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Reflection Paper Number 1: Classroom Management

This article review aims to disclose Teachers ability in classroom management and how teacher-
student relationship affects instruction. Obispo, Mayulod, and Tindowen (2021) conducted a study
about Teacher’s Classroom Management Styles and Student-Teacher Connectiveness and Anxiety.
Classroom management are teacher’s way to ensure that discussion will run smoothly during the lesson
without untoward learners’ behavior. According to their study, classroom management style employed
by educators has a considerable impact on their interactions with students. The goal of their study is to
understand more about faculty members' classroom management methods and how they communicate
with their students. Classroom management styles are one of the factors that affect teachers' classroom
behavior (Rahimi & Asadollahi, 2012; Rokita-Jaśkow, 2016). Teachers ability to deal with different
students behavior and maintaining conducive leaning environment for learning is one of the talent
teacher must possess. It affects entirely how a teacher ca handle or deliver not just the lesson but
instruction at all. According to Burden, 2020 “The degree of teacher participation with students and the
type of control exercised by teachers over their students are referred to as classroom management
style.” Teachers who use a certain classroom management style can have a significant impact on how
they react to their students' actions and how they educate them. Classroom management styles are an
integral part of a teacher's success in creating a healthy and productive learning atmosphere that
encourages students to obtain a high-quality education (Jones et al., 2014).According to the researcher
the way students engage and communicate with teachers greatly influences their learning process, how
they view school as a learning environment, and how they perceive teachers as being at the forefront of
knowledge building, which is why the researchers find this situation so perplexing. The aim of the study
was to investigate potential relationships between the perceived forms of student-teacher relationships
and the classroom management styles of college teachers. The main objective of classroom
management is to maximize acceptable conduct and reduce student misbehavior. It is the process by
which teachers affect student behavior to create an environment that is favorable to learning.

The researchers in the study used a mix of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Two
hypotheses were tested using descriptive-correlational analysis in the study's quantitative component.
The study aims to answer your research question using mixed methods research combing elements of
quantitative research and qualitative research in order to gain a more complete picture perspective
rather than a standalone quantitative or qualitative study, as it integrates benefits of both methods.
Respondents of the Study in the survey included 45 college professors and 1,816 students from a
Catholic higher education institution in the Philippines who were selected using stratified random
sampling. It is a sampling technique also known as proportional random sampling and quota random
sampling. It is a probability sampling technique in which the total population is divided into homogenous
groups to complete the sampling process. The advantage this sampling technique is that it captures key
population characteristics in the sample. Like the weighted average, this sampling methods produces
characteristics in the sample that are proportional to the overall population. Research instrumentation
were questionnaires in scales and interview sessions to gather all the data. Frequency counts and
percentages were used to provide the profiles of the teachers and their prevailing classroom
management style. Weighted mean was used to describe the types of relationships established by
students toward their instructors. The independent sample t-test used to compares the means of two
independent groups in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated
population means are significantly different. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare the
means between two independent groups. Also, chi-square test were utilized to compare observed
results with expected outcomes.

In the study there are more female respondents than male respondents in terms of gender. The
majority of the respondents are between the ages of 31 and 40 years old. Based in their finding it
implies that many college instructors in the university are relatively young in the teaching profession.
Meanwhile, in terms of their academic rank, many instructors are currently senior instructors. It is also
worth noting that the majority of university instructors have a master's degree, which means they meet
the Commission on Higher Education's (CHEd) minimum requirement that college instructors have at
least a master's degree. The instructor-respondents' evaluations revealed that they valued an
authoritative classroom management style as an important factor for successful teaching. In the present
study, it was revealed that the majority of the instructor-respondents are authoritative in terms of their
classroom management style. This indicates that teachers who use an authoritarian approach to
classroom management place constraints and limitations on their students even as they encourage
freedom. Instructors believed that students should be informed before rules and decisions are enforced
in the classroom. They sincerely believe that maintaining an effective classroom requires adherence to
rules and regulations. This implies that educators consider the possibility of allowing students to pose
pertinent questions at the end of a lecture. The findings are consistent with previous studies which
found that most teachers use an authoritative style of classroom management (Lovorn & Holaway,
2015; Uibu & Kikas, 2014; Wubbels et al., 2014). As a result, the authoritative environment focuses on a
well-structured, fun-filled, and task-oriented classroom (Wubbels et al., 2006). Furthermore, previous
research has shown that authoritative teachers often use expected and logically organized lecture
methods (Barni et al., 2018; Greogory et al., 2012; Torff & Kimmons, 2021).

