date


AP Invoice

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--R--AP Account

Is Debit Memo

A flag indicating whether an invoice is debit memo

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit Memo A flag indicating whether an invoice APInvHed.DebitMemo Logical
is debit memo


Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Invoice Number APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Payables GL Control

Payables GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Payables GL Control Payables GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice

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Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier Supplier APInvHed.VendorNum Numeric



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor


Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Supplier Name Vendor.Name String


Supplier Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Supplier Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

AP Adjustment Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Adjustment transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Adjustment Amount

Qualifier Description
Adjustment Adjustment Amount

114 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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AP Adjustment - Rule Set

The AP Adjustment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP Adjustment - Functions

The functions used by the AP Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP Adjustment - Combine String

Combine String

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combine String
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: AP Adjustment

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = String1 + String2 Result = Result + String 3 Result = Result + String4

AP Adjustment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Book Adjustment Amount to Payables and Clearing Accounts

Book Adjustment Amount to Payables and Clearing Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Adjustment
Is Header: false
Credit Context:

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Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Adjustment--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Adjustment Where Name = Adjustment AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Adjustment Where Name = Adjustment AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Adjustment--Invoice--Payables GL Control For Current Book
AND Payables Context
If AP Adjustment--Company Parameters--AP Interface with GL If Book Amount.Value
> 0 Payables Account
Get Account From AP Adjustment--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Adjustment Context
Credit Context = Adjustment
Debit Context = Payables

Get Account From AP Adjustment--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Adjustment Context
Payables Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Debit Context = Adjustment
Credit Context = Payables

Set up main GL journal data

Set up main GL journal data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Adjustment
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Adjustment--Details

116 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AP Adjustment--Details--Transaction Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Adjustment--Invoice--AP GL Control For

Current Book AND Adjustment Context
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Adjustment--Invoice--Number
Vendor Ref = AP Adjustment--Invoice--Supplier
If AP Adjustment--Invoice--Is Debit Memo InvoiceSuffix = DM

InvoiceSuffix = ''

Transaction Text = Combine String from IV: , AP Adjustment--Invoice--Number ,

InvoiceSuffix and AP Adjustment--Supplier--Name
Red Storno = AP Adjustment--Details--Red Storno

AP Apply Debit Memo

Books transactions that should be created as a result of applying a debit memo or prepayment to an invoice or
to a group of invoices

AP Apply Debit Memo Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Apply Debit Memo GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Apply Debit Memo Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Apply Debit Memo GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Company Parameters

Contains company parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 117

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AP Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AP Account


Currency Master for the Debit Memo or PrePayment 's Currency

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Contains accounts associated with the Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts associated with the Currency. GLControl--R--Currency
Currency Code

Debit Memo

Contains main data for the Debit Memo or PrePayment being applied

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

GL Control

Contains accounts calculated in the process of posting the Debit Memo or PrePayment.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts calculated in the process APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice
of posting the Debit Memo or PrePayment.

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Is Prepayment

Defines if Debit Memo is Prepayment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Prepayment Defines if Debit Memo is APInvHed.PrePayment Logical


Invoice number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Invoice number APInvHed.InvoiceNum String


This entity refers directly to to supporting sub-ledger transaction.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CheckHed

Apply Date

Apply Date for the GL Journal

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date for the GL Journal CheckHed.CheckDate Date


The number of supporting Payment transaction

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number The number of supporting Payment CheckHed.HeadNum Numeric

Rate Type

Rate Type that should be used for currency conversions

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Rate Type that should be used for CheckHed.RateGrpCode String
currency conversions

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Reference to original Prepayment APTran transaction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APTran

AP Transaction GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Transaction GL Control APTran. GLControl--F--AP Transactions

Prepayment ID

Reference to original Prepayment APTran transaction

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Prepayment ID Reference to original Prepayment APTran.APTranNo Numeric
APTran transaction



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

GL Control

Contains accounts associated with the Supplier

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts associated with Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account
the Supplier


Supplier Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Supplier Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

120 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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AP Apply Debit Memo Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Apply Debit Memo transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


The total amount applied to Debit Memo/Prepayment

Qualifier Description
Total Applied The total amount applied to Debit Memo/Prepayment

AP Apply Debit Memo - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Apply Debit Memo - Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Apply Debit Memo - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Apply Debit Memo - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APTran


Details Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Details Description APTran.Description String

Detail ID

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Detail ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Detail ID Detail ID APTran.APTranNo Numeric

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APTran. GLControl--N--AP Transactions


AP Invoice

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--R--AP Account

GL Control

Contains accounts calculated when the invoice has been posted

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts calculated when the APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice
invoice has been posted

Invoice Number

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Number Invoice Number APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Invoice Currency

Invoice Currency

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


122 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Invoice Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Invoice Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency

AP Apply Debit Memo - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Apply Debit Memo - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


The amount that is applied to the invoice

Qualifier Description
Applied The amount that is applied to the invoice

Currency Difference

Currency Gain or Loss amount

Qualifier Description
Currency Difference Currency Gain or Loss amount

AP Apply Debit Memo - Line - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Apply Debit Memo - Line - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Apply Debit Memo - Line - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Apply Debit Memo - Line - Tax Line GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax line created for EC Aquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax TaxDtl. Logical
line created for EC Aquisition

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed TaxDtl.ReverseCharge Logical

Rate Code

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Rate Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Code Rate Code TaxDtl.RateCode String

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Self-Assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Self-Assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvTax

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvTax. GLControl--F--AP Invoice Tax

Tax Master

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Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

AP Apply Debit Memo - Line - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Apply Debit Memo - Line - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Discount Tax Adjustment

Discount Tax Adjustment

Qualifier Description
Discount Tax Adjustment Discount Tax Adjustment


Misc Payment Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Misc Payment Tax Amount

AP Apply Debit Memo - Rule Set

The AP Apply Debit Memo transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP Apply Debit Memo - Functions

The functions used by the AP Apply Debit Memo transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP Apply Debit Memo - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP Apply Debit Memo transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

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Post Amount Applied to Invoice

Posts the amount applied to an Invoice to the Invoice's Accounts Payable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line Where Name = Applied AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line Where Name = Applied AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Apply Debit Memo--Details--Rate Type

Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book
AND Payables Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Invoice--Invoice Number

Post Currency Difference Amount

Posts Currency Difference Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Amounts--Currency Difference--Amount--Name###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:

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Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Invoice

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line Where Name = Currency Difference
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book
AND Payables Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account
Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Currency--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Gain Context

Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Currency--GL Control For Current
Book AND Realized Loss Context
Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1

AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Invoice--Invoice Number

Post Payment Taxes

Post Payment Texes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### =
###False### And ###AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###AP
Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on Invoice###=###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND
Currency = Book Currency

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If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

Using AP Apply Debit Memo--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Dual Collection
Method OR AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is Reversed Charge If AP
Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account
From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Collection
Method If AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is EC
Acquisition Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Tax
Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection
Method Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1
Credit Context = Tax

Post Total Applied Amount

Posts the total applied amount to either Accounts Payables or Unapplied Cash account depending on what
account was affected when Debit Memo or PrePayment was posted

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Apply Debit Memo
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

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Business Entity Table: AP Apply Debit Memo--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo Where Name = Applied AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo Where Name = Applied AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Apply Debit Memo--Details--Rate Type

Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Debit Memo--GL Control For Current Book
AND Payables Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Apply Debit Memo--Debit Memo--Number

Post Withholding Taxes

Post Withholding Taxes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### =
###True### And ###AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Apply Debit Memo--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

130 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For
Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Reverse Invoice Interim Tax and Post it to Accrual

Reverse Invoice Interim Tax and Post it To Accrual

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method### =
###True### And ###AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on Invoice### = ###False### And
###AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Apply Debit Memo--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Invoice Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Account From AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For
Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
If AP Apply Debit Memo--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition If Book
Amount.Value > 0 Reverse Tax Account
Accrual Tax Account

Reverse Tax Account
Accrual Tax Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

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Set up main GL Journal data

Set up values for the whole GL journal

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Apply Debit Memo
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Apply Debit Memo--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AP Apply Debit Memo--Details--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Apply Debit Memo--Supplier--GL Control
For Current Book AND Adjustment Context
If Journal Code is not Available Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Apply
Debit Memo--Company Parameters--AP Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Adjustment Context

Vendor Ref = AP Apply Debit Memo--Supplier--Number

Check Num Ref = AP Apply Debit Memo--Details--Number

AP Invoice

Books an AP Invoice or a group of AP Invoices

AP Invoice Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Invoice GL transaction type. Posting elements include entities
and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Invoice Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

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contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Central Payment Company

Central Payment Company

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ExtCompany



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code ExtCompany.Company String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control ExtCompany. GLControl--R--External Company

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AP Account GL Control

Contains company's default AP accounts and journal codes.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Contains company's default AP Company. GLControl--R--AP Account
accounts and journal codes.

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AR Account GL Control

Contains company's default AR accounts and journal codes.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control Contains company's default AR Company. GLControl--R--AR Account
accounts and journal codes.

Asset GL Control

Contains asset accounts assigned to the company

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Asset GL Control Contains asset accounts assigned to Company. GLControl--R--Asset
the company

Inventory COS and WIP GL Control

Inventory COS and WIP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Inventory COS and WIP GL Inventory COS and WIP GL Company. GLControl--R--Inventory COS
Control Control and WIP

Inventory Interface with GL

A flag indicating whether Inventory is interfaced with GL

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Inventory Interface with A flag indicating whether Inventory GLSyst.PostInvtyWipCos Logical
GL is interfaced with GL

Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts

Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Logged Invoice booked to Logged Invoice booked to APSyst. Logical
Suspense Accounts Suspense Accounts

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Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


AP Invoice Header Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--R--AP Account

Apply Date

Invoice Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Invoice Apply Date APInvHed.ApplyDate Date

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GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice

Global Company

Global Company. Used in Consolidated Purchasing.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Global Company Global Company. Used in APInvHed.GlbCompany String
Consolidated Purchasing.

Invoice Date

Invoice Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Date Invoice Date APInvHed.InvoiceDate Date

Is Central Payment

A flag indicating whether the invoice is a Central Payment Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Central Payment A flag indicating whether the invoice is APInvHed.CPay Logical
a Central Payment Invoice

Is Debit Memo

A flag indicating whether the invoice is a Debit Memo

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit Memo A flag indicating whether the invoice APInvHed.DebitMemo Logical
is a Debit Memo

Legal Number

Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number Legal Number APInvHed.LegalNumber String

136 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Matched from Logged Invoice

Matched from Logged Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Matched from Logged Invoice Matched from Logged Invoice APInvHed. Logical


Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Invoice Number APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Rate Type

Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Rate Type APInvHed.RateGrpCode String

Red Storno

Red Storno flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Red Storno Red Storno flag APInvHed. Logical

Supplier Number

Supplier Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier Number Supplier Number APInvHed.VendorNum Numeric


EuroFinance integration

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ExtCompany

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Is Integrated

A flag indicating whether EuroFinance is intergrated

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Integrated A flag indicating whether EuroFinance ExtCompany. Logical
is intergrated

Linked Subsidiary Company

Linked Subsidiary Company

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ExtCompany



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code ExtCompany.Company String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control ExtCompany. GLControl--R--External Company


Supplier information.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account

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Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Supplier Name Vendor.Name String


Vendor Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Vendor Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

Supplier GL Control

Supplier GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier GL Control Supplier GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier

AP Invoice Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Invoice Amount - Withholding Taxes

Qualifier Description
Balance Invoice Amount - Withholding Taxes


Total Expense Amount (includes rounding difference)

Qualifier Description
Expense Total Expense Amount (includes rounding difference)

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Total invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Total invoice Amount

Rounding Difference

Rounding Difference amount.

Qualifier Description
Rounding Difference Rounding Difference amount.


Total tax amount for this invoice

Qualifier Description
Tax Total tax amount for this invoice

AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Charge Master (Purchase)

Charge Master (Purchase)

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PurMisc

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Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code PurMisc.MiscCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PurMisc. GLControl--R--Misc


Indicates whether this charge should be included in the calculation of Intrastat Statistical Value The valid values
are: I, E, P

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ISCharge Indicates whether this charge should be included PurMisc.ISCharge String
in the calculation of Intrastat Statistical Value The
valid values are: I, E, P


Header Expense Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvExp

Expense Sequence

Expense Sequence

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense Sequence Expense Sequence APInvExp.InvExpSeq Numeric

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvExp. GLControl--N--AP Invoice Expense

Is Manual Charge

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A flag indicating whether the expense were entered manually (not related to Misc Charge)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Manual Charge A flag indicating whether the expense were APInvExp. Logical
entered manually (not related to Misc Charge)

Is Misc Charge

A flag indicating whether the expense is related to Misc Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Misc Charge A flag indicating whether the expense is APInvExp. Logical
related to Misc Charge

Misc Charge

Miscellaneous Charge

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvMsc



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code APInvMsc.MiscCode String

Expense Sequence

Expense Sequence

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense Sequence Expense Sequence APInvMsc.InvExpSeq Numeric

AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice - Header Misc Charge transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Header Expense

Qualifier Description
Expense Header Expense

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This section displays the posting elements for the AP Invoice - Line GL transaction type. Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.


This section displays the posting elements for the AP Invoice - Line - Expense GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Allocated Tax

The Allocated Tax entity allocates Non-Deductible Tax amount to the Expense account if the Non-Deductible
Tax account has not been defined.
The following rules apply if you select the PO/AP Tax Reported at Line Level check box, located on the
Company Configuration > Modules > All Modules > Taxes > Detail sheet:
• Non-Deductible account set on GL Control Code:
• PO Receipt Line/ Un-received Line - Non-Deductible tax amount adds to the Expense amount.
• Other Line Types - Non-Deductible amount is reported in the account assigned for Non-Deductible.

• Non-Deductible account not set on GL Control Code:

• PO Receipt Line/ Un-received Line - Non-Deductible tax amount adds to the Expense amount.
• Other Line Types - Non-Deductible amount is reported in the Expense account assigned on the AP
Invoice Entry > Lines > GL Analysis sheet. In this case the Post Allocated Non-Deductible Tax posting
rule executes.

Note If you clear the PO/AP Tax Reported at Line Level check box, the Non-Deductible Header tax
amount is split among lines and the same line level logic applies.

Important The Non-Deductible Tax amount is posted to the GL Account with the following hierarchy:
• First it looks for the Non-Deductible Tax Account Context in Tax GL Control Code.
• If not available, it looks for the Inventory/Expense Account.

Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice - Line - Expense - Allocated Tax
transaction type
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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Is Default Value Type Data Source

true GLControl.Tax SalesTRC

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Sales TRC GLControl.Tax

Rate Code

Name Description Data Source Field Value Type

Rate Code Rate Code Sales TRC RateCode String


This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice - Line - Expense - Allocated Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Non-Deductible Tax

Qualifier Description
Non-Deductible Tax Allocated Non-Deductible Tax

Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice - Line - Expense GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.
Charge Master (Purchase)

Charge Master (Purchase)

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PurMisc



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code PurMisc.MiscCode String

144 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PurMisc. GLControl--R--Misc


Indicates whether this charge should be included in the calculation of Intrastat Statistical Value The valid values
are: I, E, P

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ISCharge Indicates whether this charge should be included PurMisc.ISCharge String
in the calculation of Intrastat Statistical Value The
valid values are: I, E, P


Expense Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvExp

Expense Sequence

Expense Sequence

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense Sequence Expense Sequence APInvExp.InvExpSeq Numeric

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvExp. GLControl--N--AP Invoice Expense

Invoice Line Number

Invoice Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Line Number Invoice Line Number APInvExp.InvoiceLine Numeric

Is Advanced Payment Part of Gain/Loss

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A flag indicating whether the expense is related to Advanced Payment Part of Gain/Loss

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Advanced Payment Part of A flag indicating whether the expense is APInvExp. Logical
Gain/Loss related to Advanced Payment Part of

Is Currency Unrealized Part of Gain/Loss

A flag indicating whether the expense is related to Currency Unrealized Part of Gain/Loss

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Currency Unrealized Part A flag indicating whether the expense is APInvExp. Logical
of Gain/Loss related to Currency Unrealized Part of

Is Less Advanced Payment

A flag indicating whether expense is related to Less Advanced Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Less Advanced Payment A flag indicating whether expense is APInvExp. Logical
related to Less Advanced Payment

Is Line Expense

A flag indicating whether expense is related to a Invoice Line

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Line Expense A flag indicating whether expense is APInvExp. Logical
related to a Invoice Line

Is Linked Subsidiary Invoice Expense

A flag indicating whether the invoice expense is linked to Subsidiary Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Linked Subsidiary Invoice A flag indicating whether the invoice APInvExp. Logical
Expense expense is linked to Subsidiary Invoice

Is Misc Charge

A flag indicating whether the expense is related to Misc Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Misc Charge A flag indicating whether the expense is APInvExp. Logical
related to Misc Charge

Is Multi-Company

146 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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A flag indicating whether expense is Multi-Company

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Multi-Company A flag indicating whether expense is APInvExp. Logical

External Company

External Company

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ExtCompany



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code ExtCompany.Company String

GL Control

GL Control [

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control [ ExtCompany. GLControl--R--External Company



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID ID ExtCompany.ExtCompanyID String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Method Method ExtCompany.ExtSystemID String

Misc Charge

Misc Charge

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvMsc


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Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code APInvMsc.MiscCode String

Expense Sequence

Expense Sequence

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense Sequence Expense Sequence APInvMsc.InvExpSeq Numeric

Line Number

Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Number Line Number APInvMsc.InvoiceLine Numeric

AP Invoice - Line - Expense Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice - Line - Expense transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Expense Amount

Qualifier Description
Expense Expense Amount

Job Charge

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Invoice - Line - Job Charge GL transaction type. Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice - Line - Job Charge GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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Job Charge Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvJob

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvJob. GLControl--F--Job Miscellaneous

Invoice Line Number

Invoice Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Line Number Invoice Line Number APInvJob.InvoiceLine Numeric

Job Number

Job Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Job Number Job Number APInvJob.JobNum String

AP Invoice - Line - Job Charge Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice - Line - Job Charge transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Extended Cost

Item's ext. cost in the vendors unit of measure. The sum of all APInvJob.ExtCost must equal the total cost of the
related APInvDtl.

Qualifier Description
Extended Cost Item's ext. cost in the vendors unit of measure. The sum of all APInvJob.ExtCost
must equal the total cost of the related APInvDtl.

AP Invoice - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.

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Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Number Customer.CustNum Numeric


Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvDtl

Is Less Advanced Payment

Invoice Line has Less Advanced Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Less Advanced Payment Invoice Line has Less Advanced APInvDtl. Logical


Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Line Number APInvDtl.InvoiceLine Numeric

Of Advanced Type

150 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Invoice Line Of Advanced Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Advanced Type Invoice Line Of Advanced Type APInvDtl. Logical

Of DMR Type

Invoice Line Of DMR Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of DMR Type Invoice Line Of DMR Type APInvDtl. Logical

Of Miscellaneous Type

Invoice Line Of Miscellaneous Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Miscellaneous Type Invoice Line Of Miscellaneous Type APInvDtl. Logical

Of RebateType

Invoice Line Of RebateType

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of RebateType Invoice Line Of RebateType APInvDtl. Logical

Of Receipt Type

Invoice Line Of Receipt Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Receipt Type Invoice Line Of Receipt Type APInvDtl. Logical

Of Type Asset

Indicates whether the invoice line is of type Asset.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Type Asset Indicates whether the invoice line is of APInvDtl. Logical
type Asset.

Of Unreceived Type

Invoice Line of Unreceived Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Unreceived Type Invoice Line of Unreceived Type APInvDtl. Logical

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DMR Details

DMR Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false DMRActn

Action Number

Action Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Action Number Action Number DMRActn.ActionNum Numeric

Action Type

Action Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Action Type Action Type DMRActn.ActionType String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Comment Comment DMRActn.CommentText String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Number DMRActn.DMRNum Numeric



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Part


Part Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Part Number Part.PartNum String

152 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Expense GL Control

Expense GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense GL Control Expense GL Control Part. GLControl--R--Part

Is Active

A flag indicating whether Part Is Active

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Active A flag indicating whether Part Is Active Part. Logical

Part Class GL Control

Part Class GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Part Class GL Control Part Class GL Control PartClass. GLControl--R--Part Class



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site


site Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site Code String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control site. GLControl--R--Division

PO Release

PO Release

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PORel

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 153

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GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PORel. GLControl--N--PO Release

PO Line Number

PO Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PO Line Number PO Line Number PORel.POLine Numeric

PO Number

PO Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PO Number PO Number PORel.PONum Numeric

PO Release Number

PO Release Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PO Release Number PO Release Number PORel.PORelNum Numeric

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PIStatus. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product Group

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Purchase Type

Purchase Type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLPurch



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code GLPurch.PurchCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control GLPurch. GLControl--R--Purchase Type

Is PO Expense

Is PO Expense

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is PO Expense Is PO Expense GLPurch. Logical

Reason Master

Reason Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Reason



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code Reason.ReasonCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Reason. GLControl--R--Reason Code

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Is DMR Type

Is DMR Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is DMR Type Is DMR Type Reason. Logical

Rebate Details

Rebate Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RebateDtl

Line Number

Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Number Line Number RebateDtl.LineNum Numeric

Rebate ID

Rebate ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rebate ID Rebate ID RebateDtl.RebateID String

Rebate Header

Rebate Header

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RebateHdr



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description RebateHdr.RebateDesc String

Rebate ID

Rebate ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rebate ID Rebate ID RebateHdr.RebateID String

156 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Rebate Transaction

Rebate Transaction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RebateTrans

Line Number

Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Number Line Number RebateTrans.LineNum Numeric

Rebate ID

Rebate ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rebate ID Rebate ID RebateTrans.RebateID String

Receipt Details

Receipt Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RcvDtl

Packing Slip Line Num

Packing Slip Line Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Packing Slip Line Num Packing Slip Line Num RcvDtl.PackLine Numeric

Packing Slip Number

Packing Slip Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Packing Slip Number Packing Slip Number RcvDtl.PackSlip String

Ref Rebate Invoice Line

Ref Rebate Invoice Line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcDtl

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Invoice Num

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Invoice Num InvcDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric

Line Num

Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Line Number InvcDtl.InvoiceLine Numeric

Ref GL Control

AR Invoice Line reference GL Control. Contains accounts that were affected by posting of the Invoice Line

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control AR Invoice Line reference GL Control. InvcDtl. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
Contains accounts that were affected by Line
posting of the Invoice Line



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account

Expense GL Control

Expense GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense GL Control Expense GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

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IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Warehse



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code Warehse.WarehouseCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Warehse. GLControl--R--Warehse

AP Invoice - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Advanced Payment

The amount this line item that is reduced by due to prior advanced payments.

Qualifier Description
Advanced Payment The amount this line item that is reduced by due to prior advanced

Currency Difference

Currency Difference Amount. Calculated.

Qualifier Description
Currency Difference Currency Difference Amount. Calculated.

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EU Amount

EU Amount = Extended Cost + Miscellaneous Charges

Qualifier Description
EU Amount EU Amount = Extended Cost + Miscellaneous Charges

Extended Cost

Extended Cost for the invoice line item. Calculated as the (VendorQty/CostPer) * UnitCost or can be directly
maintained in which case it recalculates the UnitCost value.

Qualifier Description
Extended Cost Extended Cost for the invoice line item. Calculated as the (VendorQty/CostPer) *
UnitCost or can be directly maintained in which case it recalculates the UnitCost

Total Misc Charge

Total Miscellaneous Charge

Qualifier Description
Total Misc Charge Total Miscellaneous Charge

AP Invoice - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Invoice - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Invoice - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice - Tax Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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Tax Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvTax

Exemption type

Exemption type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Exemption type Exemption type APInvTax.ExemptType Numeric

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvTax. GLControl--F--AP Invoice Tax

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method APInvTax. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a second line which refers to EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a APInvTax. Logical
second line which refers to EC Acquisition or
Reverse Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice APInvTax. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment APInvTax. Logical

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Is Liable When Paid in Full

Is Liable When Paid in Full

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Paid in Full Is Liable When Paid in Full APInvTax. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge APInvTax.ReverseCharge Logical



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Manual Manual APInvTax.Manual Logical

Rate Code

Rate Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Code Rate Code APInvTax.RateCode String

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection APInvTax. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection APInvTax. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code APInvTax.TaxCode String

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Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method APInvTax. Logical

Tax Accounting

Tax Accounting

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

AP Invoice - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

AP Invoice - Rule Set

The AP Invoice transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP Invoice - Functions

The functions used by the AP Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

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- Calculate Advanced Payment Account

Calculate Advanced Payment Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Calculate Advanced Payment Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current Book AND Advance
Payment Context

- Calculate Clearing Account

Calculate Clearing Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Calculate Clearing Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--AP GL Control For Current Book AND
Clearing ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From AP Invoice--Company
Parameters--AP Account GL Control For Current Book AND Clearing ContextIf Result
is not ValidGet Account From AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and
WIP GL Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing Context

AP Invoice--Line--Expense - Calculate Expense Account

Calculate Expense Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Calculate Expense Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AP Invoice--Line--Expense

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Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Non-Deductible Tax
If Not AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Receipt Type AND NotAP Invoice--Line--Det
ails--Of Unreceived Type
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Non-Deductible Tax--GL C
ontrol For Current Book AND Non-Deductible Tax Context
If Result is not Valid
If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Is Deferred Expense
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Amortization Code--GL Control F
or Current Book AND Deferred Expense Context
If Result is Valid
End Function
Calculate Expense Account for MultiCompany Amount
If AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Multi-Company
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Expense--External Company--GL Cont
rol For Current Book AND GL Intercompany Context
If Result is not Valid
Raise error: The External Company ID has an invalid GL Intercompany Account
Else If AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Line Expense
Calculate Expense Account for Receipt Line
If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Receipt Type
If AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory Interface with GL
Result = Calculate Clearing Account
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--PO Release--GL Control For Curr
ent Book AND Expense Context
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--PO Release--GL Control For Curre
nt Book AND Expense Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part--Expense GL Control For Cu
rrent Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part Class--Part Class GL Cont
rol For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--Expense GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current
Book AND Expense Context
Calculate Expense Account for Unreceived Line
If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Unreceived Type
If AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory Interface with GL
Result = Calculate Clearing Account
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--PO Release--GL Control For Curr
ent Book AND Expense Context
Else If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Asset
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Asset GL Control F
or Current Book AND Asset Clearing Context
Calculate Expense Account for Advanced Line
If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Advanced Type
Result = Calculate Advanced Payment Account
Calculate Expense Account for DMR
If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of DMR Type
If AP Invoice--Line--Reason Master--GL Control is Available
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Reason Master--GL Control For

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Current Book AND Adjustment Context

Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part--Expense GL Control For
Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--Expense GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context
If Result is not Available
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Curren
t Book AND Expense Context
Calculate Expense Account for Rebate
If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of RebateType
If AP Invoice--Line--Product Group--GL Control is Available
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Product Group--GL Control Fo
r Current Book AND Rebate Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Customer--GL Control For Cu
rrent Book AND Rebate Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account G
L Control For Current Book AND Rebate Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Product Group--GL Control
For Current Book AND Returns Context
IfResult is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Customer--GL Control For
Current Book AND Returns Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Accoun
t GL Control For Current Book AND Returns Context
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Customer--GL Control For Cur
rent Book AND Rebate Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL
Control For Current Book AND Rebate Context
Substitute Devision Department
Temp Account = Result
Temp Account.Division = Get Division From AP Invoice--Line--Ref Rebate I
nvoice Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Sales Context
If Temp Account is Valid
Result = Temp Account
Temp Account = Result
Temp Account.Department = ''
If Temp Account is Valid
Result = Temp Account
Calculate Expense Account for Miscellaneous Line
If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Miscellaneous Type
Calculate Expense for Subsidiary Company Invoice
If AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Linked Subsidiary Invoice Expe
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Linked Subsidiary Company--GL Con
trol For Current Book AND AR Intercompany Context
Calculate Misc Line Expense
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part--Expense GL Control Fo
r Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part Class--Part Class GL
Control For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
IfResult is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--Expense GL Cont

166 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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rol For Current Book AND Expense Context

IfResult is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Cur
rent Book AND Expense Context
Calculate Expense Account for Job Misc Charge Non-Deductible Tax
If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Job Type
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part--Expense GL Control Fo
r Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part Class--Part Class GL
Control For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Result is not Valid
If AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory Interface with GL
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Cur
rent Book AND Clearing Context
If Result is not Valid
Result = Calculate Clearing Account
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--Expense GL Con
trol For Current Book AND Expense Context
IfResult is not Valid
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Cu
rrent Book AND Expense Context
IfResult is not Valid
Result = Calculate Clearing Account
Else If AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Less Advanced Payment
Calculate Expense Account for less Advanced Payment
Result = Calculate Advanced Payment Account
Else If AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Misc Charge
Calculate Expense Account for Line Misc Charge
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Charge Master (Purchase)-
-GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context
If AP Invoice--Line--PO Release--GL Control is Available
Temp Account = Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--PO Release--GL Control For
Current Book AND Expense Context
Temp Account.Chart = Result.Chart
IfTemp Account is Valid
Result = Temp Account
IF PORelease is not available
If Result is not Valid
If AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control is Available
Result = Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current Bo
ok AND Expense Context

- Calculate Header Mischellaneous Charge Account

Calculate Header Mischellaneous Charge Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Calculate Header Mischellaneous Charge Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path:

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Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge--Charge Master (Purchase)--GL
Control For Current Book AND Expense ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account
From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context

AP Invoice - Combine String

Combine String

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combine String
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: AP Invoice

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = String1 + String2 Result = Result + String 3 Result = Result + String4

AP Invoice - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Book EU Amount Rule

Book EU Amount Rule

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Invoice--EuroFinance--Is Integrated### = ###True### And ###AP
Invoice--Line--Details--Of Advanced Type### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: EU Expense
Debit Context: EU Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Line--Details

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Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line Where Name = EU Amount AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name =
EU Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Define Credit and Debit Accounts

Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Purchase Type--GL Control For Current Book
AND Credit Context
Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Purchase Type--GL Control For Current Book
AND Debit Context
If AP Invoice--Line--Purchase Type--Is PO Expense and AP Invoice--Company
Parameters--Inventory Interface with GL is Available If AP Invoice--Line--PO
Release--PO Number is Available If AP Invoice--Line--PO Release--GL Control
is Available Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--PO Release--GL Control For
Current Book AND Expense Context

If AP Invoice--Line--Part--Is Active and AP Invoice--Line--Part--Code
is Available Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part--Expense GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Temp Account is not Valid Get Account From AP
Invoice--Line--Part--Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense
If Temp Account is not Valid If AP Invoice--Company
Parameters--AP Account GL Control is Available Get Account From AP
Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and WIP GL Control For Current Book
AND Inventory Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--AP GL Control For
Current Book AND Expense Context
If Temp Account is not Valid If AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--AP GL
Control is Available Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--AP
GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Company Parameters--AP Account
GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context

If Temp Account is Valid Temp Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Credit EU Expense

Debit EU Expense

Credit EU Expense
Debit EU Expense
Book Amount.Value * -1

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Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Book Gain/Loss Amount to Advanced Payment Account

Book Gain/Loss Amount to Advanced Payment Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ((###AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory Interface with GL### = ###True###) Or
(###AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Unreceived Type### = ###False###)) AND ((###AP
Invoice--Line--Expense--Amounts--Expense--Name### =###Expense###) And (###AP
Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Advanced Payment Part of Gain/Loss### = ###True###))
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice--Line--Expense
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transaction and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Expense Where Name = Expense AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Expense Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Expense
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Calculate Advanced Payment Account

Calculate Advanced Payment Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Book Gain/Loss Amount to Currency Accounts

Book Gain/Loss Amount to Currency Gain/Loss Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ((###AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory Interface with GL### = ###True###) Or
(###AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Unreceived Type### = ###False###)) AND ((###AP

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Invoice--Line--Expense--Amounts--Expense--Name### =###Expense###) And (###AP

Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Currency Unrealized Part of Gain/Loss### = ###True###))
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice--Line--Expense
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transaction and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Expense Where Name = Expense AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Expense Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Expense
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Invoice--Currency Master--GL Control
For Current Book AND Unrealized Loss Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Currency Master--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Gain Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Book Job Miscellaneous Charge Amount

Book Job Miscellaneous Charge Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Invoice--Line--Job Charge--Amounts--Extended Cost--Name### =###Extended Cost###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice--Line--Job Charge
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Job Charge
Debit Context: Job Charge
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Line--Job Charge--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 171

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amount
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Job Charge Where Name = Extended Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Job Charge Where Currency = Book Currency
AND Name = Extended Cost
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Credit and Debit Accounts

If AP Invoice--EuroFinance--Is Integrated Get Account From AP
Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current Book AND Clearing Context
If Temp Account is not Available Calculate Clearing Account

Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part--Expense GL Control For Current
Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Temp Account is not Valid Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Part--Part
Class GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Temp Account is not Valid If AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory
Interface with GL Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control
For Current Book AND Clearing Context
If Temp Account is not Valid Calculate Clearing Account

Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Supplier--Expense GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context
If Temp Account is not Valid Get Account From AP
Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context
If Temp Account is not Valid Calculate Clearing Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Book Line Expense Amount

Book Line expense Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ((###AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory Interface with GL### = ###True###) Or
(###AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Unreceived Type### = ###False###)) AND (###AP
Invoice--Line--Expense--Amounts--Expense--Name### =###Expense###)
Can Post: true

172 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

For Each: AP Invoice--Line--Expense

Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Multi-Company External Company = AP
Invoice--Line--Expense--External Company--ID
External Account = Get External Account From AP
Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--GL Control For External Expense Context

Comment = Define Transaction and Book Amounts

Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Expense Where Name = Expense AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Expense Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Expense
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Account

Get Account From AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Expense Context
If Temp Account is not Available Calculate Expense Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Book Payable amount Rule

Book Payable amount Rule

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Invoice--Amounts--Balance--Name### =###Balance### And Not ( ###AP
Invoice--Details--Matched from Logged Invoice### = ###True### And ###AP Invoice--Company
Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###False### )
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Payables
Debit Context: Payables
Reference Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 173

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Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactinal and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Name = Balance AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Balance
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Invoice--Details--Is Central Payment Get Account From AP Invoice--Central
Payment Company--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Intercompany Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current Book AND
Payables Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Book Unreceived Line Expense Amount

Book Unreceived Line Expense Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ((###AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Inventory Interface with GL### = ###False###) AND
(###AP Invoice--Line--Details--Of Unreceived Type### = ###True###)) AND (###AP
Invoice--Line--Expense--Details--Is Line Expense### = ###True###)
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice--Line--Expense
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Expense Where Name = Expense AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Line--Expense Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Expense
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

174 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Invoice--Line--Details--Is Less Advanced Payment Calculate Advanced Payment

Calculate Clearing Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Clear Logged Invoice Expense Suspense Amount

Clear Logged Invoice Expense Suspense Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Invoice--Amounts--Expense--Name### =###Expense### And ###AP
Invoice--Details--Matched from Logged Invoice### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Clear Expense Suspense
Debit Context: Clear Expense Suspense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactinal and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Name = Expense AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Expense
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--GL Control For
Current Book AND Expense Suspense Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Expense Suspense Context
Book Amount.Value * -1

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 175

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Clear Logged Invoice Payable Suspense Amount

Clear Logged Invoice Payable Suspense Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Invoice--Amounts--Invoice--Name### =###Invoice### And ###AP
Invoice--Details--Matched from Logged Invoice### = ###True### And ###AP Invoice--Company
Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Clear Payables Suspense
Debit Context: Clear Payables Suspense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactinal and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Name = Invoice AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Invoice
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--GL Control For
Current Book AND Payables Suspense Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Payables Suspense Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Post Allocated Non-Deductible Tax

Post Allocated Non-Deductible Tax

Posting Parameters
###AP Invoice - Line - Expense - Allocated Tax
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:###AP Invoice - Line - Expense - Allocated Tax

176 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Can Post: true

For Each: AP Invoice - Line - Expense
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice - Line - Expense - Allocated Tax

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.

Clear Logged Invoice Suspense Tax Amount

Clear Logged Invoice Suspense Tax Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Invoice--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###AP Invoice--Details--Matched
from Logged Invoice### = ###True### And ###AP Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to
Suspense Accounts### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Clear Tax Suspense
Debit Context: Clear Tax Suspense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 177

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactinal and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Name = Tax AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Name = Tax AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--GL Control For
Current Book AND Tax Suspense Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Tax
Suspense Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Post Header Charge to Header Expense Account

Post Header Charge to Header Expense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge Where Name = Expense AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge Where Currency = Book Currency
AND Name = Expense
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Expense Context
If Temp Account is not Available If AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge--Details--Is
Manual Charge Call = Log Error: GL Control is not defined for Header
Miscellaneous Charge

Calculate Header Mischellaneous Charge Account

178 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Post Rounding Difference to Rounding Difference Account

Post Rounding Difference to Rounding Difference Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Invoice--Amounts--Rounding Difference--Name### =###Rounding Difference###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Rounding Difference
Debit Context: Rounding Difference
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Name = Rounding Difference AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice Where Name = Rounding Difference AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current Book AND Rounding
Difference Context
If Temp Account is not Valid Get Account From AP Invoice--Company Parameters--AP
Account GL Control For Current Book AND Rounding Difference Context

If Temp Account is not Valid Call = Raise error: Rounding Difference Account
is not defined in company AP Account GL Control

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

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Book Amount.Value * -1

Post Tax Amount to AP/AR Tax Accrual Account

Post Tax Amount to AP/AR Tax Accrual Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: Not ( ###AP Invoice--Details--Matched from Logged Invoice### = ###True### And ###AP
Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###False### ) And ( ###AP
Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###False### And Not ( ( ###AP Invoice--Tax
Line--Details--Self-assessment Collection Method### = ###True### Or ###AP Invoice--Tax
Line--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection Method### = ###True### ) And ( ###AP Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is
Liable on Partial Payment### = ###True### Or ###AP Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable When Paid in Full###
= ###True### ) ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactinal and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Tax Line Where Name = Tax Amount AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Tax Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name
= Tax Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Comment = Define if Tax Collection Method is Self-assessment or Dual
If AP Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection Method OR AP
Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is Reversed Charge If AP Invoice--Tax
Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From AP Invoice--Tax Line--Tax
Accounting--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For
Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Else If AP Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Self-assessment Collection Method If AP

Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From AP Invoice--Tax
Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From AP Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For

180 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Else If AP Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method If AP

Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on Invoice Get Account From AP
Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual

Get Account From AP Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For
Current Book AND AP Interim Tax Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Post Witholding Tax Amount AP Tax Accrual Account

Post Witholding Tax Amount AP Tax Accrual Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: Not ( ###AP Invoice--Details--Matched from Logged Invoice### = ###True### And ###AP
Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###False### ) And ( ###AP
Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###True### And ###AP Invoice--Tax
Line--Details--Is Liable on Invoice### = ###True### )
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactinal and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Tax Line Where Name = Tax Amount AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice--Tax Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name
= Tax Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Invoice--Tax Line--Tax
Accounting--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 181

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Get Account From AP Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For
Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Set up main GL journal data

Set up main GL journal data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AP Invoice--Details--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = AP Invoice--Details--Invoice Date

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For

Current Book AND Invoicing Context
Comment = closing period num should be set in this line
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Invoice--Details--Number
Vendor Ref = AP Invoice--Details--Supplier Number
If AP Invoice--Details--Is Debit Memo InvoiceSuffix = DM

InvoiceSuffix = ''

Transaction Text = Combine string from IV: , AP Invoice--Details--Number ,

InvoiceSuffix and AP Invoice--Supplier--Name
Red Storno = AP Invoice--Details--Red Storno

AP Invoice - Pre-Posting Rules

The pre-posting rules for the AP Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
The pre-posting rules pull in the default data required for the GL transaction type to post transactions.

182 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Default Expense Line GL Control

Default Expense Line GL Control

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: false
For Each: AP Invoice--Line--Expense
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Expense
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Line--Expense--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Calculate Expense Account
If Temp Account is not Valid Call = Raise error: Error calculating Expense

Temp Account

Header Miscellaneous Charge GL Control

Header Miscellaneous Charge GL Control

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: false
For Each: AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Expense
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice--Header Misc Charge--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Calculate Header Mischellaneous Charge Account
If Temp Account is not Valid Call = Raise error: Error calculating Expense

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 183

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Temp Account

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment

Books an AP Invoice Avalar Tax Adjustment

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Invoice Tax Adjustment GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice Tax Adjustment GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AP Account GL Control

Contains company's default AP accounts and journal codes.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Contains company's default AP Company. GLControl--R--AP Account
accounts and journal codes.

184 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AR Account GL Control

Contains company's default AR accounts and journal codes.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control Contains company's default AR Company. GLControl--R--AR Account
accounts and journal codes.

Inventory COS and WIP GL Control

Inventory COS and WIP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Inventory COS and WIP GL Inventory COS and WIP GL Company. GLControl--R--Inventory COS
Control Control and WIP

Inventory Interface with GL

A flag indicating whether Inventory is interfaced with GL

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Inventory Interface with A flag indicating whether Inventory GLSyst.PostInvtyWipCos Logical
GL is interfaced with GL

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 185

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AP Invoice Header Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--R--AP Account

Apply Date

Invoice Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Invoice Apply Date APInvHed.ApplyDate Date

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice

Invoice Date

Invoice Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Date Invoice Date APInvHed.InvoiceDate Date

Is Debit Memo

A flag indicating whether the invoice is a Debit Memo

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit Memo A flag indicating whether the invoice APInvHed.DebitMemo Logical
is a Debit Memo

186 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Legal Number

Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number Legal Number APInvHed.LegalNumber String


Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Invoice Number APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Rate Type

Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Rate Type APInvHed.RateGrpCode String

Red Storno

Red Storno Flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Red Storno Red Storno Flag APInvHed. Logical

Supplier Number

Supplier Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier Number Supplier Number APInvHed.VendorNum Numeric


Supplier information.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 187

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account


Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Supplier Name Vendor.Name String


Vendor Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Vendor Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

Supplier GL Control

Supplier GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier GL Control Supplier GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice Tax Adjustment transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.

188 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Tax Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvTax

Exemption type

Exemption type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Exemption type Exemption type APInvTax.ExemptType Numeric

Is EC Acquisition

A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a second line which refers to EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a APInvTax. Logical
second line which refers to EC Acquisition or
Reverse Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice APInvTax. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge APInvTax.ReverseCharge Logical

Rate Code

Rate Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Code Rate Code APInvTax.RateCode String

Self-assessment Collection Method

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 189

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection APInvTax. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection APInvTax. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code APInvTax.TaxCode String

Tax Accounting

Tax Accounting

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

190 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Rule Set

The AP Invoice Tax Adjustment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Functions

The functions used by the AP Invoice Tax Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Combine String

Combine String

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combine String
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: AP Invoice Tax Adjustment

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = String1 + String2 Result = Result + String 3 Result = Result + String4

AP Invoice Tax Adjustment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP Invoice Tax Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Post Use Tax Amount to AP Tax Accrual/AP Tax Contra Accounts

Post Use Tax Amount to AP Tax Accrual/AP Tax Contra Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line--Details--Self-assessment Collection
Method###=###True### And ###AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line
Is Header: false

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 191

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactinal and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line Where Name = Tax Amount
AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Tax Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account
From AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For Current
Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Set up main GL journal data

Set up main GL journal data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Invoice Tax Adjustment
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Details

192 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Details--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = AP Invoice Tax
Adjustment--Details--Invoice Date

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Details--AP GL

Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
Comment = closing period num should be set in this line
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Details--Number
Vendor Ref = AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Details--Supplier Number
If AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Details--Is Debit Memo InvoiceSuffix = DM

InvoiceSuffix = ''

Transaction Text = Combine string from IV: , AP Invoice Tax

Adjustment--Details--Number , InvoiceSuffix and AP Invoice Tax
Red Storno = AP Invoice Tax Adjustment--Details--Red Storno

AP Logged Invoice

Posting AP Logged Invoice

AP Logged Invoice Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Logged Invoice GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Logged Invoice Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Logged Invoice GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APSyst

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 193

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AP Account GL Control

Company AP Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Company AP Account GL Company. GLControl--R--AP Account

Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts

AP Logged Invoices Booked To Suspense Accounts (calculated)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Logged Invoice booked to AP Logged Invoices Booked To APSyst. Logical
Suspense Accounts Suspense Accounts (calculated)

Currency Master

AP Logged Invoice Currency information

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Currency GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


AP Logged Invoice Header Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false LogAPInv

194 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AP GL Control

AP Logged Invoice GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP Logged Invoice GL Control LogAPInv. GLControl--R--AP Account

Apply Date

AP Logged Invoice Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date AP Logged Invoice Apply Date LogAPInv.ApplyDate Date


AP Logged Invoice Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Date AP Logged Invoice Date LogAPInv.InvoiceDate Date

Is Debit Memo

AP Logged Invoice - Is Debit Memo flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit Memo AP Logged Invoice - Is Debit Memo LogAPInv.DebitMemo Logical

Legal Number

AP Logged Invoice Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number AP Logged Invoice Legal Number LogAPInv.LegalNumber String


AP Logged Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number AP Logged Invoice Number LogAPInv.InvoiceNum String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 195

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PO Number

AP Logged Invoice reference PO number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PO Number AP Logged Invoice reference PO LogAPInv.REFPONum Numeric

Rate Type

AP Logged Invoice Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type AP Logged Invoice Rate Type LogAPInv.RateGrpCode String


AP Logged Invoice Supplier

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

AP GL Control

Supplier AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control Supplier AP GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account

Expense GL Control

Supplier Expence GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense GL Control Supplier Expence GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier


Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Supplier Name Vendor.Name String

196 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Supplier Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Supplier Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

AP Logged Invoice Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Logged Invoice transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


LogAPInv.DocInvoiceAmt - LogAPInv.SrcDocTotWithholdingAmt

Qualifier Description
Balance LogAPInv.DocInvoiceAmt - LogAPInv.SrcDocTotWithholdingAmt



Qualifier Description
Discount LogAPInv.DocDiscountAmt


Invoice amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Invoice amount

Total Expenses

LogAPInv.DocInvoiceAmt - LogAPInv.DocTaxAmt

Qualifier Description
Total Expenses LogAPInv.DocInvoiceAmt - LogAPInv.DocTaxAmt

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Total Taxes


Qualifier Description
Total Taxes LogAPInv.DocTaxAmt

AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Tax Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false LogAPInvTax

Exemption Type

Tax Line Exemption Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Exemption Type Tax Line Exemption Type LogAPInvTax.ExemptType Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 0

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
Method LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 0

Is EC Acquisition

198 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a second line which refers to EC Acquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is LogAPInvTax. Logical
a second line which refers to EC Acquisition

Is Liable on Invoice

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.Timing = 0

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
LogAPInvTax.Timing = 0

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.Timing = 1

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
LogAPInvTax.Timing = 1

Is Liable when Fully Paid

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.Timing = 2

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable when Fully Paid Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
LogAPInvTax.Timing = 2

Is Reversed Charge

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge LogAPInvTax.ReverseCharge Logical


Tax Line Manual Flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Manual Tax Line Manual Flag LogAPInvTax.Manual Logical

Rate Code

Tax Line Rate Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Code Tax Line Rate Code LogAPInvTax.RateCode String

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Self-Assessment Collection Method

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 2

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
Method LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 2

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 3

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
Collection Method LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 3

Tax Code

Tax Line Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Line Tax Code LogAPInvTax.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 1

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
Method LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 1

Tax Accounting

Tax Line Tax Accounting

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Tax Line GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Tax Line GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Logged Invoice - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Tax Line Amount LogAPInvTax.DocTaxAmt

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax Line Amount LogAPInvTax.DocTaxAmt

AP Logged Invoice - Rule Set

The AP Logged Invoice transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP Logged Invoice - Functions

The functions used by the AP Logged Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP Logged Invoice - Combine String

Combine String

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combine String
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: AP Logged Invoice

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = String1 + String2 Result = Result + String 3 Result = Result + String4

AP Logged Invoice - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP Logged Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

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Post Expense Amount to Suspense Expense Account

Post Expense Amount to Suspense Expense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Logged Invoice--Amounts--Total Expenses--Name### =###Total Expenses###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Logged Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense Suspense
Debit Context: Expense Suspense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice Where Name = Total Expenses AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice Where Name = Total Expenses AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL

Control For Current Book AND Expense Suspense Context

Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current
Book AND Expense Suspense Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Invoice Amount to Payables Suspense Account

Post Invoice Amount to Payables Suspense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Logged Invoice--Amounts--Invoice--Name### =###Invoice### And ###AP Logged
Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Logged Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Payables Suspense

202 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Debit Context: Payables Suspense

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice Where Name = Invoice AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice Where Name = Invoice AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL

Control For Current Book AND Payables Suspense Context

Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current
Book AND Payables Suspense Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Invoice Balance Amount to Payables Account

Post Invoice Balance Amount to Payables Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Logged Invoice--Amounts--Balance--Name### =###Balance### And ###AP Logged
Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Logged Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Payables
Debit Context: Payables
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice Where Name = Balance AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice Where Name = Balance AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL

Control For Current Book AND Payables Context

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Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current
Book AND Payables Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Tax Amount to Tax Accrual Accounts

Post Tax Amount to Tax Accrual Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###AP Logged
Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###False### And ( ###AP
Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###False### And Not (( ###AP Logged
Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Collection Method### = ###True### Or ###AP Logged Invoice--Tax
Line--Details--Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method### = ###True### ) And ( ###AP Logged Invoice--Tax
Line--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment### = ###True### Or ###AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable
when Fully Paid### = ###True### ) ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Define if Tax Collection Method is Self-assessment or Dual

If AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method
OR AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is Reversed Charge If AP Logged
Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From AP Logged
Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual

Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Else If AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Collection

Method If AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account

204 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For Current Book

AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Else If AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method If AP

Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on Invoice Get Account From AP
Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control For Current Book AND AP
Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Interim Tax Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Tax Account

Tax Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Total Tax Amount to Tax Suspense Account

Post Total Tax Amount to Tax Suspense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Logged Invoice--Amounts--Total Taxes--Name### =###Total Taxes### And ###AP
Logged Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Logged Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax Suspense
Debit Context: Tax Suspense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice Where Name = Total Taxes AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice Where Name = Total Taxes AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL

Control For Current Book AND Tax Suspense Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 205

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Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL Control For Current
Book AND Tax Suspense Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Withholding Tax Amount to AP Tax Accrual Account

Post Withholding Tax Amount to AP Tax Accrual Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###AP Logged
Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###False### And ###AP
Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###True### And ###AP Logged
Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on Invoice### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Tax

Accounting--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From AP Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Tax Accounting--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value

206 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Setup GL Journal Main Data

Setup GL Journal Main Data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Logged Invoice
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AP Logged Invoice--Details--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL Control

For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Logged Invoice--Details--Number
Vendor Ref = AP Logged Invoice--Supplier--Number
Invoice Suffix = Space
If AP Logged Invoice--Details--Is Debit Memo Invoice Suffix = DM

Transaction Text = Combine String from LOGINV: , AP Logged

Invoice--Details--Number , Invoice Suffix and AP Logged Invoice--Supplier--Name

AP Payment

Books AP Payment.

AP Payment Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Payment GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Payment Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Payment GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID ID BankAcct.BankAcctID String



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CheckHed

Apply Date

Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date CheckHed. Date

208 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Currency CheckHed.CurrencyCode String


Check Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Date Check Date CheckHed.CheckDate Date

Manual Print

Manual Print

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Manual Print Manual Print CheckHed.ManualPrint Logical


Check Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Check Number CheckHed.CheckNum Numeric

Rate Type

Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Rate Type CheckHed. String

Supplier Name

Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier Name Supplier Name CheckHed.Name String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 209

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Use Pending Cash Account

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Use Pending Cash Account CheckHed.UsePendAcct Logical

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AP Account GL Control

AP Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control AP Account GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AP Account

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency

210 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account

Expense GL Control

Expense GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense GL Control Expense GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier


Vendor Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Vendor Name Vendor.Name String


Supplier Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Supplier Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

AP Payment Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Payment transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

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Check Amount

Check Amount

Qualifier Description
Check Amount Check Amount

AP Payment - Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Payment - Bank Fee GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Payment - Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Payment - Bank Fee GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Fee Master

Bank Fee Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String

GL Control

Bank Fee GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Fee GL Control BankFee. GLControl--R--Bank Fee

212 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Bank Fee Line details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank Transaction

Tran Num

Transaction Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num Transaction Number BankTran.TranNum Numeric

AP Payment - Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Payment - Bank Fee transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Bank Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Bank Fee Amount

Total Tax

Bank Fee Total Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Total Tax Bank Fee Total Tax Amount

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AP Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Fee Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Bank Tran Number

Bank Tran Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Tran Number Bank Tran Number TaxDtl.TranNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax line created for EC Aquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax TaxDtl. Logical
line created for EC Aquisition

Is Reversed Charge

214 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed TaxDtl.ReverseCharge Logical

Rate Code

Rate Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Code Rate Code TaxDtl.RateCode String

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Self-Assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Self-Assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 215

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AP Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax Anount

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax Anount

AP Payment - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Payment - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Payment - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Payment - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Payment Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APTran

Check ID

Check ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Check ID Check ID APTran.HeadNum Numeric


Details Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Details Description APTran.Description String

216 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Detail ID

Detail ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Detail ID Detail ID APTran.APTranNo Numeric

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APTran. GLControl--N--AP Transactions

Invoice Number

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Number Invoice Number APTran.InvoiceNum String

Is Adjustment

A flag indicating whether the line is related to Gain/Loss Adjustment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Adjustment A flag indicating whether the line is related APTran. Logical
to Gain/Loss Adjustment

Is Invoice Payment

A flag indicating whether the line is related to Invoice Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Invoice Payment A flag indicating whether the line is APTran. Logical
related to Invoice Payment

Is Miscellaneous Payment

A flag indicating whether the line is related to Miscellaneous Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Miscellaneous Payment A flag indicating whether the line is APTran. Logical
related to Miscellaneous Payment

Is Payment

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 217

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A flag indicating whether the line is related to Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Payment A flag indicating whether the line is APTran. Logical
related to Payment

Is Prepayment

A flag indicating whether the line is Prepayment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Prepayment A flag indicating whether the line is APTran. Logical


AP Invoice

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--R--AP Account

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice

Invoice Number

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Number Invoice Number APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Is Debit Memo

A flag indicating whether Invoice is debit Memo

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit Memo A flag indicating whether Invoice is APInvHed.DebitMemo Logical
debit Memo

218 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AP Payment - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Payment - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.



