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Scene 1:Birth of Matilda(Unused)

In a certain day at a hospital a child was being born where 4 other kids was seeing her being born Valerie
and Stephen was happy that they will have another Sibling Jay and May was simply curious and Daniel
was nervous because this is his wife's 5th pregnancy but fortunately the child got out safely and the
family rejoiced and decided that the name would be Matilda due to the baby being a girl


Scene 2:A few months after Matilda is born May,Jay,Valerie and Stephen all go to school and on a certain
day Valerie and May were going home from school May suddenly falls down and coughs up blood she
immediately faints Valerie Carries Matilda Home and when they got home Maria and Daniel seeing the
state their daughter is in Immediately rushes her to a hospital and after a checkup from the doctor May
is Diagnosed with Tuberculosis Maria and Daniel Talks outside May's Ward about how to pay for May's
Hospital bill 3 months later May gets released and Valerie confronts her dad about where he got the
money from 1 month later after May's release Valerie and Stephen Talks about getting a part time job to
help their Father Valerie Also picks up their Maria because she was Gambling their money away (Scene

Scene 3:Daniel comes home to his Family after work and is greeted by his Children Daniel and Valerie
talk for a bit and Daniel decides to go to sleep and Valerie Picks up Maria because she was once again
Gambling their Money Then after coming home Valerie Maria and Daniel fight Until Maria decided to
Stand down and go to sleep Daniel goes outside to get fresh air and they all went to sleep(Scene End)

Scene 4:Valerie Jay May Stephen and Matilda all go to school and Maria was going to go gambling again
leaving Daniel in the house alone and then while he was all alone he heard knocks at the door and
standing outside was the Loan sharks he loaned the money from asking Daniel to give their Money back
and When Daniel relented The Loansharks got violent and killed Daniel (Scene end)

Scene 5:After school Valerie and Stephen both go to their Separate Part time jobs May went straight
home and Matilda just went to her friend's house and Jay went to his friends as well Upon entering May
saw bloody footprints and she saw her Father's dead body May ran to her Father crying May couldn't
believe what she's seeing Valerie and Stephen Came home shortly after and saw their Father's dead
body and then Jay,Matilda and Maria also Come home and Maria started berating May because
according to her this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for her sickness (Scene 5 end)
Scene 6:Because Daniel died A funeral was made for him where several close relatives came over May
was silently crying in a corner

Stephen was calming down Valerie and Maria Matilda was Teary and angry while jay was just sad a day
later while still on the funeral Maria and Matilda was Still Blaming May for Daniel's Death

Scene 7: Valerie finally found a permanent part time job to do where she was a barista with Stephen as a
call center agent and they started to make a decent amount of money to survive they also made a
bakery in front of their house and Valerie managed to get a Boyfriend Kristoff her crush at the coffee
shop and they started to date for couple months


Scene 8: Valerie still seeks justice for the death of her father and one day where she was closing the shop
and only Valerie and her manager was the only one left her manager looked at her lustfully and tries to
rape her fortunately someone saw her because she was screaming and helped her out and also called
the police and the Manager was arrested

Scene 9: Valerie's Family helped her cope from the trauma of almost being raped trying different things
to help her cope from the trauma and due to their comfy life Maria sent May to a boarding house for
senior high (Kristoff and Val) While eating with Kristoff Valerie opened up to him about working abroad
and Kristoff hot angry at her and went to a park where may also was and they talked and then May
finally went to The boarding school(Scene end)

Scene 10: Valerie opened up to her mother about working abroad Stephen heard it and wasn't happy
about it And Maria which also wasn't happy about it but supports Val anyway (The next day) Valerie
applied as a Maid in Saudi (Some 3 months later) Valerie was at the airport with her Family seeing her off
before she goes abroad(Scene end

Scene 10.5:Nag jamming Sila jay tas Matilda Kase may kikitain na lalake si Matilda(Yun lang yon)

Scene 11:Valerie Video calls her family and talks a bit and they talk about how they miss each other a lot

And then the boss gets back home and Hurts Valerie because she asked if she could have a vacation and
Valerie's co worker helped her out

And she makes a video call again a day later and talked to her family again

(Scene end)
Scene 12: May's graduation is over and talked to her Mother about her going back home and Maria said
That she will prepare a celebration

May regrets all of her life choices shortly after and 3 days later she went back home and a celebration
ensued Some relatives came but Valerie didn't call Maria was gone May asked where she is and Found
out Maria was Gambling again May and Jay got into a fight and May got sad and walked out because she
was always blamed for her Father's death

(Scene end)

Scene 13:Valerie is still being abused and mistreated by her boss and is Valerie is still lying about her
Situation to her Family Milan was always still helping her like a good friend But then on a certain day she
got fed up by the treatment by her boss and decided that when she gets enough money she'll go back to
the Philippines (3 months later) Valerie finally goes back to the Philippines and Milan waved her goodbye
before she left

Maria goes to her husband's room to clean (Monologues about how she misses him)And she finds out
about the loan that Daniel made because of May's sickness and at that same time Valerie goes back
home and The Family Rejoices because their sister finally went back home They all hug her because they
missed her so much and Maria runs out of Daniel's room and Says sorry to May for all the things she's
done to her because the ones that actually killed Daniel is the loansharks then they all found out about
the loan and was surprised except for Valerie and Valerie also tells her Family that Money isn't
everything and that they are their motivation

Scene 14: Valerie settles down and gives her family the presents she had until she notices that may
wasn't there and she goes to her room and greets May again Then Stephen goes in the room and Tries to
tell something to Valerie but May stops him but Stephen says that Valerie deserves to know and Valerie
finds out that May is Pregnant and was happy about it initially until she Found out that the Father is
actually Kristoff

Valerie tries to Pounce on May and tells her about the pain she went through and due to Valerie's Grief
she walked out


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