According to the study's findings, teachers think that having an authoritative classroom
management style is crucial to their ability to teach successfully. Additionally, they have developed
sincere ties between themselves and their students as teachers and students, which ought to encourage
kids to be more motivated and do better academically. In order to help students become better
teachers, instructors employ formal authority in their classroom management strategies while also
imparting information, skills, and practice in eclectic classroom management. The institution can keep
offering teachers in-service classroom management training in an effort to enhance their classroom
management techniques. In addition to evaluating research-based teaching strategies, educators can
examine and apply research-based classroom management strategies. In addition, teachers and
students can engage in frequent social interactions. By having conversations with students about their
lives outside of the classroom, teachers can show that they are interested in and empathetic toward
them. Teachers ought to be curious about the thoughts and opinions of their pupils. It is the
responsibility of instructors to actively seek out and create opportunities for students to voice their
opinions on academic subjects. Additionally, educators should employ behavior management strategies
that convey objectives in detail and demonstrate concern for their pupils.

As a teachers the findings of the current research agree with those of other forms of educational
establishments, such as government-owned schools and other private schools that classroom
management must be an integral part of being a teacher. There are a lot of consideration to create a
conducive learning environment but teachers should be more resilient, creative and innovative. As
teachers classroom management skills is affected by its behavior, future research may suggest crucial
points in managing classrooms especially for beginning teachers.


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Reflection Paper Number 2: Curriculum Revision

This article review deals with ccurriculum revision. This means to modify the curriculum using
data from the review. This is important because revision and review of curriculum enable teachers to
consider the ways curriculum interacts with actual students in a real school environment. This is to
achieve the best curriculum suited in the country to keep pace globally with the new trends and

Research Review on K-12 Curriculum Implementation in The Philippines: A Generic Perspective

by Fernan Q. Abragan, Vangie Abarcas, Ivy Mae Aquino, Rowena E. Bagongon (2022) tackled the K to 12
system implementation in the country. How did it affect the Philippine education system and was it
successful in its objectives prior to its implementation. The study seeks the different perspectives of the
teachers, parents and students on its implementation in adding two more years before a student can
proceed to college. It also described the various problems that arise as a result of the implementation of
this new program and the action plans established by the government to address these issues. In the
study of Caup, D. and Buda, A. (2017), The DepEd lays high confidence on the K+12 Program in providing
better quality of education that is based on spirally progressing curriculum starting with simple topics
moving toward increasing complexity in order for the learners to gain mastery of concepts and skills.
While the old curriculum or BEC focuses on the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, science and
patriotism and values is integral to all the subject areas, K-12 curriculum added kindergarten through
twelve giving emphasis to specific learning objectives and activities experienced by students.

The study used a systematic search and review design where personal views were analyzed to
understand and to provide insights as to how the problem can be resolved. Systematic search and
review were combine methods from a 'critical review' with a comprehensive search process. It usually
used to address broad questions to produce the most appropriate evidence synthesis. it is also used to
find, select, and synthesize all available evidence available in analyzing the data and situations. It
answers a clearly formulated research question and explicitly states the methods used to arrive at the
answer. This method may or may not include quality assessment of data sources. In the study data were
extracted to find some information which are very useful in creating new knowledge and understanding.
The content and presentation of the paper utilized related studies or reviews as a point of reference in
finding comprehensive information that answers the all question the study sought to.

The study cited that the challenges in implementing the new curriculum were teacher-
respondents lack seminars , trainings and readings related to the area of their specialization. This also
impede them in designing lessons and activities prescribed in the newly implemented curriculum. Based
from the results in their study they implies the need for teachers to be familiar with the latest teaching
strategies and techniques to create fun and engaging lessons. Also, many teacher-respondents do not
expose the learners to community resources, integration of the community as resources is not evident
imply the needs of the students to be engaged to excursion/fieldtrips to make learning effective, direct
and authentic. Another challenges were most of the teacher-respondents lack appropriate technology-
assisted instruction and ICT-related material which implies that teachers have to be equipped with
knowledge and skills in manipulating such. This helps to catch the learners’ interests especially
nowadays that they are in the digital age. The more engagements to the resources, the more that
learning occurs. This may also consider in this time as the department of education will once again
revise the k to 10 curriculum. Teachers training and readiness in the implementation of the new
curriculum takes the biggest place in the success of program implementation.

As the study stated that the goal of implementing the K - 12 Basic Education Program is to
create a functional basic system that will produce productive and responsible citizens equipped with the
essential learning and employment. This is in line with the agenda of the President Aquino of having
quality education as a long-term solution to poverty. The K - 12 Education vision from the Department of
Education (DepEd, 2010) every graduate of the Enhanced K - 12 Basic EducationProgram is an
empowered individual who has learned through a program that is rooted on sound principles and
geared towards excellence. But because of lacks of resources and training of teachers added by lack of
facilities and classrooms, the idea of producing globally competitive graduates were at stake.