Qualifier Description
Discount Discount


Operational Amount

Qualifier Description
Operational Operational Amount

Tax (Invoicing Collection)

Invoice Collection Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax (Invoicing Collection) Invoice Collection Tax Amount

Tax (Self-Assessment Collection)

Self-Assessment Collection Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax (Self-Assessment Collection) Self-Assessment Collection Tax Amount

Tax (Withholding Collection)

Withholding Collection Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax (Withholding Collection) Withholding Collection Tax Amount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 219

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Total Tax Adjustments

Total Tax Adjustments

Qualifier Description
Total Tax Adjustments Total Tax Adjustments

AP Payment - Line - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Payment - Line - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Payment - Line - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Payment - Line - Tax Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax line created for EC Aquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax TaxDtl. Logical
line created for EC Aquisition

Is Liable on Invoice

220 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed TaxDtl.ReverseCharge Logical

Rate Code

Rate Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Code Rate Code TaxDtl.RateCode String

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Self-Assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Self-Assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 221

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Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvTax

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvTax. GLControl--F--AP Invoice Tax

Tax Master

Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

AP Payment - Line - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Payment - Line - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Discount Tax Adjustment

222 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Discount Tax Adjustment

Qualifier Description
Discount Tax Adjustment Discount Tax Adjustment


Misc Payment Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Misc Payment Tax Amount

AP Payment - Rule Set

The AP Payment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP Payment - Functions

The functions used by the AP Payment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP Payment - Combine String

Combine String

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combine String
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: AP Payment

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = String1 + String2 Result = Result + String 3 Result = Result +
String4 Result = Result + String5

AP Payment - Function to Calculate Bank Cash/Pending Account

Function to Calculate Bank Cash/Pending Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to Calculate Bank Cash/Pending Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 223

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Result Type: Account--CONV

Document Line Path: AP Payment

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AP Payment--Check--Use Pending Cash AccountGet Account From AP
Payment--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Pending Cash ContextIf Result
is not Valid Error Text = Pending Cash Account is not defined for bank: + AP
Payment--Bank--ID Call = Raise error: Error TextElse
Get Account From AP Payment--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash

AP Payment--Bank Fee - Function to Calculate Bank Fee Account

Function to Calculate Bank Fee Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to Calculate Bank Fee Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AP Payment--Bank Fee

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AP Payment--Bank Fee--Bank Fee Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND Bank Fee ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From AP
Payment--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

AP Payment--Line - Function to calculate Discount Account

Function to calculate Discount Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to calculate Discount Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AP Payment--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AP Payment--Line--Invoice--AP GL Control is not Available Error Text = Payment
+ AP Payment--Check--Number Error Text = Error Text + Invoice Error Text = Error
Text + AP Payment--Line--Invoice--Invoice Number Error Text = Error Text + -
Invoice AP Account is not found Call = Raise error: Error TextElse
Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Invoice--AP GL Control For Current Book
AND Payment Discount Context

224 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AP Payment--Line - Function to calculate Expense Account for Miscellaneous Payment

Function to calculate Expense Account for Miscellaneous Payment

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to calculate Expense Account for Miscellaneous Payment
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AP Payment--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AP Payment--Supplier--Number is not AvailableGet Account From AP
Payment--Company Parameters--AP Account GL Control For Current Book AND Expense
ContextIf Expense Account is not Valid Call = Raise error: Expense Account is
not ValidElse
Get Account From AP Payment--Supplier--Expense GL Control For Current Book
AND Expense ContextIf Expense Account is not ValidGet Account From AP
Payment--Supplier--AP GL Control For Current Book AND Expense ContextIf Expense
Account is not ValidGet Account From AP Payment--Company Parameters--AP Account
GL Control For Current Book AND Expense ContextIf Expense Account is not
Valid Call = Raise error: Expense Account is not ValidExpense Account

AP Payment--Line - Function to calculate Prepayment Account

Function to calculate Prepayment Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to calculate Prepayment Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AP Payment--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AP Payment--Supplier--AP GL Control For Current Book AND
Prepayment ContextIf Prepayment Account is not ValidGet Account From AP
Payment--Company Parameters--AP Account GL Control For Current Book AND Prepayment
ContextIf Prepayment Account is not Valid Call = Raise error: Prepayment Account
is not ValidPrepayment Account

AP Payment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP Payment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Post Bank Fee Amount

Post Bank Fee Amount to Bank Fee and Cash Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Check--Use Pending Cash Account### = ###False### And ###AP
Payment--Bank Fee--Amounts--Fee--Name### =###Fee###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Bank Fee
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Bank Fee Where Name = Fee AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Payment--Bank Fee Where Name = Fee AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Payment--Bank Fee--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Adjustment/Bank Fee Context
If Debit Account is not Valid Calculate Bank Fee Account

Get Account From AP Payment--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash Context

Post Bank Fee Tax Amount

Post Bank Fee Tax Amount to Tax Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Check--Use Pending Cash Account### = ###False### And ###AP
Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Tax

226 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method Get
Account From AP Payment--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Account From AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For
Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Dual Collection
Method OR AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Is Reversed Charge If AP
Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From
AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR
Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Collection
Method If AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Is EC
Acquisition Get Account From AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From AP Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1
Credit Context = Tax

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 227

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Post Check Amount to Bank Cash/Pending Account

Post Check Amount to Bank Cash/Pending Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Amounts--Check Amount--Name### =###Check Amount###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Check

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment Where Name = Check Amount AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Payment Where Name = Check Amount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Calculate Bank Cash/Pending Account
If AP Payment--Check--Use Pending Cash Account Credit Context = Pending Cash

Post Gain/Loss Amount

Post Gain/Loss Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Amounts--Operational--Name### =###Operational### And ###AP
Payment--Line--Details--Is Adjustment### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:

228 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional AND Name
= Operational
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line Where Name = Operational AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book AND
Payables Context
If Gain/Loss Adj to Payables is not Valid Error Text = Payment + AP
Error Text = Error Text + Invoice
Error Text = Error Text + AP Payment--Line--Invoice--Invoice Number
Error Text = Error Text + - Invoice Payables Account is not found
Call = Raise error: Error Text

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Payment--Currency Master--GL Control

For Current Book AND Realized Gain Context
Temp Account
Gain/Loss Adj to Payables
Credit Context = Adjustment
Debit Context = Payables

Get Account From AP Payment--Currency Master--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Loss Context
Temp Account
Gain/Loss Adj to Payables
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value
Credit Context = Payables
Debit Context = Adjustment

Transaction Text = AP Payment--Line--Details--Description

AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number

Post Invoice Tax Discount Adjustment Amount to Discount Account

Post Invoice Tax Discount Adjustment Amount to Discount Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Discount Tax Adjustment--Name### =###Discount
Tax Adjustment### And ###AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Invoice Payment### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount

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Debit Context: Discount

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Discount Tax Adjustment
AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Discount Tax Adjustment
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Comment = Adjust Taxes which are due on Payment or Partial Payment and of
Invoicing collection method
Calculate Discount Account

Post Invoice Tax Discount Adjustment Amount to Tax Account

Post Invoice Tax Discount Adjustment Amount to Tax Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Discount Tax Adjustment--Name### =###Discount
Tax Adjustment### And ###AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Invoice Payment### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount Tax Adjustment
Debit Context: Discount Tax Adjustment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Discount Tax Adjustment
AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Discount Tax Adjustment
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on Invoice Comment = Adjust
Taxes which are due on Invoice and of Invoicing collection method
If AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method Get
Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Invoice Tax--GL Control For Current

230 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book AND Tax Context

If Credit Account is not Available Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax
Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Comment = Adjust Taxes which are due on Payment or Partial Payment and
of Invoicing collection method
Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Post Operational Amount to Paybles/Expense Account

Post Operational Amount to Paybles, Expense or Prepayment Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Amounts--Operational--Name### =###Operational### And ###AP
Payment--Line--Details--Is Adjustment### = ###FALSE###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional AND Name
= Operational
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line Where Name = Operational AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Payment If AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Invoice
Payment Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Payables Context
If Temp Account is not Valid Error Text = Combine String from Payment
, AP Payment--Check--Number , Invoice, AP Payment--Line--Invoice--Invoice Number
and - Invoice Payables not found.
Call = Raise error: Error Text

AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account
Debit Context = Payables

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Temp Account
Credit Context = Payables
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Else If AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Miscellaneous Payment If AP

Payment--Line--Details--GL Control is Available Get Account From AP
Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context

Calculate Expense Account

Temp Account
Debit Context = Expense

Else If AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Prepayment If AP

Payment--Line--Details--GL Control is Available Get Account From AP
Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Prepayment Context

Calculate Prepayment Account

Temp Account
Debit Context = Prepayment
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number

Post Payment Discount Amount to Discount Account

Rule to post Payment Discount Amount to Discount Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Amounts--Discount--Name### =###Discount###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount
Debit Context: Discount
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

232 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Invoice Payment Calculate Discount Account
Temp Account
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number

Post Payment Taxes

Post Payment Texes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###False###
And ###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And Not ( ###AP Payment--Line--Tax
Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method###=###True### And ###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable
on Invoice###=###False### And ###AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Invoice Payment###=###True### )
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method
OR AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is Reversed Charge If AP
Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From AP
Payment--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax
Accrual Context

Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Self-Assessment Collection
Method If AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get
Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book
AND AP Tax Contra Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 233

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Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection
Method Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1

Post Withholding Taxes

Post Withholding Taxes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###True###
And ###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

234 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current

Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Reverse Invoice Interim Tax and Post it to Accrual

Reverse Invoice Interim Tax and Post it To Accrual

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method### = ###True### And
###AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on Invoice### = ###False### And ###AP Payment--Line--Tax
Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Invoice Payment### =
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From AP
Payment--Line--Tax Line--Invoice Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Reverse Tax Account

Reverse Tax Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Get Account From AP Payment--Line--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For
Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Accrual Tax Account

Accrual Tax Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 235

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Set up GL Journal main data

Set up GL Journal main data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Payment
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AP Payment--Check--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Payment--Bank--GL Control For Current
Book AND Cash Disbursements Context
Vendor Ref = AP Payment--Supplier--Number
Check Num Ref = AP Payment--Check--Number
Bank Account = AP Payment--Bank--ID
Transaction Text = Py: + AP Payment--Check--Number
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + AP Payment--Supplier--Name
Transaction Text = Combine String from 'Py:' , AP Payment--Check--Number , Space
, AP Payment--Check--Supplier Name and Empty String

AP Payment - Pre-Posting Rules

The pre-posting rules for the AP Payment transaction type are described in this section.
The pre-posting rules pull in the default data required for the GL transaction type to post transactions.

Calculate Default Bank Fee Account

Calculate Default Bank Fee Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: false
For Each: AP Payment--Bank Fee

236 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Calculate Bank Fee Account

Calculate Default Misc Payment Expense Account

Rule for calculating Default Misc Payment Expense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Miscellaneous Payment###=###True###
Can Post: false
For Each: AP Payment--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Expense
Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Calculate Expense Account
Temp Account

Calculate Default Prepayment Account

Rule for calculating Default Prepayment Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Payment--Line--Details--Is Prepayment###=###True###
Can Post: false
For Each: AP Payment--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 237

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Reference Context: Prepayment

Business Entity Table: AP Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Calculate Prepayment Account
Temp Account

AP PI Payment

PI Payment transaction is booked when PI is posted with one or more AP nvoices linked to it.

Payment Instrument Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency code Currency.CurrencyCode String

238 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Currency code GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency code GL control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control APPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID APPNHead.GroupID String

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num APPNHead.HeadNum Numeric


PI Status

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PIStatus

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PIStatus. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 239

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


Status ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Status ID PIStatus.PIStatus String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Stage Stage PIStatus.PIStage String


PI Type-Status

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PITypeStat

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PITypeStat. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Payment Instrument Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

PI Amount

PI Amount

Qualifier Description
PI Amount PI Amount

240 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNDtl

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num APPNDtl.InvoiceNum String


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 241

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Payment Instrument - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Currency gain/loss amount

Qualifier Description
Gain/Loss Currency gain/loss amount

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount

AP PI Payment - Rule Set

The AP PI Payment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP PI Payment - Functions

The functions used by the AP PI Payment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP PI Payment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP PI Payment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Book Currency Gain/Loss

This rule books Currency Gain/Loss

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payment Instrument--Line--Amounts--Gain/Loss--Name### =###Gain/Loss###
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line

242 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Name = Gain/Loss AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount.Value < 0 Get Account From Payment Instrument--Currency Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND Realized Loss Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Payables Context
Debit Context = Currency Loss
Credit Context = Gain/Loss to Payables
-1 * Book Amount.Value

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Payables Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Currency Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND Realized Gain Context
Debit Context = Gain/Loss to Payables
Credit Context = Currency Gain

Book Invoice Payment

Book part of PI amount as payment for an invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Payables
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional
AND Name = Invoice Amount
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Name = Invoice Amount AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 243

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book

AND Payables Context

Book PI Total

Book PI Total amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: false
Credit Context: PI Payable
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = PI Amount AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = PI Amount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Type-Status--GL Control For Current Book

AND PI Payable Context
If Credit Account is not Available Get Account From Payment
Instrument--Status--GL Control For Current Book AND PI Payable Context

Define GL Journal Properties

Define GL Journal Properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:

244 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Today
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payment Instrument--Status--GL Control For
Current Book AND PI Payable Journal Context
Transaction Text = PI: + Payment Instrument--Details--PI Num

AP PI Status Change

PI Payment transaction is booked when PI is posted with one or more AP nvoices linked to it.

Payment Instrument Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency code Currency.CurrencyCode String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 245

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

Currency code GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency code GL control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control APPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID APPNHead.GroupID String

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num APPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

New Status

New Status of PI

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PIStatus

246 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PIStatus. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Old Status

Old Status of PI

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PIStatus

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account

Payment Instrument Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

PI Amount

PI Amount

Qualifier Description
PI Amount PI Amount

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 247

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNDtl

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num APPNDtl.InvoiceNum String


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Payment Instrument - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Currency gain/loss amount

Qualifier Description
Gain/Loss Currency gain/loss amount

248 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount

AP PI Status Change - Rule Set

The AP PI Status Change transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP PI Status Change - Functions

The functions used by the AP PI Status Change transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP PI Status Change - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP PI Status Change transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Define GL Journal Properties

Define GL Journal Properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Today
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payment Instrument--New Status--GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 249

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

For Current Book AND PI Payable Journal Context

Transaction Text = PI: + Payment Instrument--Details--PI Num

Move PI Total

Moves PI Total amount to a different account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: false
Credit Context: PI Payable
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = PI Amount AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = PI Amount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payment Instrument--New Status--GL Control For Current Book AND
PI Payable Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Old Status--GL Control For Current Book AND
PI Payable Context

AP PI Voiding

PI Voiding transaction is booked when user voids an already posted PI.

Payment Instrument Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

250 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control APPNHead. GLControl--F--PI Payable

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID APPNHead.GroupID String

PI GL Control

Payment Instrument GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI GL Control Payment Instrument GL APPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment
Control Instrument Payable

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num APPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

Payment Instrument Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 251

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

PI Amount

PI Amount

Qualifier Description
PI Amount PI Amount

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNDtl

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num APPNDtl.InvoiceNum String

Ref GL Control

PI Detail reference GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control PI Detail reference GL control APPNDtl. GLControl--F--PI Payable Detail


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

252 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Payment Instrument - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount

AP PI Voiding - Rule Set

The AP PI Voiding transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP PI Voiding - Functions

The functions used by the AP PI Voiding transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP PI Voiding - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP PI Voiding transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 253

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Define GL Journal Properties

Define GL Journal Properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Today
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payment Instrument--Details--PI GL Control
For Current Book AND PI Payable Journal Context

Reverse Currency Gain

Reverse Currency Gain

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Currency Gain Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Gain/Loss to Payables Context
Get Book Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current

254 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book AND Currency Gain Context

Book Amount.Value * -1

Reverse Currency Loss

Reverse Currency Loss

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Gain/Loss to Payables Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Currency Loss Context
Get Book Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Currency Loss Context

Reverse Invoice Payment

Reverse Invoice Payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 255

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Payables Context
Get Book Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Payables Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Payables Context

Reverse PI Total

Reverse PI Total

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
PI Payable Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payment Instrument--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND PI Payable Context
Get Book Amount From Payment Instrument--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND PI Payable Context

256 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Apply Credit Memo

Books transactions that should be created as a result of applying a credit memo to an invoice or to a group of

Apply Credit Memo Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Apply Credit Memo GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Apply Credit Memo Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Apply Credit Memo GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Account

Bank Account that is used for Credit Card payments

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct


Bank Account Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Bank Account Code BankAcct.BankAcctID String

GL Control

Contains accounts associated with the Bank Account Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts associated with the BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account
Bank Account Code

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 257

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

BillTo Customer

Credit Memo's BillTo Customer

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

GL Control

Contains accounts associated with the BillTo Customer

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts associated with the Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account
BillTo Customer


Customer Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Customer Number Customer.CustNum Numeric

Company Parameters

Contains company parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AR Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AR Account

Credit Memo Header

Contains main data for the Credit Memo being applied

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

258 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Contains accounts calculated in the process of posting the Credit Memo.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts calculated in the InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
process of posting the Credit Memo.


Credit Memo number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Credit Memo number InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric


Currency Master for the Credit Memo's Currency

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Contains accounts associated with the Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts associated with the Currency. GLControl--R--Currency
Currency Code

Deposit Invoice

Deposit Invoice

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 259

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference InvcHead.ContractRef String

Deposit Payment

Deposit Payment. Data are also included in VBD in case of Deposit Invoice is created based on Deposit Payment

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashHead

Cash Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Cash Head Num CashHead.HeadNum Numeric

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control CashHead. GLControl--F--AR Check


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference CashHead.Reference String

260 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


This entity refers directly to to supporting sub-ledger transaction.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashHead

Apply Date

Apply Date for the GL Journal

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date for the GL Journal CashHead.TranDate Date

Is Credit Memo applied

Indicates that Credit Memo is applied

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Credit Memo applied Indicates that Credit Memo is CashHead. String

Is Deposit Invoice applied

Indicates that Deposit Invoice is applied

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Deposit Invoice applied Indicates that Deposit Invoice is CashHead. String

Is Deposit Payment applied

Indicates that Deposit Payment is applied

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Deposit Payment applied Indicates that Deposit Payment is CashHead. String


The number of supporting Cash Receipt transaction

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number The number of supporting Cash Receipt CashHead.HeadNum Numeric

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 261

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Rate Group

Rate Group that should be used currency conversions

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Group Rate Group that should be used CashHead.RateGrpCode String
currency conversions

Apply Credit Memo Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Apply Credit Memo transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Total Applied

The total amount applied to invoices or credit payments

Qualifier Description
Total Applied The total amount applied to invoices or credit payments

Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Invoice Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

AR Invoice Tax GL Control

262 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AR Invoice Tax GL Control used to book Tax during Deposit Invoice posting

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Invoice Tax GL AR Invoice Tax GL Control used to book InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
Control Tax during Deposit Invoice posting Tax


Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Tax Code InvcTax.TaxCode String

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method InvcTax. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Is EC Acquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Is EC Acquisition InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid InvcTax. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 263

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge InvcTax.ReverseCharge Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection InvcTax. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection InvcTax. Logical
Method Method

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method InvcTax. Logical


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Sales Tax

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax
associated with the Sales Tax

Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Apply Credit Memo - Deposit Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

264 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Qualifier Description

Apply Credit Memo - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Apply Credit Memo - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Apply Credit Memo - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Apply Credit Memo - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashDtl

Is Credit Payment

A Flag indicating whether the line is an invoice or a credit payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Credit Payment A Flag indicating whether the line is an CashDtl. Logical
invoice or a credit payment


Invoice to which the Credit Memo is applied

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 265

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Contains accounts calculated when the invoice has been posted

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts calculated when the InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
invoice has been posted


Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Invoice Number InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Apply Credit Memo - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Apply Credit Memo - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Applied Amount

The amount that is applied to the invoice

Qualifier Description
Applied Amount The amount that is applied to the invoice

Currency Difference

Currency Gain or Loss amount

Qualifier Description
Currency Difference Currency Gain or Loss amount

Apply Credit Memo - Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Apply Credit Memo - Line - Tax GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Apply Credit Memo - Line - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Apply Credit Memo - Line - Tax GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.

266 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Is EC Acquisition or Reverse TaxDtl. Logical
Charge Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 267

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

Invoice Line

Invoice Line (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Line Invoice Line (key field) InvcTax.InvoiceLine Numeric

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice Tax

Tax Code

268 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) InvcTax.TaxCode String

Sales Tax

Sales tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

Apply Credit Memo - Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Apply Credit Memo - Line - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Apply Credit Memo - Rule Set

The Apply Credit Memo transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Apply Credit Memo - Functions

The functions used by the Apply Credit Memo transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

- Reverses sign of the given Amount

Reverses sign of the given Amount

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Reverses sign of the given Amount
Result Type: Amount
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
AmountAmount.Value * -1

Apply Credit Memo - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Apply Credit Memo transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Book Invoice Tax

Books tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method###=###False###
And ###Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Amounts--Tax###.###.### And ( ###Apply Credit
Memo--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment###=###True### OR ###Apply Credit
Memo--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully Paid###=###True### )
Can Post: true
For Each: Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency =

270 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Apply Credit Memo--Details--Rate Group

If Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method If Not

Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition or Reverse
Charge If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Apply Credit
Memo--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Call = End Rule

Else If Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection Method

OR Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection
Method If Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition or Reverse
Charge Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Tax Contra Context

Post Currency Difference Amount

Posts Currency Difference Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Apply Credit Memo--Line--Amounts--Currency Difference###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: Apply Credit Memo--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Apply Credit Memo--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Apply Credit Memo--Line Where Name = Currency Difference AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 271

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Apply Credit
Memo--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Currency--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Gain Context

Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Currency--GL Control For Current
Book AND Realized Gain Context
Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Book Amount.Value * -1

Post to Invoice is Accounts Receivable

Posts the amount applied to an Invoice to the Invoice's Accounts Recievable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Apply Credit Memo--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Apply Credit Memo--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book
AND Receivables Context
Select Amount From Apply Credit Memo--Line Where Name = Applied Amount AND
Currency Type = Transactional
AR Invoice Num Ref = Apply Credit Memo--Line--Invoice--Number
Select Amount From Apply Credit Memo--Line Where Name = Applied Amount AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Apply Credit Memo--Details--Rate Group

If Book Amount.Value < 0 Book Amount.Value * -1

272 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Post Total Applied amount

Posts the total applied amount to either Accounts Receivables or Unapplied Cash account depending on what
account was affected when Credit Memo was posted

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Apply Credit Memo
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Apply Credit Memo--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Credit Memo Header--GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Select Amount From Apply Credit Memo Where Name = Total Applied AND Currency
Type = Transactional
AR Invoice Num Ref = Apply Credit Memo--Credit Memo Header--Number
Select Amount From Apply Credit Memo Where Name = Total Applied AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Apply Credit Memo--Details--Rate Group

If Book Amount.Value < 0 Book Amount.Value * -1

Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Reverse Deposit Tax Amount

The rule posts reversing of Deposit Tax amount. The rule is executed for each tax line of allocated deposit(s)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Apply Credit Memo--Deposit Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 273

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Debit Context: Tax

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Transactional Amount From Apply Credit Memo--Deposit Tax--Details--AR Invoice
Tax GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Book Amount From Apply Credit Memo--Deposit Tax--Details--AR Invoice Tax GL
Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value < 0 Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Deposit Tax--Details--AR Invoice Tax GL
Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Get Account From Apply Credit Memo--Deposit Tax--Details--AR Invoice Tax
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Set up main GL Journal data

Set up values for the whole GL journal

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Apply Credit Memo
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Apply Credit Memo--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Apply Credit Memo--Details--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Apply Credit Memo--BillTo Customer--GL
Control For Current Book AND Adjustment/Apply Credit Memo Context
If Journal Code is not Available Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Apply
Credit Memo--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Adjustment/Apply Credit Memo Context

274 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Cash Receipt Ref = Apply Credit Memo--Details--Number

AP Void Logged Invoice

Posting AP Void Logged Invoice

AP Void Logged Invoice Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Void Logged Invoice GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Void Logged Invoice Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Void Logged Invoice GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APSyst

AP Account GL Control

Company AP Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Company AP Account GL Company. GLControl--R--AP Account

Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts

AP Void Logged Invoices Booked To Suspense Accounts (calculated)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Logged Invoice booked to AP Void Logged Invoices Booked To APSyst. Logical
Suspense Accounts Suspense Accounts (calculated)

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 275

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Currency Master

AP Void Logged Invoice Currency information

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Currency GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


AP Void Logged Invoice Header Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false LogAPInv

AP GL Control

AP Void Logged Invoice GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP Void Logged Invoice GL LogAPInv. GLControl--R--AP Account

Apply Date

AP Void Logged Invoice Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date AP Void Logged Invoice Apply Date LogAPInv.ApplyDate Date

276 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


AP Void Logged Invoice Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Date AP Void Logged Invoice Date LogAPInv.InvoiceDate Date

Is Debit Memo

AP Void Logged Invoice - Is Debit Memo flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit Memo AP Void Logged Invoice - Is Debit LogAPInv.DebitMemo Logical
Memo flag

Legal Number

AP Void Logged Invoice Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number AP Void Logged Invoice Legal LogAPInv.LegalNumber String

Logged Invoice GL Control

Logged Invoice GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Logged Invoice GL Control Logged Invoice GL Control LogAPInv. GLControl--F--AP Invoice


AP Void Logged Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number AP Void Logged Invoice Number LogAPInv.InvoiceNum String

PO Number

AP Void Logged Invoice reference PO number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PO Number AP Void Logged Invoice reference PO LogAPInv.REFPONum Numeric

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 277

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Rate Type

AP Void Logged Invoice Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type AP Void Logged Invoice Rate Type LogAPInv.RateGrpCode String


AP Void Logged Invoice Supplier

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

AP GL Control

Supplier AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control Supplier AP GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account

Expense GL Control

Supplier Expence GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense GL Control Supplier Expence GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier


Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Supplier Name Vendor.Name String


Supplier Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Supplier Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

278 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AP Void Logged Invoice Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Void Logged Invoice transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


LogAPInv.DocInvoiceAmt - LogAPInv.SrcDocTotWithholdingAmt

Qualifier Description
Balance LogAPInv.DocInvoiceAmt - LogAPInv.SrcDocTotWithholdingAmt



Qualifier Description
Discount LogAPInv.DocDiscountAmt


Invoice amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Invoice amount

Total Expenses

LogAPInv.DocInvoiceAmt - LogAPInv.DocTaxAmt

Qualifier Description
Total Expenses LogAPInv.DocInvoiceAmt - LogAPInv.DocTaxAmt

Total Taxes


Qualifier Description
Total Taxes LogAPInv.DocTaxAmt

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 279

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Tax Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false LogAPInvTax

Exemption Type

Tax Line Exemption Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Exemption Type Tax Line Exemption Type LogAPInvTax.ExemptType Numeric

GL Control

GL Control type "AP Invoice Tax"

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control type "AP Invoice LogAPInvTax. GLControl--F--AP Invoice Tax

Invoicing Collection Method

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 0

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
Method LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 0

Is EC Acquisition

280 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a second line which refers to EC Acquisition or Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a LogAPInvTax. Logical
second line which refers to EC Acquisition or
Reversed Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.Timing = 0

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
LogAPInvTax.Timing = 0

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.Timing = 1

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
LogAPInvTax.Timing = 1

Is Liable when Fully Paid

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.Timing = 2

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable when Fully Paid Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
LogAPInvTax.Timing = 2

Is Reversed Charge

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge LogAPInvTax.ReverseCharge Logical


Tax Line Manual Flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Manual Tax Line Manual Flag LogAPInvTax.Manual Logical

Rate Code

Tax Line Rate Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Code Tax Line Rate Code LogAPInvTax.RateCode String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 281

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 2

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
Method LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 2

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 3

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
Collection Method LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 3

Tax Code

Tax Line Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Line Tax Code LogAPInvTax.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 1

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Tax Line - calculated flag True if LogAPInvTax. Logical
Method LogAPInvTax.CollectionType = 1

Tax Accounting

Tax Line Tax Accounting

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Tax Line GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Tax Line GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Void Logged Invoice - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

282 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Tax Line Amount LogAPInvTax.DocTaxAmt

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax Line Amount LogAPInvTax.DocTaxAmt

AP Void Logged Invoice - Rule Set

The AP Void Logged Invoice transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AP Void Logged Invoice - Functions

The functions used by the AP Void Logged Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

- Withholding


Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Withholding
Result Type: Logical
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = FalseIf AP Void Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Withholding
Collection MethodIf AP Void Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--Is Liable on
Invoice Result = True

AP Void Logged Invoice - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP Void Logged Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 283

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Post Expense Amount to Suspense Expense Account

Post Expense Amount to Suspense Expense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Logged Invoice--Amounts--Total Expenses--Name### =###Total Expenses###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Logged Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense Suspense
Debit Context: Expense Suspense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice Where Name = Total Expenses AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice Where Name = Total Expenses AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Logged

Invoice GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Suspense Context

Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Logged Invoice GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Suspense Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Invoice Amount to Payables Suspense Account

Post Invoice Amount to Payables Suspense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Logged Invoice--Amounts--Invoice--Name### =###Invoice### And ###AP Void
Logged Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Logged Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Payables Suspense

284 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Debit Context: Payables Suspense

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice Where Name = Invoice AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice Where Name = Invoice AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Logged

Invoice GL Control For Current Book AND Payables Suspense Context

Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Logged Invoice GL Control
For Current Book AND Payables Suspense Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Invoice Balance Amount to Payables Account

Post Invoice Balance Amount to Payables Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Logged Invoice--Amounts--Balance--Name### =###Balance### And ###AP
Void Logged Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Logged Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Payables
Debit Context: Payables
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice Where Name = Balance AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice Where Name = Balance AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Logged

Invoice GL Control For Current Book AND Payables Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 285

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Logged Invoice GL Control
For Current Book AND Payables Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Tax Amount to Tax Accrual Accounts

Post Tax Amount to Tax Accrual Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###AP
Void Logged Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Logged Invoice--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Tax Line--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Tax Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 If Withholding and Is Liable on Invoice Temp Account

Temp Account

If Withholding and Is Liable on Invoice Temp Account

Temp Account

-1 * Book Amount.Value

286 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Total Tax Amount to Tax Suspense Account

Post Total Tax Amount to Tax Suspense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Logged Invoice--Amounts--Total Taxes--Name### =###Total Taxes### And
###AP Void Logged Invoice--Company Parameters--Logged Invoice booked to Suspense Accounts### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Logged Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice Where Name = Total Taxes AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Logged Invoice Where Name = Total Taxes AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Logged

Invoice GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Suspense Context

Get Account From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Logged Invoice GL Control
For Current Book AND Tax Suspense Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Setup GL Journal Main Data

Setup GL Journal Main Data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Logged Invoice
Is Header: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 287

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Logged Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--AP GL

Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Number
Vendor Ref = AP Void Logged Invoice--Supplier--Number
Invoice Suffix = Space
If AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Is Debit Memo Invoice Suffix = DM

Transaction Text = VOID LOGINV:

Transaction Text = Transaction Text + AP Void Logged Invoice--Details--Number
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Invoice Suffix
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + AP Void Logged Invoice--Supplier--Name

AP Void Payment

Books AP Void Payment

AP Void Payment Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Void Payment GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Void Payment Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Void Payment GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct

288 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID ID BankAcct.BankAcctID String



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CheckHed

Apply Date

Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date CheckHed. Date



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Currency CheckHed.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control CheckHed. GLControl--F--AP Check

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 289

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Cleared Pending

A flag indicating whether the Payment is Cleared Pending

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Cleared Pending A flag indicating whether the Payment CheckHed.ClearedPending Logical
is Cleared Pending


Check Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Check Number CheckHed.CheckNum Numeric

Rate Type

Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Rate Type CheckHed.RateGrpCode String

Use Pending Cash Account

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Use Pending Cash Account CheckHed.UsePendAcct Logical

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

290 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account

Expense GL Control

Expense GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense GL Control Expense GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier


Vendor Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Vendor Name Vendor.Name String


Supplier Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Supplier Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 291

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AP Void Payment Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Void Payment transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Check Amount

Check Amount

Qualifier Description
Check Amount Check Amount

AP Void Payment - Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Void Payment - Bank Fee GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Void Payment - Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Void Payment - Bank Fee GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Bank Fee Transaction Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

GL Control

292 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankTran. GLControl--F--Bank Transaction

Tran Num

Transaction Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num Transaction Number BankTran.TranNum Numeric

AP Void Payment - Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Void Payment - Bank Fee transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Fee Amount

Total Tax

Total Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Total Tax Total Tax Amount

AP Void Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Void Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Void Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Void Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 293

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Bank Tran Number

Bank Transaction Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Tran Number Bank Transaction Number TaxDtl.TranNum Numeric

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control TaxDtl. GLControl--F--Payment Tax

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a second line which refers to EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a TaxDtl. Logical
second line which refers to EC Acquisition or
Reverse Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

294 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed TaxDtl.ReverseCharge Logical

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Self-Assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Self-Assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Rate

Tax Rate

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Rate Tax Rate TaxDtl.RateCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 295

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

AP Void Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Void Payment - Bank Fee - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax Amount

AP Void Payment - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Void Payment - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Void Payment - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Void Payment - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Payment Line Deyails

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APTran

Check Number

Check Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Check Number Check Number APTran.HeadNum Numeric


296 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Details Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Details Description APTran.Description String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APTran. GLControl--F--AP Transactions

Invoice Number

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Number Invoice Number APTran.InvoiceNum String

Is Adjustment

A flag indicating whether the line is related to Gain/Loss Adjustment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Adjustment A flag indicating whether the line is related APTran. Logical
to Gain/Loss Adjustment

Is Invoice Payment

A flag indicating whether the line is related to Invoice Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Invoice Payment A flag indicating whether the line is APTran. Logical
related to Invoice Payment

Is Misc Payment

A flag indicating whether the line is related to Miscellaneous Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Misc Payment A flag indicating whether the line is related APTran. Logical
to Miscellaneous Payment

Is Payment

A flag indicating whether the line is related to Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Payment A flag indicating whether the line is APTran. Logical
related to Payment

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 297

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


Details Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Details Number APTran.APTranNo Numeric

AP Void Payment - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Void Payment - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Qualifier Description


Operational Amount

Qualifier Description
Operational Operational Amount

Tax (Invoicing Collection)

Invoice Collection Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax (Invoicing Collection) Invoice Collection Tax Amount

Tax (Self-Assessment Collection)

Self-Assessment Collection Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax (Self-Assessment Collection) Self-Assessment Collection Tax Amount

Tax (Withholding Collection)

Withholding Collection Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax (Withholding Collection) Withholding Collection Tax Amount

298 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Total Tax Adjustment

Total Tax Adjustment

Qualifier Description
Total Tax Adjustment Total Tax Adjustment

AP Void Payment - Line - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AP Void Payment - Line - Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AP Void Payment - Line - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AP Void Payment - Line - Tax Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Payment Tax Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control TaxDtl. GLControl--F--Payment Tax

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 299

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a second line which refers to EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition A flag indicating whether Invoice Tax Line is a TaxDtl. Logical
second line which refers to EC Acquisition or
Reverse Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed TaxDtl.ReverseCharge Logical

Rate Code

Rate Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Code Rate Code TaxDtl.RateCode String

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Self-Assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

300 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Self-Assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

AP Void Payment - Line - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AP Void Payment - Line - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Discount Tax Adjustment

Discount Tax Adjustment

Qualifier Description
Discount Tax Adjustment Discount Tax Adjustment



Qualifier Description
Tax Tax

AP Void Payment - Rule Set

The AP Void Payment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 301

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AP Void Payment - Functions

The functions used by the AP Void Payment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AP Void Payment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AP Void Payment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Post Bank Fee Amount

Post Bank Fee Amount to Bank Fee and Cash Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Amounts--Fee--Name### =###Fee### And ###AP Void
Payment--Check--Use Pending Cash Account### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment--Bank Fee
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Debit Context: Cash
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee Where Name = Fee AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee Where Name = Fee AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context
Get Account From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Cash Context

302 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Bank Fee Tax Amount

Post Bank Fee Tax Amount to Tax Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###AP
Void Payment--Check--Use Pending Cash Account### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Cash
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method Get
Account From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Cash Context
Get Account From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--GL Control For
Current Book AND Tax Context

If AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get
Account From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Tax Context
Debit Context = Tax

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--GL
Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 303

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Post Check Amount to Bank Cash/Pending Account

Post Check Amount to Bank Cash/Pending Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Cash
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Check

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment Where Name = Check Amount AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Payment Where Name = Check Amount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Void Payment--Check--Is Cleared Pending Pending Flag = False

If AP Void Payment--Check--Use Pending Cash Account Pending Flag =

Pending Flag = False

If Pending Flag If AP Void Payment--Check--GL Control is Available Get Account

From AP Void Payment--Check--GL Control For Current Book AND Pending Cash Context

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND Pending Cash Context

Debit Context = Pending Cash

If AP Void Payment--Check--GL Control is Available Get Account From
AP Void Payment--Check--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash Context

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Bank--GL Control For Current Book

304 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AND Cash Context

Post Discount Tax Adjustment Amount

Rule to post Discount Tax Adjustment Amount to AP Tax Accruel Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Discount Tax Adjustment--Name###
=###Discount Tax Adjustment###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount Tax Adjustment
Debit Context: Discount Tax Adjustment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Discount Tax
Adjustment AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Discount Tax
Adjustment AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Dedit/Credit Account

If AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--GL Control is Available Get Account
From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Discount Tax Adjustment Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number

Post Gain/Loss Amount

Post Gain/Loss Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 305

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Line--Amounts--Operational--Name### =###Operational### And

###AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Is Adjustment### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional AND
Name = Operational
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line Where Name = Operational AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Details--GL
Control For Current Book AND Adjustment Context
Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Payables Context
Credit Context = Adjustment
Debit Context = Payables

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Adjustment Context
Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Payables Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value
Debit Context = Adjustment
Credit Context = Payables

Transaction Text = AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Description

AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number

Post Operational Amount to Paybles/Expense Account

Post Operational Amount to Paybles/Expense Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Line--Amounts--Operational--Name### =###Operational### And
###AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Is Adjustment### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment--Line

306 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional AND
Name = Operational
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line Where Name = Operational AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Is Invoice Payment If Book Amount.Value <
0 -1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value
Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Payables Context
Credit Context = Payables

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Payables Context
Debit Context = Payables

If AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Is Misc Payment Get Account From AP Void

Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context
Credit Context = Expense
If Book Amount.Value < 0 -1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number

Post Payment Discount Amount to Discount Account

Rule to post Payment Discount Amount to Discount Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Line--Amounts--Discount--Name### =###Discount###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Discount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 307

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Discount Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number

Post Tax Amount

Post Tax Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###AP
Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From
AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Tax

308 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--GL Control For
Current Book AND Tax Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Post Total Discount Adjustment to Discount Account

Post Total Discount Tax Adjustment Amount to Discount Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Line--Amounts--Total Tax Adjustment--Name### =###Total Tax
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line Where Name = Total Tax Adjustment AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line Where Name = Total Tax Adjustment AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Discount Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value
AP Invoice Num Ref = AP Void Payment--Line--Details--Invoice Number

Post Withholding Tax

Post Withholding Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--Withholding Collection Method### =
###True### And ###AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax###
Can Post: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 309

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For Each: AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AP Void Payment--Check--Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From AP Void Payment--Line--Tax Line--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Tax Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Set up GL Journal main data

Set up GL Journal main data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AP Void Payment
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AP Void Payment--Check--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AP Void Payment--Bank--GL Control For
Current Book AND Cash Disbursements Context
Vendor Ref = AP Void Payment--Supplier--Number
Check Num Ref = AP Void Payment--Check--Number
Bank Account = AP Void Payment--Bank--ID

310 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Transaction Text = Ck + AP Void Payment--Check--Number

Transaction Text = Transaction Text + AP Void Payment--Supplier--Name

AR Invoice

This type processes all types of AR Invoices including Credit Memos that can be created with AR Invoice Entry
program. Note that Apply Credit Memo and AR Adjustment program generates other transaction types.

AR Invoice Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AR Invoice GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities
and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AR Invoice Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AR Invoice GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

BillTo Customer

"BillTo" Customer

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account

Is Intercompany

A flag indicating whether the Customer is an Inter-company Customer

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Intercompany A flag indicating whether the Customer Customer.ICCust Logical
is an Inter-company Customer

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 311

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Customer Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Customer Name Customer.Name String


Customer Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Customer Number Customer.CustNum Numeric

Central Collection Company

Central Collection Company defined in the Company Configuration.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ExtCompany

Intercompany GL Control

Intercompany GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Intercompany GL Control Intercompany GL Control ExtCompany GLControl--R--External

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AR Account GL Control

Contains company's default AR accounts and journal codes.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control Contains company's default AR Company. GLControl--R--AR Account
accounts and journal codes.

312 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

FS Call GL Control

Contains company's default accounts and journal codes for FS Call

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

FS Call GL Control Contains company's default accounts Company. GLControl--R--FS Call
and journal codes for FS Call

FS Contract GL Control

Contains company's default accounts and journal codes for FS Contract

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

FS Contract GL Control Contains company's default accounts Company. GLControl--R--FS
and journal codes for FS Contract Contract

Project Billing GL Control

Default Project Billing GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Project Billing GL Control Default Project Billing GL Company. GLControl--R--Project Billing


Contains information about received Deposit Payment (Prepayment) in case Deposit Invoice is created based on

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashHead

AR Check GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Check GL Control CashHead. GLControl--F--AR Check

Cash Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Cash Head Num CashHead.HeadNum Numeric

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 313

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Reference/Contract Reference

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference Reference/Contract Reference CashHead.Reference String


This Entity contains all necessary fields from the Invoice Header

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

Invoice Date

Invoice Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Date Invoice Date InvcHead.InvoiceDate Date

Invoice Number

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Number Invoice Number InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Invoice Suffix

Invoice Suffix

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Suffix Invoice Suffix InvcHead.InvoiceSuffix String

Is Advance Billing

A flag indicating whether the invoice is an Advance Billing Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Advance Billing A flag indicating whether the invoice is an InvcHead Logical
Advance Billing Invoice

314 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Central Collection Invoice

A flag indicating whether the invoice will be sent to the Central Collection Parent Company

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Central Collection A flag indicating whether the invoice will be InvcHead Logical
Invoice sent to the Central Collection Parent

Is Consolidated

A flag indicating whether the invoice is a Consolidated Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Consolidated A flag indicating whether the invoice is InvcHead.Consolidated Logical
a Consolidated Invoice

Is Credit Memo

A flag indicating whether the invoice is a Credit Memo

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Credit Memo A flag indicating whether the invoice InvcHead.CreditMemo Logical
is a Credit Memo

Is Deposit Billing

A flag indicating whether the invoice is a deposit billing invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Deposit Billing A flag indicating whether the invoice is a InvcHead. Logical
deposit billing invoice

Is of Misc Type

Calculated field, True if InvcHead.InvoiceType = “Mis”

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is of Misc Type Calculated field, True if InvcHead. Logical
InvcHead.InvoiceType = “Mis”

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 315

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is of Shipment Type

Calculated field, True if InvcHead.InvoiceType = “Ship”

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is of Shipment Type Calculated field, True if InvcHead. Logical
InvcHead.InvoiceType = “Ship”

Is Project Billing

Indicates that Invoice is Project Billing Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Project Billing Indicates that Invoice is Project Billing InvcHead. Logical

Is Rebate Credit Memo

A flag indicating whether the invoice is a Rebate Credit Memo

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Rebate Credit Memo A flag indicating whether the invoice is InvcHead. Logical
a Rebate Credit Memo

Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number InvcHead.LegalNumber String

Post To Deferred Revenue

A flag indicating whether a revenue amount for Advance Billing Invoice should be posted to Deferred Revenue

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Post To Deferred A flag indicating whether a revenue amount InvcHead.DeferredRevenue Logical
Revenue for Advance Billing Invoice should be posted
to Deferred Revenue account

316 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Rate Type

A Rate Type that can be used in currency conversions

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type A Rate Type that can be used in currency InvcHead. String

Red Storno

Red Storno Flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Red Storno Red Storno Flag InvcHead. Logical

Invoice Currency

This entity contains Currency Master fields for the Invoice Currency

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency

GL Control

Contains accoutns associated with the invoice currency

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accoutns associated with the Currency. GLControl--R--Currency
invoice currency


Currency ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Currency ID Currency.CurrencyID String



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 317

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


site Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site Code String

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the site

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts site. GLControl--R--Division
associated with the site



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Project

Billing Type

Project Billing Type: 'Fixed Fee' 'Cost Plus' 'Time and Material' 'Progress Payments'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Billing Type Project Billing Type: 'Fixed Fee' 'Cost Plus' Project. String
'Time and Material' 'Progress Payments'

Project Billing GL Control

Project Billing GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Project Billing GL Control Project Billing GL Control Project. GLControl--R--Project Billing



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ProjectID ProjectID Project.ProjectID String

318 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Revenue Recognition Method

Project Revenue Recognition Method: 'None' (also used when Manual Revenue recognition is executed in reversing
mode) 'Manual' 'Labor Update' 'Actual Burden'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Revenue Recognition Project Revenue Recognition Method: 'None' (also Project. String
Method used when Manual Revenue recognition is executed
in reversing mode) 'Manual' 'Labor Update' 'Actual

Project Sales Category

Sales Category related to Project

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesCat


Sales Category Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Sales Category Code SalesCat.SalesCatID String

Department GL Control

Department GL Control assigned to Sales Category

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Department GL Control Department GL Control assigned SalesCat. GLControl--R--Department
to Sales Category

Sales Order

Sales Order Header, which Invoice is related to. This entity will not be available for a miscellaneous invoice that
doesn't relate to any sales order.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false OrderHed

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 319

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Sales Order number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Sales Order number OrderHed.OrderNum Numeric

SoldTo Customer

"SoldTo" Customer

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Customer

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account
associated with the Customer


Customer Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Customer Number Customer.CustNum Numeric

AR Invoice Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AR Invoice transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Invoice amount is calculated according to the following formula:Invoice Amount = Total Extended Price - Total
Discount + Total Tax + Total Miscellaneous Charges - Total Withholding Tax. The amount is positive for regular
invoices and negative for credit memos.

Qualifier Description
Invoice Invoice amount is calculated according to the following formula:Invoice Amount = Total
Extended Price - Total Discount + Total Tax + Total Miscellaneous Charges - Total
Withholding Tax. The amount is positive for regular invoices and negative for credit

320 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Rounding Difference

Rounding Difference amount.

Qualifier Description
Rounding Difference Rounding Difference amount.

AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

Of Type Invoice

Indicates that Deposit is of Invoice Type (either entered as Deposit Invoice directly, or converted from received
Deposit Payment)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Type Invoice Indicates that Deposit is of Invoice Type (either . Logical
entered as Deposit Invoice directly, or converted from
received Deposit Payment)

Of Type Payment

Indicates that Deposit is of Payment Type (received Deposit Payment which is not converted to Deposit Invoice)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Type Payment Indicates that Deposit is of Payment Type (received . Logical
Deposit Payment which is not converted to Deposit

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 321

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Allocated Deposit Invoice

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference InvcHead.ContractRef String


Allocated Deposit Payment. Data are also included in VBD in case of Deposit Invoice is created based on Deposit

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashHead

Cash Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Cash Head Num CashHead.HeadNum Numeric

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control CashHead. GLControl--F--AR Check


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference CashHead.Reference String

322 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Currency Difference

An amount of gain or loss that may occur on accounting for previously posted deposit

Qualifier Description
Currency Difference An amount of gain or loss that may occur on accounting for previously
posted deposit

Less Deposit

Contains amount of a previous deposit posted to the same sales order. The amount is positive for regular invoices
and negative for Credit Memos.

Qualifier Description
Less Deposit Contains amount of a previous deposit posted to the same sales order. The
amount is positive for regular invoices and negative for Credit Memos.

AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit - Tax GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit - Tax GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Invoice Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

AR Invoice Tax GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 323

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AR Invoice Tax GL Control used to book Tax during Deposit Invoice posting

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Invoice Tax GL AR Invoice Tax GL Control used to book InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
Control Tax during Deposit Invoice posting Tax


Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Tax Code InvcTax.TaxCode String

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method InvcTax. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Is EC Acquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Is EC Acquisition InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid InvcTax. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

324 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge InvcTax.ReverseCharge Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection InvcTax. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection InvcTax. Logical
Method Method

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method InvcTax. Logical


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Sales Tax

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax
associated with the Sales Tax

AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AR Invoice - Allocated Deposit - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Qualifier Description

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 325

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AR Invoice - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AR Invoice - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AR Invoice - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AR Invoice - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Call Type

Call Type for the line of type "Call"

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallCd


Call Type Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Call Type Code FSCallCd.CallCode String

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Call Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts FSCallCd. GLControl--R--FS Call
associated with the Call Type

Contract Type

Contract Type for the line of type "Contract"

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSContCd


326 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Contract Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Contract Code FSContCd.ContractCode String

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Contract Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts FSContCd. GLControl--R--FS Contract
associated with the Contract Type


Invoice Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcDtl

GL Control

System GL Control, that keeps manually entered Sales(Returns for Credit Memo) Account for Misc Line

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control System GL Control, that keeps manually InvcDtl. GLControl--N--AR Invoice
entered Sales(Returns for Credit Memo) Line
Account for Misc Line

Line Number

Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Number Line Number InvcDtl.InvoiceLine Numeric

Of Type Call

A flag indicating whether the line is of type "Call"

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Type Call A flag indicating whether the line is of InvcDtl. Logical
type "Call"

Of Type Contract

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 327

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A flag indicating whether the line is of type "Contract"

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Type Contract A flag indicating whether the line is of InvcDtl. Logical
type "Contract"

Of Type Fin Charge

Indicates whether the line is of type "Financial Charge"

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Type Fin Charge Indicates whether the line is of type InvcDtl. Logical
"Financial Charge"

Of Type Part

A flag indicating whether the line is of type "Part"

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Of Type Part A flag indicating whether the line is of InvcDtl. Logical
type "Part"

Post To Deferred Revenue

A flag indicating whether an advance billing amount has been posted to deferred revenue account

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Post To Deferred Revenue A flag indicating whether an advance billing InvcDtl. Logical
amount has been posted to deferred revenue

Project Billing Charge Type

Project Billing Charge Type (used only for Project Billing Invoices): Measured Work Employee Labor Contract Labor
Material Subcontract Other Direct Cost Retention Fee Labor Fee Material Fee Subcontract Fee ODC Fee Total
Project Fee Retention Provisional Burden Actual Burden True Up Burden Ceiling Close - Fee Retention Close -
Project Retention Close - Billing Schedule Retention

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Project Billing Project Billing Charge Type (used only for Project Billing Invoices): InvcDtl. String
Charge Type Measured Work Employee Labor Contract Labor Material
Subcontract Other Direct Cost Retention Fee Labor Fee Material
Fee Subcontract Fee ODC Fee Total Project Fee Retention
Provisional Burden Actual Burden True Up Burden Ceiling Close
- Fee Retention Close - Project Retention Close - Billing Schedule

328 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Finance Charge

Finance Charge data. Available for line type of type Fin Charge

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FinCharge


Fin Charge Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Fin Charge Code FinCharge.ChargeCode String

GL Control

Contains accounts associated with Financial Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts associated with FinCharge. GLControl--R--Finance
Financial Charge Charge

Order Line

Sales Order Line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false OrderDtl


Sales Order Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Sales Order Line Number OrderDtl.OrderLine Numeric

Order Line Release

Sales Order Line Shipping Release

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false OrderRel


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number OrderRel. Numeric

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IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Part


Part Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Part Description Part.PartDescription String


Part Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Part Number Part.PartNum String

Product Group

Product Group

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ProdGrup


Product Group Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Product Group Code ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Product Group

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product
associated with the Product Group Group

330 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Ref Rebate Invoice Line

Contains fields of the AR Invoice Line that was a source transaction for the rebate

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcDtl

Invoice Num

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Invoice Num InvcDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric

Line Num

Line Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Line Num InvcDtl.InvoiceLine Numeric

Ref GL Control

AR Invoice Line reference GL Control. Contains accounts that were affected by posting of the Invoice Line

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control AR Invoice Line reference GL Control. InvcDtl. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
Contains accounts that were affected by Line
posting of the Invoice Line

Sales Category

Sales Category

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesCat


Sales Category Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Sales Category Code SalesCat.SalesCatID String

GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 331

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A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Sales Category

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts SalesCat. GLControl--R--Department
associated with the Sales Category

Shipping Detail

Shipping Detail

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ShipDtl

Packing Slip Line Number

Packing Slip Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Packing Slip Line Number Packing Slip Line Number ShipDtl.PackLine Numeric

Packing Slip Number

Pack Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Packing Slip Number Pack Number ShipDtl.PackNum Numeric

SoldTo Customer

A SoldTo Customer for the line of consolidated invoice

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Customer

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account
associated with the Customer


Customer Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Customer Number Customer.CustNum Numeric

332 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Warehse


Warehouse Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Warehouse Code Warehse.WarehouseCode String

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Warehouse

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts Warehse. GLControl--R--Division
associated with the Warehouse

AR Invoice - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AR Invoice - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Qualifier Description

Extended Price

Extended Price amount.

Qualifier Description
Extended Price Extended Price amount.

Gross Line Amount

Qualifier Description
Gross Line Amount Extended Price + Misc Charge + Tax - Discount - Advance Billed

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Less Advance Billing

Qualifier Description
Less Advance Billing

AR Invoice - Line - Misc Charge Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AR Invoice - Line - Misc Charge GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AR Invoice - Line - Misc Charge Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AR Invoice - Line - Misc Charge GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcMisc


Miscellaneous Charge Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Miscellaneous Charge Code InvcMisc.MiscCode String


Line charge description that is entered specifically for this charge line

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Line charge description that is entered InvcMisc.Description String
specifically for this charge line


AR invoice's Miscellaneous Charge master data

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false MiscChrg

334 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Description of the miscellaneous charge as it is entered in the master file

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description of the miscellaneous charge as MiscChrg.Description String
it is entered in the master file

GL control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Sales Tax

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL control A GL Control that contains accounts MiscChrg. GLControl--R--Misc
associated with the Sales Tax Charge(Sales)

AR Invoice - Line - Misc Charge Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AR Invoice - Line - Misc Charge transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Qualifier Description

AR Invoice - Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AR Invoice - Line - Tax GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AR Invoice - Line - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AR Invoice - Line - Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Invoice Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

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Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Tax Code InvcTax.TaxCode String

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method InvcTax. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Is EC Acquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Is EC Acquisition InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid InvcTax. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge InvcTax.ReverseCharge Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

336 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection InvcTax. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection InvcTax. Logical
Method Method

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method InvcTax. Logical


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

A GL Control that contains accounts associated with the Sales Tax

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control A GL Control that contains accounts SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax
associated with the Sales Tax

AR Invoice - Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AR Invoice - Line - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Qualifier Description

AR Invoice - Rule Set

The AR Invoice transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

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AR Invoice - Functions

The functions used by the AR Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

- Combines Transaction text from Invoice Number, Invoice Suffix and Customer Name

Combines Transaction text from Invoice Number, Invoice Suffix and Customer Name

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combines Transaction text from Invoice Number, Invoice Suffix and Customer Name
Result Type: String
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Combined Text = IV: + Invoice Number Combined Text = Combined Text + Invoice
Suffix Combined Text = Combined Text + ' ' Combined Text = Combined Text +
Customer Name Result = Combined Text

AR Invoice--Line - Defines context of project Billing GL Control used to book Project Billing
Revenue based on Line Project Billing Charge Type

Defines context of project Billing GL Control used to book Project Billing Revenue based on Line Project Billing
Charge Type

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Defines context of project Billing GL Control used to book Project Billing Revenue based on Line
Project Billing Charge Type
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: AR Invoice--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Charge Type = AR Invoice--Line--Details--Project Billing Charge TypeIf Charge
Type = Measured Work Result = 'Sales - Measured Work'Else If Charge Type =
Employee LaborIf AR Invoice--Project--Revenue Recognition Method = Labor
Update Result = 'Accrued Labor Charges'Else
Result = 'Sales - Role Labor'Else If Charge Type = Contract LaborIf AR
Invoice--Project--Revenue Recognition Method = Labor Update Result = 'Accrued
Labor Charges'Else
Result = 'Sales - Role Labor'Else If Charge Type = Material Result =
'Sales - Material'Else If Charge Type = Subcontract Result = 'Sales -
Subcontract'Else If Charge Type = Other Direct Cost Result = 'Sales - Project
ODC'Else If Charge Type = Provisional Burden Result = 'Sales - Provisional

338 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Burden'Else If Charge Type = True Up Burden Result = 'Sales - Actual Burden'Else

If Charge Type = Fee Labor Result = 'Sales - Project Fees'Else If Charge Type
= Fee Material Result = 'Sales - Project Fees'Else If Charge Type = Fee
Subcontract Result = 'Sales - Project Fees'Else If Charge Type = Fee ODC Result
= 'Sales - Project Fees'Else If Charge Type = Fee Total Project Result = 'Sales
- Project Fees'Else If Charge Type = Ceiling Result = 'Ceilings'If Is Project
Billing Retention Result = 'Retained Revenue'If Result = Empty String Error
Message = 'Unknown Project Billing Charge Type: ' + Charge Type Call = Log Error:
Error Message

AR Invoice--Line - Defines if Invoice Line is Project Billing Retention Line based on Line Project
Billing Charge Type

Defines if Invoice Line is Project Billing Retention Line based on Line Project Billing Charge Type

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Defines if Invoice Line is Project Billing Retention Line based on Line Project Billing Charge Type
Result Type: Logical
Document Line Path: AR Invoice--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = False Charge Type = AR Invoice--Line--Details--Project Billing Charge
TypeIf Charge Type = Retention Result = TrueElse If Charge Type = Fee
Retention Result = TrueElse If Charge Type = Close - Fee Retention Result =
TrueElse If Charge Type = Close - Project Retention Result = TrueElse If Charge
Type = Close - Billing Schedule Retention Result = True

AR Invoice--Line - Function to detemine Returns/Rebate Account for Line Type Part

Function to detemine Returns/Rebate Account for Line Type Part

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to detemine Returns/Rebate Account for Line Type Part
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AR Invoice--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AR Invoice--Details--Is Rebate Credit MemoGet Account From AR
Invoice--Line--Product Group--GL Control For Current Book AND RebateIf Temp
Account is not AvailableGet Account From AR Invoice--SoldTo Customer--GL Control
For Current Book AND RebateIf Temp Account is not AvailableGet Account From AR
Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND
If AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--Is IntercompanyGet Account From AR
Invoice--BillTo Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND ReturnsElse
Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Product Group--GL Control For Current

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Book AND ReturnsIf Temp Account is not ValidGet Account From AR Invoice--SoldTo
Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND ReturnsIf Temp Account is not ValidGet
Account From AR Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current
Book AND ReturnsTemp Account

AR Invoice--Line - Function to determine Sales Account for Line Type Part

Function to determine Sales Account for Line Type Part

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to determine Sales Account for Line Type Part
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AR Invoice--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AR Invoice--Details--Is ConsolidatedGet Account From AR Invoice--Line--SoldTo
Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND Sales ContextElse If AR Invoice--BillTo
Customer--Is IntercompanyGet Account From AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--GL Control
For Current Book AND SalesElse
Comment = Comment: We come here if the invoice is not consolidated and the
customer is not intercompanyGet Account From AR Invoice--Line--Product Group--GL
Control For Current Book AND SalesIf Temp Account is not ValidGet Account From
AR Invoice--SoldTo Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND SalesIf Temp Account
is not ValidGet Account From AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--GL Control For Current
Book AND SalesIf Temp Account is not ValidGet Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND SalesTemp Account

- Reverses sign of the given Amount

Reverses sign of the given Amount

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Reverses sign of the given Amount
Result Type: Amount
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
AmountAmount.Value * -1

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AR Invoice--Line - This function determines account that intended to be either prepayment

account for deposit invoices or revenue account for advance billing invoices

This function determines account that intended to be either prepayment account for deposit invoices or revenue
account for advance billing invoices

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: This function determines account that intended to be either prepayment account for deposit invoices
or revenue account for advance billing invoices
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AR Invoice--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--SoldTo Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND
Appropriate ContextIf Billing Account is not ValidGet Account From AR
Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Appropriate ContextBilling Account

AR Invoice--Line - This function determines account that intended to be either revenue account
or sales dicsount account depending on the value of Appropriate Context parameter

This function determines account that intended to be either revenue account or sales dicsount account depending
on the value of Appropriate Context parameter

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: This function determines account that intended to be either revenue account or sales dicsount
account depending on the value of Appropriate Context parameter
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AR Invoice--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If Not AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--Is IntercompanyGet Account From AR
Invoice--Line--Call Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Appropriate
ContextIf Temp Account is not ValidGet Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--FS Call GL Control For Current Book AND Appropriate ContextElse
Comment = Comment: This happens if haven't found call account yet or the
customer is inter-companyGet Account From AR Invoice--SoldTo Customer--GL Control
For Current Book AND Appropriate ContextIf Temp Account is not ValidGet Account
From AR Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Appropriate ContextTemp Account

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AR Invoice--Line - This function determines account that intended to be either revenue account
or sales dicsount account depending on the value of Appropriate Context parameter

This function determines account that intended to be either revenue account or sales dicsount account depending
on the value of Appropriate Context parameter

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: This function determines account that intended to be either revenue account or sales dicsount
account depending on the value of Appropriate Context parameter
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: AR Invoice--Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If Not AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--Is IntercompanyGet Account From AR
Invoice--Line--Contract Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Appropriate
ContextIf Contract Account is not ValidGet Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--FS Contract GL Control For Current Book AND Appropriate ContextElse

Comment = Comment: This happens in case we haven't find contract account

yet or the customer is intercompanyGet Account From AR Invoice--SoldTo
Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND Appropriate ContextIf Contract Account
is not ValidGet Account From AR Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL
Control For Current Book AND Appropriate ContextContract Account

AR Invoice - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AR Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Post Advance Billing Amount as Deferred Revenue

The rules posts Advance Billing amount to Deferred Revenue account if user chose this for the invoice.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: (###AR Invoice--Details--Is Advance Billing### = ###True###) AND (###AR Invoice--Details--Post
To Deferred Revenue### = ###True###)
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Deferred Revenue
Debit Context: Deferred Revenue

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Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Determine Billing Account For Deferred Revenue Context
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Currency Difference

The rule posts currency gain/loss that may occur when deposit invoices have been issued.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit Where Name = Currency Difference
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Define Accounts

If AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Details--Of Type Invoice Get Account From AR
Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables

Comment = Account can be not yet available in case Deposit Invoice does not

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exist (was not created), or reference GL Control was not populated

If Prepayment Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Allocated
Deposit--Payment--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context

If Prepayment Account is not Valid Call = Raise error: Cannot define Account
of Deposit/Prepayment to post Currency Difference amount

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit Where Name = Currency Difference

AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Prepayment Account
Debit Context = Prepayment (Currency Diff)
Get Account From AR Invoice--Invoice Currency--GL Control For Current Book AND
Realized Loss Context
Credit Context = Realized Loss

Get Account From AR Invoice--Invoice Currency--GL Control For Current
Book AND Realized Gain Context
Debit Context = Realized Gain
Prepayment Account
Credit Context = Prepayment (Currency Diff)
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Deposit Amount (Deposit Invoices)

The rule posts deposit amount to prepayment account. The rule is executed once per invoice in assumption that
there can be only one invoice line in deposit invoices.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Details--Is Deposit Billing### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Prepayment
Debit Context: Prepayment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Determine Billing Account For Prepayment Context
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

344 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Discount Amount (All Invoice Types, Call)

The rule posts discount amount from Invoice Line. The rule is executed per each invoice line of type CONTRACT
and works for both Regular Invoices and Credit Memos.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Call### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount
Debit Context: Discount
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Determine Call Account For 'Sales Discount' Context
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Discount Amount (All Invoice Types, Contract)

The rule posts discount amount from Invoice Line. The rule is executed per each invoice line of type CONTRACT
and works for both Regular Invoices and Credit Memos.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:

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Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Contract### = ###True###

Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount
Debit Context: Discount
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Determine Contract Account For 'Sales Discount' Context
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Discount Amount (All Invoice Types, Part)

The rule posts discount amount from Invoice Line. The rule is executed per each invoice line of type PART and
works for both Regular Invoices and Credit Memos.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Part### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount
Debit Context: Discount
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

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Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AR Invoice--Details--Is Consolidated Get Account From AR Invoice--SoldTo
Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND Sales Discount

Else If AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--Is Intercompany Get Account From AR

Invoice--BillTo Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND Sales Discount

Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Product Group--GL Control For Current
Book AND Sales Discount
If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--SoldTo
Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND Sales Discount
If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND Sales Discount

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Discount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Extended Price Amount (All Invoice Types, Contract)

The rule to post Extended Price amount from for each invoice line of type CONTRACT. The rule works for invoice
of any type, including Credit Memo.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Contract### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Sales
Debit Context: Sales
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

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Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Sales/Returns Context
If Temp Account is not Available If AR Invoice--Details--Is Credit
Memo Determine Contract Account For Returns Context

Determine Contract Account For Sales Context

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Extended Price Amount (All Invoices, Call)

The rule posts the Extended Price amount from Invoice Line. The rule is executed per each invoice line of type
CALL and works for both Regular Invoices and Credit Memos.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Call### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Sales
Debit Context: Sales
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Sales/Returns Context
If Temp Account is not Available If AR Invoice--Details--Is Credit
Memo Determine Call Account For Returns Context


348 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Determine Call Account For Sales Context

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Extended Price Amount (Credit Memo, Part)

This rule posts extended price amount from Invoice Line of type PART to a returns or a rebate account. The rule
works for Credit Memos only.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: (((###AR Invoice--Details--Is Credit Memo### = ###True###) AND (###AR Invoice--Details--Is
Deposit Billing### = ###False###)) AND (###AR Invoice--Details--Post To Deferred Revenue### = ###False###))
AND (###AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Part### = ###True###)
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Sales
Debit Context: Sales
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Sales/Returns Context
If Temp Account is not Available Determine Returns/Rebate Account for Line Type

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Line copied with reverse sign

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Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Normal Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Extended Price Amount (Project Billing)

This rule posts extended price amount from Invoice Line of Project Billing Invoices.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Details--Is Project Billing###=###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Sales
Debit Context: Sales
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Get Account From Project Billing GL Control assigned to Project, or

from default Project Billing GL Control
PB Context = Define Project Billing Sales Context
Get Account From AR Invoice--Project--Project Billing GL Control For Current
Book AND PB Context Context
If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND PB Context Context

Comment = In case of Retentions, Account can be also taken from AR Account GL

If Temp Account is not Available If Is Project Billing Retention Get Account
From AR Invoice--SoldTo Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND PB Retained
Revenue Context
If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND PB Retained Revenue Context

Comment = Comment: Determine whether the account will be debited or credited

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

350 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Line copied with reverse sign option
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount

Post Extended Price Amount (Regular Invoice, Part)

This rule posts extended price amount from Invoice Line of type PART to a revenue account. The rule works only
for Regular Invoices.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: (((###AR Invoice--Details--Is Credit Memo### = ###False###) AND (###AR Invoice--Details--Is
Deposit Billing### = ###False###)) AND (###AR Invoice--Details--Post To Deferred Revenue### = ###False###))
AND (###AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Part### = ###True###)
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Sales
Debit Context: Sales
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Sales/Returns Context
If Temp Account is not Available Determine Sales Account for Line Type Part

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine whether the account will be debited or credited

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice
Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Line copied with reverse sign option
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

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Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount

Post Extended Price amount as Financial Charge

Posts Extended Price amount to account defined for Financial Charge. The rule executed only for lines of type
"Financial Charge".

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Fin Charge### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Sales
Debit Context: Sales
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Finance Charge--GL

Control For Current Book AND Finance Charge Context

Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Finance Charge--GL Control For Current
Book AND Finance Charge Context
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount

Post Invoice Amount to Accounts Receivable

The rule to post invoice amount to accounts receivable. The rule is executed once per invoice. Rule is not execuuted
for deposit invoices created from deposit payments

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: Not ( ###AR Invoice--Deposit--AR Check GL Control###.###.### )
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice

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Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context: Receivables
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
AR Account= Get Account From AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables
If AR Account is not Valid
AR Account= Get Account From AR Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control
For Current Book AND Receivables
If AR Invoice--Details--Is Central Collection Invoice
AR Account= Get Account From AR Invoice--Central Collection Company--Intercompany
GL Control For Current Book AND AR Intercompany Context
Transaction Amount= Select Amount From AR Invoice Where Name = Invoice AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Book Amount= Select Amount From AR Invoice Where Name = Invoice AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available
Book Amount= Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using AR
Invoice--Details--Rate Type
If Book Amount.Value > 0
Comment: Regular Invoice
Debit Account= AR Account
Comment: Credit Memo
Credit Account= AR Account
Transaction Amount= Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Book Amount= Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Less Advance Billing Amount

The rules posts Less Advance Billing Amount for each Invoice Line. The rules works for both Regular Invoices and
Credit Memos.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Amounts--Less Advance Billing--Amount### <> ### 0###

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Can Post: true

For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AR Invoice--Line--Details--Post To Deferred Revenue Appropriate Context =
Deferred Revenue

Appropriate Context = Sales

Determine Billing Account For Appropriate Context Context

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Less Advance Billing AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Less Advance Billing AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account
Debit Context = Appropriate Context

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Credit Context = Appropriate Context
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Less Deposit Amount to Prepayment Account

The rule is executed if the Invoice has Less Deposit Amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Prepayment
Debit Context: Prepayment
Reference Context:

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Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Determine Biling Account for PrePayment Context
If AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Details--Of Type Invoice Get Account From AR
Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables

Comment = Account can be not yet available in case Deposit Invoice does not
exist (was not created), or reference GL Control was not populated
If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Allocated
Deposit--Payment--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context

If Temp Account is not Valid Call = Raise error: Cannot define Account of
Deposit/Prepayment to post Less Deposit amount

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit Where Name = Less Deposit AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit Where Name = Less Deposit AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Misc Charge Amount

The rule posts miscellaneous charge amount for each misc charge line.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line--Misc Charge
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Misc Charge
Debit Context: Misc Charge
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Misc Charge--Details

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Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Misc Charge--Master--GL control For Current
Book AND Income Context
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line--Misc Charge Where Name = Charge AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line--Misc Charge Where Name = Charge AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

Post Prepaid Amount for Deposit Invoices created from Deposit Payments

The rule to post prepaid amount to debit account credited by deposit payment booking rule. The rule is executed
once per invoice, and replaces rule 'Post Invoice Amount to Accounts Receivable' executed in other cases

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Deposit--AR Check GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Receivables
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--Deposit--AR Check GL Control For Current Book AND
Get Transactional Amount From AR Invoice--Deposit--AR Check GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context

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Get Book Amount From AR Invoice--Deposit--AR Check GL Control For Current Book
AND Receivables Context

Post Rounding Difference Amount

This rule posts rounding difference amout.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Amounts--Rounding Difference--Name### =###Rounding Difference###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Rounding Difference
Debit Context: Rounding Difference
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND
Rounding Difference Context
If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND Rounding Difference Context

Select Amount From AR Invoice Where Name = Rounding Difference AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice Where Name = Rounding Difference AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount

Post Tax Amount

The rule posts Tax amount. The rule is executed for each tax line of invoice line.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###FALSE### And
Not ( ( ###AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection Method### = ###TRUE### Or ###AR
Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection Method### = ###TRUE### ) And ( ###AR

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Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment### = ###TRUE### Or ###AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Is

Liable When Fully Paid### = ###TRUE### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: Determine an appropriate tax account
If AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection Method OR AR
Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection Method Is
Self-Assessment Method = True

Is Self-Assessment Method = False

If Is Self-Assessment Method OR AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed

Charge If AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From
AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra

Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Tax Contra Context

Comment = Tax has collection method "Invoicing" and Tax is not used in
Reversed Charge Logic
If AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Invoice Get Account From
AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual

Else If AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment OR AR

Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully Paid Get Account From AR
Invoice--Line--Tax--Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Interim Tax Context

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount

358 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount

Post Withholding Tax Amount

The rule posts Withholding Tax amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###TRUE### And
###AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Invoice### = ###TRUE###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From AR Invoice--Line--Tax--Master--GL Control For Current Book AND
AR Tax Accrual Context
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice

Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Credit Memo
Temp Account
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse Deposit Tax Amount

The rule posts reversing of Deposit Tax amount. The rule is executed for each tax line of allocated deposit(s)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method### =
###FALSE### And Not ( ( ###AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection Method###
= ###TRUE### Or ###AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection Method###
= ###TRUE### ) And ( ###AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment### =

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###TRUE### Or ###AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully Paid### = ###TRUE### )

Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Transactional Amount From AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details--AR
Invoice Tax GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Book Amount From AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details--AR Invoice Tax
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Account From AR Invoice--Allocated Deposit--Tax--Details--AR Invoice Tax GL
Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Reverse Manually Recognized Amount (Project Billing)

This rule reverses manually recognized amount for Project Billing Invoices.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Details--Is Project Billing###=###True### And ###AR Invoice--Project--Revenue
Recognition Method###=###Manual###
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Accrued Sales Recognized
Debit Context: Sales Recognized
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = When desired total amount to reverse is gross sales amount (before
retentions) below check and rule termination is needed
Comment = When desired total amount to reverse is net sales amount (after
retention) bekow check and rule termination are NOT NEEDED, and to be removed
from the rule
If Is Project Billing Retention Call = End Rule

Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From AR Invoice--Line Where Name = Extended Price AND Currency =

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Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using AR Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Comment = Get Sales Account From Project Billing GL Control assigned to Project,
or from default Project Billing GL Control
Get Account From AR Invoice--Project--Project Billing GL Control For Current
Book AND Sales Recognized Context
If Sales Rec Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND Sales Recognized

Comment = Accrued Recognized Account can be also taken from AR Account GL Control
Get Account From AR Invoice--Project--Project Billing GL Control For Current
Book AND Accrued Sales Recognized Context
If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Company
Parameters--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND Accrued Sales
Recognized Context

If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--SoldTo Customer--GL

Control For Current Book AND PB Accrued Sales Recognized Context

If Temp Account is not Available Get Account From AR Invoice--Company

Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND PB Accrued Sales Recognized

Comment = Comment: Determine whether the account will be debited or credited

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Regular Invoice
Sales Rec Account
Temp Account

Comment = Comment: Line copied with reverse sign option
Temp Account
Sales Rec Account
Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount

Set up GL journal main data

The rule sets up journal main data, which will be shared by all journal details.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Details

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Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = AR Invoice--Details--Invoice Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--GL Control

For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
If Journal Code is not Available Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AR
Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND Invoicing

AR Invoice Num Ref = AR Invoice--Details--Invoice Number

Transaction Text = Combine Text From AR Invoice--Details--Invoice Number , AR
Invoice--Details--Invoice Suffix and AR Invoice--BillTo Customer--Name
Red Storno = AR Invoice--Details--Red Storno

AR Invoice - Pre-Posting Rules

The pre-posting rules for the AR Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
The pre-posting rules pull in the default data required for the GL transaction type to post transactions.

Rule to Calculate Default Account for Misc Invoice Line

Pre-Posting Rule to Calculate Default Account for Misc Invoice Line

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###AR Invoice--Details--Is of Misc Type###=###True###
Can Post: false
For Each: AR Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Sales/Returns
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Part If AR Invoice--Details--Is Credit
Memo Determine Returns/Rebate Account for Line Type Part

Determine Sales Account for Line Type Part

If AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Call If AR Invoice--Details--Is
Credit Memo Determine Call Account For 'Returns' Context

Determine Call Account For 'Sales' Context

362 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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If AR Invoice--Line--Details--Of Type Contract If AR
Invoice--Details--Is Credit Memo Determine Contract Account For 'Returns'

Determine Contract Account For 'Sales' Context

If Temp Account is not Valid Call = Raise error: Error Calculating Default
Sales/Returns Account

Temp Account

AR Invoice Adjustment

Books AR Invoice Adjustment

AR Invoice Adjustment Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the AR Invoice Adjustment GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

AR Invoice Adjustment Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the AR Invoice Adjustment GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

BillTo Customer

BillTo Customer of the adjusted invoice

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

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GL Control

Contains accounts associated with the Customer

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts associated with Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account
the Customer


Customer Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Customer Name Customer.Name String


Customer Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Customer Number Customer.CustNum Numeric

Company Parameters

Company parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AR Account GL Control

AR Acount GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control AR Acount GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AR Account


Data manually entered by user

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

364 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Adjustment Date

Adjustment Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Adjustment Date Adjustment Date CashDtl.TranDate Date


Adjustment Comment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Comment Adjustment Comment . String


Adjustment Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Adjustment Description . String

GL Control

GL Control entered by User

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control entered by User CashDtl. GLControl--N--AR Invoice


Transaction number.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Transaction number. . Numeric

Red Storno

Red Storno Flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Red Storno Red Storno Flag CashDtl.RedStorno Logical

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Contains adjusted invoice main data that is stored in the invoice header table.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead


Invoice Currency

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Invoice Currency InvcHead.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Contains accounts affected when the invoice was posted

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Contains accounts affected when the InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
invoice was posted

Is Credit Memo

Indicates if the invoice is Credit Memo

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Credit Memo Indicates if the invoice is Credit InvcHead.CreditMemo Logical


Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Invoice Number InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

AR Invoice Adjustment Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the AR Invoice Adjustment transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

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Adjustment Amount

Contains amount by which the invoice is adjusted

Qualifier Description
Adjustment Amount Contains amount by which the invoice is adjusted

AR Invoice Adjustment - Rule Set

The AR Invoice Adjustment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AR Invoice Adjustment - Functions

The functions used by the AR Invoice Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AR Invoice Adjustment - Combine String

Combine String

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combine String
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: AR Invoice Adjustment

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = String1 + String2 Result = Result + String 3 Result = Result + String4

AR Invoice Adjustment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AR Invoice Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 367

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Post Adjustment Amount

Creates two journal details one affecting invoice's Accounts Receivable and another affecting user-defined

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice Adjustment
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice Adjustment--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From AR Invoice Adjustment Where Name = Adjustment Amount AND
Currency Type = Transactional AND Currency = AR Invoice
Select Amount From AR Invoice Adjustment Where Name = Adjustment Amount AND
Currency = Book Currency AND Currency Type = Reporting
If Book Amount.Value = 0 Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using
Default Rate Type

Get Account From AR Invoice Adjustment--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book AND
Receivables Context
Get Account From AR Invoice Adjustment--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Adjustment Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 If AR Invoice Adjustment--Invoice--Is Credit
Memo Offset Account
Receivables Account

Receivables Account
Offset Account

Comment = Comment: Negative Book Amount
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
If AR Invoice Adjustment--Invoice--Is Credit Memo Receivables Account
Offset Account

Offset Account
Receivables Account

368 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Set up main GL journal data

Rule that setup fields that shared by all GL Journal Details

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: AR Invoice Adjustment
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: AR Invoice Adjustment--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AR Invoice Adjustment--BillTo Customer--GL
Control For Current Book AND Adjustment/Apply Credit Memo Context
If Journal Code is not Available Journal Code = Get Journal Code From AR Invoice
Adjustment--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Adjustment/Apply Credit Memo Context

Apply Date = AR Invoice Adjustment--Details--Adjustment Date

AR Invoice Num Ref = AR Invoice Adjustment--Invoice--Number
Transaction Text = Combine String from 'ADJ:' , AR Invoice
Adjustment--Invoice--Number , ' ' and AR Invoice Adjustment--BillTo Customer--Name
Red Storno = AR Invoice Adjustment--Details--Red Storno

AR Payment

Books AR payment transaction

Cash Receipt Header Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 369

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Account

Bank Account

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct

GL Control

Bank Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Account GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Bank Account ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Bank Account ID (key field) BankAcct.BankAcctID String

Reconcile Balance

Flag that indicates that a Pending Cash account should be used

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reconcile Balance Flag that indicates that a Pending Cash BankAcct.ReconciledBalance Logical
account should be used

Company AR Parameters

Company-level AR parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARSyst

370 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

AR System GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control AR System GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AR Account

Prorate Discount to Lines

Prorate Discount to Lines (Settlement Discount feature)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Prorate Discount to Lines Prorate Discount to Lines (Settlement ARSyst.ProrateDiscToLine Logical
Discount feature)

Currency Master

Currency details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Currency GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency GL control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


Bill To customer details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 371

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Customer Num

Customer Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Customer Num Customer Num (key field) Customer.CustNum Numeric

GL Control

Customer GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Customer GL Control Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account


Customer Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Customer Name Customer.Name String


Cash Receipt header details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashHead

Check Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Check Date CashHead.TranDate Date

Check Ref

Check Reference

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Check Ref Check Reference CashHead.CheckRef String

372 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Cash Receipt header GL Control (system)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Cash Receipt header GL Control CashHead. GLControl--N--AR Payment

Group ID

Group ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID Group ID (key field) CashHead.GroupID String

Head Num

Head Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num (key field) CashHead.HeadNum Numeric

Rate Type

Cash Receipt rate type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Cash Receipt rate type CashHead.RateGrpCode String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference Reference CashHead.Reference String

Transaction Type

Type of the payment transaction

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Transaction Type Type of the payment transaction CashHead.TranType String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 373

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Sales Order

Sales Order header (used for Deposit payment)

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false OrderHed

Order Num

Order Number (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Order Num Order Number (key field) OrderHed.OrderNum Numeric

Cash Receipt Header Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Payment Amount

Qualifier Description
Payment Payment Amount

Payment Less Tax

Payment amount excluding tax

Qualifier Description
Payment Less Tax Payment amount excluding tax

Unapplied Cash

Unapplied Cash amount

Qualifier Description
Unapplied Cash Unapplied Cash amount

374 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Payment bank fee details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

GL Control

GL Control that contains a bank fee account entered in UI

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control that contains a bank fee BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank
account entered in UI Transaction

Tran Num

Tran Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num Tran Num BankTran.TranNum Numeric

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 375

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Bank Fee master file

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String

GL Control

Bank Fee GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Fee GL control BankFee. GLControl--R--Bank Fee

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code BankFee.TaxCode String

Tax Rate

Tax Rate

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Rate Tax Rate BankFee.RateCode String

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Fee Amount

Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Amount Fee Amount

376 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Total Tax Amount

Total Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Total Tax Amount Total Tax Amount

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax line details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 377

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Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Is EC Acquisition or Reverse TaxDtl. Logical
Charge Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable when Fully Paid

Is Liable when Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable when Fully Paid Is Liable when Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

378 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Tax Master

Tax master table

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Tax master GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Tax master GL control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Qualifier Description
Tax Tax

Cash Receipt Header - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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AR Invoice

AR Invoice Header details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

GL Control

Invoice GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Invoice GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Invoice Num

Invoice Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Invoice Num (key field) InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Debit Note

Debit Note

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false DebNote


Debit Note ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Debit Note ID DebNote.DebitNoteID Numeric


Cash Receipt Line details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashDtl

Invoice Num

Invoice Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Invoice Num (key field) CashDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric

380 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Invoice Ref

Invoice Ref (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Ref Invoice Ref (key field) CashDtl.InvoiceRef Numeric



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference Reference CashDtl.Reference String

Cash Receipt Header - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Currency Gain/Loss Amount

Currency Gain/Loss Amount

Qualifier Description
Currency Gain/Loss Amount Currency Gain/Loss Amount

Debit Note Amount

Debit Note Amount

Qualifier Description
Debit Note Amount Debit Note Amount

Discount Rounding Difference

Discount Rounding Difference amount that can appear when discount is prorated to Invoice lines (Settlement
Discount feature)

Qualifier Description
Discount Rounding Difference Discount Rounding Difference amount that can appear when discount
is prorated to Invoice lines (Settlement Discount feature)

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invoice Amount

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount Invoice Amount

Payment Discount

Payment Discount amount

Qualifier Description
Payment Discount Payment Discount amount

Total Discount Tax Adjustment

Total Tax Adjustment amount for payment discount

Qualifier Description
Total Discount Tax Adjustment Total Tax Adjustment amount for payment discount

Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

382 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Is EC Acquisition or Reverse TaxDtl. Logical
Charge Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

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Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

Invoice Line

Invoice Line (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Line Invoice Line (key field) InvcTax.InvoiceLine Numeric

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) InvcTax.TaxCode String

Sales Tax

Sales tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

384 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Tax Adjustment

Tax Adjustment amount for payment discount

Qualifier Description
Tax Adjustment Tax Adjustment amount for payment discount

Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Head Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num (key field) TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Is EC Acquisition or Reverse TaxDtl. Logical
Charge Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

386 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Sales Tax

Sales Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

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Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Misc Payment Tax

Tax Amount for Miscellaneous payment

Qualifier Description
Misc Payment Tax Tax Amount for Miscellaneous payment

AR Payment - Rule Set

The AR Payment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AR Payment - Functions

The functions used by the AR Payment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

- Function to determine Bank Fee account

Function to determine Bank Fee account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to determine Bank Fee account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND Bank Fee ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From Cash Receipt
Header--Bank Account--GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

AR Payment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AR Payment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

388 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book Bank Fee

Books the Bank fee amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--Reconcile Balance### = ###FALSE###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Bank Fee
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Bank Fee Context
If Debit Account is not Valid Bank Fee Account

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--GL Control For Current Book
AND Cash Context
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee Where Name = Fee Amount AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee Where Currency = Book Currency
AND Name = Fee Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Bank Fee Tax

Books bank fee taxes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 389

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Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--GL Control For Current Book
AND Cash Context
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line Where Currency Type
= Transactional AND Name = Tax
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Tax
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Currency Gain/Loss

Books Currency Gain/Loss amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Amounts--Currency Gain/Loss Amount--Name###
=###Currency Gain/Loss Amount###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Transaction Text = Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details--Reference
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Currency Gain/Loss Amount
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--AR
Invoice--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Currency Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND Realized Gain Context
Credit Context = Realized Gain
Debit Context = Receivables

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Currency Master--GL Control For
Current Book AND Realized Loss Context
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--AR Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Credit Context = Receivables
Debit Context = Realized Loss

390 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book Amount.Value * -1

Book Debit Note

Debits AR with Debot Note amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Amounts--Debit Note Amount###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Receivables
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Debit Note

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional
AND Name = Debit Note Amount
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Debit Note Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND
Receivables Context
If Debit Account is not Valid Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Company AR
Parameters--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context

Book Deposit Payment Credit

Credits deposit payment amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Details--Transaction Type### = ###DEPOSIT###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 391

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Credit Context
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header Where Name = Payment AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header Where Name = Payment AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Discount Tax Adjustment

Debits Discount tax adjustment to Tax Payables

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Amounts--Tax Adjustment###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Discount Tax Adjustment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Invoice Get Account
From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Invoice Tax--Reference GL Control For Current
Book AND Tax Context

If Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection
Method Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Else If Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection

Method OR Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection
Method If Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition or
Reverse Charge Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL
Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Contra Context

392 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax Where Currency Type =

Transactional AND Name = Tax Adjustment
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax Where Currency = Book Currency
AND Name = Tax Adjustment
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Discount Tax Adjustment Total

Credits Discount Tax Adjustment total to Receivables

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Amounts--Total Discount Tax Adjustment--Name### =###Total
Discount Tax Adjustment###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND
Payment Discount Context
If Credit Account is not Available Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Company
AR Parameters--GL Control For Current Book AND Payment Discount Context

Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional
AND Name = Total Discount Tax Adjustment
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Total Discount Tax Adjustment
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Invoice Payment Credit

Credits Invoice payment amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Amounts--Invoice Amount--Name### =###Invoice Amount###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 393

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context: Receivables
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional
AND Name = Invoice Amount
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Invoice Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

If Transaction Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--AR

Invoice--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--AR Invoice--GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1

Book Invoice Tax

Books tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method###=###False###
And ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Amounts--Tax###.###.### And ( ###Cash Receipt
Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment###=###True### OR ###Cash Receipt
Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully Paid###=###True### )
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency

394 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

If Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method If Not

Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition or Reverse
Charge If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cash Receipt
Header--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL
Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Call = End Rule

Else If Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection

Method OR Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection
Method If Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition or Reverse
Charge Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Tax Contra Context

Book Misc Payment Credit

Credits miscellameous payment amount (excluding tax)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Details--Transaction Type### = ###MisPay###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If Cash Receipt Header--Details--Transaction Type = MisPay Transaction Text =
Py: + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Reference

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 395

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
Credit Context
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header Where Name = Payment Less Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header Where Name = Payment Less Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Misc Payment Tax

Books tax amount for miscellaneous payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method### =
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Transaction Text = Py: + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Reference
If Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection
Method Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Sales Tax--GL
Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Else If Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection

Method OR Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual
Collection Method If Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details--Is EC
Acquisition or Reverse Charge Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Misc
Payment Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Sales Tax--GL
Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Contra Context

Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax Where Name = Value
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax Where Currency Type =
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

396 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Misc Payment Withholding Tax

Books misc payment withholding tax amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method### =
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Transaction Text = Py: + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Reference
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax Where Name = Value
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax Where Currency Type =
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Payment Discount

Debits Payment Discount amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Amounts--Payment Discount--Name### =###Payment
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Payment Discount
Reference Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 397

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND
Payment Discount Context
If Debit Account is not Available Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Company
AR Parameters--GL Control For Current Book AND Payment Discount Context

Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional
AND Name = Payment Discount
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Payment Discount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Total Payment Debit

Books the total payment amount payment to bank

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If Cash Receipt Header--Details--Transaction Type = MisPay Transaction Text =
Py: + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Reference

If Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--Reconcile Balance Get Account From Cash

Receipt Header--Bank Account--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Pending Cash
Debit Context = Pending Cash

Debit Context = Cash
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--GL Control For Current
Book AND Cash Context

Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header Where Currency Type = Transactional AND
Name = Payment
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name
= Payment

398 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Unapplied Cash

Books Unapplied Cash amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Amounts--Unapplied Cash--Name### =###Unapplied Cash###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If Cash Receipt Header--Details--Transaction Type = MisPay Transaction Text =
Py: + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Reference

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND
Unapplied Cash Context
If Credit Account is not Valid Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Company
AR Parameters--GL Control For Current Book AND Unapplied Cash Context

Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header Where Name = Unapplied Cash AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header Where Name = Unapplied Cash AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Withholding Tax

Books withholding tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method### = ###TRUE###
And ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ( ###Cash Receipt
Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment### = ###TRUE### Or ###Cash Receipt
Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully Paid### = ###TRUE### )
Can Post: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 399

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Transaction Text = Py: + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Reference
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Reverse Deferred Tax

Writes the tax amount off Interim account and debits it to Tax Payables

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully Paid### = ###TRUE###
Or ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment### = ###TRUE### ) And ###Cash
Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method### = ###TRUE### And ###Cash Receipt
Header--Line--Tax--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is
EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Transaction Text = Py: + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Reference
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Invoice Tax--Reference GL Control
For Current Book AND Tax Context
Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional

400 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Select Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Cash Receipt Header--Details--Rate Type

Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Setup GL Journal Properties

Set up values for the whole GL journal

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Date
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--GL
Control For Current Book AND Cash Receipts Context
Comment = Comment: Assign default Transaction text
Transaction Text = Py: + Cash Receipt Header--Details--Check Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Customer--Name

AR Payment - Pre-Posting Rules

The pre-posting rules for the AR Payment transaction type are described in this section.
The pre-posting rules pull in the default data required for the GL transaction type to post transactions.

Default Bank Fee Account

This rule determines the default Bank Fee account (which can be changed in UI)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: false
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 401

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Bank Fee
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Bank Fee Account

Default Credit Account for Deposit Payment

Default Credit Account for Deposit Payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: false
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Credit
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND
Prepayment Context
If Reference Account is not Available Get Account From Cash Receipt

402 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Header--Company AR Parameters--GL Control For Current Book AND Prepayment Context

AR PI Payment

PI Payment transaction is booked when PI is posted with one or more AR Invoice linked to it.

Payment Instrument Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Currency master GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency master GL control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 403

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control ARPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID ARPNHead.GroupID String

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num ARPNHead.HeadNum Numeric


PI Status

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PIStatus

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PIStatus. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument


Status ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Status ID PIStatus.PIStatus String

404 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Stage Stage PIStatus.PIStage String


PI Type-Status

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PITypeStat

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PITypeStat. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Payment Instrument Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Applied PI Amount

Qualifier Description
Applied PI Amount

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 405

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNDtl

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num ARPNDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Payment Instrument - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Currency gain/loss amount

Qualifier Description
Gain/Loss Currency gain/loss amount

406 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount

AR PI Payment - Rule Set

The AR PI Payment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AR PI Payment - Functions

The functions used by the AR PI Payment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AR PI Payment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AR PI Payment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Book Currency Gain/Loss

This rule books Currency Gain/Loss

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payment Instrument--Line--Amounts--Gain/Loss--Name### =###Gain/Loss###
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Name = Gain/Loss AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount.Value < 0 Get Account From Payment Instrument--Currency Master--GL

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 407

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Control For Current Book AND Realized Loss Context

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Debit Context = Currency Loss
Credit Context = Gain/Loss to Receivables
-1 * Book Amount.Value

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Currency Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND Realized Gain Context
Debit Context = Gain/Loss to Receivables
Credit Context = Currency Gain

Book Invoice Payment

Book part of PI amount as payment for an invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional
AND Name = Invoice Amount
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Invoice Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book

AND Receivables Context

Book PI Total

Book PI Total amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:

408 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Can Post: true

For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: PI Receivable
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = Applied PI Amount AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = Applied PI Amount AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Type-Status--GL Control For Current Book

AND PI Receivable Context
If Debit Account is not Available Get Account From Payment Instrument--Status--GL
Control For Current Book AND PI Receivable Context

Define GL Journal Properties

Define GL Journal Properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 409

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Today
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payment Instrument--Status--GL Control For
Current Book AND PI Receivable Journal Context

AR PI Status Change

PI Payment transaction is booked when PI is posted with one or more AR Invoice linked to it.

Payment Instrument Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency code Currency.CurrencyCode String

410 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Currency master GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency master GL control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control ARPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID ARPNHead.GroupID String

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num ARPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

New Status

New Status

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PIStatus

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 411

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PIStatus. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Old Status

Old Status

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PIStatus

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PIStatus. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Payment Instrument Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Applied PI Amount

Qualifier Description
Applied PI Amount

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

412 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNDtl

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num ARPNDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Payment Instrument - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Currency gain/loss amount

Qualifier Description
Gain/Loss Currency gain/loss amount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 413

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount

AR PI Status Change - Rule Set

The AR PI Status Change transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AR PI Status Change - Functions

The functions used by the AR PI Status Change transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AR PI Status Change - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AR PI Status Change transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Define GL Journal Properties

Define GL Journal Properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

414 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Today
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payment Instrument--New Status--GL Control
For Current Book AND PI Receivable Journal Context

Move PI Total

Moves PI Total amount to a different account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: PI Receivable
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = Applied PI Amount AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = Applied PI Amount AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payment Instrument--New Status--GL Control For Current Book AND
PI Receivable Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 415

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Old Status--GL Control For Current Book AND
PI Receivable Context

AR PI Voiding

PI Voiding transaction is booked when user voids an already posted PI.

Payment Instrument Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control ARPNHead. GLControl--F--PI Receivable

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID ARPNHead.GroupID String

416 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

PI GL Control

Payment Instrument GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI GL Control Payment Instrument GL ARPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument
Control Receivable

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num ARPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

Payment Instrument Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Applied PI Amount

Qualifier Description
Applied PI Amount

Unapplied PI Amount

Qualifier Description
Unapplied PI Amount

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 417

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNDtl

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num ARPNDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric

Ref GL Control

PI Detail reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control PI Detail reference GL Control ARPNDtl. GLControl--F--PI Receivable


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Payment Instrument - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount

418 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AR PI Voiding - Rule Set

The AR PI Voiding transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AR PI Voiding - Functions

The functions used by the AR PI Voiding transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AR PI Voiding - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AR PI Voiding transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Define GL Journal Properties

Set Up GL Journal Properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 419

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Today
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payment Instrument--Details--PI GL Control
For Current Book AND PI Receivable Journal Context

Reverse Currency Gain

Reverse Currency Gain

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Currency Gain Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Currency Gain Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Gain/Loss to Receivables Context

Reverse Currency Loss

Reverse Currency Loss

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

420 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Currency Loss Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Currency Loss Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Gain/Loss to Receivables Context

Reverse Invoice Payment

Reverse Invoice Payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Transactional Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Get Book Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Reverse PI Total

Reverse PI Total

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 421

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND
PI Receivable Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payment Instrument--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND PI Receivable Context
Get Book Amount From Payment Instrument--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND PI Receivable Context

AR PI Write-off

PI Payment transaction is booked when PI is posted with one or more AR Invoice linked to it.

Payment Instrument Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency

422 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Currency code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

Currency master GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency master GL control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency

Current Status

Current PI Status

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PIStatus

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PIStatus. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument


Status ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Status ID PIStatus.PIStatus String

Post to GL

Post to GL

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Post to GL Post to GL PIStatus.PostToGL Logical

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 423

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Stage Stage PIStatus.PIStage String


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control ARPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID ARPNHead.GroupID String

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num ARPNHead.HeadNum Numeric


PI Type-Status

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PITypeStat

424 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PITypeStat. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

Write-off Details

Write-off Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

GL Control

GL Control that contains a write-off account entered in UI

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control that contains a write-off . GLControl--N--AR PI Write-Off
account entered in UI

Write-off Date

Write-off Date (entered in the UI)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Write-off Date Write-off Date (entered in the UI) . Date

Payment Instrument Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Applied PI Amount

Qualifier Description
Applied PI Amount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 425

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNDtl

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num ARPNDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Invoice Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

426 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Payment Instrument - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Currency gain/loss amount

Qualifier Description
Gain/Loss Currency gain/loss amount

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount

Payment Instrument - Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payment Instrument - Line - Tax GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payment Instrument - Line - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payment Instrument - Line - Tax GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 427

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Is EC Acquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Is EC Acquisition TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

428 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

Invoice Line

Invoice Line (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Line Invoice Line (key field) InvcTax.InvoiceLine Numeric

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) InvcTax.TaxCode String

Sales Tax

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 429

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Sales tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

Payment Instrument - Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payment Instrument - Line - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

AR PI Write-off - Rule Set

The AR PI Write-off transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

AR PI Write-off - Functions

The functions used by the AR PI Write-off transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

AR PI Write-off - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the AR PI Write-off transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

430 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book Currency Gain/Loss

This rule books Currency Gain/Loss

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payment Instrument--Current Status--Post to GL###=###False### And ###Payment
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Name = Gain/Loss AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount.Value < 0 Get Account From Payment Instrument--Currency Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND Realized Loss Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Debit Context = Currency Loss
Credit Context = Gain/Loss to Receivables

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current
Book AND Receivables Context
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Currency Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND Realized Gain Context
Debit Context = Gain/Loss to Receivables
Credit Context = Currency Gain

Book Invoice Payment

Book part of PI amount as payment for an invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payment Instrument--Current Status--Post to GL###=###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 431

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Currency Type = Transactional
AND Name = Invoice Amount
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND
Name = Invoice Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Invoice--GL Control For Current Book

AND Receivables Context

Define GL Journal Properties

Define GL Journal Properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Payment Instrument--Write-off Details--Write-off Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payment Instrument--Current Status--GL

Control For Current Book AND PI Receivable Journal Context

Post AR Invoice Tax

Books tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:

432 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Selection Criteria: ###Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method###=###False###

And ###Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Invoice###=###False### And ###Payment
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

If Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method If Not

Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed Charge Get Account From
Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AR
Tax Accrual Context

Call = End Rule

If Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection
Method OR Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed
Charge If Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get
Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current
Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

If Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection
Method If Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC
Acquisition Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL
Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Contra Context

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL
Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 433

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Temp Account
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1

Post AR Invoice Withholding Tax

Books withholding tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection Method###=###True###
And ###Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Invoice###=###False### And ###Payment
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Post PI Total to Write-off Account

Write-off the PI total

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: PI Receivable

434 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payment Instrument--Write-off Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Write-Off Context
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = Applied PI Amount AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = Applied PI Amount AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Reverse AR Invoice Interim Tax

Writes the tax amount off Interim account and debits it to Tax Payables

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method###=###True###
And ###Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Invoice###=###False### And ###Payment
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax Where Name = Tax AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Invoice
Tax--Reference GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Line--Tax--Invoice Tax--Reference
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 435

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Withdraw PI Total from PI Receivable

Withdraw PI Total from PI Receivable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payment Instrument--Current Status--Post to GL###=###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: Payment Instrument
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: PI Receivable
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payment Instrument--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = Applied PI Amount AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payment Instrument Where Name = Applied PI Amount AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payment Instrument--Type-Status--GL Control For Current Book

AND PI Receivable Context
If Credit Account is not Available Get Account From Payment Instrument--Current
Status--GL Control For Current Book AND PI Receivable Context

Bank Adjustment

Books bank adjustment transaction

Bank Adjustment Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Adjustment GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Adjustment Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Adjustment GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

436 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Account

Bank Account Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct

GL Control

Bank Account GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Account GL control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Bank Account ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Bank Account ID BankAcct.BankAcctID String

Company GL Parameters

Company GL Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLSyst

AP Interfaced with GL

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Interfaced with GL GLSyst.APInterfaced Logical

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 437

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

Default GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Default GL control Company. GLControl--R--GLSyst


Bank Adjustment Group Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankGrp

Red Storno

Red Storno Flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Red Storno Red Storno Flag BankGrp.RedStorno Logical

Bank Adjustment Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Adjustment transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Adjustment Amount

Total Adjustment Amount to Cash

Qualifier Description
Adjustment Amount Total Adjustment Amount to Cash

Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.

438 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Fee

Bank Fee details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankFee. GLControl--R--Bank Fee


Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String


Adjustment Line details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

GL Control

Adjustment Line GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Adjustment Line GL control BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank Transaction

Line Num

Adjustment Line number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Adjustment Line number BankTran.TranNum Numeric


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 439

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Transaction Reference

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference Transaction Reference BankTran.TranRef String

Transaction Date

Transaction Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Transaction Date Transaction Date BankTran.TranDate Date

Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Adjustment Amount Less Tax

Adjustment Amount Less Tax

Qualifier Description
Adjustment Amount Less Tax Adjustment Amount Less Tax

Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line - Bank Fee Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line - Bank Fee Tax GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line - Bank Fee Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line - Bank
Fee Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

440 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax line created for EC Aquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax TaxDtl. Logical
line created for EC Aquisition

Is Reversed Charge

Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed TaxDtl.ReverseCharge Logical

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Self-Assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Self-Assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax master table

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 441

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Tax master GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Tax master GL control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line - Bank Fee Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Adjustment - Adjustment Line - Bank Fee Tax transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

Bank Adjustment - Rule Set

The Bank Adjustment transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Bank Adjustment - Functions

The functions used by the Bank Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line - Function to calculate Bank Fee/Adjustment Account

Function to calculate Bank Fee/Adjustment Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to calculate Bank Fee/Adjustment Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Details--GL Control For Current
Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From Bank
Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee--GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee
ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From Bank Adjustment--Bank Account--GL
Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

442 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Bank Adjustment - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Bank Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Book Adjustment Amount

This rule books the adjustment amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Debit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line Where Name = Adjustment
Amount Less Tax AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line Where Name = Adjustment
Amount Less Tax AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Calculate Bank Fee/Adjustment Account

Calculate Bank Fee/Adjustment Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Book Bank Fee Tax

This rule books the bank fee tax amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 443

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

For Each: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax

Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax Where Name =
Tax Amount AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax Where Name =
Tax Amount AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

If Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax--Details--Self-Assessment Dual

Collection Method OR Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax--Details--Is
Reversed Charge If Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax--Details--Is
EC Acquisition Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee
Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax--Tax
Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax--Details--Self-Assessment
Collection Method If Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee
Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment
Line--Bank Fee Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra

Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax--Tax
Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee Tax--Details--Invoicing
Collection Method Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank
Fee Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1

444 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Book Cash Amount

This rule books the cash amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Cash
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Bank Adjustment Where Name = Adjustment Amount AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Adjustment Where Name = Adjustment Amount AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Bank Account--GL

Control For Current Book AND Cash Context

Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Bank Account--GL Control For Current
Book AND Cash Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Setup GL Transaction Properties

This rule defines Apply date and Journal code for the whole GL transaction

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line
Is Header: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 445

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Details--Transaction Date
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Bank Adjustment--Bank Account--GL Control
For Current Book AND Bank Transactions Context
Transaction Text = Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Details--Reference
Red Storno = Bank Adjustment--Details--Red Storno

Bank Adjustment - Pre-Posting Rules

The pre-posting rules for the Bank Adjustment transaction type are described in this section.
The pre-posting rules pull in the default data required for the GL transaction type to post transactions.

Get Defaults for Bank Adjustment

This rule defines a default Bank Adjustment Credit account which can be modified through UI

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: false
For Each: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Business Entity Table: Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Adjustment Line--Bank Fee--GL Control For
Current Book AND Bank Fee Context
If Temp Account is not Valid Get Account From Bank Adjustment--Bank Account--GL
Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

446 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Temp Account is Valid Temp Account

Bank Funds Transfer

Books Bank Funds Transfer transaction.

Bank Funds Transfer Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Funds Transfer GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Funds Transfer Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Funds Transfer GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Source Bank

Source Bank

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Currency BankAcct.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 447

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


Bank ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Bank ID BankAcct.BankAcctID String

Target Bank

Target Bank

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Currency BankAcct.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Bank ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Bank ID BankAcct.BankAcctID String


Bank Funds Transfer Transaction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

448 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Transaction Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Transaction Number BankTran.TranNum Numeric

Rate Group

Rate Group

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Group Rate Group BankTran. String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference Reference BankTran.TranRef String

Source Bank ID

Source Bank ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Source Bank ID Source Bank ID BankTran.BankAcctID String

Target Bank ID

Target Bank ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Target Bank ID Target Bank ID BankTran. String

Trans Apply Date

Transaction Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Trans Apply Date Transaction Apply Date BankTran. Date

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 449

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Transfer Date

Transfer Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Transfer Date Transfer Date BankTran.TranDate Date

Bank Funds Transfer Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Funds Transfer transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Transfer Amount

Transfer Amount

Qualifier Description
Transfer Amount Transfer Amount

Bank Funds Transfer - Rule Set

The Bank Funds Transfer transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Bank Funds Transfer - Functions

The functions used by the Bank Funds Transfer transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Bank Funds Transfer - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Bank Funds Transfer transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Post the movement from Bank Cash to Transfer Account

Post the movement of Transfer Amount from Source Bank Cash to Transfer Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:

450 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Can Post: true

For Each: Bank Funds Transfer
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Funds Transfer--

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Please select variable and value or function
Bank Transaction Num = Bank Funds Transfer--Transaction--Number
Select Amount From Bank Funds Transfer Where Name = Transfer Amount AND Currency
= Bank Funds Transfer--Source Bank--Currency AND Currency Type = Source
Select Amount From Bank Funds Transfer Where Name = Transfer Amount AND Currency
= Book Currency AND Currency Type = Base
If Book Amount is not Available Comment = Please select variable and value or
Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Bank Funds
Transfer--Transaction--Rate Group

Comment = Set up GL Journal data

Bank Account = Bank Funds Transfer--Source Bank--ID
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Bank Funds Transfer--Source Bank--GL Control
For Current Book AND Bank Transactions Context
Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account
Get Account From Bank Funds Transfer--Source Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND Transfer Context
Get Account From Bank Funds Transfer--Source Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND Cash Context
If Credit Account is not Valid Call = Log Error: Source Bank Transfer Account
is not Valid. Cannot transfer.

Post the movement from Transfer Account to Cash Account

Post the movement of Transfer Amount from Source Bank Transfer Account to Target bank cash Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Funds Transfer
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Funds Transfer--

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 451

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Bank Transaction Num = Bank Funds Transfer--Transaction--Number
Select Amount From Bank Funds Transfer Where Name = Transfer Amount AND Currency
= Bank Funds Transfer--Target Bank--Currency AND Currency Type = Target
Select Amount From Bank Funds Transfer Where Name = Transfer Amount AND Currency
= Book Currency AND Currency Type = Base
If Book Amount is not Available Comment = Please select variable and value or
Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Bank Funds
Transfer--Transaction--Rate Group

Comment = Set up GL Journal data

Bank Account = Bank Funds Transfer--Target Bank--ID
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Bank Funds Transfer--Target Bank--GL Control
For Current Book AND Bank Transactions Context
Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account
Get Account From Bank Funds Transfer--Target Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND Cash Context
Get Account From Bank Funds Transfer--Source Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND Transfer Context
If Credit Account is not Valid Call = Log Error: The Credit Account for the
Source Bank is not valid.Can not transfer.