For the recommendations of the study they stated that K-12 curriculum in the Philippines is
under a series of observation, different details in this curriculum are scrutinized to test its importance in
the system. The success of a system is dependent to different factors, if neglected will result to another
social issue. Issues were revealed during the process of implementation of SHS curriculum in the
Philippines, however despite of different issues and challenges it was not enough to suspend its
application to fully operate SHS curriculum. These are some heartbreaking facts gathered in the study.
As a publiccschool teacher, challenges in the implementation of the curriculum never ends especially
with inadequate resources and lack of facilities. Now that another revision in the curriculum will be
made these challenges remains unsolved and another burden will be given to the teachers. Thus, the
study mentioned that to solve these challenges and problems encountered along, there should be
request assistance from different Non-Government Organization and generous stakeholders to resolve
issues on inadequacy of important infrastructures and learning materials. Education sector should assist
schools in creating affiliations with different business sectors to formulate agreements that will allow
senior high school students conduct On- the Job Training opportunities. Philippine Government should
create initiative for private business sectors to invite senior high students for hands-on learning sessions
or On-the Job training opportunities and incentives for hiring a senior high school graduate. Education
sector should develop more assessment program to develop an impeccable curriculum guide for senior
high school; and endorse more form of assessments to measure level (Nacorda et. al, 2019). It is as well
imperative that teachers will be given adequate trainings not just on the pedagogies-centered workshop
but should also more on content-knowledge because the problems observed and experienced nowadays
are that, teachers are given bulk of paper document responsibilities where most of their time for
instructions is sacrificed. The trainings conducted by various academic related organizations are too
idealistic which somehow affect the capacity of the teachers to teach the content to their students.
Emphasis of the content based workshop is a need to be taught to the teachers not to discredit the
credibility and ability of some teachers because many have undergone higher academic pursuit trainings
but this is one thing which should be looked over by the education sectors in our country. Government
should take an initiative in reviewing and legislating all the academic policies in all levels. Mass
promotion is not a key to solve the problems of drop-outs and poor performance of the students, it is
the quality of teaching not the minimum quality standards which have been emphasized. Mass
promotion has been much emphasized in our educational system nowadays but basing the principles of
assessment this slogan is very contradicting. Assessment in terms of students’ acquisition of knowledge
and skills with imbued values should be the valid instrument in measuring the performance of each
learner. Then provided that intervention is done over and over and yet the students are still not
performing, and let it be that students should be retained. Retention policy should be strictly
implemented though this has big impact to the school’s performance but on the other side, this gives
and allows the students to strive more for learning because learning must be not sacrificed.

The Department of education may first consider the situation of a classroom teacher and
learners in the last mile school before implementing revisions in the curriculum. Let the teacher teach
and be free from bulk of document responsibilities to focus more in instruction and produce quality
graduates in all levels. As years passes by, innovations and revisions were continuously made without
mastery of the necessary skills a student must have. May the government focus more in empowering
teachers, equipped them with content based training and appropriate learning environment for
teaching. Give the teachers the full responsibility in giving instructions and assessment principles to have
right and just judgement. Facilities should be work out and assessments should be standardize to
achieve mastery of necessary skills.


Abueva, A., (2019). Why Does the Philippines Need the K-12 Education System? Retrieved from

Acosta, I. and Acosta, A. (2016). Teachers’ Perceptions of Senior High School Readiness of Higher

Education Institutions in the Philippines. Universal Journal of Educational Research. Retrieved



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Reflection Paper Number 3: Lesson Planning

As a teacher, Lesson Planning is one of the crucial activities in the daily battle for instruction and
lesson delivery. This article review uncover the Lesson planning of the teachers and its effect on their
performance in selected public elementary schools in the division of Pasig City: Basis for policy review.
The article were published in 2021 by Rojo, Marites.

Lesson plans are essential tools for teachers, aiding in imparting prescribe knowledge, skills, and
competencies to the learners. They guide content delivery, organization, communication, and
assessment throughout the delivery of the lesson. Through careful planning, teachers engage students
with accessible content, align activities with objectives, and ensure relevance of the topic being
discussed. Research indicates that teacher preparation or knowledge of teaching and learning, subject
matter knowledge, experience, and the combined set of qualifications measured by teacher licensure
are all leading factors in teacher effectiveness (Darling-Hammond, 2006). This support my idea that the
principles of effective teaching are to build relationships with the learners and have clear expectations
to create deep student engagement and gain feedback from the learners. Feedback is very important to
effective teaching, so the teacher can make changes and have the best learning focused lessons
possible. Thus, lesson planning helps us to be accountable for what we do in delivering the lesson.
Lesson Planning also helps us decide how best to use our resources so that they make the most
significant contribution to achieving our goal. The study aims to gather information and insight from
teachers who demonstrated expertise in realizing high levels of student learning. In addition, knowing
the specific planning decisions they made and activities they engaged in while planning, including the
difficulties and challenges.