Set up GL Journal main data

Set up GL Journal main data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Funds Transfer
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Bank Funds Transfer--Transaction--Trans Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Bank Funds
Transfer--Transaction--Transfer Date

452 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Transaction Text = Bank Funds Transfer--Transaction--Reference

Bank Transaction Num = Bank Funds Transfer--Transaction--Number

Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct

Balance Updated on Payment

A falg indicating whether Bank Balance Updated on Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Balance Updated on A falg indicating whether Bank Balance BankAcct. Logical
Payment Updated on Payment

Balance Updated on Reconciliation

A falg indicating whether Bank Balance Updated on Reconciliation

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Balance Updated on A falg indicating whether Bank Balance BankAcct. Logical
Reconciliation Updated on Reconciliation

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 453

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Bank ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Bank ID BankAcct.BankAcctID String

Reconcile Balance

Reconcile Balance

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reconcile Balance Reconcile Balance BankAcct.ReconciledBalance Logical

Company AP Parameters

Company AP Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APSyst

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AP Account

Company GL Parameters

Company GL Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLSyst

454 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AP Interface with GL

AP Interface with GL

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Interface with GL AP Interface with GL GLSyst.APInterfaced Logical

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Company. GLControl--R--XASyst

Currency Master

Currency Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


Cash Book Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashBHed

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 455

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Apply Date

Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date CashBHed.ApplyDate Date

Bank Slip Number

Bank Slip Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Slip Number Bank Slip Number CashBHed.Bankslip Numeric

Closing Date

Closing Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Closing Date Closing Date CashBHed.ClosingDate Date



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Currency CashBHed.CurrencyCode String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description CashBHed.Description String


Cash Book Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Cash Book Number CashBHed.CashBookNum Numeric

456 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Opening Date

Opening Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Opening Date Opening Date CashBHed.OpeningDate Date

Rate Group

Rate Group

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Group Rate Group CashBHed.RateGrpCode String

Bank Reconciliation Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

AP Checks Variance

AP Checks Variance

Qualifier Description
AP Checks Variance AP Checks Variance

Closing Balance

Closing Balance

Qualifier Description
Closing Balance Closing Balance

Opening Balance

Opening Balance

Qualifier Description
Opening Balance Opening Balance

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 457

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

PayRoll Checks Varience

PayRoll Checks Varience

Qualifier Description
PayRoll Checks Varience PayRoll Checks Varience

Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CheckHed

Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date CheckHed.CheckDate Date


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency CheckHed.CurrencyCode String


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Date CheckHed.CheckDate Date

458 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control CheckHed. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number CheckHed.CheckNum Numeric

Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type CheckHed.RateGrpCode String

Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control CheckHed. GLControl--F--AP Check

Use Pending Cash Account

Flag that indicates if the payment amount is booked to Pending Cash account

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Use Pending Cash Flag that indicates if the payment CheckHed.UsePendAcct Logical
Account amount is booked to Pending Cash

Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Qualifier Description

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 459

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing -
Bank Fee GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Fee details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

GL Control

GL Control that contains Bank Fee account entered in UI

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control that contains Bank Fee BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank
account entered in UI Transaction

Tran Num

Tran Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num Tran Num BankTran.TranNum Numeric


460 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Bank Fee master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String

GL Control

Bank Fee GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Fee GL control BankFee. GLControl--R--Bank Fee

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code BankFee.TaxCode String

Tax Rate

Tax Rate

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Rate Tax Rate BankFee.RateCode String

Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Fee Amount

Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Amount Fee Amount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 461

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line
GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.
Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing -
Bank Fee - Tax Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Fee Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax line created for EC Aquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax TaxDtl. Logical
line created for EC Aquisition

Is Reversed Charge

462 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed TaxDtl.ReverseCharge Logical

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Self-Assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Self-Assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AP Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line
transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Tax Amount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 463

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

AP Payment Instrument

AP Payment Instrument

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNHead

PI GL Control

PI GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI GL Control PI GL Control APPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

PI Number

PI Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Number PI Number APPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

Reference GL Control

464 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control Reference GL Control APPNHead. GLControl--F--PI Payable

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

PI Total

PI Total

Qualifier Description
PI Total PI Total

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee GL
transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP
PI Bank Fee GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 465

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank Transaction

Tran Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num BankTran.TranNum Numeric


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankFee. GLControl--R--Bank Fee

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code BankFee.TaxCode String

Tax Rate

Tax Rate

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Rate Tax Rate BankFee.RateCode String

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Fee Amount

466 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Amount Fee Amount

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee - AP PI Fee Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee - AP PI
Fee Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus
Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee - AP PI Fee Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP
PI Bank Fee - AP PI Fee Tax Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 467

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee - AP PI Fee Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Bank Fee - AP PI Fee
Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

468 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP
PI Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

AP PI Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNDtl


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID APPNDtl.APPNDtlLine Numeric

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line - Tax GL
transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.
Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP
PI Line - Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 469

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Is EC Acquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Is EC Acquisition TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

470 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvTax

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control APInvTax. GLControl--F--AP Invoice Tax

Tax Code

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 471

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) APInvTax.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AP PI Settlement - AP PI Line - Tax transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

472 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashHead


Check Currency

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Check Currency CashHead.CurrencyCode String


Check Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Date Check Date CashHead.TranDate Date

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control CashHead. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Check Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Check Number CashHead.HeadNum Numeric

Rate Type

Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Rate Type CashHead.RateGrpCode String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 473

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Pending amount

Qualifier Description
Pending Pending amount

Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing -
Bank Fee GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

GL Control

GL Control that contains Bank Fee account entered in UI

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control that contains Bank Fee BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank
account entered in UI Transaction

474 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Tran Num

Tran Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num Tran Num BankTran.TranNum Numeric


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String

GL Control

Bank Fee GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Fee GL control BankFee. GLControl--R--Bank Fee

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code BankFee.TaxCode String

Tax Rate

Tax Rate

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Rate Tax Rate BankFee.RateCode String

Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Fee Amount

Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Amount Fee Amount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 475

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line
GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.
Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing -
Bank Fee - Tax Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Tax Code

476 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax master table

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Tax master GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Tax master GL control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR Check Clearing - Bank Fee - Tax Line
transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 477

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

AR Payment Instrument

AR Payment Instrument

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNHead

PI GL Control

PI GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI GL Control PI GL Control ARPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

PI Number

PI Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Number PI Number ARPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

Reference GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control Reference GL Control ARPNHead. GLControl--F--AR PI Settlement

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

PI Total

PI Total

Qualifier Description
PI Total PI Total

478 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee GL
transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI
Bank Fee GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank Transaction

Ref GL Control

Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Ref GL Control BankTran. GLControl--F--Bank Transaction

Tran Num

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 479

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Tran Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num Tran Num BankTran.TranNum Numeric


Bank Fee Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankFee. GLControl--R--Bank Fee

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code BankFee.TaxCode String

Tax Rate

Tax Rate

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Rate Tax Rate BankFee.RateCode String

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Fee Amount

480 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Amount Fee Amount

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI Fee Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI
Fee Tax GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI Fee Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI
Bank Fee - AR PI Fee Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 481

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Ref GL Control

Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Ref GL Control TaxDtl. GLControl--F--Payment Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI Fee Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI Fee
Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

482 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI
Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

AR PI Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNDtl



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID ID ARPNDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line - Tax GL
transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI
Line - Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 483

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Is EC Acquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Is EC Acquisition TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

484 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge TaxDtl. Logical

Ref GL Control

Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Ref GL Control TaxDtl. GLControl--F--Payment Tax

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

Invoice Line

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 485

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invoice Line (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Line Invoice Line (key field) InvcTax.InvoiceLine Numeric

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) InvcTax.TaxCode String

Sales Tax

Sales tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Reverse - AR PI Line - Tax transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

486 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

AR Payment Instrument

AR Payment Instrument

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNHead

PI GL Control

PI GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI GL Control PI GL Control ARPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment Instrument

PI Number

PI Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Number PI Number ARPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

Referenece GL Control

Referenece GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Referenece GL Control Referenece GL Control ARPNHead. GLControl--F--PI Receivable

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 487

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

PI Total

PI Total

Qualifier Description
PI Total PI Total

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee GL
transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR
PI Bank Fee GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

GL Control

488 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank Transaction

Tran Num

Tran Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num Tran Num BankTran.TranNum Numeric


Bank Fee Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control BankFee. GLControl--R--Bank Fee

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code BankFee.TaxCode String

Tax Rate

Tax Rate

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Rate Tax Rate BankFee.RateCode String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 489

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Fee Amount

Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Amount Fee Amount

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI Fee Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee - AR
PI Fee Tax Line GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI Fee Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR
PI Bank Fee - AR PI Fee Tax Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

490 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI Fee Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Bank Fee - AR PI
Fee Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Tax Amount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 491

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR
PI Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

AR PI Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNDtl



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID ID ARPNDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line - Tax GL
transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.
Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line - Tax Posting Codes

492 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR
PI Line - Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Is EC Acquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Is EC Acquisition TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 493

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Is Reversed Charge

Is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Is Reversed Charge TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

Invoice Line

494 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoice Line (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Line Invoice Line (key field) InvcTax.InvoiceLine Numeric

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) InvcTax.TaxCode String

Sales Tax

Sales tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - AR PI Settlement - AR PI Line - Tax transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 495

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date BankTran.TranDate Date

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control BankTran. GLControl--N--Bank Transaction


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number BankTran.TranNum Numeric

Rate Group

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Group BankTran.RateGrpCode String


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference BankTran.GLRefCode String

496 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Transfer Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Transfer Date BankTran.TranDate Date

Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Qualifier Description

Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment - Bank Fee Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment - Bank Fee Tax GL
transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment - Bank Fee Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment - Bank
Fee Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 497

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition

Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax line created for EC Aquisition

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition Indicates if the Tax Line is the second tax TaxDtl. Logical
line created for EC Aquisition

Is Reversed Charge

Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reversed Charge Indicates if the Tax Line is Reversed TaxDtl.ReverseCharge Logical

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Self-Assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Collection Self-Assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-Assessment Dual Collection Self-Assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Tax Master

Tax Master

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

498 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment - Bank Fee Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Bank Reconciliation - Bank Adjustment - Bank Fee Tax transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

Bank Reconciliation - Rule Set

The Bank Reconciliation transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Bank Reconciliation - Functions

The functions used by the Bank Reconciliation transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee - Function to determine Bank Fee account
for a cleared AP check

Function to determine Bank Fee account for a cleared AP check

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to determine Bank Fee account for a cleared AP check
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 499

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account
From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee - Function to determine Bank Fee account
for a cleared AR check

Function to determine Bank Fee account for a cleared AR check

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Function to determine Bank Fee account for a cleared AR check
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account
From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

Bank Reconciliation - Get PI Bank Fee Account From Bank Fee GL Control

Get PI Bank Fee Account From Bank Fee GL Control

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Get PI Bank Fee Account From Bank Fee GL Control
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: Bank Reconciliation

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Fee GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee
ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL
Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

Bank Reconciliation - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Bank Reconciliation transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

500 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AP Check Clearing - Book AP Bank Fee

Book AP Bank Fee

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee Where Currency
Type = Transactional AND Name = Fee Amount
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee Where Currency
= Book Currency AND Name = Fee Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Details--GL
Control For Current Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context
If Debit Account is not Valid AP Bank Fee Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash

AP Check Clearing - Book AP Bank Fee Tax

Book AP Bank Fee Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 501

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Where Currency Type = Transactional AND Name = Tax Amount
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Tax Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax
Line--Details--Self-Assessment Dual Collection Method OR Bank Reconciliation--AP
Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Is Reversed Charge If Bank
Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Is EC
Acquisition Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank
Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax
Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax
Line--Details--Self-Assessment Collection Method If Bank Reconciliation--AP
Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account
From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL
Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank
Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax
Line--Details--Invoicing Collection Method Get Account From Bank
Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND Cash Context
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

502 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Tax

AP Check Clearing - Post AP Checks Pending Amount to Bank

Post AP Checks Pending Amount to Bank Pending/Cash Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Amounts--Pending--Name### =###Pending###
And ###Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Check--Use Pending Cash Account### = ###TRUE###
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Pending Cash
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Check

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing Where Name = Pending
AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing Where Name = Pending
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash
If Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Check--Ref GL Control is Available Get
Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP Check Clearing--Check--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Pending Cash Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND AP Pending Cash Context

AP PI - Book Bank Fee

Book AP PI Bank Fee

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 503

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee

Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee Where
Currency Type = Transactional AND Name = Fee Amount
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Fee Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank
Fee--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context
If Debit Account is not Valid Get PI Bank Fee Account From Bank
Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee--Master--GL Control

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash

AP PI - Book Bank Fee Tax

Book AP PI Bank Fee Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee--AP PI Fee Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee--AP PI Fee Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee--AP PI
Fee Tax Line Where Currency Type = Transactional AND Name = Tax Amount
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee--AP PI
Fee Tax Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Tax Amount

504 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Bank Fee--AP PI
Fee Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash

AP PI - Book Settlement

Book AP PI Settlement

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: PI Payable
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP Payment Instrument

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP Payment
Instrument--Reference GL Control For Current Book AND PI Payable Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement Where Name = PI Total
AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement Where Name = PI Total
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

AP PI - Post AP Invoice Tax

Post AP Invoice Tax Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection
Method###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Invoice###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Can Post: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 505

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax

Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing
Collection Method If Not Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed Charge Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP
PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP
Tax Accrual Context

Call = End Rule

If Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection Method OR Bank
Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed
Charge If Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Is
EC Acquisition Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP
PI Line--Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Line--Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection Method If Bank
Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Is EC
Acquisition Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP
PI Line--Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Line--Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account


506 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Temp Account
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1

AP PI - Post AP Invoice Withholding Tax

Post AP Invoice Withholding Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection
Method###=###True### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Invoice###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Tax
Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

AP PI - Reverse AP Invoice Interim Tax

Reverse AP Invoice Interim Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection
Method###=###True### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Invoice###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Can Post: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 507

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax

Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI
Settlement--AP PI Line--Tax--Invoice Tax--Reference GL Control For Current Book
AND Tax Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AP PI Settlement--AP PI
Line--Tax--Invoice Tax--Reference GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

AR Check Clearing - Book AR Bank Fee

Book AR Bank Fee

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee Where Currency

508 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Type = Transactional AND Name = Fee Amount

Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee Where Currency
= Book Currency AND Name = Fee Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Details--GL
Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context
If Debit Account is not Valid AR Bank Fee Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash

AR Check Clearing - Book AR Bank Fee Tax

Book AR Bank Fee Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Where Currency Type = Transactional AND Name = Tax Amount
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Tax Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Tax
Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash

AR Check Clearing - Post AR Check Pending Amount to Bank

Post AR Check Pending Amount to Bank Pending/Cash Accounts

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 509

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--Bank--Reconcile Balance###=###True###

Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Pending Cash
Debit Context: Cash
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Check

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing Where Name = Pending
AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing Where Name = Pending
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash
If Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Check--GL Control is Available Get
Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR Check Clearing--Check--GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Pending Cash Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND AR Pending Cash Context

AR PI - Book Bank Fee

Book AR PI Bank Fee

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Adjustment/Bank Fee
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee--Details

510 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee Where
Currency Type = Transactional AND Name = Fee Amount
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Fee Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank
Fee--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context
If Debit Account is not Valid Get PI Bank Fee Account From Bank
Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee--Master--GL Control

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash

AR PI - Book Bank Fee Tax

Book AR PI Bank Fee Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI Fee Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI Fee Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI
Fee Tax Line Where Currency Type = Transactional AND Name = Tax Amount
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI
Fee Tax Line Where Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Tax Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI
Fee Tax Line--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 511

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash

AR PI - Book Settlement

Book AR PI Settlement

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement
Is Header: false
Credit Context: PI Payable
Debit Context: Cash
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR Payment Instrument

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR Payment
Instrument--Referenece GL Control For Current Book AND PI Receivable Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement Where Name = PI Total
AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement Where Name = PI Total
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

AR PI - Post AR Invoice Tax

Books tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection
Method###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Invoice###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax

512 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Debit Context: Tax

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

If Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing

Collection Method If Not Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed Charge Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR
PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AR
Tax Accrual Context

Call = End Rule

If Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Dual Collection Method OR Bank
Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed
Charge If Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is
EC Acquisition Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR
PI Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

If Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Line--Tax--Details--Self-assessment Collection Method If Bank
Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is EC
Acquisition Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR
PI Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Contra Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Line--Tax--Sales Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Transaction Amount.Value * -1

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 513

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Book Amount.Value * -1

AR PI - Post AR Invoice Withholding Tax

Books withholding tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Withholding Collection
Method###=###True### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Invoice###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Sales
Tax--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax Accrual Context
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

AR PI - Reverse AR Invoice Interim Tax

Writes the tax amount off Interim account and debits it to Tax Payables

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection
Method###=###True### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Invoice###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax

514 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Debit Context: Tax

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax Where
Name = Tax AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI
Settlement--AR PI Line--Tax--Invoice Tax--Reference GL Control For Current Book
AND Tax Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Settlement--AR PI
Line--Tax--Invoice Tax--Reference GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

AR PI Reverse - Restore Interim Tax

Books the tax amount back to Interim account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Invoice###=###False### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed
Charge###=###True### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Transactional Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI
Line--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 515

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Book Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI

Line--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

AR PI Reverse - Reverse AR Invoice Tax

Reverses tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ( ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection
Method###=###True### And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Reversed
Charge###=###False### ) Or ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection
Method###=###False### ) And ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Transactional Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI
Line--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Book Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI
Line--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR
PI Line--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI
Line--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

AR PI Reverse - Reverse AR PI Bank Fee

Books the Bank fee amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank Fee

516 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank Fee--Details--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank Fee--Details--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Transactional Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank
Fee--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context
Get Book Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank
Fee--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context

AR PI Reverse - Reverse AR PI Bank Fee Tax

Reverses bank fee taxes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI Fee Tax--Details--Invoicing
Collection Method###=###True### And ( ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI Fee
Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment###=###True### Or ###Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank
Fee--AR PI Fee Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully Paid###=###True### )
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI Fee Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI Fee
Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Transactional Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank
Fee--AR PI Fee Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 517

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Book Amount From Bank Reconciliation--AR PI Reverse--AR PI Bank Fee--AR PI

Fee Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Bank Adjustment - Book Bank Fee Tax

Book Bank Fee Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax Where
Currency Type = Transactional AND Name = Tax Amount
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Tax Amount
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax--Details--Self-Assessment
Dual Collection Method OR Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee
Tax--Details--Is Reversed Charge If Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank
Fee Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank
Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AR Tax
Accrual Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax--Tax
Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context

If Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee
Tax--Details--Self-Assessment Collection Method If Bank Reconciliation--Bank
Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition Get Account From Bank
Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND AP Tax Contra Context

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee
Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context


518 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee

Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method Get Account From Bank
Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Bank Fee Tax--Tax Master--GL Control For Current
Book AND AP Tax Accrual Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Details--GL Control
For Current Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context
If Debit Account is not Valid Get Account From Bank
Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Book Amount.Value * -1
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Debit Context = Tax

Bank Adjustment - Post Adjustment Amount to Bank

Post Bank Adjustment Amount to Bank Cash/Adjustment Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Amounts--Adjustment--Name###
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment Where Currency Type =
Transactional AND Name = Adjustment
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment Where Name = Adjustment
AND Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Bank Reconciliation--Company GL Parameters--AP Interface with GL Get Account
From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Details--GL Control For
Current Book AND Adjustment/Bank Fee Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 519

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If Adjustment Account is not Valid Get Account From Bank

Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context
Adjustment Account

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control

For Current Book AND Cash Context
Adjustment Account
Debit Context = Cash
Credit Context = Adjustment/Bank Fee

Adjustment Account
Cash Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value
Credit Context = Cash
Debit Context = Adjustment/Bank Fee

Bank Transaction Num = Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Details--Number

Transaction Text = Bank Reconciliation--Bank Adjustment--Details--Reference
Bank Account = Bank Reconciliation--Bank--ID

Reconciliation - Post AP Checks Variance Amount

Post AP Checks Variance Amount to Bank Cash/Variance Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--Amounts--AP Checks Variance--Name### =###AP Checks Variance###
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation Where Name = AP Checks Variance AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation Where Name = AP Checks Variance AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group

Comment = Define Debit/Credit Account

If Bank Reconciliation--Company GL Parameters--AP Interface with GL If Book
Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For
Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND
Variance Context

520 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Debit Context = Cash

Credit Context = Variance

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current
Book AND Variance Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND
Cash Context
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value
Debit Context = Variance
Credit Context = Cash


Reconciliation - Post Payroll Checks Variance Amount to Bank

Post Payroll Checks Variance Amount to Bank Cash/Pending Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Bank Reconciliation--Amounts--PayRoll Checks Varience--Name### =###PayRoll Checks
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Define Transactional and Book Amounts
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation Where Name = PayRoll Checks Varience AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Bank Reconciliation Where Name = PayRoll Checks Varience AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Bank Reconciliation--Details--Rate Group


If Book Amount.Value >= 0 Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control
For Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND
Variance Context
Debit Context = Cash
Credit Context = Variance

Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book
AND Variance Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 521

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Get Account From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For Current Book AND
Cash Context
Debit Context = Variance
Credit Context = Cash

Set up GL Journal main data

Set up GL Journal main data

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Bank Reconciliation
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Bank Reconciliation--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Bank Reconciliation--Details--Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Bank
Reconciliation--Details--Closing Date

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Bank Reconciliation--Bank--GL Control For
Current Book AND Bank Transactions Context
Bank Account = Bank Reconciliation--Bank--ID
Bank Slip Ref = Bank Reconciliation--Details--Bank Slip Number

Cancel AR Invoice

This type posts Cancellation Invoice that reverses a posted AR Invoice.

Cancellation Invoice Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cancellation Invoice GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cancellation Invoice Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cancellation Invoice GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

522 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

BillTo Customer

"BillTo" Customer

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

GL Control

AR Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control AR Account GL Control Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account

Is Intercompany

A flag indicating whether the Customer is an Inter-company Customer

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Intercompany A flag indicating whether the Customer Customer.ICCust Logical
is an Inter-company Customer


Customer Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Customer Number Customer.CustNum Numeric

Cancelled Invoice

Contains fields of cancelled invoice header

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 523

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Legal Number

Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number Legal Number InvcHead.LegalNumber String


Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Invoice Number InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Ref GL Control

Contains accounts associated with invoice header that were affected when invoice was posted

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Contains accounts associated with invoice InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
header that were affected when invoice
was posted

Company Parameters

Company master file

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AR Account GL Control

AR Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control AR Account GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AR Account


This Entity contains all necessary fields from the Invoice Header

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

524 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoice Date

Invoice Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Date Invoice Date InvcHead.InvoiceDate Date

Invoice Number

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Number Invoice Number InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number InvcHead.LegalNumber String

Invoice Currency

This entity contains Currency Master fields for the Invoice Currency

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Currency ID Currency.CurrencyID String


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 525

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site Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site Code String

SoldTo Customer

"SoldTo" Customer

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer


Customer Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Customer Number Customer.CustNum Numeric

Cancellation Invoice Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cancellation Invoice transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Currency Difference

An amount of gain or loss that may occur on accounting for previously posted deposit

Qualifier Description
Currency Difference An amount of gain or loss that may occur on accounting for previously
posted deposit


Invoice amount is calculated according to the following formula:Invoice Amount = Total Extended Price - Total
Discount + Total Tax + Total Miscellaneous Charges - Total Withholding Tax. The amount is positive for regular
invoices and negative for credit memos.

Qualifier Description
Invoice Invoice amount is calculated according to the following formula:Invoice Amount = Total
Extended Price - Total Discount + Total Tax + Total Miscellaneous Charges - Total
Withholding Tax. The amount is positive for regular invoices and negative for credit

526 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Less Deposit

Contains amount of a previous deposit posted to the same sales order. The amount is positive for regular invoices
and negative for Credit Memos.

Qualifier Description
Less Deposit Contains amount of a previous deposit posted to the same sales order. The
amount is positive for regular invoices and negative for Credit Memos.

Rounding Difference

Rounding Difference amount.

Qualifier Description
Rounding Difference Rounding Difference amount.

Cancellation Invoice - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cancellation Invoice - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cancellation Invoice - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cancellation Invoice - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Cancelled Invoice Line

Contains fields of Cancelled Invoice line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcDtl


Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Line Number InvcDtl.InvoiceLine Numeric

Ref GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 527

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Contains accounts associated with invoice line that were affected when invoice was posted

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Contains accounts associated with invoice InvcDtl. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
line that were affected when invoice was Line


Invoice Line Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcDtl

Line Number

Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Number Line Number InvcDtl.InvoiceLine Numeric

Cancellation Invoice - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cancellation Invoice - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Qualifier Description

Extended Price

Extended Price amount.

Qualifier Description
Extended Price Extended Price amount.

Less Advance Billing

Qualifier Description
Less Advance Billing

528 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Cancellation Invoice - Line - Misc Charge Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cancellation Invoice - Line - Misc Charge GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cancellation Invoice - Line - Misc Charge Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cancellation Invoice - Line - Misc Charge GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.
Cancelled Misc Charge

Contains fields of Cancelled Invoice Line Miscellaneous Charge

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcMisc

Ref GL Control

Contains accounts associated with invoice miscellaneous charge that were affected when invoice was posted

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Contains accounts associated with invoice InvcMisc. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
miscellaneous charge that were affected Misc Charge
when invoice was posted


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcMisc


Miscellaneous Charge Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Miscellaneous Charge Code InvcMisc.MiscCode String


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 529

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Line charge description that is entered specifically for this charge line

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Line charge description that is entered InvcMisc.Description String
specifically for this charge line

Cancellation Invoice - Line - Misc Charge Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cancellation Invoice - Line - Misc Charge transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Qualifier Description

Cancellation Invoice - Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cancellation Invoice - Line - Tax GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cancellation Invoice - Line - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cancellation Invoice - Line - Tax GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.
Cancelled Tax

Contains fields of Cancelled Invoice Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

Ref GL Control

Contains accounts associated with invoice tax that were affected when invoice was posted

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Contains accounts associated with invoice InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice
tax that were affected when invoice was Tax

530 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Invoice Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax


Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Tax Code InvcTax.TaxCode String

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method InvcTax. Logical

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Is EC Acquisition or Reverse InvcTax. Logical
Charge Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment InvcTax. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid InvcTax. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

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Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection InvcTax. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection InvcTax. Logical
Method Method

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method InvcTax. Logical

Cancellation Invoice - Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cancellation Invoice - Line - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Qualifier Description

Cancel AR Invoice - Rule Set

The Cancel AR Invoice transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Cancel AR Invoice - Functions

The functions used by the Cancel AR Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

532 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Determine Tax Account for Allocated Deposit and given Context

Determine Tax Account for Allocated Deposit and given Context

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Tax Account for Allocated Deposit and given Context
Result Type: Account.Master
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice Alloc
Deposit--Tax--Effective Tax Rate--GL Contro l For Current Book AND Given Context

If Result is not Valid

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice Alloc
Deposit--Tax--Master--GL Control For Current Book AND Given Context Context

Determine Current Revenue/Returns Account for Given Context

Determine Current Revenue/Returns Account for Given Context

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Current Revenue/Returns Account for Given Context
Result Type: Account.Master
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If Cancellation Invoice--Line--Latest Deferred Rev Move--Ref GL Control is
Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Latest Deferred Rev Move--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Given Context

If Result is not Available

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice Line--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Given Context

- Reverses sign of the given amount

Reverses sign of the given amount

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:

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Description: Reverses sign of the given amount

Result Type: Amount
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
AmountAmount.Value * -1

Cancel AR Invoice - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Cancel AR Invoice transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Reverse Less Deposit Amount

The rules reverses posting that was made to Prepayment Account (Less Deposit amount) using reference GL
Control of type AR Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Prepayment
Debit Context: Prepayment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Prepayment Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Prepayment Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled
Invoice--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Prepayment Context

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Prepayment Context
Reverse sign of the Book Amount

534 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Reverse sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse posting Currency Difference amount

The rules reverses posting Currency Difference Amount using reference GL Control of type AR Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Prepayment (Currency Difference) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled
Invoice--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Prepayment (Currency Difference)
Credit Context = Prepayment (Currency Difference)
Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Realized Gain Context
Debit Context = Realized Gain

Reverse sign of the Book Amount
Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Prepayment (Currency Difference) Context
Debit Context = Prepayment (Currency Difference)
Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Realized Loss Context
Credit Context = Realized Loss

Reverse posting Rounding Difference Amount

The rules reverses posting Rounding Difference Amount using reference GL Control of type AR Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 535

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Is Header: false
Credit Context: Rounding Difference
Debit Context: Rounding Difference
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled
Invoice--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Rounding Difference Context

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Rounding Difference Context
Reverse sign of the Book Amount
Reverse sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse posting to Accounts Receivable

The rules reverses posting that was made to Accounts Receivable using reference GL Control of type AR Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context

536 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled Invoice--Ref GL Control For

Current Book AND Receivables Context

Reverse posting to Deferred Revenue Account

The rules reverses posting that was made to Deferred Revenue Account using reference GL Control of type AR
Invoice Line

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Deferred Revenue
Debit Context: Deferred Revenue
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice
Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Deferred Revenue Context
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice Line--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Deferred Revenue Context
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using
Cancellation Invoice--Details--Rate Type

Reverse sign of the Book Amount
Reverse sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse posting to Discount Account

The rules reverses posting that was made to Discount Account using reference GL Control of type AR Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Discount

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 537

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Debit Context: Discount

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice Line--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Discount Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice
Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Discount Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled
Invoice Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Discount Context

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice Line--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Discount Context
Reverse sign of the Book Amount
Reverse sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse posting to Misc Charge Account

The rules reverses posting that was made to Misc Charge Account using reference GL Control of type AR Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice--Line--Misc Charge
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Misc Charge
Debit Context: Misc Charge
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Line--Misc Charge--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Misc Charge--Cancelled Misc
Charge--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Misc Charge Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Misc Charge--Cancelled
Misc Charge--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Misc Charge Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Misc
Charge--Cancelled Misc Charge--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Misc Charge

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Misc Charge--Cancelled Misc
Charge--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Misc Charge Context
Reverse sign of the Book Amount

538 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Reverse sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse posting to Prepayment Account

The rules reverses posting that was made to Prepayment Account (Deposit or Less Deposit amount) using reference
GL Control of type AR Invoice Line

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Prepayment
Debit Context: Prepayment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice Line--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Prepayment Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice
Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Prepayment Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled
Invoice Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Prepayment Context

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice Line--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Prepayment Context
Reverse sign of the Book Amount
Reverse sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse posting to Sales Account

The rules reverses posting that was made to Sales Account using reference GL Control of type AR Invoice Line

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 539

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Debit Context: Sales

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice Line--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Sales Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Cancelled Invoice
Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Sales Context

If Book Amount is not available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using
Cancellation Invoice--Details--Rate Type

If Book Amount.Value > 0

Credit Account= Determine Current Revenue/Returns Account for 'Sales' Context

Reverse sign of the Book Amount
Reverse sign of the Transaction Amount

Reverse posting to Tax Account

The rules reverses posting that was made to Tax Account using reference GL Control of type AR Invoice Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Tax
Debit Context: Tax
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Tax--Cancelled Tax--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Tax--Cancelled Tax--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cancellation
Invoice--Line--Tax--Cancelled Tax--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Get Account From Cancellation Invoice--Line--Tax--Cancelled Tax--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Reverse sign of the Book Amount

540 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Reverse sign of the Transaction Amount

Set up GL journal main data

The rule sets up journal main data, which will be shared by all journal details.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cancellation Invoice
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cancellation Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Cancellation Invoice--Details--Invoice Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Cancellation Invoice--BillTo Customer--GL

Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
If Journal Code is not Available Journal Code = Get Journal Code From
Cancellation Invoice--Company Parameters--AR Account GL Control For Current Book
AND Invoicing Context

AR Invoice Num Ref = Cancellation Invoice--Details--Invoice Number

Transaction Text = 'Cancellation Invoice for ' + Cancellation Invoice--Cancelled


Complete Storno. This is dummy transaction type. It needs for using standart Review journal features. Booking
rules logic are hardcoded in PrePost file.

CompleteStorno - Rule Set

The CompleteStorno transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 541

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

CompleteStorno - Functions

The functions used by the CompleteStorno transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.


Inventory, COS and WIP transactionsCreated from PartTran, Labor Details, and A/R Invoice Details (COS) records

COSAndWIP Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the COSAndWIP GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

COSAndWIP Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the COSAndWIP GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AP Account GL Control

Company level (default) A/P Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Company level (default) A/P Company. GLControl--R--AP Account
Account GL Control

542 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AR Account GL Control

Company level (default) A/R Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control Company level (default) A/R Company. GLControl--R--AR Account
Account GL Control

Asset GL Control

Conatins asset accounts defined at the company level

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Asset GL Control Conatins asset accounts defined at Company. GLControl--R--Asset
the company level

FS Call GL Control

Company level (default) Field Service Call GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

FS Call GL Control Company level (default) Field Service Company. GLControl--R--FS Call
Call GL Control

FS Contract GL Control

Company level (default) Field Service Contract GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

FS Contract GL Control Company level (default) Field Service Company. GLControl--R--FS Contract
Contract GL Control

FS Warranty GL Control

Company level (default) Field Service Warranty GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

FS Warranty GL Control Company level (default) Field Service Company. GLControl--R--FS Warranty
Warranty GL Control

GL Has Inventory Interface

Company specific flag which defines if Inventory, COS and WIP is interfaced with GLWhen Inventory, COS and
WIP is not interfaced with GL, Inventory, COS and WIP Transactions does not update GL directly, but can be used
for review.Flag also affects some booking rules, not only in Invenrory, COS and WIP transactions, but also in
other transaction types, such as A/P Invoices

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 543

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Has Company specific flag which defines if Inventory, COS GLSyst.PostInvtyWipCos Logical
Inventory and WIP is interfaced with GLWhen Inventory, COS and
Interface WIP is not interfaced with GL, Inventory, COS and WIP
Transactions does not update GL directly, but can be used
for review.Flag also affects some booking rules, not only
in Invenrory, COS and WIP transactions, but also in other
transaction types, such as A/P Invoices

Inventory COS And WIP GL Control

Inventory, COS And WIP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Inventory COS And WIP GL Inventory, COS And WIP GL Company. GLControl--R--Inventory COS
Control Control and WIP

Project Billing GL Control

Default Project Billing GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Project Billing GL Control Default Project Billing GL Company. GLControl--R--Project Billing


Document Run-Time Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

Apply Date

Typically, the same as Transaction DateIn case some transactions are outdated (that is Transaction Dates are in
previous or closed periods or date ranges), can be defined by user

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Typically, the same as Transaction DateIn case some . Date
transactions are outdated (that is Transaction Dates are in
previous or closed periods or date ranges), can be defined
by user

544 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Creation Date

Date VBD Document is created

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Creation Date Date VBD Document is created . Date

Red Storno

Red Storno Flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Red Storno Red Storno Flag . Logical

Tran Date

Transaction Date. When VBD is created, all related data (from PartTran, Labor and Cost of Sales Details) are
grouped by Transaction Date (Payroll Date, Invoice Apply Date). Separate VBD Document is created then for each
Transaction Date.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Date Transaction Date. When VBD is created, all related data (from . Date
PartTran, Labor and Cost of Sales Details) are grouped by
Transaction Date (Payroll Date, Invoice Apply Date).Separate
VBD Document is created then for each Transaction Date.

COSAndWIP Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the COSAndWIP transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 545

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

AR Account GL Control

Customer AR Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control Customer AR Account GL Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account


Customer Code (CustNum)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Customer Code (CustNum) Customer.CustNum Numeric

Is InterCompany

Flag defines if Customer is InterCompany

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is InterCompany Flag defines if Customer is Customer.ICCust Logical


AR Invoice Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcDtl

Invoice Num

A/R Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num A/R Invoice Number InvcDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric

Is COS Posting Required

546 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is COS Posting Required

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is COS Posting Required Is COS Posting Required InvcDtl.COSPostingReqd Logical

Line Num

A/R Invoice Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num A/R Invoice Line Number InvcDtl.InvoiceLine Numeric



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site


site Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site Code String

Division GL Control

Division of site (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division of site (GL Control) site. GLControl--R--Division

Product Group

Product Group related to Invoice Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ProdGrup


Product Group Code (ProdCode)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Product Group Code (ProdCode) ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 547

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Product Group GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Product Group GL Control ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product Group

Sales Category

Sales Category related to Invoice Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesCat


Sales Category Code (SalesCatID)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Sales Category Code (SalesCatID) SalesCat.SalesCatID String

Department GL Control

Department of Sales Category (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Department GL Control Department of Sales Category (GL SalesCat. GLControl--R--Department

Service Call Details

Service Call Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallDt

Call Num

Service Call Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Call Num Service Call Number FSCallDt.CallNum Numeric

Line Num

Service Call Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Service Call Line Number FSCallDt.CallLine Numeric

Warranty Code

548 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Warranty Code of Service Call

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Warranty Code Warranty Code of Service Call FSCallDt.WarrantyCode String

Service Call Type

Service Call Type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallCd


Service Call Type Code (CallCode)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Service Call Type Code (CallCode) FSCallCd.CallCode String

GL Controll

Field Service Call GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Controll Field Service Call GL Control FSCallCd. GLControl--R--FS Call

Service Contract

Service Contract

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSContCd


Service Contract Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Service Contract Code FSContCd.ContractCode String

GL Control

Field Service Contract GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Field Service Contract GL Control FSContCd. GLControl--R--FS Contract

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 549

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Warehse


Warehouse Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Warehouse Code Warehse.WarehouseCode String

Division GL Control

Division of Warehouse (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division of Warehouse (GL Warehse. GLControl--R--Division

COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the COSAndWIP - Cost Of Sales transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Burden Cost

Qualifier Description
Burden Cost

Clearing Cost

Qualifier Description
Clearing Cost

Labor Cost

Qualifier Description
Labor Cost

550 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Material Burden Cost

Qualifier Description
Material Burden Cost

Material Cost

Qualifier Description
Material Cost


Qualifier Description

Subcontract Cost

Qualifier Description
Subcontract Cost

COSAndWIP - Labor Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the COSAndWIP - Labor GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

COSAndWIP - Labor Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the COSAndWIP - Labor GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Labor Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false LaborDtl

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 551

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Detail Seq

LaborDtl Key Segment (2)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Detail Seq LaborDtl Key Segment (2) LaborDtl.LaborDtlSeq Numeric

Head Seq

LaborDtl Key Segment (1)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Seq LaborDtl Key Segment (1) LaborDtl.LaborHedSeq Numeric



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false JobHead

Job Num

Job Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Job Num Job Number JobHead.JobNum String

Job Costing Department

Job Costing Department

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false JCDept


Job Costing Department Code (JCDept)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Job Costing Department Code JCDept.JCDept String

Department GL Control

552 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Department of Job Costing Department (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Department GL Control Department of Job Costing JCDept. GLControl--R--Department
Department (GL Control)

Division GL Control

Division of Job Costing Department (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division of Job Costing Department JCDept. GLControl--R--Division
(GL Control)

Job Product Group

Product Group related to Job

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ProdGrup


Product Group Code (ProdCode)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Product Group Code (ProdCode) ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

Product Group GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Product Group GL Control ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product Group

Labor Expense

Labor Expense

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false LabExpCd


Expense Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Expense Code LabExpCd.ExpenseCode String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 553

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Indirect Labor GL Control

Indirect Labor GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Indirect Labor GL Control Indirect Labor GL Control LabExpCd. GLControl--R--Indirect Labor



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site


site Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site Code String

Division GL Control

Division of site (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division of site (GL Control) site. GLControl--R--Division



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Project

Project Billing GL Control

Project Billing GL Control assigned to Project

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Project Billing GL Control Project Billing GL Control assigned Project. GLControl--R--Project Billing
to Project



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ProjectID ProjectID Project.ProjectID String

554 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Revenue Recognition Method

Project Revenue Recognition Method: 'None' (also used when Manual Revenue recognition is executed in reversing
mode) 'Manual' 'Labor Booking' 'Actual Burden'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Revenue Recognition Project Revenue Recognition Method: 'None' (also Project. String
Method used when Manual Revenue recognition is executed
in reversing mode) 'Manual' 'Labor Booking' 'Actual

Project Sales Category

Sales Category related to Project

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesCat


Sales Category Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Sales Category Code SalesCat.SalesCatID String

Department GL Control

Department GL Control assigned to Sales Category

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Department GL Control Department GL Control assigned SalesCat. GLControl--R--Department
to Sales Category

Service Call Details

Service Call Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallDt

Call Line

Service Call Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Call Line Service Call Line Number FSCallDt.CallLine Numeric

Call Num

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 555

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Service Call Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Call Num Service Call Number FSCallDt.CallNum Numeric

Warranty Code

Warranty Code of Service Call

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Warranty Code Warranty Code of Service Call FSCallDt.WarrantyCode String

Service Call Type

Service Call Type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallCd


Service Call Type Code (CallCode)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Service Call Type Code (CallCode) FSCallCd.CallCode String

GL Control

Field Service Call GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Field Service Call GL Control FSCallCd. GLControl--R--FS Call

Service Contract

Service Contract

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSContCd


Service Contract Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Service Contract Code FSContCd.ContractCode String

GL Control

556 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Field Service Contract GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Field Service Contract GL Control FSContCd. GLControl--R--FS Contract

COSAndWIP - Labor Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the COSAndWIP - Labor transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Burden Cost

Qualifier Description
Burden Cost

Extended Price

Extended Price

Qualifier Description
Extended Price Extended Price

Labor Cost

Qualifier Description
Labor Cost

COSAndWIP - PartTran Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the COSAndWIP - PartTran GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

COSAndWIP - PartTran Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the COSAndWIP - PartTran GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 557

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Adjustment Reason

Adjustment Reason

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Reason

Adjustment Source

Adjustment Source [PartTran.InvAdjSrc] converted to:- 'P' --> 'Physical Inventory Count'- 'C' --> 'Cycle Inventory
Count'- 'O' --> 'Other Adjustment' -'U' --> 'UOM Split/Merge'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Adjustment Source Adjustment Source [PartTran.InvAdjSrc] converted to:- Reason. String
'P' --> 'Physical Inventory Count'- 'C' --> 'Cycle
Inventory Count'- 'O' --> 'Other Adjustment' -'U' -->
'UOM Split/Merge'


Adjustment Reason Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Adjustment Reason Code Reason.ReasonCode String

Reason Code GL Control

Reason Code GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reason Code GL Control Reason Code GL Control Reason. GLControl--R--Reason Code

AP Invoice

AP Invoice

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

AP Account GL Control

Contains GL Accounts attached to AP Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Contains GL Accounts attached APInvHed. GLControl--R--AP Account
to AP Invoice

Invoice Num

558 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Supplier Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Supplier Invoice Number APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

AP Invoice Job

A/P Invoice Job

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvJob

Job Misc Charge GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Job Misc Charge GL Control APInvJob. GLControl--F--Job Misc Charge

Line Num

Supplier Invoice Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Supplier Invoice Line Number APInvJob.InvoiceLine Numeric



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ContainerHeader

Container Class

Container Class

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Container Class Container Class ContainerHeader.ContainerClass String

Container ID

Container ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Container ID Container ID ContainerHeader.ContainerID Numeric

Landed Cost GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 559

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Landed Cost GL Control related to Container

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Landed Cost GL Control Landed Cost GL Control related ContainerHeader. GLControl--N--Landed
to Container Cost



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

AR Account GL Control

Customer AR Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control Customer AR Account GL Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account


Customer Code (CustNum)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Customer Code (CustNum) Customer.CustNum Numeric

Is InterCompany

Flag defines if Customer is InterCompany

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is InterCompany Flag defines if Customer is Customer.ICCust Logical



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PartTran

Base Cost Method

560 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

PartTran.BaseCostMethod (new field) , converted to:- 'A' --> 'AVG' (Average Cost)- 'S' --> 'STD' (Standard Cost)-
'T' --> 'LOT' (Lot)- 'L' --> 'LAST' (Last Cost)- 'F' --> 'FIFO'- 'O' --> 'LOT FIFO'This is the Cost method defined for
Part and site combination at the time of PartTran creation

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Base Cost PartTran.BaseCostMethod (new field) , converted to:- 'A' --> PartTran. String
Method 'AVG' (Average Cost)- 'S' --> 'STD' (Standard Cost)- 'T' -->
'LOT' (Lot)- 'L' --> 'LAST' (Last Cost)- 'F' --> 'FIFO'- 'O' -->
'LOT FIFO'This is the Cost method defined for Part and site
combination at the time of PartTran creation



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description PartTran.PartDescription String

Is Inventory Tran

Is Inventory Transaction

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Inventory Tran Is Inventory Transaction PartTran.InventoryTrans Logical

Is Reverted

Flag indicates that this Transaction is reverted by another (both original and compensating transactions are

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Reverted Flag indicates that this Transaction is reverted by PartTran. Logical
another (both original and compensating
transactions are marked)

Legal Number


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number LegalNumber PartTran.LegalNumber String


Transaction Quantity

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Quantity Transaction Quantity PartTran.TranQty Numeric

System Date

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 561

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

PartTran Key Segment (1)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

System Date PartTran Key Segment (1) PartTran.SysDate Date

System Time

PartTran Key Segment (2)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

System Time PartTran Key Segment (2) PartTran.SysTime Numeric

Tran Num

PartTran Key Segment (3)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num PartTran Key Segment (3) PartTran.TranNum Numeric

Tran Reference

Transaction Reference

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Reference Transaction Reference PartTran.TranReference String

Tran Type

PartTran Transaction Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Type PartTran Transaction Type PartTran.TranType String


Unit Of Measure

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

UOM Unit Of Measure PartTran.UM String

Use AR Clearing

Use AR Clearing Account

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Use AR Clearing Use AR Clearing Account PartTran.COSPostingReqd Logical

562 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Variance Target

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Variance Target PartTran.VarTarget String

DMR Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false DMRActn

Action Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Action Num DMRActn.ActionNum Numeric


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

DMR Num DMRActn.DMRNum Numeric

DMR Reason

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Reason


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Reason.ReasonCode String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Reason. GLControl--R--Reason Code

Drop Shipment Details

Drop Shipment Details Only created in case PartTran.PackType is 'DS' (Drop Shipment)

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false DropShipDtl

Line Num

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 563

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Supplier Packing Slip Line Number (Drop Shipment)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Supplier Packing Slip Line Number DropShipDtl.PackLine Numeric
(Drop Shipment)

Slip Num

Supplier Packing Slip Number (Drop Shipment)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Slip Num Supplier Packing Slip Number (Drop DropShipDtl.PackSlip String

Slip Type

Packing Slip Type [PartTran.PackType] converted to:- 'DS' --> 'Drop Shipment'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Slip Type Packing Slip Type [PartTran.PackType] PartTran. String
converted to:- 'DS' --> 'Drop Shipment'

Euro Fin Purchase Type

Euro Financials Purchase Type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLPurch


Purchase Type Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Purchase Type Code GLPurch.PurchCode String

GL Control

Is Purchase Expense

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Is Purchase Expense GLPurch. GLControl--R--Purchase Type

Is Purchase Expense

Indicates if Purchase Type Code Is Purchase Expense

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Purchase Expense Indicates if Purchase Type Code Is GLPurch.POExp Logical
Purchase Expense

564 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false JobHead

Assembly Seq

Assembly Sequence [PartTran.AssemblySeq]

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Assembly Seq Assembly Sequence PartTran. Numeric

Job Num

Job Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Job Num Job Number JobHead.JobNum String

Job Operation Seq

Job Operation Sequence [PartTran.JobSeq] used with Seq Type <> 'Material'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Job Operation Seq Job Operation Sequence [PartTran.JobSeq] PartTran. Numeric
used with Seq Type <> 'Material'

Material Seq

Material Sequence [PartTran.JobSeq] used with Seq Type = 'Material'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Material Seq Material Sequence [PartTran.JobSeq] used PartTran. Numeric
with Seq Type = 'Material'

Seq Type

Sequence Type [PartTran.JobSeqType] converted to:- 'M' --> 'Material' [JobMtl]- 'S' --> 'SubContract Operation'
[JobOper]- 'O' --> 'Inside Operation' [JobOper]

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Seq Type Sequence Type [PartTran.JobSeqType] converted to:- PartTran. String
'M' --> 'Material' [JobMtl]- 'S' --> 'SubContract
Operation' [JobOper]- 'O' --> 'Inside Operation'

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 565

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Job Product Group

Product Group related to Job

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ProdGrup


Product Group Code (ProdCode)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Product Group Code (ProdCode) ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

Product Group GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Product Group GL Control ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product Group


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false JobHead

Assembly Seq

Assembly Sequence [PartTran.AssemblySeq2]

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Assembly Seq Assembly Sequence PartTran. Numeric

Job Num

Job Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Job Num Job Number JobHead.JobNum String

Job2 Product Group

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ProdGrup

566 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product Group

Job2 Service Call Detail

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallDt

Call Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Call Num FSCallDt.CallNum Numeric

Line Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num FSCallDt.CallLine Numeric

Warranty Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Warranty Code FSCallDt.WarrantyCode String

Job2 Service Call Type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallCd


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code FSCallCd.CallCode String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control FSCallCd. GLControl--R--FS Call

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 567

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Job2 Service Contract

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSContCd


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code FSContCd.ContractCode String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control FSContCd. GLControl--R--FS Contract

Kit Parent Part

Kit Parent Part Used only with 'STK-KIT' Transaction type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Part


Parent Kit Part Code (PartNum)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Parent Kit Part Code (PartNum) Part.PartNum String

Part Class GL Control

GL Control Type 'Part Class' related to Parent Kit Part

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Part Class GL Control GL Control Type 'Part Class' related Part. GLControl--R--Part Class
to Parent Kit Part

Part GL Control

Parent Kit Part GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Part GL Control Parent Kit Part GL Control Part. GLControl--R--Part

568 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Kit Parent Part Class

Part Class of Kit Parent Part Used only with 'STK-KIT' Transaction type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PartClass


Kit Parent Part5 Class Code )ClassID)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Kit Parent Part5 Class Code )ClassID) PartClass.ClassID String

GL Control

Part Class GL Control related to Kit Parent Part Class

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Part Class GL Control related to Kit PartClass. GLControl--R--Part Class
Parent Part Class

NonConformance Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false NonConf

Move Costs To DMR

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Move Costs To DMR NonConf.MoveCostsToDMR Logical

NonConformance ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

NonConformance ID NonConf.TranID Numeric

Tran Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Type NonConf.TrnTyp String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 569

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Part


Part Code (PartNum)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Part Code (PartNum) Part.PartNum String

Part Class GL Control

GL Control Type 'Part Class' related to Part

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Part Class GL Control GL Control Type 'Part Class' related Part. GLControl--R--Part Class
to Part

Part GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Part GL Control Part. GLControl--R--Part

Part Class

Part Class

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PartClass


Part Class Code (ClassID)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Part Class Code (ClassID) PartClass.ClassID String

GL Control

Part Class GL Control related to Part Class

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Part Class GL Control related to Part PartClass. GLControl--R--Part Class

570 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Part Lot

Part Lot

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PartLot

Lot Num

Part Lot Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Lot Num Part Lot Number PartLot.LotNum String

Part Product Group

Product Group related to Part

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ProdGrup


Product Group Code (ProdCode)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Product Group Code (ProdCode) ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

Product Group GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Product Group GL Control ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product Group


Site (related to For intersite transfer transactions ('*-PLT','PLT-*'), when two sites are involved, this
node has the following meaning:- 'From site' for sending transactions ('STK-PLT','MFG-PLT')- 'To site' for receiving
transactions ('PLT-STK','PLT-ASM','PLT-MTL')

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 571

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

site Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site Code String

Division GL Control

Division of Site (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division of Site (GL Control) Site. GLControl--R--Division

site Transfer

site Transfer Properties

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PlntTranDef

GL Control

site Transfer GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control site Transfer GL Control PlntTranDef. GLControl--R--site Transfer

Is InterDivisional

Flag defines if Transfer is InterDivisional (InterDivisional Accounting is required)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is InterDivisional Flag defines if Transfer is InterDivisional PlntTranDef.InterDivisional Logical
(InterDivisional Accounting is required)

site Transfer Sales Category

Sales Category related to site Transfer

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesCat


Sales Category Code (SalesCatID)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Sales Category Code (SalesCatID) SalesCat.SalesCatID String

Department GL Control

572 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Department of Sales Category (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Department GL Control Department of Sales Category (GL SalesCat. GLControl--R--Department


site (related to PartTran.site2)This node is used ONLY with intersite transfer transactions ('*-PLT','PLT-*'), when
two sites are involved, and has the following meaning:- 'To site' for sending transactions ('STK-PLT','MFG-PLT')-
'From site' for receiving transactions ('PLT-STK','PLT-ASM','PLT-MTL')

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site


site Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site Code String

Division GL Control

Division of site (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division of site (GL Control) site. GLControl--R--Division

PO Receipt Header

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RcvHead

Landed Cost GL Control

Landed Cost GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Landed Cost GL Control Landed Cost GL Control RcvHead. GLControl--N--Landed Cost

Purchase Order Release

Purchase Order Release

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PORel

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 573

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

PO Release GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PO Release GL Control PORel. GLControl--N--PO Release

Is Buy to Order

Defnes if PO Release is related to 'Buy To Order'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Buy to Order Defnes if PO Release is related to 'Buy PORel. Logical
To Order'

Is Drop Shipment

Defnes if PO Release is related to 'Drop Shipment Order'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Drop Shipment Defnes if PO Release is related to 'Drop PORel. Logical
Shipment Order'

Line Num

Purchase Order Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Purchase Order Line Number PORel.POLine Numeric

Order Num

Purchase Order Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Order Num Purchase Order Number PORel.PONum Numeric

Release Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Release Num PORel.PORelNum Numeric

Receiving Detail

Receiving Detail Only created in case PartTran.PackType is 'V' (Supplier)

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RcvDtl

Has Landed Cost

574 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Indicates that Landed Cost is entered for Receipt

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Has Landed Cost Indicates that Landed Cost is entered RcvDtl.LCFlag Logical
for Receipt

Is Misc Receipt

Indicates if this is miscellaneous receipt (Receipt not related to Purchase Order)[RcvDtl.ReceiptType] = 'M'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Misc Receipt Indicates if this is miscellaneous receipt (Receipt RcvDtl. Logical
not related to Purchase
Order)[RcvDtl.ReceiptType] = 'M'

Line Num

Supplier Packing Slip Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Supplier Packing Slip Line Number RcvDtl.PackLine Numeric

Purchase Point

Supplier Purchase Point

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Purchase Point Supplier Purchase Point RcvDtl.PurPoint String

Slip Num

Supplier Packing Slip Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Slip Num Supplier Packing Slip Number RcvDtl.PackSlip String

Slip Type

Packing Slip Type [PartTran.PackType] converted to:- 'V' --> 'Supplier'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Slip Type Packing Slip Type [PartTran.PackType] PartTran. String
converted to:- 'V' --> 'Supplier'

Ref PartTran Details

Reverence to reverting PartTran transaction.Is only available when 'Is Reverted' = True for current Transaction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PartTran

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 575

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Base Cost Method

PartTran.BaseCostMethod (new field) , converted to:- 'A' --> 'AVG' (Average Cost)- 'S' --> 'STD' (Standard Cost)-
'T' --> 'LOT' (Lot)- 'L' --> 'LAST' (Last Cost)- 'F' --> 'FIFO'- 'O' --> 'LOT FIFO'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Base Cost Method PartTran.BaseCostMethod (new field) , converted to:- PartTran. Numeric
'A' --> 'AVG' (Average Cost)- 'S' --> 'STD' (Standard
Cost)- 'T' --> 'LOT' (Lot)- 'L' --> 'LAST' (Last Cost)- 'F'
--> 'FIFO'- 'O' --> 'LOT FIFO'

Is Inventory Tran

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Inventory Tran PartTran.InventoryTrans Logical

Is Posted

Indicates whether the PartTran record that is referred by this Entity is posted or not.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Posted Indicates whether the PartTran record that is PartTran. Logical
referred by this Entity is posted or not.

Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number PartTran.LegalNumber String

PartTran Converted GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PartTran Converted GL Control PartTran. GLControl--F--PartTran Converted

PartTran GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PartTran GL Control PartTran. GLControl--F--PartTran


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Quantity PartTran.TranQty Numeric

System Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

System Date PartTran.SysDate Date

576 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

System Time

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

System Time PartTran.SysTime Numeric

Tran Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num PartTran.TranNum Numeric

Tran Reference

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Reference PartTran.TranReference String

Tran Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Type PartTran.TranType String


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

UOM PartTran.UM String

Use AR Clearing

Use AR Clearing

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Use AR Clearing Use AR Clearing PartTran.COSPostingReqd Logical

RMA Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RMADisp

Disposition Num

RMA Disposition Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Disposition Num RMA Disposition Num RMADisp.RMADisp Numeric

Disposition Type

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 577

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Disposition Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Disposition Type Disposition Type RMADisp.DispType String

Line Num

Line Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Line Num RMADisp.RMALine Numeric

Receipt Num

Receipt Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Receipt Num Receipt Num RMADisp.RMAReceipt Numeric



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

RMA Num RMA Num RMADisp.RMANum Numeric

Sales Order Detail

Sales Order Detail

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false OrderDtl

Line Num

Sales Order Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Sales Order Line Number OrderDtl.OrderLine Numeric

Order Num

Sales Order Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Order Num Sales Order Number OrderDtl.OrderNum Numeric

Release Num

578 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Sales Order Release Number [PartTran.OrderRelNum]

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Release Num Sales Order Release Number PartTran. Numeric

Sales Order Product Group

Product Group related to Sales Order Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ProdGrup


Product Group Code (ProdCode)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Product Group Code (ProdCode) ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

Product Group GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Product Group GL Control ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product Group

Sales Order Sales Category

Sales Category related to Sales Order Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesCat


Sales Category Code (SalesCatID)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Sales Category Code (SalesCatID) SalesCat.SalesCatID String

Department GL Control

Department of Sales Category (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Department GL Control Department of Sales Category (GL SalesCat. GLControl--R--Department

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 579

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Service Call Details

Service Call Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallDt

Call Line

Service Call Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Call Line Service Call Line Number FSCallDt.CallLine Numeric

Call Num

Service Call Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Call Num Service Call Number FSCallDt.CallNum Numeric

Warranty Code

Warranty Code of Service Call

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Warranty Code Warranty Code of Service Call FSCallDt.WarrantyCode String

Service Call Type

Service Call Type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSCallCd


Service Call Type Code (CallCode)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Service Call Type Code (CallCode) FSCallCd.CallCode String

GL Control

Field Service Call GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Field Service Call GL Control FSCallCd. GLControl--R--FS Call

580 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Service Contract

Service Contract

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FSContCd


Service Contract Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Service Contract Code FSContCd.ContractCode String

GL Control

Field Service Contract GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Field Service Contract GL Control FSContCd. GLControl--R--FS Contract

Shipping Details

Shipping Details Only created in case PartTran.PackType is:- 'C' (Customer)- 'M' (Misc)- 'S' (Subcontractor)- 'TO'
(Transfer Order)

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ShipDtl

Line Num

Packing Slip Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Packing Slip Line Number ShipDtl.PackLine Numeric

Line Type

Packing Slip Line Type ('PART'/'CONTRACT")

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Type Packing Slip Line Type ShipDtl.LineType String

Slip Num

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 581

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Packing Slip Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Slip Num Packing Slip Number ShipDtl.PackNum Numeric

Slip Type

Packing Slip Type [PartTran.PackType] converted to:- 'C' --> 'Customer'- 'M' --> 'Misc'- 'S' --> 'Subcontractor'-
'TO' --> 'Transfer Order'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Slip Type Packing Slip Type [PartTran.PackType] converted to:- PartTran. String
'C' --> 'Customer'- 'M' --> 'Misc'- 'S' -->
'Subcontractor'- 'TO' --> 'Transfer Order'



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

AP Account GL Control

Supplier AP Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Supplier AP Account GL Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account


Supplier Code (VendorNum)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Supplier Code (VendorNum) Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

Supplier GL Control

Supplier GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier GL Control Supplier GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier


Warehouse (related to PartTran.WarehouseCode)For transfer transactions ('STK-STK','*-PLT','PLT-*'), where two

warehouses are involved, this node has the following meaning:- 'From Warehouse' for sending transactions
('STK-STK' with negative quantity, 'STK-PLT','MFG-PLT')- 'To Warehouse' for receiving transactions ('STK-STK'
with positive quantity, 'PLT-STK','PLT-MTL','PLT-ASM')

582 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Warehse

Bin Num

Bin Num (on Warehouse) [PartTran.BinNum]For transfer transactions ('STK-STK','*-PLT','PLT-*') this field has the
following meaning:- 'From Bin' for sending transactions ('STK-STK' with negative quantity, 'STK-PLT','MFG-PLT')-
'To Bin' for receiving transactions ('STK-STK' with positive quantity, 'PLT-STK','PLT-MTL','PLT-ASM')

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bin Num Bin Num (on Warehouse) [PartTran.BinNum]For transfer PartTran. String
transactions ('STK-STK','*-PLT','PLT-*') this field has the following
meaning:- 'From Bin' for sending transactions ('STK-STK' with
negative quantity, 'STK-PLT','MFG-PLT')- 'To Bin' for receiving
transactions ('STK-STK' with positive quantity,


Warehouse Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Warehouse Code Warehse.WarehouseCode String

Division GL Control

Division of Warehouse (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division of Warehouse (GL Warehse. GLControl--R--Division


Warehouse (related to PartTran.WarehouseCode2)This node is used ONLY with transfer transactions

('STK-STK','*-PLT','PLT-*'), when two Warehouses are involved, and has the following meaning:- 'To Warehouse'
for sending transactions ('STK-STK' with negative quantity, 'STK-PLT','MFG-PLT')- 'From Warehouse' for receiving
transactions ('STK-STK' with positive quantity, 'PLT-STK','PLT-MTL','PLT-ASM')

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Warehse

Bin Num

Bin Num (on Warehouse2) [PartTran.BinNum2]This field is used with transfer transactions ('STK-STK','*-PLT','PLT-*'),
and has the following meaning:- 'To Bin' for sending transactions ('STK-STK' with negative quantity,

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 583

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

'STK-PLT','MFG-PLT')- 'From Bin' for receiving transactions ('STK-STK' with positive quantity,

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bin Num Bin Num (on Warehouse2) [PartTran.BinNum2]This field is used PartTran. String
with transfer transactions ('STK-STK','*-PLT','PLT-*'), and has the
following meaning:- 'To Bin' for sending transactions ('STK-STK'
with negative quantity, 'STK-PLT','MFG-PLT')- 'From Bin' for
receiving transactions ('STK-STK' with positive quantity,


Warehouse Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Warehouse Code Warehse.WarehouseCode String

Division GL Control

Division of Warehouse (GL Control)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division of Warehouse (GL Warehse. GLControl--R--Division

COSAndWIP - PartTran Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the COSAndWIP - PartTran transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Burden Cost


Qualifier Description
Burden Cost BurdenCost

Extended Cost


Qualifier Description
Extended Cost ExtendedCost

584 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Labor Cost


Qualifier Description
Labor Cost LaborCost

Material Burden Cost


Qualifier Description
Material Burden Cost MaterialBurdenCost

Material Cost


Qualifier Description
Material Cost MaterialCost

Other Cost


Qualifier Description
Other Cost OtherCost

site Cost


Qualifier Description
site Cost siteCost



Qualifier Description
Rounding Rounding

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 585

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Subcontract Cost


Qualifier Description
Subcontract Cost SubcontractCost

COSAndWIP - Rule Set

The COSAndWIP transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

COSAndWIP - Functions

The functions used by the COSAndWIP transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Account For Referenced PartTran And Given Context

Determine Account For Referenced PartTran And Given Context

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Account For Referenced PartTran And Given Context
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: If referenced PartTran has been posted in
9.0If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is
AvailableGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran
GL Control For Current Book AND Given Context Call = End Function Comment =
Comment: If referenced PartTran has been posted in versions prior to 9.0Get Book
Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL
Control For Current Book AND Converted1 Context Comment = Comment: Accept only
if account has been debitedIf Temp Amount.Value > 0Get Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control For
Current Book AND Converted1 Context Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If
the first account doesn't suit the criteria try the second possible accountGet
Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted2 ContextIf Temp Amount.Value > 0Get
Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL
Control For Current Book AND Converted2 Context

586 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran

Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Supplier--AP Account GL Control For Current
Book AND Clearing ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From
COSAndWIP--Company--AP Account GL Control For Current Book AND Clearing
ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS
And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing Context

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Asset Account For site Transfer

Determine Asset Account For site Transfer

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Asset Account For site Transfer
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type = PLT-STKDetermine Inventory Account
For PartTranElse
Comment = Comment: PLT-MTL or PLT-ASMDetermine PartTran WIP Account For
Material Cost Context

COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales - Determine COS Account For Cost Of Sales Detail

Determine COS Account For Cost Of Sales Detail

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine COS Account For Cost Of Sales Detail
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 587

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: For Inter-company CustomerIf COSAndWIP--Cost Of
Sales--Customer--Code is AvailableIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Customer--Is
InterCompanyGet Account From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Customer--AR Account GL
Control For Current Book AND Given Context Call = End Function Comment = Comment:
If COS Detail has Service Call related dataIf COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Service
Call Details--Call Num is Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related
to Service ContractIf COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Service Contract--Code is
AvailableGet Account From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Service Contract--GL Control
For Current Book AND Given ContextElse If COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Service
Call Details--Warranty Code is Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is
related to WarrantyGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Warranty GL Control
For Current Book AND Given Context Comment = Comment: For Service Call that is
realted either to FS Contract or WarrantyIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call
= End Function Comment = Comment: If COS Account is still not found try account
from FS CallGet Account From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Service Call Type--GL
Controll For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp
Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If WIP Account is still not found
try account from Company's DefaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Call
GL Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp
Comment = Comment: Non-Service Call COS Account Comment = Comment: Try
account from Product GroupGet Account From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Product
Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp
Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If COS Account is still not found
try account from Company's defaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory
COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is
AvailableTemp Account

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine COS Account For site Transfer

Determine COS Account For site Transfer

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine COS Account For site Transfer
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: For Inter-company
CustomerIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Customer--Code is
AvailableIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Customer--Is InterCompanyGet Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Customer--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND Given
Context Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If PartTran has Service Call
related dataIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Details--Call Num is
Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related to Service
ContractIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Contract--Code is AvailableGet Account
From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Contract--FS Contract GL Control For Current
Book AND Given ContextElse If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Details--Warranty
Code is Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related to WarrantyGet
Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Warranty GL Control For Current Book AND
Given Context Comment = Comment: For Service Call that is realted either to FS
Contract or WarrantyIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End

588 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Function Comment = Comment: If COS Account is still not found try account from
FS CallGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Type--FS Call GL Control
For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call =
End Function Comment = Comment: If WIP Account is still not found try account
from Company's DefaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Call GL Control
For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is AvailableTemp AccountElse

Comment = Comment: Non-Service Call COS Account Comment = Comment: Try

account from Product GroupIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type = PLT-STKGet
Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Part Product Group--GL Control For Current
Book AND Given ContextElse
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job Product Group--GL Control For
Current Book AND Given ContextIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Part Product Group--GL
Control is AvailableGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Part Product Group--GL
Control For Current Book AND Given ContextElse
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job Product Group--GL Control For
Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End
Function Comment = Comment: If COS Account is still not found try account from
Company's defaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL
Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is AvailableTemp

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine COS Account For Shipment

Determine COS Account For Shipment

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine COS Account For Shipment
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: For Inter-company
CustomerIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Customer--Code is
AvailableIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Customer--Is InterCompanyGet Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Customer--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND Given
Context Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If PartTran has Service Call
related dataIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Details--Call Num is
Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related to Service
ContractIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Contract--Code is AvailableGet Account
From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Contract--GL Control For Current Book AND Given
ContextElse If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Details--Warranty Code is
Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related to WarrantyGet Account
From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Warranty GL Control For Current Book AND Given
Context Comment = Comment: For Service Call that is realted either to FS Contract
or WarrantyIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment =
Comment: If COS Account is still not found try account from FS CallGet Account
From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Type--GL Control For Current Book AND
Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment =
Comment: If WIP Account is still not found try account from Company's DefaultsGet
Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Call GL Control For Current Book AND Given
ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp AccountElse
Comment = Comment: Non-Service Call COS Account Comment = Comment: Try
account from Product GroupGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order
Product Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 589

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If COS Account is still
not found try account from Company's defaultsGet Account From
COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Given
ContextIf Temp Account is AvailableTemp Account

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Cost of Returns Account For PartTran

Determine Cost of Returns Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Cost of Returns Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order Product Group--GL Control is Available Comment
= Comment: First try Cost of Returns from Sales Order's Product GroupGet Account
From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order Product Group--GL Control For Current
Book AND Cost of Returns ContextElse
Comment = Comment: First try Cost of Returns from Part's Product GroupGet
Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Part Product Group--GL Control For Current
Book AND Cost of Returns ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End
Function Comment = Comment: If Cost of Returns Account is still not found try
account from Company's DefaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory
COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Cost of Returns ContextIf Temp Account
is AvailableTemp Account

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine DMR Write Off Account For PartTran

Determine DMR Write Off Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine DMR Write Off Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: First try account from Reason CodeGet Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--DMR Reason--GL Control For Current Book AND Adjustment
ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment:
If Account is still not found try one from Part ClassGet Part Class GL Control
For PartTranGet Account From Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND DMR
Write Off ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment
= Comment: If Account is still not found try end up with account from Company's
DefaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control
For Current Book AND DMR Write Off ContextIf Temp Account is AvailableTemp Account

590 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Inspection/DMR Account For PartTran

Determine Inspection/DMR Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Inspection/DMR Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: First try account from Part ClassGet Part Class GL Control
For PartTranGet Account From Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND Given
ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS
And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Given Context

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Inventory Account For PartTran

Determine Inventory Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: Set up data from PartTranCOSAndWIP--PartTran--Part--Part GL
ControlGet Part Class GL Control For PartTranCOSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS
And WIP GL Control Comment = Comment: Invoke the general function to determine
Inventory AccountDetermine Inventory Account Using Part GL Control , Part Class
GL Control , Default GL Control

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Inventory Adjustment Account For PartTran

Determine Inventory Adjustment Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Inventory Adjustment Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 591

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: Set up data from PartTranCOSAndWIP--PartTran--Adjustment
Reason--Reason Code GL ControlCOSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL
Control Comment = Comment: Invoke the general function to determine Inventory
Adjustment AccountDetermine Inventory Adjustment Account Using Reason Code GL
Control , Default GL Control

- Determine Manufacturing Variance Account

Determine Manufacturing Variance Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Manufacturing Variance Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job Product Group--GL Control For Current
Book AND Variance ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End
Function Comment = Comment: If Variance Account is still not defined get account
from AP InvoiceGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL
Control For Current Book AND Variance ContextIf Temp Account is AvailableTemp

Determine Manufacturing Variance Account for Given Contact and Plant Division

Determine Manufacturing Variance Account for Given Contact and Plant Division

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Manufacturing Variance Account for Given Contact and Plant Division
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Temp Account = Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job Product Group--GL Control
For Current Book AND Given Context
If Temp Account is Available
Result = Compile Account From Temp Account And Plant Division
If Result is Valid
End Function
Comment: If Variance Account is still not defined get account from Inventory COS
and WIP
Temp Account = Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL
Control For Current Book AND Given Context

592 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Temp Account is Available

Result = Compile Account From Temp Account And Plant Division

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine site Transfer Contra Account (Contra COS, Contra Revenue,
Contra Asset)

Determine site Transfer Contra Account (Contra COS, Contra Revenue, Contra Asset)

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine site Transfer Contra Account (Contra COS, Contra Revenue, Contra Asset)
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND Given Context

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine site Transfer Revenue Account

Determine site Transfer Revenue Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine site Transfer Revenue Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: First try account from Product
GroupIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type <> PLT-STKGet Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Part Product Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Sales
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Part Product Group--GL Control is AvailableGet
Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Part Product Group--GL Control For Current
Book AND Sales ContextElse
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job Product Group--GL Control For
Current Book AND Sales ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End
Function Comment = Comment: If Revenue Account is still not found try account
from Company's AR AccountGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--AR Account GL
Control For Current Book AND Sales ContextIf Temp Account is AvailableTemp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 593

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Purchase Variance Account

Determine Purchase Variance Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Purchase Variance Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Part Class GL Control For PartTranGet Account From Part Class GL Control For
Current Book AND Purchase Price Variance ContextIf Temp Account is not
AvailableGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--AP Invoice--AP Account GL Control
For Current Book AND Variance ContextIf Temp Account is not AvailableGet Account
From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND
Given ContextTemp Account

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Purchase Variance Context Prefix

Determine Purchase Variance Context Prefix

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Purchase Variance Context Prefix
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Variance Target = COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance TargetIf Variance
Target = INS Result = InspectionElse If Variance Target = UKN Result = ExpenseElse
If Variance Target = 'JOB' Result = WIPElse If Variance Target = MTL Result =
WIPElse If Variance Target = SUB Result = WIPElse If Variance Target = DMR Result
= DMRElse If Variance Target = REJ Result = DMR Write-OffElse
Result = Variance

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Purchase Variance Target Account

Determine Purchase Variance Target Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Purchase Variance Target Account
Result Type: Account--CONV

594 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Variance Target = COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance TargetIf Variance
Target = UKNDetermine Account For Referenced PartTran And Expense (Ext Cost)
ContextIf Result is not AvailableIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase
Type--Is Purchase ExpenseGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase
Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Debit ContextElse
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Is Misc ReceiptGet Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--GL Control For Current Book AND
Expense ContextElse
Determine Supplier Expense Account For PartTran Call = End
FunctionIf Variance Target = 'JOB'If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase
Type--Is Purchase ExpenseGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase
Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Debit ContextElse
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context Call = End
FunctionIf Variance Target = MTLDetermine Account For Referenced PartTran And
WIP (Material) ContextIf Result is not AvailableIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin
Purchase Type--Is Purchase ExpenseGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro
Fin Purchase Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Debit ContextElse
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context Call = End
FunctionIf Variance Target = SUBDetermine Account For Referenced PartTran And
WIP Subcontract ContextIf Result is not AvailableIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro
Fin Purchase Type--Is Purchase ExpenseGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro
Fin Purchase Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Debit ContextElse
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context Call = End
FunctionIf Variance Target = REJDetermine DMR Write Off Account For PartTran Call
= End FunctionIf Variance Target = STKDetermine Inventory Account For
PartTran Call = End FunctionIf Variance Target = VARDetermine Purchase Variance
Account with 'Variance' Default Context Call = End FunctionIf Variance Target
= INSDetermine Account For Referenced PartTran And Inspection (Ext Cost)
ContextIf Result is not AvailableIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase
Type--Is Purchase ExpenseGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase
Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Debit ContextElse
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For Inspection Context Call = End
FunctionIf Variance Target = DMRDetermine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR
Context Call = End Function Comment = Comment: Try this if account is not
determined stillDetermine Purchase Variance Account with 'Variance' Default

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Supplier Expense Account For PartTran

Determine Supplier Expense Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Supplier Expense Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Supplier--Supplier GL Control For Current
Book AND Expense ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 595

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

COSAndWIP--PartTran--Supplier--AP Account GL Control For Current Book AND Expense

ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--AP Account
GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Supplier Landed Cost Account For PartTran

Determine Supplier Landed Cost Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Supplier Landed Cost Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--AP Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Landed Cost ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--AP
Account GL Control For Current Book AND Landed Cost Context

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine Variance Account For site Transfer

Determine Variance Account For site Transfer

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine Variance Account For site Transfer
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: First try account from Part ClassGet Part Class GL Control
For PartTranGet Account From Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND Transfer
Cost Variance ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End
Function Comment = Comment: If Variance Account is still not found try to get
it from site Trasfer GL ControlGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site
Transfer--GL Control For Current Book AND Transfer Variance (To site) ContextTemp

COSAndWIP--Labor - Determine WIP Account For Labor Detail

Determine WIP Account For Labor Detail

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine WIP Account For Labor Detail

596 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Result Type: Account--CONV

Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--Labor

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: If Labor Detail has Service Call related
dataIf COSAndWIP--Labor--Service Call Details--Call Num is Available Comment =
Comment: If Service Call is related to Service
ContractIf COSAndWIP--Labor--Service Contract--Code is AvailableGet Account From
COSAndWIP--Labor--Service Contract--GL Control For Current Book AND Given
ContextElse If COSAndWIP--Labor--Service Call Details--Warranty Code is
Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related to WarrantyGet Account
From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Warranty GL Control For Current Book AND Given
Context Comment = Comment: For Service Call that is realted either to FS Contract
or WarrantyIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment =
Comment: If WIP Account is still not found try account from FS CallGet Account
From COSAndWIP--Labor--Service Call Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Given
ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment =
Comment: If WIP Account is still not found try account from Company's DefaultsGet
Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Call GL Control For Current Book AND Given
Comment = Comment: Non-Service Call WIP Account Comment = Comment: Try
account from Product GroupGet Account From COSAndWIP--Labor--Job Product Group--GL
Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp
Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If WIP Account is still not found
try account from Company's defaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory
COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is
AvailableTemp Account

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine WIP Account For PartTran

Determine WIP Account For PartTran

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine WIP Account For PartTran
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: If PartTran has Service Call related
dataIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Details--Call Num is Available Comment
= Comment: If Service Call is related to Service
ContractIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Contract--Code is AvailableGet Account
From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Contract--GL Control For Current Book AND Given
ContextElse If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Details--Warranty Code is
Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related to WarrantyGet Account
From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Warranty GL Control For Current Book AND Given
Context Comment = Comment: For Service Call that is realted either to FS Contract
or WarrantyIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment =
Comment: If WIP Account is still not found try account from FS CallGet Account
From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Service Call Type--GL Control For Current Book AND
Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment =
Comment: If WIP Account is still not found try account from Company's DefaultsGet

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 597

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Call GL Control For Current Book AND Given
Comment = Comment: Non-Service Call WIP Account Comment = Comment: Try
account from Product GroupGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job Product
Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp
Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If WIP Account is still not found
try account from Company's defaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory
COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Given Context

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Determine WIP Account For PartTran (Target Job)

Determine WIP Account For PartTran (Target Job)

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Determine WIP Account For PartTran (Target Job)
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: If PartTran has Service Call related
dataIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job2 Service Call Detail--Call Num is
Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related to Service
ContractIf COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job2 Service Contract--Code is AvailableGet
Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job2 Service Contract--GL Control For Current
Book AND Given ContextElse If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job2 Service Call
Detail--Warranty Code is Available Comment = Comment: If Service Call is related
to WarrantyGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Warranty GL Control For
Current Book AND Given Context Comment = Comment: For Service Call that is realted
either to FS Contract or WarrantyIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call =
End Function Comment = Comment: If WIP Account is still not found try account
from FS CallGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job2 Service Call Type--GL
Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp
Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If WIP Account is still not found
try account from Company's DefaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--FS Call
GL Control For Current Book AND Given ContextElse
Comment = Comment: Non-Service Call WIP Account Comment = Comment: Try
account from Product GroupGet Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Job2 Product
Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Given ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp
Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment: If WIP Account is still not found
try account from Company's defaultsGet Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory
COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Given Context

- Disable Segments Substitution

Disable Segments Substitution

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Disable Segments Substitution
Result Type: Logical

598 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Set Result to 'False' to enable segments substitution in booking rules
(legacy Vantage accounting style) Comment = Set Result to 'True' to disable
segments substitution in booking rules, and use only Natural Accounts Result =

- General Function to Determine Inventory Account

General Function to Determine Inventory Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: General Function to Determine Inventory Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: First try Inventory Account from PartGet Account From Part
GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense ContextIf Temp Account is
ValidTemp Account Call = End Function Comment = Comment: Try Inventory Account
from Part ClassGet Account From Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND
Inventory/Expense ContextIf Temp Account is ValidTemp Account Call = End
Function Comment = Comment: End up with default Inventory Account from the Company
ParametersGet Account From Inventory GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory

- General Function to Determine Inventory Adjustment Account

General Function to Determine Inventory Adjustment Account

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: General Function to Determine Inventory Adjustment Account
Result Type: Account--CONV
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: Try Ajustment Account from Reason CodeGet Account From Reason
Code GL Control For Current Book AND Adjustment ContextIf Result is not
Available Comment = Comment: End up with deafult Adjustment Account from the
Company ParametersGet Account From Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND Inventory Adjustment Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 599

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

COSAndWIP--PartTran - Get Part Class GL Control from Part or Part Class

Get Part Class GL Control from Part or Part Class

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Get Part Class GL Control from Part or Part Class
Result Type: GLControl--R--Part Class
Document Line Path: COSAndWIP--PartTran

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Part--Part Class GL ControlIf Result is not
AvailableCOSAndWIP--PartTran--Part Class--GL Control

- Invert Amount Sign

Invert Amount Sign

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Invert Amount Sign
Result Type: Amount
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
AmountAmount.Value * -1

- Invert Amount Sign

Invert Amount Sign

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Invert Amount Sign
Result Type: Amount
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
AmountAmount.Value * -1

600 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

COSAndWIP - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the COSAndWIP transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

ADJ-CST: Post Extended Cost to Purchase Variance and Inventory Accounts

ADJ-CST - Adjustment to Stock Cost (as Purchase Variance). Posts Extended Cost to Purchase Variance and
Inventory Accounts.Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-CST### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target### = ###VAR### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine Purchase Variance Account with 'Inventory Adjustment' Default Context
If Inventory Account = Variance Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Variance Account

Credit Context = Variance (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 601

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invert Book Amount Sign

Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Variance Account
Debit Context = Variance (Ext Cost)

ADJ-CST/ADJ-QTY: Post Extended Cost to Inventory Adjustment and Inventory Accounts

ADJ-CST/ADJ-QTY - Adjustment to Stock Cost/Quantity. Posts Extended Cost to Inventory Adjustment and
Inventory Accounts.Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-CST### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target### <> ###VAR### ) Or (
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-QTY### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Adjustment
Reason--Adjustment Source### <> ###UOM Split/Merge### ) ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine Inventory Adjustment Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = Temp Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Credit Context = Adjustment (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)


602 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invert Book Amount Sign

Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Temp Account
Debit Context = Adjustment (Ext Cost)

ADJ-DRP: Post Extended Cost to Purchase Variance and Drop Ship Accounts

ADJ-DRP - Adjustment to Drop Shipment. Posts Extended Cost to Purchase Variance and Drop Shipment Accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-DRP### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--GL Control For
Current Book AND Expense Context
Determine Purchase Variance Account with 'Inventory Adjustment' Default Context
If DS Account = Temp Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Variance Account

Credit Context = Variance (Ext Cost)
DS Account
Debit Context = Drop Ship (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 603

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

DS Account
Credit Context = Drop Ship (Ext Cost)
Variance Account
Debit Context = Variance (Ext Cost)

ADJ-MTL: Post Extended Cost to WIP and Adjustment Accounts

Executed for ADJ-MTL transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to WIP and Adjustment accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Adjustment Accounts
Determine Target WIP Account For PartTran Using WIP Material Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND Inventory Adjustment Context
If Adjustment Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)
Adjustment Account
Credit Context = Adjustment (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Adjustment Account
Debit Context = Adjustment (Ext Cost)

604 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

ADJ-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts

Executed for ADJ-SUB transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP and WIP2 accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If Material Account = Material Burden Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Material Burden Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Material Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Material Account
Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
Material Burden Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 605

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

ADJ-PUR: Post Extended Cost to A/P Clearing and Variance Accounts

Executed for ADJ-PUR transactions. Posts Extended Cost to A/P Clearing and Variance Accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on the sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-PUR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = 'JOB' Get Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--AP Invoice Job--Job Misc Charge GL Control For Current Book
AND Job Charge Context

Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran Line

Determine Purchase Variance Target Account

If Clearing Account = Offset Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

Context Prefix = Determine Purchase Variance Context Prefix

Offset Account Context = Context Prefix + (
Offset Account Context = Offset Account Context + Ext Cost
Offset Account Context = Offset Account Context + )
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Offset Account
Debit Context = Offset Account Context
Clearing Account

606 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)

Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Invert Book Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)
Offset Account
Credit Context = Offset Account Context

ADJ-SUB: Post Extended Cost to WIP and Adjustment Accounts

Executed for ADJ-SUB transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to WIP and Adjustment accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-SUB### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Adjustment Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND Inventory Adjustment Context
If Adjustment Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)
Adjustment Account
Credit Context = Adjustment (Ext Cost)

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 607

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Adjustment Account
Debit Context = Adjustment (Ext Cost)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

ADJ-SUB: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts

Executed for ADJ-SUB transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP and WIP2 accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###ADJ-SUB### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For Subcontract Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If Subcontract Account = Material Burden Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Material Burden Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Subcontract Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign

608 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invert Transaction Amount Sign

Subcontract Account
Debit Context = WIP2 (Subcontract)
Material Burden Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

AST-STK: Post Extended Cost to Inventory And Asset Clearing Account

Executed for AST-STK transaction only. Debits Inventory and credits Asset Clearing accounts with the Extended
Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###AST-STK###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Asset Clearing (Ext Cost)
Debit Context: Inventory (Ext Cost)
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Please select variable and value or function
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Asset GL Control For Current Book AND Asset
Clearing Context

Cost of Sales: Post Burden Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for each Cost of Sales Detail. Posts Burden Cost to COS and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on the sign of the Burden Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 609

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

For Each: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine COS Account For COS Detail Using COS Burden Context
If Clearing Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Burden)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Burden)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Burden)

Cost of Sales: Post Labor Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for each Cost of Sales Detail. Posts Labor Cost to COS and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on the sign of the Labor Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales
Is Header: false

610 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine COS Account For COS Detail Using COS Labor Context
If Clearing Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Labor)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Labor)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Labor)

Cost of Sales: Post Material Burden Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for each Cost of Sales Detail. Posts Material Burden Cost to COS and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and
Credit Accounts depend on the sign of the Material Burden Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 611

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales Where Name = Material Burden Cost
AND Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine COS Account For COS Detail Using COS Material Burden Context
If Clearing Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Material Burden)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Material Burden)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Material Burden)

Cost of Sales: Post Material Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for each Cost of Sales Detail. Posts Material Cost to COS and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on the sign of the Material Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Details

612 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales Where Name = Material Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine COS Account For COS Detail Using COS Material Context
If Clearing Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Material)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Material)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Material)

Cost of Sales: Post Rounding Amount to COS and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for each Cost of Sales Detail. Posts Rounding Amount to COS and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and
Credit Accounts depend on the sign of the Rounding Amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 613

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales Where Name = Rounding AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine COS Account For COS Detail Using COS Rounding Context
If Clearing Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Rounding)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Rounding)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Rounding)

Cost of Sales: Post Subcontract Cost to COS and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for each Cost of Sales Detail. Posts Subcontract Cost to COS and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and
Credit Accounts depend on the sign of the Subcontract Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales--Details

614 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Cost Of Sales Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine COS Account For COS Detail Using COS Subcontract Context
If Clearing Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Subcontract)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Subcontract)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Subcontract)

DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Burden Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-ASM and DMR-SUB transactions. Posts Burden Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-SUB### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 615

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Burden)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)

DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Labor Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-ASM and DMR-SUB transactions. Posts Labor Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Labor Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-SUB### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

616 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Labor Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Labor)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-ASM and DMR-SUB transactions. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-SUB### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 617

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Material Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Material Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-ASM and DMR-SUB transactions. Posts Material Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-SUB### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

618 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)

DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-ASM and DMR-SUB transactions. Posts Rounding amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Rounding amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-SUB### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 619

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Rounding)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

DMR-ASM/DMR-SUB: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-ASM and DMR-SUB transactions. Posts Subcontract Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Subcontract Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-SUB### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

620 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Subcontract)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

DMR-MTL: Post Extended Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-MTL transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 621

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Rounding Amount to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for INS-DMR transaction (NonConformance Inspections related to Job Operation or Subcontract). Posts
Rounding amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Rounding amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###INS-DMR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip
Type###.###.### ) And ( ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Operations###
And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Move Costs To DMR###=###True### ) Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

622 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 DMR Account

Debit Context = DMR (Rounding)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Rounding)

INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Labor Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for INS-DMR transaction (NonConformance Inspections related to Job Operation or Subcontract). Posts
Labor Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Labor Cost

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###INS-DMR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip
Type###.###.### ) And ( ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Operations###
And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Move Costs To DMR###=###True### ) Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 623

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Labor Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 DMR Account

Debit Context = DMR (Labor)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Labor)

DMR-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts

Executed for DMR-MTL transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP(Material Burden) and WIP2(Material)
accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

624 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If Material Account = Material Burden Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Material Burden Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Material Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Material Account
Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
Material Burden Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

DMR-REJ: Post Extended Cost to DMR Write-Off and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-REJ transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to DMR Write-Off and DMR accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-REJ### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 625

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Determine DMR Write-Off and DMR Accounts
Determine DMR Write Off Account For PartTran
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WriteOff Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WriteOff Account

Debit Context = DMR Write-Off (Ext Cost)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)
WriteOff Account
Credit Context = DMR Write-Off (Ext Cost)

DMR-STK: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and DMR Accounts

Executed for DMR-STK transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to Inventory and DMR accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###DMR-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

626 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and DMR Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = Inventory Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
DMR Account
Debit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

Header Rule

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: Set up Apply Date
If COSAndWIP--Details--Apply Date is Available Apply Date =
COSAndWIP--Details--Apply Date

Else If COSAndWIP--Details--Tran Date is Available Apply Date =

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 627

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

COSAndWIP--Details--Tran Date

If Apply Date is not Available Call = Log Error: Can not set up Apply Date

Comment = Comment: Set up Journal Code

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP
GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory Context
If Journal Code is not Available Call = Log Error: Can not set up Journal Code

Comment = Set up Transaction Description

Transaction Text = 'Periodic Posting Process'
Red Storno = COSAndWIP--Details--Red Storno

INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Burden Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for INS-DMR transaction (NonConformance Inspections related to Job Operation or Subcontract). Posts
Material Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Burden Cost

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###INS-DMR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip
Type###.###.### ) And ( ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Operations###
And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Move Costs To DMR###=###True### ) Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

628 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount.Value > 0 DMR Account

Debit Context = DMR (Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Burden)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Burden)

INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for INS-DMR transaction (NonConformance Inspections related to Job Operation or Subcontract). Posts
Material Burden Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the
Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###INS-DMR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip
Type###.###.### ) And ( ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Operations###
And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Move Costs To DMR###=###True### ) Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 629

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 DMR Account

Debit Context = DMR (Material Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Material Burden)

INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Material Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for INS-DMR transaction (NonConformance Inspections related to Job Operation or Subcontract). Posts
Material Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###INS-DMR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip
Type###.###.### ) And ( ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Operations###
And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Move Costs To DMR###=###True### ) Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context

630 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context

If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 DMR Account

Debit Context = DMR (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Material)

INS-DMR (Oper/Sub NonConf): Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and DMR Accounts

Executed for INS-DMR transaction (NonConformance Inspections related to Job Operation or Subcontract). Posts
Subcontract Cost amount to WIP and DMR accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Subcontract
Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###INS-DMR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip
Type###.###.### ) And ( ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Operations###
And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Move Costs To DMR###=###True### ) Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###=###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 631

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 DMR Account

Debit Context = DMR (Subcontract)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Subcontract)

INS-DMR (Rcpt/Misc NonConf): Post Extended Cost to Inspection and DMR Accounts

Executed for INS-DMR transaction (Receipt Inspections and NonConformance Inspections not related to Job
Operation or Subcontract). Posts Extended Cost amount to Inspection and DMR accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###INS-DMR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip Type###.###.###
Or ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###<>###Operations### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type###<>###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


632 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inspection and DMR Accounts
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For Inspection Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = Inspection Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 DMR Account

Debit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)
Inspection Account
Credit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inspection Account
Debit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)

INS-DMR (RMA): Post Extended Cost to Cost of Returns and DMR Accounts

Executed for INS-DMR transaction (RMA Inspections). Posts Extended Cost amount to Cost of Returns and DMR
accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###INS-DMR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Cost of Returns and DMR Accounts

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 633

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Determine Cost of Returns Account For PartTran

Determine Inspection/DMR Account For DMR Context
If DMR Account = COR Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 DMR Account

Debit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)
COR Account
Credit Context = Cost of Returns (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
COR Account
Debit Context = Cost of Returns (Ext Cost)
DMR Account
Credit Context = DMR (Ext Cost)

INS-MTL: Post Extended Cost to Cost of Returns and WIP Accounts

Executed for INS-MTL transaction (RMA). Posts Extended Cost amount to Cost of Returns and WIP accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###INS-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Cost of returns and WIP Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine Cost of Returns Account For PartTran

634 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If WIP Account = COR Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)
COR Account
Credit Context = Cost of Returns (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
COR Account
Debit Context = Cost of Returns (Ext Cost)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

INS-MTL: Post Extended Cost to Inspection and WIP Accounts

Executed for INS-MTL transaction. Posts Extended Cost Amount to Inspection and WIP accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###INS-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Cost of returns and WIP Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For Inspection Context
If WIP Account = Inspection Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 635

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)
Inspection Account
Credit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inspection Account
Debit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

INS-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts

Executed for INS-MTL transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP and WIP2 accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###INS-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If Material Account = Material Burden Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

636 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Material Burden Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Material Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Material Account
Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
Material Burden Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

INS-REJ: Post Extended Cost to Cost of Returns and DMR Write Off Accounts

Executed for INS-STK transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to Cost of Returns and DMR Write Off accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###INS-REJ### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Cost of returns and DMR Write Off Accounts
Determine DMR Write Off Account For PartTran
Determine Cost of Returns Account For PartTran
If Write Off Account = COR Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Write Off Account

Debit Context = DMR Write Off (Ext Cost)
COR Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 637

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Cost of Returns (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
COR Account
Debit Context = Cost of Returns (Ext Cost)
Write Off Account
Credit Context = DMR Write Off (Ext Cost)

INS-STK: Post Extended Cost to Cost of Returns and Inventory Accounts

Executed for INS-STK transaction (RMA). Posts Extended Cost amount to Cost of Returns and Inventory accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###INS-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Cost of returns and Inventory Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine Cost of Returns Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = COR Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
COR Account
Credit Context = Cost of Returns (Ext Cost)

638 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
COR Account
Debit Context = Cost of Returns (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

INS-STK: Post Extended Cost to Inspection and Inventory Accounts

Executed for INS-STK transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to Inspection and Inventory accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###INS-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip Type### =
###Supplier### Or ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type### <gt; ###Operations###
And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type### <> ###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inspection and Inventory Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For Inspection Context
If Inventory Account = Inspection Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Inspection Account
Credit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 639

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inspection Account
Debit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

INS-SUB: Post Extended Cost to Inspection and WIP Accounts

Executed for INS-SUB transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to Inspection and WIP accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###INS-SUB### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And Not ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--RMA
Details--Disposition Type###.###.### ) And ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip Type### =
###Supplier### Or ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type### <> ###Operations###
And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--NonConformance Details--Tran Type### <> ###Subcontract### ) )
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inspection and WIP Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For Inspection Context
If WIP Account = Inspection Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)
Inspection Account
Credit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)

640 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inspection Account
Debit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

Labor Detail: Post Burden Cost to Applied Overhead and WIP Accounts

Executed for each Labor Detail related to Job. Posts Burden Cost to Applied Overhead and WIP (Burden) accounts.
Debit and Credit Accounts depend on the sign of the Burden Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: COSAndWIP--Labor--Job--Job Num Is Available
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Labor
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Labor--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Labor Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND Applied Overhead Context
Determine Labor Detail WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
If Applied Burden Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Burden)
Applied Burden Account
Credit Context = Applied Cost (Burden)


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 641

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invert Book Amount Sign

Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Applied Burden Account
Debit Context = Applied Cost (Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)

Labor Detail: Post Indirect Burden Cost to Applied Overhead and COS Accounts

Executed for each Indirect Labor Detail related to Project. Posts Burden Cost to Applied Overhead and COS
(Burden) accounts. Debit and Credit Accounts depend on the sign of the Burden Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: Not ( ###COSAndWIP--Labor--Job--Job Num Is Available)
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Labor
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Labor--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Labor Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Labor--Labor Expense--Indirect Labor GL Control For
Current Book AND Applied Overhead Context
If Applied Burden Account is not Available Get Account From
COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Applied
Overhead Context

If COSAndWIP--Labor--Project--ProjectID is Available Get Account From

COSAndWIP--Labor--Project--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND COS
Burden Context
If COS Account is not Available Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Project
Billing GL Control For Current Book AND COS Burden Context

Get Account From COSAndWIP--Labor--Labor Expense--Indirect Labor GL Control
For Current Book AND COS Burden Context

642 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If COS Account is not Available Get Account From

COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND COS
Burden Context

If Applied Burden Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Burden)
Applied Burden Account
Credit Context = Applied Cost (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Applied Burden Account
Debit Context = Applied Cost (Burden)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Burden)

Labor Detail: Post Indirect Labor Cost to Applied Labor and COS Accounts

Executed for each Indirect Labor Detail. Posts Labor Cost to Applied Labor and WIP (Labor) accounts. Debit and
Credit Accounts depend on the sign of the Labor Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: Not (COSAndWIP--Labor--Job--Job Num Is Available)
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Labor
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Labor--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Labor Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type =
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 643

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Account From COSAndWIP--Labor--Labor Expense--Indirect Labor GL Control For

Current Book AND Applied Labor Context
If Applied Labor Account is not Available Get Account From
COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND Applied
Labor Context

If COSAndWIP--Labor--Project--ProjectID is Available Get Account From

COSAndWIP--Labor--Project--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND COS
Labor Context
If Applied Labor Account is not Available Get Account From
COSAndWIP--Company--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND COS Labor

Get Account From COSAndWIP--Labor--Labor Expense--Indirect Labor GL Control
For Current Book AND COS Labor Context
If Applied Labor Account is not Available Get Account From
COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND COS
Labor Context

If Applied Labor Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Labor)
Applied Labor Account
Credit Context = Applied Cost (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Applied Labor Account
Debit Context = Applied Cost (Labor)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Labor)

Labor Detail: Post Labor Charges (Project Billing)

Executed for each Labor Detail related to Project. Posts Labor Charges to Sales abd Accrued Sales accounts. Debit
and Credit Accounts depend on the sign of the Labor Charge

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:###COSAndWIP--Labor--Project--Revenue Recognition Method###=###Labor Booking###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Labor
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

644 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Labor--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Labor Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type =
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Labor--Project--Project Billing GL Control For Current
Book AND Sales - Role Labor Context
If Sales Account is not Available Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Project
Billing GL Control For Current Book AND Sales - Role Labor Context

Get Account From COSAndWIP--Labor--Project--Project Billing GL Control For Current

Book AND Accrued Labor Charges Context
If Accrued Account is not Available Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Project
Billing GL Control For Current Book AND Accrued Labor Charges Context

If Sales Account = Accrued Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Accrued Account

Debit Context = Project Billing Accrued Sales
Sales Account
Credit Context = Project Billing Sales

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Sales Account
Debit Context = Project Billing Sales
Accrued Account
Credit Context = Project Billing Accrued Sales

Labor Detail: Post Labor Cost to Applied Labor and WIP Accounts

Executed for each Labor Detail related to Job. Posts Labor Cost to Applied Labor and WIP (Labor) accounts. Debit
and Credit Accounts depend on the sign of the Labor Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--Labor--Job--Job Num Is Available
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--Labor
Is Header: false
Credit Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 645

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--Labor--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--Labor Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type =
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Apply


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND Applied Labor Context
Determine Labor Detail WIP Account For WIP Labor Context
If Applied Labor Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
Applied Labor Account
Credit Context = Applied Cost (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Applied Labor Account
Debit Context = Applied Cost (Labor)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

MFG-CUS: Post Burden Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is used. Posts Burden Cost amount to WIP and
AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:

646 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Clearing Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Clearing Account

Debit Context = AR Clearing (Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Burden)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Burden)

MFG-CUS: Post Burden Cost to WIP and COS Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Burden Cost amount to WIP
and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 647

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine COS and WIP Accounts
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Burden Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
If COS Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Burden)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Burden)

MFG-CUS: Post Labor Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is used. Posts Labor Cost amount to WIP and AR
Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Labor Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

648 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Clearing Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Labor Context
If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Clearing Account

Debit Context = AR Clearing (Labor)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Labor)

MFG-CUS: Post Labor Cost to WIP and COS Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Labor Cost amount to WIP and
COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Labor Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 649

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine COS and WIP Accounts
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Labor Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Labor Context
If COS Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Labor)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Labor)

MFG-CUS: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is used. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to
WIP and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

650 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Clearing Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Clearing Account

Debit Context = AR Clearing (Material Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Material Burden)

MFG-CUS: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and COS Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Material Burden Cost amount
to WIP and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 651

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine COS and WIP Accounts
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using WIP Material Burden Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If COS Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Material Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Material Burden)

MFG-CUS: Post Material Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is used. Posts Material Cost amount to WIP and
AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

652 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Clearing Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Clearing Account

Debit Context = AR Clearing (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Material)

MFG-CUS: Post Material Cost to WIP and COS Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Material Cost amount to WIP
and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 653

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine COS and WIP Accounts
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Material Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
If COS Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Material)

MFG-CUS: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and COS Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Rounding amount to WIP and
COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Rounding amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

654 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine COS and WIP Accounts
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Rounding Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context
If COS Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Rounding)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = COS (Rounding)
COS Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

MFG-CUS: Post Rounding to WIP and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is used. Posts Rounding amount to WIP and AR
Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Rounding Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 655

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Clearing Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context
If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Clearing Account

Debit Context = AR Clearing (Rounding)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Rounding)

MFG-CUS: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and AR Clearing Account

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is used. Posts Subcontract Cost amount to WIP
and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Subcontract Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

656 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Clearing Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Clearing Account

Debit Context = AR Clearing (Subcontract)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Subcontract)

MFG-CUS: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and COS Accounts

Executed for MFG-CUS transaction when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Subcontract Cost amount to
WIP and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Subcontract Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-CUS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use
AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 657

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine COS and WIP Accounts
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Subcontract Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
If COS Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Subcontract)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Subcontract)

MFG-PLT: Post Burden Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts

Executed for MFG-PLT transaction. Posts Burden Cost amount to WIP and Goods In Transit accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-PLT### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

658 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If WIP Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Goods In Transit Account

Debit Context = In Transit (Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Burden)
Goods In Transit Account
Credit Context = In Transit (Burden)

MFG-PLT: Post Labor Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts

Executed for MFG-PLT transaction. Posts Labor Cost amount to WIP and Goods In Transit accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Labor Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-PLT### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 659

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Labor Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If WIP Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Goods In Transit Account

Debit Context = In Transit (Labor)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
Goods In Transit Account
Credit Context = In Transit (Labor)

MFG-PLT: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts

Executed for MFG-PLT transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP and Goods In Transit accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-PLT### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

660 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine PartTran WIP Account For Meterial Burden Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If WIP Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Goods In Transit Account

Debit Context = In Transit (Material Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Goods In Transit Account
Credit Context = In Transit (Material Burden)

MFG-PLT: Post Material Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts

Executed for MFG-PLT transaction. Posts Material Cost amount to WIP and Goods In Transit accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-PLT### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 661

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Comment = Comment: Determine Goods In Transit Account
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If WIP Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Goods In Transit Account

Debit Context = In Transit (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)
Goods In Transit Account
Credit Context = In Transit (Material)

MFG-PLT: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and In Transit Accounts

Executed for MFG-PLT transaction. Posts Rounding amount to WIP and Goods In Transit accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Rounding amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-PLT### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

662 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If WIP Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Goods In Transit Account

Debit Context = In Transit (Rounding)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)
Goods In Transit Account
Credit Context = In Transit (Rounding)

MFG-PLT: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and In Transit Accounts

Executed for MFG-PLT transaction. Posts Subcontract Cost amount to WIP and Goods In Transit accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Subcontract Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-PLT### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 663

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If WIP Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule
before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Goods In Transit Account

Debit Context = In Transit (Subcontract)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
Goods In Transit Account
Credit Context = In Transit (Subcontract)

MFG-STK: Post Burden Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts

Executed for MFG-STK transaction. Posts Burden Cost amount to WIP and Inventory accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

664 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Burden)

MFG-STK: Post Labor Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts

Executed for MFG-STK transaction. Posts Labor Cost amount to WIP and Inventory accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Labor Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 665

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Inventory Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Labor Context
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Labor)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Labor)

MFG-STK: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts

Executed for MFG-STK transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP and Inventory accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

666 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Inventory Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Material Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Material Burden)

MFG-STK: Post Material Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts

Executed for MFG-STK transaction. Posts Material Cost amount to WIP and Inventory accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 667

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Inventory Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Material)

MFG-STK: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and Inventory Accounts

Executed for MFG-STK transaction. Posts Rounding amount to WIP and Inventory accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Rounding amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

668 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Inventory Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Rounding)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Rounding)

MFG-STK: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts

Executed for MFG-STK transaction. Posts Subcontract Cost amount to WIP and Inventory accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Subcontract Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 669

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Inventory Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Subcontract)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Subcontract)

MFG-VAR: Post Burden Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts

Executed for MFG-VAR transactions. Posts Burden Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts. Debit and Credit Accounts
depend on the sign of the Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-VAR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

670 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Legal Number = COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Legal Number
Transaction Amount = Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name
= Burden Cost AND Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available
End Rule
If Transaction Amount = 0
End Rule
If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available
Transaction Amount.Conversion Date= COSAndWIP--Details--Tran
Book Amount = Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using
Default Rate Type
Comment: Determine WIP and Variance Accounts
Plant Division = Get Division From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Plant--Division GL Control For Current Book AND Division
WIP Account = Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
And Plant Division
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = VAR
Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account
For 'Variance Burden' Context and Plant Division
If Variance Account is not Available
Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance
Account Using Plant Division
Warehouse Division = Get Division From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Warehouse--Division GL Control For Current Book AND Division
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = MAN
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Project Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Variance Account = Determine COS Account For Shipment Using
COS Burden Context, Warehouse Division, Plant Division , Sales Category
If WIP Account = Variance Account
Comment: When quiting rule before setting up debit and credit
accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
End Rule
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target <> MAN
VarContext = 'Variance (Burden)'
VarContext = 'Recognition (Burden)'
If Transaction Amount.Value >= 0
Debit Account = Variance Account
Debit Context = VarContext
Credit Account = WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)
Transaction Amount = Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Book Amount = Invert Book Amount Sign
Debit Account = WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Burden)

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 671

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Account = Variance Account

Credit Context = VarContext

MFG-VAR: Post Labor Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts

Executed for MFG-VAR transactions. Posts Labor Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts. Debit and Credit Accounts
depend on the sign of the Labor Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-VAR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Legal Number = COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Legal Number
Transaction Amount = Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor
Cost AND Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available
End Rule
If Transaction Amount = 0
End Rule
If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available
Transaction Amount.Conversion Date= COSAndWIP--Details--Tran Date

Book Amount = Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate
Comment: Determine WIP and Variance Accounts
Plant Division = Get Division From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Plant--Division GL
Control For Current Book AND Division Context
WIP Account = Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Labor Context And Plant
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = VAR
Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account For
'Variance Labor' Context and Plant Division
If Variance Account is not Available
Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account Using
Plant Division
Warehouse Division = Get Division From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Warehouse--Division GL Control For Current Book AND Division
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = MAN
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Project Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current

672 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book AND Department Context

Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Variance Account = Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS
Labor Context, Warehouse Division, Plant Division , Sales Category Department
If WIP Account = Variance Account
Comment: When quiting rule before setting up debit and credit
accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
End Rule
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target <> MAN
VarContext = 'Variance (Labor)'
VarContext = 'Recognition (Labor)'
If Transaction Amount.Value >= 0
Debit Account = Variance Account
Debit Context = VarContext
Credit Account = WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)
Transaction Amount = Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Book Amount = Invert Book Amount Sign
Debit Account = WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
Credit Account = Variance Account
Credit Context = VarContext

MFG-VAR: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts

Executed for MFG-VAR transactions. Posts Material Burden Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on the sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-VAR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Legal Number = COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Legal Number
Transaction Amount = Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material
Burden Cost AND Currency Type = Transactional

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 673

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

If Transaction Amount is not Available

End Rule

If Transaction Amount = 0
End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available

Transaction Amount.Conversion Date = COSAndWIP--Details--Tran Date
Book Amount = Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate
Comment: Determine WIP and Variance Accounts
Plant Division = Get Division From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Plant--Division GL
Control For Current Book AND Division Context
WIP Account = Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
And Plant Division

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = VAR

Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account For
'Variance Material Burden' Context and Plant Division
If Variance Account is not Available
Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account
Using Plant Division
Warehouse Division = Get Division From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Warehouse--Division GL Control For Current Book AND Division
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = MAN
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Project Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Variance Account = Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Material
Burden Context, Warehouse Division, Plant Division , Sales Category Department

If WIP Account = Variance Account

Comment: When quitting rule before setting up debit and credit accounts
- rule does not produce GL Journal Details
End Rule

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target <> MAN

VarContext = 'Variance (Material Burden)'
VarContext = 'Recognition (Material Burden)'

If Transaction Amount.Value >= 0

Debit Account = Variance Account
Debit Context = VarContext
Credit Account = WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Transaction Amount = Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Book Amount = Invert Book Amount Sign
Debit Account = WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

674 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Account = Variance Account

Credit Context = VarContext

MFG-VAR: Post Material Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts

Executed for MFG-VAR transactions. Posts Material Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts. Debit and Credit Accounts
depend on the sign of the Material Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-VAR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Legal Number = COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Legal Number
Transaction Amount = Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material
Cost AND Currency Type = Transactional

If Transaction Amount is not Available

End Rule
If Transaction Amount = 0
End Rule
If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available
Transaction Amount.Conversion Date= COSAndWIP--Details--Tran Date

Book Amount = Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate
Comment: Determine WIP and Variance Accounts
Plant Division = Get Division From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Plant--Division GL Control
For Current Book AND Division Context
WIP Account = Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context And Plant

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = VAR

Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account For 'Variance
Material Context and Plant Division
If Variance Account is not Available
Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account
Using Plant Division
Warehouse Division = Get Division From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Warehouse--Division GL Control For Current Book AND Division
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = MAN

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 675

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Sales Category Department = Get Department From

COSAndWIP--PartTran--Project Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Variance Account = Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Material
Context, Warehouse Division, Plant Division , Sales Category Department

If WIP Account = Variance Account

Comment: When quiting rule before setting up debit and credit accounts
- rule does not produce GL Journal Details
End Rule

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target <> MAN

VarContext = 'Variance (Material)'
VarContext = 'Recognition (Material)'

If Transaction Amount.Value >= 0

Debit Account = Variance Account
Debit Context = VarContext
Credit Account = WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)
Transaction Amount = Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Book Amount = Invert Book Amount Sign
Debit Account = WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)
Credit Account = Variance Account
Credit Context = VarContext

MFG-VAR: Post Rounding Amount to WIP and Variance Accounts

Executed for MFG-VAR transactions. Posts Rounding Amountto WIP and Variance Accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on the sign of the Rounding Amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-VAR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

676 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Legal Number = COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Legal Number
Transaction Amount = Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding
AND Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available
End Rule
If Transaction Amount = 0
End Rule
If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available
Transaction Amount.Conversion Date = COSAndWIP--Details--Tran Date

Book Amount = Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate
Comment: Determine WIP and Variance Accounts
Plant Division = Get Division From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Plant--Division GL Control
For Current Book AND Division Context
WIP Account = Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context And Plant

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = VAR

Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account For 'Variance
Rounding Context and Plant Division
If Variance Account is not Available
Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account
Using Plant Division
Warehouse Division = Get Division From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Warehouse--Division GL Control For Current Book AND Division
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = MAN
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Project Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Variance Account = Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Rounding
Context, Warehouse Division, Plant Division, Sales Category Department

If WIP Account = Variance Account

Comment: When quitting rule before setting up debit and credit accounts
- rule does not produce GL Journal Details
End Rule

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target <> MAN

VarContext = 'Variance (Rounding)'
VarContext = 'Recognition (Rounding)'

If Transaction Amount.Value >= 0

Debit Account = Variance Account
Debit Context = VarContext
Credit Account = WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)
Transaction Amount = Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Book Amount = Invert Book Amount Sign
Debit Account = WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 677

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Account = Variance Account

Credit Context = VarContext

MFG-VAR: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts

Executed for MFG-VAR transactions. Posts Subcontract Cost to WIP and Variance Accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on the sign of the Subcontract Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-VAR### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Legal Number = COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Legal Number
Transaction Amount = Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name =
Subcontract Cost AND Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available
End Rule
If Transaction Amount = 0
End Rule
If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available
Transaction Amount.Conversion Date= COSAndWIP--Details--Tran Date
Book Amount = Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate
Comment: Determine WIP and Variance Accounts
Plant Division = Get Division From C OSAndWIP--PartTran--Plant--Division GL
Control For Current Book AND Division Context
WIP Account = Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context And
Plant Division

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = VAR

Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account For 'Variance
Subcontract Context and Plant Division
If Variance Account is not Available
Variance Account = Determine Manufacturing Variance Account
Using Plant Division
Warehouse Division = Get Division From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Warehouse--Division GL Control For Current Book AND Division
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target = MAN
Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Project Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current

678 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book AND Department Context

Sales Category Department = Get Department From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Sales Order Sales Category--Department GL Control For Current
Book AND Department Context
Variance Account = Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS
Subcontract Context, Warehouse Division, Plant Division, Sales Category Department

If WIP Account = Variance Account

Comment: When quitting rule before setting up debit and credit accounts
- rule does not produce GL Journal Details
End Rule

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Variance Target <> MAN

VarContext = 'Variance (Subcontract)'
VarContext = 'Recognition (Subcontract)'

If Transaction Amount.Value >= 0

Debit Account = Variance Account
Debit Context = VarContext
Credit Account = WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
Transaction Amount = Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Book Amount = Invert Book Amount Sign
Debit Account = WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
Credit Account = Variance Account
Credit Context = VarContext

MFG-WIP: Post Burden Cost to WIP (Burden) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts

Executed for MFG-WIP transaction. Posts Burden Cost amount to WIP (Burden) and WIP2 (Material) accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-WIP### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 679

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Burden Context
Determine Target WIP Account For PartTran Using WIP Material Context
If WIP2 Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP2 Account

Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Burden)
WIP2 Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

MFG-WIP: Post Labor Cost to WIP (Labor) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts

Executed for MFG-WIP transaction. Posts Labor Cost amount to WIP (Labor) and WIP2 (Material) accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Labor Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-WIP### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

680 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Labor Context
Determine Target WIP Account For PartTran Using WIP Material Context
If WIP2 Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP2 Account

Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Labor)
WIP2 Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

MFG-WIP: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP (Material Burden) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts

Executed for MFG-WIP transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP (Material Burden) and WIP2
(Material Burden) accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-WIP### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 681

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
Determine Target WIP Account For PartTran Using WIP Material Burden Context
If WIP2 Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP2 Account

Debit Context = WIP2 (Material Burden)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
WIP2 Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material Burden)

MFG-WIP: Post Material Cost to WIP (Material) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts

Executed for MFG-WIP transaction. Posts Material Cost amount to WIP (Material) and WIP2 (Material) accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-WIP### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts

682 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context

Determine Target WIP Account For PartTran Using WIP Material Context
If WIP2 Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP2 Account

Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)
WIP2 Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

MFG-WIP: Post Rounding Amount to WIP (Rounding) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts

Executed for MFG-WIP transaction. Posts Material Cost amount to WIP (Rounding) and WIP2 (Material) accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-WIP### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context
Determine Target WIP Account For PartTran Using WIP Material Context
If WIP2 Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 683

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP2 Account

Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)
WIP2 Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

MFG-WIP: Post Subcontract Cost to WIP (Subcontract) and WIP2 (Material) Accounts

Executed for MFG-WIP transaction. Posts Subcontract Cost amount to WIP (Subcontract) and WIP2 (Material)
accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Subcontract Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MFG-WIP### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context
Determine Target WIP Account For PartTran Using WIP Material Context
If WIP2 Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

684 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP2 Account

Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
WIP2 Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

MTL-INS: Post Extended Cost to WIP and Inspection Accounts

Executed for MTL-INS transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to WIP Material and Inspection accounts. Debit
and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MTL-INS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and Inspection Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For Inspection Context
If Inspection Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inspection Account

Debit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)
WIP Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 685

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Inspection Account
Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

MTL-INS: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP and WIP2 Accounts

Executed for MTL-INS transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP(Material Burden) and WIP2(Material)
accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###MTL-INS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If Material Account = Material Burden Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Material Account

Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
Material Burden Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

686 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Material Burden Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Material Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Extended Cost to AP Transfer and Contra AP Accounts

Executed for PLT-ASM, PLT-MTL, PLT-STK transactions. Posts Extended Cost amount to AP and Contra AP accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-MTL### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###PLT-STK### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--Is InterDivisional### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine AR and Contra AR Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND AP (To site) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND Contra AP Context
If AP Account = Contra AP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Contra AP Account

Debit Context = Contra AP (Ext Cost)
AP Account
Credit Context = Transfer AP (Ext Cost)

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 687

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
AP Account
Debit Context = Transfer AP (Ext Cost)
Contra AP Account
Credit Context = Contra AP (Ext Cost)

PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Extended Cost to AR Transfer and Contra AR Accounts

Executed for PLT-ASM, PLT-MTL, PLT-STK transactions. Posts Extended Cost amount to AR Transfer and Contra
AR accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-MTL### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###PLT-STK### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--Is InterDivisional### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine AR and Contra AR Accounts
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND AR (From site) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND Contra AR Context
If AR Account = Contra AR Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 AR Account

Debit Context = Transfer AR (Ext Cost)
Contra AR Account

688 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Contra AR (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Contra AR Account
Debit Context = Contra AR (Ext Cost)
AR Account
Credit Context = Transfer AR (Ext Cost)

PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Extended Cost to Contra Asset and Variance Accounts

Executed for PLT-ASM, PLT-MTL, PLT-STK transactions. Posts Extended Cost amount to Contra Asset and Variance
accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-MTL### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###PLT-STK### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--Is InterDivisional### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine site Transfer Contra Account For Contra Asset Context
Determine Variance Account For site Transfer
If Contra Asset Account = Variance Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Variance Account

Debit Context = Variance (Ext Cost)
Contra Asset Account
Credit Context = Contra Asset (Ext Cost)

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 689

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Contra Asset Account
Debit Context = Contra Asset (Ext Cost)
Variance Account
Credit Context = Variance (Ext Cost)

PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Extended Cost to Revenue and Contra Revenue Accounts

Executed for PLT-ASM, PLT-MTL, PLT-STK transactions. Posts Extended Cost amount to Revenue and Contra
Revenue accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-MTL### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###PLT-STK### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--Is InterDivisional### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Revenue and Contra Revenue Accounts
Determine Revenue Account For site Transfer
Determine site Transfer Contra Account For Contra Revenue Context
If Revenue Account = Contra Revenue Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Contra Revenue Account

Debit Context = Contra Revenue (Ext Cost)
Revenue Account
Credit Context = Transfer Revenue (Ext Cost)

690 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Revenue Account
Debit Context = Transfer Revenue (Ext Cost)
Contra Revenue Account
Credit Context = Contra Revenue (Ext Cost)

PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Other Cost to Contra Asset and In Transit Accounts

Executed for PLT-ASM, PLT-MTL, PLT-STK transactions. Posts Other Cost amount to Contra-Asset and Goods In
Transit accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Other Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-MTL### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###PLT-STK### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--Is InterDivisional### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Other Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Contra Asset Account
Determine site Transfer Contra Account For Contra Asset Context
Comment = Comment: Determine Goods In Transit Account
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If Contra Asset Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When
quiting rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce
GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Contra Asset Account

Debit Context = Contra Asset (Other Cost)

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 691

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Goods In Transit Account

Credit Context = In Transit (Other Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Goods In Transit Account
Debit Context = In Transit (Other Cost)
Contra Asset Account
Credit Context = Contra Asset (Other Cost)

PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Other Cost to COS and Contra COS Accounts

Executed for PLT-ASM, PLT-MTL, PLT-STK transactions. Posts Other Cost amount to COS and Contra COS accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Other Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-MTL### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###PLT-STK### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--Is InterDivisional### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Other Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine COS and Contra COS Accounts
Determine COS Account For Inter-site Transfer Using COS Material Context
Determine site Transfer Contra Account For Contra COS Context
If COS Account = Contra COS Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Other Cost)
Contra COS Account

692 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Contra COS (Other Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Contra COS Account
Debit Context = Contra COS (Other Cost)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Other Cost)

PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post Other Cost to In Transit and Variance Accounts

Executed for PLT-ASM, PLT-MTL, PLT-STK transactions. Posts Other Cost amount to Variance and Goods In Transit
accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Other Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PLT-MTL### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###PLT-STK### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--Is InterDivisional### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Other Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Variance Account
Determine Variance Account For site Transfer
Comment = Comment: Determine Goods In Transit Account
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If Variance Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Variance Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 693

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Debit Context = Variance (Other Cost)

Goods In Transit Account
Credit Context = In Transit (Other Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Goods In Transit Account
Debit Context = In Transit (Other Cost)
Variance Account
Credit Context = Variance (Other Cost)

PLT-ASM/PLT-MTL/PLT-STK: Post site Cost to Asset and Variance Accounts

Executed for PLT-ASM, PLT-MTL, PLT-STK transactions. Posts site Cost amount to Asset and Variance accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the site Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###PLT-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###PLT-MTL### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type###=###PLT-STK### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted###=###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = site Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Asset and Variance Accounts
Determine Asset Account For site Transfer Using
Determine Variance Account For site Transfer
If Asset Account = Variance Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type = PLT-STK Asset Context = 'Inventory

(site Cost)'

694 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Asset Context = 'WIP (site Cost)'

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Asset Account

Debit Context = Asset Context
Variance Account
Credit Context = Variance (site Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Variance Account
Debit Context = Variance (site Cost)
Asset Account
Credit Context = Asset Context

PUR-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to Applied Material Burden/Landed Cost and WIP Accounts

Executed for PUR-MTL transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost to Applied Material Burden/Landed Cost and WIP
Accounts. Debit and Credit Accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Deteremine Applied Material Burden Account
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Has Landed Cost Comment = Comment:
When Landed Cost is specified for the Receipt
Applied Cost Context = Landed Cost (Material Burden)
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Container--Landed Cost GL Control is Available Get
Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Container--Landed Cost GL Control For Current
Book AND Landed Cost Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 695

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Else If COSAndWIP--PartTran--PO Receipt Header--Landed Cost GL Control is

Available Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--PO Receipt Header--Landed
Cost GL Control For Current Book AND Landed Cost Context

Determine Supplier Landed Cost Account For PartTran

Comment = Comment: When Landed Cost is not specified for the Receipt
Applied Cost Context = Landed Cost (Material Burden)
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For
Current Book AND Applied Material Burden Context

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP Account

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP material Burden Context
If Applied Mtl Burden Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
the rule without setting up amounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Applied Account

Credit Context = Applied Cost Context
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Applied Account
Debit Context = Applied Cost Context

PUR-MTL: Post Material Cost to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts

Executed for PUR-MTL transaction. Posts Material Cost to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-MTL### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

696 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran Line
Comment = Comment: Determine WIP Account that is offsetting the Clearing Account
If COSAndWIP--Company--GL Has Inventory Interface If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro
Fin Purchase Type--Is Purchase Expense Get Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase Type--GL Control For Current Book AND
Debit Context

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context

Comment = Comment: GL has no Inventory interface
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Is Misc Receipt Determine Supplier
Expense Account For PartTran

Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context

If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AP Clearing (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Material)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material)

PUR-MTL: Post Rounding Amount to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts

Executed for PUR-MTL transaction. Posts Rounding Amount to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on sign of the Material Cost Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 697

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-MTL### And

###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran Line
Comment = Comment: Determine WIP Account that is offsetting the Clearing Account
If COSAndWIP--Company--GL Has Inventory Interface If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro
Fin Purchase Type--Is Purchase Expense Get Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase Type--GL Control For Current Book AND
Debit Context

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Rounding Context

Comment = Comment: GL has no Inventory interface
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Is Misc Receipt Determine Supplier
Expense Account For PartTran

Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context

If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AP Clearing (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Rounding)

698 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

PUR-STK/PUR-INS: Post Extended Cost to A/P Clearing And Inventory/Expense/Inspection


Executed for PUR-STK, PUR-INS transactions. Posts Extended Cost to A/P Clearing and Inventory/Expense Accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-STK### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-INS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran Line
Comment = Comment: Determining Receiving Account
If COSAndWIP--Company--GL Has Inventory Interface If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro
Fin Purchase Type--Is Purchase Expense Offset Account Context = Expense
(Ext Cost)
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase Type--Purchase Type
GL Control For Current Book AND Debit Context

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type = PUR-STK Offset
Account Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran

Else If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type = PUR-INS Offset Account

Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For Inspection Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 699

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Comment = Comment: GL has no Inventory Interface
Offset Account Context = Expense
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Is Misc Receipt Determine Supplier
Expense Account For PartTran

Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context

If Receiving Account = Clearing Account Comment = Comment: When quiting the

rule without setting up amounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Clearing Account

Credit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)
Receiving Account
Debit Context = Offset Account Context

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Receiving Account
Credit Context = Offset Account Context
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)

PUR-STK/PUR-INS/PUR-SUB/PUR-UKN: Post Material Burden Cost to Applied Material

Burden/Landed Cost and A/P Clearing Accounts

Executed for PUR-STK, PUR-INS, PUR-SUB and PUR-SUB transactions. Posts Material Burden Cost to Applied
Material Burden/Landed Cost and A/P Clearing Accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the
Extended Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-STK### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-INS### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###PUR-SUB### Or ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-UKN### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--Is Buy to Order### <> ###True### ) ) And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

700 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Deteremine Applied Material Burden Account
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Has Landed Cost Comment = Comment:
When Landed Cost is specified for the Receipt
Applied Cost Context = Landed Cost (Material Burden)
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Container--Landed Cost GL Control is Available Get
Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Container--Landed Cost GL Control For Current
Book AND Landed Cost Context

Else If COSAndWIP--PartTran--PO Receipt Header--Landed Cost GL Control is

Available Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--PO Receipt Header--Landed
Cost GL Control For Current Book AND Landed Cost Context

Determine Supplier Landed Cost Account For PartTran

Comment = Comment: When Landed Cost is not specified for the Receipt
Applied Cost Context = Landed Cost (Material Burden)
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For
Current Book AND Applied Material Burden Context

Comment = Comment: Determine AP Clearing Account

Determine A/P Clearing Account For PartTran Line
If Applied Mtl Burden Account = Clearing Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
the rule without setting up amounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Applied Account

Credit Context = Applied Cost Context
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AP Clearing (Material Burden)
Applied Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 701

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Debit Context = Applied Cost Context

PUR-SUB: Post Extended Cost to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts

Executed for PUR-SUB transaction. Posts Extended Cost to AP Clearing and WIP Accounts. Debit and Credit
Accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-SUB### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran Line
Comment = Comment: Determine WIP Account that is offsetting the Clearing Account
If COSAndWIP--Company--GL Has Inventory Interface If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro
Fin Purchase Type--Is Purchase Expense Get Account From
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Euro Fin Purchase Type--GL Control For Current Book AND
Debit Context

Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Subcontract Context

Comment = Comment: GL has no Inventory interface
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Is Misc Receipt Determine Supplier
Expense Account For PartTran

Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context

702 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Clearing Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

PUR-UKN/PUR-DRP: Post Extended Cost to AP Clearing and Expense/Drop Ship Accounts

Executed for PUR-UKN/PUR-DRP transaction. Posts Extended Cost to AP Clearing and Expense Accounts. Debit
and Credit Accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost Amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-UKN### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-DRP### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine AP Clearing Account For PartTran Line
Comment = Comment: Determine Expense Account that is offsetting the Clearing
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Is Misc Receipt Comment = Note: Misc
Receipt can not be created for Drop Shipment/Buy To Orders

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 703

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Determine Supplier Expense Account For PartTran

Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context

Expense Context = Expense (Ext Cost)

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type = PUR-DRP Comment = Alternatively,
context can be defined using type of PO Release (Is Drop Shipment/Is Buy To
Expense Context = Drop Ship (Ext Cost)

If Clearing Account = Expense Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule

without setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Expense Account

Debit Context = Expense Context
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Clearing Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)
Expense Account
Credit Context = Expense Context

Revert Amount Posted to Converted1 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted1 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

704 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted1 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted1 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted1 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted1

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account
Credit Context = Converted1

Revert Amount Posted to Converted10 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted10 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted10 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 705

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted10 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted10 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted10

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account
Credit Context = Converted10

Revert Amount Posted to Converted11 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted11 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted11 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted2 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted11 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted11

706 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account
Credit Context = Converted11

Revert Amount Posted to Converted12 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted12 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted12 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted12 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted12 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted12

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 707

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Converted12

Revert Amount Posted to Converted13 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted13 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted13 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted13 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted13 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted13

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

708 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Converted13

Revert Amount Posted to Converted14 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted14 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted14 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted14 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted14 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted14

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 709

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Converted14

Revert Amount Posted to Converted15 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted15 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted15 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted15 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted15 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted15

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

710 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Converted15

Revert Amount Posted to Converted16 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted16 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted16 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted16 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted16 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted16

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 711

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Converted16

Revert Amount Posted to Converted2 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted2 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted2 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted2 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted2 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted2

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

712 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Converted2

Revert Amount Posted to Converted3 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted3 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted3 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted3 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted3 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted3

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 713

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Converted3

Revert Amount Posted to Converted4 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted4 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted4 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted4 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted4 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted4

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

714 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Converted4

Revert Amount Posted to Converted5 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted5 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted5 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted5 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted5 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted5

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 715

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Converted5

Revert Amount Posted to Converted6 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted6 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted6 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted6 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted6 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted6

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

716 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Converted6

Revert Amount Posted to Converted7 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted7 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted7 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted7 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted7 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted7

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 717

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Converted7

Revert Amount Posted to Converted8 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted8 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted8 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted8 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted8 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted8

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

718 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Converted8

Revert Amount Posted to Converted9 Account

The rules reverts an Amount that was Posted to Converted9 Account. This rule reverts transactions that have
been posted in versions before 9.0.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted GL Control is
not Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted

GL Control For Current Book AND Converted9 Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

Converted GL Control For Current Book AND Converted9 Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran Converted
GL Control For Current Book AND Converted9 Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Converted9

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 719

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Converted9

Revert Applied Material Burden Cost

The rules reverts Applied Material Burden Cost

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Applied Cost (Material Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Applied Cost (Material Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Applied Cost (Material Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Applied Cost (Material Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

720 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Applied Cost (Material Burden)

Revert Burden Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account

The rules reverts Burden Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 721

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = AR Clearing (Burden)

Revert Burden Cost Posted to COS Account

The rules reverts Burden Cost Posted to COS Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND COS (Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND COS (Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND COS (Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = COS (Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

722 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = COS (Burden)

Revert Burden Cost Posted to Inventory Account

The rules reverts Burden Cost Posted to Inventory Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory (Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 723

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Inventory (Burden)

Revert Burden Cost Posted to WIP Account

The rules reverts Burden Cost Posted to WIP Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND WIP (Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND WIP (Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND WIP (Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = WIP (Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

724 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

Revert Extended Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account

The rules reverts Extended Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Ext Cost) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Ext Cost) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Ext Cost) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 725

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)

Revert Extended Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account

The rules reverts Extended Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Ext Cost) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Ext Cost) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Ext Cost) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Ext Cost)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

726 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = AR Clearing (Ext Cost)

Revert Extended Cost Posted to Expense Account

The rules reverts Extended Cost Posted to Expense Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Expense (Ext Cost) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Expense (Ext Cost) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense (Ext Cost) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Expense (Ext Cost)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 727

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Expense (Ext Cost)

Revert Extended Cost Posted to Inspection Account

The rules reverts Extended Cost Posted to Inspection Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Inspection (Ext Cost) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Inspection (Ext Cost) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Inspection (Ext Cost) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

728 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)

Revert Extended Cost Posted to Inventory2 Account

The rules reverts Extended Cost Posted to Inventory2 Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Inventory2 (Ext Cost) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory2 (Ext Cost) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory2 (Ext Cost) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Inventory2 (Ext Cost)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 729

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Inventory2 (Ext Cost)

Revert Labor Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account

The rules reverts Labor Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Labor) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Labor) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Labor) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Labor)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

730 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = AR Clearing (Labor)

Revert Labor Cost Posted to COS Account

The rules reverts Labor Cost Posted to COS Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND COS (Labor) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND COS (Labor) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND COS (Labor) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = COS (Labor)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 731

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = COS (Labor)

Revert Labor Cost Posted to Inventory Account

The rules reverts Labor Cost Posted to Inventory Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Ext Cost) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Labor) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory (Labor) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Labor)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

732 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Inventory (Labor)

Revert Labor Cost Posted to WIP Account

The rules reverts Labor Cost Posted to WIP Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND WIP (Labor) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND WIP (Labor) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND WIP (Labor) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = WIP (Labor)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 733

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = WIP (Labor)

Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account

The rules reverts Material Burden Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Material Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Material Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Material Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Material Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

734 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = AP Clearing (Material Burden)

Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account

The rules reverts Material Burden Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Material Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Material Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Material Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Material Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 735

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = AR Clearing (Material Burden)

Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to COS Account

The rules reverts Material Burden Cost Posted to COS Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND COS (Material Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND COS (Material Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND COS (Material Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = COS (Material Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

736 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = COS (Material Burden)

Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to Inventory Account

The rules reverts Material Burden Cost Posted to Inventory Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Material Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Material Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory (Material Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Material Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 737

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Inventory (Material Burden)

Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to Landed Cost Account

The rules reverts Material Burden Cost Posted to Landed Cost Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Landed Cost (Material Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Landed Cost (Material Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Landed Cost (Material Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Landed Cost (Material Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

738 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Landed Cost (Material Burden)

Revert Material Burden Cost Posted to WIP Account

The rules reverts Material Burden Cost Posted to WIP Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND WIP (Material Burden) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND WIP (Material Burden) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND WIP (Material Burden) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 739

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

Revert Material Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account

The rules reverts Material Cost Posted to AP Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Material) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Material) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Material) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Material)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

740 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = AP Clearing (Material)

Revert Material Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account

The rules reverts Material Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Material) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Material) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Material) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Material)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 741

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = AR Clearing (Material)

Revert Material Cost Posted to COS Account

The rules reverts Material Cost Posted to COS Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND COS (Material) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND COS (Material) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND COS (Material) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = COS (Material)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

742 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = COS (Material)

Revert Material Cost Posted to Inventory Account

The rules reverts Material Cost Posted to Inventory Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Material) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Material) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory (Material) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Material)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 743

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Inventory (Material)

Revert Material Cost Posted to WIP Account

The rules reverts Material Cost Posted to WIP Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND WIP (Material) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND WIP (Material) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND WIP (Material) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = WIP (Material)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

744 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = WIP (Material)

Revert Rounding Amount Posted to AP Clearing Account

The rules reverts Rounding Amount Posted to AP Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Rounding) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Rounding) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AP Clearing (Rounding) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AP Clearing (Rounding)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 745

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = AR Clearing (Rounding)

Revert Rounding Amount Posted to AR Clearing Account

The rules reverts Rounding Amount Posted to AR Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Rounding) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Rounding) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Rounding) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Rounding)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

746 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = AR Clearing (Rounding)

Revert Rounding Amount Posted to COS Account

The rules reverts Rounding Amount Posted to COS Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND COS (Rounding) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND COS (Rounding) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND COS (Rounding) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = COS (Rounding)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 747

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = COS (Rounding)

Revert Rounding Amount Posted to Inventory Account

The rules reverts Rounding Amount Posted to Inventory Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Rounding) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Rounding) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory (Rounding) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Rounding)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

748 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Inventory (Rounding)

Revert Rounding Amount Posted to WIP Account

The rules reverts Rounding Amount Posted to WIP Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND WIP (Rounding) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND WIP (Rounding) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND WIP (Rounding) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 749

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = WIP (Rounding)

Revert Subcontract Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account

The rules reverts Subcontract Cost Posted to AR Clearing Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Subcontract) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Material) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND AR Clearing (Subcontract) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = AR Clearing (Subcontract)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

750 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = AR Clearing (Subcontract)

Revert Subcontract Cost Posted to COS Account

The rules reverts Subcontract Cost Posted to COS Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND COS (Subcontract) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND COS (Subcontract) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND COS (Subcontract) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = COS (Subcontract)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 751

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = COS (Subcontract)

Revert Subcontract Cost Posted to Inventory Account

The rules reverts Subcontract Cost Posted to Inventory Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Subcontract) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory (Subcontract) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory (Subcontract) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Subcontract)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

752 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = Inventory (Subcontract)

Revert Subcontract Cost Posted to WIP Account

The rules reverts Subcontract Cost Posted to WIP Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###True### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--Is Posted### = ###True### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref
PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control is not
Available Call = End Rule

Get Book Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL

Control For Current Book AND WIP (Subcontract) Context
Comment = Comment: End rule if amount for the given context has not been found
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Get Transactional Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran

GL Control For Current Book AND WIP (Subcontract) Context
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Ref PartTran Details--PartTran GL Control
For Current Book AND WIP (Subcontract) Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as debit
Temp Account
Debit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

Comment = Comment: Amount was booked as credit
Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 753

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = WIP (Subcontract)

STK-ASM/STK-MTL: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and WIP Material Accounts

Executed for STK-ASM and STk-MTL transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to Inventory and WIP accounts.
Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-MTL### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and DMR Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
If Inventory Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 WIP Account

Debit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
WIP Account

754 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

STK-ASM/STK-MTL: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP (Material) and WIP2 (Material Burden)

Executed for STK-ASM and STK-MTL transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP (Material) and WIP2
(Material Burden) accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-ASM### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-MTL### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and WIP2 Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If Material Account = Material Burden Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing
rule without setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Material Burden Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Material Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Material Account
Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
Material Burden Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 755

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

STK-AST: Post Extended Cost to Inventory And Asset Clearing Account

Executed for STK-AST transaction only. Credits Inventory and debits Asset Clearing accounts with the Extended
Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type###=###STK-AST###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Inventory (Ext Cost)
Debit Context: Asset Clearing (Ext Cost)
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Please select variable and value or function
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Asset GL Control For Current Book AND Asset
Clearing Context

STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Burden Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts

Executed for STK-CUS and KIT-CUS transactions when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Burden Cost
amount to Inventory and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-CUS### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###KIT-CUS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran

756 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and COS Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Burden Context
If Inventory Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Burden)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Burden)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Burden)

STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and AR Clearing Accounts

Executed for STK-CUS and KIT-CUS transactions when AR Clearing Account is used. Posts Extending Cost amount
to Inventory and AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extending Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-CUS### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###KIT-CUS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 757

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and AR Clearing Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Get Account From COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current
Book AND AR Clearing Context
If Inventory Account = Clearing Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule
without setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Clearing Account

Debit Context = AR Clearing (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Clearing Account
Credit Context = AR Clearing (Ext Cost)

STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Labor Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts

Executed for STK-CUS and KIT-CUS transactions when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Labor Cost amount
to Inventory and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Labor Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-CUS### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###KIT-CUS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:

758 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and COS Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Labor Context
If Inventory Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Labor)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Labor)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Labor)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Labor)

STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Material Burden Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts

Executed for STK-CUS and KIT-CUS transactions when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Material Burden
Cost amount to Inventory and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden
Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-CUS### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###KIT-CUS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 759

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and COS Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using 'COS Material Burden' Context
If Inventory Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Material Burden)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Material Burden)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Material Burden)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Material Burden)

STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Material Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts

Executed for STK-CUS and KIT-CUS transactions when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Material Cost
amount to Inventory and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-CUS### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###KIT-CUS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

760 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and COS Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Material Context
If Inventory Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Material)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Material)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Material)

STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Rounding Amount to Inventory and COS Accounts

Executed for STK-CUS and KIT-CUS transactions when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Rounding Amount
amount to Inventory and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Rounding amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-CUS### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###KIT-CUS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 761

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Rounding AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and COS Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Rounding Context
If Inventory Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Rounding)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Rounding)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Rounding)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Rounding)

STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Subcontract Cost to Inventory and COS Accounts

Executed for STK-CUS and KIT-CUS transactions when AR Clearing Account is not used. Posts Subcontract Cost
amount to Inventory and COS accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Subcontract Cost

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-CUS### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###KIT-CUS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is
Reverted### = ###False### And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

762 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and COS Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Subcontract Context
If Inventory Account = COS Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account

Debit Context = COS (Subcontract)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Subcontract)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Subcontract)
COS Account
Credit Context = COS (Subcontract)

STK-INS: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and Inspection Accounts

Executed for STK-INS transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to Inventory and Inspection accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-INS### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 763

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory and Inspection Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine Inspection/DMR Account For Inspection Context
If Inspection Account = Inventory Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing
rule without setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inspection Account

Debit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Inspection Account
Credit Context = Inspection (Ext Cost)

STK-KIT: Post Extended Cost to Inventory (Part) and Inventory (Kit Parent Part) Accounts

Executed for STK-KIT transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to Inventory (Part) and Inventory (Kit Parent Part)
accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-KIT### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

764 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory (Part) Account
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Comment = Comment: Determine Inventory (Kit Parent Part) Account
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Kit Parent Part--Part GL Control
COSAndWIP--PartTran--Kit Parent Part--Part Class GL Control
If Part Class GL Control is not Available COSAndWIP--PartTran--Kit Parent Part
Class--GL Control

Determine Inventory Account Using Part GL Control , Part Class GL Control ,

COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control
If Inventory (Part) Account = Kit Parent Part Account Comment = Comment: When
quitiing rule without setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Kit Parent Part Account

Debit Context = Target Inventory (Ext Cost)
Inventory (Part) Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

Inventory (Part) Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Kit Parent Part Account
Credit Context = Target Inventory (Ext Cost)

STK-PLT: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and In Transit Accounts

Executed for STK-PLT transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to Inventory and InTransit accounts. Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-PLT### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 765

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--site Transfer--GL Control For Current Book
AND In Transit (From site) Context
If Inventory Account = Goods In Transit Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing
rule without setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Goods In Transit Account

Debit Context = In Transit (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Goods In Transit Account
Credit Context = In Transit (Ext Cost)

STK-STK: Post Extended Cost to Source and Target Inventory Accounts

Executed for STK-STK transactions. Posts Extended Cost to Source Inventory Account (Credit) and Target Inventory
Account (Debit).

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Inventory (Ext Cost)
Debit Context: Inventory2 (Ext Cost)
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

766 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = This rule is considered as template. In order to produce Accounting
Transaction, different definition for Source and Target Inventory accounts are
Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without setting up accounts - rule does
not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Comment = Note: To avoid duplication, rule for STK-STK transaction type is

executed only for negative Quantity/Amounts
If Transaction Amount.Value < 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Defined negative amount can be reverted here for further processing
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran

Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Comment = In order to produce Accounting Transaction, different definition for
Source and Target Inventory accounts are required.
If Temp Account = Temp Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule without
setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

Temp Account
Temp Account

STK-UKN: Post Extended Cost to Inventory Adjustment and Inventory Accounts

STK-UKN - Miscellaneous Issue. Posts Extended Cost to Inventory Adjustment and Inventory Accounts.Debit and
Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###STK-UKN### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 767

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Comment: Define Amounts
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Accounts
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
Determine Inventory Adjustment Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = Temp Account Comment = Comment: When quitiing rule
without setting up accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
Temp Account
Debit Context = Adjustment (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Temp Account
Credit Context = Adjustment (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

SVG-STK: Post Extended Cost to WIP and Inventory Accounts

Executed for SVG-STK transaction. Posts Extended Cost amount to WIP and Inventory accounts. Debit and Credit
accounts depend on sign of the Extended Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###SVG-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

768 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Inventory Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
Determine Inventory Account For PartTran
If Inventory Account = WIP Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before
setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Inventory Account

Debit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)
WIP Account
Credit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
Debit Context = WIP (Ext Cost)
Inventory Account
Credit Context = Inventory (Ext Cost)

SVG-STK: Post Material Burden Cost to WIP (Material) and WIP (Material Burden) Accounts

Executed for SVG-STK transaction. Posts Material Burden Cost amount to WIP (Material) and WIP (Material Burden)
accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Material Burden Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###SVG-STK### And
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 769

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND
Currency Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine WIP and Inventory Accounts
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Context
Determine PartTran WIP Account For WIP Material Burden Context
If Material Account = Material Burden Account Comment = Comment: When quiting
rule before setting up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL
Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Material Burden Account

Debit Context = WIP (Material Burden)
Material Account
Credit Context = WIP2 (Material)

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Material Account
Debit Context = WIP2 (Material)
Material Burden Account
Credit Context = WIP (Material Burden)

UKN-CUS/DRP-CUS/PUR-CUS: Post Extended Cost to Expense/AP Clearing and COS/AR Clearing


Executed for UKN-CUS, DRP-CUS and PUR-CUS transactions. Posts Extended Cost amount to Expense/AP Clearing
and COS/AR Clearing accounts. Debit and Credit accounts depend on sign of the Extending Cost amount.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###PUR-CUS### Or
###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type### = ###UKN-CUS### Or ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran
Type### = ###DRP-CUS### ) And ###COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Is Reverted### = ###False###
Can Post: true
For Each: COSAndWIP--PartTran
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details

770 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From COSAndWIP--PartTran Where Name = Extended Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

If Transaction Amount.Conversion Date is not Available COSAndWIP--Details--Tran


Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Default Rate Type

Comment = Comment: Determine Expense/AP Clearing Account and Context
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type = PUR-CUS Determine AP Clearing
Account For PartTran Line
Exp Context = AP Clearing (Ext Cost)

Get Account From COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context
Exp Context = Expense (Ext Cost)
If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Tran Type = PUR-DRP Comment =
Alternatively, context can be defined using type of PO Release (Is Drop
Shipment/Is Buy To Order)
Exp Context = Drop Ship (Ext Cost)

Comment = Comment: Determine COS/AR Clearing Account and Context

If COSAndWIP--PartTran--Details--Use AR Clearing Get Account From
COSAndWIP--Company--Inventory COS And WIP GL Control For Current Book AND AR
Clearing Context
Cus Context = AR Clearing (Ext Cost)

Determine COS Account For Shipment Using COS Material Context
Cus Context = COS (Material)

If Exp Account = Cus Account Comment = Comment: When quiting rule before setting
up debit and credit accounts - rule does not produce GL Journal Details
Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Cus Account

Debit Context = Cus Context
Exp Account
Credit Context = Exp Context

Invert Book Amount Sign
Invert Transaction Amount Sign
Exp Account
Debit Context = Exp Context
Cus Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 771

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context = Cus Context

Deferred Expense Recognition

The transaction type recognizes expenses according to the Amortization Schedule.

Deferred Expense Recognition Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Deferred Expense Recognition GL transaction type. Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes.

Deferred Expense Recognition Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Deferred Expense Recognition GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

Base Currency

Base Currency

Qualifier Description DataSource

Base Currency Base Currency Currency

Currency Code

Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Code Currency Code Currency String

GL Control

772 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency GL Control Currency GLControl.Currency

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AP Account GL Control

Contains company's default AP accounts and journal codes.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control Contains company's default AP Company GLControl.AP Account
accounts and journal codes.

Deferred Expense Currency

Deferred Expense Currency

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Deferred Expense Currency Deferred Expense Currency Company Numeric


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

Expense Recognition Apply Date

Expense Recognition Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense Recognition Apply Date Expense Recognition Apply Date Date

Rpt1 Currency

Rpt1 Currency

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rpt1 Currency Rpt1 Currency Currency

Currency Code

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 773

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Code Currency Code Currency String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency GL Control Currency GLControl.Currency

Rpt2 Currency

Rpt2 Currency

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rpt2 Currency Rpt2 Currency Currency

Currency Code

Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Code Currency Code Currency String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency GL Control Currency GLControl.Currency

Rpt3 Currency

Rpt3 Currency

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rpt3 Currency Rpt3 Currency Currency

Currency Code

Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Currency Code Currency Code Currency String

GL Control

774 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency GL Control Currency GLControl.Currency

AP Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Invoice AP Invoice Doc Line


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

Apply Date

Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date APInvHed Date

Invoice Number

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Number Invoice Number APInvHed String

Rate Type

Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type A Rate Type that can be used in currency APInvHed String


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control Vendor GLControl.AP Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 775

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Supplier Code

Supplier Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier Code Supplier Code Vendor Numeric

Supplier Name

Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Supplier Name Vendor String


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Line Doc Line

Amortization Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RASchedCd

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Amortization Code GL Control RASchedCd GLControl.Amortization


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvDtl

Amortization Code

Amortization Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Amortization Code Amortization Code APInvDtl String

Is Deferred Expense

Is Deferred Expense

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Deferred Expense Indicates if Invoice Line has Deferred APInvDtl Logical
Expense enabled

776 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Line Number

Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Number Line Number APInvDtl Numeric

Part Description

Part Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Part Description Part Description APInvDtl String

Reference GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control Reference GL Control that stores APInvDtl GLControl(Ref).AP Invoice
accounts generated during posting of this Line
invoice line.

Recognition Transaction

Recognition Transaction Doc Line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false


AP Invoice Line Amortization Schedule

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvDtlDEASch

Legal Number

Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number Legal Number APInvDtlDEASch String

Sequence Num

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 777

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Sequence Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Sequence Num Recognition Transaction Sequence Number that APInvDtlDEASch Numeric
together with Invoice Number and Line Number
uniquely identifies the recognition transaction



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvExp

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control APInvExp GLControl(Sys).AP Invoice Expense

Is Multi-Company

Is Multi-Company

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Multi-Company A flag indicating whether expense is APInvExp Logical

Sequence Num

Sequence Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Sequence Num APInvExp Numeric

External Company

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ExtCompany


778 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

External Company ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID External Company ID ExtCompany String

GL Journal

GL Journal Doc Line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLJrnHed



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

BookID BookID GLJrnHed String


Line Doc Line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

Amortization Details

Amortization Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false RASchedCd

GL Control

Amortization Code GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Amortization Code GL Control RASchedCd GLControl.Amortization


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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLJrnDtlMnl

Amortization GL Control

Amortization GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Amortization GL Control Amortization GL Control GLJrnDtlMnl GLControl(Ref).Manual GL
Journal Line



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description GLJrnDtlMnl String

Is Debit

Is Debit

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit Is Debit GLJrnDtlMnl Logical

Is Deferred Expense

Is Deferred Expense

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Deferred Expense Is Deferred Expense GlJrnDtlMnl Logical

Is Multi-Company

Is Multi-Company

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Multi-Company A flag indicating whether expense is GLJrnDtlMnl Logical

Journal Code

Journal Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Journal Code Journal Code GLJrnDtlMnl String

Journal Line

780 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Journal Line

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Journal Line Journal Line GLJrnDtlMnl Numeric

Journal Num

Journal Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Journal Num Journal Num GLJrnDtlMnl Numeric

Line GL Control

Line GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line GL Control Line GL Control GLJrnDtlMnl GLControl(Sys).GLAlcDtl

Reference GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control Reference GL Control GLJrnDtlMnl GLControl(Ref).Manual GL
Journal Line

Recognition Transaction

Recognition Transaction Doc Line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false


GL Journal Line Amortization Schedule

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLJrnDtlMnlDEASch



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

LegalNumber LegalNumber GLJrnDtlMnlDEASch String

Sequence Num

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Sequence Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Sequence Num Amortization Sequence Num GLJrnDtlMnlDEASch Numeric

External Company

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ExtCompany


External Company ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID External Company ID ExtCompany String

Deferred Expense Recognition - Rule Set

The Deferred Expense Recognition transaction type uses the following functions and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Deferred Expense Recognition - Functions

The functions used by the Deferred Expense Recognition transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Combine Text from Invoice Number and Supplier Name

Combines Transaction text from Invoice Number and Supplier Name

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combines Transaction text from Invoice Number and Supplier Name
Result Type: String
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Combined Text= Invoice Number +''
Combined Text= Combined Text + Supplier Name
Result = Combined Text

782 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Combine Text from Journal Number and Journal Line Number and Description

Combines Transaction text from Journal Num and Journal Line and Description

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Combines Transaction text from Journal Num and Journal Line and Description
Result Type: String
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Combined Text= Journal Number + ''
Combined Text= Combined Text + Journal Line Number
Combined Text= Combined Text + ''
Combined Text= Combined Text + Description
Result = Combined Text

Get Currency GL Control

Get GL Control of Book Currency

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Get GL Control of Book Currency
Result Type: GLControl.Currency
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
IfRecognition--Base Currency--Currency Code = Book Currency
Result= Recognition--Base Currency--GL Control
Else IfRecognition--Rpt1 Currency--Currency Code = Book Currency
Result= Recognition--Rpt1 Currency--GL Control
Else IfRecognition--Rpt2 Currency--Currency Code = Book Currency
Result= Recognition--Rpt2 Currency--GL Control
Else IfRecognition--Rpt3 Currency--Currency Code = Book Currency
Result= Recognition--Rpt3 Currency--GL Control

Reverse Sign of the Amount

Reverses sign of the given Amount

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Reverses sign of the given Amount

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Result Type: Amount

Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = Amount
Result Value = Amount.Value *-1

Deferred Expense Recognition - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Deferred Expense Recognition transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Post Gain/Loss Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)

Post Gain/Loss Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition Transaction
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition Transaction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Post Gain/Loss Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)
Determine the amount to post
Transaction Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Where Name = Currency Gain/Loss Amount AND Currency Type = Transactional
Book Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Transaction Where Name = Currency Gain/Loss Amount AND Currency = Book Currency

Currency GL Control= Get Currency GL Control

If Book Amount.Value >= 0
Debit Account= Get Account From Currency GL Control For Current Book AND
Realized Loss Context
Credit Account= Get Account From Recognition--AP
Invoice--Line--Details--Reference GL Control For Current Book AND Deferred Expense
Debit Context= Currency Gain/Loss
Credit Context= Deferred Expense

784 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Credit Account= Get Account From Currency GL Control For Current Book AND
Realized Gain Context
Debit Account= Get Account From Recognition--AP
Invoice--Line--Details--Reference GL Control For Current Book AND Deferred Expense
Credit Context= Currency Gain/Loss
Debit Context= Deferred Expense
Transaction Amount= Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Book Amount= Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
AP Invoice Num Ref= Recognition--AP Invoice--Details--Invoice Number
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Amortization
Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Recognition Context
If Journal Code is not Available
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--GL
Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
If Journal Code is not Available
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--Company Parameters--AP Account
GL Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
Transaction Text= Combine Text From Recognition--AP Invoice--Details--Invoice
Number and Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--Supplier Name
Legal Number= Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Transaction--Details--Legal Number
Vendor Ref= Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--Supplier Code

Post Gain/Loss Amount (GL Journal Line)

Post Gain/Loss Amount (GL Journal Line)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition Transaction
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition Transaction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Post Gain/Loss Amount (GL Journal Line)
Determine the amount to post
Transaction Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition
Where Name = Currency Gain/Loss Amount AND Currency Type = Transactional
Book Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition
Where Name = Currency Gain/Loss Amount AND Currency = Book Currency
Currency GL Control= Get Currency GL Control
Comment: Retrieve Deferred Expense account used in the GL Journal posting
If Recognition--GL Journal--Details--BookID = Empty String

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Temp Account= Get Account From Recognition--GL

Journal--Line--Details--Amortization GL Control
For Master Chart AND Deferred Expense Context
End Rule
If Book Amount.Value >= 0
Debit Account= Get Account From Currency GL Control For Current Book AND
Realized Loss Context
Credit Account= Temp Account
Debit Context= Currency Gain/Loss
Credit Context= Deferred Expense
Credit Account= Get Account From Currency GL Control For Current Book AND
Realized Gain Context
Debit Account= Temp Account
Credit Context= Currency Gain/Loss
Debit Context= Deferred Expense
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Amortization
Details--GL Control
For Current Book AND Recognition Context
If Book Amount.Value < 0
Transaction Amount= Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
Book Amount= Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
If Journal Code is not Available
Journal Code= Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Journal Code
Transaction Text= Combine Text From Recognition--GL
Journal--Line--Details--Journal Num
and Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Journal Line and Recognition--GL
Legal Number= Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition

Recognize Expense Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)

Recognize Expense Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Recognition--AP Inv
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition Transaction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Recognize Expense Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)
Comment: Retrieve Expense account used in the Invoice posting
Temp Account= Get Account From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Transaction--Expense--Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Context

786 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Comment: Determine the amount to post

Transaction Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Transaction--Expense Where Name = Recognized Amount AND Currency Type =
Book Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Transaction--Expense Where Name = Recognized Amount AND Currency = Book Currency

If Book Amount is not Available

Transaction Amount.Conversion Date= Recognition--AP Invoice--Details--Apply
Book Amount= Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Recognition--AP
Invoice--Details--Rate Type
Comment: Determine whether the account will be debited or credited

If Book Amount.Value > 0

Comment: Regular Invoice
Debit Account= Temp Account
Comment: Line copied with reverse sign option
Credit Account= Temp Account
Book Amount= Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
Transaction Amount= Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
AP Invoice Num Ref= Recognition--AP Invoice--Details--Invoice Number
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Amortization
Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Recognition Context

If Journal Code is not Available

Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--GL
Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
If Journal Code is not Available
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--Company Parameters--AP Account
GL Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context

Transaction Text= Combine Text From Recognition--AP Invoice--Details--Invoice

Number and Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--Supplier Name
Legal Number= Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Transaction--Details--Legal Number
Vendor Ref= Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--Supplier Code

Recognize Expense Amount (GL Journal Line)

Recognize Expense Amount (GL Journal Line)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition Transaction
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Expense
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 787

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Business Entity Table: Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition Transaction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Recognize Expense Amount (GL Journal Line)
Comment: Determine the amount to post
Transaction Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition
Transaction Where Name = Recognized Amount AND Currency Type = Transactional
Book Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition
Transaction Where Name = Recognized Amount AND Currency = Book Currency
Comment: Determine whether the account will be debited or credited
Comment: Retrieve GL account used in the GL Journal Entry

If Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Is Debit

If Recognition--GL Journal--Details--BookID =
Debit Account= Get Account From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Line
GL Control For Master Chart AND Debit Context
Debit Account= Get Account From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Line
GL Control For Current Book AND Debit Context
If Recognition--GL Journal--Details--BookID =
Credit Account= Get Account From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Line
GL Control For Master Chart AND Credit Context
Credit Account= Get Account From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Line
GL Control For Current Book AND Credit Context

Transaction Text= Combine Text From Recognition--GL

Journal--Line--Details--Journal Num and Recognition--GL
Journal--Line--Details--Journal Line and Recognition--GL
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Amortization
Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Recognition Context

If Journal Code is not Available

Journal Code= Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Journal Code
Legal Number= Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition

Reverse Deferred Expense Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)

Reverse Deferred Expense Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition Transaction
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Deferred Expense
Debit Context: Deferred Expense
Reference Context:

788 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Business Entity Table: Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition Transaction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Reverse Deferred Expense Amount (AP Invoice Miscellaneous Line)
Comment: Retrieve Deferred Expense account used in the Invoice posting
Temp Account= Get Account From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Details--Reference
GL Control For Current Book AND Deferred Expense Context
Comment: Determine the amount to post
Transaction Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Transaction Where Name = Recognized Amount AND Currency Type = Transactional
Book Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line---Recognition
Transaction Where Name = Recognized Amount AND Currency = Book Currency

If Book Amount is not Available

Transaction Amount.Conversion Date= Recognition--AP Invoice--Details--Apply
Book Amount= Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency Using Recognition--AP
Invoice--Details--Rate Type
Comment: Determine whether the account will be debited or credited

If Book Amount.Value > 0

Comment: Regular Invoice
Credit Account= Temp Account
Comment: Line copied with reverse sign option
Debit Account= Temp Account
Book Amount= Reverse Sign of the Book Amount
Transaction Amount= Reverse Sign of the Transaction Amount
AP Invoice Num Ref= Recognition--AP Invoice--Details--Invoice Number
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Amortization
Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Recognition Context

If Journal Code is not Available

Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--GL
Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context
If Journal Code is not Available
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--Company Parameters--AP Account
GL Control For Current Book AND Invoicing Context

Transaction Text= Combine Text From Recognition--AP Invoice--Details--Invoice

Number and Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--Supplier Name
Legal Number= Recognition--AP Invoice--Line--Recognition
Transaction--Details--Legal Number
Vendor Ref= Recognition--AP Invoice--Supplier--Supplier Code

Reverse Deferred Expense Amount (GL Journal Line)

Reverse Deferred Expense Amount (GL Journal Line)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition Transaction
Is Header: false

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Credit Context: Deferred Expense

Debit Context: Deferred Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition Transaction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Reverse Deferred Expense Amount (GL Journal Line)
Comment: Retrieve Deferred Expense account used in the GL Journal posting

If Recognition--GL Journal--Details--BookID =
Temp Account= Get Account From Recognition--GL
Journal--Line--Details--Amortization GL Control For Master Chart AND Deferred
Expense Context
Temp Account= Get Account From Recognition--GL
Journal--Line--Details--Amortization GL Control For Current Book AND Deferred
Expense Context

Comment: Determine the amount to post

Transaction Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition
Transaction Where Name = Recognized Amount AND Currency Type = Transactional
Book Amount= Select Amount From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition
Transaction Where Name = Recognized Amount AND Currency = Book Currency

Comment: Determine whether the account will be debited or credited

If Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Is Debit
Credit Account= Temp Account
Debit Account= Temp Account

Transaction Text= Combine Text From Recognition--GL

Journal--Line--Details--Journal Num and Recognition--GL
Journal--Line--Details--Journal Line and Recognition--GL
Legal Number= Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Recognition
Journal Code= Get Journal Code From Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Amortization
Details--GL Control For Current Book AND Recognition Context
If Journal Code is not Available
Journal Code= Recognition--GL Journal--Line--Details--Journal Code

Set up GL Journal Main Data

The rule sets up journal main data, which will be shared by all journal details.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Recognition--AP Invoice
Is Header: true
Credit Context:

790 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Recognition--AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Set up GL journal main data
Apply Date= Recognition--Details--Expense Recognition Apply Date
If Apply Date is not Available
Apply Date= Today

Fixed Asset

Books Fixed Asset transactions

Asset Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Asset GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities and
their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Asset Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Asset GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Asset Class

Asset Class

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FAClass


Class Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Class Code FAClass.ClassCode String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 791

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Department GL Control

Contains Department segment assigned to the Asset Class

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Department GL Control Contains Department segment FAClass. GLControl--R--Department
assigned to the Asset Class

Division GL Control

Contains Division segment assigned to the Asset Class

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Contains Division segment assigned FAClass. GLControl--R--Division
to the Asset Class