The study made use of the descriptive research method. This is a research method describing
the characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied. It focuses more on the “what” of the
research subject than the “why” of the research subject. This research method provides a
comprehensive picture of the characteristics, behaviors, and attributes of a particular population or
phenomenon, which can be useful in informing future research and policy decisions. The researcher
determined the instructional planning competence of the Teachers at NAPICO Elementary School (NES)
and Manggahan Elementary School (MES). The researcher goes three ways in doing the research
project. They were: (1) Observational, defined as a method of viewing and recording the participants, (2)
Case study, defined as an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals; and (3) Survey, which
uses the research instrument containing the assessment of the level of instructional planning
competence of the teachers. A purposive sample is a non-probability sample selected Rojo, M. 114
Consortia Academia Publishing (A partner of Network of Professional Researchers and Educators) based
on the characteristics of a population and the study's objective. It is a sampling technique that refers
to a group of non-probability sampling in which units are selected because they have characteristics that
you need in your sample for a specific purpose. According to the author, this type of sampling could be
very useful when you need to reach a targeted sample quickly, and sampling for proportionality was not
the main concern. The questionnaire was a researcher-made instrument based on the policy guidelines
of the DepEd Order No. 42 series of 2016. The first part of the research instrument determined the
profile of the two groups of respondents as to age, sex, and position. The second part contained the six
components- Objectives, Content, Learning Resources, Procedures, Remarks, Reflection, Subject Matter,
Strategies, and Assessment with ten indicators to determine the teachers' level of instructional
competence. Five experts in the field of research and the members of the review validated the research
instruments. The researcher welcomed the suggestions and made necessary revisions to make the said
instrument valid. The researcher employed one mode of data collection technique which is through
personal administration. The researcher/ assistants took no pains in collecting the fully-filled data from
the respondents. The researcher reviewed the survey returns to check the completeness of the required
data. Then, the researcher tallied and coded the responses of the respondents using Microsoft Excel.
The Statistical Program for Social Science or SPSS version 21.0 was used to treat the data using
appropriate statistical tools. The researcher employed a statistician to never go wrong in providing the
necessary statistical treatment of the data and guided her in interpreting/ analyzing the same. It can be
seen that the researcher uses Excel helps perform fast analysis, format data into charts or tables,
highlight figures, or create sparklines, often using just a few clicks. It also allows them to more easily
retrieve complex data, as well as to customize functions or fields to make calculations. The reason why
excel is so popular because it is jam-packed with features and functions that can be used to clean,
aggregate, pivot, and graph data easily.

The following findings were derived in the study: The teaching performance in lesson planning
of the teachers during the first semester as assessed by the two groups of respondents concerning
different variables revealed that the overall composite means obtained 3.37 and 3.23 for school heads
and teachers, respectively, both interpreted as "Competent" with the total of 3.25 verbally interpreted
as "Competent.; The significant difference between the assessments of the two groups of respondents
on the teaching performance in lesson planning of the teachers concerning different variables such as
"Objectives," "Contents," "Learning Resources," "Procedures," and "Remarks" revealed that the
obtained values were 0.04, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, and 0.00. Therefore, respectively, which do not exceed the
0.05 level of significance, the null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between the
assessment of the two groups of respondents on the teaching performance in lesson planning of
teachers was Rejected and found to be Significant. Furthermore, "Reflection" obtained a value of 0.35,
which is greater than the 0.05 level of significance. Thus hypothesis is Accepted and found to be Not
Significant.  The teaching performance in lesson planning of the teachers during the first semester
assessed by themselves in different aspects shows that the obtained composite mean 2.24 verbally
interpreted as "Less Serious." Furthermore, the objective, strategies, and assessment got the means of
2.34, 2.18, and 2.19, respectively, all were interpreted as "Less Serious."

The findings has too many factors to consider that is why it can’t easily be summarized.
According to the author, teachers may revisit their teaching strategies, teaching methods, and
techniques for a better outcome. The teachers shall be trained in lesson planning to be empowered to
carry out quality instruction. The problems identified shall be addressed immediately to the instructional
needs of the learners since they are the most important aspect of the teaching-learning process. School
Heads and teachers may explore and utilize different instructional strategies that consider learner's
varying characteristics. They may rely on multiple ways of assessing learning inside the classroom as
well. The proposed action plan may be adapted to capacitate teachers. The study also found out that
the teachers identified minor problems in writing objectives, choosing strategies, and assessing the
learners' performance. Effective lesson planning can be developed thought time with proper guidance of
school head giving technical assistance and continuous evaluation and monitoring of teaches
performance. Now a days, classroom observation for teachers greatly help in monitoring and evaluation
teachers lesson planning ability. To be able to adopt and change based on the level of student were the
best way to execute the lesson. Thus, lesson planning plays integral part in a teachers life to be more
efficient and effective.



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