Asset Group

Asset Group

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FAGroup


Group Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Group Code FAGroup.GroupCode String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control FAGroup. GLControl--R--Asset Group

Company Parameters

Company Parameters and Defaults

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

792 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Asset GL Control

Contains accounts that are defined at the company level.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Asset GL Control Contains accounts that are defined at Company. GLControl--R--Asset
the company level.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FAsset

Asset Num

Asset Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Asset Num Asset Num FAsset.AssetNum String


Asset Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Asset Description FAsset.AssetDescription String

Sequence Num

Sequence Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Sequence Num Sequence Num FAsset.AssetSeq Numeric

Posting Details

Posting details that are common for all activities that are posted as a single GL Journal

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 793

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Apply Date

Apply Date for all Asset Activities that will be posted within a single GL Journal

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date for all Asset Activities that will be . Date
posted within a single GL Journal

Asset Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Asset transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Asset - Addition Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Asset - Addition GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Asset - Addition Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Asset - Addition GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Addition Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FAAddition



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description FAAddition.Description String


794 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Addition Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Num Addition Number FAAddition.AdditionNum Numeric

Asset - Addition Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Asset - Addition transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Addition Cost

Addition Cost

Qualifier Description
Addition Cost Addition Cost

Addition Depreciation

Addition Depreciation

Qualifier Description
Addition Depreciation Addition Depreciation

Grant Amount

Grant Amount

Qualifier Description
Grant Amount Grant Amount

Asset - Depreciation Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Asset - Depreciation GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Asset - Depreciation Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Asset - Depreciation GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 795

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Depreciation Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FATran


Depreciation activity unique number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Num Depreciation activity unique number FATran.DetailNum Numeric

Asset - Depreciation Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Asset - Depreciation transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Depreciation Charge

Depreciation Charge

Qualifier Description
Depreciation Charge Depreciation Charge

Asset - Disposal Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Asset - Disposal GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Asset - Disposal Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Asset - Disposal GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

796 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Disposal Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FADisposal



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description FADisposal.Description String


Disposal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Num Disposal Number FADisposal.DisposalNum Numeric

Asset - Disposal Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Asset - Disposal transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Disposal Cost

Disposal Cost

Qualifier Description
Disposal Cost Disposal Cost

Disposal Profit/Loss

Disposal Profit/Loss

Qualifier Description
Disposal Profit/Loss Disposal Profit/Loss

Disposal Provision

Disposal Provision

Qualifier Description
Disposal Provision Disposal Provision

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 797

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide



Qualifier Description
Proceeds Proceeds

Total Grant

Total Grant

Qualifier Description
Total Grant Total Grant

Unrecognized Grant

Unrecognized Grant

Qualifier Description
Unrecognized Grant Unrecognized Grant

Asset - Impairment Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Asset - Impairment GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Asset - Impairment Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Asset - Impairment GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Fixed Asset details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false FAImpairment


798 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description FAImpairment.Description String


Impairment Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Num Impairment Num FAImpairment.ImpairNum Numeric

Asset - Impairment Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Asset - Impairment transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Impairment Cost

Impairment Cost

Qualifier Description
Impairment Cost Impairment Cost

Asset - Revaluation Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Asset - Revaluation GL transaction type. Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Asset - Revaluation Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Asset - Revaluation GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Property Type Property Value Property Description


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 799

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description FARevalue.Description String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Revaluation Number FARevalue.RevalueNum String


This section displays the amounts used for the Asset - Revaluation transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Accumulated Depreciation

Accumulated Depreciation

Qualifier Description
Accumulated Depreciation Accumulated Depreciation

Grant Depreciation

Grant Depreciation

Qualifier Description
Grant Depreciation Grant Depreciation

Revaluation Loss

Revaluation Loss

Qualifier Description
Revaluation Loss Revaluation Loss

Revaluation Surplus

Revaluation Surplus

Qualifier Description
Revaluation Surplus Revaluation Surplus

800 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Unrecognized Grant

Unrecognized Grant

Qualifier Description
Unrecognized Grant Unrecognized Grant

Fixed Asset - Rule Set

The Fixed Asset transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Fixed Asset - Functions

The functions used by the Fixed Asset transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Fixed Asset - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Fixed Asset transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Header Rule

Sets up Journal Code and Apply Date that are shared for all gl Journal details

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 801

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Asset--Posting Details--Apply Date
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current
Book AND Journal Context

Post Addition Cost

Posts addition costs. The rule produces two details one hits the debit of asset cost account and the other hits
credit of the asset clearing account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Asset--Addition--Amounts--Addition Cost###.###.###
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Addition
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Asset Clearing
Debit Context: Addition Cost
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Asset--Addition Where Name = Addition Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = Raise error: There is no
Transaction Amount for Addition Cost

Select Amount From Asset--Addition Where Name = Addition Cost AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Asset Cost
Get Account From Asset--Company Parameters--Asset GL Control For Current Book
AND Asset Clearing Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Addition--Details--Description

Post Addition Depreciation Amount

Posts addition depreciation amoun debiting Provision Control account and crediting Addition Depreciation

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:

802 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Can Post: true

For Each: Asset--Addition
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Addition Depreciation
Debit Context: Provision Control
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Asset Register = Get Asset Register For Current Book
Select Amount From Asset--Addition Where Name = Addition Depreciation AND Currency
Type = Transactional AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Select Amount From Asset--Addition Where Name = Addition Depreciation AND Currency
= Book Currency AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Addition
Provision Context
Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Provision
Control Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Addition--Details--Description

Post Addition Grant Amount

Posts ddition Grant amount crediting Grant Control account and debiting Grant accounts.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Addition
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Grant Control
Debit Context: Addition Grant
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Asset--Addition Where Name = Grant Amount AND Currency Type
= Transactional
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Select Amount From Asset--Addition Where Name = Grant Amount AND Currency = Book

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 803

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Grant Control
Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Grant Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Addition--Details--Description

Post Depreciation Charge

Posts Depreciation charge. The rule produces two details one hits the debit of addition cost account and the
other hits credit of the asset clearing account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Depreciation
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Depreciation Provision
Debit Context: Depreciation Charge
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Asset Register = Get Asset Register For Current Book
Select Amount From Asset--Depreciation Where Name = Depreciation Charge AND
Currency Type = Transactional AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = Raise error: There is no
Transaction Amount for Depreciation Charge

Select Amount From Asset--Depreciation Where Name = Depreciation Charge AND

Currency = Book Currency AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Depreciation
Charge Context
Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Depreciation
Provision Context
If Debit Account is not Valid Call = Log Error: Invalid Depreciation Charge

If Credit Account is not Valid Call = Log Error: Invalid Depreciation Provision

804 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Transaction Text = Asset--Details--Description

Post Disposal Cost Amount

Post Disposal Cost amount crediting Disposal Cost account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Disposal
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Disposal Cost
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--Disposal--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Disposal Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Disposal Cost AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Transaction Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book
Currency Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Disposal
Cost Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Disposal--Details--Description

Post Disposal Depreciation Amount

Posts Disposal Depreciation Amount debiting Disposal Provision account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Disposal
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Disposal Depreciation
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--Disposal--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 805

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Asset Register = Get Asset Register For Current Book
Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Disposal Provision AND Currency
Type = Transactional AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Disposal Provision AND Currency
= Book Currency AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Transaction Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book
Currency Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Disposal
Provision Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Disposal--Details--Description

Post Impairment Loss Amount

Posts Impairment amount debiting Impairment Loss and crediting Impairment Cost accounts.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Impairment
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Impairment Cost
Debit Context: Impairment Loss
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--Impairment--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Asset Register For Current Book
Select Amount From Asset--Impairment Where Name = Impairment Loss AND Currency
Type = Transactional AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
Select Amount From Asset--Impairment Where Name = Impairment Loss AND Currency
= Book Currency AND Calculation Method = Asset Register

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Impairment
Loss Context
Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Impairment

806 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Cost Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Impairment--Details--Description

Post Impairment Revaluation Surplus Amount

Posts portion of the loss amount that is intended to reverse the previously posted revaluation surplus.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Impairment
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Impairment Cost
Debit Context: Impairment Revaluation Surplus
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--Impairment--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Asset Register For Current Book
Select Amount From Asset--Impairment Where Name = Revaluation Surplus AND Currency
Type = Transactional AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
Select Amount From Asset--Impairment Where Name = Revaluation Surplus AND Currency
= Book Currency AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Revaluation
Surplus Context
Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Impairment
Cost Context

Post Proceeds Amount

Post Proceeds amount debiting Asset Clearing account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Disposal
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Asset Clearing
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--Disposal--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 807

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Proceeds AND Currency Type =
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Proceeds AND Currency = Book
If Transaction Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book
Currency Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Company Parameters--Asset GL Control For Current Book

AND Asset Clearing Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Disposal--Details--Description

Post Profit/Loss amount

Posts Gain/Loss Amount crediting or debiting Disposal Gain/Loss Account depending on amount sign.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Disposal
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Disposal Profit/Loss
Debit Context: Disposal Profit/Loss
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--Disposal--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Asset Register = Get Asset Register For Current Book
Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Disposal Profit/Loss AND Currency
Type = Transactional AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Disposal Profit/Loss AND Currency
= Book Currency AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Transaction Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book
Currency Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Disposal
Gain/Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1

808 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Transaction Text = Asset--Disposal--Details--Description

Post Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.

Post Total Grant Amount

Posts Total Grant Amount debiting Grant Account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Disposal
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Total Grant
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--Disposal--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Total Grant AND Currency Type =
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Total Grant AND Currency = Book
If Transaction Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 809

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Currency Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Grant Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Disposal--Details--Description

Post Unrecognized Grant Amount

Posts Unrecognized Grant amount crediting Unrecognized Grant account.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Asset--Disposal
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Unrecognized Grant
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Asset--Disposal--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Asset Register = Get Asset Register For Current Book
Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Unrecognized Grant AND Currency
Type = Transactional AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Transaction Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

Select Amount From Asset--Disposal Where Name = Unrecognized Grant AND Currency
= Book Currency AND Calculation Method = Asset Register
If Transaction Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book
Currency Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Asset--Asset Group--GL Control For Current Book AND Unrecognized
Grant Context
Transaction Text = Asset--Disposal--Details--Description

GL Allocations

GL Allocations

GL Allocations - Rule Set

The GL Allocations transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

810 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Allocations - Functions

The functions used by the GL Allocations transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.



GLRevaluation - Rule Set

The GLRevaluation transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

GLRevaluation - Functions

The functions used by the GLRevaluation transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.



GL Journal Entry Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the GL Journal Entry GL transaction type. Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

GL Journal Entry Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the GL Journal Entry GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 811

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Journal Entry Head

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLJrnHed

Apply Date

Apply Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date GLJrnHed.JEDate Date


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Book GLJrnHed.BookID String

Closing Period Num

Closing Period Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Closing Period Num Closing Period Number GLJrnHed.CloseFiscalPeriod Numeric

Is Multi-Book

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Multi-Book GLJrnHed. Logical

Journal Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Journal Code GLJrnHed.JournalCode String

Legal Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Legal Number GLJrnHed.LegalNumber String

812 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number GLJrnHed.JournalNum Numeric

Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type GLJrnHed.RateGrpCode String

Red Storno

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Red Storno GLJrnHed.RedStorno Logical


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reverse GLJrnHed.Reverse Logical

GL Journal Entry Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the GL Journal Entry transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Journal Detail

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false GLJrnDtlMnl

Credit Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Credit Description GLJrnDtlMnl. String

Debit Description

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Debit Description GLJrnDtlMnl. String



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Description Description GLJrnDtlMnl.Description String

External Company ID

External Company ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

External Company ID External Company ID GLJrnDtlMnl.ExtCompanyID String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GLJrnDtlMnl. GLControl--N--GLAlcDtl

Is Debit

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit GLJrnDtlMnl. Logical

Is Multi-Company

Is Multi-Company

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Multi-Company Is Multi-Company GLJrnDtlMnl.MultiCompany Logical

814 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Line Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num GLJrnDtlMnl.JournalLine Numeric

Stat Amount

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Stat Amount GLJrnDtlMnl. Numeric


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

UOM GLJrnDtlMnl. String

GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the GL Journal Entry - Journal Detail transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Qualifier Description

MultiGLJrn - Rule Set

The MultiGLJrn transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

MultiGLJrn - Functions

The functions used by the MultiGLJrn transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 815

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Payroll Check

Books a payroll check for a single employee

Payroll Check Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payroll Check GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payroll Check Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payroll Check GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Account

Bank Account

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct

GL Control

Bank Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Account GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID BankAcct.BankAcctID String

816 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Payroll Check head details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRCheck

Check Date

Check Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Check Date Check Date PRCheck.CheckDate Date

Check Num

Payroll Check Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Check Num Payroll Check Num (key field) PRCheck.CheckNum Numeric



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PREmpMas

GL Control

Employee GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Employee GL Control PREmpMas. GLControl--R--Employee


Employee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Employee ID PREmpMas.EmpID String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 817

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Payroll Check Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payroll Check transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Check Amount

Total check amount

Qualifier Description
Check Amount Total check amount

Payroll Check - Deduction Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payroll Check - Deduction GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payroll Check - Deduction Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payroll Check - Deduction GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Alternative Deduction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRClsDed

Class ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Class ID PRClsDed.ClassID String

Deduction ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Deduction ID PRClsDed.DeductionID String

818 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRClsDed. GLControl--R--Alternative Deduction



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRDeduct

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRDeduct. GLControl--R--Deduction


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID PRDeduct.DeductionID String

Special Type

Special deduction type code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Special Type Special deduction type code PRDeduct.SpecialType String


Payroll Check Deduction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRChkDed

Deduction ID

Deduction ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Deduction ID Deduction ID (key field) PRChkDed.DeductionID String

Deduction Num

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 819

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Deduction Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Deduction Num Deduction Num (key field) PRChkDed.DeductionNum Numeric

Payroll Check Num

Payroll Check Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Payroll Check Num Payroll Check Num (key field) PRChkDed.HeadNum Numeric

Payroll Check - Deduction Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payroll Check - Deduction transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Deduction Amount

Deduction Amount

Qualifier Description
Deduction Amount Deduction Amount

Payroll Check - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payroll Check - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payroll Check - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payroll Check - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Payroll Check Line details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRChkDtl

820 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Line Num

Line Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Line Num PRChkDtl.LineNum Numeric

Payroll Check Num

Payroll Check Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Payroll Check Num Payroll Check Num PRChkDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Job Costing Department

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false JCDept


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID JCDept.JCDept String

Job Shift Costing

Job Shift Costing

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false JCShift

GL Control

Job Shift Costing GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Job Shift Costing GL control JCShift. GLControl--R--Job Shift Costing

Shift ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Shift ID JCShift.Shift Numeric

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Payment Type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PayType

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PayType. GLControl--R--Payment Type


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID PayType.PayTypeID String

Payment Type - Labor Code

Link between Payment Type and Labor Code

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PayTLbr

Expense Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense Code PayTLbr.ExpenseCode String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PayTLbr. GLControl--R--Payment Type - Labor


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID PayTLbr.PayTypeID String


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site

822 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control site. GLControl--R--Division


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID String

Resource Group

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ResourceGroup


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID ResourceGroup.ResourceGrpID String

Payroll Check - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payroll Check - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Gross Pay

Gross Pay amount

Qualifier Description
Gross Pay Gross Pay amount

Premium Pay

Premium Pay amount

Qualifier Description
Premium Pay Premium Pay amount

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Shift Pay

Shift Pay amount

Qualifier Description
Shift Pay Shift Pay amount

Undistributed Gross Pay

Undistributed Gross Pay amount

Qualifier Description
Undistributed Gross Pay Undistributed Gross Pay amount

Payroll Check - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payroll Check - Tax GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payroll Check - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payroll Check - Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Payroll Check Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRChkTax

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRChkTax. GLControl--R--Payroll Check Tax

Tax Num

824 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Tax Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Num Tax Num (key field) PRChkTax.HeadNum Numeric

Tax Table ID

Tax table ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Table ID Tax table ID (key field) PRChkTax.TaxTblID String

Payroll Class Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRClsTax

Class ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Class ID PRClsTax.ClassID String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRClsTax. GLControl--R--Payroll Class Tax

Tax Table ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Table ID PRClsTax.TaxTblID String

Payroll Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRTaxMas

Employer Expense

Indicates employer expense

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Employer Expense Indicates employer expense PRTaxMas.EmployerExp Logical

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 825

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRTaxMas. GLControl--R--Payroll Tax

Tax Table ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Table ID PRTaxMas.TaxTblID String

Payroll Check - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payroll Check - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

Payroll Check - Rule Set

The Payroll Check transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Payroll Check - Functions

The functions used by the Payroll Check transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Payroll Check - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Payroll Check transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

826 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Accrual Deduction

Accrual deduction

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Deduction
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Accrual
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Deduction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Deduction--Deduction--GL Control For Current
Book AND Accrual Account Context
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Deduction Where Name = Deduction Amount AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Deduction Where Name = Deduction Amount AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Credit Bank Account

Writes the total payment amount off bank account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Cash
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 827

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Bank Account--GL Control For Current Book AND
Cash Context
Select Amount From Payroll Check Where Name = Check Amount AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From Payroll Check Where Name = Check Amount AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Check Num Ref = Payroll Check--Details--Check Num

Employer Expense Tax

Employer Expense Tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payroll Check--Tax--Payroll Tax--Employer Expense### = ###TRUE###
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Tax--Payroll Class Tax--GL Control For Current
Book AND Default Context
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Tax Where Name = Tax Amount AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Tax Where Name = Tax Amount AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Gross Pay

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Line

828 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Gross Payment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Line Where Name = Gross Pay AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Line Where Name = Gross Pay AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Payment Type - Labor Code--GL Control For
Current Book AND Default Context
If TestAcc is not Available Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Payment
Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Default Context


Premium Pay

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Premium Payment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Payment Type - Labor Code--GL Control For
Current Book AND Default Context
If Debit Account is not Available Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Payment
Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Default Context

Select Amount From Payroll Check--Line Where Name = Premium Pay AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Line Where Name = Premium Pay AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 829

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Using Default Rate Type

Setup GL Journal properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Payroll Check--Details--Check Date
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payroll Check--Bank Account--GL Control
For Current Book AND Payroll Processing Context

Shift Pay

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Shift Payment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Job Shift Costing--GL Control For Current
Book AND Default Context
If Debit Account is not Available Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Payment
Type - Labor Code--GL Control For Current Book AND Default Context
If Debit Account is not Available Get Account From Payroll
Check--Line--Payment Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Default Context

830 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Select Amount From Payroll Check--Line Where Name = Shift Pay AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Line Where Name = Shift Pay AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Special Deduction

Books special deduction (employer expense)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payroll Check--Deduction--Deduction--Special Type### = ###ERX### Or ###Payroll
Check--Deduction--Deduction--Special Type### = ###ER401### Or ###Payroll
Check--Deduction--Deduction--Special Type### = ###RR401###
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Deduction
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Expense
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Deduction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Deduction--Alternative Deduction--GL Control For
Current Book AND Default Context
If Debit Account is not Available Get Account From Payroll
Check--Deduction--Deduction--GL Control For Current Book AND Expense Account

Select Amount From Payroll Check--Deduction Where Name = Deduction Amount AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Deduction Where Name = Deduction Amount AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type


Books payroll taxes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 831

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Can Post: true

For Each: Payroll Check--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Accrual
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Tax--Payroll Tax--GL Control For Current Book
AND Accrual Account Context
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Tax Where Name = Tax Amount AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Tax Where Name = Tax Amount AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Undistributed Gross Pay

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context: Undistributed Payment
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Payment Type - Labor Code--GL Control For
Current Book AND Default Context
If Debit Account is not Available Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Payment
Type--GL Control For Current Book AND Default Context

Select Amount From Payroll Check--Line Where Name = Undistributed Gross Pay AND
Currency Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Payroll Check--Line Where Name = Undistributed Gross Pay AND
Currency = Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

832 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Using Default Rate Type



PeriodicConsolidation - Rule Set

The PeriodicConsolidation transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

PeriodicConsolidation - Functions

The functions used by the PeriodicConsolidation transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

PO Release

Type to calculate GLControl for PO Release

PO Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the PO GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities and
their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

PO Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the PO GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 833

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AP Account GL Control

AP Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control AP Account GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AP Account

Inventory COS and WIP GL Control

Inventory COS and WIP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Inventory COS and WIP GL Inventory COS and WIP GL Company. GLControl--R--Inventory COS
Control Control and WIP

Inventory Interface with GL

A flag indicating whether Inventory is interfaced with GL

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Inventory Interface with A flag indicating whether Inventory GLSyst.PostInvtyWipCos Logical
GL is interfaced with GL


Header Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false POHeader


Purchase Order Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Purchase Order Number POHeader.PONum Numeric

834 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor

AP GL Control

AP GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP GL Control AP GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--AP Account

Expense GL Control

Expense GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense GL Control Expense GL Control Vendor. GLControl--R--Supplier



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Number Vendor.VendorNum Numeric

PO Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the PO transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

PO - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the PO - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities
and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

PO - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the PO - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 835

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PODetail


PO Detail - Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number PO Detail - Line Number PODetail.POLine Numeric



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Part


Part Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Part Number Part.PartNum String

Expense GL Control

Expense GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense GL Control Expense GL Control Part. GLControl--R--Part

Is Active

Flag which indicates if the Part Master is considered as "Inactive".

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Active Flag which indicates if the Part Master is Part. Logical
considered as "Inactive".

Part Class GL Control

836 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Part Class GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Part Class GL Control Part Class GL Control PartClass. GLControl--R--Part Class

Part Class

Part Class

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PartClass



Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code PartClass.ClassID String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control PartClass. GLControl--R--Part Class

PO - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the PO - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

PO - Line - Release Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the PO - Line - Release GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

PO - Line - Release Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the PO - Line - Release GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

PO Release Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PORel

Is Buy To Order

Is Buy To Order

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Buy To Order Is Buy To Order PORel. Logical

Is Drop Shipment

Drop Shipment Release

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Drop Shipment Drop Shipment Release PORel. Logical

Job Number

Job Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Job Number Job Number PORel.JobNum String

PO Line Number

PO Line Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PO Line Number PO Line Number PORel.POLine Numeric

PO Release Number

PO Release Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PO Release Number PO Release Number PORel.PORelNum Numeric

Purchase For Job Material

True if PORel.TranType = 'PUR-MTL'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Purchase For Job Material True if PORel.TranType = 'PUR-MTL' PORel. Logical

Purchase For Job Subcontract

838 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

True if PORel.TranType = 'PUR-SUB'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Purchase For Job Subcontract True if PORel.TranType = PORel. Logical

Purchase For Other

True if PORel.TranType = 'PUR-UKN'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Purchase For Other True if PORel.TranType = 'PUR-UKN' PORel. Logical

Purchase For Stock

True if PORel.TranType = 'PUR-STK'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Purchase For Stock True if PORel.TranType = 'PUR-STK' PORel. Logical



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site


site Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site Code String

GL Control

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control site. GLControl--R--Division

Product Group

Product Group

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ProdGrup


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 839

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Code ProdGrup.ProdCode String

GL Control

ProdGrup - GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control ProdGrup - GL Control ProdGrup. GLControl--R--Product Group



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Warehse


Warehouse Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Warehouse Code Warehse.WarehouseCode String

GL Control

Warehouse - GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Warehouse - GL Control Warehse. GLControl--R--Division

PO - Line - Release Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the PO - Line - Release transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

PO Release - Rule Set

The PO Release transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

PO Release - Functions

The functions used by the PO Release transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

840 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

PO Release - Pre-Posting Rules

The pre-posting rules for the PO Release transaction type are described in this section.
The pre-posting rules pull in the default data required for the GL transaction type to post transactions.

Calculate PO Release GL Control

Rule for calculating default PO Release GL Control

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: false
For Each: PO--Line--Release
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context: Expense
Business Entity Table: PO--Line--Release--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
If PO--Line--Part--Part Class GL Control is Available PO--Line--Part--Part Class
GL Control

PO--Line--Part Class--GL Control

Comment = Inventory is interfaced with GL

If PO--Company Parameters--Inventory Interface with
GL If PO--Line--Release--Details--Purchase For Other Comment = Default For
Drop Shipment
If PO--Line--Release--Details--Is Drop Shipment Get Account From Part
Class GL Control For Current Book AND Drop Shipment Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Default from Company
Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and WIP GL Control
For Current Book AND Drop Shipment Context

Comment = Default for Buy to Order

Else If PO--Line--Release--Details--Is Buy To Order Get Account From
Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Default from Company
Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and WIP GL Control
For Current Book AND Inventory Context

Comment = Default for Regular Order

Comment = Default From Part Class

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 841

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Account From Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND
Inventory/Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Default from Vendor
Expense Account
Get Account From PO--Supplier--Expense GL Control For Current Book AND
Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Default from Vendor
AP Account
Get Account From PO--Supplier--AP GL Control For Current Book AND
Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Default from
Company AP Parameters
Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--AP Account GL Control For
Current Book AND Expense Context

If PO--Line--Release--Details--Purchase For Stock Comment =
Accounting for Drop Shipment
If PO--Line--Release--Details--Is Drop Shipment Get Account From
Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND Drop Shipment Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Default from Company
Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and WIP GL
Control For Current Book AND Drop Shipment Context

Comment = Default for Buy to Order

Else If PO--Line--Release--Details--Is Buy To Order Get Account
From Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Default from Company
Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and WIP GL
Control For Current Book AND Inventory Context

Comment = Default for Regular Order

Comment = Comment: Default From Part
Get Account From PO--Line--Part--Expense GL Control For Current Book AND
Inventory/Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Comment: Default
From Part Class
Get Account From Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND
Inventory/Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Comment: Default
From Company GL Parameters - Inventory Context
Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and WIP GL
Control For Current Book AND Inventory Context

If PO--Line--Release--Details--Purchase For Job
Material Comment = Comment: Default From Product Group - WIP Material
Get Account From PO--Line--Release--Product Group--GL Control For Current
Book AND WIP Material Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Comment: Default
From Company GL Parameters - WIP Material Context

842 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and WIP GL

Control For Current Book AND WIP Material Context

If PO--Line--Release--Details--Purchase For Job
Subcontract Comment = Comment: Default From Product Group - WIP
Subcontract Context
Get Account From PO--Line--Release--Product Group--GL Control For
Current Book AND WIP Subcontract Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Comment: Default
From Company GL Parameters - WIP Subcontract Context
Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--Inventory COS and WIP GL
Control For Current Book AND WIP Subcontract Context

Comment = Comment: Inventory is not interfaced with GL

Comment = Comment: Default From Part
Get Account From PO--Line--Part--Expense GL Control For Current Book AND
Inventory/Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Comment: Default From Part Class
- Expense Context
Get Account From Part Class GL Control For Current Book AND Inventory/Expense
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Comment: Default From Vendor
- Expense Context
Get Account From PO--Supplier--Expense GL Control For Current Book AND
Expense Context
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Default from Suppler AP
Get Account From PO--Supplier--AP GL Control For Current Book AND Expense
If Expense Account is not Valid Comment = Comment: Default
From Company GL Parameters - Expense Context
Get Account From PO--Company Parameters--AP Account GL Control For
Current Book AND Expense Context

If Expense Account is Valid Expense Account

Call = Raise error: Expense account can not be determined.

Header Rule

Dummy rule to provide posting engine functionality - temporary solution.

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 843

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Can Post: false

For Each: PO
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Today


GL Transaction Type for Sub-Ledger Revaluation (A/P Invoices, A/P Invoices, Bank Accounts)

Revaluation Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revaluation GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities
and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revaluation Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revaluation GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false XbSyst

844 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Cash Mgmt Rate Type Code

Cash Management Default Rate Type Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Cash Mgmt Rate Type Code Cash Management Default Rate XbSyst.CashRateGrp String
Type Code


Contains details of Revaluation Process specified by user on Revaluation Process form

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false

Apply Date

Apply Date specified by user (or defined by default)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date specified by user (or defined by . Date

Creation Date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Creation Date . Date

Exch Rate Date

Exchange Rate Date specified by user (or defined by default)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Exch Rate Date Exchange Rate Date specified by user (or . Date
defined by default)

Journal Code

Journal Code specified by user

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Journal Code Journal Code specified by user . String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 845

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Reversal Posting

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reversal Posting . Logical

Tran Date

Revaluation Date specified by user

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Date Revaluation Date specified by user . Date

Revaluation Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revaluation transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Revaluation - Doc Currency Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revaluation - Doc Currency GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revaluation - Doc Currency Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revaluation - Doc Currency GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


846 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

User visible Currency Code (typicaly, well known 3-letter currency abbreviation)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code User visible Currency Code (typicaly, well Currency.CurrencyCode String
known 3-letter currency abbreviation)

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency

Revaluation - Doc Currency Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revaluation - Doc Currency transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Revaluation - Doc Currency - AP Invoice Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - AP Invoice GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revaluation - Doc Currency - AP Invoice Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - AP Invoice GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

A/P Invoice Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APInvHed

AP Account GL Control

AP Account GL Control (Reusable)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Account GL Control AP Account GL Control APInvHed. GLControl--R--AP Account

AP Invoice GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 847

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Reference AP Invoice GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AP Invoice GL Control Reference AP Invoice GL APInvHed. GLControl--F--AP Invoice

Invoice Num

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Invoice Number APInvHed.InvoiceNum String

Is Debit Memo

Is Debit Memo flag

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Debit Memo Is Debit Memo flag APInvHed.DebitMemo Logical

Rate Type Code

Invoice Exchange Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Code Invoice Exchange Rate Type APInvHed.RateGrpCode String


Supplier Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor


Supplier Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Supplier Code Vendor.VendorNum Numeric


Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Supplier Name Vendor.Name String

848 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Revaluation - Doc Currency - AP Invoice Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - AP Invoice transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Realized Gain

Qualifier Description
Realized Gain

Realized Loss

Qualifier Description
Realized Loss

Unrealized Gain

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Gain

Unrealized Loss

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Loss

Revaluation - Doc Currency - AR Invoice Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - AR Invoice GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revaluation - Doc Currency - AR Invoice Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - AR Invoice GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 849

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Customer Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer


Customer Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Customer Code Customer.CustNum Numeric


Customer Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Customer Name Customer.Name String


A/R Invoice Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

AR Account GL Control

AR Account GL Control (Reusable)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control AR Account GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--R--AR Account

AR Invoice GL Control

Reference AR Invoice GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Invoice GL Control Reference AR Invoice GL InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Invoice Num

Invoice Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Invoice Number InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

Rate Type Code

850 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoice Exchange Rate Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Code Invoice Exchange Rate Type InvcHead.RateGrpCode String


Invoice Suffix

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Suffix Invoice Suffix InvcHead.InvoiceSuffix String

Revaluation - Doc Currency - AR Invoice Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - AR Invoice transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Realized Gain

Qualifier Description
Realized Gain

Realized Loss

Qualifier Description
Realized Loss

Unrealized Gain

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Gain

Unrealized Loss

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Loss

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Bank Account Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Bank Account GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Bank Account Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Bank Account
GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 851

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Account Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct


Bank Account Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Bank Account Code BankAcct.BankAcctID String

GL Control

GL Control related to Bank Account

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control GL Control related to Bank BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Bank Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Bank Name BankAcct.BankName String

Rate Type Code

Rate Type Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Code Rate Type Code BankAcct. String

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Bank Account Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Bank Account transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

852 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Realized Gain

Qualifier Description
Realized Gain

Realized Loss

Qualifier Description
Realized Loss

Unrealized Gain

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Gain

Unrealized Loss

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Loss

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Payable Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Payable GL
transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Payable Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument
Payable GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Payment Instrument Payable Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false APPNHead


Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 853

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Payment Instrument Code (ID)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Payment Instrument Code (ID) APPNHead.APPromNoteID String

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID APPNHead.GroupID String

Payment Instrument Payable GL Control

GL Control Type 'Payment Instrument Payable'

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Payment Instrument Payable GL Control Type 'Payment APPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment
GL Control Instrument Payable' Instrument Payable

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num APPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

PI Payable GL Control

GL Control Type 'PI Payable' (Reference)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Payable GL Control GL Control Type 'PI Payable' APPNHead. GLControl--F--PI Payable


Supplier Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Vendor


Supplier Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Supplier Code Vendor.VendorNum Numeric


854 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Supplier Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Supplier Name Vendor.Name String

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Payable Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Payable transaction
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Realized Gain

Qualifier Description
Realized Gain

Realized Loss

Qualifier Description
Realized Loss

Unrealized Gain

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Gain

Unrealized Loss

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Loss

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Receivable Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Receivable
GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Receivable Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument
Receivable GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 855

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide


Customer Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer


Customer Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Customer Code Customer.CustNum Numeric


Customer Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Customer Name Customer.Name String


Payment Instrument Receivable Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARPNHead


Payment Instrument Code (ID)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Payment Instrument Code (ID) ARPNHead.ARPromNoteID String

Group ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID ARPNHead.GroupID String

Payment Instrument Receivable GL Control

GL Control Type 'Payment Instrument Receivable' (Reusable)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Payment Instrument GL Control Type 'Payment ARPNHead. GLControl--R--Payment
Receivable GL Control Instrument Receivable' (Reusable) Instrument Receivable

856 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

PI Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Num ARPNHead.HeadNum Numeric

PI Receivable GL Control

GL Control Type 'PI Receivable' (Reference)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

PI Receivable GL Control GL Control Type 'PI Receivable' ARPNHead. GLControl--F--PI Receivable

Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Receivable Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revaluation - Doc Currency - Payment Instrument Receivable
transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.
Realized Gain

Qualifier Description
Realized Gain

Realized Loss

Qualifier Description
Realized Loss

Unrealized Gain

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Gain

Unrealized Loss

Qualifier Description
Unrealized Loss

Revaluation - Rule Set

The Revaluation transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Revaluation - Functions

The functions used by the Revaluation transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

- Add Amount to Total

Add Amount to Total

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Add Amount to Total
Result Type: Amount
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
If Amount is AvailableIf Total is AvailableTotalResult.Value + Amount.ValueElse

AmountElse If Total is AvailableTotal

Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice - AP Invoice Revalue Text

AP Invoice Revalue Text

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: AP Invoice Revalue Text
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = Revalue: + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--Code Result = Result +
Rate: Result = Result + Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details--Rate
Type Code Result = Result + /If Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate Date is
Available Result = Result + Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate DateElse
Result = Result + Revaluation--Details--Apply Date

Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice - AR Invoice Revalue Text

AR Invoice Revalue Text

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:

858 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Description: AR Invoice Revalue Text

Result Type: String
Document Line Path: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = Revalue: + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--Code Result = Result +
Rate: Result = Result + Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice--Details--Rate
Type Code Result = Result + /If Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate Date is
Available Result = Result + Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate DateElse
Result = Result + Revaluation--Details--Apply Date

Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account - Bank Revalue Text

Bank Revalue Text

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Bank Revalue Text
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = Revalue: + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--Code Result = Result +
Rate: Result = Result + Revaluation--Company--Cash Mgmt Rate Type Code Result
= Result + /If Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate Date is Available Result = Result
+ Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate DateElse
Result = Result + Revaluation--Details--Apply Date

Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable - PI Payable Revalue Text

PI Payable Revalue Text

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: PI Payable Revalue Text
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = Revalue: + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--Code Result = Result +
Rate: Result = Result + Revaluation--Company--Cash Mgmt Rate Type Code Result
= Result + /If Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate Date is Available Result = Result
+ Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate DateElse
Result = Result + Revaluation--Details--Apply Date

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 859

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable - PI Receivable Revalue Text

PI Receivable Revalue Text

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: PI Receivable Revalue Text
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = Revalue: + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--Code Result = Result +
Rate: Result = Result + Revaluation--Company--Cash Mgmt Rate Type Code Result
= Result + /If Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate Date is Available Result = Result
+ Revaluation--Details--Exch Rate DateElse
Result = Result + Revaluation--Details--Apply Date

Revaluation - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Revaluation transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

A/P Invoice - Balance Adjustment

Post A/P Invoice Balance Adjustment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Book Currency

860 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate reference fields

Vendor Ref = Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Supplier--Code
AP Invoice Num Ref = Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details--Invoice
Transaction Text = IV: + AP Invoice Num Ref
If Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details--Is Debit Memo Transaction
Text = Transaction Text + DM

Transaction Text = Transaction Text + /

Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP
Comment = Calculate accounts
If Revaluation--Details--Reversal Posting Get Account From Revaluation--Doc
Currency--AP Invoice--Details--AP Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Revaluation Accrual Context

Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details--AP Invoice
GL Control For Current Book AND Payables Context

Comment = Generate Transaction

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/P Invoice - Realized Gain

Post Realized Gain Amount of A/P Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 861

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = AP Invoice Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/P Invoice - Realized Loss

Post Realized Loss Amount of A/P Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = AP Invoice Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Loss Context

862 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/P Invoice - Unrealized Gain

Post Unrealized Gain Amount of A/P Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = AP Invoice Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/P Invoice - Unrealized Loss

Post Unrealized Loss Amount of A/P Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 863

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Can Post: true

For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AP Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = AP Invoice Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/R Invoice - Balance Adjustment

Post A/R Invoice Balance Adjustment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature

864 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Book Currency
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate reference fields

AR Invoice Num Ref = Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice--Details--Invoice
Transaction Text = IV: + AR Invoice Num Ref
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + /
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR
Comment = Calculate accounts
If Revaluation--Details--Reversal Posting Get Account From Revaluation--Doc
Currency--AR Invoice--Details--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Revaluation Accrual Context

Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice--Details--AR Invoice
GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/R Invoice - Realized Gain

Post Realized Gain Amount of A/R Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 865

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = AR Invoice Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/R Invoice - Realized Loss

Post Realized Loss Amount of A/R Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = AR Invoice Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

866 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/R Invoice - Unrealized Gain

Post Unrealized Gain Amount of A/R Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = AR Invoice Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

A/R Invoice - Unrealized Loss

Post Unrealized Loss Amount of A/R Invoice

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 867

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--AR Invoice Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = AR Invoice Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

Bank Account - Balance Adjustment

Post Bank Account Balance Adjustment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Book Currency

868 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate reference fields

Bank Account = Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account--Details--Code
Transaction Text = Bank: + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account--Details--Name
Comment = Calculate accounts
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account--Details--GL Control
For Current Book AND Cash Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value
-1 * Transaction Amount.Value

Bank Account - Realized Gain

Post Realized Gain Amount of Bank Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 869

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = Bank Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

Bank Account - Realized Loss

Post Realized Loss Amount of Bank Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = Bank Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account

870 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

-1 * Book Amount.Value

Bank Account - Unrealized Gain

Post Unrealized Gain Amount of Bank Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = Bank Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

Bank Account - Unrealized Loss

Post Unrealized Loss Amount of Bank Account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 871

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Bank Account Where Currency = Book
Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = Bank Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value


Header Rule

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = # Apply Date
If Revaluation--Details--Apply Date is Available Apply Date =
Revaluation--Details--Apply Date


872 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Apply Date = Revaluation--Details--Tran Date

If Apply Date is not Available Call = Log Error: Can not define Apply Date

Comment = # Journal Code

Journal Code = Revaluation--Details--Journal Code
If Journal Code is not Available Call = Log Error: Can not define Journal Code

PI Payable - Balance Adjustment

Post Payment Instrument Payable Balance Adjustment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Book Currency
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate reference fields

Transaction Text = PI + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + /
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment
Instrument Payable--Supplier--Name
Comment = Calculate accounts
If Revaluation--Details--Reversal Posting Get Account From Revaluation--Doc
Currency--Payment Instrument Payable--Details--Payment Instrument Payable GL
Control For Current Book AND Revaluation Accrual Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 873

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument
Payable--Details--PI Payable GL Control For Current Book AND PI Payable Context

Comment = Generate Transaction

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Payable - Realized Gain

Post Realized Gain Amount of Payment Instrument Payable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = PI Payable Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account

874 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Payable - Realized Loss

Post Realized Loss Amount of Payment Instrument Payable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = PI Payable Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Payable - Unrealized Gain

Post Unrealized Gain Amount of Payment Instrument Payable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 875

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = PI Payable Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Payable - Unrealized Loss

Post Unrealized Loss Amount of Payment Instrument Payable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Payable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

876 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = PI Payable Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Receivable - Balance Adjustment

Post Payment Instrument Receivable Balance Adjustment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Book Currency
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
Add Temp Amount to Book Amount
If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate reference fields

Transaction Text = PI + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + /
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 877

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Instrument Receivable--Customer--Name
Comment = Calculate accounts
If Revaluation--Details--Reversal Posting Get Account From Revaluation--Doc
Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable--Details--Payment Instrument Receivable
GL Control For Current Book AND Revaluation Accrual Context

Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument
Receivable--Details--PI Receivable GL Control For Current Book AND PI Receivable

Comment = Generate Transaction

If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Receivable - Realized Gain

Post Realized Gain Amount of Payment Instrument Receivable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Realized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = PI Receivable Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account

878 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Receivable - Realized Loss

Post Realized Loss Amount of Payment Instrument Receivable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Realized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = PI Receivable Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Realized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Receivable - Unrealized Gain

Post Unrealized Gain Amount of Payment Instrument Receivable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 879

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Unrealized Gain
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = PI Receivable Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Gain Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

PI Receivable - Unrealized Loss

Post Unrealized Loss Amount of Payment Instrument Receivable

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Calculate Book Amount. Note, that Revaluation Transaction does not
has Transaction Amount by nature
Select Amount From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Payment Instrument Receivable Where
Currency = Book Currency AND Name = Unrealized Loss
If Book Amount is not Available Call = End Rule

880 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

If Book Amount.Value = 0 Call = End Rule

Comment = Calculate Account/Transaction Text

Transaction Text = PI Receivable Revalue Text
Get Account From Revaluation--Doc Currency--Details--GL Control For Current Book
AND Unrealized Loss Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Temp Account

Temp Account
-1 * Book Amount.Value

Revenue Recognition

Project revenue recognition transaction

Revenue Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revenue GL transaction type.Posting elements include entities
and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revenue Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revenue GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Company Parameters

Company Parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Company

AR GL Control

AR GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR GL Control AR GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AR Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 881

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Inventory GL Control

Inventory GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Inventory GL Control Inventory GL Control Company. GLControl--R--Inventory COS and

Project Billing GL Control

Default Project Billing GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Project Billing GL Control Default Project Billing GL Company. GLControl--R--Project Billing


Details of the Revenue Recognition transaction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false


Recognition date

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Date Recognition date . Date

Recognition Type

Recognition Type is either 'Manual' or 'Actual Burden' depending on the process that prepares VBD instance and
calls PE. 'Manual' is called by Manual Revenue Recognition workbench that is available from action menu of
Project Entry form, and fills all Amounts except 'Actual Burden Charge'. 'Actual Burden' is called by Actual Burden
Revenue Recognition available from action menu of Burden Code Actual Percentage Maintenance the form, and
fills only 'Actual Burden Charge' Amount.

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Recognition Recognition Type is either 'Manual' or 'Actual Burden' depending on . String
Type process that prepares VBD instance and calls PE. 'Manual' is called
by Manual Revenue Recognition workbench that is available from
action menu of Project Entry form, and fills all Amounts except 'Actual
Burden Charge'. 'Actual Burden' is called by Actual Burden Revenue
Recognition available from action menu of Burden Code Actual
Percentage Maintenance the form, and fills only 'Actual Burden
Charge' Amount.

882 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Revenue Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revenue transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Revenue - Project Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Revenue - Project GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Revenue - Project Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Revenue - Project GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Project Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Project

Project Billing GL Control

Project Billing GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Project Billing GL Control Project Billing GL Control Project. GLControl--R--Project Billing

Project ID

Project ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Project ID Project ID Project.ProjectID String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 883

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site


site ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code site ID String

Division GL Control

Division GL Control related to site

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Division GL Control Division GL Control related to site site. GLControl--R--Division

Sales Category

Sales Category

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesCat


Sales Category ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Sales Category ID SalesCat.SalesCatID String

GL Control

Sales Category GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Category GL control SalesCat. GLControl--R--Department

SoldTo Customer

Sold To Customer

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

884 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

AR Account GL Control

AR Account GL Control of Sold To Customer

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Account GL Control AR Account GL Control of Sold Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account
To Customer


Customer Number

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Number Customer Number Customer.CustNum Numeric

Revenue - Project Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Revenue - Project transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Actual Burden Charge

Actual Burden Charge, used only with 'Actual Burden' recognition type

Qualifier Description
Actual Burden Charge Actual Burden Charge, used only with 'Actual Burden' recognition

Burden Cost

Burden Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Qualifier Description
Burden Cost Burden Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Labor Cost

Labor Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Qualifier Description
Labor Cost Labor Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 885

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Material Burden Cost

Material Burden Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Qualifier Description
Material Burden Cost Material Burden Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition

Material Cost

Material Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Qualifier Description
Material Cost Material Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Other Direct Cost

Other Direct Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Qualifier Description
Other Direct Cost Other Direct Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type


Revenue amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Qualifier Description
Revenue Revenue amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Subcontract Cost

Subcontract Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Qualifier Description
Subcontract Cost Subcontract Cost amount, used only with 'Manual' recognition type

Revenue Recognition - Rule Set

The Revenue Recognition transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

886 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Revenue Recognition - Functions

The functions used by the Revenue Recognition transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Revenue - Define COS Account for Given Context

Define COS Account for Given Context

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Define COS Account for Given Context
Result Type: Account--Master
Document Line Path: Revenue

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Revenue--Project--Details--Project Billing GL Control For Current
Book AND Given ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From Revenue--Company
Parameters--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND Given Context

Revenue - Define Recognized Account for Given Project Billing Context and Optional AR
Account Context

Define Recognized Account for Given Project Billing Context and Optional AR Account Context

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Define Recognized Account for Given Project Billing Context and Optional AR Account Context
Result Type: Account--Master
Document Line Path: Revenue

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Revenue--Project--Details--Project Billing GL Control For Current
Book AND Given ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From Revenue--Company
Parameters--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND Given
ContextIf Optional <> Empty StringIf Result is not ValidGet Account From
Revenue--Project--SoldTo Customer--AR Account GL Control For Current Book AND
Optional ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From Revenue--Company
Parameters--AR GL Control For Current Book AND Optional Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 887

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Revenue--Project - Define Transaction Text

Define Transaction Text

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Define Transaction Text
Result Type: String
Document Line Path: Revenue--Project

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Result = Revenue--Details--Recognition Type + Space Result = Result +
'Project:' Result = Result + Revenue--Project--Details--Project ID

Revenue - Define WIP Account for Given Context

Define WIP Account for Given Context

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Define WIP Account for Given Context
Result Type: Account--Master
Document Line Path: Revenue

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Revenue--Project--Details--Project Billing GL Control For Current
Book AND Given ContextIf Result is not ValidGet Account From Revenue--Company
Parameters--Project Billing GL Control For Current Book AND Given Context

- Inverse Amount Sign

Inverse Amount Sign

Function Parameters
The overall parameters for this function:
Description: Inverse Amount Sign
Result Type: Amount
Document Line Path:

Function Text
Modifiable items display in bold.
Given AmountGiven Amount.Value * -1

888 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Revenue Recognition - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Revenue Recognition transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Book Actual Burden Charge

This rule books the recognised actual burden charge amount (only for Actual Burden recognition type)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Revenue--Details--Recognition Type###=###Actual Burden###
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue--Project
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Actual Burden Charge AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Actual Burden Charge AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Define Recognized Account for 'Sales - Burden Actual' PB Context and Empty
String AR Context
Define Recognized Account for 'Sales - Burden Provisional' PB Context and Empty
String AR Context
Transaction Text = Define Transaction Text
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Provisional Burden Account
Actual Burden Account

Inverse Book Amount Sign
Inverse Transaction Amount Sign
Actual Burden Account

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 889

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Provisional Burden Account

Book Burden Cost

This rule books Burden Cost (only for Manual recognition type)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Revenue--Details--Recognition Type###=###Manual###
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue--Project
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Burden Cost AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Define COS Account for 'COS Burden' Context

Define WIP Account for 'WIP Burden' Context
Transaction Text = Define Transaction Text
If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account
WIP Account

Inverse Book Amount Sign
Inverse Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
COS Account

Book Labor Cost

This rule books Labor Cost (only for Manual recognition type)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Revenue--Details--Recognition Type###=###Manual###
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue--Project

890 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Labor Cost AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Define COS Account for 'COS Labor' Context

Define WIP Account for 'WIP Labor' Context
Transaction Text = Define Transaction Text
If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account
WIP Account

Inverse Book Amount Sign
Inverse Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
COS Account

Book Material Burden Cost

This rule books Material Burden Cost (only for Manual recognition type)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Revenue--Details--Recognition Type###=###Manual###
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue--Project
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Material Burden Cost AND Currency
= Book Currency

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 891

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency

Using Default Rate Type

Define COS Account for 'COS Material Burden' Context

Define WIP Account for 'WIP Material Burden' Context
Transaction Text = Define Transaction Text
If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account
WIP Account

Inverse Book Amount Sign
Inverse Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
COS Account

Book Material Cost

This rule books Material Cost (only for Manual recognition type)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Revenue--Details--Recognition Type###=###Manual###
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue--Project
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency Type
= Transactional
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Material Cost AND Currency =
Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Define COS Account for 'COS Material' Context

Define WIP Account for 'WIP Material' Context
Transaction Text = Define Transaction Text
If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account
WIP Account

Inverse Book Amount Sign
Inverse Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account

892 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

COS Account

Book Other Direct Cost

This rule books Other Direct Cost (only for Manual recognition type)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Revenue--Details--Recognition Type###=###Manual###
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue--Project
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Other Direct Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Other Direct Cost AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Define COS Account for 'COS Other Direct Cost' Context

Define WIP Account for 'WIP Other Direct Cost' Context
Transaction Text = Define Transaction Text
If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account
WIP Account

Inverse Book Amount Sign
Inverse Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
COS Account

Book Sales Revenue

This rule books the recognised revenue amount (only for Manual recognition type)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Revenue--Details--Recognition Type###=###Manual###
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue--Project

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 893

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Revenue AND Currency Type =
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Revenue AND Currency = Book
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Define Recognized Account for 'Sales Recognized' PB Context and Empty String
AR Context
Define Recognized Account for 'Accrued Sales Recognized' PB Context and 'PB
Accrued Sales Recognized' AR Context
Transaction Text = Define Transaction Text
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Accrued Account
Sales Account

Inverse Book Amount Sign
Inverse Transaction Amount Sign
Sales Account
Accrued Account

Book Subcontract Cost

This rule books Subcontract Cost (only for Manual recognition type)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Revenue--Details--Recognition Type###=###Manual###
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue--Project
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
Type = Transactional

894 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Select Amount From Revenue--Project Where Name = Subcontract Cost AND Currency
= Book Currency
If Book Amount is not Available Convert Transaction Amount To Book Currency
Using Default Rate Type

Define COS Account for 'COS Subcontract' Context

Define WIP Account for 'WIP Subcontract' Context
Transaction Text = Define Transaction Text
If Book Amount.Value > 0 COS Account
WIP Account

Inverse Book Amount Sign
Inverse Transaction Amount Sign
WIP Account
COS Account

Set Up GL transaction Properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Revenue
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table:

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Revenue--Details--Date
If Apply Date is not Available Apply Date = Today

Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Revenue--Company Parameters--AR GL Control

For Current Book AND Invoicing Context

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 895

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Transaction Text = Revenue--Details--Recognition Type + Space

Transaction Text = Transaction Text + 'Revenue Recognition'

Reverse Cash Receipt

Reverse Cash Receipt.

Cash Receipt Header Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Account

Bank Account

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct

GL Control

Bank Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Account GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Bank Account ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Bank Account ID (key field) BankAcct.BankAcctID String

896 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Reconcile Balance

Flag that indicates that a Pending Cash account should be used

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reconcile Balance Flag that indicates that a Pending Cash BankAcct.ReconciledBalance Logical
account should be used

Company AR Parameters

Company-level AR parameters

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ARSyst

GL Control

AR System GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control AR System GL Control Company. GLControl--R--AR Account

Prorate Discount to Lines

Prorate Discount to Lines (Settlement Discount feature)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Prorate Discount to Lines Prorate Discount to Lines (Settlement ARSyst.ProrateDiscToLine Logical
Discount feature)

Currency Master

Currency details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Currency


Currency Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Code Currency Code Currency.CurrencyCode String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 897

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

GL Control

Currency GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Currency GL control Currency. GLControl--R--Currency


Bill To customer details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false Customer

Customer Num

Customer Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Customer Num Customer Num (key field) Customer.CustNum Numeric

GL Control

Customer GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Customer GL Control Customer. GLControl--R--AR Account


Customer Name

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Name Customer Name Customer.Name String


Cash Receipt header details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashHead

898 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Apply Date

Apply Date of the Cash Receipt reverse; entered in UI

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Apply Date Apply Date of the Cash Receipt reverse; CashHead. Date
entered in UI


Check Reference

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

CheckRef Check Reference CashHead.CheckRef String

Group ID

Group ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID Group ID (key field) CashHead.GroupID String

Head Num

Head Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num (key field) CashHead.HeadNum Numeric

Rate Type

Cash Receipt rate type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Rate Type Cash Receipt rate type CashHead.RateGrpCode String

Transaction Type

Type of the payment transaction

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Transaction Type Type of the payment transaction CashHead.TranType String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 899

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Source Cash Header

Header of the initial Cash Receipt that is being reversed

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashHead

AR Ref GL Control

AR Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

AR Ref GL Control AR Ref GL Control CashHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice

Group ID

Group ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Group ID Group ID (key field) CashHead.GroupID String

Head Num

Head Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num (key field) CashHead.HeadNum Numeric

Ref GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Reference GL Control CashHead. GLControl--F--AR Check

Cash Receipt Header Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

900 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Payment Amount

Qualifier Description
Payment Payment Amount

Payment Less Tax

Payment amount excluding tax

Qualifier Description
Payment Less Tax Payment amount excluding tax

Unapplied Cash

Unapplied Cash amount

Qualifier Description
Unapplied Cash Unapplied Cash amount

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Payment bank fee details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 901

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankTran.BankFeeID String

Tran Num

Tran Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tran Num Tran Num BankTran.TranNum Numeric


Bank Fee master file

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankFee

Bank Fee ID

Bank Fee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Bank Fee ID Bank Fee ID BankFee.BankFeeID String

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code BankFee.TaxCode String

Tax Rate

Tax Rate

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Rate Tax Rate BankFee.RateCode String

Source Bank Fee

Source Bank Fee

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankTran

902 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Ref GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Reference GL Control BankTran. GLControl--F--Bank Transaction

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Fee Amount

Fee Amount

Qualifier Description
Fee Amount Fee Amount

Total Tax Amount

Total Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Total Tax Amount Total Tax Amount

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 903

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Tax line details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Head Num

Head Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Is EC Acquisition or Reverse TaxDtl. Logical
Charge Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable when Fully Paid

Is Liable when Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable when Fully Paid Is Liable when Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

904 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Source Tax Line

Source Tax Line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control TaxDtl. GLControl--F--Payment Tax

Tax Master

Tax master table

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 905

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Tax master GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Tax master GL control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Bank Fee - Tax Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.


Qualifier Description
Tax Tax

Cash Receipt Header - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Line GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

AR Invoice

AR Invoice Header details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcHead

Invoice Num

Invoice Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Invoice Num (key field) InvcHead.InvoiceNum Numeric

906 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Ref GL Control

Invoice GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Invoice GL Control InvcHead. GLControl--F--AR Invoice


Cash Receipt Line details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashDtl

Invoice Num

Invoice Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Num Invoice Num (key field) CashDtl.InvoiceNum Numeric

Invoice Ref

Invoice Ref (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Ref Invoice Ref (key field) CashDtl.InvoiceRef Numeric

Source Line

Source Line

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false CashDtl

Ref GL Control

Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Ref GL Control CashDtl. GLControl--F--AR Check Detail

Transaction Type

Transaction Type

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Transaction Type Transaction Type CashDtl.TranType String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 907

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Cash Receipt Header - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Currency Gain/Loss Amount

Currency Gain/Loss Amount

Qualifier Description
Currency Gain/Loss Amount Currency Gain/Loss Amount

Discount Rounding Difference

Discount Rounding Difference amount that can appear when discount is prorated to Invoice lines (Settlement
Discount feature)

Qualifier Description
Discount Rounding Difference Discount Rounding Difference amount that can appear when discount
is prorated to Invoice lines (Settlement Discount feature)

Invoice Amount

Invoice Amount

Qualifier Description
Invoice Amount Invoice Amount

Payment Discount

Payment Discount amount

Qualifier Description
Payment Discount Payment Discount amount

Total Discount Tax Adjustment

Total Tax Adjustment amount for payment discount

Qualifier Description
Total Discount Tax Adjustment Total Tax Adjustment amount for payment discount

908 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax GL transaction type.Posting
elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax GL transaction
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Is EC Acquisition or Reverse TaxDtl. Logical
Charge Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 909

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Invoice Tax

Invoice Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false InvcTax

Invoice Line

910 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Invoice Line (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoice Line Invoice Line (key field) InvcTax.InvoiceLine Numeric

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Reference GL Control InvcTax. GLControl--F--AR Invoice Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) InvcTax.TaxCode String

Sales Tax

Sales tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

Source Tax

Source Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

Ref GL Control

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 911

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Ref GL Control TaxDtl. GLControl--F--Payment Tax

Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Line - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Qualifier Description
Tax Tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Tax Adjustment

Tax Adjustment amount for payment discount

Qualifier Description
Tax Adjustment Tax Adjustment amount for payment discount

Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax GL transaction
type.Posting elements include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax GL
transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.


Tax Details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

912 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Head Num

Head Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Head Num Head Num (key field) TaxDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Invoicing Collection Method

Invoicing Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Invoicing Collection Method Invoicing Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Is EC Acquisition or Reverse TaxDtl. Logical
Charge Charge

Is Liable on Invoice

Is Liable on Invoice

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Invoice Is Liable on Invoice TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Is Liable on Partial Payment

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable on Partial Payment Is Liable on Partial Payment TaxDtl. Logical

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Is Liable When Fully Paid

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Is Liable When Fully Paid Is Liable When Fully Paid TaxDtl. Logical

Self-assessment Collection Method

Self-assessment Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Collection Self-assessment Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 913

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Self-assessment Dual Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Self-assessment Dual Collection Self-assessment Dual Collection TaxDtl. Logical
Method Method

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) TaxDtl.TaxCode String

Withholding Collection Method

Withholding Collection Method

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Withholding Collection Method Withholding Collection Method TaxDtl. Logical

Sales Tax

Sales Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false SalesTRC

GL Control

Sales Tax GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Sales Tax GL Control SalesTRC. GLControl--R--Tax

Tax Code

Tax Code (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Code Tax Code (key field) SalesTRC.TaxCode String

Source Tax

Source Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false TaxDtl

914 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Ref GL Control

Ref GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Ref GL Control TaxDtl. GLControl--F--Payment Tax

Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Cash Receipt Header - Misc Payment Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Misc Payment Tax

Tax Amount for Miscellaneous payment

Qualifier Description
Misc Payment Tax Tax Amount for Miscellaneous payment

Reverse Cash Receipt - Rule Set

The Reverse Cash Receipt transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

Reverse Cash Receipt - Functions

The functions used by the Reverse Cash Receipt transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Reverse Cash Receipt - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Reverse Cash Receipt transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Restore Deferred Tax

Books the tax amount back to Interim account

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully Paid### = ###TRUE###
Or ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Partial Payment### = ###TRUE### ) And ###Cash
Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method### = ###TRUE### And ###Cash Receipt

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 915

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Header--Line--Tax--Amounts--Tax--Name### =###Tax### And ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is

EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge###=###True###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Tax Context

Reverse Bank Fee

Books the Bank fee amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--Reconcile Balance### = ###FALSE###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Source Bank Fee--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Source Bank Fee--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Source Bank Fee--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

916 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Source Bank Fee--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Bank Fee Context

Reverse Bank Fee Tax

Reverses bank fee taxes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Source Tax Line--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Source Tax Line--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Source
Tax Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Fee--Tax Line--Source Tax Line--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Reverse Currency Gain

Reverses Currency gain amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Transaction Type### = ###ADJUST###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 917

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Realized Gain Context
Book Amount.Value * -1
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Realized Gain Context
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context

Reverse Currency Loss

Reverses Currency loss amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Transaction Type### = ###ADJUST###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Realized Loss Context
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Realized Loss Context

Reverse Deposit Payment Credit

Reverse deposit payment amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Details--Transaction Type### = ###DEPOSIT###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context:

918 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Book Amount.Value * -1

Reverse Discount Tax Adjustment

Reverses Discount tax adjustment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Amounts--Tax Adjustment--Name### =###Tax
Adjustment### And ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on Invoice### = ###TRUE###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Discount Tax Adjustment Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Discount Tax Adjustment Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Discount Tax Adjustment Context

Reverse Discount Tax Adjustment Total

Reverses Discount Tax Adjustment total

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 919

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Amounts--Total Discount Tax Adjustment--Name### =###Total

Discount Tax Adjustment###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Book Amount.Value * -1

Reverse Invoice Payment Credit

Reverses Invoice payment amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Transaction Type### = ###PAYINV###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context: Receivables
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
If Transaction Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cash Receipt
Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context

Book Amount.Value * -1

920 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context

Reverse Misc Payment Credit

Reverses miscellameous payment amount (excluding tax)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Details--Transaction Type### = ###MisPay###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Receivables Context
Book Amount.Value * -1

Reverse Misc Payment Tax

Reverses tax amount for miscellaneous payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Details

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 921

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Source
Tax--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment
Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Misc Payment Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Reverse Payment Discount

Reverses Payment Discount amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Amounts--Payment Discount--Name### =###Payment
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Payment Discount Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Payment Discount Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Source Line--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Payment Discount Context

Reverse Tax

Reverses tax amount for taxes recognised at the moment of payment

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ( ( ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method###=###True###
And ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is EC Acquisition or Reverse Charge###=###False### ) Or

922 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Invoicing Collection Method###=###False### ) And ###Cash Receipt

Header--Line--Tax--Amounts--Tax###.###.### And ( ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable on
Partial Payment###=###True### Or ###Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details--Is Liable When Fully
Paid###=###True### )
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Tax Context
If Book Amount.Value > 0 Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source
Tax--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Tax Context

Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Line--Tax--Source Tax--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Tax Context

Reverse Total Payment

Reverses the total payment amount

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Comment = Please select variable and value or function
If Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--Reconcile Balance Get Account From Cash

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 923

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND Pending
Cash Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Pending Cash Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Pending Cash Context

Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL
Control For Current Book AND Cash Context
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Cash Context

Reverse Unapplied Cash

Books Unapplied Cash amount back to Receivables

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Cash Receipt Header--Amounts--Unapplied Cash--Name### =###Unapplied Cash###
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Customer--GL Control For Current Book AND
Receivables Context
If Debit Account is not Available Get Account From Cash Receipt Header--Company
AR Parameters--GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context

Get Transactional Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--AR Ref
GL Control For Current Book AND Receivables Context
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Get Book Amount From Cash Receipt Header--Source Cash Header--AR Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Receivables Context
Book Amount.Value * -1

Setup GL Journal Properties

Set up values for the whole GL journal

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:

924 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Cash Receipt Header
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Cash Receipt Header--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Cash Receipt Header--Details--Apply Date
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Cash Receipt Header--Bank Account--GL
Control For Current Book AND Cash Receipts Context
Cash Receipt Ref = Cash Receipt Header--Details--Head Num
Transaction Text = 'Reverse PY:'
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Details--CheckRef
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + ' '
Transaction Text = Transaction Text + Cash Receipt Header--Customer--Name



SingleGlJrn - Rule Set

The SingleGlJrn transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

SingleGlJrn - Functions

The functions used by the SingleGlJrn transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 925

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Void Payroll Check

Voids a booked payroll check

Payroll Check Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payroll Check GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payroll Check Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payroll Check GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Bank Account

Bank Account

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false BankAcct

GL Control

Bank Account GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Bank Account GL Control BankAcct. GLControl--R--Bank Account


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID BankAcct.BankAcctID String

926 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference


Payroll Check head details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRCheck

Check Num

Payroll Check Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Check Num Payroll Check Num (key field) PRCheck.HeadNum Numeric

Ref GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Reference GL Control PRCheck. GLControl--F--Payroll Check



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PREmpMas

GL Control

Employee GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Employee GL Control PREmpMas. GLControl--R--Employee


Employee ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID Employee ID PREmpMas.EmpID String

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 927

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Payroll Check Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payroll Check transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Check Amount

Total check amount

Qualifier Description
Check Amount Total check amount

Payroll Check - Deduction Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payroll Check - Deduction GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payroll Check - Deduction Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payroll Check - Deduction GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

Alternative Deduction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRClsDed

Class ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Class ID PRClsDed.ClassID String

Deduction ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Deduction ID PRClsDed.DeductionID String

928 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRClsDed. GLControl--R--Alternative Deduction



IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRDeduct

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRDeduct. GLControl--R--Deduction


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID PRDeduct.DeductionID String

Special Type

Special deduction type code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Special Type Special deduction type code PRDeduct.SpecialType String


Payroll Check Deduction

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRChkDed

Deduction ID

Deduction ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Deduction ID Deduction ID (key field) PRChkDed.DeductionID String

Deduction Num

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 929

GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Deduction Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Deduction Num Deduction Num (key field) PRChkDed.DeductionNum Numeric

Payroll Check Num

Payroll Check Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Payroll Check Num Payroll Check Num (key field) PRChkDed.HeadNum Numeric

Ref GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Reference GL Control PRChkDed. GLControl--F--Payroll Deduction

Payroll Check - Deduction Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payroll Check - Deduction transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Deduction Amount

Deduction Amount

Qualifier Description
Deduction Amount Deduction Amount

Payroll Check - Line Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payroll Check - Line GL transaction type.Posting elements
include entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payroll Check - Line Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payroll Check - Line GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

930 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Payroll Check Line details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRChkDtl

Line Num

Line Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Line Num Line Num PRChkDtl.LineNum Numeric

Payroll Check Num

Payroll Check Num

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Payroll Check Num Payroll Check Num PRChkDtl.HeadNum Numeric

Ref GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Reference GL Control PRChkDtl. GLControl--F--Payroll Check

Job Costing Department

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false JCDept

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control JCDept. GLControl--R--Job Shift Costing


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID JCDept.JCDept String

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Job Shift Costing

Job Shift Costing

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false JCShift

GL Control

Job Shift Costing GL control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control Job Shift Costing GL control JCShift. GLControl--R--Job Shift Costing

Shift ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Shift ID JCShift.Shift Numeric

Payment Type

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PayType

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PayType. GLControl--R--PayType


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID PayType.PayTypeID String

Payment Type - Labour Code

Link between Payment Type and Labour Code

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PayTLbr

Expense Code

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Expense Code PayTLbr.ExpenseCode String

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GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PayTLbr. GLControl--R--Payment Type - Labor


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID PayTLbr.PayTypeID String


IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false site

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control site. GLControl--R--siteConfCtrl


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID String

Resource Group

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false ResourceGroup


Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

ID ResourceGroup.ResourceGrpID String

Payroll Check - Line Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payroll Check - Line transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Gross Pay

Gross Pay amount

Qualifier Description
Gross Pay Gross Pay amount

Premium Pay

Premium Pay amount

Qualifier Description
Premium Pay Premium Pay amount

Shift Pay

Shift Pay amount

Qualifier Description
Shift Pay Shift Pay amount

Undistributed Gross Pay

Undistributed Gross Pay amount

Qualifier Description
Undistributed Gross Pay Undistributed Gross Pay amount

Payroll Check - Tax Posting Elements

This section displays the posting elements for the Payroll Check - Tax GL transaction type.Posting elements include
entities and their associated posting codes, plus amounts.

Payroll Check - Tax Posting Codes

This section displays the posting entities and posting codes for the Payroll Check - Tax GL transaction type.
Each posting code pulls in specific data required by the transaction type. Posting codes are organized by posting
entities. Each posting entity groups related posting codes together. For example, the Supplier posting entity
contains the Supplier Name and Supplier Number posting codes; these codes pull in two values from the Supplier
table, Name and Number, required by the transaction type.
In this section, each posting entity table displays. The table details the main attributes this posting entity defines
for all the posting codes contained within its collection.
Each posting code then displays in a separate table. This table details the Qualifier, Description, DataSource, and
CodeType for each posting code.

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Payroll Check Tax details

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRChkTax

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRChkTax. GLControl--R--Payroll Check Tax

Ref GL Control

Reference GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Ref GL Control Reference GL Control PRChkTax. GLControl--F--Payroll Tax

Tax Num

Tax Num (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Num Tax Num (key field) PRChkTax.HeadNum Numeric

Tax Table ID

Tax table ID (key field)

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Table ID Tax table ID (key field) PRChkTax.TaxTblID String

Payroll Class Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRClsTax

Class ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Class ID PRClsTax.ClassID String

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRClsTax. GLControl--R--Payroll Class Tax

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Tax Table ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Table ID PRClsTax.TaxTblID String

Payroll Tax

IsDefault IsReference DataSource

true false PRTaxMas

Employer Expense

Indicates employer expense

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Employer Expense Indicates employer expense PRTaxMas.EmployerExp Logical

GL Control

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

GL Control PRTaxMas. GLControl--R--Payroll Tax

Tax Table ID

Qualifier Description DataSource CodeType

Tax Table ID PRTaxMas.TaxTblID String

Payroll Check - Tax Amounts

This section displays the amounts used for the Payroll Check - Tax transaction type.
Amount elements typically hold transaction amounts for use with posting rules.

Tax Amount

Tax Amount

Qualifier Description
Tax Amount Tax Amount

Void Payroll Check - Rule Set

The Void Payroll Check transaction type uses the following functions, pre-posting rules, and posting rules.
Each book contains a separate set of rules for each transaction type. You can create unique sets of rules for each
book you create for a company.

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Void Payroll Check - Functions

The functions used by the Void Payroll Check transaction type are described in this section.
Each function is a piece of reusable logic (operation) available for all rules contained within the current rule set.
If you modify a function, this modified code is then run throughout the entire rule set.

Void Payroll Check - Posting Rules

The posting rules for the Void Payroll Check transaction type are described in this section.
The posting rules define the values and operations run against your database. They turn an incoming business
transaction into a GL transaction which then posts to the general ledger for the current book. You can create,
modify, and delete posting rules as you need.

Reverse Accrual Deduction

Reverse Accrual deduction

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Deduction
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Deduction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Deduction--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Accrual Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Deduction--Details--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Accrual Context
Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Deduction--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Accrual Context
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1

Reverse Cash

Reverses the total payment write-off

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Can Post: true

For Each: Payroll Check
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND
Cash Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Cash Context
Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book AND
Cash Context
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1

Reverse Employer Expense Tax

Reverses employer expense tax

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payroll Check--Tax--Payroll Tax--Employer Expense### = ###TRUE###
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book
AND Expense Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Expense Context

938 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide GL Transaction Type Reference

Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current

Book AND Expense Context

Reverse Gross Pay

Reverses gross pay

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book
AND Gross Payment Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Gross Payment Context
Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Gross Payment Context

Reverse Premium Pay

Reverses premium pay

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Line--Details

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GL Transaction Type Reference Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book
AND Premium Payment Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Premium Payment Context
Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Premium Payment Context

Reverse Shift Pay

Reverses shift pay

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book
AND Shift Payment Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Shift Payment Context
Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Shift Payment Context

Reverse Special Deduction

Reverses special deduction (employer expense)

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria: ###Payroll Check--Deduction--Deduction--Special Type### = ###ERX### Or ###Payroll
Check--Deduction--Deduction--Special Type### = ###ER401### Or ###Payroll
Check--Deduction--Deduction--Special Type### = ###RR401###
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Deduction
Is Header: false
Credit Context:

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Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Deduction--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Deduction--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Expense Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Deduction--Details--Ref GL Control
For Current Book AND Expense Context
Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Deduction--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Expense Context

Reverse Tax

Reverses payroll taxes

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check--Tax
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Tax--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book
AND Accrual Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Accrual Context
Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Tax--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Accrual Context
Transaction Amount.Value * -1
Book Amount.Value * -1

Reverse Undistributed Gross Pay

Reverse undistributed gross pay

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:

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Can Post: true

For Each: Payroll Check--Line
Is Header: false
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Line--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Get Account From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current Book
AND Undistributed Payment Context
Get Transactional Amount From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For
Current Book AND Undistributed Payment Context
Get Book Amount From Payroll Check--Line--Details--Ref GL Control For Current
Book AND Undistributed Payment Context

Setup GL Journal properties

Posting Parameters
The overall parameters for these posting rules:
Selection Criteria:
Can Post: true
For Each: Payroll Check
Is Header: true
Credit Context:
Debit Context:
Reference Context:
Business Entity Table: Payroll Check--Details

Posting Rules
Modifiable items display in bold.
Apply Date = Today
Journal Code = Get Journal Code From Payroll Check--Bank Account--GL Control
For Current Book AND Payroll Processing Context

942 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Posting Rules in Action

Posting Rules in Action

This section gives you some examples which show how the posting engine arrives at its results. If you compare
these examples against your own posting engine results, you will better understand the logic behind the

GL Transaction Type Conversions

This topic uses three typical scenarios to describe how the conversion program updates GL transaction types after
an upgrade to a new service pack, or a new installation of the Epicor application.
Three scenarios describe how the conversion program updates your GL transaction types, depending on how
they are used in your data base.
• Standard GL transaction types with no customizations
• Standard GL transaction types with user customization in posting rules (or VBD)
• Standard GL transaction type with two or more GL books; optional user customization in posting rules (or
These scenarios are also valid for manual import of GL transaction types. If you are using manual import, you
must select an xml document for the import.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 943

Posting Rules in Action Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Standard GL Transaction Types

The following diagram shows how the conversion program works with standard GL transaction types with a
single GL book and no user customizations (Scenario 1).

The following stages take place when running the conversion program with Scenario 1 conditions:

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Posting Rules in Action

Stage 0: The conversion program selects the transaction type xml from the Standard package that comes as a
part of the installation upgrade pack.
Stage 1: VBD structure update (VBD, or Virtual Business Document, is the data structure of a transaction type).

1. The conversion program compares the version of the VBD in the imported transaction type xml to the version
of the VBD in the currently installed transaction type.

a. IF the VBD version in the imported xml is greater than the VBD version in the installed transaction
type, the conversion program updates the VBD structure as follows:

a. The conversion program adds new VBD elements to the installed transaction type.

b. The conversion program renames the existing VBD elements that should be renamed. If there are
any renamed VBD elements, the conversion program updates all posting rules (both standard and
customized) so the posting code will be correctly referenced by its new name.

c. The conversion program deletes the existing VBD elements that should be deleted. If there are
any deleted VBD elements, the conversion program searches for customized posting rules that
use the deleted element. If such rules are found, the program renames the deleted element in the
posting rules, using the prefix "DEL_". These rules must be corrected manually to use a different
VBD element.

Result: The VBD version in the installed transaction type is set equal to the VBD version in the imported
xml to signify the fact that the VBD structure was updated.

b. If the VBD version is not greater in the imported xml, the VBD structure is left as is.

Stage 2: Posting Rules update

1. The conversion program selects the single GL book that exists in the installed transaction type and checks
the Package name on it.

a. If the package name is Standard, the conversion program proceeds to the next step using the current

b. If the package name of the installed transaction type is different from Standard, (which is the case
when the installation uses the Extended rules package or one of country-specific rules packages, e.g.
Peru or China), the conversion program finds a folder with a corresponding package name and selects
a corresponding transaction type xml from there and proceeds to the next step.

2. The conversion program compares the version of the Ruleset in the imported transaction type xml to the
version of the Ruleset of the selected book in the currently installed transaction type.

a. If the Ruleset version in the imported xml is greater than the Ruleset version in the installed transaction
type, the conversion program proceeds to the step 3 of Stage 2 (individual posting rules and functions
update). The Ruleset version in the installed transaction type is set equal to the Ruleset version in the
imported xml to signify the fact that the Ruleset was updated.

b. If the Ruleset version in the xml is not greater, the conversion program leaves the Ruleset as is and
proceeds to Stage 3.

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Posting Rules in Action Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

3. For each posting rule/function in the imported xml, the conversion program compares the version of that
rule/function in the imported transaction type xml to the version of the corresponding rule/function in the
currently installed transaction type.

a. If the rule/function version in the imported xml is greater than the rule/function version in the installed
transaction type, the conversion program replaces the installed rule/function with the newer one from
the imported xml. The rule/function version in the installed transaction type is set equal to the
rule/function version in the imported xml to signify the fact that the rule was updated.

b. If the rule/function version in the xml is not greater, the rule/function is left as-is.

Stage 3: The conversion program finishes the update and moves to the next GL transaction type.

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Posting Rules in Action

Standard GL Transaction Types with Customizations

The following diagram shows how the conversion program works with standard GL transaction types with a
single GL book and customizations in the posting rules or the virtual business document (VBD) (Scenario 2).

The following stages take place when running the conversion program with Scenario 2 conditions:

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Posting Rules in Action Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Stage 0: The conversion program selects the transaction type xml from the Standard package that comes as a
part of the installation upgrade pack.
Stage 1: VBD structure update

1. The conversion program compares the version of the VBD in the imported transaction type xml to the version
of the VBD in the currently installed transaction type.

a. If the VBD version in the imported xml is greater than the VBD version in the installed transaction type,
the conversion program updates the VBD structure of the installed transaction type, adding new
elements, replacing the elements that have changed, and removing the elements that have been

a. The conversion program adds new VBD elements to the installed transaction type.

b. The conversion program renames the existing VBD elements that should be renamed. If there are
any renamed VBD elements, the conversion program updates all posting rules (both standard and
customized) so the posting code will be correctly referenced by its new name.

c. The conversion program deletes the existing VBD elements that should be deleted. If there are
any deleted VBD elements, the conversion program searches for customized posting rules that
use the deleted element. If such rules are found, the program renames the deleted element in the
posting rules using the prefix "DEL_". These rules must be corrected manually to use a different
VBD element.

d. If the conversion program finds a custom user-defined posting code in the VBD structure, it leaves
it as is unless it has the same name as a new standard posting code present in the imported xml
and needs to be added to the VBD structure of the installed transaction type. In this case the
conversion program marks the custom posting code as Standard, and it is used as standard from
this point on.

Result: The VBD version in the installed transaction type is set equal to the VBD version in the imported
xml to signify the fact that the VBD structure was updated.

b. If the VBD version is not greater in the imported xml, the VDB structure is left as is.

Stage 2: Posting Rules update

1. The conversion program selects the single GL book that exists in the installed transaction type and checks
the Package name on it.

a. If the package name is Standard, the conversion program proceeds to the next step using the current

b. If the Package name of the installed transaction type is different from Standard, (which is the case
when the installation uses the Extended rules package or one of country-specific rules packages, e.g.
Peru or China), the conversion program finds a folder with a corresponding package name and selects
a corresponding transaction type xml from there and proceeds to the next step.

2. The conversion program compares the version of the Ruleset in the imported transaction type xml to the
version of the Ruleset in the currently installed transaction type.

a. IF the Ruleset version in the imported xml is greater than the Ruleset version in the installed transaction
type, the conversion program proceeds to step 3 of Stage 2 (individual posting rules and functions

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update). The Ruleset version in the installed transaction type is set equal to the Ruleset version in the
imported xml to signify the fact that the Ruleset was updated.

b. If the Ruleset version in the xml is not greater, the conversion program leaves the Ruleset as is and
proceeds to Stage 3.

3. For each posting rule/function in the imported xml, the conversion program compares the version of that
rule/function in the imported transaction type xml to the version of the corresponding rule/function in the
currently installed transaction type.

a. If the rule/function version in the imported xml is greater than the rule/function version in the installed
transaction type, the conversion program checks whether the rule/function in the installed transaction
type is standard or customized.

a. IF the rule/function is standard (with no changes made by the user), the conversion program
replaces the installed rule/function with the newer one from the imported xml. The rule/function
version in the installed Transaction Type is set equal to the rule/function version in the imported
xml to signify the fact that the rule was updated.

b. If the rule/function is customized, the conversion program leaves it as is.

b. If the rule/function version in the imported xml is not greater, the rule/function is left as is.

Stage 3: The conversion program finishes the update and moves to the next GL transaction type.

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Standard GL Transaction Types with Two or More GL Books

The following diagram shows how the conversion program works with GL Transaction types with two or mores
GL books. The GL books may have their own individual rulesets or use COA mapping. Some user customizations
may be present in posting rules or VBD (Scenario 3).

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The following stages take place when running the conversion program with Scenario 3 conditions:

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Stage 0: The conversion program selects the transaction type xml from the Standard package that comes as a
part of the installation upgrade pack.
Stage 1: VBD structure update

1. The conversion program compares the version of the VBD in the imported transaction type xml to the version
of the VBD in the currently installed transaction type.

a. If the VBD version in the imported xml is greater than the VBD version in the installed transaction type,
the conversion program updates the VBD structure of the installed transaction type, adding new
elements, replacing the elements that have changed, and removing the elements that have been

a. The conversion program adds new VBD elements to the installed transaction type.

b. The conversion program renames the existing VBD elements that should be renamed. If there are
any renamed VBD elements, the conversion program updates all posting rules (both standard and
customized) so the posting code will be correctly referenced by its new name.

c. The conversion program deletes the existing VBD elements that should be deleted. If there are
any deleted VBD elements, the conversion program searches for customized posting rules that
use the deleted element. If such rules are found, the program renames the deleted element in the
posting rules using the prefix "DEL_". These rules must be corrected manually to use a different
VBD element.

d. If the conversion program finds a custom user-defined posting code in the VBD structure, it leaves
it as is unless it has the same name as a new standard posting code that is present in the imported
xml and needs to be added to the VBD structure of the installed transaction type. In this case the
conversion program marks the custom posting code as Standard, and it is used as standard from
this point on.

Result: The VBD version in the installed transaction type is set equal to the VBD version in the imported
xml to signify the fact that the VBD structure was updated

b. If the VBD version is not greater in the imported xml, the VBD structure is left as is.

Stage 2: Rulesets update

The conversion program performs the following steps for each GL book in the installed transaction type.

1. The conversion program checks the selected GL book to identify whether the book has its own set of posting
rules or uses Chart of Accounts mapping to generate GL transactions.

a. If the book uses COA mapping, the conversion program skips it and moves to the next GL book in the
transaction type.

b. If the book has its own posting rules, the conversion program proceeds to step 2 (check Package name).

2. The conversion program checks the Package name on the GL book of the installed transaction type.

a. If the package name is Standard, the conversion program proceeds to the step 3 using the current xml.

b. If the Package name of the installed transaction type is different from Standard, (which will be the case
when the installation uses the Extended rules package or one of country-specific rules packages, e.g.

952 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

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Peru or China) the conversion program finds a folder with a corresponding package name and selects
the corresponding transaction type xml from there and proceeds to the next step.

3. The conversion program compares the version of the Ruleset in the imported transaction type xml to the
version of the Ruleset in the currently installed transaction type.

a. If the Ruleset version in the imported xml is greater than the Ruleset version in the installed transaction
type, the conversion program proceeds to the step 4 (individual posting rules and functions update).
The Ruleset version in the installed transaction type is set equal to the Ruleset version in the imported
xml to signify the fact that the Ruleset was updated.

b. If the Ruleset version in the imported xml is not greater than the conversion program the Ruleset is left
as is and proceeds to Stage 3.

4. For each posting rule/function in the imported xml, the conversion program compares the version of that
rule/function in the imported transaction type xml to the version of the corresponding rule/function in the
currently installed transaction type.

a. If the rule/function version in the imported xml is greater than the rule/function version in the installed
transaction type, the conversion program checks whether the rule/function in the installed transaction
type is standard or customized.

a. If the rule/function is standard (with no changes made by the user), the conversion program
replaces the installed rule/function with the newer one from the imported xml.
The rule/function version in the installed transaction type is set equal to the rule/function version
in the imported xml to signify the fact that the rule was updated.

b. If the rule/function is customized, the conversion program leaves it as is.

b. If the rule/function version is not greater in the imported xml, the rule/function is left as is.

Stage 3: The conversion program finishes the update and moves to the next GL transaction type.

Modifying Posting Rules

The posting process is a unified, multi-stage process that collects business transaction data and processes the
data using user-defined rules to create appropriate general ledger (GL) transactions. GL Transaction Type
Maintenance defines the processes you use to post accounts and journals.
Each GL transaction type has a set of elements - posting codes, functions, and amounts - specific to its posting
process. These elements contain data the posting rules need to build account and journal details. It also contains
a set of rules each book uses; each rule set can contain the functions, pre-posting rules, reference rules, and
posting rules needed to post business transactions which match the GL transaction type. These rules are flexible
and can be modified to meet the needs of a specific book.

Amend Posting Rules and View the Results

The following example shows the major steps in how to amend the posting rules to add an AP Invoice Line
Description to the general ledger (GL). First you modify the customization part of the posting rules for the AP

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Invoice transaction type in GL Transaction Type Maintenance, then you enter an AP Invoice in AP Invoice
Entry and view the results in Journal Tracker.
For this example, the supplier is AB Electronics and the amount of the invoice is $100.00.

1. From GL Transaction Type, select the AP Invoice transaction type and the Add a New Revision command.

2. From the Tree View add a Description node under AP Invoice > Line > Posting Codes > Details.

3. In the Posting Code pane of the screen, add Description in the Name and Description fields.

4. In the Get Posting Codes Value From pane, enter APInvDtl in the Entity's Data Source field, add
Description to Field, and enter String in the Value Type field.

5. Highlight Book Line Expense Amount from Rules > Posting Rules in the Tree View and select the New
Rule Variable command. Enter Description in the Variable Name field.

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6. Navigate to Revisions > Book > Booking Rules > Operations > Customization and select the New
Customized Rule Operation command.
A new line is added to the screen that says Please select variable and value or function. This is where
you add your formula.

7. Select the Operation radio button and in the Operation option field select Debit Transaction Text. Select
Combine string from String1 String2, String3, and String4 from the Formula field. Click the underlined
parameters and select the correct values to display. For example:
• String1 - Select ABT Field > AP Invoice > Line > Posting Codes > Details > Description
• String2 - Select Value; Delete any characters or spaces from the Enter Value screen that displays
• String3 - Select Value; Delete any characters or spaces from the Enter Value screen that displays
• String4 - Select Value; Delete any characters or spaces from the Enter Value screen that displays
The final phrase should look like: Debit Transaction Text = Combine String from AP
Invoice-Line-Details-Description ." . " and").

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8. From GL Transaction Type, disable the old rule for posting AP invoices and activate the revision you created.

9. From AP Invoice Entry, create a new invoice for AB Electronics.

10. Create a new invoice line with an Ext Amount of $100.00 and enter testing in the Description field of
the Line > Detail sheet. You can verify the technical details of the Description field by clicking on the field
and viewing the Field Help.

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11. Post the invoice.

12. From Journal Tracker, review the results.

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Posting Engine Troubleshooting

Use this Posting Engine Troubleshooting section as an aid for easier understanding and troubleshooting of
errors you may receive when creating posting rules.
The following troubleshooting tools will be discussed and how to use them to find and correct errors:
• System Monitor
• Review Journal
• PE Log Viewer
A table of common errors encountered and solutions is included to aid in the troubleshooting process.
The most effective way to prevent errors from occurring is to use best practices when creating new posting rules.
This section will include tips and a checklist for working with posting rules.

Error Handling

During the posting process, various issues may occur during the different stages of the posting process. This
section describes these errors, how your Epicor application logs them, and what you can do to correct these
The posting engine can report two types of issues that may occur during the posting process:

1. Errors- Transactions which have errors reported against it are evaluated as invalid and moved to the Review
Journal. Typical errors occur because a GL control is not set up correctly. To resolve these errors, use GL
Control Maintenance to verify the correct accounts and journal codes are set up for the posting process.

2. Warnings- A warning does not prevent the GL transaction from being evaluated as valid, but each warning
does notify you about a GL transaction which is considered by the application as correct but which may
need to be reviewed later.

When errors and warnings raise, they happen when the posting engine applies validation rules. Validation rules
are defined at the book level and are applied for all generated GL transactions. Since the validation rules are both
defined and applied at the book level, each book has its own validation routine.
If you modify posting rules, you can also introduce new errors and warnings into the posting engine process.
Just like default rules, errors and warnings generate when the modified rule runs against an incoming GL
Tip Fatal errors can also occur, and when they do, they terminate the posting engine process. These fatal
errors can appear as a specific message while a program runs or display as an error within the System
Monitor. The System Monitor is a program which automatically runs when you launch the Epicor application;
it is available within the Windows system tray. It displays all of the processes and reports launched within
your client installation for processing at the server. When you launch the posting process from a program
like AR Invoice Entry, the process displays on a sheet within the System Monitor.

A number of system issues generate due to invalid, inconsistent data or improper configuration. These issues are
fairly predictable and your Epicor application contains a list of these common issues. Each issue is classified as
either an error handled through a standard method or as a special issue which can be resolved through a predefined

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Typically the predefined methods handle the issue as an error, a warning, an automatic correction, or an ignored
issue. You can define how the posting process handles these issues through parameters you define on a specific
book or the book parameters within a GL transaction type revision. The following Book Validations and Posting
Rule Validations sections describe this functionality.
You can also create user-defined issues through modified posting rules. To do this, you create operations which
check for the error condition, which then display in the Review Journal as an error or a warning. Use this
functionality to validate the financial data processed by your modified posting rules.
An error does not stop the process immediately unless for some reason it is technically impossible for the process
to continue. Issues which are not ignored or automatically corrected produce either warning or errors. If a system
or user-defined error occurs, the error is logged for the appropriate GL transaction -- indicating this transaction
is invalid. Warnings, however, do not make a GL transaction invalid. The warning displays for your review, but
the GL transaction posts to the general ledger. Both the warnings and errors log within the Review Journal.
Fatal errors can also be generated. These unexpected errors occur because of hardware failure, a bad server
connection, power outage, and so on. Fatal errors are not classified by the posting engine and so are outside of
the error handing functionality. You review these errors on the System Monitor. You access this program on the
Windows system tray; it automatically runs each time you launch the Epicor application. Use this program to see
a task was started but not completed. In this case, the process can be stopped using the System Monitor tools.

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Book Validations
The Validations sheet within Book Maintenance defines the overall error handling options for journals posted
to a specific book. By default, books ignore most posting errors. You can change the defaults, however, so the
book blocks and logs the errors.
The application handles invalid journals posted to the book in one of the following ways:
• Error- Blocks posting of the journal. You can view the journal error within the Review Journal .
• Warning- Allows the journal to post. An entry appears within the Review Journal detailing the potential
condition which occurred.
• Ignore- The default option for most posting errors, selecting this option allows the journal to post. No entry
appears in the Review Journal.
• Autocorrect- Causes the application to use a pre-defined process to correct the error. For example, the
application can change the Apply Date for a journal posted to a closed period to the current period.
• Warning and Autocorrect- Combines two actions. It first logs the warning message within the Review
Journal and the runs the autocorrect process to fix the error condition within the journal.
The following table lists posting errors for which the autocorrect functionality handles. It also describes how the
application resolves the error.

Error Autocorrection...

Segment is defined as 'not used,' but segment Removes the unused segment. This occurs when the Account
value is specified (depends on natural account) Segment Values program blocks the use of the segment with
a specific natural account.

Closing Period is specified, but does not exist Finds the open period for the book and posts the journal to
that period instead.

Apply Date is earlier than Earliest Apply Date Changes the apply date of the journal to the first day of the
first open period.

Fiscal Period is closed. Changes the apply date of the journal to the first day of the
first open period.

Self balancing segment does not balance. Autocorrection is applying auto-balancing algorithm.

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Posting Rule Validations

The Validations sheet in GL Transaction Type Maintenance defines how the application handles rules that
create invalid journal details for a book included in a revision. If a journal generated by the revision is not valid,
it displays as an entry within the Review Journal.
Available posting rule validations:
• Error - Blocks posting of the journal. You can view the journal in Review Journal.
• Warning - The journal posts, but a warning message displays within the Review Journal.
• Ignore - The journal posts, but no entry displays within the Review Journal. This action is the default for most
posting errors.
• Autocorrect - Automatically corrects the journal using a pre-defined process. For example, the Autocorrect
process changes the apply date for a journal posted to a closed period to the current period.
• Autocorrect with Warning - Logs a warning in the Review Journal and automatically corrects the journal
using a pre-defined process.
Tip You can use the Business Process Management functionality to define additional validations. You can
create a BPM method directive which reviews the data before, during, or after a business method runs.
You can then validate additional items not reviewed by the default validation rules.


In most situations, you can trace the progress of the posting engine.
You can monitor whether posting is running or complete and whether it was successful or not. As described
previously, you typically leverage the System Monitor to view the posting engine process. The System Monitor
displays the transaction as a task first on the Active Tasks sheet, and then when it completes, on the History Tasks
sheet. Once the posting is complete, the results are available to review within GL reports and trackers.
A Posting Engine log can also be checked using PE Log Viewer. This log is a development tool you can use to
evaluate the results of your posting rules.
When the posting engine process runs, data which the posting log generates writes to this log. Each time you
run the posting engine process, it adds processing information to this log. Because of this feature, you can review
the history of the posting process. Be aware, however, that this log contains a lot of business call detail. Only
use this log if you understand how to trace the posting results.

Posting Engine Log

The Posting Engine Log tracks the results of your posting rules. You can then evaluate how effective the posting
rules are processing transactions.
When the posting engine process runs, the data generated by the posting engine is traced by this log. Each time
you run the posting engine process, it adds processing information to the log results. Because of this feature,
you can review the history of the posting process. However this log contains a lot of business call details, so only
use this log if you understand how to trace the posting results.
Tip For more information on how to use this log, review the Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide.
To find this guide in the application help:
• General Ledger > Working With > Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide > GL Transaction
Type > PE Log Viewer
The Troubleshooting section also contains details on how you use this log.

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Log Options
The following log options are on the PE Log Viewer. You access them on the Settings sheet:
• Clear PE File - Click this button to clear the log results.
• Show Details - Select this check box to display all the posting transaction information recorded by the log.
• Show Warning on Parent - Select this check box to display posting warnings on parent records.
• Use Bold Font for Details - Activate this check box to display the transaction details using a bold font.

Log Location
You launch the PE Log Viewer program from these programs:
• GL Transaction Type - Right click the Transaction Type field; from the context menu, select Open With
> PE Log Viewer.
• Review Journal - Right click the Journal Entry field; from the context menu, select Open With > PE Log

Error Message Log

If an issue causes an error message to display, you have several features for viewing the log details.
Error messages display in a dialog box. This dialog box has options for reviewing the logged details for the
message. To display, print, email and/or save the error message log:

1. Click the Detail button to display the error message log.

The dialog box expands, showing you the following information:
• Application Error - Displays the application error generated by the system.
• Error Detail - Contains the primary information about the error, including the Message that displays,
the Program which initiated the error, and the Method that generated it.
• Client Stack Trace - Displays the call trace that generated from your client installation.
• Inner Exception - Contains the server stack trace and the exception thrown by the system.

2. Click the Summary button to restore the original error message view.

3. Click the Print button to make a hard copy of the error message log.
The Print window displays.

4. Now print the error message log.

a. From the Name drop-down list, select printer to which you will send the application error log.

b. Click OK.

The error message log is printed on the selected printer.

5. Click the Email button to send the error details in an email.

The EMail Message window displays.

a. Type in the recipient's email address in the To field.

b. If you want to send a copy of this email to other recipients, add their email addresses into the Cc field.

c. In the Toolbar, click Send.

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6. You can also copy and save the error message log to a file. To do this, in the error message dialog, click
The error log is added to the clipboard.
Note This action also adds some system information to the error log. This system information includes:
• AppServer Connection - specifies the application server address and the ERP instance - for
example, net.tcp://EpicorServer/ERP102700.
• Form Name - specifies the name of the ERP program the error occurred in - for example, Sales
Order Entry.
• Customization Name - specifies the name of the customization layer applied to the current
program, if any.
• Menu ID - specifies the menu ID of the ERP program - for example, OMMT3001.
• Software Version - specifies the ERP version - for example, 10.2.700.3.

7. Open a text editor like Notepad or a similar text editor.

8. Paste the error message log.

The error message and related system information now display in the text editor.

9. Save the error message log.

You now have an error message file you can send to your Epicor consultant or Epicor Technical Support.

Common Error Messages

The following table displays the most commonly reported posting rules-related errors to Support, along with
solution ideas. Shown in the table is the error message, application used when receiving the error, the tool used
for troubleshooting, and the most common resolution.

Error Message Error when Troubleshooting Resolution

running... Tool
The COSAndWIP is Capture
System Monitor Verify if there is anything in the General Ledger >
locked by 'userID' on COS/WIP
General Operations > Review Journal related to
,<date> [status: Posting] Activity process Note: The task is
showing in the
system monitor If not, then run conversion 680 found in System
under the History Management > Upgrade/Mass Regeneration >
tab, but is still Conversion Workbench > User Run Conversions.
displaying as Scroll down to 680 and click Exec box. Go to
Active. Actions and Run Pending Conversions. This will
unlock any transactions with no Review Journal
error. Once ProgressPercent is 100%, complete
exit and log back into the application. You can
then run another Capture COS/WIP Activity

"Header Rule: Can not Posting Process Review Journal

From System Setup > Company Maintenance >
set up Journal Code"
Navigate to Modules > All Modules > GL Control
> List.

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Error Message Error when Troubleshooting Resolution

running... Tool
GL Control type Inventory COS And WIP is not
File > New > New GL Control Type: search and
select Inventory COS And WIP Control, search and
select company defaults and Save.
Review Journal
Segment value is wrong • General Check to be sure that the full GL account exists
or inactive [Line 3] Ledger and is active in General Ledger Account
COACode CDD. Account Maintenance.
SegmentNumber 2. Maintenance Check that each account segment exists and is
SegmentValue 00 • GL Account active in GL Account Segment Values.
Combination of Segment
controlled segments is Values
invalid [Line 3] Company
Account 5100|00|AAA

Transaction Out of PE Log Viewer

• COS/WIP Use the PE Log Viewer to troubleshoot any posting
Capture with the out of balance issue.
Process If the Out Of Balance is from the COS/WIP Capture
• Posting process, there can be a large amount of data.
Recommendation is to find the specific transaction
type to see if the issue is a setup problem in the
GL Controls.
Run the Inventory/WIP report for the specific day
out of balance and save to Excel.
Sort the spreadsheet by the Tran Type, Job, and
then PartNumber fields. Subtotal each of the
transaction types to verify the debit and credits
match. For the transaction type that is not in
balance, you can verify the GL controls required
using the Inventory Hierarchy or use the PE Log

Conversion program is Any Posting System Monitor

Make sure you complete all processes that post to
stopped. GL Transaction
GL and any GL Transaction Type import before you
Type is locked by
run the conversion program.
another process
(company:<Company>, If any posting is running, wait till it is completed,
user: <UserID>). then run pending conversions.

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Posting Engine Troubleshooting


The Posting Rules functionality contains several troubleshooting tools you can use to find and correct errors.
The error messages that display in these various tools in many cases provide you with the details necessary to
correct an error. Use these tools as an aid to troubleshooting and to ensure posting rules are created correctly:
• System Monitor
• Review Journal
• Posting Engine (PE) Log Viewer
• Check Syntax Functionality

System Monitor

Use the System Monitor to verify that the posting rules-related processes, reports, and other scheduled tasks
started and completed successfully.
Use the sheets of the System Monitor to review the status of a task and any error messages that occur. If there
is an error, the review journal number also displays.
The System Monitor is an application which automatically runs when you launch the Epicor application. It displays
all of the processes and reports launched within your client installation for processing at the server. When you
launch the posting process from a program like AR Invoice Entry, the process displays on a sheet within the
System Monitor.
For example, from the History Tasks > Task Detail sheet you can see information in the Task Log. A process can
be stopped using the System Monitor tools.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• System Setup > System Maintenance > System Monitor
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

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Review Journal

Use the Review Journal to adjust, re-validate, cancel, and post accounting transactions. You use the Review
Journal to locate posting errors and to debug custom posting rules.
This program logs invalid GL transactions. You can display errors by module, date, and by user. You use the
Review Journal error log to locate and adjust source business transactions. You can then re-run the posting
process to verify the errors no longer occur.
Additionally, the Review Journal is an important tool for reviewing GL transactions which generate while you are
testing a custom posting process. Use this feature to review all GL transactions created by your modified posting
rules. This review makes sure the changes to the posting process generate valid, desired results.
Tip In order for all transactions generated by the revision to display in the Review Journal, select the
Manually review all transactions check box on the Revision Detail sheet of the GL transaction type
revision. You can then evaluate the generated GL transactions and correct any errors the revision may

You can also adjust the description and line account numbers for a transaction within the Review Journal. Leverage
this feature to correct common posting errors. After you make these adjustments, you can both re-validate and
post the journal. Typically you use this functionary when invalid journals generate from an external application.
Note You can access the PE Log Viewer from the Review Journal by right-clicking and selecting Open
with > PE Log Viewer from the Journal Entry field. Or, you can access the PE Log Viewer from a right-click
in the Transaction Type field in GL Transaction Type Maintenance.

The Review Journal contains a report which you can run to review the posting results. Run Print Review Journal
from the Actions menu.
Lastly, you can use the Review Journal to both cancel and confirm entries. Both actions remove the journal entries.
When you confirm a journal entry, it updates the GL transaction in the book to which it posts. If the updated GL
transactions are still invalid, the Review Journal displays the GL transaction again with its posting errors.
The Review Journal displays the journal entries by book. It does this because:
• Posting a single GL transaction can create different journal details in multiple books. A single journal entry
groups together all journals posted to all the books by a single GL transaction. For example, posting an AR
invoice can post a journal with one set of details to the company's financial book while a journal with completely
different lines to the company's legal book.
• Validation settings for the books and the book node in the revision determine the errors and warnings logged
in the Review Journal. The same business transaction can produce different validation results when posted
to a different book. For example, one book might ignore a GL transaction that generates an error or a warning
in another book.
Summarization can be applied to both natural accounts and accounting processes, so the summary lines become
transactions in the Review Journal. The program displays the source details for each summarized line, but no
adjustments can be made.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > General Ledger > General Operations > Review Journal

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PE Log Viewer
Use PE Log Viewer to open log information on the client. You can access the Posting Engine (PE) Log Viewer
from the Main Menu or from the Review Journal or GL Transaction Type applications.
To access the PE Log Viewer from GL Transaction Type Maintenance, use a right mouse click on the Transaction
Type field. To access from the Review Journal, use a right mouse click on the Journal Entry field.
With the PE Log Viewer, you can:
• Turn logging on and off
• Set detailed logging
• Clear the log file
• Export or import the log file
• Read logging
Examples of what to look for when reading the logging:
• Is account and journal code in the GL Control?
• What amounts are in the VBD?
• What amounts were selected in each rule?
• What input and output parameters were selected for the function?
• Versions of the rules and functions used?

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > General Ledger > General Operations > PE Log Viewer
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

Check Syntax Functionality

Use the Check Syntax button on GL Transaction Type Maintenance > Revisions > Detail sheet, GL Transaction
Type Maintenance > Revisions > Book > Functions Detail sheet, GL Transaction Type Maintenance > Revisions >
Book > Booking Rules > Operations Base and Customization sheets to validate check of the selected
revision/rule/function for compilation errors.
If the application detects an error, the revision/rule/function will be marked in the navigation tree, and the
operation causing this error will be highlighted. You can hover your mouse over the highlighted operation to
view the tip for the error.

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Posting Engine Troubleshooting Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Best Practices

Using best practices when creating or customizing posting rules results in saving time by creating valid and
effective posting rules without having to troubleshoot error messages.

Creating a New Posting Rule

A posting rule is a constructor of the GL Journal Detail. If the posting rule Operations populate all the mandatory
fields, the Journal Detail will be created. The mandatory fields are:
• Book Amount
• Credit Accounts and/or Debit Account
• Journal Code
• Apply Date
To design your new rule:
• Determine which amount shall be posted.
• Select the document line based on the amount to be posted.
• Decide which table (posting entity) will be linked to the GL and as a result will drive the logic for posting.
• Decide where to take the account from and if necessary, create or adjust the GL Controls.
When creating a new posting rule:
• Create the Selection Criteria first.
• Give the posting rule a Name.
• Enter Operations for the posting rule.
• Use the Reference GL Control to set up parameters for establishing a link.

Checklist for Creating Posting Rules

Make sure the following tasks have been completed when creating a new posting rule in GL Transaction Type
• Specify the Selection Criteria.
• Select the Transactional Amounts and Book Amounts.
• Make sure the Transactional Amounts and Book Amounts are positive.
• Determine the Debit Accounts and/or Credit Accounts.
• Select the Reference GL Control along with the contexts.

Tips for Creating Posting Rules

• You can resize both the Tree View and the Operations sheet. Do this as you need so that you can get a better
view of various items and leverage the interface easier.
• If you need to copy a posting rule or a set of posting rules, first highlight a node on the Tree View. Then click
on the Actions menu and select either Copy Rule or Copy Ruleset. The rule or rules then appear under the
selected Tree View node.
• If you enter something in error, always click the Undo button.

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Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Posting Engine Troubleshooting

• You can make data available for future rules.

• All rules are based on the GL controls.
• To help you locate the GL control you may need for a posting rule, navigate to a program where you think
the control is being used. When you find the GL control, right-click this field and select GL Control Maintenance
from the context menu. You can then review the complete GL control record.
• Use the logical condition drop-down list to see more of an operation's context.
• The Temp Account is a user-defined variable.
• Reference accounts used within pre-posting rules and the resulting journals are different. If a reference account
is used within a posting rule, the reference account is either a debit or credit account.
• When you create an If-Else condition, make sure this condition displays on the node below the operation you
need, and not on the same node level. If you do not, the If-Else condition will not receive the data generated
by its parent operation.
• Only parent-child relationships are available for a GL transaction type. For example, you can use a GL control
from the header for use within a line rule. You cannot, however, use GL controls across child to child or from
child up to parent.
• Each rule should first select the amount value then determine the account to which the amount belongs. You
can also set up transaction text within the rule which automatically displays on trackers and reports.
• Any variables you create display within the topmost level on the context menu within the Booking Rules >
Operations sheets.
• The base part of the posting rules is executed in the first place. Then the customized part is executed.
• Do not use a single quote ( ` ) in any context. It generates an error.
• Each selection criterion is case sensitive, so be sure to enter items using the correct case.
• If you will populate something within a posting rule, always use an operation expression to automatically pull
in the data you need.
• Once a revision is defined as Active, you can no longer change it. Instead, you will need to create a new
revision based on the active revision. Only one revision for each transaction type can be active at a time.
• Blocking a revision does not affect application performance, as a blocked revision is inactive and uses no
system resources. It is ignored by the Epicor application.
• You can add alert messages in the code to trace what happens when a new or modified rule runs. You can
then use the Review Journal to check out the alert text.
• When you are satisfied with the test results of your posting rule, be sure to clear the Manually review all
transactions check box on the revision. This function is a verification step you can use to make sure the posting
results are correct, but you do not want this option running when the posting rule works properly. When the
check box is clear, only transactions which generate an error display within the Review Journal.

Further Steps

If you are not able to solve your issue after reviewing the Troubleshooting topics above, before you contact Epicor
Support, review the Gather Information for Support topic, to ensure you can provide as much data as possible
to the Epicor Support representative.
You can find current contact details for Epicor Worldwide Support on EpicWeb

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 969

Posting Engine Troubleshooting Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide

Gather Information for Support

This section lists some of the data you should prepare if you have to refer your issue to Epicor Support. The data
you collect during troubleshooting may help your support representative to solve the issue more quickly.
• PE Logs (.xml)
• The full text of any error messages that displayed
• The steps in the process that lead up to the issue
• GL Transaction Type Active Revision if rules are Customized (.xml)

970 Epicor ERP | 10.2.700

Posting Engine Technical Reference Guide Index

account segment values 47, 57 log, error message 962
log, posting engine 961
lookup tables 47, 79
book components 47 M
books 33, 35, 47, 49, 52, 59
business entities 47, 53 manage exchange rates 62
multi-currency 61
chart of accounts 35, 49, 52, 57, 59
conditional operators 100 override rates 63
constants 99
containers 98
currency accounts 63
currency selection 62 posting engine log 961
posting engine troubleshooting 958
E posting process components 47
posting rule tips 87
error message log 962
review journal 81
fiscal calendars 67 rounding 63
rounding engine 82
general ledger accounts 68, 74
gl control types 33, 70 the posting engine 35, 39, 47
gl controls 70, 77
gl transaction type 33, 75, 81, 87, 89
J user-defined fields 108, 109

journal codes 70, 72, 77

Epicor ERP | 10.2.700 971

Additional information is available at the Education and
Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to

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